1 OREGON NEWS NOTES CF GENERAL INTEREST MISS VIRGINIA LEE. Pittsburgh Stenographer, Mr. Cerneoio'e “Prattiaat Giri." Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Wetk. Entred as Second CI hm Mail Matter at lienta. Oregon, August 25, 1911 Published Every Thursday at Lente, Ore., by the M t . S cott P vbi . ishinu C o . IL A. DARN ALL, E ditub and M anagbr . D. M. SIMONSEN. L ocai . E dito » and B usiness R kpbbskntative Office Phone: Home 1111. ^THE County Court got more than was its due last week, for its part in the Lents Play Ground movement This move­ ment originated at Lents, and is mostly due to the Women mem­ bers of The Parents-Teachers Club. Due appreciation is given, however, to the assistance ren­ dered by the County Court es­ pecially for the work in clearing away the stumps and preparing the ball ground. TJAVE we a constable? Why not have a real live con­ stable located at the junction of Foster and Main streets, to take in a few of the speed fiends who turn the corners at a 60 mile rate. The law is plain and the author­ ity is abundant The local police court needs the money. A POLITICAL SYMPOSIUM Conducted Without Favor, Solicita tion or Renumeration Speaking of the LaFollette trip through Oregon, several papers have expressed them­ selves as being of the view that the itinery was being filled for the benefit of the Bourne cam- paign for U. S. Senator, That is also probably the reason why LaFollette is speaking in Ne- braska, Idaho, and California. Bourne is representing all those states? There are a lot of news, paper men having visions just now. Lents and other east Multno­ mah people will be disappointed to learn that the LaFollette man­ agement has been unable to ar­ range dates so that the Senator may visit these parts of the County. LaFollette will speak at the Gipsy Smith Tabernacle next Tuesday evening. The pub­ lic in general is invited. Marked Salmon Found. Astoria,—State Fish Warden Clan- ton and Deputy Gor made a trip about the lower harbor and seined on the Vandusen sands. In Young* Bay, op­ posite Flavel and Fort Stevens, on hesdetnoua Sands and near Alder­ brook. tn search of the young salmon fry that were released from the Bonne vllle hatchery last August and Sep­ tember. They were successful In And Ing some of the Hah at each of the places named. Residence Tabor 2S13 charter have made him many admiring friends. Of the several candidates for County Coroner, one offers the use of a well planned morgue to care for the County needs. If Mr. Skewes is elected there will be no need of the Coroner’s “trading” his business with local undertakers, neither will the county incur the expense of a morgue. That all goes with the undertaking rooms offered by the gentleman named. To the Editor: Our request that you publish the enclosed statement is not be­ cause we desire to boost any in­ dividual’s candidacy for office. The office of Dairy and Food Commissioner in Oregon is cry­ ing out for a man that will fill it in the interest of the whole peo­ ple-producers, distributors and consumers. We have canvassed the entire field of candidates for this office and we believe J. D. Mickle is the most desirable. We believe he will make the office mean what it should in de­ veloping the dairy industry along progressive lines, in encouraging the manufacture of made in Ore­ gon food products, in preventing violations of the Food and Milk Laws, in protecting the lives and health of the public. Your pub­ lication of the enclosed state­ ment will help a great cause and we earnestly ask your co-opera­ tion. Signed: Phil S. Bates. Mrs. Henry Russell Talbot M. S. Shrock, A. T. Buxton, W. K. Newell, Committee. Buried Forest«. UNEMPLOYED GROW FEWER San Francisco Situation Passas Crisis And Is Improving. San Francisco.—The condition of the unemployed In San Francisco has passed its crisis and Is now Improv­ ing. according to an exhaustive report submitted to Governor Johnson by State Labor Commissioner .Mclaiugb- Un. The principal causes for distress among the wage earners, it was found by Commissioner Melaiughlin. were the winter slackness in building oper­ ations. which affected the residents uf the city, and the tardy opening of the lumber and fishing seasons on the coast, which kept in this city migra­ tory laborers who ordinarily find ein ployment at outside points much ear Iler In the season. Wheat Hite Dollar Mark Seattle.—For the first time in two years, the price of wheat in Seattle reached the dollar mark. Seattle mil­ lers were paying >1 a bushel for No. 1 bluestem, and as high as 97 cents was asked for No. 1 club wheat Red Flag Use is Target San Diego. Cal.—At a meeting of Heinzelman Post No. 33. G. A. R.. res­ olutions were adopted by a rising vote asking congress to make it a felony to carry a red flag in a procession, and to establish upon one of the United States island possessions a penal col- ony aud deport anarchists to it. Louisiana Goes For Taft. Alexandria. La.—Six delegates from the state at large instructed to vote as a unit for President Taft aa long I as his name is before the Chicago con vention were elected at the lx>uliiana‘| republican convention called by the > Hebert-Loiselle faction here. 8prlngfleld May Loae Saloons. Eugen».—Forty citizens of Eugens and Springfield met In thia city to organize to swure a reversal of the supreme court decision In the Spring­ field liquor case and a permanent com- niittee of 11 was appointed to take charge of the work. Springfield held an election under the Home Rule law last fall •nd voted to reestablish the saloons. The case was taken to the supreme court aud the election hold valid. MUST OBSERVE LAWS Forestry Board Will Demand Rigid Enforcement to Prevent Fires. Salem.—Rigid observance of provls- I Ions of the Btate forestry laws will be | demanded this year, according to a conclusion reached by the state board of forestry In session here. While the whole detailed plan will oot be completed by the forester for several days, enough win discussed In a general way to show that the board Intends to clamp down tight a policy of fire prevention which will be found­ ed on a rigid prosecution of all offend­ ers. Last year there were but 58 war­ dens In the field. This year there will be 100 or more. This increase will be largely aided by tbe federal appropri­ ation act. Burning of slashings without permit and other Infringements of the Ore­ gon law will meet with prompt prose­ cution and actual demonstration on the part of the forester and the board that no half way measures will be tol­ erated. The next session will be asked for a biennial appropriation of 1100.000 or >50,000 annually for the two years. Apple Blossoms Late. Hood River.—Because of the contin­ ued low temperature of the nights, the blossoming period of the Hood River apple orchards will probably be delayed a week. It is thought that the Carnival of Blossoms, as planned by the citizens and commercial club, will be held during the first and second weeks In May. writer Io Gardiners' < London* Chronicle, describing tbe Kauri for eats on tbe west coast of New Zea land, says that in pla<-es the.» bare burled forests Deneatb them It seems The general sentiment in Port­ Incredible that trees roughly estimat land is that W. L. Lightner will ed at 2.000 years old should bare other older trees onder them The sap be re-elected. Little credit is still wood of these bbried trees quickly given to the malicious stories goes to dust, but tbe heart wood Is CHERRY OUTLOOK BRIGHT that have been sriven out. A perfectly souud. and much capital la by sawmills In getting tbe Dalles Growers Plan to Market Im­ prominent Portland man, a lea­ invested wood out Kauri gum. which 1» now Shanghai.—Premier Tans Shao Yik, mense Crop This Season. der in the Grange says; “The ased extensively fur s|»e< tai varuisUea his suite and members of the cabinet, The —The raising of.cherries, main thing that has been the and other branches of Hie me-haul* plan to leave for Pekin. Reports from apricots Dalles. and peaches has been greatly arts, is tbe product of these frees iml matter with Lightner is that he Is dug op like a mineral from sivampy all centers In the southern provinces stimulated by the announcement that has been too much of a man to land where tbe trees nave t»eei> mined indicate considerable uneasiness, es­ the California Fruit Panners' Assorts be pulled around by these men and disappeared through age- of de pecially among the foreigners. Re­ tlon has contracted for the entire crop Tbe Kauri tDammara australis publican officials admit that the situ of Royal Ann cherries grown within who are now opposing him. cay is a species of Ur auu a veri rinuaioe atlon Is grave. a radius of six miles of this city dur­ There seems to be a motive in timber tree Considerable evidence of bitterness ing the next four seasons and fruit- , the opposition which seems to be against foreigners irrespective of na­ growers have been acquiring new ter­ Latin of It. tionality can be discerned among the ritory and planting thousands of trees. due to just about such a cause There is I Th* d a cert me city s itidy u as mentioned. If Lightner is brarian with a fondi**-»» for ijiftt* leaders who asserted that the pro- T The association will soon begin the j delay in tbe recognition of the erection of a large cannery here to i elected we shall have a man who phrates that sometime» require mm» traded republic by the powers and the with employ between 200 and 300 people to Intimili than a knowledge of 1-wrin at least is competent to fill the Recently a visitor to the librar» u> bolding of the loans are liable to stir and is making arrangements with position. That cannot be said of quired pleasantly how up anti-foreign sentiment for which growers for having 30,000 apricot. 50.- ■ mid »pent indy libra they say the powers alone will be re- 000 cling peach and 25,000 Bartlett : some of the men who are oppos­ ber vacation, to which rian replied idly. “Ob. I just t<»>k H sponsible. pear trees planted. It Is estimated ing him. little jaunt up to New York via train The opinion rapidly Is spreading that 850 tons of Royal Ann cherries and came home vice versa that the foreign powers have agreed be marketed through the Califor- | The extreme southwestern “You returned—now?' gaspea th* to concerted action looking to Inter­ f will nla concern this season. Nearly 100,- : part of the county reports the visitor. national control of China. 000 Royal Ann trees have been plant- j “Vice versa." repeated tbe *sdy n usual information, that the pres­ brarian ed within the six mile radius of Tbe blandly. “By steamer don't Rebels Lose 500 Killed In Battle Dalles. ent County Superintendent has you knowF—Philadelphia Saturday Mexico City. — Rebel forces were Evening Post been anything but satisfactory. routed from the city of Jojutla, More­ Search for Child Ends. The same news comes from the Vouohad For. los, an important commercial center, Klamath Falls.—After a chase cor- extreme northeastern corner, Here's a conversation we actually and >00 of tbeir number were killed erlng a period of 10 months, during and from almost all points be­ overheard: tn the battle, according to dispatches which he trailed his quarry through “Hello. Jim! How are you? Fine made public at the department of the Marysville and other California cities, tween. Appearances indicate a How's your old friend James?" Terence McGovern found here Mrs. sweeping victory for his oppon­ “Doing nicely. He's gone io for a Interior. Mary Sanders, and bls child, which course in bealtb culture " ent, G. W. Henderson. THE MARKET8. the Handers woman had kidnaped •“That so? Well, be can stand IL He Portland. from the McGovern home In Alberta, alwaya did have a magnificent const) One man who deserves espec­ ration “—Cleveland PlalD Dealer Wheat—Track prices: Club, I 94c; Canada. bluestem, >1.00; red Russian, 92c. ial attention as a candidate for Oats—No. 1 white, >35 per ton. Coo« and Curry Want Own Fair. Nothing Left. the office of Judge in department Stricken with remorse st hie own Hay—Timothy, valley, >14; alfalfa, Marshfield.—The organization of four, is Wm. C. Benbow, Mr. rapacity, tbe taxicab driver «aid to >13 the Coos and Curry County Fair As­ Benbow is a quiet sort of a man tbe departing passenger: Butter—Creamery, 33c. sociation la being perfected by the who has to be known to be ap­ “Sure yon dldn t leave anything In Eggs—Ranch, 21c. sale of stock. The association will be I cabF Hope—1911 crop, 38c; contri.r ti, Incorporated for >10,000. The purpose preciated. Everyone who Knows tbe “No." said tbe man sadly. “1 gave It <6c. Is to establish permanent fair grounds him says he is absolutely honest, ail to you "—New York Press Wool—Eastern Oregon, l«c; Wil- and a race-track at Myrtle Point and that he is one of the moat able amette Valley, 19c. hold a fair and stock show every year. Ths Limit. attorneys in the city of Portland, “Be has a remarkable Mohair—34c. gift of self con and it is the opinion of many centration I am told ” Eugene Defeats Bonds. Seattle. Eugene.—School district No. 4 (Eu­ that he will give such uniform “Tee. Indeed' Why. he could sit and Wheat—Bluestem, 97c; Club, 94c; gene) defeated a proposal to Issue not solitaire In a woman's conversa­ satisfaction that his re-election play tion dub ” -Cleveland Plain JJeaJer. ed Russian, 93c. to exceed 1200,000 In bonds for the will be a mere matter of course. Barley—140 per ton. purchase of a site and erection of a The New Devs Cots. His services have enabled the Oats—>34 per ton. oew high school building. I .ack of a “They tell me you have planted your Butter—Creamery, 32c. definite plan on ths part of the school city of Portland to win numer­ suburban place beautifully. Have you Eggs— 21c. board was largely responsible for tbe ous important suits and his ser- i any creepers about tbe house?" Hay—Timothy, >14 per ton. defeat. “Tee; twine RiVtaot* Americas A FEELING AGAINST FOREIGNERS RISES vices in connection with the new i PLAN YOUR VACATION NOW to the EAST—SEASHORE OR MOUNTAINS The Southern Pacific Will place on sale low roundtrip tickets to all the principal cities of the East, foing to or returning through California, or via Portland with going limit 5 days. Final return limit, Oct 31st. Sale Dates April, 25-26-27 July, 2-3-6-7-11-12-16-16-20-22-28-26- 29-30-31 May, 2-3-4 9-10-11-14-15-17-18-24-29 August, 1-2-3-6-7-12-16-16-22-23-29-30 June, 1-6-7-8-13-14-15-17-18-19-20-21 • 81 Sept , 4-5-6-7-8-11,12-30 24-25-27-28-29 imperial Council Mystic Shrine, l oa Angeles, April JOth to May 4th Newport—Yaquina Bay Offers many adventnges for seashore outing. Low fares from all points in Oregon, reasonable hotel rates, outdoor amusements and all the delights of the seashore. The New P. R. & N. Beaches Tillamook, Garibaldi 1 Bayocean), Brighton, Manhattan and Ruekaway* Lake Lytle, Oct an Lake Park, Twin Rocks, Tillamook Bench am) Bay City will open a new field for summer outing, low Round Trip Fares from all points in Oregon. Cail on our nearest Agent for full information a» to East Round Ex­ cursion Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., or write to J ohn M. H cott , General Passenger Agent, Portland, < iregon. Eat California Haisiqs. Raisin Day, April 30th. HEADQUARTERS I Gummed Labels Gummed Labels Gummed Labels + WINDOW LETTERING, ENAMELED DOOR PLATES, GUMMED LABELED CALENDARS. Mt. Scott Publishing Co. Lents, Ore. INSURE NOW In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire, American Life and Accident In­ surance of Portland PROTECTION AND BENEFITS MODERATE RATES John Brown, Gresham, Ore. Up-to date Shoe Repairing Shoes Half Soled, Sewed and Nailed Shine Parlor in Connection All Work Guaranteed L. PELTRO VICS, Manager Next Door to Eggiman Bros. Unta, o^n