Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, April 04, 1912, Image 5

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Fly Time Coming
Determined That Lent« Shall
Have Good Team Again
Th¡8 Year.
Well fellows, the A A W Ix-ague sea«on opens Hnndsy and gta*«a we will all lie
Team That is to Represent
there. What?
Our big brothers, the Fortland Beavers, dropped tlie first one of the season, but!
Town in A & W League
that cuts no ice, they'll lie there for the finish—In first position too.
Ready For Battle.
And «ay, have you b«*erii tlu* glorious news a>Mmt "our" team—tlu* l«ents first
team? Well it's a certainty and Al. Boland «land« sponaor for this statement.
"Here tliey cone fellers!’’ “Oh what I
Whooper up Iwiys ami let’s take 'em all into camp again this y«*ar.
Wi»e, the young twlrler that won his fame playing with Ix-ntslast year is pitch­ won’t we do to them’’’ "Hurrah tor
ing for the Camas team thia seaaon. George don’t say but he is evidently getting a Lento..........Flay ball"’
All thia and more too, you will hear
nice pi«»'» of change tor his sttrvicea for “much as lie liked to lie” with the !>ente
Sunday when the first real game of th«-
aggregation again, lie “couldn't a«*e his way through "
waaon and the first league gam«* that was
t'laude Dixon is playing with Bill Hsalis* team thia season. From all indications
ever play«<d on the local ground«, will j
old Bill’s U-atn will have to content itself with playing the a«*cond-rates thia year.
be pul fol off. The local team in for-
East man, the husky Grammer Hchool Leaguer is a comer. He not only play» a tOnate in that it lyill be allowed to play
g<Msl game at first or second, but «'an put them over the pan in great style too. the majority of the game» on the home I
And say, how he does hit the leather. Believe lie could win that pennant alone grounds and doubly so in that the fin-t
if he had to.
is to la- played her«-.
Young Forte, who is a member of tlu* Grammer Team and utility man of the
Emery Webb will probably l«e on the
A A W la-ague team, is «ieveioping into a g'»»i batter, He him like a flend and firing line with Bill Boland behind the
generally places them safe too.
bat. Th«- remainder of the team will lie
AI mmi I the fastest lad ou hl« fo-t in tlie Grammer I eager is “Red" Johnson and tlu- asm«- as previously announded in
he vfoi with Barker in stealing base« too. In a practice game with Chapman the Herald.
In last Sunday’s workout the led» hit
H<-himl th«- other «lay J ohnson stole eight and Bark«*r ten Itases. Gues» that's some
th«- ball surprisingly hard and more than
record itself isn’t it?
Webb, the pile nominal twlrler who has signed up with the A A W team, is in one fell in th«- tallshrubliery out beyond
great condition and "believs me" he'll mystify not a few of those leaguer’s or my the center field.
The team is eonfi'ient of coming out
name's not Birney.
victor in the first game and that they
Wouldn't it be a joke if the Giants copp«»! tlie semi-pro championship, the A A
will take the measure of every teem in
W la-agm- team tlu- |»*nnant in their League and the Grammer School team the
' t lie league and cop out the pennant is
pennant in their division! Nothing like looking at the bright aide of everything, their ambition.
is there.
The opposing team, the Western Hard- i
Well fans, this will likely I»- the last of Birney’s column, for ere long lie gta* to war»-, is said to be one of the star
art up «hop in pasture« green but he will I m * on hand quite frequently or whenever aggri-gations of the league and if we l«at
tbeum|M calls “play ball." Bo gm si bye boys, and gms! luck.
them why—oh well, “the world is ours.”
So here's to the success of the Lents
A 4 W league team, the fastest little
amatuer team in the county.
Al Boland, the starling first sacker of
last year's champion tram Is rounding
up as many of his team mates as |«os-
aible with the idea of giving Ixmts a
ball team that will a« near as poesiblr
be the e«|ual of the lfiil team.
Webb ttie hard-hitting fielder, Battin,
Roblueon, Boland and one or two oth­
er« will be on deck and the remaimier
of th» team will l«> composed of men
that can deliver the good«. Boland says
that he ha« the proml«e» of the services
of some of the beat player« In the coun­
try ami that their old op|Minents of last
year will find the Irani just a« hard a
uuinber as they were last »ea«on.
The uniform« will I m > the same in col­
or a« they were last season and the
grounds will l«e pul into prim«condition
before the season opens. They will play
uniter the name of Lents Gian's.
Both tlw league team and the Giant«
will play on the same grounds and this
bring« to light the tact that we will
have double-header« here very frequent­
ly, for when the league teem plays the
Glaate will do their little stunt and all
for the one price of admission. When
the league team is playing on foreign
grounds ths Giants will perform here
for the benefit of the loyal Lent« fans. I
The two teams are working in uni«om ■
and are In |M-rfect harmony, and not i
“at flaggers" as is frequently the case |
in towns where there is a second and \
» first team. The two aggregations are
workiug out togelht-r and assisting each i
other all that is possible.
Boland ask» all players to be on lisnd This Seems to Be Impression
Bunday tor the first real practice game
After Defeating
ami if there are any players that would |
like a try-out they are hereby extend«.*«) |
a cordial invitation to come out and
join the boys Bunday.
The consensus of public opinion i»
The team is being flnance«l bv the that the Ix-nts team is champion of dis­
boys themselves and they are not ask- trict one of the Grammar School Ix-ague.
ing for anv outside assistance whatever. This opinion has been arrived at after
As the expense of running a team is the defeat of Creston, their strongest
sure to be pretty heavy the team de­ op|KMient, on the Aunals-l grounds Wed­
serve every asaiatance possible in the nesday by the score of H to 3.
way of encouragement and attendance
Lenta has not lost a single game ao far
at the games. Give them your sut>|>ort and their right to the title aeems to lie
in this manner and you are promis«-<l « undisputed in this section and a pretty
team that you will I»* proud of and one good cinch in district two for on Mon­
that will furnish you gotxl entertain­ day they defeated Chapman, the
strongest aggregation in that district.
This game does not count though, it liv­
ing only a practice game, but nevertlie-
h-»s it shows Ix-uls to I m * undoubtedly
I the strongest team in the whole league.
It is just possible that a series of
games will soon tie announced that will
Im not only very interesting but novel,
in that one o( the teams will be com­
posed solely of natives of the Philipine
Bartholomew, who it will lie
rememliered led the Gresham Giants to
victory the past two seasons, and one of
the liest known amateur ball managers
and sport authority, has written that
hi- Wifltld probably bring them to tlie
northwest for a series of games eotne*
time Indore the season closes
Bart is general manager for a large
sporting goods house in the islands and
says that he likes the country just tine.
That L-nts is an ardent supporter
and admirer of the National game is be­
yond saying for this year we have no
less than four teams in th«- field and each
and every one is a credit to the town.
First therv is The Giants, then the A A
W league team, then the Grammar
School Ix ague team and last but not
least the second team of the school.
Outside of this are two or threeunorgan-
iaen teams that daily an« occupying every
vacant lot and ball ground.
Verily, verily Ismts is the center of
Remember onr Advertisers when in
need of goods mentioned in these col­ amateur balldom and perhaps the home
of several future great liall players.
You yonst ought to vent vonce to dot
ten cent supper the Circle luidies gives
already last Tur*lay the 2*th. .Mr. and
i Viley «at lives done by the car track,
youst a little vajrs off. gives vone of dem
I suppers. Now deni suppers are not
alone tor the old Sogers and the Cir­
cle, dey bin for any vone wat has ten
cents. And such a supper Yaw-cob
Schnider, dot ish my name, ven I set
myself town mil dot table I feel so thin
like 1 was a sheet of baper and ven I
vents to sthand up 1 don’t can stliand
up. I feel like I vas a balloon and I
could not athand up efery vay. Vai Mr.
and Mrs. Viley dey make efery laxly feel
co good ash never vos. Dey have for
Cream of Asparagrus Consomme Ro yai
Fillet of Sole with Tartar Sauce
Large Eastern Oysters a la Newlierg
Queen Olives Lettuce Salad
Saute of Tame Duck a la Prvntainer
Fried Spring Chickeu a la Maryland
Peaches with Rice a la Conde
Bents Water Cracker»
Cafe Noir
How high vos dal?
Chaplain of the Mun«, Who
Celebrated Mae« For Victims.
Our soda fountain is open for the season and we
are serving the famous Weatherly Ice Cream, Ice
Cream Sodas, Grape Juice and all kinds of soft
drinks. We use only pure fruit syrups. Our foun­
tain is absolutely sanitary and we serve only the
Now is the time to use spring tonics.
None bette
than the Arch System Tonic, Arch Nerve Tonic,
Arch Beef Iron and Wine Cinchona Sarsparilla,
Oregon Grape & Cascara Compound.
Main Street and Footer Road
Here’s news that will delight every boy
in town The Mother's Club and the
Playground Association are making ex-
J tensive preparation« (or the early com­
pletion of a “great big, munificent" ball
An athletic club i.» now a powibility
park <>n the ground that is being fitu-d according to a well founded ' rumor. It
up for playgroup«! purposes It is to I m - | is planned that a suitable building tie
1 for the kiddie’s use exclusively and the secured and fitted up and a club conduct-
, “big fellers" won’t Is- allowed to even i ed either a.« a branch of one of the big
M-t foot on it when “you kids" are play- clubs of Portland or as a local affair.
I ing tiiere.
The lads of the A A W La-ague team
Ain't that glorious though—a nice are the instigators of the movement and
hard surfaced, smooth, level ball ground they have pro veil that whatever they
that will be tlie envy of many a child in undertake they carry through to it is
the city?
Just possible that another seam>n will see
a full fiedgeii athletic association in Lents.
The Arch Store
Our Screen Doors
Are Already Here
(Continued from First Page
We have just received a shipment of screen doors and can
furnish you with any grade at Bed Rock Prices.
pare for fly time by purchasing your screen doors now. We
invite your inspection.
That New House
Here’s A Chance
For Every Man
We will build you, a $1200 residence for $300 down; the
balance payable in monthly installments of $20 without in-
Did you ever hear of a more liberal proposition?
Investigate it now,
Miller Lumber Company
Opposite The Bright Realty Company, Lents, Oregon
Are You Carrying Any Insurance Against
Loss by Fire? If Not, Why Not?
same tune most of them spend their
The subscriber is resident agent for two of the best
money in Portland, a very inconsistent
Fire Insurance Companies in the U. S.: The Niagra Fire
practice to say the least.
It appears
Insurance Co. of New York and the London Assurance
that the man who owns property here
Corporation, having paid in full their fire loss in the great
should understand that his holdings
San Francisco conflagration amounting to over $9,000,000.
would increase in value at a much more
rapid rate if he spent his money in local
business circles. If the hundreds who
buy the necessities and luxuries of life in
Office at the old stand. Cor. Main and Nelson Sts.
the down-town -tores would allow their
money to circulate through local chan­
nels would there not be a greater and
more rapid increase in pro|M*rty values? with the citizens. Let us all realize the
Surely there would.
It would mean importance of this and act accordingly.
stores double the present size, and would
Respectfully yours,
mean double the number of stores. It
would result in a larger pay roll and
more prosperity for all.
The best w ay and the surest way to
bring about increased property values
(Continued from page 1)
is to patronize home industries and use
every reasonable means to build up the be commenced the latter part of this THE MERRIAM WEBSTER
business prestige of your town. Thous­ week, so that they will be in the hands The Only New unabridged dio-
tionary tn many years.
ands of dollars spent annually in Port­ of the people at an early date.
E. G. Kardell, well known Gresham Contains the pith and essence
land for merchandise that could be pur­
of an authoritative library.
chased here does not help the Lents banker, and a loyal booster of the Mult­
Cover* every field of knowl­
merchant, does not increase the amount
edge. An Encyclopedia In a
of taxable property, does not provide nesday- in the interests of the event and
single book.
better schools, better tire protection nor is highly enthusiastic as to the outlook The Only Dictionary wtth the
better public utilities. Here is food for for a successful fair. He sai l: “In ad­
Yew Divided Page.
thought, and, until Lenta people realize dition to the new machinery hall, new 400,000 Words.
2700 Pages.
this fact. an<l act accordingly, Is-nts will stock barns are to be constructed, all
6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly
half a million dollars.
not come into her own.
Lents is so sit­ buildings newly painted, and renovated.
uated that with proper support from the We are going to park the grounds in Let us tell you about thia most
remarkable single volume.
residents it would become a business front of the pavilion, and are opening
Write fee sample
point of prominence, with the attendant up a new entr nee, connecting the
pagea, full par-
j.___ B is
rise in property values. There is every Powell Valley road.
ticular*. etc.
combining this year to make the fair
opportunity here to build a city with a the best ever held in Multnomah Coun­
Ham« thia
substantial business foundation; one that ty,"
paper and
will become of importance, if the peo­
we will
The Danger After Grip
•nd free
ple will take advantage of the proffered
a set of
lies often in a run-down system. Weak­
The philosophy of going to Portland
to purchase a pair of hose for five cents gy and ambition, with disordered liver
less than charged by the Lents mer­ and kidneys often follow an attack of
chants. and then paying ten cents car this wretched disease. The greatest need
fare will not bring prosperity to Lenta; then is Electric Bitteis, the glorious
neither will it bring added value to your tonic, blood purifier and regulator of
It is not only people who stomach, liver and kidneys. Thousands
hold positions in Portland that trade have proved that they woudei fully
It Looks Like a Crime
therv, but many who And employment strengthen the nerves, build up the i
and livihood in Lents and the shoe tits system and restore to health and good to separate a boy from a box of Buck-
spirits after an attack of grip. If suffer­ ien’s Arnica Salve. His pimples, boils,
one as well as the other.
Patronize home industry; boost Lents ing, try them. Only 50 cents. Sold and I scratches, knocks, sprains and bruises
business firms; eliminate factional strife; perfect satisfaction given by all dealers. demand it, and itoquick relief for burns,
scalds, or cute ie his right. Keep it
give more attention to local affairs and
handy for boys, also girls. Heals every­
devote less time to petty questions and
politics, and Lents will grow much more y AB ■■LIBVBP ATONf l BT WBAB1RB OCB thing healable and does it quick. Un­
equaled for pilee. Only 25 cents at all
rapidly than during the past and your
property w ill increase in value in a man-
f Kmt tn St your own cbm
mBBBnrwmBnt blaak on
ner'you have anticipated. Lents has
the natural location, the natural re­
Phone I-ente Home 1111 for job print
sources. The future of the town rests