Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, April 04, 1912, Image 1

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    Registration Books Close April Ninth—-You Cannot Vote Unless Registered. Do It Now!
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Vol. 10.
No. 13
Registration Books Show Additional Money Is Appro­
Herald Reader Believes in County Court Will Construct
Only 384 Voters Register­ priated County Fair—Pre­
Patronizing Home Indus­ Several Miles of Hard
ed in Lents District- mium Lists Will Soon Be
tries—Urges Greater Loy­ Surface Roads During
ager of the La Follette campaign, has promised to arrange for a
Books Close April 9th.
alty Among Citizens.
130 minute speech in Lents by Senator La Follette on April 15 or 16.
There I» much important roml work It is expected that La Follette will arrive here about 10:30 or 11
Information has been received by the
If tiie registration book* in the hands
I<«*iiia, Ore., April 3, lull.
under way in Hie vicinity of U-nui and
of Attorney Gresb«-ck, r«-gistration offlcr board of director* of the Multnomah
Editor Herald
II you have tiie »pace and cunsider plan» are already formed f«< exteuslve o’clock. The exact date and hour of the speech will be announced for Lent» Di»trict, are a criterion Lente I County Fair Aaeociation that the *um
the article below nt any interest y«m improvement» in variou» j«art» of Mult­ next week. His coming is sure and a large attendance is ex­ voter* are exhibiting but little interest of *365 ha* been appropriated by the
in tiie coming primary election. Only County Uonrt. in addition to the 12000
may uer the name. It ia written in the nomah County. Al pn-wnt a force of
.'¡84 voter» had regi*tere«i up to Wedne«- appropriated for the increaee of pre­
intereata ol l^*nta buainraa men and cit- men and tram» an- «-ngag«-<i in har«l sur- pected.
facing South Main Street iu lu-tite. The
■lay, or les* than a third of the total .' mium*, for the purpoee of providing
urn» in general. It follow»:
Senator La Follette will go from Lents to Gresham, thence to number of voter» in tiie district, which I and maintaining a >-ermanent exhibit
I liave l>eeii a resident ot la*nta only a work will cover the f«»«t of Mt. sc->lt to
«-otnpoee* Brecimte 181, 182, 182*4, 1«3> of the resource* of the county.
lew month« and do uot assume the atti­ th» car line Kelly Butt«* i» furnishing Oregon City,
That cum will be placed at the dia-
and 184.
tude of being a “know-it-all.” and in tbc crushed rock for the work.
< >0>er extensive work will noon I»*
It is known however that a number poeal of «he State Fair Aaeociation,
fa< t am not able to judge local condi­
of voters of this district have registered however, but it i* intended to aaaiat in
tion« a» your older citizen» and liusin«*»« commenced on tie* Linntou ami Bane
at the county court house in Portland, •ecunng the exhibit which will go to
men, but l«-ing int«*r»*»t»*«i in the up­ Line Roads, w here an additional mil«*age
but it is conservatively estimated that j Salem and then be returned here for
building of town» and Cotnniuniliea 1 will I»* maca«ianiirr«l and har«l surface«!
less than one-lialf of tl«e voter» are reg- exhibtion and safe keeping.
have olm-rvvd many thing« in la-lite that In connection with this work trial» will
The fair director* will begin secur­
to me are a myatrry The rtr»t aatoimd- , bt> given Warranite and lieavy oil in tie-
The registration in Lente by precinct» ing portion* of the display as soon a*
ing fact with which 1 la-came ai quainti-l I top <iree»ing«. It ia proposed to mix
early frnite begin to get ripe, and will
is as follows:
wa» that lent» had a population of near­ heavy oil with tine rack (or tie- »urfiue
Precinct No. 161..........
...... 3 endeavor to make a creditable showing
ly 10,1*0 |H<o|de.
Impi—ibh- 1 thought, <lr»«wing, ami it i» thought the venture
Precinct No. 182..........
118 of all the agricultural and horticultural
but »*«<n Iw-i-ame «unvim*«»! of lire truth will I»* successful, a» al«o the Warretiite.
..... 94 resource* of the county.
Precinct No. 162>s ..
of the »tab'ineiit, but it wa» didicult to The county court liaa cotnph-t«*«! the pur-
The committee having in charge the
Precinct No. 1(13........................ ............ 103
undentand why a town oi lo.Oai chase of a rock quarry along the Sandy
Pr^rinft No. 1Ô4
*66 revision of the premium list for thia
¡■eoplr did not »up|»irt a larger business River, from which will I m - obtain««!
Total, 384 year has doubled nearly every prize
district and that more bu»ine-» wa» not material for r«>a<i improvement in tliat
Democrats apj«ear to be as scarce as offer since the donation oi $2000 has
transacted. A town with 10,(hO |ieoplc | «eelion The work <>f oiling tiie principal
hen *-gg> on a zero morning, while the been made by the county and expect*
and no more business tmu»«*» than the road» of the county ia now under way.
Socialist and Prohibitionists are even to have the moat creditable showing
average country town of 1.*U m » |a»>|>le. Flutter and l.innton Road« will be the
ever made when the fair opens next
less in number.
But by observing the number <>f |»-ople first completed. Tl«e oil tanka will be
of the voter* registered they are po October.
carried to Portland by the afreet car» placed on Main Street in Lenta the last
A special prize of $100 will be award­
litically divided as follows:
an<l tiring informed that a large majority I of thi» »wk, after which otl»*r lew» im-
....................276 ed the be»t grange exhibit, an«l there
of them worked in Portland and did i portanl r«>vd« will l«e oiled a» soon a»
............. .............. «3 are indication* that there will be sev­
their trading there I wa» nomewhat en­ possible. Another coat of oil will >•
23 eral competitors.
lightened, and readily gra»|»«l the aitua- applied »ome tyne in June. The Lenta
It is intended to build another stock
Prohibitionist». ...................... ............ 14
lion why la-nta d«««*» not ,»««■••* a larger gravel pit ha» again l»«*n brought into
Indepent* .............
.18 shed ami a machinery hall and estab­
nutnlier of buaineea holism, and why use and supply a portion of the material
Registration closes at 5 o’clock p. m. lish a flower garden in the vacant field
tho»e already here do not enjoy a larger for work in thi» section. Th«* work now
Thursday. April 9th. and if voter» in in front of the pavilion.
Other im­
patronage. It n*quir«*«l no great mental umler way and th«- improvement» that
this district comply with the registration provements are also contemplated.
action to understand the reason for till» will la- start«*«l within a »hurt time will
laws by that date they will have to hur­
All things considered the coming fair
condition, yet I w-e no reasonable excuse comprise an extennive amount of r«tad
promises to eclipse any former event of
why »uch ia the «tain» of affair», and so work in Multnomah County this season.
far no one has la<en able to oiler a g«»»l
like nature ever attempted in the coun­
and »urtlcient rxciia*. 1 have <-onelud-
The increase«! appropriations by
ed, and it must I»- true, that nearly all
the county court, the activity displayed
the people who work in Portland and do
by the resident* and business men of
their trading there own pro|«*rty in
Gresham. an«l the general interest
la-nta No doubt their prime object ill
manifested by Multnomah county resi­
buying local real estate wa« to obtain a
dent* will combine to make the event a
Gne of the most unique entertain­ marked success.
home that would grow in comfort and
At ili<* last meeting of Columbia j
of the season was given by Lents
value. It i« aafe to a»»«*rt that ill«* value Grange, arrangements were ma«le for »»
The contract for printing the premium
: Court No 8 Tribe of Ben Hur, in Grange
can increase none too rapidly ami that many meml»*r* as |*o««ible to meet at
liste was awarded to the Mt. Scott Pub­
Hall, on the evening of All Fool's l»ay,
they <*X|«c«*t a big increase, yet at the the hall on March 23r«l ami clean the
lishing Co, and work on the same will
with about 175 p««ople in attendance.
(Continued on page 5)
house ami griniii'l». < Git ot more than
(Continued on page 5)
A splendid musical and literary p ogram
seventy memtiers only »even were on
had l>een arranged for the occasion and '
hand when the time came
They «lid
appropriately decorated booths
all they c«>iil<i inside an«l out but much
prove«! source* of much amusement, to
ha«i to la- left undone, *o il any one vl«e
visitors of an investigating turn of mind,
w i»)ie» to help it i* not t<»> lat«* Those
those deserving special mention being
present wen* Mr. an«l Mrs. Knierien,
“Uncle Tom’* Cabin” and the Fortune
Mr». Clara Smith, tin* Missea Raamuwen
Teller. The auction sate of ghosts was Offices of Justice of Peace
J. F. Turndell Attempts Es­
i a decided bit and created an unusual
Rnla-rt Knierien.
and Constable Center
amount of merriment. As evidence of
cape and Is Shot by
Gur next regular meeting i* Satur«lay.
of Action
success and general enjoyment of the
April nth. Everylxidy plan to att«*nd
Guard Hague.
Ct>|*> right by A Hierban Presa Association
’ evening, a number of applications were
and plea»«* la* »un* to bring your Grange
presented for membership in the Court.
Lente i» claiming but little attention on
*<>ng l»M>k. Some on«* ha» »iigg>*»t«*<l that
J. F. Turndell, alia» Jam«*» Danelle, we give an ice cream wa'ia) instead of
The affair was a genuine social treat the political maps of Oregon, and there
from beginning to end and convinced are but few office seekers here, or else
alia» J. F. Truesdell, wa» »hot in th«* leg trying to have “CliiMrvn'a I'ay’’ exer-
all present that the committee, Mrs. they are decidedly bashful. So far there
by Guard Hauge Hl *!»«* Kelley Butte cia«*», a» then* an* very few children to
re-elected 1886 and 1888
Born Primrose
Dane county.
Grace Graves, and Irwin Tassler, are are only two candidates for state or
rock quarry Tuesday afternoon.
ber ways and meant committee.
Wit.. June 14. 18-.5.
hike part, i’oaaibly that wool«! be wiser.
Chosen governor of Wieconein
pastmasters in the art of entertainment. district office— O. E. Lent, and W. B.
When the prisoners lined up after work
Graduated Stat« University of
The following program ha» been ar­
in 1900 and ra-alected in 1902
at 4:30 p. tn. Turndell hid in the rocks ranged :
Wnconen, 1879.
; Swope, candidates for representative
and 1904
and while the guard» were counting the Song, tram .............. “Grange Melodi««*''
Admitted to the b»r. 1880.
Made United Statee eenator in
Mr. Will Huff and family, of Saginaw in the h*gi»lature
prisoner» he math* n break for lil«*rty, Reading .........
Elected d'etrict attorney Dane
January, 1905. but did not take
There are a numtier of candidates for
Mrs. Knierien
Heights, visited friends in Oregon City
hie aeat till January. 1906.
county 1880 and re-elected 1832.
attempting to get over th«* hili liefor«* Talk
the office of J ustice of the Peace and
ME. B<*nti.*l<l
living detected. The guard» iiiismil him Poet .«. .„.Mrs. B. Andersen ami Mis»
Constable, and the only l«H*al interest
and »aw him running and <*ommand«*d a
displayed is in the contest for the nom­
lie paid no attention to their Short talks ujain “Necessary Local and
inations for these («»sitions.
For the
command ami continu«*«! at break-neck
. former positfon the names of W. F.
Pure Eisai Regulation a» follows:
»pee«I. Six »bote wen- tlr«i in an at­
< ►
Klineman and Orville A. Stevens, both
“What is Fwai Adulteration?”
tempt to »care him, but to no avail. “Inspection of Meat and Meat Market»’’
Republican», will appear on the ballots.
Guard Hague then took deliberate aim “How Rome Food* an* Adulterated"
It is also nttnored that the Citizens Re­
and «hot him in the leg. bringing him to Reading ..........
Thinking it a good April fool joke, a form league have a dark horse groome«!
" Ganger» of Food
an abrupt »top. The wounded priaonar
Lents r«**i<ient rang the fire bell a few for the race ami will write his namt* on
wa» immediately hurried to the Multno­ Inajsx tion of hariea and I>airy Product»
minutes after midnight Sunday, bring­ the ballots April 19th. Who the dark
mah Hospital, where he 1» now recover­ "Oregon Pun* Food Legislation”
ing the members of the fire department horse is has not leakt*d ont.
ing from the effect» of the injury
and many citizen* out in a hurrie«! man­
l*i»<*UR»ion open to all.
of many candidates who are seeking nominations at the f ner, only to find that they hail been For the office of constable, which is of
Turndcil wa» aentcnced in the Portland Reading ........................ Mr* Clara Smith
no little importance in this district, Sid
Municipal Court on Janurary 14 to M*rva Address ................. “Reducing th«* High
primaries to be held April 19th. There is no dearth of can- J made the victim* of a fool joke.
Price is the only candidate who has
:KV, day» at Kelley Butte quarry for
didates, and there should be no trouble in selecting suitable f Front the fact that the perpetrator of filed. J a- Horning, who was announced
Cost of Living”
fotgpry. lie had formerly lieeti ar tested Reading ....................... “Then ami Now”
men for the various offices to be filled. The Herald, for x the trick has signed a written apology to as a Democratic candidate, has not tiled,
for forgery, lint wa» releawd, lieing re- Talk ........... “The Crematorium or th«*
that prompt all men to favor personal friends and x the Lents Volunteer Fire I>epartinent but it is understood his friends are urg­
arre»te«l later for th«- «rrtmil otllenee.
an«i to lent« citizens no action in the
those who appear especially fitted for office, cannot support x matter will la* taken,, but it is needless ing him to enter the race and his name
It wa» only by th«* prompt action of
“The Hustling Time”
may be written on the ballot.
It has
the guard» that hi» escape wa» prevent­
every candidate, but urges every reader of these columns to x to say that if a repetition «*ccuni the guilt- been sulistantially rumored that the re­
ed, ami the result will no doubt have
ascertain for themselves the records and personal fitness of x ly parties will be dealt with severely.
form element has persuaded Frank Cas­
the desired effect on other prisoners who
Puts I nd T a Bad Habit
each and every candidate and east their votes according to J There is a different*«* in jokes, and one sidy to enter the race an«i that his name
desire lil»*rty Iwfore paying the penalty
Thing* never look bright to one with
their personal convictions. A candidate’s fitness for office ? of the nature of that pulled off Sunday will tie written on the ballots by the
of their crime».
night ia not in th«* least complimentary
of that party.
It ia said he
“the blue«.’’ Ten to one the trouble ia a
should be judged by his personal and business record.
1 to the good judgment of the originator, members
will receive the solid backing of the
sluggish liver, tilling the system with
Read the platforms of the candidates who appear in x or those who were in any manner con­ I Church and Prohibition foree«i. Cassidy
The Epworth League of the Lenta bilioua poison, that Dr. King’» New Life
this issue, inquire as to their ability and judge for yourself x nected therewith.
| i- h Republican, a» i« also Price, who is
Methodist Church will give an en’er- Pill* would expel. Try them. Let the
. nstable. . G«*orge
C „
who is best suited for the positions of honor and trust.
J <oun«ling fals«* tire alarm« i« « «.rion» ‘ th.. |,r«-.*i.t d-i* . ¡ty , I ________
tainment at Grange Hall, April 27. joy of tietter feeling* end “the blue*."
matter ami on«* punishable by a heavy Wiw is also menti«>ne«l as a Republican
Beat for riomacli, liver and kidney*. 25c.
Remember the date.