Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, March 28, 1912, Image 7

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Margaretha Multhawf WM
Mr. Keith has had several men work-
married In Portland on Wednesday of ¡ng on the Jones Creek bill the past
last week to Mr. Elmer Mickley.
week, improving the road very much.
Quite a number from Pockwood at-1 Miss Mary and Eleanor Hews spent
tended Pomona Grange at Evening Sunday with Alice Herghouse.
Htnr on Wed need ay last. Home of our
Mr. and Mrs. Hews, Mr*. Kitzemiiler
new metnlirre took the fifth degree.
slid Wslter wsre visiting Jos. ItsHhszer
Miss Margaret Prettyman, formerly Sunday.
The young people's class will give sn
of Rockwood, uo<l Mr. McDaniels, of
Much <»f the correspondence to The Herald has been < i Portland, were married on Monday of entertainment Friday evening, March
arriving late, and on several occaHion« we have been com­
2b. Every one invited.
last week.
pelled to delay going to press on that account, and recently
Mrs. Kit »miller and Walter, were
Mr. Thomas Kownn I* having ■oni«
surprised last Friday by a number of
have been compelled to omit some. We would appreciate an
clearing done on hie place.
friends coming to enend the evening.
early mailing of the correspondence. If posaible mail your < > Vote» lor women.
Mrs. Magnolia and Mrs. Oleson were
correspondence so that it will reach this office by Tuesday or
A Catholic institution ia to be built visiting Mrs. DeHhazer one day laid
< i near Elwyod Station, on the Mt. Hood week.
I [ I line, as a home for the aged.
BEAVER STATE HERALD ; ’ The I 0. O. F. will organize the Re-
< ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ »><♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« hocks Lodge next Saturday evening.
1 A degree team from Portland will
Miss Marie Paulsen, of Portland, was
a Hunday visitor at the K. P. Raesmus-
Miss Mae Lovelace is home from sen home.
The electric light system is to lie com­
The Live Wires presented that ever |
J Willamette University, to »pend a
Mr. and Mrs. Fiurey and daughter,
pleted here by the first of April.
The popular four act drama “East Lynne"
weeks vacation.
accompanied by a number of friends
1‘. R. I. A P. Co. are furnishing the at the Live Wire theatre here last Sat­
Mr. Lent ol I.ents was visiting Kock- ' from Portland, spent Sunday at their
power and employees of the company urday evening to one of the largest and
cottage here.
are actively engaged insetting |>oles and most rnthuastic crowd« this season. wood friends a few day» ago.
Mirs Irene Knapp »¡>ent the week-end
stringing wires
A large number of Thia noted play has been given on the
residences are wired and all reedy for stag« of some of the largest theatres in the home of Mrs. William McKeown, with her mother.
the turning on of the juice.
Mrs. Will Dodsen, of Montavilla.
the United States.
It was origb ally Thursday, April 4tb.
Mrs. May Richmond visited her spent Monday with her husband.
Theatre in
Plans have been drawn for the new
city hall. The building is to i>e 40x7<*, and is a play that will live as long as mother at Tagardville last week.
Mrs. Sarah Kincaid was at Troutdale
two stories high, The lower floor will there are theaters and the local com­
Guy Reynolds of Columbia View, on business Saturday evening
be divided into »even rooms. A store pany is to be congratulated on their called on Rockwood friends, Friday.
room 20x40 feet will take ttie north end, success fn presenting it in such a mas­ Mr. Reynokis will leave for the east in
Repels Attack of Death
ths council chsmber and lobby will oc­ terly manner last Saturday evening. 1 a short time
years ago two doctors told me
cupy the West side ami the East side
W. A. Stone returned to his home at I had only two years to live.’* This start­
will he divided into two suits of offices
William E. Child and family have I Cherryville a few days ago.
ling statemert was made by Stillman
The MOOad story will Im used as a hail moved into Houth Boring into the resi­
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Connor of Green, Malachite, Col.
•They told me
and will be titled with a stage and dence which he Just recently purchased
Rockwood, a boy.
It was
dressing rooms. The building is to oc­ of O. P Roe.
up to me then to try the best lung med­
cupy the three cornered lot owned by
Mrs. Hattie Knox, of Portlai d, spent
icine and I began to use Dr King's
the city and located on the Fairview the week-end with her sister, Mrs. W.
New Discovery It was well I did, for to­
road at the tion of First ami Ce­ J. Telford.
Mr. and Mrs. George Reed of Rooeter day I am working and I believe 1 owe my
dar at reels.
F. Fowler and daughter have returned Rock drove over to Rockwood last Sun­ life to this great throat and lung cure
The city farthers have taken up tl e from s few days stay in Portland
day and on their way home called in at that has cheated the grave of another
proposition of securing a waler supply
victim.’’ Its folly to suffer with coughs,
Frank ltoaaboom and family have Anderson’s.
for the city.
Councilmen Provence,
moved to Lenta lor the summer. Mr.
Mrs A. Julien, <>f Portland visited colds or other throat and lung troubles
Butler and Cree compose t lie committee
Roscl«x>in will soon enter the employ- with her daughter at Rooeter Kock last now Take the cure that's safest. Price
who are at work on the project
50 cents and fl.00 Trial bottle free at
-nent of the Damascus Creamery and week.
strong springs are available (or the pur­
Mr«. Roseboom with Mrs. F. I. Re liber g
M. George Dreszell came up to the all dealers.
pose among them is the Boman spring, formerly of this place, will travel
for Heights for a spin on his motor-car
Houth of town, and the (la born spring ttie Fraternal Brotherhood lodge in
or­ Saturday.
West of town.
anizalion work
Miss Helen Iteaver came home for a
Bert Inman has moved his family
The Evangelical meetings at thn short visit with her folks last Saturday 8lngl»-Tsxers Will Not Seek State-
from the Sun Dewi Kanch to Pleasant Union school house will close tomorrow and Sunday.
Wide Law, Is Belief.
llomt, and Walter Burlingame and wife evening.
Rev. Conklin, of the Grace
F. Benfield attended Pomona Grange
—Advocate» of single tax
of Vancouver, have taken their place.
Evangelical church of Lente, is assist­ at Evening Star last week.
tn this state are framing a bill on the,
Mrs. I.ida Beecham and son, of Se­ ing in the meetings.
Ray Anderson was in the city on Fri­ subject for submission to the voter»
attle, have liesn visiting at the home of
in the November election, The extent
The Boring ami Bandy base ball teams day.
K. Burlingame
of the proposed legislation has not
crossed lists on ths home grounds last
Mis» Stites, Mrs. Knevieua, Mrs. C.
C. E. Cree is adding to ths apt>earance Hunday afternoon. This being the first
been determined by the men ’ io are
Smith, and several others were up
of his horns ths “Coxy Corner’’ by game of the season, and moat of the
drafting the bill, but It ia not probablt
cleaning out the Grange hall last Satur­
building sn attractive fence around it.
that any effort will be made to submit
boys wars not in practice, the game re­ day.
a measure state-wide la its applica­
Fresh paint is improving the appear-
Mr. and Mr«. F. Reed were callers at
score lielng 24 to 7 in favor of Boring.
ance of J. W. Townsend's reel dance.
Mrs. L. Benfield’s last Hunday.
"Although the committee has not
Mrs L. M. Taylor, who has been
Miss Alta Wilcox epant Sunday with
Mr. W. Hicks was in the city on bus­ finished Its deliberations." said A. D
friends in Portland.
iness last week.
Cridge. a prominent single-taxer, "it'
Cedric Stone Was taken by surprise Mrs. A. J. McClung in West Poring for
Lewes Benfield is visiting friends in 1» not likely that a state-wide measure
last Friday night when a jolly crowd of
Eastern Oregon.
will be proposed at this time.
young peeple called to spend the even­ strength.
committee apparentl favors submit '
Mrs J. W. Msulding is some wbst
ing bringing with them well tilled
ting the bill in several of the more im
improved from her sudden illness last
portant counties of the state, modeled
Miss Lillian Copeland has baao out Hunday morning.
after the one that is before the voters
Fannie May has been visiting at
from the city »[lending a few days with
home of her aunt, Mrs. Aaron Fox. of Clackamas county."
her parents.
This proposed amendment seeks the
Miss May and Miss Halina Fox in com­
W. T. Brooks is peering J. R.
pany with Miss May’s father, Emman­ annulment
Don't gel April-tooled.
people it
Hughes' bouse and making it ready for
uel May. have just returned from a tour
Spring weather came on the equinox of Europe, covering the past four the last general election and by which
occupation by Mr. ami Mrs. Huglieg by
the voters reserved to each county a
all right.
April let.
determination of the Question of levy
Mies Ruth Friel came down to visit
Mrs. A. Robinson end family will oc­
Messers B. A Rirsencrants and D.
ing taxes with such exemptions as,
cupy the Stone house, vacated by A L. her folks last Saturday and remained Scottee, of Plattsmouth, Neb.,
Miss Friel is located at guests of Mr. and. Mrs. C. I. Raker. might be deemed advisable.
Co|>eland ami family who have taken over Hunday.
the house owned by Mrs. Chas. Hunter. Bridal Veil Falls.
The young men plan to rent a place
Umatilla County Improves Roads.
Mr. Kuhn and family who have been and try farming in the West.
Albert Robinson, of Portland, s|>ent
Pendleton.—The county court of
living at Sheridan, Ore , for the past ' Mrs. Rogers Evans has been here
the week-end visiting relatives here.
Umatilla county is not waiting for the
Mr. end Mrs. Hans Holte entertained two or three years are intending to re­ visiting her mother Mrs. I.. Brink.
passage of good roads laws by the
a few of their friends at their home last turn to their farm near here this spring.
Mrs. L. Allard is visiting her son, state, but is proceeding in a limited
The Oregonian ot a little over a week R om Allard, at Seattle.
Saturday evening.
way toward the permanent Improve­
Nora Hunter celebrated her Hth. ago had an article on the sights and
Mrs. Dent returned to her home in ment of the principal highways The
birthday last Thursday afternoon hy en­ scenes along the automobile road and Portland last week, after a stay of sev­ court Is being aided by the farmers
other views along the Sandy River up
w-ho are supplying the teams and men
tertaining a bunch of little folka.
eral weeks here.
to the base of Mt. Hood Among other
William Benicke Jr., was a guest of
Mrs Ella Hornish and eon, of Gresh­
things the statement was made that at
honor on Tuesday afternoon at a party
no place was the view of Mt. Hood as | am, visited friends here Sunday.
Indian Lands May Be Thrown Open.
of little people who gathered to cele­
Mrs. Avery, of Portland, has taken
entrancing and sublime in majestic ap­
Burns.—H. G. Wilson, of the Indian |
brate hie Sth. birthday.
pearance a» at the ranch of Ezra True­ up her residence with Mr. and Mrs. C. service, located at Roseburg, io ex
A daughter was l«>rn to Mr. and Mrs. man on the south side of the Handy H. Light.
pacted to arrive in Burn» early in,
D. J. Green on March 23rd.
near the Forest Reserve.
Mrs. Armstrong and daughter of San­ April to take up the work of dtspos j
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Townsend spent
Ing of the lands of the Piute Indians. I
S. B. Brooke will return to Cherry­ dy, were guests here on Monday.
Sunday night with J. W. Townsend anil ville this week, following his usual cus­
Mrs. F. H. Rix visited Fairview For many year» the people have been
anxious to have the lands thrown open i
tom of summering in the mountains and friends on Monday.
to entry.
Mies Edith Dufsr, was a week-end looking after hie property in these parte.
He is intending to build a bungalow on
guest of Mrs. H. 8. Stone.
John Albricht has recovered sufficient­ bis lots in Cherryville thia summer.
ly from Ills injuries to come to his home
Mi ms Cannon spent a few days in
J. P. Craves and wife who have been
Sult Against Land Company Ordered
here but will not be able to work for on a claim south of town, up towards Portland the last of the week.
By Desert Land Board.
several days. Theodore will be con­ the 3 6 country, will move out shortly
Mr and Mrs. Chas. Hunter spent the
fined to the hospital at least ft weeks.
Salem.—The state desert land board
for the summer and Mr. Graves will , week end at Cannon’s.
O. O. Dolph left Tuesday on the seek employment in a logging camp.
has accepted the challenge of Pres I
Msny of the farmers are busy getting
steamer “Alliance" for Eureka, Califor­
dent J. E. Morson, of the Deschutes
Mies Lillian B Averell, having cloeed their fruit trees sprayed.
nia, where he contemplates making his
l.and company, and ordered suit
her school at Marmot, is now enjoying
Mrs. Chase is on the sick list.
brought against the company on the
future home.
a vacation at home for a few days be­
A Mr. Taft who lived here yean ago ground that certain assignment» of
John Peterson, who moved from here
fore beginning the spring term at Aims.
with his parents, visited here with liens on land sold by the company are
to Mist, Oregon, a few years ago, is here
This will mean nearly nine months al­
friends Sunday.
In violation of the contract with the
looking around for a home and may
most continoue teaching.
buy ths Bills place.
Mr. McKinney purchased the old barn state. The board has Instructed the
Mr. and Mrs. Ten Eyck at Marmot
Miss Ella Holman, who has been
on the Stevens' place, moving it to his attorney general to proceed with the
visiting with Mrs. E. Burlingame tor have installed a water system at their own place.
- hot
Several months ago the board direct­
some time returned to her home at farm home and enjoy the luiury of
and cold water and a bath room,
ed Morson to cease selling option» on
Hood River on Monday.
dence soon.
the conveniences of a city homo.
the land contained In the project he ia
A delegation went in Wednesday to promoting. He made an affidavit that
Glorious News
petition the authorities to macadamise he had done so. but lately a letter
comes from Dr. T. J. Curtiss, Dwight,
To Mothers—And Others
the portion of the Powell Valley Road turned up with Information regarding
Kan. He writes: “I not only have cured
You can use Bucklen's Arnica Halve near here.
the project and containing what the
had cases of eczema in my patients with
Electric Bitters, but also cured myself to cure children of eczema, rashes, tet­
The meetings at the Chapel will con- governor believed to be an option. ,
by them of the same disease. I feel sure
tinue during the next week.
Morson replied, saying that It was an
they will benefit any case of eczema." ter, chafings, scaly and crusted humors,
assignment of lien on the land and in- !
This shows what thousands have proved, as well as their accidental injuries,—
vlted the board. If it thought It could
that Electric Bitters is a most effective
Take HERBIN'E for indigestion. It
blood purifier. Its an excellent remedy cute, burns, bruises, etc., with perfect
bring actions to restrain him from
for ectema. tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, safety. Nothing else heals so quickly. relieves the pain in a few minutes and selling them, to do so.
boils »nd running sores. It stimulates
forces the fermented matter which
liver, k idneys, and bowels, expels poisons, For boils, ulcers, old, running or fever »uses the misery into the bowels where
helps digestion, builds up the strength. sores or piles it has no equal. 25 cts at
it is expelled. Price 50c. Sold by Lenta ( Advertising that pay«—Herald adver­
Price 50 cts. Satisfaction guaranteed by
all dealers.
all dealers.
When You Are Through Shopping
stop in and have some lunch,
you will feel at home. Ladies
are served at this restaurant in
such a way- at a private table
and all that—as to give the
comfort anil convenience of
home. When your cook’s away
or the house is being repaired,
drop in here and get good eat­
ing at small cost.
The Lents Cafe
On Carline
Look for Electric Sign
Remember the Name—BOHNA
Weekly Oregonian .............. .
Daily Oregonian
Daily and Sunday Oregonian
Daily Telegram until Dec. 20
Semi-Weekly Journal
Daily Journal
Daily and Sunday Journal
Pacific Monthly
................................... 1.75
Pacific Homestead
Pacific Farmer
.................................. 2.00
Poultry Journal (Monthly).... .................................... 1.50
Oregon Agriculturist
Farm Journal.......................... ................................... 1-25
McCall’s Magazine (Ladies’) .......................... . ........ 1.00
This price is for delivery by mail only and only when re-
mittance is made with order. Papers may be sent to sepa-
rate addresses. Subscriptions may begin at any time.
“Stopping an ad to save money is
like stopping the clock to save time,"
says The Herald Advertising Man.
Lower Electric Rates
As the result of economic methods and the
acquirement of additional facilities, the Portland
Railway Light and Power Company takes a great
deal of pleasure in announcing to the citizens of
Lents and the surrounding country an important
reduction in its electric light and power rates.
It has been the constant policy of the Company
to give good service at reasonable rates. The
Company is more interested than any one else in
building up a bigger, busier and better Portland,
and it fully realizes the important influence of low
rates and good service. The new lighting rate is
9, 7. and 4 cents per kilowatt hour. Details of this
reduction, and the conditions involved, can be se­
cured upon application at any of the Company’s
Several months will be required to change over
the 31,000 accounts which this reduction in light­
ing rates will effect. In order that our patrons
may be put to the least poaribte inconvenience,
new contract.« will be mailed beginning May 1st.
The Company earnestly requests that these be
signed, witnessed and' returned to the Company’s
representative in Lents as promptly as possible,
thus avoiding the possibility of waiting in line at
the office.