Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, March 28, 1912, Image 4

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    I heir plana. On that commiltse four IM’reff (>., Fink I.. F-, Harding J A.,
members of tbe defeated crowd were Johns m J. I. , Johnson J. William,
1 appointed and one from the Slate Jone* Mr*. B. S , Johnson Adolph,
Grange.—tbe element that was holding Kruger A , Millar D. H Martin G B ,
them down. In the work of that com­ Matson Mi*» Annie, MVGragor James,
mittee, few concessions ware made on Owansath (> C., Parkhurst M E ,
eithei side. Mr Spence ould not de­ Parkhurst Mr* Edna, Patterson John,
Entred as Second Class Mail Matter at Lenta. Oregon, August 25, 1911
sert the basic principles of 'he laws pro­ Sharp Jim, luter K., Summers Mr*
posed by the Grange, though certain Stella, Sundleon P. W., Scott Vert on
Published Every Thursday at Dnli, Ore., by the M t . S cott P vbiishinu C o . concessions were made. The main point
H. A. DARN ALL, E ditor » nd M axaorr .
j at issue wa« the plan to bond tbe state
GEO. W, SPRING, Postmaster.
to produce a state highway fund, and
D. M. SIMONSEN. L ocal E ditor and B usiness R epresentative
since neither side would concede their
Office Phone; Home till. Residence Tabor 2*13
ground on this point the committee ad­
journed. The four friends of the stale
< , i bonding plan proceeded to carry through “
J [ their plan and they now report a* a
< > majority of tbe "Harmony Committee "
o ft is to be hoped that the peoi le of the
In quality of stock exhibited, in tin'
i state will not be duped into thinking
The Herald is particularly anxious to secure a representa- <> their product was in reality a "hartuo- number of thoroughbred animal» enter­
The "sting" is still ed, the price« realised by stockmen for
X tive vote from its readers as to their choice for President and I I ny" product.
their fancy exhibit*, th* attendance
X Vice President. While the result shows only local sentiment ' [ there—tbe state bonding plan still and the absorbing interest manifested
<> exists
ft has been changed from a
X it creates an interest, and gives some indication of the direction J * two-million o per cent annual levy for in the show, not only by breeder* of the
2 from which the political wind is blowing. In each issue will be ♦ ! ten years, to a 4\. per cent million dol- entire Northwest but by the general
2 found a blank ballot. Fill it out and mail it to The Herald. ♦ I lar levy for an indetinate period or\in- public, the Fat Stock Show held by
X til such a time as the state bonded in the Pacific Northwest Livestock Aseoci-
X Do it Now and help create an interesting contest.
ation al Portland recently wa* the
*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«•♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦*♦♦«*«♦♦♦♦♦•*♦♦♦ ♦ lebtedm-ss for road construction shall moet successful event of the kind ever
not exeeeil 2 per cent of the property
i held on the Pacific Coast. Weather
HERE should be no trouble
HOEVER it is that produces To get any benefit from this state condition» were ideal and tlie atten a nee
wa» estimated to exceed rl.lkMI people
in securing excellent men
the little locals opposite I fund the committee* m turn must bond during
the three day».
the editorial page in the Oregon­
for each office to be filled in
-tn equal amount,of their apportionment. j The quality of the stock wa* *o far
Multnomah County this election, ian. should take a course in This would add at least half a» lunch , *u|>erior to that of last year that offi.
unless it be from the fact that moral perspecuity that would again to the burden they would • lie re­ cials and stockmen were positive that
for in —
the -----
end ------
KrB,,d champions of former shows
there are so many to select from develope a closer adherance to quired to raise—1_.
that some of the incompetents the truth. Sunday’s issue in­ countv must raise it all This would J would not “ have been eligible even
. Th*
slip through the bars instead of cluded a paragraph relating to
half million for an indetinate lapse of i champion carload, consisting of fifteen
some of the excellent men who the incident of the burning of time, bonds to pay I1, per cent fO'fthirty head of magnificent Hereford», was
are candidates.
There is no the Baptist church, and of the years, every dollar of which will coat proliably never surpassed. if equaled, st
any show in the United State*. Thi»
dearth of candidates and many Wilcox barn. According to the the people 42.33 before payment.
carload wa* »old at auction, bringing
good men among them, and if item both incidents occurred the
310.I<> per lot) pounds, almost Fl per
the voters of Multnomah county same evening and the same hour.
100 more than paid for tlie champion
exercise* the proper care and The fact is they happened a
carload last year
The grand champion steer, also a
judgment at the polls the county week apart.
Hereford entered by the University of
government should be well min­
I Idaho, wa» a beautiful two-year-old of
istered during the next adminis­
Does the requirement of a Lent* business men and residents are almoet faultless proportions, and was
tration. Some papers are com­ health certificate by a certain highlv pleased with the night watch »°ld for »1.3» per pound, on foot, a
plaining that there are too many Chicago pastor, include that the service recently installed by the People* price which ha» twee exceeded but once
candidates, but they should re­ certificate shall be a guarantee ' Protective Association, through E. W. in the United States tor a single meat
animal. The second prise steer was
member that it is the privilige of of mental stability for the parties Miller.
sold for 50 cents per pound.
every man to run for office if he about to enter the marriage re- !
A prominent feature of the show was
ago, Frank Fish being appointed to the
desires and if unqualified men lationship? If so. we suggest that position, and that his services are ap­ the splendid exhibit of hogs from Cen­
are nominated it will be due to plan in lieu of the Owens-Adair preciated is proven hv the numerous tral and Fjtatern Oregon, alfalfa-led
extreme carelessnese on the part system of national regeneration. expressions of satisfaction expressed by »nd wheat-finished in every instance,
the local people
Officer Fish, while equaling in siae and quality any similar
of the citizenry.
’s Protective showing made in recent years in the
Every candidate has a plat­ When Tom Word declares
Association, receives a part of hi* »alary beet corn and hog growing state* of
Platforms are easily- Portland to be wide open, there [ from private citizen* and local business the Middle West. Prices for hogs
made and easily forgotten. A is a lot of humbug somewhere, IInen’
have subscribed * »tipuiated averaged nearly H cents per pound.
Who is Your Choice?
We want the people of Lents to know who
are behind this bank and the following are
our officers and directors:
C. F. Hendricksen,
candidate’s platform should not for Tom Word knows.-Oregon- ,no““,ly
each month to E. W Miller, to whom ,
be judged from the wording of it.
all complaints, if any come up, should
but from the previous record of
be made.
the man who makes it A plat­
service was enstalled principally
If you want to be real sure for The
form is nothing unless backed by
protection of local property from fir •
about voting for the right man and burglary. Officer Fish maintain* a We sell, buy or exchange nov­
a man of ability and integrity.
try La Follette.
I vigilant watch during the entire time
els of all kinds. Big line
and the property of those paying tor his
just in.
ROM the general tone of the
services is visited at regular intervals.
busines men of the city, it The belowis directly in accord
The new watchman also has the au­
is evident that the town vote to with what The Herald stated two thority of a Deputy Sheriff, and will lip
in a position at any time to quell any
make R. F. Robinson county sup­ weeks ago—no man recently as­ disturbance
that might arise, He re­ Main Strut
O r Carlilt. Luts
erintendent for another term
ceives no pay in his capacity ax a
will be extremely light. Many of
deputy Sheriff.
the busiest business men of the fit to occupy a public trust. And
county are actively engaged in don't forget to include Cox.
SEE- - - -
"For instance, there is Fitzgerald for
providing for his retirement. Mr. Sheriff.
If then wa» a man in the
Armstrong seems to have about | SlierifT» office who knew hi.» duty and
as big a job on his hands as Rob­ hail the desire a.» well as the courage and
inson. Armstrong has managed | strength to do it, he could make it very
Suffering a relapse after he had appar­
to build up a very bad record. uncomfortable for the city administra- ently been in better health than lie had
which is allied with the vice ele­
He is reputed to be a man of in­ tion,
ments of the community and is pennit- been for a long time, Albert Krawson
temperate habits. His Portland ting its commercialization. With Fitz­ departed this life at the Multnomah
business college is said to have gerald in tbe Sheriff"• office, he would hospital March 23 at 4 a in. He had
been a very unsafe place for have there one of his own family, and been ailing for aliout eleven months and
came west with his sister. Mrs. Stilwell,
young people long before it was the game which is no» going merrily last October, hoping the climate would
1 on could tl.'Wi tie continued with the
moved up to tenth street, and la­ certainty of what the Mayor, as a benefit him.
ter reports do not suggest any plumber. would undoubtedly c all a lead The deceased was a man of 52 years of
age, and leaves to mourn his lose, a
The fact that i pipe cinch.
such stories are circulated by “Another member of his Executive brother and sister, the latter residing
here, and the former in the east. 1 he
men who were former students Board. Waldernar Seton, is running for funeral was held from the undertaking
the Circuit Court job that Judge Gan-
U ireman’* Phone
Plumber*« Phone
at the college would seem to jus­ tenbein will vacate.
parlors of Dunning A Mclntee, Monday Tabor 1'4«
Talror i;<7
tify the reports. They ought to "Seneca Font« is a candidate for the at 10 a. m., burial at Mt. Scott Park
know. And, moreover, the fact Republican nomination for District At- Cemetery. Rev. Conklin conducted the
that such reports are current at , tomey. He is the friend, adviser, con­ ceremony.
all, will place him in a very awk­ fidant and pa) of the Mayor. Give the
' Mayor the city administration, the con­
ward position when it comes to trol of the police, such as he ha- through EVEN CHURCHES HAVE
soliciting the support of voters. I his tool, Joe Keller, bottle up the
l'«»hier X Manager
I >1 R ECT< )RS
C. F. Hendricksen,
M. G. Thorsen,
President Scandinavian linerie«»
Rank of Portland
Pres. Fi» 'her, Thorsen A I'«».
Vice-pre*. Scandina­
vian A merican Hank
Henry Harkson,
Invt-iment Hanker, Ht<s-kholder '-camlinavian Aiie-rican Bank
H. Rostad,
F. P. Drinker,
Stockholder Seandinavian-
American Hank of Portland
Cashier Firet National
Bank, >t. Joint», Ore.
(hi in med Labels
Gummed Labels
Gummed Labels ¿
Mt. Scott Publishing; Co.
H. Rostad,
M. G. Thorsen,
Lents, Ore.
In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association
Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual
Fire, American Life and Accident In­
surance of Portland
John Brown, Gresham, Ore
1 ►
Electric Wiring &, Fixtures
| Sheriff** office as it would he done
through Fitzgerald, and give tbe combi­
OVERNOR West has offered nation the control of tlie District Attor­
to co-operate, using all ney's office through -eneca Fonts, and
the resources at his command,
absolutely no man would Is- -afe in the
with a joint committee of the community from the strong-arm method
Portland Chamber of Commerce, of the gang.
“All of this really presents to tics
Portland Commercial Club and community a -tartling situation, and
Portland Realty Board in mak­ something very well worth while chew­
ing general investigation into ing over.—Telegram.”
the operations of any person,
fir mor corporation in Oregon pre­
senting to the public an invest­
ment of doubtful or suspicious
character. The investigations
are to be followed by relentless
prosecution. It is to be hoped
that some step will be taken to
stop the nefarious practice of
bilking people with illegitimate
schemes, and if the governor and
the various organizations succeed
in doing this they will receive
the thanks of many.
COMMI Htt A tARtt.
Rev. Albert Ebrgott, pastor of 2nd.
Baptist church, situated on 3itb. and
East Ankeny street was asked to resign
bis pulpit by the Prudential Committee
of tbe church. He ask'd tbe reasons1
F r their request, which were denighed
him. Finally on the 21st., Thursday,
the church held a meeting where the
subject was openly discusseli bv the
members pro and con. The younger
element was in sympathy with the pas­
tor and when a vote was taken, ft» for
distnissial and 4!» for retaining him
and 4 blank ballots. The only excuse
that seemed fourth corning was that
the Minister o|iened up a charity. laG>r
and comineary bureiu in the old vari nt
7th. East Ankeny building and divided
bis time between faith and work as he
understood the application of the whole
gospel to the whole of life.
He is a
progressive brilliant man and his loss
will be realized in the future.
The proluct of the “Harmony Road”
committee is at last before the public.
Just why it is demoninafed a “Har­
mony" product is not apparent.
Tbe bills drafted by theorigninal »tale
wide committee were so faulty and
transparent that not even enough narni s
could be eecured on the petitions to en­
sure it a piece on the ballot, let alone a
chance at the poll«
To any that th-y
ever had a chance would be a rank
piece of fluffing, in the fa>e of such a
fitters remaining unclaimed in tie,
condition, the friends of tbe auto- Lents Postoflice, week ending M * refi i
Advertising that pays—Herald adver­ liighwavs eoncieved of a "Harmony 23, 1912.
committee” as an excuse for altering
Campile!I Rev. H. C., Conner E. E,|
Full Reels
Four Changes Weekly. Admission
5 cents for Everybody.
: Welcome To Everyone
< •
The Only New unabridged dic­
tionary in many year«.
Contain« the pith and ewenee
of an authoritative library.
Covers every field of knowl­
edge. An Encyclopedia tn a
single book.
The Only Dictionary with the
New Divided Dajfe.
400,000 Words. 2700 Page«.
6000 Illustrations. Coat nearly
half a million dollars.
Let us tell you about this most
remarkable single volume.
The Man For The Job
“Honest John, the Hackman.*’
Write for sample
pa««*, full par­
ticulars, etc.
Name thia
pnper and
we will
•and free
a set of
flpringflftid, Maa«.
Has been a taxpayer for 37 years
16 years with Frazier & McLean
Paid Adv