Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, March 28, 1912, Image 3

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    Improved, while there nre forty Are
agricultural counties that ho vs mor*
Ilian 10 per cent Improved. The aver Th* “Pertugueae Man-ef-war* I* a
age price of farm land* In tbe sixteen
Vsrltabl* Fairy Ship.
counties, according to tbe refiort of tbe
-------------- In —- '
Th* “Portuguese man-of-war" Is bald
United Mate* census. wa*_$4R.fiO per to be on* of th* most beautiful of all
acre. While the average price of land lb* *o called pelagic animals and la a
In the forty Ove counties was $<13.70 veritable fairy strip, with sail that can
per acre In other words, tbe average be elevated or lowered, that can throw
privo of farm Inuds lu the giMsl road out a dredge or haul it in—lu abort,
counties was $17-20. or 35 per cent one of tbe moat attractive of all ma
¡¡.“•Advantages of Im­
more than 111 the poor road counties. rlne aulmala nnd at th* earn* time one
proved Roads.
"I.... we consider tbe fact that there of th* moat dangerous.
are *173.000.000 acres of farm land* lu
Thia llttl* animal has been called a
the United State* the possibilities "poem In satin.” yet It conceal* under
along this Hue are rather startling It* attractive exterior an armament
Diracto Offue ol Public Road*.
Even assuming that the land would (bat la capable of overpowering a foe
Ulutrd State* Department
be Increased only $5 an acre tbe total
of a thousand time* Ita »lie. In fact,
ol Agruulture.
Have you ever stopped to think of the advantage of owning a home?
ei.tiniicement ou furm lands ulone
tbe phyaalla stand* In the same rela­
would la- $4^03.000.000.
tion to many other marine animal* of
Copyright by A inerirà n Fraas Anso,
Improved roads will yield an addi­
Ita alee a* a well fitted torpedo subma­
eia I lull Hill!
There is a great advantage, and you can easily do so under the liberal
tional Income by enabling the farmer
rine boat would to an old line of bat­
to cultivate with profit land which
tle ship of the Constitution class
O road Is as <>i|>oiialvr ns n laid otherwise would be les* profitably eln
terms we offer. We are now enabled to make it possible for every
If one but touch tbe purple tentacle*
We s|*eud about *100.' ployed
a realizing sense of this power I* at
There nre about 400.000.000 acres of
tXMi.CMlU a year ou our roads,
once experienced
Tbe finger stings
man to own a home at practically your own terms. Here is our offer:
unimproved farm land lu tbe United
nuil they are costing us In nd
thrust Into it,
An average annual profit of
aitlnii h bad rond* tin "f nt Mate*
and when the tentacle* are placed
$234>.< nni ,( mmi annually. It actually costa 50 cents in acre on this laud would
upon a spot where tbe flesh la sensitive
tbe average farmer ns luucli to haul a
tbe pain can only t»e compared to that
bushel of wheat from hl* farm to the
Truck products ami small fruits must produced by melted lead or boiling oil
railroad us II doe* to ship II from
One scientist uearly lost hl* life In
be delivered quickly to market If any
New York to l.lver|sM>l. 3.100 miles
an engagement with tbe llt'le craft
The loss tn the |ieople of tbe I'ulted
The man bad a habit of swimming on
Mates annually on account of bad *mall fruit farm* cannot tie maintained his side, an unfortunate habit In this
roads would more than pay for their with profit If a long haul over bad case. Inasmuch as bls view to the right
general and widespread Improvement roads Intervene* between them and wae obstructed when one day he swum
tbe railroad station
A network of
Tbe burden of bad roads benrs heav
, over tbe tentacle* of a large "man of
lly upoo the shoulders of the entire Drat class hard smooth roads will al- I war" He was in atiout seven feet of
most Immediately Increase tbe numlier
of truck, fruit and dairy farm* In any [ water, and tbe contact immediately
community While tbe average value gave tbe swimmer such a shock that
of wheat per acre Is ouly $7.03 and be almost lost tbe power of motion
corn $M.72, th* average value of vege > and eank.
As be etruck bottom with bl* feet he
tables per acr* la about $40 and of
pushed up and partially recovered him­
small fruit* $ ho
self—sufficiently at least to call for
There I* a steady treud of popula
tlon from tbe country to tbe city, and 1 help. Borne laborer* at work near by
till* may b* attributed to some extent sprang Into tbe water and carried him
to bad road* iHirlug the ten year pe ashore. By that time he could breathe
only with extreme difficulty, thia t>elng
r1i>d IHISII'.HSI the ilti.-H gnln.-d 2.174,
000 more people than tbe country, lu tbe most serious symptom The pur
1000 only 16.1 per cent of tbe popula­ pie mass was scraped from the skin
Our terms are such that there is no reason why every man in Lents
tion Uved In cities, in 1000 tbe city with knives and razor*, but It seemed
For six
population represented ntiout 31 per to hare sunk Into tbe flesh
cent of the total, and now It is proba­ or seven month* afterwnrd be could
should not own a home. Call at our office and we will convince you
very readily bavepnased for n tattooed
bly aliout 43 per cent
With hundred* of million* of acre* man. the entire middle aud iower por­
of land uncultivated we have the spec tion of hl* body being covered with
that it is much cheaper to build than to pay rent. Don’t wait—do it
taele of hundred« of thousand* of bu | the most fanciful tracings.—Harper's. |
man beluga < rowded Into the cities,
now—apply your rent money in building a home for yourself.
while year after year the human title
roll* restlessly In from tbe country to
fur* 1*11 mole < "ii-iimt-r-. uud d>- reuse
A Great Scheme For Averting War* In
tbe uumls-r of producer*.
th* Future.
To prove that a relation exists be
CNlMI-tuivri) sxirril Boat*
Writing on the difficulties of putting I
LO*l> yon TWO IIOK-M ISAM OMK HAt.S tween tbe question of population nnd
an eud to war. F P Dunne any* In the '
hw rot sim
roods the following Illustration may Is* I
people, for such road* <llmtnl*h the . ltd
It la an Interesting theory that It is |
In twenty five counties selected from !
profits of the furmer l>e<nuse lie must
not tough minded old statesmen who
haul fewer loads. make fewer trip*
drive tender youth to war it Is youth
anti market hl* product*- alien the western state* It has been found that Itself wlii. b tugs on the lensli and pulls
road* are passable nod not when ouly I1 j per cent of roads were Im tbe unwilling statesmen We .-an well
prices are beat. They are a burden proved Iti lt*>l These same counties believe that till* I* «i The i-ourngi- of I
which compel* tbe consumer lu tbe show un n< tual decrease in imputation ¡ youth I* pure fende-c-nes-« The young I
city to pay heavily, not to »well the averaging 3.112 for each county for the ¡ are not afraid of dentil 'I bey regard '
farmer's earning*. but
help the ten year peri«*! 1900 lis»j Twenty-five I* as something th-it |s>s-.|lily j
farmer to pay the money value of the other counties lo-no-d lu the same luipiH-n to them They apprehend (' In
absolute waste of energy and property stut.-s containing 40 per cent of Im telle, tunity, but thev do n it feel it;
proved rond* show an actual Increase heme we pr<q*me to our fellow peace
due to bad roads.
There would be an liuiuedlatc and In population for each < -aunty of 31.oi»5 commissioners this plan for averting
Whether good road* cause good wars In future
tangible Having by rend Improvement
Emotion* and Exclamation*.
Why do we say "ah'* in pleasure,
In reducing the cost of limiting llow schools, or vl.-e versa. It I* true that
In ueurli every .-mintry there I* a
much tills waving would amount to In they exist together nnd that one of tbe mnxlmum of age limit for enlistment “oh" in surprise and "oo" in displeas­
dollars and cent* would depend upon most InqHirtunt reason* for their Im or conscript Ion
It I* In Hie uelgblmr- ure or pain? These sounds are the
the character and extent of tbe Im provemant Is their effect on school nt iawel of forty years
Now. why. In vis al representations of emotions Ev­
If the conn the Interests of pence, would It not be ery emotion has certain bodily expres­
provement and the amount of tratllc . tendau- e in the country
try »• bool* nre to have n maximum ef well to make a minimum age limit In- sions. some of which are exhibited in
paswliig over the road
the railroads of the I'ulted Ü h'licy In training and instruction the I stead? Suppose we sn.v that on the 1 movements of tbe musi-les of the face
State* handled aismt Wn.otkt.not> ton* children must l»e afforded facilities for first cull only tnen over sixty could Is* giving the facial expressions, as of
of freight originating on the respee rcie I ng them. With Improved toad* drafted, mid on the second only men fear, anger, pleasure, plry. etc., ami
live mllroad* <>f this amount nlauit the graded school and the < oii*o!idat<sl over fifty, and ou the third only men some of the facial expressions are as­
2(15.issi.issi tons reprrsctited agricul­ sehi'ol will replace the little one room over forty, and no man under forty sociated with other instinctive acts, as
tural. forest am! miscellaneous pixid one 1, richer *< bools so preiulent 111 could be |s*rtnitted to fight
movement of the eyes, emission of
ucts. all of which moved over the many «.•< tlon* of the country
llow long then would wars continue? sounds, raising the arms, clapping the
Th.- possibilities of n region of Im
country roads nt Initial or terminal
The first call would lie nuswered liv a bauds, etc. In the emission of sounds
proved rond* nre mude apparent by
points or Isith
storm of doctor'* certificate*, the aec tbe simplest vocalization, the "ah"
The average haul from farms to
oud by tbe prompt vus|s*n*ion of nil sound, is produced and modified by the
shipping points In the I'nlled States
bunks, and on tbe third cull a body action of the muscles of the lips, their
Is alsuit nine and oue quarter tulles
of resolute patriots who bad long ls>en action depending upon tbe facial ex
Tbe average cost of hauling on the
conscious that death regarded them pression of tbe emotion. Expectancy
country roads I* about 23 cents per
wistfully would proceed al otn-e to the allows reason to act. nnd we withhold
ton per mile. The total cost of haul
! palace or White House or ministry of such sounds If we expect the cause of
Ing '-‘•to.tsslism tons would therefore
foreign affairs and l.vncli the king, the emotion. The scream of pain is
1« nlH'Ut $2 Id per ton, or a total of
president or minister who proposed j Instinctive aud in the nature of a
means of defense It has a paralyzing
this outrage on civilization.
The possibilities of saving by the
effect on the enemy and. In fact, on
Improvement of the roads may be un
every one else. Nobody who has been
Napoleon on Shak**p*are.
derstissl w hen we compare the cost of
Napoleon had a very |XH>r opinion of startled by a woman's scream will for
hauling In Germany. France nnd Eng
Shakespeare's pluy*
Accordlug to get tbe momentary paralyzation of
land with the coat of hauling In this
Tlilbaudeau, In bis "Bonaparte and muscles nnd mind which It caused.—
The average In those three
Consulate." Nu|>oleon said oue day: New York American
countries Is about 10 cents per ton per
"Miukespeure was forgotten even by I
Where He Fails.
mile, nnd In many cases It Is ns low ns
tbe English for 2(X) years until Vol­
“It's too bad the average man can’t
7 cents. If we cut the rate In the
taire took it Into bis head to write him Is* satisfied with a gissl living and not
United States exactly In half by the
up to please bi* English friend*, aud
Is- hungering for more money "
Improvement of our main roads we
ever since people have gone about re-
"The average man Is satisfied with a
would still be 1'.. cents over the aver
prating that Shakespeare was the
good living The only trouble is that
age for the three European countries
greatest author that ever lived.
hi* Idea of it good living grows with
named. If we could do this It follows
have rend him. nnd there Is nothing fils income " — Exchange.
that our annual saving would tio In
In him that approaches Corneille or
the neighborhood of $250,000,000 on
Itacine. HI* play* nre not worth rend­
Counting Up.
hauling alone
ing "
“1 started to work on my twentieth
The wear and tear on horses nnd
story yesterday." said tbe bustling
vehicles due to bud roads may seem a
Everything For The Garden
Too Late!
trivial mutter until we take Into con­
"I>o yon know who her grandfather man. "and I tell you I'm making it
Cabbage. Califlower, Celery, Tomatue Plante are now ready for setting
sideration the fact ttint there are about
was? Have you ascertained anything
"You are an author?"
Assorted Pansy Plants ready for setting
25.000,000 horses and mules In the j WILL STILT MACADAM HOAD - MMtM'-M In regnrd to her pedigree? Those are
"Certainlv not! Um an architect.”—
LOAD Fol« TWO HOKSK TKAM. TWBLVS thing* you ought to know about tbe
United States, rained at $2.770,000,000.
balks or eorroH. ti.uw PoCND*.
Washington Star
woman you are to make your wife.'"
and about 1.500,000 carriages, buggies
“Oh. hang her grandfather!’’
nnd wngons. valued at almut $N3,000.- many example* of school* which oper
"My boy. that'* Just wiiut they did
If by the Improvement of the nte wagon* regularly, which gather up
roads tbe vehicles would last one year the pupils ami carry them to mid from do."—Youth's Companion.
Wheat—Track prices:
Club, MSc;
longer nnd If one-tenth of the amount school. When tbe roads are placed lu
bluestem. 92c; red Russian. 87c.
pnld out for repairs were saved the re­ am li condition a* to make this practice
H* Didn’t Understand.
Barley—Feed. $39 per ton.
“Then you don't want no cranber­
sultant sum would run fur Into tbe general n tremendous Impetus will lie
Oats—No. 1 white, $34 per ton.
given to eduenttou In the United State* ries?"
Hay—Timothy, valley. $14; alfalfa.
To illustrate this phase of the sub
“No; I’ve changed my mind
I see
Property Is much more vnlnable on
an Improved road than on an unlm Ject the following example may tie your cat la aaleep in those cranber­ H3.
Butter—Creamery, 33c.
proved rond This Increase In the val­ cited: In five states conspicuous for ries."
Eggs—Ranch. 21c.
"That's all rilfht. mum; I don't mind
ue of the land adjacent to the Improv their good road* there was in 1904 un
Hops—1911 crop. 40c; contracts.
ed road has tieen aufficlent In many g.erage school attendance of 77.13 per wnking the cat up.'*—Louisville Cou
tinea to pay for the Improvement. An cent, while lu five other states having Ter Journal
effort lias liecn made to estimate the exceptionally bad roads the average
Wool—Eastern Oregon. 18c; Wil­
The subscriber is resident agent for two of the best
genera) Increase tn land values due to was only 50 10 per cent Furthermore.
lamette Valley, 17c.
Jostles claim* what la due. polity
Improved roads, and Hie ini'i:in- l>:> ■ It bn* been ascertained that in the five
Fire Insurance Companies in the U. S.: The Niagra Fire
tieen placed at somewhere between $2 states having an exceptionally high what I* seemly : Justice weighs and de
Insurance Co. of New York and the London Assurance
and $0 per acre. There are isialtlvely percentage of Improved road* the white ctde*. polity surveys and orders; Jus­
Corporation, having paid in full their fire loss in the great
thousands of examples where fa run illiterates fosnied only three-quarter* tice refers to th* Individual, polity to
Wheat—Bluestem. 91c; club. 8$c;
have tieen sold at an Increase of from of 1 per cent of tbe total population, the community —Goethe.
San Francisco conflagration amounting to over $9.000,000.
red Russian. 85c.
$50 to $200 per acre over their value while tn the five stntes which showed
Barley—$40 per ton.
a scarcely appreciabls amount of road
A Hint That He Should Beat It
before road Improvement
Oats—$30 per ton.
Rtaylate (at 11:43 p. m i—Tbe light la
An Investigation recently made In Improvement the white Illiterate* form
____ .Office at the old stand. Cor. Main and Nelson Sts.
Butter—Creamery, 37c.
Ohio shows that there nre sixteen ag­ ed 41, per cent of the total population, going out.
ricultural counties In the state that
Hay—Timothy, $14 per ton.
l>ent you?-Boaton Transcript
have less than 10 per cent of the road* great a* in the former case.
Home Course
Road Making
We Will Build You a House—One to Suit Your
Taste—Fora Reasonable Amount Down and the
Balance in Monthly Payments at 7 Per Cent*
The Firm of Easy Terms.
Lents, Ore.
Home Cooking and Lunches
Merchants’ Lunch 25 Cents
Ice Cream and Cigars
Stilwell '& Salzman Props.
Near Alcazar Theatre,
Lents, Ore.
Deming Green House
Beautiful Floral Pieces Made on
Short Notice For All Occasions
Otto Lempke, Manager
Are You Carrying Any Insurance Against
Loss by Fire? If Not. Why Not?