THK In Road Making I.—The Office of Pub­ lic Roads. MEANEST SOUND H1* bow-wow* back; ha think* II* fun. 1 throw tha ba«l slat* at hla head. 1 *w*ar till all la lurid rad. I yall till I’m «xhauatad quit*. Y*t that hound howl* till morning light By LOGAN WALLER PAGE, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL Dircelo« < )ftli ana pre­ am I ml to congrraa nailing that n rouil department «Imilor to the agricultural department lx* found­ ed at Washington for the purport« of promoting cunan uctlon anil mainte­ nance of roads nnd for teaching »tu- denta so that they might liecomc skilled road engineers and to entnbllah a per- mauent exhibit of aectkoua of road il­ lustrating various metI kx I h of construc­ tion and the l>est road material» and machinery. This petition ans signed by the governors of many of the states, Im lading Uoiernor MeKluley of Ohio, by chamber* <«f collimine nnd untrer allies and was Indorsed by resolution* of legislatures The office of road Inquiry was estab­ lished under authority of an act of I vwttkd htstss orricn or rrni.i<> nuaus congress approved March 3, 1N93. tuali tug appropriation of »|u.i»»i for the de­ partment of agriculture The clause relatlug to tin* work provided that the secretary of agriculture sbould make Inquiries In regard to systems of road Biauagemetil throughout t lie foiled tttutca. make Investigations In regard to the best method* of read making prc|>are publication* on tills subject aud usslst agricultural college* nnd ex perlment station» In disseminating in formation Hlnce 1S1KI the total amount appro­ priated for the offi. e of public roads 1» jbiH.MtXi. and since II* establishment the office has Issued 40 bulletins. 9-> circulars. 9 farmers' bulletins. 21 year tsnik reprints nnd IH annual re|n>rts a total of I Ki publication» The office has directed the construi tlon of atiout »4« object lesson* and experimental roads. Illustrating macad am. bituminous macadam, brick, grav­ el. sand-clay, shell and curth construe lion. The approximate expenditure on these object lessons aud •xpcrlmentill roads by local authorities baa been Mkt,7(12. and the subsequent road work due directly to the object lesson road* represents expenditures runulng well up luto millions Lectures and per »on al advice by engineers and cxjicrt* have constituted a prominent feature of the work of the office since Its establish­ ment. The road material laboratory wna Installed In December, 1900. nnd from that time to July 1. 1911. about 0,390 samples of road material have been received from practically every state In the Union nnd tested to deter mine their character nnd value for road building A photographic laboratory was In stalled in January. 1900. and has now a complete outfit. This was the direct result of ii great need for illustnited lectures Tin- office Inis now ii colic« tlon of about 0.090 negatives and about 3.000 slides, many of which have been colored. These Illustrate nil phases uf road work. Experiments have lieen conducted with oils. tar*. rock asphalt nml varl oils preparations for the purpose of preventing dust and preserving mac adorn ronds from destruction under modern traffic conditions The office tins conducted Investigation* to deter­ mine the feasibility of the sand-clay method of rood building In the south ern states ns well ns In the prairie states, and this method of construction ha* tieen found to bo quite practicable especially In the south A study of the construction of roads, of natural soils by treatment with us phaltlc oils, has liecn inode nnd was published ta rtrculnr No. 90. The office Is conducting Investigations on the use of sing ns a rond material and th«» Improvemcntaof-«nnd roads In parts of the country where clay Is not access! ble. Practical efforts have been mnde toward bringing about the more gener *1 use of the split log drag In the main tennnee of earth roads. One of the unique and striking exhibits at the Alaska Yukon Factor exposition consisted of a series of mln tatnre models Illustrating every known type of improved road and the various road building device*, such a* rollers nnd crushers. In actual operation. Till* exhibit wu design«-«! and prepar cd by the office, ami since the ex|«osl tlon closed similar exhibit* have been shown In many part* of the United State«. partly through the medium of rx|Ms>ltlon» and [«artly by means of ex hlblt trains operated by several rail­ road* Lecturer« and demonstrator* accompany the*e exhibits, making them In reality schools of Instruction in road building Graduate» In engineering are ap- IMilnted from colleges each year after a competitive examination, nnd are given thorough training while reuder Ing practli-nl services to the govern­ ment In this way an efficient corps of engliieer* I* living built up. which will Kid the development of road building along proper lines, both during and after their connection with the gov­ ernment. Thl* work was begun tn the fl»cnl year 1905. Investigations Into the est possible systems of n all phases of tile rond work of tin- county to which they ure assigned, nnd pre­ pare cxhnu*tive re|*«rt* giving plan*, estimates nml re«-f organization l-nve l**-n In trisl-iced Into tlie administration of the office nnd the great library on nil phase* of ronil work Is the ts-st In the western hrtnlapherr. nml th«- library I* being added to constantly. The policy of th«- offi«-e in recent year« has been to co operate with the <>ffi< lai* In charge of rond work In the various atatra a* closely as isissible, and the endeavor I* being made so to correlate rond work In each state by voluntary co-operation as to constitute one great movement along uniform line* and make the progr«-s* and meth ods of each state known to every other state through the mwlluin of the offi« e In furtherance of thl* object a compre­ hensive Investigation was begun In mctton or thk iHTvmnora i.AnotiATOBT orrii'g or i - uhlio roads . l'.Mil to ascertain the mileage of ini proved and unimproved roads, the char m ter of improvement, tin- amounts ex- y zded. rates of levy ami sources of ; revenue in every county In the United State*. Thl* work was tinisheil In June. 1907. nml the results were pub llslied lu the form of n bulletin, which shows that there are over 2.150.000 miles of road in the Unit«-d States, of whi. b only 7.14 per cent were Improv- <*1 in 1904. and that the expenditure in money and labor for that year wm IWnrly *90.000.000 Thia bulletin com prises the first complete data ever as­ sembled on thl* subject LUMBER—All kinds of Dimension Stuff, In­ side and outside finishing lumber, in fact all kinds of lumber. THE PERIOD OF INCUBATION. linxMly lilildy la apt to fool ua liy batching her egg* in-fore or after the date »et. Though a hen generally tin lake* her hntch the twenty flrat day. the condition of lien or egg* or weather may vary the time. W«- have known egg* to hatch the eighteenth, nine ter nth. twentieth, twenty flrat and even on the twenty fourth day. A hot blood­ ed hen that ait* tight on ntrongly fer tlllzed freah egg* often finlalie* on the eighteenth A hen of low hatching tieut huti'lir* late, and though the egg* are strong her chick» may la- weak A fuaay hen that go«'* off nnd on nml neg lects her egg* may retard her chi« k* to, the twenty-fourth. Extreme« of tern peruture often aff«-ct the time of hutch Ing. beat ha*tenlng, cold retnnllng the chick. W’r believe Incubation uiny I** au*|H-nd«*l without Injuring tin- germ Engllah fancier* guarantee all egg* in a netting f«*rtlle They place them under heat J uki long enough to *ee the germ, teat out Infertile*, then »hip.« We have re»et egg* de*erted by hen» for aeveral day*, ami they hatch«*! well Through accident to an Inculm- tor 200 egg* were away from hatching heat for thirty hour». They were kept covered. r«-*et an«l KM) chick* batched otie day behind time We mention thl* ao you may not ru*h to throw out egg* that do not hntch on the minute Though clrcum»tan<-e* may «’mite occa*iom«l variation. each LATHS —Only the best grade. Also all kinds of shingles, doors, win­ dows and frames, roofing, etc., etc. FULL LINE—All kinds of builders hardware that we are selling right. We will not be undersold in price nor oversold in quality. WE DELIVER - Anywhereand promptly too. Our methods of doing business are such as to warrant your con­ tinual patronage once you trade here. of It«-» breed o f fowl* li.trt It* bat luti. the folluwlllg 1:1111" l> •Illg «oil older«*! Muiidiird for tin* s | mh I«-* men tiuned |V1 V • Pay* Chic ken ................. U Turkey ... ............ 21 IVifottl .. ............. a, Gul/ini ................. lit' »nt . ........... A Duck ... .................... Z m Partrlu.«l be »< r.i|*xl often Wet weather *