Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, March 07, 1912, Image 6

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    Women’s Page
Household Hilts, Faskiois aid Rtcipas
Clicked blue mul winie marquiaeviT
over blue «utili was used for this
flock. amt the tunic separate« In the
To Impc«*« th« Neck and Shoulder«.
Every girl cannot have l>eautlful
• houIders, but every girl can do much
toward Improving the api>earance of
i scrawny neck and weak, undevelop­
ed shoulders. The carriage of the
head has much to do with the appear­
ance of both.
What sentimental poet has not sung
the praises of a graceful neck and
pretty, well rounded shoulders? And
what girl of the day does not covet
them? If she Is the lucky |Huu>essor
j >f both can any one blame her for be­
ing the least bit proud? llut if »he
possesses neither and goes much iuto
| society no one can ceusure her if she
I uses every effort to improve herself
in these respects since the garb of so­
ciety requires a liberal display of these
portions of the body.
A pair of shoulders curving out from
a graceful neck and slopiug down to
thapely arms will always call forth
admiration. And if they are white,
with .list enough of the rose tint un­
derneath to create the impression of
health, so much the more will they l>e
admired. Then. too. their poise must
be perfect and their lines graceful.
Exercise, massage and proper carriage
assist greatly in developing shapely
outlines, while by applications of un
guents and lotions the whiteness of
the skin may be brought out or in­
Balancing the shoulders properly Is
necessary at all times. If they are
well formed It is necessary to walk or
sit correctly in order to keep them so
Young women who are engaged for
several hours dally at clerical work,
MUDKL IN BLCB Ib'D WHITS MAKqCISgTTK. sitting at a desk, are apt to lean more
to one side than to the other, and this
new way to show a petticoat with very position has made many uneven
buttons down the front
Chenille shoulders Of course the position one
fringe and lace trim the costume ef­ takes in leaning toward the desk and
often the kind of light thrown upon
the work are responsible for the un­
Th« Children*« Blackboard.
even positions. Even if you cannot
Nearly all children like a blackboard leave the desk for any length of time
in their playroom. If it is on an easel It is a wise plan to get up and walk
it is easily knocked down; If it is fas­ up and down the floor once or twice,
tened on the wall it looks unsightly raise the head high and throw back the
sometimes to the children’s mothers. shoulders. If you can get to an open
To overcome the untidiness and to window to inhale and exhale a few
please the children at the same time times properly so much the better.
get a blackboard on a roller and spring.
Lunch hour gives scarcely enough
It works on the same principle as a exercise for those whose occupation
window shade.
?ompels them to lead a sedentary life.
It can be rolled up when not in use. Don't call a messenger for every
Use colored water crayons on the board trifling errand. Get up occasionally,
Instead of chalk and there will not be itretch the limbs, throw back the shoul­
so much dust Both can be bought at ders and walk about a few times be­
a kindergarten supply store.
tween morning and noon and between
noon and going home in the evening. It
will do you a great deal of good, and
Chinas« Sewing Bag.
As today is a day of fancy stitchery. no doubt you can make up for the few
■f knitting, of crochet and of embroid­ i moments taken each time for recrea­
ery among women who are bnsy and tion. If you do not do this you cannot
women who are at leisure, workbags expect to have well formed and nicely
are very Imjiortant. Hundreds of them rounded shoulders. In taking up wo,k
are being made for gifts, but the new­ which will necessitate the raising and
est Idea is the bag of heavy Chinese use of one arm or the other the indi-
mandarin embroidery, the top of which | vfdual should attempt in some way to
is run through a jade bracelet and the equalize the |>osltion so that lopsided
sides of which are trimmed with those ¡results may be avoided.
funny little Chinese ornaments io green I When the shoulder« are thin and hol­
wood and beads that are put on the low correct carriage, with dally appli­
lanterns and can be bought at the ori cations of a good skiu food, which
-hould be massaged with a firm, round-
ental shops.
ng movement of the palm of the band
and rubbed well into the skin, will
J prove beneficial.
An Innovation In Gloves.
The gloveless muff, which has proved
such a success during the winter, will
be surpassed by an even greater novei-
ty this spring, the bracelet glove. Smart
women are ordering gloves with these
bracelets attached, and the illustration
■bows an armlet of turquoise set in
gold and another design with coral in­
Bets. Some of the new silk gloves for
summer have pretty bracelets embroid­
ered in flower designs at the wrists.
Whan Placing 8le«v««.
A good rule to follow when deter­
mining the proper position of sleeves
when placing them in a blouse is to
fold the sleeve along the forward
seam and crease It at the top of the
fold at the opposite aide.
This crease marks the point of the
sleeve that la to be sewed to the
shoulder seam.
After this measure one Inch back of
the shoulder seam and crease the
blouse at a point exactly opposite.
On this crease the forward seam of
the sleeve is pinned
It Is then an
easy matter to Iraste In the under part
of the sleeve and. gathering the np[>er
part of the sleeve, baste that In even
with the edge of the armhole.
Wash For the Hair.
The washing of the hair is especially
mportant now that the hair Is worn
fiat, and hair not properly washed
might just as well not be washed at
ill. Parisian lieauty doctors nre using
i hair washing paste the foundation of
which i« jnwdered soap. You corer
the powder with boiling water, add
wme borax and orris root with a little
lachet jsjwder of your favorite tv-ent.
ind you are ready to begin. When ft 1«
ill of a bubble you take it off the fire
ind stir In some whole oatmeal. When
it cools it is ready for use. if a very
high perfume is desired some oil of
-ose geranium is added. You will then
Itiave a jelly, not very clear because of
he oatmeal and orris, but smelling tie
| lightful.
After the paste is thoroughly worked
n the rinsing must begin. Many ¡>er-
•ons do not understand how difficult it
is to rinse the hair properly. The trou
Die is that the individual hairs are
coated with soap, and the water must
ae hot and used with force to get the
KKip out. That is the theory and se-
.-ret of it.
Ten Rule« For Beauty.
Lillian Russell in one of her t>eauty
•ssays gives the following rules:
Keep in the open as much as possi­
ble. Breathe deeply and regularly
while walking.
Live on a diet of eggs, fruit, vege
tables and milk as much as possible.
Take a warm bath daily and a sweat
I th once a week
Dress loosely and not too warmly
Wear no heavy clothes or heavy hats
Go to bed early and get up early.
Sleep in a dark -room with windows
open and take from seven to eight
hours' sleep.
Tnke one al>solutely quiet day every
two weeks without reading, writing or
Avoid worrying. Talk or hear no
Marry and be the best friend it is
possible for you to be to your bus
Be temperate In all pleasures.
Remember, when these things be
tome habits you are far on the road
bu beauty, health and happiness.
HE making of sandwiches is an
art. Bo many persona are con­
tent to call two thick «llces of
buttered bread interlined with u slice
of bam. tongue, chicken, etc., a Baud
wlch that It seems some missionary
work really ought to be done along IhH
For the making of sandwiches spe­
cial bread should he used. A kind that
Is moist yet firm In grain Is best.
When cutting the «lives first butter
aud then with a very sharp knife shave
off ns thinly as [xmsible. Then the
crust» should be chipped off
If you
want your sandwiches in ornamental
sha|Hw use a cake cutter or ahai>e them
nlth a thin bladed knife
Are two strong characteris­
tics of this shoe store.
Substantial On««.
Club Sand Wiebes, — Toast three b.,14
Inch slices of bread. Heat four table
spoonfuls of milk, add one fourth tea
spoonful of butter, dash of red pepper
and thicken with a little cornstarch
dissolved lu n tablespoonful of water.
Into this put two level tables|>oonfuls
of cbop|M*d beef. Cut a tomato iuto
half inch slices, season with one tea
spoonful of olive oil mixed with one-
half teas|wM>nful of vinegar and n
pinch of salt. Put creamed chipped
beef between two layers of toast, add
the tomato and third «lice of toast.
Butter the top. Ret lu the oven several
minutes before serving.
Emergency Sandwiches. — A crisp
leaf of lettuce between thin slices of
bread with a teaspoonful of mayon­
naise is a dainty sandwich. Slices of
cucumbers lu place of lettuce are al­
ways favorite« of the sandwich plate.
Ground cold boiled bam or minced
chicken with mayonuaise to complete
Its flavor Is good
Cold boiled eggs
chopped flne and made into a paste
with dressing are palatable.
WANTED—Lace curtains to launder.
I Ouilta and blankets washed ; reasonable
idao work by the day
Mrs. llaskin«,
[»hone Homo till.
WANTED—Good, clean cotton rags
at ipc a pound. ML Scott Pub. Co
Come in and get our prices
on these shoes before you buy
the next pair of school shoes.
We carry a full line of high
grade shoes for men, women
and children.
FOR SALE Newspapers for wrap-
j |»ing or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub. Co.
FOR SALE Barred and Huff Rock
Í egg». Per setting fl. 314 Foster Road,
FOR SALE Full bloral Brown Leg
! horn eggs for hatching, 76c por 15. 21*2
8th Ave N , Id'nts
Mvrvh'v« ami «t rinon al 4 p in .«very Nun
dag Hiimlay 0t'hiH»l al • <M) a. m
Ion ««rvler.oii «vvoml Mumlay of each umnlh.
I’r \ «tn U«t»’i ah<l H«*\ <»•**1.1
I.KNTN HAniMT (lir Kill Piral A vena«, near
Foalrr Uoa«L Rrv. J. N. Nrlaon pa«tor. Mun«
«lay Nt'iiool U» a in
l*r«a«'hlng Ila in . ami
71 top in HYP tt marl« al •*> Prayer*
merlin« Thur ml ay «veiling al T:lu.
eumiay at l<» 10 a nt., and In the evening Al
tlir Cha|>rl al curter «if W«M»dbln« street ami
Ftriaml avenue Hev H M. Nyatrom pastor
Mr* ml Ina vie 11 Monday Mrh«H»l at II a m ,
Hlble study ami prayer meeting Friday al •
p m Mr*milnavia 11 people cordially Invited
and wvh’omr
PrvHchlii* Mumlay at II a tn and 7.00 p m.
Munday iMom every Munday al lo a m.
Young People«* Alliance ever« Mtimlavat 0:M>
p in
Prayer inerting amt Hlble st ml y each
Wednesday evening
Mixvial music
cordially welcome Hev Coll ill In. gastof.
I I \ |H PRIgNlNl • IK B< II - Uih Malli Mt
Habbath M«'ho«»l 10'isia in Mervtre II «l»a m
t hriallan Kmleavor ««up. m. Mvangellatle
service 7
l*i«yer im vtlng Weduvetlay 7:4A
P in Myra H Mmlth, pastor.
LKNTM M r < Ill ltCII Corner of 7ih A vr and
ilorden Mt Monday Wrluxtl |0:uu a m . Her
vices at ll:<A)a in amt 7 ;go p tn . Kpworth
I «vague A *• Tiay vr meeting Thurs«lay even
Ing of • a<*h w*« b All moet «-«»rdially tnvlte«!
Nev XX Itoyd Moore, paalor.
«•.'mlAvv «••»II» M| N K
Muivlax •• I. ...
io UH n m Trrartoing II :<M) a tu
F mira y ur p m
l'rvathlng 7:30 p m
Prayer meeting Thut««1ay ,1 :1" |> tn
LytiH |ka«tor
FOR SALE II I Riti rggo fl 60
per setting of 15 I* W Ramsey, 2 MILLAUD AVK rUKMHYTKKI A N I I 'll I Ki II
luhnaoti. |«<«|4>t
U n,-« «ri i i
Ì blocks S. of car line, 9th Ave.
I ««ve)«i> M(. Krrvh-r»
Mumlay MrV.a7Î
Modern Shoe Repair Factory
Old Bauk Building
People who like to replant and grow
hyacinth bulbs Indoors will flnd help
In remembering that there Is likely
to be trouble If the pots are at once
brought into a strong light, as many
times the bud refuses to come out of
the bulb until the flower spike is
formed. In which case there will be a
Corner Main and l-ntttr
deformed flower.
You can [»revent this by placing on
the pot a pn|ier cone, fitting the top
inside its rim. made of any paper
which is opaque, as blue, green or red
The cone should have an Inch opening
at the top. and the effect will l»e to
make the bud draw up toward the
light. When It has cleared the top of
the bulb remove the cone.
There Is no fertilizer to be given
the bulbs when they are brought In
for blooming, as any given would
have no effect on tills year's blooms
The flower is made or spoiled in the
growing of the roots If a fine, large
We have listed perhaps the
rnnss of flne fibrous feeding roots are
grown while the pot is In the dark
biggest list of bargains in
there will be a large, fine flower; if not.
real estate of any firm in
it will be in proportion to the mass of
city. Our list includes
roots. This is why the addition of
fertilizer after It has been brought into
many excellent buys in
the light has no effect on the blooming
Lents property. We also
of the bulb
have houses for lent and
However, there should be an abun
sale on easy payment
dance of water given the bulbs, and it
should be kept in mind that for the
best effects we must simulate nature's
way of growing them as far as we
in a state of nature they bloom out­
doors early in the spring, when the
ground is wet and cool and the sun
beat makes little impression on the
East of P. O.
In order to reproduce
these conditions we give the pots plen­
ty of water and keep them out of the
direct rays of the «un. A north win
dow is an ideal place for spring bloom
Announcement .wan made Dy Gover­
ing bulbs when being grown in the nor West that hi« offer to give a new
mall wagon to the rural mail carrier
who write» the best 300 word article
on the road« over which he travel«,
Deafness Cannot Be Cured ha» created a spirited contest, and
’ y kcal applications, as they cannot
»«.ach the «..¿eased portion of the ear. that already many communication«
* h< re ij only <-«>• w; y to cure ch ain« ss. are pouring in.
xnd that L 1/ co
National remedies.
Deafness ij <
-4 1 ■ ; i Inflamed rondi-
Confronted with a request from
• kn of the mucoi.j I
i^ of the Euata-
.n Tube. \v l.< i i i tube 1.« Inflame d State Treasurer Kay to turn all «fate
have a rumblin i uni or Impe rfect fund» In its poaaesHlon over to him,
end when It Li entirely cloned,
< ufr * ■ s is the remit. and unless the In- the secretary of the state medical
lizrrur. ’!rn ran be talen out and this liHoclation has written Attorney Gen­
be I'itopfl to Its norma! condition,
l.cir'ni vdll bo destroysd forever; nine eral Crawford to learn whether he
:: . j cut r.f Un are caused by Catarrh,
’k’i 11 0'4’1’07 tut nn Inflamed nondi- must do ho . A law was pa»»ed by the
n e* t’e mucoun rurfac's.
last legislature providing that all
* t h rn <
IF*. ’are for any rase <<f
iry< » tt ? «»’ at cannot b< rnmd by boards must turn funds taken in by
Kall's Catarrh C :r • F nd for <‘remlars, fr<«e.
them over to the state treasurer.
F. .7 <- ’ I7NET. & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
f ' II y f msri !•«*>.
Governor West is taking under con­
Tid» LLGl'e 1 umily 1111s for cooetipaUon.
sideration a petition recently received
from over 125 residents In the vicinity
of Port Orford, declaring that the cre­
cot nsurance ation of the Port of Port Orford is Il­
wkarimo or«
legal and asking the governor to call
upon District Attorney Brown to in­
The constant yet tenth prnastir* ra-
stitute at once quo warranto proceed­
hetaa at once all Npr»lns an 1
Ankle Weakneaa. Free mean.
ings to determine the legality of the
ur» mrnt biaiik on r«queat-
port and the right of the commission
Woodard, Clark«* A. Co.
Foriiaud, <>i ‘
era to hold office.
Always Fresh and Priced Righi
Bright Realty Co.
(All rhurrhr« are rr*|U««led Io ««ml Io Th»
Herald imtlur«. «uoh «• thr following, tor publl
« ailoli rach wrvli frr«.)
WANTED To buy a light buggy
with low wheels, aYch axle, see Lenta
I undertaker.
N«rth«rn Exposure« Id««I For Indoor
Blooming Bulb«.
IT’s F
WANTED—Boys mav be liarl and
noinetinie« girls.
The older oiin at
ordinary wages and others to Im
tie booled ami cared for lu return (or
>light service« rendererl. For |<articu-
lara address W. T. Garrlner. soperin-
trmlrnt Bova and Girls Aid Society o(
Oregon. I'orllanri. Ore
Fer Afternoon T«as.
When served for afternoon ten the
sandwiches should lie prettily arraug
erl un a dish with a doily la-neat It
Ijimb Sandwiches.-Nice aandwlche-
are made thus: Minn* cold lamb very
tine, moisten with a little cream, add
«alt and some chopped watercress.
Spread on thin buttered slices of bread,
cut thetu Into fancy aha|>ee—hearts,
squares, oblongs, ovals, diamonds and
Afternoon Ten iiandwlches For lift
ern-HHi ten sandwiches sprinkle a little
minced fresh mini on the butter just
before isitting the sandwiches togeth­
er The mint Is e«|>eclally refreshing
-----i al
Morning AAorahip II a m«
FOR SALE Cook Stove, $5 buy» it
if taken at once
A Grau, Waldon »■VBh'TII l»AV AOVKSTIirre IITRi H tlatur*
Park, Lenta
<!■) Habbalh Hclimil IO A M .Malurdar Frva« h
FOR SALE Whit« Orpington und
White Wyandotte egg» for hatching, fl
i per setting
Williams Bros . 5 block«
South of Gray's Crossing Wo manu­
facture all kinds of Portable Poultry
Houaos. Viaitora always welcome.
FOR SALE 3I> S. C. Rh<»ie Island
Red pullets fl.75 each fur all or part.
Cockerels, $3
White Orpington ( .»-k-
ends. f;i 20 Black Minorca Pullet». |2
each. Cockerels, |3.
Indian Runner
Duck«, 12. Drakes, 12 50. Egg» from
above breeds S2 per setting. Dell Elliot
R l> 1, Montavilla, Ore.
ln< Il A M Mun«la* MlaaluiXfy Mtvliug a:*o
I* M Hnn4a> I’ranrhlng 7 ¿o I* M . W»«bi«?»day
I'rayar -Maalibi ?'•» F M. All wrlcajtnr to
I hmm Hireling • <’. J. < ummlhg«. Faalor,
rrahlango HI Kaat 4Mb 01 Fhoiir Tabor mît.
( ìrancìf :
: (<lr*ng<'R arv r«*qiiratv«l I«» arn<l Io Thr HrraM
I Infoinailtin •«• ih*t • brief card can hr run
frr* umler ihl* hr«i|hig
Meml |»U mw , day ami
hour uf Hireling.)
Meria »(M-ond Haturday al 7 M) p m , and fourth
Halurday at Io *) * m every month.
K<M kWoop DBAMUK Mecto the fl rat Wed
nredny of each month at H p m and third Ant
urdav at lu a m
FOR SALE—Black Minorca Cocker­
Ml I I S M A 11 GBATOB, NO 71
Meet, the
els and R I. Rods from 11.60 up. Also fourth Matunlay In every month at 10 Bo a m .
eggs for hatching 50c. Mr« F A. Nei- In Grange hail, orient.
bauer. Gresham. Ore., R. D 2, box 112.
FAIRV1KW (iRANGK Meet* first Saturday
• ii-i th« ibifd Friday mkm ’» bmb I b
th« third M«tur<1*y ot eaoh
LUMBER—At our new mill I1-* miles th«* ach
southeast of Kelso. Ws deliver lumber.
Jonirud Bros.
(• hall at Mouth Mount Tabor on the first fiatur
dat of each month at 10 a m All vleltore are
FOR SALEORTRADE-Wood stump­ welcome.
( i HKMHAM <!HAN<iK - Meet* eeoond Malar
age, four miles Southeast of Lents. | day In rat h month at 10 lu a tn
L. G. Meyra, R. D. 1 Clackamas, tf
D a M a M’I'M OKAMOK, NO. fifio
MeeU firel
M Mat unlay each month
LKN 1 M OH A N<»K Meet* *rco nd Maturday of
FOR HALE—One half acre, fenced, each
month at 10 10 a m
east front, tome orchard, good location,
<’I.A< KAMA* GBANGK. NO Jfifi MaeU the
lit) down, |10 per month
Enquire at flrat Maturday In the month at 10 no a m and
the third Maturday al 7 *) |> m
Ml. Scott Publishing Co’a. office.
Meet* eeoond
Maturday of each month al lo o’oloch a m
FOR HALE—One fourth acre,cleared,
1-Ol.t'MHlA UKANi.t NO. M7 Mast« In all
in Walden Park. Five dollar pay men tn <1ay »eRRton Aral Maturday In each month In
Enquire at Mt Scott PubHahing Co’a. [ ■rang« hall near CortMit «1 >0 a tn
CLAi'KAM AH <iHANGK m<-ri. Sral Haturdav
« Ifice.
I of each month at 10 ao a. m and third Hatur
I da> at 7 SO p tn
Galkina airain of r white L.
them. C
home, bred for egg» for 10 years. Set­
tings or incubator lot»
Call Lenta
Home Phone 2924, or address Calkins
Phonr A AMI. Main AMI
Poultry F'arm, Ixxita, Ore., Gilberts
Also a few go<xl COCkrelS loravra 7:U a m . lo.üüa. in. g:a» p. m., U:l4p.m.
Aerlw» ":uo a. rn .3.»• |». ih .,7 •*» p. tn . to:B)p m.
l’hon»* A Alii, Prlvatc «?i. I
FOR SALE— Fresh dairy and family
mile east of Lents, on Foster ¡xravra * a m , l:4A p. m.. n:00 p m.,ll:00p m
Arrive« A: a ih .2:1«'|> nt.&S'p rn.«:|U|>m
Road, phone Tai»or 1192.
IsMwa 7:S0 a in . arrive« S:go a m.
Ixravra 4:00 p, in , arrive« 10:UD a. m
l.ravt*« m on « m.,
p m . arrh r«)12:4i> a. m..
»«n p. m.
l^are. v:0l p m . arrive« Il :*• a. ni.
ftOt'TIIKHN rAf'IFir
General Practice. Abstract« made and
Leave* A:gn p. in., arrive. 11:00 a lm
Rollo €. tiroesbeck
Pnone Tabor 1599
South Main St.
Lenta, Oregon
W. F. Klineman
C. E. Kennedy
6824 43 Ave., S.E.
Kennedy 4 KHneman
Real fatate and Rentals. Notary
Public Work
Office Phone T. 2012
Residence 749
Main St. and Carline, I.ente, Oregon
C. €. morland, Demist
719 Dekum Bldg., Third and Wash,
ington, Portland, Ore.
City Office. Main 5955; Lent» Office, 2833
Residence, Tabor 2587
Residence Corner 8th and Marie Sts.,
Lenta, Ore. Office Hours 8 to 10 a. m.
mri. lanette Resell
miss Ruth Gesell
Is-sMons in China Painting
China decorated to order and firing
Samples of our work on exhibition at
I?»nts Pharmacy.
Studio, Both Ave., 8. E., Grays Crossing
Repels Attack of Death
"Five years ago two doctors told me
1 had only two years to live." Thisstart-
ling statemet was made by Stillman
Green, Malachite, Col. "They told me
I would die with consumption. It was
up to me then to try the best lung med­
icine and I began to use Dr King's
New Discovery. It was well 1 did, for to­
day I am working and 1 believe I owe my
life to this great throat and lung cure
that has cheated the grave of another
victim." Its folly to suffer with cough«,
cold* or other throat and lung troubles
now Take the cure that's safest Price
50 cents and 11.00 Trial bottle free at
all dealers.
m., arrive« 9 .Ml p. rn
L mvm 1:60 p. m . arrive« &: «»;p m
leave at I So a m.. 6 no p. nt., 1:4* p. in
Arrive at 7:*> a tn . i:»0 a m.. 1*0 p tn
Corvallla. leave 7:20 a. tn., arrive 0:30 p tn.
Hlllaborn. leavr-a 7:-J0 a. m., Il a m I:®, m,
6.t0|. m.
Arrive H:oo a m.. lo:«o a m . I «A p. tn.. « 10 p.
m., « 20 p tn.
I»alla, loaves 7 «1 a. m. arrive« S:46 p. m
Dalia«, leave« 4:Io p. m., arrive« |o:IO a. m.
Leave, at 4:00 p. m , arrive« 10:*) a. m.
lllliaboro, lo:00Tillamook 4M.
leaves Tillamook 7;«o« m . Hlllsttoro 1:40
p nr , arrlvea In Portland 2 46 p m
Phone A A26I, Marshall M0
Loaves S!®o a. m., «:*» p nt., arrive« lo:M p. m ,
12:20 noon.
leaves 1:00 p. m , 6:46 p m., arrive« I»:«0 a. m.,
.<» p m
leave« •:*> a. tn , arrive« «:n0 p. m
leave« 0:M a. m , 7:0u p m arrive« S:00 a m,
7:4A p m
leaves 6:«<i p rn , arrive« 0:IIA a. m
Halem and way point«
leaving al 7:M, » 4». 10:41); 2:00, 1:4ft, «:10,^:«ft
Arrlve«S:4*. 11:1»; 1:20,4:1ft, ft:M. •:!». »:»,11:00
Hillsboro and Foreal Orov«
leave« 0:40, ■:», in »» l:OO.s:tft, 4:4». 0:1» 11*»
Arrlve«7:fto, 10:00, 12:0ft, a. m , 2:40, 4:ft». 7:40
!>:gft. II :00 p.m.
Third and Hiark. phone A MiOl Marshall *20
leaving hourly from ft:1ft a. m. to ft:III p. tn.
Arriving "
“ 7:5» a. m. to ft:M p. m.
Alder Hl. station, A «1X1, son» Main
Oregon city, arrive« and leave« each half hour
from ft:2<»a m to mldnltthl
caaadero, arrives ami leave« ft:»», R:4&, 10:4ft a.
tn., 12:4f>, 2:4», 4:40,0:4» p. m., «topping at
Troutdale, and Oreeham. way points.
Ureaham, Troutdale, leaves al 7:4ft, 0:4», 11:4«a.
■».,1:40,0:4», »:4ft, ll:Mp m.
Vancouver, station Wa.hlnglon and H«cond,
•IM, «:*>, 7:1», ■*», ■:*, 0:10, S:fto, 10:00,
ll:««a. m., ll:*i, 1:10, 1:110, 1:*), 2:10. 0:1«,
4:wi, »:l0, ftifto, fl:20, 7:uft, 7:40, *¡1», ■:», 10*