Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 29, 1912, Image 8

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J. H Chalkerof Laurelwood was a
pleasant caller Monday, dropping in to
to say hello and get a glimpse of the
Herald's new plant.
Miles Farmer of the Journal was a
Herald caller one day this week.
B D. Sigler, county assessor and
candidate for re-election, was looking
over the he'd Tuesday of this week.
Mr. Sigler claims to be the first man to
assess public franchises and is advocat-
iug equitable valuations according to
Harold Rutherford clipped off a mile
against time in 5:40 last week. If he
continues this improvement it will put
him on the annual Salem-Portland race
against the Indians this year.
The Seiwood Quartet and the Lents
Quartet from the Evangical Church will
sing at the Prohibition meeting. Pro­
hibition vs Anti-Saloon League in
methods st the Taylor St. M E. Church
on 13th of March, 1912.
Our Lents boys are the progressive
modem •‘Spartans” for sure.
East Glison St. will be widened to an
M) foot street. This will make real
estate more valuable at least.
Mr. Donaldson. Lents' ex-merchant,
attended court in Portland, Monday.
N. G. Hedin appeared as counsel for
Mr. Keen the laundyman, who was
beaten by a man named Pottage, win­
ning the case.
Alvin Bradford. Lents Choir instruct­
or. has sent away for the Easter Can­
tata music. Let us hope it will equal
the Xmas cantata
Junior Y. P. A. of Lents it doing a
remarkably fine development work
among the young boys and girls They
deserve our hearty support in keeping
the pupils off the streets by finding
beneficial work that take their interest.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Damall attended
the patriotic exercises at Woodlawn
last Saturday evening and report a most
excellent program.
The Isis Theatre is enjoying an ex­
cellent patronage these days and there
is a reason for they are giving the people
of Lents one of the very best shows
possible for the money.
Miss Doris C. Meyer, formally of
Lents Junction and Mrs. Nettie Hart­
wig have opened a millinery and dress­
making establishment in the Ross Bldg,
across the street from McNeil Bros.,
where they will be pleased to meet their
old as well as new customers.
Rev. Levi Johnson, pastor of the
Millard Ave. Presbyterian Church, will |
preach at the morning service as usual. ‘
There will be special music and we urge
all who have -ot become identified with i
any church to come.
Tne Ladies’ Aid society of the M. E
Church will give a ten cent tea on Wed-,
needay March 6 from 2 to 4 p. m. at the
home of Mn. Nellie Woodworth, one
block weet of the M. E. Church. All
ladiee are cordially invited to attend
Friday March 1st. at 8 p. m. there
will be a social at the Methodist church
given bv the Rnthalean and W. N.
classes for the benefit of the primary
organ fund. A program will be given
and refreshments served. Every one
We buy garden tools in such enor­
mous quantities that we are able to
Down—and then
undersell any other dealer in the town
and still we uphold the high standard
of goods that have always made this
store the “quality store.”
240 of them—a dozen different patterns to
select from.
a week.
Over 200 of them—many different kinds—
all priced right.
See important announcement in next is­
sue of The Herald. Best offer ever made
in your city.,
Everything Else
in the same proportion —both in quantity
and quality.
What Is It?
Grand Opening We Call Your
Shoe Repairing Spring Showing ---- Attention----
Sewed or Nailed
Another $5.00 gold piece will be given
away at the Isis Theatre Friday night,
March 8.
Dr. Moreland has moved into his new
and spacious quarters in the Isis theatre
building and announces that hereafter
the office will be open every day and
evening,excepting Monday and Tuesday,
between the hours of 11 a. m. and 7 p.
m when the office will be open morn­
ings and evenings.
Hair Wird auch Deutsch Geschprochew
The mens and boys meeting at the
M. E. Church Wednesday evening was
well attended. For some reason Dr.
Fletcher Homan did not appear. In
the absence of the speaker of the even­
ing, the pastor addressed the meeting.
Much interest is shown in this move­
Harry C. McAllister, republican can-
ment and no doubt much good will come i didate for the nomination of sheriff will
to any town with meetings of this kind. be introduced to the public at the Isis
The pastor of the Baptist Church will Theatre, Satnrday evening.
preach 8unday morning on the subject:
The Friends Church is this week add­
“What the Bible Teaches About Crea­ ing another wing to their church build­
tion,“ and in the evening on the sub­ ing that will give them an additional
ject: “Christ, the Living Stone.” The seating capacity of 6o people. This
Lord’s Supper will be observed in the shows church enterprise and speaks
well for the town.
The free lecture delivered at the
Evangelical church here Thursday even­
ing was well attended and reports there-
j from indicate much enthusiasm. Mr.
Chafin is a very eloquent and able speak­
er and discussed the Prohibition ques-
i I
There are over 1200 voters in I i tion from it’s origin up to the present
' ’ this district and out of that num- j [ : time and pointed out the difficulties en­
< > her only 250 have registered so < > countered and the success of the move­
i far says R. C. Groesbeck, special ’ I ment.
; ’ registering clerk for this district. ' '
O. Kutzer has disposed of his pool
i >
Voters register. The election to i 1
room to McMonagle & Webster, and it
I follow will be of special import- j '
has been moved to their location.
; ’ ance in more ways than one. It > ’
M. K. Hedge, H. A. Damall, Lee
i • is of especial importance to us as < >
i I we must then select our two local ] ; Carman, Lee Tuttle and D. M. Simon­
> offices—J ustice of the Peace and ' ; sen were among the I^ents people who
. ’ Constable—our only represents- < ! took in the Bryan address in Portland
; tives of law and government.
j [ Thursday evening.
Dont put it off, register at once ' '
> —register in Lents—the issues are < !
squarely before you.
j ;
Mrs. Oscar Friend and daughter,
♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ wr I visited at the home of Mrs. Ray Sher-
On Mt. Scott Uno, 3 Glocks
East of Main St.
L. Petrovics
Voters Register
Now In Lents
The ladies of Lents and vicinity are cordial­
ly invited to attend our grand opening and spring
showing of Millinery at our new place of bus­
iness on S. Main street just across from McNeil
Bros. Our Creations are the latest, and include
all the spring and summer styles, and the work­
manship we believe needs no recommendation.
Visit our parlors on
MARCH 8th & 9th.
No trouble to show you around and you are
under no obligation to buy. Everyone invited.
Miss D. C. Meyer, Milliner
Dressmaking parlors of Mr«. Hartwig In connection.
wood on Yamhill street Saturday. Mrs. the gentlemen visit them.
Sherwood is also a daughter of Mrs
J. G. Wimin and guests visited at
Ubas. Stitcher’s in Brush Prairie. Wash.
Teddy Musgrave is suffering from a Bunday.
severe siege of whooping cough.
The heavy rains of the past few weeks
Wm Keller has purchased the pro: er- have made walking rather unpleasant
ty known as the Wymon property on even on the Oregon City road which is
Watt street and will make some im­ usually quite good. We would suggest
provements thereon alter which, the that on dark nights a few danger signals
fie placed between Gray’s Crossing and
place will be for sale or rent.
Mrs. J. O'Brien was a city caller Fri­ Johnson Creek. This Is only a suggest­
ion, a stitch in time saves nine. Mt’s
not wait until some predestrian is injured
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flannigan have
and a suit for damages is brought
purchased the Orwiler property on Ray- I agaiust the county as the expense might
burn Ave. and moved there during the ,
be much more than the price of a few
past week.
Wm. McConkey is again at work in
the 8. P. varda after having had a few
An editor wlio refuses to use diplo­
days vacation.
Messrs ¡Bert and Devillo Burton of macy in hiT Work will soon find he
Gagetown Mich, who are touring the hasn't any more friends than an alarm
coast states, are guests at the home of clock at 5 g. m.
G. G. Lehman 8427 82nd street. Mr.
I^hman an family formerly reaided in
Misa Duplicity iainfcstfng our local at­
Gagetown and are much pleaaed to h ve mosphere again and we hereby warn ail
To the fact that we are
offering great bargains
in all lines of furniture,
stoves, kitchen supplies
and all second hand goods
preparatory to moving
into another building di­
rectly across the street
from our present location.
The Homefurnishers.
the bachelors—and single men, includ­
ing the "boy with the smile”—to take
to the woods until after she has taken
her departure.
And that reminds us of a woman who
»ays she "just hates men” and would
like to ace the man who would marry
her. So would we.
’ Bvthe way, who’s yourprinter? Why
not try the Herald on your next order?
We sell, buy or exchange nov­
els of all kinds. Big line
just in.
Main Strut
On Carli»«, Lauts