Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 08, 1912, Image 7

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coNniiBVTFD by hp . rai . d wpobtirs at
Grange nawting held la»t Haturdaj
wait it pleasant event. Vimtora wore en­
tertained at dinner and forth« Inatalla
lion of officers in the afternoon Mr».
Alma Hall anti Mr. and Mra. J. It.
Huglaw ■ re out from Portland, Mr».
R. L. Robertson of Rockwood Grange
wa» present, Mi»» Nelli« Fox of Portland
Library and Ml»« Ada Robinson and
Irving Province were guest*.
Many »/gns of spring an* beae.
Robin», pussy-willow» and mountain
daisies show up.
Frogs ar« beard from every stream
and (rog-|»>iid.
According to ground-hog day, which
wa« very bright and beautiful, we are to
liavo some real winter yet.
Blnaen Schmit, a one time resident of
thia vicinity, died at his home in Port­
Loyd Auderauu was given a pleasant
land u short time ago.
surprise by seventeen <d hla classmates,
Drilling is still going on at the dam
who leathered at hi* home to give him a
little farewell party la»t Friday night. near Iters with the object of finding the
The party wai composed of Rosalie Lut­ ta-st possible rock foundation for the
cher, Nannie Anderson, Ulyth Copeland, ■ lam at Camp Five They are now drill­
Lily Luaclier, Ruth Shaw, ilcahel Cook ing below the dam site at the point first
and Blanch Copeland, Ixryd Anderton, «elected. The l»-at location »0 far, it iw
Harald Koldnann, Henry Moller, Caryl said, iw above the camp about one mile.
Healin. Willi* .Cree. Clifford Copeland, In any event there will l>e something
Maurice Hchraiu, Richard Anderton, doing along tlte Sandy here in tlte
Harry Gu-tafceon and Karl Bohram.
A .Mr. Graves of Portland Itought a
W. R Dugger la quite III at hit bom«
rslinquahntenl up near tbe 3-fl country
of Capt. Miller an<i has already taken
Mra. A. Robinaoil 1» home from Dei- possession. This claim is partly improv­
toy, 0., where the visited her daughter ed but ia rather rough.
for a few week«.
Steel head salmon are already running
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mr». up tlte river an<l several fine »|tecimen»
J. Armond it very ill. The little one ha« have been taken. The big run will not
been with her auul, Mm. F. 8. Brigham begin in earnest lor a couple of weeks or
at Beaverton while I mt mother wa* ill more. Tftiw will be owing largely to the
from an operation.
Mr«. Brigham stage of the water as the run occurs dur­
brought her home last Bunday.
ing a rise in the river.
Mr*. J. P. Healin it very ill with tu
On Saturday eveuing a hard time so­
berculoeit at her home here and her cial was held at the home ol T. T. Over-
death i* daily expected. A trained nune ill a utile north of the Cherryville post-
1« in attendance.
Mi»« Opal Rich wan a Sunday guest of
George Eaden of lxigan, a one time
Mow Alta Wilcox. Mi«« Rich resides at resident of Ulis vicinity, wa» a Sunday
Weaco, Oregon.
visitor here this week. No.brag or blow
The Lutcher family entertained a« al» >ut him, nor no “buoze-tigbter" or
week-end gueete, Mi»»«» Marie, Ida and cigarette fiend either.
R um Balmer, Arnold Balmer, and M im
A hard limes sociable was given at the
Fisk all of 1 Yawego.
home of the writer last Saturday night
O. O. Dolph, wife and won», will take which wa« quite well attended by neigh­
up their rweiilcnoe in Portland »ion bors and Mends. Sime of die assembled
where Mr. Dolph it employed by the 1 guests "were fearfully an<l wonderfully
Portland Pure Milk and Cream Co. math- up" and surely "Soiomen in all
Mint Laura Dolph will remain here until his glory was uot arrayed like one of
the do»« of school with her »inter, Mr* lltes«.'* The And prise to gents watt
given to David Douglas who also got the
School cl<»wd thia week on account of "booby prize." Tile prize to ladies wa«
con lag* •out disease«. C. H. Stone it ill awarded to Lillian Averill and they sure­
wwth a light cate of scarlet fever ami the ly hail it coming to lliem. A very sociable
family of A. A. Albrecht tie in quartine time was enjoyed and everyone present
turned thetnselvee out to play.
for Hinallpox.
A. M. Anderton and family have taken
up their residence in Portland. Mr.
Anderton, and aont Ray and Richard,
Evangelical meetings at the M. E.
are contracting car|icntcr work and lx>yd
church in charge of Rev. A. B Calder
will attend Washington high school.
will close this evening. Though the at­
O. H. Kuiper and wife are moving tendance has not iteen large on account
back to the city, ami their home hen' of ths inclement weather, the rreults
will lie occupied by J. G. Davie.
have been fairly »atiwfactory. Rev. R.
A farewell party wa* given the Kui­ 8. Bishop of Taulatin, Oregon, a former
pers’ last Saturday night for a few of pastor of this place, assisted Rev. Calder
this week. Rev. Mr. Calder will com­
their frienda.
Mm. Richmond and Mm. Freeman mence evangelical meeting» at Pleasant
and children, were guests of Mr and Home in a few days.
Mm. R. L. Roberta«« on Sunday.
The local chapter of the Epworth
Mr. and Mm. E. E. Healin entertained league will give a literary program at
Mr. and Mm. C. E. Cree. Mr. »nd Mm. the M. E. church next Tuesday evening
0. H.Bhaw, L. Bell and C. C. Healin following their regular business at H
at n card party lawt Tuewlay night in o’clock and all are invited to attend.
The local chapter now has about 40
honor of the birthday of Mr. Healin.
Al C. Hemmond« and wife have moved mem here.
Tlie “I Will" bible daw of the M. E.
into the Brigg* house at Bairdsdale Sta­
tSunday School will hohl a special meet­
Miss Contance Ernely of Portland, ing immediately following Sunday school
was ajweek-end guest at the Dolph bom«*. next Sunday morning and all members
are requested to be present.
Earl Townxend is «pending a few day»
Charles Hicks still lies in a serious
of vacation from hie duties at the P. A.,
condition. Dr. 8. P. Bitter of Gresham,
at hia home here.
Mine France« Robinwon, 11 nurse in the attending phy»ician has held consul­
Go«»! Samaritan hospital, was a week­ tation with »everal physicians and very
little hope is entertained for his recov­
end guest of her mother hare.
ery. Mr. Hicks is a brother of Mr». J.
Mr. and Mm. B. H. Bowman’» many Maulding of South Boring at whose home
friend» are glad to welcome them back
he is now confined.
after an absence of nine months which
Mrs. Ella Aton of Gresham has been
they have «pent in touring Europe
spending [several «lays with her sister
F. T. Merrill having «<>1<1J out hi» inter­ and brother Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Mc­
est nt the Twelve Mile House, iw moving
Clung of West Boring.
Into the house aero«» the road from his
Miss Mary Bickford, who has been at­
former home where be expects to remain
tending high school in Portland spent
until spring.
Mr». E. Spath wan given a pleasant Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
surprise by a few of her friend» last N. H. Bickford.
Mrs. A. Moreland spent several days
Thursday afternoon. MesCaines R. L.
Robertson, Elsie Prettyman, Wolf, D. in Portland thia week.
D. Turner, F. Lanty, J. H. Schram, W.
The "Live Wires” will present their
Stanley, J. Stanley, G. Pullen, Wm drama entitled "The Soldiers Sweet­
Childers, John Brown, E. Spath, Orvil heart" in the Live Wire Theatre here
and Veda Spath were present.
next Saturday evening followed by an
I^ee Shaw of Endicott, Wash., has ail night dance.
been visiting her mother Mr». H. M.
Ira Brooks ia preparing to go into the
Mr. and Mrs. Westlund went to Port­
poultry business.
land on business.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Faught went to Port­
land to visit Mrs. Devarell last Monday.
Mr. James Pownder has been quite ill
Mr. J. Johnson is on the sick list.
for nearly three weeks.
Mr. A. Gaulitx has bought a new
Miss Abbie Btikes of Lalourell attend­ horse.
ed grange here Saturday and was a Sun­
Mr. H. Hansen is about to sell his
day visitor at Ferndale Place.
Mm. Ira Byers has been suffering with
Mr. H. Schults has enlarged bis place
an attack of inflammatory rheumatism.
twice as large as it was before.
Dr. Neaubaur of Portland is attending
Mr. J. C. Wilson who took a contract
todig a well for school district No. 41,
Fred Rhoultx moved his family into the has just completed it.
rooms recently occupied by Wilbur
Mr. C. Rasmussen is busy_ clearing
Evans over the telephone office, Satur­
day. Mr. Shoults has leased some lots some land.
Mr. 0. Westlund is busy clearing land
of the Corbett estate on which he ex­
with his gasoline saw thia week.
pects to erect a bam.
Mr. F. Henoken was a visitor at Mr.
Miss Irene Knapp spent Saturday and
0. Westlung's, last Bunday.
Sunday with her mother.
Surveyors are still busy platting the
townsite, the land along the railroad, )
which formerly (»•longed to the railroad
company. Ix>ta seem to be selling
readily from all reports.
BORN—To Prof, and Mrs. Quicksell,
on Jan. 2t»tb, a fine boy.
Mr». McKinney and her mother, Mrs.
< 'laggett, returned Monday from a visit
with friends at Van« ouver, Wash.
Mr». I’. M. Miller expects to leave
Feb. Nth, for a visit to tier daughter who
lives in California.
A social was held at the Chapel Thurs­
day Jan. 25th. Tire proceeds are to help
buy new »ong books for the Sunday
Miss l.iszle Hunter left Monday to
work in a wholesale millinery house for
a couple of weeks.
Mr. W. H. Addis of Kusselville, who
is manager of the Kelly fruit ranch, was
out recently.
Mr. Geo. Carpenter ha« t»wn making
Home improvements on his house.
D. 0. Northup has purchased a por­
trait camera, and is at work fitting up a
The gymnastic club seems to be thriv­
ing, judging from tbe crowds that at­
Mrs. Breeden made a business trip to
'Portland Friday, returning Saturday.
Columbus Grange held and interesting
meeting last Hsturday with s very good
attendance, and Mra. Stites pressitted
an exceient program. Mr. and Mr».
Crane, Htate deputy, were present and
installed the new officers With Mr. R
T. Rasinuson at the wheel the grange is
looking forward to a good year.
Donnell Littlepage and Lawn-nce
Evans ha» returned from California.
Mr». Lottie Benfield is at the present I
time a gusst at her sister’s, Mra. Finley,
of Portland.
Mr. and Mr». F. Rhoulta ha» moved
to Corl»-tt, and will open up a meet
market very seem.
Ruby Ra»mu»<-n ha» successfully pass­
ed the Hth grade examination.
passed on a grade of W.
Mr. C. Russell, son of Mr. and Mra.
Rusnell of U>is place, came down from
Montana last week where ire has Im
working fur some time.
Miss Laura lb»w has returned to the
city to attend school.
Mr. Hancock has rented F. Shoults
place for this coming year.
Mra. Sprague of this place has been
elected a member of Columbia Grange,
and will make a g<x>d member as she is
a lady with an exceient education and
refinement as well.
Mr. J. Deaver and T Anderson were
in the city on business last week.
Mr. Geo. Pinkham and sou of Michi­
gan, were here visiting Mr. and Mrs. F.
H. Kennedy. Mr. Pinkham ia a broth­
er-in-law of the Kenedy's.
Kenetb Harvey has had a new donkey
M rs. Chase of Oregon City has been engine shipped out from Portland. He
visiting relatives and friends here tin- internls clearing a large tract of land for
past week.
Mr. Cook and others.
Lester Northup, and Mrs. W. F.
Mr, Lee has moved his family into the
Buhtz and children, who have been house recently vacated by Mr. True.
visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. B.
Max Rnehke has purchased a span of
L. Northup, returned Saturday to Aber- ' horses, wagon and harne»». Max in­
deen, Washington.
tends doing bis own farming this season.
Rev. Childs preached at the M. E.
Mra. Jensen is entertaining the newly j
church Sunday morning.
weds this week.
Miss Minnie Sbriner ia home for a
The benefit dance given for Mr. Miles
short stay.
Grimshaw netted him over fifty dollars, i
Mr. and Mra J. I.underhack and Mr. j John Richmond made a business trip 1
and Mrs. Brauihall were Portland to the city yesterday.
visitors Tuesday.
Mr. P. Stone has returned to his home '
Friends of Mra. P. Miller planned a near Cherryville.
surprise on her anil met at her home
The new book-case for Rockwood '
Tuesday for a dinner and quilting party. school arrived yesterday from Sears A '
It was also a farewell party for Mrs. Roebuck of Seattle. Their books haven’t
Miller as she left Thursday for Loa An­ got here yet though they expect them :
geles, California to visit relatives and every day.
friends. Slie expects to be gone several
Mias Bertha Weiland is staying home ;
months. Those who attended the party
were: Mesdamss Ball, lluegg, D. Lun- for ashort time now. Bertha has been i
derback, Hayworth, Markell, Cannon, working in Portland for the past three
Breeden, Quay, Northup, Kennedy, or four years.
Bhriner, Blackburn, Stone, Chase, L.
Miller, Edison, Altman, and the Misses ,
Sbriner, Jack aud Stone.
J. M. Edmonson of Eugene, are guests
at the home of Mra. Edmonson’s parents |
Wm. Hersell and wife.
R. B. Savage of Brush Prarie, Wash.,
Miss Maud Mitchel is having a week's
was here to spend Sunday at the home
vacation. The Cleone school being
of his aunt, Mra. F. H, Rix.
closed on account of scarlet fever and
Mrs. E. W. Grevish has returned home
from Minneapolis, Minn., after several
Miss Stella Alexander who is at Day­
weeks visit with het mother, who was
ton, Wash., is seriously ill.
very ill but has recovered.
Vernon Hopkins is very ill with the
Bert Williams, a former Troutdale
resident, is a guest at the home of F. T.
Mrs. D. F. Talbot and sister, Miss Greer.
May Dougherty, spent Wednesday in
Mrs. A. B. Kendall entertained the
Ladies' Aid Society at her home Wed­
Dr. A. Thompson and F. W. Field­ nesday afternoon.
house are spending a few days at New-1
Mra. C. Ilolm and family expect to
move to Portland soon.
E. E. Sleret has bought the controlling
Mrs. A. Werber who has been ill for
interest in the Ford Automobile com- ,
several days is convalescing.
pany in Portland.
Mra. L. B. Henniberger was out from
Mrs. J. M. Faris visited friends in the city visiting her sister, Mrs, Werber, I
Oregon City Wednesday.
on Tuesday.
Mr. Hamilton will build a house for
8. 8.
Logan, one of Troutdale’s
L. D. Howard in Whitehead's addition
merchants, who has been in business I
soon. Also one for A. J. W. Brown in
here for several years is planning to close '
Zenith addition.
up his store here and go to Portland.
There will be a double header played
Tlie Sexton saloon is closed and Mr.
here Friday evening between the Spring­
Sexton is moving out of town.
water girls' team and the Gresham girls,
and between the Gresham amateur and
Springwater lioys basket ball team.
Mrs. J. F. Mason, formerly Miss Ida
A. J. Nye of Portland made a business
McFaden, of Hood River, was a visitor
trip to Gresham Wednesday.
Mrs. Doan who has been very ill is at Buckley Grove last week. Mra. Ma­
son was a teacher in No. 2S school some
slowly recovering.
years ago and will be remembered by
The new business block on corner of
her old pupils and friends.
A friend­
Main and Powell will be built soon.
ship »0 true that it is rare lias existed
Mr. and Mra. Harry Thomas have re­ between Mra. Manon and Mra. Buckley,
turned from Marmot where they have an unbroken loyalty for nearly thirty
been visiting Mra. Thomas’ parents, Mr. years.
and Mra. A. Aschofl'.
Mis» Celia Moll was home on a visit the
The poctoffico department will open a past week from St. Vincente’ Hospital
savings bank in Gresham Saturday, Feb. owing to a heavy cold unfitting her for
her duties of a nurse. She returned to
The Regner building is going up fast her post on Wednesday.
these days also the bank building ia
John Moll who has been a sufferer
nearing completion.
from inflammatory rheumatism for weeks
paat has begun to regain his former
health, slowly but surely, lieing now able
Almost Lost His Life.
8. A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., will never to sit up in bed.
forget his terrible exposure to a merci­
The presence of Mrs. H. Rodgers. Mr.
less storm." It gave me a dreadful cold," Claude Giger and Mr. Emil Strnm of
he writes, "that caused severe pains in Sunny Bide, cousins of its hoetees, made
my chest, so it was hard for me to a pleasant day at Buckly Grove on Mon­
breathe. A neighbor grve me several day last.
doses of Dr, King’s New Discovery
The county board handed down a bill
which brought great relief. The doctor of seperation of district 28 dividing it
»«id I was on the verge of pneumonia,- and creating the western end a new
but to continue with the Discovery. I district, No. 29. A school meeting is
did so and two bottles completely cured ordered for the 13th. at the Buckley
me.” Use only this quick, safe, reliable school house at half past seven in the
medicine for coughs, colds, or any throat evening to elect officers and to attend to
or lung trouble. Price 60c and 11.00. such busineee as belongs to such meet­
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all ings
Messrs. Nagle, Dunland and Roy
The home merchant who solicits your Buckley are loading a car of potatoes at
Linneman Junction this week.
patronage deserves it.
A Smoking Hot Dinner
on a good cold day or a nice
cold meal on a very warm
one is what you can always
get at this restaurant. This
city has no finer service than
is always obtainable here.
We don’t want you to take
our word for it. We want
you to come here and make
us prove it,
The Lents Cafe
On Carline
Look for Electric Sign
Remember the Name-BOHNA
Weekly Oregonian
Daily Oregonian.....
Daily and Sunday Oregonian
Daily Telegram until Dec. 20
Semi-Weekly Journal............. ................................... 2.00
Daily Journal
................................... 5.50
Daily and Sunday Journal..... ................................... 8.00
Pacific Monthly
.................................... 1.75
Pacific Homestead................... .................................... 2.00
Pacific Farmer
................................... 2.00
Poultry Journal (Monthly) ................................... 1.50
Oregon Agriculturist
Farm Journal
.................................... 1.25
McCall’s Magazine
.................................. 1.00
This price is for delivery by mail only and only when re-
mittance is made with order. Papers may be sent to sepa-
rate addresses. Subscriptions may begin at any time.
“Stopping an ad to save money is
like stopping {the clock to save time,”
says The Herald Advertising Man.
Mazda Lamps
Make Light Work
“I find that kitchen work is a pleasure, rather
than a drugery,” says the housekeeper, “Now
that this wonderful MAZDA LAMP brightens
the room like sunshine. This new lamp certainly
is a blessing to the housekeeper. IT COSTS
NO MORE to bum than the ordinary incan­
descent lamp and radiates nearly THREE
TIMES as much light. And the quality of
the light is ever so much better—it is so restful
to the eyes.”