Late Crop» F»r F»»d ♦ HOME CORNER FOR WOMEN A Hints and Helps for the Housewife and News of the Day About Women HERALD FASHION PLATES pensea'' Ana.—Raised to (.M),ikki in 1S73; traveling expense» up to authorised in HOT; »alary raised to MODISH MATTERS. (75.MM) in 1MW. Uae of White House free, and congress alto appropriate» Th» Naw Separate Quimpee — Olah A t1«rd-Ha».v Problem. Shaped Pendants. Uncle Peleg t*od«tart«r, who always something for repairs and some other Separate gulmp«*« made of all the likae bi« little joke, went to the poet­ items. new laces as well as plain white A leu office the other day, shoved a 12 bill ' con tulle and dotted net are to be pur through the window and »aid “Mao*. chased in the shops at small cost to IWMWS LATEST Uncle Put, gimaaeeome one-cent»taiu|>e. wear with gowns that art* cut out at 10 timee a» many two» and the balance th«» neck. These gulmpea have long Ediaon’e latest invention is a special bones that run down each shoulder in five«.'* Now, what wae the poet master to do storage Ivasterv for use on suhmanne and the back, where they are covered in such a caee as that? He didn’t want boats. Thia battery uses a potash solu­ to offend Uncle Peleg, nor yet admit tion which absorbs the carbonic acid gas that he couldn’t do »uch a simple ex­ out of the air in the submarine as fast ample as that. Nevertheless he had to as it is made by the breathing of the u-e up considerable paper before he crew. Thus a crew could stay under could make it come out right. (If there water for a hundred days, Edison says, are to be 10 times as many twos as ones, without being suffocated, provide«! a then this will make 20 cents in twos fresh supply of oxygen in the tanks was to every one cent in ones, or 21 cents included in the boat's equipment. for the combination. The total will be j such a multiple of 21 as will leave a multiple of five remaining out of the (2. 10 GET KID Of MOINS FOR Hit KIDDIES Interesting Scientific Experiment. Take an ordinary poard two feet long or so, such as a bread-board or the like, and place it on the table so that about a third of its length will project over the edge. Then unfold a newspaper and lay it on the table over the board, as shown in our picture. Now, do you think you can knock the board off by hitting it with your hand on the outer end? It looks the easiest thing in the world-- but just try it. Unless you are prepar­ ed to break the bcaid or your fist you will probably not be able to knock the board off. The reason is that when you hit the board it forces the other end up and the newspaper along with it. This causes a momentary vacuum to be formed under the paper and the pres­ sure of the air above, which is 15 pounds to the square inch, prevents the board from coming up. This is a first-class trick to play at an evening party ¿and it also makes a simple and interesting school experiment. Quee.— Wnat is .the present-alary of speaker of house and also of associate justices of supreme court’’ “Our Gov­ ernment, Local, State and Nation" gives associote justices’ salary as (12,000, while Pathfinder says (12,500. Which ie correct? Ans.-Speaker,s sal­ ary is now (12,000. Associate justices’ salary is now (12.500. but ie to be in­ creased in 1912 to (14 Iks). We suggest that since the salariee of officials are being constantly changed, it ie not very profitable to try to keep up with them, except in a general way. Ques.—When was the presidents eal- arv changed from (25,»»O to and when to (75,<100, and what allowances were mace for living and traveling ex­ Reduced parcels-post rates to the United ¡states have just gone into effect. A three-pound parcel can now be sent ' to any U. S. post-office for only 30 cents, and an 11-pound one for 80 cents. The rate from the United States remains the same, as Uncle Sam is not so liberal. Nevertheless the British post-office re­ ports that it has operated at a profit of (21,000,000 the past year. RALEIGH’S TAMOLS PIPE. World.) sKtar with sips rsNtu by the frock. They are cut with an aimhole. across the lower part of which Is an elastic band which holds the material in position. rendauts continue to be large ami flat, and the inner design of th«» disk is as fine as net work Patterns exact ly resembling fillet lace are traced upon them in the tiniest of diamonds. Skirts that are overlapiwd at th«» sides, giving panel effect, are among the latest and smartest This one Is exceptionally adaptable, for it can be made from one material or from two with equal success. JUDIC CHOLLET This May Manton pattern la cut U> ataea This Drawing Provides For a Large Living Room and Nook, and the Latter Contains a Generous Open Fireplace, at Either Side of Which There is a Seat Design M2, by Glenn L. Saxtoi.. Architect. Minneapolis. Minn. ifë ' kitchen ’ C upboard MAKING BEETS POPULAR. — ANY famine-, do not care for beets because they are alway- «erved to them in the old fash Lined form of Ixiiled t>eet» dressed with baiter. There is no reason why they •jiould not appear in a dozen different styles. Boiled beets are often spoiled by cu' ttug them when they are peeled. Boil­ ing cut or scraped beets destroys their flavor and color. Only tender beets should be selected for cooking, a tough or stringy beet be ing hopeless You can’t boil it tender M For the Table. PERSPECTIVE VIEW-FRCM A PHOTOGRAPH. The most attractive feature of this bungalow is tbe large living room and nook in tbe nook is a large open tire place, facefi with red brick Al either side Is a seat The whole Is cased like the other openings To the right is the dining room Through a pantry one reaches the kitchen The coat closet is very useful There are two good sized bedrooms and a bath lu the second story there is room for a Tharnbet or two if they are nexled Otherwise one would have an abun­ dance of storage space. Cost to build, exclusive ot beating and plumbing, (1/175. Width thirty-four feet and depth thirty feet. FLOOR PLAN. By special arrangem-ta-svJLh me the editor of this paper will furnish one complete set ot plans and «pecitka- uom ot design No. M2 tor *1:» GLENN L SAXTON In th«» city of Brook­ lyn, N. V., there h«« been for ninny yrnrt a con­ spicuous signboard out­ side an office which THE rrgils, ‘KICK PRINTER.” I {¡bilious pe r • Olli sometimes go inside tn carry out the apparent request, but they dia- cover that the printer i» a gentleman by the name <>f Kick. In every town there Hre |M*n»«m* who, if they d<> not actually feel like kicking tin» printer the new»pa)M»r man nt HIIV rate d<> a lot of kick mg at tin» wav he oon- 11 Udi« hi« paper. Plea»«» DON'T kick the printer; he is doing the be»t he «»an. And what he doea for the town and community, despite his ta'caaional mi«- take», may lx» a great «leal more than the kickers themaelvea are doing. l>id THAT ever occur to youf We are all neighbors in this town. What help» one helps the others What hurt« on«' hurts the other*. Every community is a mutual benefit aaaociation, whether »»rgan ¡red <>r just running wild. The printer i« a charter member. If you hn«i n<> printer- -no newspaper- how would you like that t Do you know what happens to towns that don't support a newspaper! Nothing happens. Nothing ever happens in a town like that. A« soon as thing* begin to happen in a town the newspaper cornea along and tell* about them. The newspaper boost* th«» town. It records progress and offer* suggestions, by th«» editor or the readers, aa to further Every copy of every issue advertises the town. This is all free advertisement. It costa the town nothing It costa the people nothing. It is a part of the business. In view of this fact, which nobody can dispute, it ia much Fs'ttcr to pat the printer on th«» shoubler now and then or to speak kindly of him than to kick him. I wish that 1 were just a kid, With all a kid's belief. In ev'rything Old Santy did. Without a care or grief All tucked up in my little cot, With both my eyes closed tight. And blood just running cold and hot. Awaiting morning's light. 22 to K Inchea waist measure. 8-nd Sir Walter Raleigh's famous pipe has from 10 cents to this office, giving number. 7222 just been sold in London for nearly and It will be worn pt ly forwarded to you HO'. Raleigh, you remember, was the by mall. It in haste send an additional two cent stamp tor letter poatage, which fellow who taught the old world the Insures more prompt delivery. When or­ habit of smoking. He smoked this pipe dering use coupon- on the scaffold and handed it to Bishop 81 m .......................................... Andrews just before the ax fell. The N’o................. pipe, according to its pedigree, was Name ............ .............................................................. carved by an Indian out of Virginia maple. It is in four pieces and is carved Address ............. . ............................................ with grotesque human and animd beads. A whistle is also included on it. This pipe shows that the custom then was to have a cover tit over the bowl. A STORY AND A HALF BUNGALOW. Kick the Printer The Days of Make Believe. By Will J. Jone» i Written for the Christmas Show it is believed by scientists that an easy way has been found to get rid of | the terrible pests of browntail and gypsy ; moths that are spreading in the eastern part of this country. All that is neces­ sary is to catch a tew of the caterpillars ami feed them on lettuce that has l>een soaking in water four days. This let­ tuce gives them the cholera or wilt-dis­ ease, and they communicate it to the rest of their tribe until they all die of it. This cure can be applied to any caterpillar pest. PARCELS-POST IN EH ECT Th» uevtl for plenty of r«>ughag» on the farm is appareut wheu ttierv is a likelihood that th» corn crop will be short or a failure The para mount questlou for farmer» who keep animal» ia to provide plenty of uutritlou» bay and otbei* forage UoiK-eutratea can tie bought, and mauy of Ihw ar» usually purchased regardless of the season, but hay, l»e cause of ita low feeding value anti bulk, la very exiwualve feed when bought for animals. Hay should tie produced on the fartn If poaalbl». Buch «xiucentratee as cettonsee«l meal, rice |H>llsh wheat shorts anti bran, wheu pleuty of guod hay 1» pn» duc<»d on the farm, may be purvha»»d and the animal profitably kept, but when there Is no pasture mid th«» feed er must d<»i»end upon his neighbor and the manufacturer for tils concentruie* the animal» ntui their product» must briug go«Kl returns to pay for their board There are many crops Hint » an tie planted late tn the season to furnish roughage for the animal» namely, cowpea», soy beaus, rap«», sorghum, tnllo. Kntflr. pemiuts, etc The progras slve tuminger will plant two or three of the««' crop» aud thereby reduce th»» possibility of failure. Y’oung or tender beets are the only kinds to boil. They may be sliced for the table, dressed with butter and |»ep per and salt or cut in dice and dressed ' with white sauce. Pickled beets are spiced and serveil with vinegar. They make a nice rel Ish. Beets may be cut into dice, Into strips. Into slices or into fancy forms and used Any of the vegetabl«»» left over from dinner can be mad»- Into a luncheon salad with beets. Pens, beaus, beets or asparagus tips are excellent for thl- I purpose Tomatoes, lettuce and cncuni bent require only a few minutes to pre pare Ad«l cold meals diced with nuts celery or cabbage All of thme can lr- dressed with mayonnaise. Egg anil Beet Salad —Beets In thin slices may Is- alternated with slices ot hard boiled egg on n base of lettuce | leaves and dressed with ma yon tm Ise Use of Beet«. Beet Pudding Boll new beeta until - they are tender, then peel and cut in dice. Take a pint of milk to a pint of beets, two or three beaten eggs, salt and pepper to taste and grated nut meg. Pnt these into a baking dish and bake until the custard has set. Herve hot. Beet and Celery Salad.—Cut up a boiled licet Into thin slices and steep In vinegar. pep|a»r and salt. Prepare in the same way some potatoes, a few celery root* and. If liked, a few mush rooms. Season with salt, fiopper. oil and vinegar and a little chopped pep per and tarragon. Drain and pour mayonniii»«» over it. Latticed Reefs —Take the «nttter used for latticwl potato,»» and cut slices of 1 beets Into lattices Combine these w Itfi chopped celery and cut Up olives laiy on lettuce leaves and dress with tnay onnni«» and slices of har«l bolhd eggs. I’ll bet you I'd be happy then. And awful. AWFUL glad. That Christmas Day had come again, Instead of being sad; I icuess the only thing to do. To woo back those dear days. Is find a little kid or two. And take 'em home to raise maybe, somehow, somewhere. Dear. These little line» you’ll read; And groping, find me waiting here For YOU,—that’s al! I need; For having you. perhaps, who know» The fairy tales we’d weave. Might lead us back again to those Dear days of Make Believe Or. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. »» th*y cannot reach the »»»at of the dlsrajM". Ca­ tarrh Is a blood or conutitutlonul (fiwuue, and In order to cure It you must take In­ ternal rrmedb-e. Hall’s Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and acts directly upon the bl oo. Props. Toledo. O. gold i-v i ft* prtt Take Uali • i auuiy PUla for coualipatiuu. j NO; IX) N T KICK TI1E I K I NTEIt « Send .A Copy Of The Christmas Herald East. AN INVESTMENT THAT NEVER FAILS N VEST in Ix»nt»» Real E-TATE. It will yield you good returns and never fail yon. : :: We have numeroua tjargams in acreage, tracts, residence and biiRiness property and lot» in many addition«. (5 down anil »5 a month starts you on the roa»i to independence. :: T THE Bright Realty Co. Only 5 Cents. •r MOUNT SCOTT I »ARK CEMETERY NON-SECTAIdAN One mile Mttith-easl of Lents, Oregon. Offers the following advanuigcs: ABSOLUTE I’ERMAXEXCY an essential I him; EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE IN USE * a fine thing PARK AND LAWN PLAN a beautifill tiling PERPETUAL CARE WITHOUT EXTRA COST a grand thing THE BEST OE SERVICE AT ALL TIMES a most desirable thing PRICE OE Bl RIAL PLOTS 17.50 AND UP a reasonable thing CITY OFFICE. 920-921 YEON BLDG. 'PHONE COUNTRY OFFICE, TABOR 1468 LOCAL 4201. Full information gladly fnrnlshed, free auto service between Lents and the Cemetery. Both Phones E Foster Road 2 blocks from !’. •>. McCall’s Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Have More Friend» than anyothrt magazine or patterns. M<-< ali’x is the reliable Fashion (Juide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes. Besides show­ ing all the latest designs of M< Ca 1 Patterns, each issue is brimful of sparkling short stones and helpful information for women. The WIRT NURSERY , Our trees are strictly first class, free from disease and true to name. One year apples, 4 to 6 feet, 12 l-2c each. Two year cherries, 5 to 6 feet, 25c each. Do not delay, but write at once and take advantajff’ of * special prices. Catalog and price list sent on appli­ cation. Save Money and Karp in Style by a»ib- «cribingfor McC'dl!’« Mag;»zine at once. Oita only 50 cent* a year, including any one of the celebrated McCall Pattern« free. F. N. WIRT McCall Pattern« lead all other« in «lyle, fit, «implicit?, eronomv and numkr tvM. More dealer« sell Mci’all Pattern« than any other two makes combined None higher than 15 cents. Buy from your dealer, or by mall from McCALL’S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37tb St.. NawYork City !(-VB-.SMi^i» Copy. I'ra«*iua ('•WlopM «ad Patten • au*«t