Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 21, 1911, Image 8

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♦ Po«tmaater Spring gives notice ♦
X to all that the office will be X
J open Sunday morning for the J
♦ comenieence of patrons expect- ♦
X Ing Christmas presents
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• You will be interested to know
The school children enjoyed s few
hours vacation Monday afternoon on ac­
count of the absence of water, it living
turned R‘ tothnable workmen to install
tire pli.ydowii the line—not at l.enta.
Quite St numler from here are plan­
ning to attend the wrestling bout of
Jepson vs. Gustafson at tireebaiu Sat­
urday evening
which day is the Sabbath and if
it has been changed
Seventh Day Adventist Church, one
block east of Grange Hall. Lents,
AT 7:30 P. M.
This Store is Santa Claus'
Headquarters. Store open
all day Sunday & Monday
Come and bring your friends
The next regular meeting of the Mt.
C. J. Cumtning*. Pastor.
Scott W. C. T. T. will be at the home
of Mrs. Hogue, Fourth Ave., Wednes­
J. L. Pease, son of H. E. l’ease the
day. Dec. 27.
I^uts undertaker, was out from Port­
The subject of the sermon at the Bap­ land this week paying his father a vis­
tist Church Lord's Day morning will be. it. He is chief clerk of the auditor's
"The Angel and the Shepherds." and in department of O. W. R. A N. Co.
the evening, ‘‘Thrice Crucified." The
H. E. Pease.
pastor, the Rev. J. M. Nelson will
Phone 3311,
Our friend. Rollo C. Groebeck, left
town very quietly and somewhat mys­
teriously last week. On inquiry we find
he has gone to Arkansas and will re­
turn soon—but not alone. Nuf sed, we
will tell you all about it when he re­
McNeill Bros., grocers, are distribut­
ing one of the neatest and most artistic
calendars yet seen this year. And this
is not all, they have souvenir plates
that are actually beauties.
C. W Miller, former president and
manager of the Mt. Hood Ry., writes
N. G. Hedin that he and family are
now in India. It is very hot there now—
so hot that the natives’ only article of
drees in some instances are ankle rings.
They also report the time of their lives.
The V. of O. Law School will try out
for the team Saturday next. “Judicial
Recall'* is the subject.
The Oregon Law School held a mock
Court last Saturday night. “Reciproc­
ity with Canada'* was the subject.
The Federal Telegraph Co's, station
sent a 147 word message to Frisco this
Harmony School will hold a special
entertainment Friday afternoon in B.
Retherford’s room.
Lents Evangelical Church will bold a
cantata on Sunday night that bids fairly
worth while.
Ed. Florochnty and wife visited at
Lents Sunday.
Clifford G. Schneider oi Portland paid
Lents his compliments Sunday.
Portlanders are discussing the Lents
annexation problem very much lately.
Ben Hart, formerly President of Mt.
Hood Land Co., has withdrawn from
that company and now is with Chapin
Harlow's Farm Department.
Mr. Walters of Alaska. Canada and
Tacoma, at present mining expert and
civil engineer, has again returned to
Portland and pays us the tribute of be­
ing the liveliest city on the coast. This
does not include the bank on Sixth A
John Huntington announces that a
new camp of Sons of Veterans will be
installed in Portland soon. Already
over 100 members have signed the
G. M. Wilson, of Scotts Mills, was
a Herald visitor Tuesday. He tells us
be likes hie new home first rate but he
wants to keep in touch with affaire at
Lente, consequently he ordered The
Herald sent him regularly.
Leslie Locke left for San Francisco
last Friday, where he will eeek employ­
Lents, Oregon.
Brock Lesher Wilcox and Mrs. Mary
Etta Foulk will be married l*ecember
23. so announcements say. They will
beat home to their friends after January
10th at t>9'JH-47th Avenue South-east
Fred Theile and Miss Florence A.
Jones, both of Portland, accompanied
by friends, were married at 220 Ninth
Ave.. Lents. Dec. JOth. by W. B«>yd
Moore, pastor M. E. Church. Mr. and
Mrs. The le will make their home in
Lente and Mr. Tbeile will plv himself
at the plumber trade
Mt Scott Rebecca Lodge has elected
officers for the next term as follows:
N. G., Mrs. Cox: V. G., Mrs. Scherm-
erharni; secretary, W. A. Etchell; treas­
urer, Mrs. Tillman. Installation will
be conducted at the second meeting in
G. R. Fraxelle was in Lents Wednes­
day in the interests of the Modern School
of Correspondence of San Joee. Cal.
This is another Pacific Coast institution
that is growing rapidly and doing ex­
cellent educational work.
Miss Alice Daughterv, formerly a
teacher in the Lenta schools, renewed
acquaintances here Friday.
The regularly quarterly meeting of
the Mt. Scott W C. T. U will be held
Dec. 27, promptly at 2 P.M., at the res­
idence of Mrs Mayme Hogue, 4tb Ave.,
corner Mt. Scott Ave Reports of of­
ficers and superintendents will 1« giv­
en. A full attendance is greatly de­
sired as it is an important business ses­
Rockwood Grange has elected the fol­
lowing officers for the coming year:
Master, F. H. Crane; overseer, K. Kas­
er; lecturer, Ida M. Thorpe; assistant
lecturer, Ruth Moller; steward. Theo­
dore Stensland : assistant stewart, Wm.
Linneman; chaplain, Mary Crane;
treasurer. M. Multhauf. jr ; secretary,
Viola Lovelace; gate keeper, Thomas
Rowen ; Ceres, > ioldie Bock ; Pomona,
Mary Clute; Flora. Hester Thorpe:
lady assistant. Bertha Weiland.
The coming term will be the eighth
for Fred Crane as master, and the same
for Mre. Lovelace as secretary. In­
stallation will be held Wednesday even­
ing, January 3d.
WILL BE $746,000.000?
Secretary of the Treasury Mac', eagh,
J. W. Taylor has etarted a wood yard in the figures sent to congress to cover
at Sixth Ave. and Carline.
the next fiscal year, estimates that it
W. N. Cbilcote has leased the Ray- i will take about (746,000,000 to run the
burn and Geisler property on Foster government. If congress should accept
road, which be will use as a wood yard. bis figures—which of course it will not
—this would be a saving of (21,000,000
Prof. Ball and Miss Swanson of the from this year, he says. The estimates
Arleta rcbools visited the I-entt school include a number of items that congress
last Thursday.
will never stand for, while congress in
H. C. Restorff, of Glenwood, Wash., turn w ill want to run in a number of its
near lioldendale. has moved his family own pet schemes which the estimates do
to Lente to make their future home. not include and which will swell the to­
They have moved into the Freeberg tal. Increased outlays for the army and
house near the Bright P.ealty Co.
navy are asked for, and congress is in
C. E. Hedge, of Beaverton, visited the no mood to grant these; it would rather
spend the money on things that wil(
Hedge home here Monday.
make more votes. It is expected that
Mr. and Mre. O. F. Freeberg will the postal service will be self-sustaining,
spend Christmas with Mr. Freeberg’s and so it no longer figure- as a liability
parents at Brush Prairie, Wash.
for the year. Poetmaster-General Hitch­
to establish an ex­
Born—To the wife of Ed. Thurston, cock asks for
Thursday, Dec. 21, a girl. Mother and perimental parcels-post system on rural
babe both doing nicely. Ed. may re­ routes and a like amount for an aerial
post "by aeroplane or other devices.’*
cover. Congratulations old man.
Chairman Fitzgerald of the house com­
Born —To the wife of John Nauman on
mittee on appropriations does not like
Dec. 19, a boy.
the style of arithmetic which Secretary
Born—To Mre. Burk Beeman, on Sat­ Mac Veagh uses in figuring his estimates
urday, Dec. 16, a bouncing baby boy. Instead of being a saving over this year,
Mra. Beeman is the daughter of Dr. he says the totals show an increase of
McKloy, and although "Doe’’ steps (21,000,00b. The army, navy and pos­
around 10 years younger he says he tal estimates, be declares, are "shock­
really feels 10 years older. Hereafter ing,’’ and he intimates that what the
its ‘‘Grandpa’’ if you please. Also Democratic house will do to them will
be "a plenty.’’
“Uncle Tommy.”
Last Chance Suggesstions
Seasonable Articles
Fountain Pen
Hair Brush Sets
Military Sets
Manicure Sets
Framed Pictures
Mantel Clocks
Suit Cases
Leather Goods
Holiday Stationery
All Are Priced Low
Remember your fnends
with a beautiful postal
card, booklet, etc. We
have either Xmas or
New Year Cards . . . .
Toys for the kiddies that will ue mire to
Mammoth Ataortment
Is a modern suburban home town of from 7500 to 10,D00
population, with 12,000 people receiving mail through the
It is situated 6 miles east of the center of Portland at the
base of Mt. Scott.
Two street car lines and the best macadmised roads in the
state give the town the best transportation to and from Port­
The town has a good water supply, electric light and power,
local telephone system, fire department, good streets and has
under way several substantial brick and concrete business blocks
The public school is one of the largest and best in the
state, costing $100,000.00, 900 children attending. A modern
catholic school is also about completed. A good public library
is located here.
Most ever denomination is represented among our church­
es. The fraternal societies are also well represented. We
have a good band and several orchestral organizations.
Most every line of business and profession is represented
Lents is an ideal location for manufacturing enterprises,
being well located, near Portland and in the heart of the home
of working people.
The climate is unsurpassed, the soil adapted to the raising
of fruits and vegetables of every description.
Lents needs more people, more business and manufactur­
ing enterprises, a good hotel and apartment house,- and several
more substantial business blocks.
Desired information will be furnished by the Lents Im­
provement Club or The Herald.
Watch for it—Wait for it—See it
It is in the nature of very surprisingly good films.
Even better than our already “best that
are shown’’ films
Of course it’s at the
Next to Herald
Send A Copy Of The
Christmas Herald
Only 5 Cents.
ovr . LETTER. HEADS are
Watch for our big
Pre-Inventory and C.lean-Up Sale
Announcement Next Week
Lents Hardware Co.
N. B. See our big 2-page ad in last week’s Herald
for Christmas Gifts