Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 21, 1911, Image 7

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Something went wrong with the lights
•>n the auto stage last week ami Alf
; Beil took them into Portlaml for re
pairs, thus giving the patrons of the
line the chance to once more enjoy the
drive in the horse stag«. The auto is
Ifflk lATOUKIIlf
back on the run however ami greatly
M< rrv Christina* to nil.
Mr Maifett, a well known resident <>t
appr«>ciated by those who have to make
l.itourelb* Falls, died last Tneaday after
Th*' «'ompliimiit» of III*' « iiMoti,
the trip between Boring ami Sandy.
being sick for more than a year. By
IVII Is drawing very near to n close.
J. B. Pomeroy ami wife were Port­
request of the dice»s«*«l the le»ly wa- ta­
While *«' have lia*l cutisldarablv fall* ken to the crematory in Portlaml.
laml visitors last week.
Ina wsw II st , on tin' whole. It ha» not
Miss Botman ami Mies Meur, the
Mr. Matli'tt wa* one of tin- leading
tavli <!i«iigni'»b|i'.
citizens of that place ami «piite well to Handy teachers, were guests at the home
The »lihiglv mill ia In operation at do He leave«* one son, Harold Maffelt, of Mr. ami Mrs. Antoine Molare,of Fir*
Cherryville ami ulw a party making who I* the only heir to his father's en­ woo<l( Saturday.
ghakea which lie «ells al Bull linn. tile,
Mrs. II Murphy, of Welches, was t
Both of t> •■«•' inaniifiM'torii'a, in a primi­
Mr- I*** Evan* ami wife are piaiiitlR a Randy visitor Saturday while on her
tive way, secure their raw product» front
trip b> California this Winter, l*ent oft way to Portlaml.
Y. E. Jielsoil.
(/*«/ OdeTI an«f wile are at borne in
Drilling al the «lain haa laa<n going on
Mr ami Mr*. P. Anderson were visi­ the HhrffFy bh'ntaloW formerly occupied
tor aoma time until at a depth of 30 feet
tor* at Gre*ham last Thursday. While by II. E. EariMB *t/d JHfE
a v < mk I «olid rock haa been found.
in town they noticed tlx- wonderful
Dr. Wood, the throat specialist, op­
tunnel now la la'itig driven on the cast
grow lit ami activity of tin- town the last erated on M re. Dr. Lopton lavl week,
’»ide through a eeclion of tin- bunk witli lew months.
removing her tonsils ami sofHe foreign
a view of aacertalnllig the nature of the
growths in the throat.
abutting formation Teal holes will »l«o
be bored on lite weal aide. It ta now
thoiiRlit that there will la- no trouble of
Mr Roliert Benfield is expected home officers were elected : N. G., Mrs. Lena
making the «lam al Hie present loration
Id* mother, to spend Christmas in 1 Donahue: V. G., Mrs. Ella Baumbach;
on Camp Five al»<ut «even mUea from
Ida Mother's new bungalow
Mr Ben- secretary, Mrs Maroney; treasurer, Fid.
Bull Kun.
tield ba* not been horn«' for several j Bruns. Two new memliers were added,
A Pwebytlrean Minister font Portland.
years, lie is in business in British Co- a delicious supj*er was served ami all
Pastor of the First Preeliytinan church,
, present report an enjoyable time.
waa In Cherryville lai*t week amt haa se­
Fidlowing an operation for cancer ol
ll «etc« I a tract of Intel across llw road from
I'rof. Lain|»-r* with a view of purchas­ School are very busy rehearsing their th«* stomach, Dr. Lupton's mother di«td
ing if nullable terma and prices can|la* Christmas Cantata whi* I, they will pre­ at the G imm ) Samaritan Hospital Hatur-
«lay morning ami was cremated Sun­
arrangiot, It la bin idea to erect »Rum­ sent next Friday afternoon
mer limin' on thia tract win re Illa family
Mr. E. William* wu* in the city on day. friends extern! their sympathy.
Miss Jssaie Harden spent several days
can com.- during the heated term. Thin l>u*im-ss la-t wi*'k.
family Will I»' u welentue addition to the
Mr. Johnson, father of Mr*. .1. Roas, i in the city last week.
pla«'c and will proliatily l*e the meuiia of hn* undergone an operation at *t. Vin­
C. E Moran >a» a Portlaml visitor
other» coming.
cent Hospital mu *! at this time is getting the tlrst of the week.
along as well as could lie *-xpe<t*-d.
A complete surprise wan given Mr.
ami Mm. I Er» ami family la»t Thur»-
day evening. A good crowd were pre»-
ent. Mimi* and gam* a were tin feature
of tin-«-wiling Refreshment* waawrvinl
at a late hour and all present expri-»«*'«!
themselves an having a g*aal time.
Mr. Hiverand Clark Had ford haa ta­
ken live acre» of clearing for Mr. G.
l.llaU'd tin« w inter.
Quite a number from here attended the
dance at t trient Grange Hall lant Satur­
day night
Busy I*» Xmas,
lie happy. New Year's nigh
Mrs. J. Louder track ia in the city vis­
iting »on*.
Miss Stephens and Miss McKinley are
Xmas shopping in the city thia week.
The program at the church is to Ire
"best-ever” rendered.
Graveling our roads make* us smile.
The new town site is looming up,
l.«>ts are sold every «lay.
Prof. Quicksell is attending teachers'
meeting in the city.
Mrs. Bell is spending her vacation
A number of resident* along the line
her motlter.
of Btickly Ave an- installing electric
lighting ap|»*ratu» in their homea mar ' Shooting matches are very popular.
The M E. church will gi\e a Xmas
Gilbert* < 'ronaing
J. Clement ami II. Glll«-rt of Wi*,«*n- tre«* ami Light House Saturday evening.
Ttie Xmas exercises at tlie chapel
roll sin, were visitor* al J. .Moll's last
will lie Sunday afternoou. They will
M twn». Dorland and Magic will farm also have a New Years social.
Mrs Cannon had the misfortune to
llie Ryau plait' tins coming year.
Thu McKinley- Mitchel people of tall on the stair* at her home «nd was
Portland have puruhawd several of the ; Sadly bruised a* the result, being con­
farmer* potatoe crops alsmt here. The fined to her lied for several days.
The trains were all late Saturdry af­
spud* are moving aouthward thia week.
Daniel Doblere of Sumner, Wash., ternoon on account ol a car gi'tting off
wan a guest of hi* Aunt. Mm. Bni-kly the track at Mayberry.
Mr*. Shrmer visited in Portlaml a few
on Saturday.
Mr. Marcus Peterson ami hi* wife of days last week.
Grande Konde, < ireg«'ti. were guests at
Mr. Waidrip went to Portland to
Bui kly Grove and nt the home» of sever- , spend Xmas with his family.
al families near lent* last week Mr.
Mrs McDonough, of tin* family who
Peleraon i* one of the foremiart promo­ recently purchased ami moved to the
tom of the Grande Bolide country and in Bates' place, died last week at her
well known aa a real «relate and hotel 1 home of tul*erculosis.
man. The Grande Ronde hotel i« under I A gymnastic club was organized Tues­
Inn management
day evening with iwenty-five meudiers.
The Sorenson boy» who had entries in A fund <>( 325 was raised
the late poultry »how, captured six
Roy Calvin is learning io be a black
price». Their stock ia very tin«' and de-
serve* the aw arils.
If the Beaver Mate Herald family,
had seen the small folks admire the
Xmas number of the Herald, they
would think their trouble well worth
KiH-kwiMid »cltool will give a banket
social and program in the Maeeabev their while.
Prof. Ducksell has purchased the pro-
hall on the 30 of this month.
perty, where lie ia living, of Mr. George
Any one wishing to get up a re­ Carpenter.
monstrance against having a zalisiu at
Albert Quay has turned clerk at Mark-
thin place should get busy at once.
i ell's store.
It 1» reported that there will lie more
wedding liells heard at Rockwood on
A number of the friemls of Mrs. R. A.
Mr. W. Rowan is able to get out and
Ihirgield made her a surpri»*' visit last
attend to some light work.
Mr. E. E. Chipman, our genial mail Monday night, each oik having some
carrier, 1« kept busy these days hand article useful in the home. Mr*. Burjr-
felt was Miss Blanche Brink and became
ling the Christmas packages
brid«' Di*-. 15
Your correspondent ami several others
S. N. I. 'gan and wife will spend Xmas
would lie glad if you would explain
more deflnately than any thing yet in Portland.
Mrs F. A. Htatloni ami «laughter,
found in the papers, of what the treaty
lietwoen U. S. and Russi« In 1H32 con- i Mrs. I. N. Buxton, plan to go to Loa
sisted of. We have been unable to find I Angele» next wwk to visit Mrs. C. H,
Kane, Mrs. Stafford's «laughter, for some
it mentioned in the encyclopidia.
The typhoid patients are doing as | time.
Mrs. J. F. l»ean will entertain Oscar
well as could be expected.
Real estate men are kept busy these Nash, of Ranier, as a Xmas guest.
Christmas will be observe«l in the
days attending to Inquiries about pro­
Sunday Sclnxd with appropriate exer-
perty around Rockwood.
Mrs. Dora Hrmack, nee Stockton, re­ eises on Sunday morning.
Miss Ruth Brink has returned home
porta that she likes her new home at
from Celilo, Wash., when' she x|x'iit th«'
Hillsboro very much.
Miss Carrie Boch is working at the | past few weeks.
Wm. Johnson is improving after au
millinery trade in Portland.
Mr. T. II. Crane has a prospective operation lately performed in a city
buyer for his property on Sandy. If he | hospital
Mrs. F. A. Zuiniiierman visit«*«I friends
sells he may move to Rockwood.
I in Portland Monday.
Mr. am! Mrs. Lae Evans left Monday
Wheeling in the lungs indicates that
1 (or Southern California, when* they will
phlegm ia obstructing the air passages.
s|*eiid some time visiting.
Miss Grace Wileox. of Fairview , is
loosens the phlegm so that it can be
for Mrs. Janet Grant in
coughe«i up anil ejected. Price 25c, IMtc
and |1.(A) per bottle. Sold by l*ents the primary room hen.' while Mrs. Grant
is taking examination.
The Rose City car line ex tension is
fast making its way Eastwanl. The rails
an- all in ixmition and the poles are lie-
ing s«-t for tin* trolly wire, completing
the road as far as the Maeonict emetery,
ami it 1» ex|w<-t>sl that cars will ta* run­
ning out by m-xt Hatuniay.
A representative of the O. W. P. Co.
was hen- .Monday «'onferring with the
town authorities in rrganl to furnishing
i-lectrii'ty for lighting the town. A mass
meeting of the town’s |icople has been
called for the evening of Dec. 2*.i. for the
purpoec of making arrangements witli
the company through their represent«-'
live who will la- present.
Misses Maud ami May Donley and*
Haney Donley arrived la-re on Momlay
from Spokane and are visiting their
grandmother. Mrs. If. M. filiaw. Mr.
ami Mr». Donley ami their otherdaught-
«•r, Miss Harriet, will be here the last of
the week t*> spend Christmas.
Mrs. Arnioml succeMfully pa-sed an
o|M*ration in St. Vincent Hospital last
Mrs. Armond'a children are with rel­
atives at Beaverton.
Miss Rachiel Cook, of Portland, spent
Sumlay here, a guest of Miss Nancy
Mr and Mrs. C. Shepard will enter­
tain at a family reunion on Sunday.
Their daughter Mrs. J M. Folkmarwith
her husband ami «laughter, of Oregon
City. DeWitt Shepard and wife ami
daughter, of Portland, and the youngest
«laughter, Mrs. C. G. Fancher, her hus­
band ami children will make up the
family party.
The Methodist Sunday School will
give a Christmas program Saturday eve­
ning and the Presbyterians will hold
their Christinas service» Sumlay morn­
Mr. ami Mrs. A. E. Whitney will
s|H'iid Christmas at Boring.
Elmer Jenkins, of Portland, has moved
his family into the Ashcraft cottage
R. I.. Kola*rtson and family will iwcu-
py the Ross cottage on Second and
Main streeta.
The Misses Olive and Mabie Ztimnier*
man are home from Eugene, where they
are students, to spend the holi«iaya.
Harley Turney, a Pacitie University
student, will s|H nd vacation at his home
Chester Kroneqberg, a V. of O. stud­
ent, came home last Friday to spend
the holidays.
George Dolph, Jr., has returned to
his duties in Portland after a few days
Miss Winnie Bennett, who has been t
in Oregon City for some time, was home
for a week emi visit.
Born—Dec. 16th. to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Erl a boy. Mother and child
are doing well.
Mr. Janies Phelan is reported quite
Children take BALLARD'S HORE­
HOUND SYRUP willingly because it
tastes nice. There isn't a better retmsiy
anywhere for children's coughs, hoarse­
ness and bronchitis. It's a go«xi medi­
cine and easy to take. Price 25c, 5t)c
and 31.00 per bottle. Sold by the Lents
Plant an ad in these columns
watch your business grow.
The “Outsider”
rr'HIS Bank ik growing steidily and we attribute our proofs«
* mainly to sound and progressive business methods in the
bank’s management; the active participation and co-operation
of well known business men in the conduct of its affairs;
prompt and courteous attention to the wants of customers and
a desire to satisfy them.
ortunately for our fore
fathers, the ulmunucs bad some
claims to literary merits In
- tbelr day. Reading matter
was scarce outside of the larger towus
of tlje Colonies. Magazines were prac­
This is the kind of an institution that can helpwou in your bust-
tically unknown. Filled with prog-
new. You need a g«**l strong bank like this tX k ol you in your
nostlcations as to the wyutber, with
raterprises. You may not realise thia ne«-d, twit it exists,
■nStcbeg of wisdom and humor, veryj;
firvertlwle»», TRfW I» »
deal more in a good bank e^nne»-
and Zksay, the annual almanac be.imr
umi »n ouUtder'may twdue.
a Compendium of useful knowledge
(hat was most eagerly awaited and
was hailed ns an Important event In
manry a home. One might say that it
was- treated ua a household god, for,
bong upon n hook tn aome corner. It
a way» was ready for Instant refer
enoe. The wise snws and quaint say
lugs which ran through its page» were
read over lime and again by every
merutier of tbe family.
There were numerous almanac» pub-
llshed during colonial day» in this
eountry. Tbe (x,pularity of Poor Rich­
ard'» Almanac, edited by Benjamin
Franklin, went hand In baud with that
of It» Illustrious maker.
Nels. JepMon, the Gresham wrestler,
Mi«« Ruby Emery of l’ortlan«l visite«!
The first Amen Almanac, issued In
was a Herald caller Tuesday.
1726. was conventional in form and kt home Tuesday evening.
closely folhiwed other almanac» of
Messrs. Herbort Ryan. Geo. Faria,
Kay Wheeler am! family spent Sun-
tbe |>erlod. It» maker was a physi­ Wilbur Thompson an«l Cha*. McCall <lay at the home of Frank Bethel in
cian. It contained a table of tbe are home for their vavation.
movement» of the planets and sundry
B. W. Emery ha* been appointed
prophecies concerning the weather.
That the dix'tor was afrahl of severe vacation. He has lieerr in Eastern Ore­ water »uperintendant ami will enter up­
on his duties at om-e.
criticism of this tlrst effort Is Indicat­ gon for the past few months.
ed by the following »tanxa. wtilcb also
Gresham may extend its Isiundary
Ttie girls’ iiasket ball team defeated
Illustrates the style of bls poetry:
the Alumni five last Monday eve by tbe lines considerably in order tliat water
K.'ud. then, anil learn, but don’t all faults score of V< to 5. They loet a well play­ may be supplied several resi«i«*hts a«l-
Sines they can only Judge that can cor­ ed game to Camas by the score of 7 to * jacent to the town.
Friday eve.
Tbe Anchor store, which failed some
To whom my works appeal, and if I find
Emery Robert* lias left for Eastern time ago, has lieen bought and re-o[>ened
The »ons of art to favor them Inclin'd.
With their propitious smile» It »hail suf­ Oregon to take up surveying work.
. by an Oregon City firm and will be
' known as the C. C. Cash store hereafter.
To counterpoise the frowns of enemies.
Arthur Regner of Portland, is looking
An examination of tbe files of tbe the sub-station at Ixtnt* Junction.
Ames Almanac shows that nearly
The revival services at the M. E. for a location here.
every conceivable subject was discuss­ Church are arousing considerable inter­
The M. E. Sunday School will hold
ed by the doctor in its nearly forty est am I are especially interesting.
their Xma* tree exercises Saturday
years of publication. Sometimes he
Following are the delegates elected to evening
Indulged In flights of imagery, as in
Miss Maud Cleveland of Berkeley,
the county convention. Farmers' Society
Novemlier. 1730:
of Equity, which is to lie held at Orient California, is spending her vacation at
Old winter s coming, void of all delight.
With trembling steps His head Is bald on Thursday, Jan. 4. 1912; C. M. Ijike, her home here. Miss Cleveland is a
»nd white
C. D. Welch. H. G Mnllenhoff, Guy H. teacher at the Iceland Stanford Jr. Uni­
His hair with rotx-s of Icicles Is hung
His chatt'rlng teeth confound his useless Robertson, H. P. Christensen. C. R. versity.
The M. A. Roes Poet, G. A. R„ has
He makes the rich to spend and poor to Kelzer, M. H. Wheeler, F, 0. Ekstrom,
; C. Carlstadt.
elected new officer* as follows: Com­
For want of that which would their want»
0. W. Doane come up from California
mander, William Butler; senior vice
Sunday evening to speml the holidays
in the Opening lines of the almanac with his folks here. Hejeport* having commander, George Kneiriem ; junior
vice commander, W. T. Sherwood;
for 173X Dr. Atnes takes a fling nt law­
had good success there and says he is
yers. priests and doctors and blames
quartermaster, M. B. Batea; officer of
Old. overburdened Adam for their ex­ still in the employ of Sham—Batcher Co. the day, E. J. Rickert; officer of the
who had the contract for putting down
istence. Thus:
guard, William Perlburg; chaplain. O.
the new Bull Run pipe line here.
Had Adam stood In Innocence till now
Thomas. The officers elected in the Re­
And hl» blest sons had deign'd to hold tbe
A number of Gresham young people lief Corps are: President, Mrs. B. W.
No labor had fatigu'd nor time had went to Portland Wednesday evening Emery; senior vice-president, Mr». S.
to attend tbe annual concert given by T. Crow; junior vice-president. Mrs. J.
His youth, but spring had ever blooming
the Universitv of Oregon Glee Club, at B. Bates; chaplain. Mrs. W. T. Sher­
No lust for pelf nor heart distressing pain the lleilig theatre. All report a fine wood; treasurer, Mrs. Emma Schultz;
Had seized the miser nor the rural swain. I time.
guard, Mr . W. H. Bond; conductor,
Nor vice, as now. with virtue ne'er had
Mrs. Carrie Hanson and'the Alexan­ Mrs. L. T. Lusted: first delegate, Mrs.
And heaven's omnipotence Itaelf defy'd.
Nor lawyers priests nor doctors ne'er had ders have sold their property in the Emma Schultz; second delegate. Mrs.
eastern part of town to W. W. Sharp of E. E. Jack; first alternate, Mrs. F. W.
If man had stood against th' assaults of Latourell.
Waatell; second alternate. Mrs. Wag­
But, oh. he fell: And so accurs'd we be.
Mr Thomas Ginder and daughter, ner
The world Is now obliged to use all three
Miss Lillian, are spending the holidays
Miss Frances Tucker left last Saturday
Probably the most Interesting por­
with relatives in Portland.
for (isco, Ill., where she is soon to be­
tions of these almanacs are the bits
Miss Mae Hopkin« of Coquille, Ore., come the bride of S. Hartley. The
of wisdom and humor which went
is spending the holidays with her pa­ couple will reside in Gardiner, Ill.
rents at the M. E. parsonage.
Mrs. H. Kane, who baa been ill. for
The services at the Free Methodist some time, has recovered suficiently to
church the past week have been well be able to go to Portland, where she
Rev. Beers wiil be here will be the guest of her son, Charles
again Friday and Sunday nights.
Kane for some time.
Gresham News
One of the new laws that went into BLASTING, PLOWING,
effect Sept. 1, in Pennsylvania, is being
very promptly enforced. It makej the'
offence a misdemeanor punishable by DRAINING......................
fine up to $000 or one year in jail or
both, to placard our highways with ad­
vertisements. The particular section
referred to makes anyone ‘‘who in any
manner paints, puts or affixes such au
advertisement on or to any atone, tree,
fence, stump, pole, mile-board, mile­
stone danger-sign, danger-signal, guide­
sign, g ide-post, billboard, building or
other st ucture within the limits of a
public highway, is guilty of a misde­
meanor. Any advertisement in or upon ,
a public highway, in violation of the {
provisions of this sub-division may be '
taken down, removed or destroyed by I
anyone.” The good roads committee of
All Kinds of
the Automobile Club of America deaig- .
nateil Friday, Sept. 1, when tbe law
which takes effect, as "clean-up day.” |
The committee asked members of the
fifty automobile clubs in the state to
Including such well known gtoite of
parcel out the roads in their vicinity
among their members and to devote the
FERRED STOCK canned goods,
day to destroying all signs on the high-
was which are in violation of the law.
The request was quite generally ob­
When you don’t fin«i what yon want
served.—Grange Review.
at other «tores go to
Harding & Co,
with each calendar mouth. A few Il­
lustrations will suffice to show the sort
of thing that amused our ancestors:
Pretty cold, freezing nights, followed
with a short storm La-t travelers be upon
their guard to defend their noses
The farmer now's resolv'd he will not
While he has pl|>ea. tobacco, fire, with
good bread and cheese.
Those that are husbands good
Should now get In their cider, grain and
An honest friend Is good company, but
a good conscience is the best guest
Virtue Is praised more than followed
To some men their country Is their
shame, and some are the shame of their
Love and Tims.
"Charm. New Year, of your good grace.
These sad wrinkles from Love's face.
"Wan and weary now he sems
Bring him hack the dreams, the dreams!
"Arch above him April skies.
Kiss th,- light Into his •■« >'S
"Lead him back to moments fled—
Lure Love's rosea from the dead!”
"Nay.'' the New Year snlth; "hi» day
Hath o'erpast the daisied way.
"Though he weareth now the thorn.
'Neath the rose leaves It was born.
"Now the stem, of rose bereft,
Low must keep the thorn that's left.
"Merry Is the wintry morn
Love Is dead, and Taive Is born!”
—Baltimore Herald.
We Carry in Stock
Staple and Fancy Gro­
L. E. Wiley’s
A Terrible Blunder
to neglect liver trouble. Never do it.
First Avenue and Foster Road
Jake Dr. King's New Life Piles on the
first sign of constipation, biliousness or
inactive bowels and prevent virulent
indigestion, jaundice or gall stones. I>ep-seated coughs that resist ordinary
They regulate liver, stomach, and bow remidies require both external and in­
els and build up your health. Only 25c ternal treatment. If you buy a dollar
SA’RUP you get the two remedies you
need for the price of one. There i* a
Patronize Herald Advertisers.
PLASTER for the chest, free with *ach
' bottle. Sold by the Lents Pharmacy.