1 I RIP Of Illf GOVERNORS (Continuisi frotn page I) wlio are iti a poaition to llrove West and tnake a »ili»-.« of tlie I mi » iiii *» b of agri- «ultore Otte <>f thè Illusi «uri ,'- dui fi'alltre» <>f thè Western Governo!-»' H|»<> west, ite produci» ami ita timg •' i *l»*««x 11 traili, w hich have b»vn prilih’d, wlll pnihalily UH l«'ii thdu-uiid newapupi’T t'i.himn» Il bus I h *«’|| sani by thè h'ndhitf nirn ol vvery city visite«! tiist lh<* W um U tii Guverii-ir» .»pccinl I» «me of tlie greahvit thiiigw whi.h Ila» Iss'ii dulie hy tlie West ami wlll «lo more higiveit pnhliclt) than any »Ulular Work wldch it could posai- bly linve timlcrtaki-n I h» priaence i,l thè ulne actiisl U««v>'rnorsf thè l'mt«sl State» or any otlier country, ami th» citi»» which are viaited «eem t«> apprettiate tliut they liavr buon couiplliiiented in un iinuN- usi way An •S«*ellent »ubatltul« for butter fnt In the milk given the growing calves is Unseed meal This t> l>«-et prepared for use by scalding a little of the meal with hot water ami adding to the warm milk A »mall quantity -not more than a tabltmpoonful should l>e given to start with, but this may be lucres»- •d In the course of three or four week» Io a good »Uel haiolful twice a day A Missouri ftMMltT. n fon of thr late Ij decrniMMl miIlionnire fnruirr, David llanli In of Tnrklu, I r mi rntbualnMlr balle* ver In coro allngr ni mi Ideal ra Il oli wlth nlfnlfn fur fnitenlnu ate<*ra. At prvM’ni I h * ha» m » iim * turni) cui tonda c»f atrern In bla yard* llla et pariciM't*. ruvrrlng m * verni yenn*. ruu rliH'ra bini flint rnallage la botti tbe chrapeat and Ixmt rntloii limi thr c'urli belt culli«* i«M*d»*r nin bave. Studi«*» of the root system of a num t««*r of kinds of cultivated pianta »how that they penetral» to a for greater depth than I» generally suppo*«<-«l It fans b«*en fouti«! that |H>tiil<*«*'< »end mote down from two tu thr««e Teel; that corn peiietnit«'» to a depth of from Dv<* to »lx feet In liumlil »««iloti» and to u d«*pth ut eight feet in drier country. Th«« root» of mature alfalfa attain a length of from twenty to fifty feet. As n result of experiments thnt have been coik I ii « ted nt the government lab­ oratory nt Wausau. Wla. It has b«*cn found possible to make paper from Jack pine. hemlock ami spruce In the past spruce alone Ims been used, hut the ei|>erlm<*nts nmdin t«sl show timi a pulp made of the thr<-<* has Ix-en found ■atlaf'-ictory Similar experiments con- ilu«'te«l n short time before lit l.etmuon. Ore. show that excellent |>a|>er may l«e made from the otherwise worthies* Ja< k or blnck pine MR. MERCHANT! Do You Realize the benefits and su­ periority of the Auti- matic System over the Old? We will be glad to ex­ plain. Phone us and a representative will call. LENTS HOME PHONE PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS Complete Stock of Marble and 6ranite MONUMENTS ESTIMATES SUBMITTED 264-266 Fourth SI. INFANTA EULALIE COUMY POMONA MHLS Al WOODLAWN Multnomah County District Pomona met at Wix.dlawn Wwl. of this week A K« h »I atten-lam-e was recorded. Keveralof the grange» of til* county faile«! to make report» l>nt th-,»» that n ! was it» strongest feature. Mrs. Win«ile , deserves much credit for the mturest i »he has been taking in this work From foot to block n hog loses "l> proximately oue-sixtb In weight, de- j ; h « o »w»g<> («range present»«! a rut tribe is got from »orne figure» paper on the "Moral Training of the that were kept in a campaign that win Child.” Mrs. Pollock *»ng several of waged ugain»t them some time ago ou her characteristic songs. Mrs. Ktanslwr- in Eugliah estate of 24MX) acre» Dur ry r«*sda selection and Mr» Nelgon gave I Ing u given |H«riod 31.9SI rat» were a recitation. J. J. Johnson gave a tilled, but ootwItbsMIndlug this kill lengthy and carefully prepared paper mg there were plenty left to insure the on the Alaska ('«ml Situation Com­ propagation of the »p««<'le» mission Government was pre-ented ss i The fxmtoffice departmeut at Wash­ topic by Mr. Peters ami Rev. Douglas. ington aeeiua to take uu eutlrely rea Several ¡orrsous had been asked to pre­ •ouable nud consistent attitude wbeu sent discussion» ou the subject of Co- it holds that patron» ot rural mall operation. but Mr. Kreu.ier was the on­ routes »ball not be given service un ly one that respondeat. le»« they show some Incliuatlon along Alter « fine supper the evening ses­ I the line of keeping tbe roads In pussa sion was resumed at 7:3<1 and further : hie condition, which the rural carriers h*cture feature» were pre»ente«i and a have to traverse in getting to their els»» wa» taken through the tilth de- places c SCHWEITZER & MANZ Tailors to Ladies and Gentlemen J. Manz, an experienced tailor, who has spent many years at the trade, has purchased one-half interest in the tailoring establishment of J. Schweit­ zer and now is actively engaged in the work at this popular establishment. This means even better and quicker service than in the past. We can make a suit to your order for $5 to $10 less than Portland prices. We wish you A Merry Xmas and A Happy New Year SCHW EITZER & MANZ Corner Main WHAT THE NEW YEAR WILL BRING YOU Plot to Aasaaainate Madero Foiled. Mexico City.—A conaplracy to a»- saaalnate Preaident Madero und pro claim a provlsonal Presidency, pend Ing the coming of General Heyes to the capital to assume th» «.Hice ol President, has been frustrated nt the last moment, In th«* opinion of the authorities, by th«* arreat of General lliglnro Aguilar and Me oten Hurtado of the Federal army, and of a score of co c-insp'rators Depends to a considerable extent on yourself, One way to insure it’s being a satisfactory one is to come here for your furnitue. This is the store where satis- factioe is guaranteed, where qualities are higher than you expect and prices lower. J. C. M ount & S on mu 1IO.MK l-l KX ISI I EKS LENTS, ORE MAIN STREET WESTERN GOVERNORS DISCUSS LAND ISSUES St. Paul—Almost mu tod effort on the part of Western state» to attack th«' National Administration’» policy regarding pubic lands nnd to substl tute therefor state control may be made as the result of the Western Governors' Congres», which met for the first time here. After hearing the governors of the Northwestern States and their accred Ited representatives out Ine what, in their opinion. I» wrong with the pres­ ent admlnlstraton of the land laws ami what a needed to further the de­ velopment of the West. Secretary ot th«' Interior Fisher explainetl the ad­ ministration s policy regarding public lands He agreed with most of the speakers that there are many evils in connection with the land law» that should be corrected, hut said he had no power to correct them; that it was a matter thnt should be put to (Imgress, and he asked the assistance of the Western governors in »-curing needed legislation. HAND US YOUR ORDERS FOR ELEGTRIC CHRISTMAS GIFTS ARE POPULAR They still possess that element of novelty dear to the American heart and thus solve the problem of giving Christmas gifts that are "different.” Imagine how pleased most men would be to receive an electric shaving cup or electric cigar lighter, instead of neckties, socks and handker- chiefs "as usual." A tea kettle for grandmother, a samovar for Madam’s five o'clock teas, a chafing dish for the college girl or bachelor maid, a disk stove for the bachelor, a flatiron or sewing machine motor for the practical housewife all these noval and use­ ful gifts will be appreciated by whoever receives them. It should not be forgotten that these electric Christmas gifts are all useful gifts. Each of these devices is designed to do some one thing better than it can be done any other way, wnether it is to perculate coffee, toast bread or furnish the pow­ er for running a sewing machine. The line of electric Christmas gifts is so com­ plete that in it will be found a suitable gift for every member of the family. -J THE HERALD WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ONE YEAR Weekly .Oregonian............................. Daily Oregonian Daily and Sunday Oregonian Daily Telegram until Dec. 20 Semi-Weekly Journal Daily Journal ............................ ....... :.......... Daily and Sunday Journal ............... ................... Pacific Monthly..................................... Pacific Homestead................................ Pacific Farmer ............................. ......................... Poultry Journal (Monthly) Oregon Agriculturist............................. Fann Journal ...................................... McCall’s Magazine (Ladies’) ......... ....................... FATIMT LAWVrn», to?, r>< vv-th ft, Washington, PRINTIN THE WORK IS THE BEST THE PRICE IS RIGHT PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT AND POWER CO. MAIN OFFICE ELECTRIC STORE $1.75 6.75 8.00 4.50 2.00 5.50 8.00 1.75 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.25 1.00 This price is for delivery by mail only and only when re- mittance is made with order. Papers may be sent to sepa- rate addresses. Subscriptions may begin at any time. CALIFORNIA "finad of a Thousand II onderà” $ Excursion Tickets Costing ©î/SUNSET 1 [OGOEN&SHASTA \ ROUTES , XT c T t V /« famous the world over D. SWIFT & CO. Foster Road Hawley Hurries to Wife'» Bedside Boise.- Warned by a message that hls wife Is seriously 111 as the result ol an operation perform«^ Saturday afternoon. Governor Jani«*» 11 Haw lev wu» summoned home from St Paul. The sudden turn of ««vents within the household of Governor Hawley Immediately after the Governors special arrived at Its debt nation at St Paul was unl'-oked for and prov­ ed to b«- i gn-at Khoek to Idaho's • xeo utlve Mri Hawley's Illness was sud- den Opposite City Hill pr«'ti»i»tiy <»xniain»Mi .............. VRAOI MARK» And ... • ■( . ,1 Sk..t.h, Mtwl.l or I'Ktl”. htrFRU W FORT it put.-ntAhllHT I’r" ' ‘ thiMvrly RANK RlFtRfNCt*. Mpn«1 a rrnt« In M >n »* f.or ‘^’'»ATeiVR* «•H HOW TO OUTAIN And SALL FATCNT». Will. Ii tin»*« Will PAT. II‘»W M**’ " parliMT, patent «nd •»««•••r TAlORbl« tntornwu^-n. and $55.00 Portland to Los Angeles and Return HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE For its splendid hostelries, its varied attractions, ite fine beaches, hot Describing San Francisco, Oakland,Stan­ springs and pleasure resorts - All ford University, I.ick Observatory, San­ these can be reached w ith ease by the ta Cruz, Pel Monte, Paso Robles, Hot Springs, Santa Barbara, Loe Angeles, Long Beach, San Diego, the Old Spanish On sale daily, good for six months Missions, Yosemite National Park and with stop-overs going or returning. Corresponding low fares from other Big Trees, and other places of interest Oregon points. Call on our agents for in the Golden State; or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, Oeni Pass. Agent Portland, Oregon