OREGON NEWS NOTES Of GENERAL INTEREST FRANKLIN K. LANE Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Drugstore Man Arrtattd. Astoria Pillowing th'' Inveetlgs I ago by I >r Murry, post surgeon Mt the Port Hl cions bariurks. and 1, I. Lcvings, a Portland dstoctlvr rm ployed by th«- Rial«' IVonrd of I’linr tnacy, Tio-otlor« F l.aurln, propr* i- of tlir Fugle «Irug -foie. and Ito» A Farr, rlrrk In tbr ,«m> ator«', »»<•.» arrratrtl ■ n charges of si-lllnr «or i i>>. without Imv nr a prt »ci ptloli to >ol dim. itatlon'd u’ Fort Htevrn» Contractor Eapacta Work All Winter. Eugene Grading baa begun by tlx* Southern I’arltlr Company on it» Ku («•nr t’ooa Huy line. Fuller A Co »ub contractors. having »farted a force of men and tram» at th«' work on thr land the company »«cured from the Ian« County Asset Company this la thr high« t point brtween Eugene and the funnel In the mountain» 23 miles weat of here, arid becuu»«- It 1« well drained g adlng ran proceed all win ter or until the rut la completed RECALL INOPERATIVE Attorney General Give» Opinion Act I» Not Self Executing Rai rm That the recall amendment to the th« gon constitution la Inopera tire and ro ffertlvn bei suae It a not aeltexe« itlng la the final opin on of Attornev • Generrl Crawford, banded down for It II Howell, county clerk of Lincoln count», who requested Information on the point be cause of a mo»e on foot In that i Ing In Ita nature an«! declare» that < ' « recall provision la not -elf « »«•« utlny and that further legialatlve ,n.* t ment la required before thr recall amendment will becom« «-fT«ctbe Franklin K. Leno, interstate eom mere« commissioner, woo urges a new commuilon to deal with corpo a tlon«. M NAMARAS TAKEN TO PEN Journey of 501 Miles to han Quentin Made by Tram. Ix>s Angclt-a James II McNamara, eonfeased murderer, and John J Me Namara. conf« «»«d dynamiter and sec retary treasurer of the International Association of llridg« and Structural Ironworkers, have been taken to San Qu< ntln penitentiary. .50) miles a«ay Jams» Il beg.ns a sent« nee of life Im prlaonmrnt, while bla brother face» a term of 15 years "I'tn a un lolin J McNamara's part Ing comment to tie world, accord ng to Clarence S barrow, hl» chief coun •el. who waa la»t with him John J also eipr<»»«* Hume, recently purchased by flash a» they work'd Portland men. h* pa»aed Into the One bundled men perhaps more, band» <«f the new owner» and their perhaps a few leas -are entombed in representative. W II Leach, tine the Cross Mountain mine near Brice taken charge of the property It 1» vtllc Five men have be« n brought the Intent on to eatabllah a settle alive from the mine, and rescuers are ment and »ell much of the land In making strong effort» to rem h at ’east email tract» to horne»eeker» three more whom they believed »till alive The explosion 1» believed to have P. G. W. CONTRACT LET occurred two mile» from the opening Pacific Great Weetern Work to Begin and aboui 100 feet below the surface at Once, Says Chief Engineer. President Stephenson, of the Knoi Eugene—The McArthur Perks Com vlllr Iron Company, which own« the pany. Limited, of Chicago, was mines, said that the explosion prob­ awarded the contract for conatruct'on ably had been caused by a windy of 114 mile» of railway between Ku shot This might have Ignited gases gene and tbr const. to be known as accumulated In one of the many thr Pacific Great Weetern H II Hunt, “rooms" In the mine or might have chief engineer of the Pacific Great set the coal dust on the floor Western, promfeea Immediate com mencemrnt of construction The line Loss of >150.000 in Lir «ton Firs. fa popularly supposed to ba a Hill af­ Poitland Burning ovtr an area of fair, and a race to Cooa Bay between live acres. Are last night destroyed thia line anti the Coos Bay extension practically the entire property of the of the Southern Pacific Is eipeeteo West Oregon Lutnbei Company at similar to the race that took place Ltanton. entailing a loa of 3160,000. from the Columbia River up lies with Insurance probably totaling 874.- chute» canyon Into central Oregon 100 The mill destroyed was one of Roylance. Messenger * Dye have the finest of Its kind on the coast. been awarded contract for the big tun THE MARKETS. ael at the summit of the Coast range They were the contractors on the Na Portland. tron tunnel Wheat — Track pricea: Club, 78c; Stuealem. 83c; red Ruaslan. 78 c. Reek Roads Planned. Harley—Feed. 837 per ton. Hillsboro Several road districts la Oats—No. 1 white. >31 per ton. thia county are publishing notice* of Hay--Timothy. valley. 818; alfalfa, special road meetings to levy tales • 14. for rock roads. This will be In addition Batter—Creamery, 38c. to the levy to be made by tbs county Eggs Ranch, 42c. oomml’Slonara' oourt, which has aa Hope—1911 crop, 46c; 1919, aaml noun c«><1 Its Intention to levy to the »1. full limit and turn half of the fund* Wool — Eastern Oregon. Stfl8a; over to the road district* for special «Vlllansette Valley, 16i7i7c work Mohair—17c. FIVE MEN TAKEN ALIVE FROM MINE Anderson Jury Dlsagres. Canyon City —The Jury In the oaae of George W Andsraoa. who »hot and htlled Attorney George Barnes In thia City last June and wa» Indlcted for murder In the »eeond degrse by the graad Jury, dlaagr«'ed and was die ehnrgcd from Service In tie rase. Seattle. Whea‘ — B’uestem. 12c; club. 78e; ed Russian. 77c. Rn.«ey—|3f> per ton Oats 8.10 per ton. Eggs Ranch. 50c. Butter—Creamery, 38c Hay—Timothy. |t< per test BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON I < Bukei (’iiniiiii-i« ««'I Club will te. «1 raise a fund for a 840,000 ar u>ory. A-t< ria authorities have inaugurat til u lampalgn to put a stop to the selling of tobacco and cigarette« to pilnors A demonstration road s quarter of a mile long Is to be built at the Oregon Agricultural College branch expert m> ni station located at Hermiston Poultrytuen of Albany and vicinity ar« preparing to foi m an organ.xa Hon for the purpose of reviving the custom of bolding annual poultry fairs The Baker county officers have re celved many complaints of horse stealing from the residents of the Missouri Flat district, and are invest! gating the matter. The first carload of grain for Imine dlate iallroad ablpmen' that haa ever been sold In Goose Lake Valley was disposed of by B Keller, of New Pine Creek, to Reno partle» Centralisation in Portland of the government of th« Oregon Washington llallroad 4 Navigation Company will I be completed December 15, at which time al) the company » It«-- will be placed under the supervision of the Portland officials A referendum hsving for Its object the revoking of a franchise granted the Prineville 4 Eastern Railway on the streets of Prineville will be con sldered by the voters Monday, Decern ber lk. the date of tbe regular annual City election Ihi first bird and garae refuge to be created under the new game laws Is on the banks of tbe Wlllsmetre slough, opposite Sauries' Island It has been created by Hannah Hol­ brook and M C Holbrook, and Is 2S5 acres In extent Tbe Oregon Development League ha« asked the Marshfield Chamber of (,'■ mmerce to Induce the farmers to raise peas for seed The count) grow» fine p< as. and It la suggested that tbe farmers cot Id make big money by growing peas to furnish seed In one of the swiftest trials in th«« history of Polk county, John Magers, a negro, who on August 14. while a paroled conilct. atta« ked Miss Beulah Walton In West Salem and shortly afterward attacked Mrs M Jorgenson on Kola road, was sen!«need to the penitentiary. It was booster day In Eugene Fri­ day. delegations from the commercial organizations of Portland. Salem. Al­ bany. Corvallis. McMinnville, Rose burg and all the valley towns ga'hcr l.jg io help the Eng« ne Commercial Club didlcate the pleasant new quar ter». Into which It has just moved With the appointment of a special legislative «-omm'ttee to go before th* Legislature and see that the dairymen receive con side ratIon, and with the pass.ng ot m portant resolutions hav­ ing to do with the advancement of the industry in Oregon, the annua! convention of the State Dairymen s Assoiiation closed at Portland to meet next year In Albany. State Capital Gleanings The State Thre'hermen's Aaaocla tlon adjourned to meet In convention again In 1912. In Condon An increase of 40 per cent In the number of state warrants drawn for the 11 months of 1911 over the 13 months of 1910 Is shown by a stale ment which has just been prepared With 175 delegates In attendance, the Young Men's Christian Asaocta tlon tor Oregon and Idaho has opened Its 12th annual convention in this city At th«- annual meeting of the Salem school district taxpayers. It was unan Iniously decided that eight and one- tenth mills be levied for the ntainte- pance and the construction of two new school buildings Attorney General Crawford has handed down an opinion to the «’ffert that foreign corporations transacted business In the state are supposed to pay license fees whether their decla rations to Incorporate have been filed or not That Oregon will have ten delegates te elect to the Republican national convention In 1913 under the presl dentlal preference primary nominating plan is the official statement received by Secretary Olcott from William Hayward, secretary of the Republican national committee Negotiations by telegraph between the Desert Land Hoard and the Northwest Townalte Compauy have practically assured that oompany that It can take over the Paisley project ef 13.000 acres, the contract, for » liich, to the Portland Irrigation Com pany. waa cancelled some time ago The report of the Oregon 4 Wash lagton Railroad received by the state railroad commission showed op erating revenues »mounting to 8935. 726 and operating expenses of 8678.- 413 With other deductions the net operating revenue was shown to be 8343.313 Th« to« operating inoom«' was 8340 109 TAFT MEN CONTROL NATIONAL COMMITTEE THE LENTS FRIENDS CHURCH Prifnary Plan Defeated and Chi ago Selected For N pf ‘ Convention. Washington —The meeting of the National Committee was strongly pro Taft Th«- President's advisers won on every point Th«- names of Roose veil and La Follette wer« nut men- timed at the meeting, which formu latex the preliminary plan, for the campaign of 1912. Chit ago waa chosen as the National convention city, and tbe call was Is sued for the at «ambling of delegates on Tuesday, June 18. The Taft forces also dictated the entire membersnip of th«- arrange­ ments committee, which was increas­ ed to »even. Instead of the usual five, I and is composed as follows; New, Indiana; Vorys, Ohio; Mul­ vane, Kansas; Murphy, New Jersey; Williams, Oregon; Rosewater, Ne­ braska. and Duncan. North Carolina Tbe committee adhered to tbe «on- vent Ion call of 18U8 and the primary questluti waa left as II was four years ago Tbe champions of Presidential preference primaries and state w:d> primaries for tbe selection of dele gat' In states where primary ,aws are not operative, were defeated. They were led by Senator Borab, of Idaho, who contented blm»elf with a minor­ ity report from the subcommittee on call, of which he was chairman. Liquor Sales In Clubs Ruled Out. Salem, Ore—Holding that a club which is a corporation la in Itself an artificial person and as such owns the liquors were supposedly the property of the individual members of the club. Justice McBride, in the Supreme Cour', mod.fled the recent opinion of the Circuit Court la the case of the Barhelora' Club versus tbe City of Woodburn. GIRL WANTS $25.000 Moneyed Citixena, Principals In Tar Party, Would Pay. Lincoln Center, Kans—Miss Mary Chamberlain, the victim of the Shady Bond "tar party,” will not receive less than 325,000 damage», and It 1» prrbahla that the courts have heard the last of the affair R G Clark Jay Fitzwater and Watson Scranton, who pleaded guilty, and John Schmidt, who was convict­ ed. are worth In the aggregate more than 8100.0C0, Clark alon«- being rat«»d iu excess of 850.000 Their pleas of guilty and the conviction of Schmidt leave them exposed for an action for damages It Is raid that upon the advice of their attorneys they will pay rather than g«» to trial. Gearge V. Hailed as India's Ruler. Delhi, Indie.—Before thousands of their subjects, white, brown and black. King George V and Queen Mary were proclaimed Emperor and Em pre»» of India The ceremonial was the crowning glory of the Durbar, and, It Is asserted, surpassed all epectaclea of modern time* EXPECT OFFICIALS TO GIVE SELVES UP View 'if the I-rw-n«l“ ' liurcli on S Main street Thia chnrch is p«*<*tiliar in that it has a woman for a paator. If«-r name is Myra B. Smith, who took up the work up«jn the ilineaa of >M»r husband, Rev. hi. Smith, who i« now laboring in other ways until his health is improved. »MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY N O N - S ECT A R IA N One mile south-east of Lents. Oregon. Offers the following advantages: ABSOLUTE PERMANENCY an essential thing EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE IN USE a tine thing PARK AND LAWN PLAN a beautiful thing PERPETUAL CARE WITHOUT EXTRA COST a grand thing THE BEST OF SERVICE AT ALL TIMES a most desirable thing PRICE OF BURIAL PLOTS $7.50 ANO UP a reasonable thing CITY OFFICE. 920-921 YEON BLDG. PHONE COUNTRY OFFICE. TABOR 1468 LOCAL4201. Fall iatoriaatlon gladly furnished, free auto service between Lents and the Cemetery. INSURE NOW In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association Oregon Fire Relief. Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire, American Life and Accident In­ surance of Portland PROTECTION AND BENEFITS MODERATE RATES John Brown, Gçesham, Ore. O. A. C. SHORT COURSES Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks YOU ARE INVITED Every citizen of Oregon is cordially invited to attend the short courses of the Oregon Agricultural College, beginning Jan. 3. Eleven distinctive courses will be offered in Agri­ culture. Mechanic Arts. Domestic Science and Art, Com­ merce. Forestry and Music. Every course is designed to HELP the stude-t in his daily work. Make this a pleasant ami profitable wirter outing. No tuition. Reasonable ac­ commodations. For beautiful illustrated bulletin address H. M. TENNANT. Registrar. Corvallis, Ore. Farmer’» Butine»» Courte by C rretnonOeaee THE HERALD WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ONE YEAR Weekly'JOregonian .............................. Daily Oregonian .................................... Daily and Sunday Oregonian Daily Telegram until Dec. 20 Semi-Weekly Journal Daily Journal Daily and Sunday Journal Pacific Monthly .......................... Pacific Homestead ...... .................. Pacific Farmer Poultry Journal (Monthly)......... Oregon Agriculturist Farm Journal McCall’s Magazine (Ladies’) $1.75 6.75 8.00 4.50 2.00 5.50 8.00 1.75 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.25 1.00 Indlanspolla.—That one or more of­ ficials of the International Assoc.ation of Bridge and Structural Ironworkers are to surrender voluntarily to the government 1» expected in the nation­ wide investigation of dynamite out­ rages It was announced that without re­ sistance being offered, letters and rec­ ords have been conveyed by detectives engagetl by the Erectors' Association -front the headquarters of the iron workers' association in this city to tbe This price is for delivery by mail only and only when re­ ottli'e of the I'nited States District At mittance is made with order. Papers may be sent to sepa­ torney "No promise of Immunity to men rate addresses. Subscriptions may begin at any time. suspected of complicity In the dyna mltlng conspiracy have been made by the government." declared Charles W Miller, United States District Attor­ ney “But, of course, we will accept evidence from any direction to be For Cut-Flowers Flowering Plants presented to the grand Jury when it Fernsi resumes its session Thursday?” visit my Greenhouse ami pick out your For Women Xmas Gifts. Hava Mora Friends than any other John O. Decides He Will Not Testify. CHAS. BAMME, Lents Sotilh s Bloeks from Csrline magazine or patterns. McCall's New York.—John D. Rockefeller is the reliable Fashion Guide and Rev. Frederick T Gates formally monthly in one million one hundred declined the Invitation of Chairman thousand homes. Besides show­ ing all the latest designs ot McCall Stanley of the congressional steel in­ Patterns, each issue is brimful of vestigation committee to make a state sparkling short stories and helpful ment concerning the testimony re­ information for women. cently given by Leonidas and Alfred Ss«s M«.., .»d K~s in S«,k by sub. xenbinxfor McCall’« Maia«'«»? «'<««<*■ Coata Merritt. only 50 centa a vear. ineludi«»» any one nt rompt W obtained In all countrtw -FLOWERS p WtOtMAMS "Powder Trust” To Fight. Olympia. Wash.—It was announced at a conference bvfbrr the Industrial insurance Commission that the Du­ pont Powder Company, the so-celled "Powder Trust," would fight ’.he new Washington liability law. «nd Coptntfhtu Send Skrteh. Model or Photo, fol FO«T on pMentability. Patent clueivelT. BANK NKFIItlNCK S. Semi 1 criitff in Manipe for tnmlnnbb’ ■ • \ on HOW TO OBTAIN and BILL PA'. ' Tf, W’.i. h one» will par, ll<»w to get ■ j >i patent law and other valuable intor. . i . u D. SWIFT &• PATENT LAWYERS, 303 ?'.'- ihSt, Wstshln«-' - McCall’s Magazine and McCall Patterns lbs calibrated McCall Pattern» free. McCall Pattern« Lead all other« is aty'e, fit, simplicity, economy and number Bold. More dealrre aril McCall Pattern« than any other two ma ltrs comhsned. None higher than ««cents Buy from rout dealer, or by mail irom McCALL’S MAGAZINE 234-244 W 37lb St., Now York City