9 r Plf ASANT HOME DOINGS OF OUR NEIGHBORS Miaa Cannon made a trip to Portland , Thursday returning Friday. Mr». Hun- i ter accompanied her home, for a »bort HRfOZY 111 MS CONTRIBUTED BY KFRAID REFORTMS AT NEARBY POINTS visit. Mr. Geo. Carpenter came home Mon­ day. having IIuislu'd hia work at Bullrun. lUSTtÜS lAIKVIfW Mr». Lust«.I gave a lea for the Cottrell Th« Falrvirw Civic ltuprovmant Club Mr». G. l.urtcd will giv<’ u b u Thur»- Haptist Ladies Aid »octet y. Thursday. ilny nfti'rtiooii for tin- hcm-tll ■■( th« Bap- mut in regular »«salon Monday night. Hr W. J. Oct and family visited at Elvctric light» lor th« city w«» on« ot tiat I.M-llcs Ahl MK'ti'Iy If. O. Northlip» between train» SUn< lay | th« chief topic» for dl»«u»»ion, and a Mr». l-.d h-»t«-r, who ha« bann »ick iw I afternoon. able to I»' up and do her own work again. committee <■ >mj»>»e« when they g<4 their and found the door« small building that stood in Die Carpen­ poatoflic« wa> regenerated and It was re ­ oliwetl. There wa» a few however re- iiMUned ouUide and waiuii for an hour solve to make anolbar «Bort to have ter yard, and has moved it into hia own and tliwaly gained admittance by plead­ th« Itouglaa» County Fairvfewltea »ul>- yard, mil th« name to ua. ing tile dirtaix-c A large crowd from this part of the Elghty-four person« went to th« Gyp- country went to Portland Sunday even­ Mr. Middleton and daughter Mildred of I'ortlaml, visited Mr» Nick Kauw and ay Smith meeting by ap«cial car laat ing tohearGypay Smith. So many mere went than wa« expected that train apace Mr Brea ami family Saturday and Bun* Friday night day. School will close for th« Tliankegiv- waa ata premium, and car» were no full Mr. and Mr«. 1’ D. Jack wore giawt» mg vacation on Friday. A program and many from Montavilla, that there at the Itanqnel given by Mr and Mr». J. will lie given at tbe school in the after­ was much delay. Tliey got in »0 late that the reserved seats had teen given Hellyard to Mr. and Mr». Nalaon an noon . up So twMl of tbe crowd wen- di»«ap- 1 official <>l the Mount Hood railroad la»t Min l«ila Gilstrap, of Wimdatock, waa pointed, not even getting in hearing dis­ Sunday. a week-end guest of Miaa Francis Bliaa. tance of tin- great «peaker. Walter Stowe, of Seatl«, paid hia rela­ tive«, th« l.u»«her«, a surprise viait on (ORbtll j Monday. MARMOT Mr. I. Benfield i» vidUng in Portland. Mie» Ada Robinson 1» »pending »«ver* O|azasr and supper to lie recently constructed house Friday even­ Mr». C. E. Nmilli anout ten days to S|wind a few month» for th« benefit of Mr. ami Mrs, V. Ellis have gone to Once »gain we have the sun shine and California to »i>eml tbe winter. Mr.and it la truly appreciated after the severe Mr. Ellison’s health. Mr». J. Ellis are occupying their resi­ storms ell of winter weather seems to Rebekah LodgO la»t Saturday evening it «•t baby. was voted to change the meeting night A program will lie given by the school have gone by for the present al least. from the 1 bin! Saturday to the second pupil* on Friday afternoon of this week, A quilting party was given at theliome Thursday of every month. Thi» ar­ followed by a tea served by the Par- of J. T. Friel jr. last Saturday which rangement, is Relived, will give much I ent»' Teachers’ Association. was well attemli-ii. and a very enjoyable lietter results n» it give» the Reliekah Mr». Rhodes has returned from a few­ time is reported. Lodge and evening of its own instead of E. J. Banta has concluded not to go weeks visit with relatives in Kansas. having to wait until the Odd Fellow Mrs. I.. Allard has Iteen spending a on railroad land until lamrdevelopments, Isxlg« is over. but has bought 3 lots in Cherryville and [ few flays with friends in the city. will ere-t a house upon them in the near , Mr. Mercer lias moved his old house future. and is making of it a inedron residence DOVER A party from another part of the state David Miller ha» returned from Col­ by means of additions and changes was in town last week negotiating with; Mias Della Zimmerman, who attend» J. T. Friel for 12 lots in Cherryville. - umbia City. A. Tennant is entertaining friends school in Gresham, wm home for Rat.- with a view of going into the chicken ! nnd Sunday. Avalia Bell, of Gresham business at this place. from Portland. Mrs. Keith waa on the tick list laat was a guest of Miss Della Sunday night John Hechler of Salem sucn*e|>etite. 1 it has never failed to give relief.” For months ha hasten kept from starvation warn of Kidney trouble that may end in by th« aid of subscription» from the dropsy, diabetes or Bright's diaeaw. Re­ sale by all dealers. buainaas men of th« plsc«. wan-: Take Electric Bitt«-ra and I»- safe. | Every bottle guarank-ed. ftdc at all | For Job Printing call The Hera’d dealers. Try a Herald W ’ ant Ad. Home phone 1111. V CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR BUSINESS GILLS The Brilliancy of Sunlight Th--re I» ■>, safer Investment lu th* »ay of a Christina* present for any woman, young or old. thim a * itrf that may be used for afternoon mid even Ing wear. Scurf» are 1 tn- direct out Come of the vogue for tunic». ti<-bu». berthas «mJ dni|>«d skirt« that luivr invu !i-d tbe faablou» till» winter. Our scarf «-an serve 11 number of purposes It can lie um »1 as fichu on a tiouse gown or worn as >1 shoulder cap-- under th« evening clonk or adapted to serve ■» a htraddre»» An Ivory Toil«« Sot. "I've put uiy »liver set away and now use tb« Ivory toile« set Aunt Merlon sent me last Chrtatruas. is more nearly approached by the new MAZDA lamp than by any other lighting fixture on the market excepting an electric arc lamp. It is designed to put electric light in every store, how­ ever small. No illuminant can compare with the MAZDA light in low cost or high efficiency for electric light. The small storekeeper can save money by installing three or four or five of these units to illuminate his entire premises. They are un­ rivalled for show window lighting. Consult with us about our special offers for store lighting with MAZDA lamps. reor.Y Toii.rr azn the very pertinent remark tnade re­ cently by s girl who is successfully working tier way to a g<>od salary if not to fume Yes. there are such com fort and smartness about tbe new ivory toilet sets that every girl is pleas­ ed with them It is. however, much better to give one or two piece» at a time of the very best quality of ivory than to try to cover a larger field. PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT AND POWER CO. MAIN OFFICE 7th AND ALDER Pocket Writing Case. M'hy not give her n stationary writ­ ing case? You can buy such a conven­ lence for $2.25 or fine durable leather which bolds a quire of paper, envel- opes, fountalu pen and stamps Or a good print neatly framed to hang in her room Is an acceptable gift, and even a calendar, if artistic, is not to be despised But do be careful if you give her a book, and don't send an edition of Ibsen to tbe girl who loves tbe lightest kind of fiction, or vice versa. Handkerchiefs sod gloves sbe'U THE HERALD WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ONE YEAR 1 fllppuntly tub as "commonplace.” but she'll be grateful for the gift later on. Silk atockiugs are always winners tn the gift line, sud pretty combs for the hair, or an umbrella If It has a stun ning handle. This price is for delivery by mail only and only when re- mittance is made with order. Papers may be sent to sepa- rate addresses. Subscriptions may begin at any time. Handy Powder Bag. The stress and strain of the day's work never seem to make tbe bust ness girl oblivious to the fact that her nose may be shiny and that a Judi­ cious bag of powder will add as much to her well being as tbe drop of oil giv­ en the rod of her typewriting machine, lu other words, if you give the business girl a smart little powder bag. such as tbe oue to be seen In tbe illustration, she will bless you as long as the vanity case lasts She can conveniently dis- i ; -‘ I T A * $1.75 6.75 8.00 4.50 2.00 5.50 8.00 .... 1.75 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.25 1.00 Weekly Oregonian Daily Oregonian Daily and Sunday Oregonian Daily Telegram until Dec. 20 Semi-Weekly Journal Daily Journal Daily and Sunday Journal Pacific Monthly...................... Pacific Homestead Pacific Farmer Poultry Journal ( Monthly > Oregon Agriculturist .... Farm Journal ...................... McCall’s Magazine ( Ladies’ > INSURE NOW In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Perchants Mutual Fire. American Life and Accident In­ surance of Portland PROTECTION AND BENEFITS MODERATE RATES John Brown, Gresham, Ore. Herald Advertisements Win the Business BILLY CONNER’S RESTAURANT The Place for Satisfaction Good Service Home Cooking CLEAN' I.lttl» dab ot powder, LHtl« speck ot paint. Mak« the little freckl» leok as though It ain’t. pos« of the little bag lu her pocket and surreptitiously give her noae a dab that will add to her satisfaction djirlng the day. The useful trill« la to be purchased at most department »tores and comes In a Christmas box decorated with sprays •f body. There la a glass in on« sec tion. and In the other a pocket conceals ( a tiny chamois bag filled with powder Small Indalon» have to be made In tbe chamois to allow for tbe outlet of tbe powder. LIGHT COMFORTABLE Try one of our famous Hot Chicken Tamales—served every evening Our Sunday Chicken Dinners are becoming popular. Reserve your table now Your Patronage Solicited BILLY CONNERS, Proprietor SUCCESSOR TO O. W. COOK MAIN STREET LENTS, ORE.