For Quality Quantity and yet Right Prices MORTERUD'S MARKET Cor. Main and Carline MR. MERCHANT! Do You Realize the benefits and su­ periority of the Auti- matic System over the Old? We will be glad to ex­ plain. Phone us and a representative will call. LENTS HOME PHONE COMPANY CITY MEAT MARKET The Place for Satisfaction OME havi in the mi pie of th< torship o: ing Co.. i Herald, for the n assume ft that occuj ness. and the matte publicatio H. A. Di throughoi responsibl ship, em| bills is coi assumes ti gations en this staten to the firm but at any responsibil S rpHE He -»■ lishet prices and positor left meat price« price for have read pound, wh ham were s 18c. The littk tried hard t parison mat sue, but as taking that confues the sentations. into the ma say that gar not effect it» ceive our res the east end that Pleasa Sandy, Troui any other ph tion puts it quality and j necessities ol Special on Hams Hanis of liest quality B* ... - -i - - 1 '• to I n - ll>. ' Sauer Kraut IOc quart This *-as<>n"e freshest and b<--t. 10c or three for 23. Butter Good «-reaniery butter '•*> and 7Oe CITY MEAT MARKET EGGIMAN BROS. Hear Foster Rd. Lents. Ore. TEXAS DRIVES OUT MEXICAN REBELS Appeal in Rate Cases Is Filed. Washington—Counsel lor the gov ernment filed the Commiete«- Court a writ of appeal in the trans­ continental rate cases. The appeal is from the t«ni|>orary injunctions granted by the Commerce Court in the eases involving the long and short haul provision of the law GENERAL DISTRUST ALLEGED Baker Says Fear of Roads Is Bar to Big Fleet Washington.—In his testimony be­ fore the Senate committee in inter­ state commerce. Bernard N Baker, <•' Baltimore, attributed his failure to finance the Paeifi. S-eamshlp Com I-any. not to any direct and illegal n fluence os the railroads, bit’ rather t a general feiir that h.s company formed, wouh I be crushed < ut by Ci steamship lines wb transcontfaen tai roads i night b: and oix ¡ate 2U a loss for the spec purpose 01 w. p ng out injiir ous w. rn pet it on , through tkie Pana Mr. Baker testified that the Pac .Mail Steamillip Com, any , owned the S hern Pacific had not, in j'H’g: .< :.t, bp en a m ney •maker. had been ms• .ntain*-d 10 prof ct rail business of this corporat on. Oregon City Waterway Price Fixed. Salem. Ore—Members of the State Canal Commission reached the con c'uslcn to recommend to Major Me Ind- e, of the’ United Stater Eng nrers, that the locks on the west side of the Willamette River, at Oregon City, be purchased at a compromise pric> of «450,000 Western States Exhibiting Products Chl< ago — Every state in the West Is represented hv exhibits of its prod ucts at the United States land and irrigat.on congress, which opened Saturday, to continue until December 9 The entire Coliseum and Its annex have been engaged for the show SUPERINTENDENT IS McKINLEY & SON AMBUSHED AT SALEM TABOR 968 HOME 3112 DEALERS IN Hay, Feed. Grain & Building Material We handle only First Class Goods and our Prices are Right. Give us a chance to figure on your winter’s feed and we will save you money. We Deliver Any­ where Serman evangelical < Cutbren ) $t. John’s Chnrch at Gray’s Crossing E. G. HESS, P»stor Service at 11 Sunday School at 10 AT THE Salem —Shot at from the aide of the road by an unidentified per»on, Dr. Frank E Smith, «iiperintendent of the State School of Feeble-Minded, had a narrow escape Sunday night a* he started from the institution In hi« automob.le for the city The attack followed receipt ot several threaten ing letters by the suj>erint> ndent «roni an anonymous source. Since receiving the threatening let ter«, Dr. Smith has been in th- ria1 it of carrying a revolver and had h> weapon on the seat beside him H<- fired three shot« in the direct on of the flash. Hurrying to town he secured »“ aigtance a 32 caliber revolver wa.“ found lying on the ground where it had ev dently been shot out of the i hand of Dr. Smith’s assailant The night was so dark that further search for the fugitive wa« abandoned Whun you »n* looking for n good buy. Wo hntxllo lots, urr.-Hge, city and farm property of idi kinds. Staple and Fancy Gro­ ceries Including such will known gvx>d« <>f Merit\i i l N i l * M ' l l IIKIU.I* >Te. tie or­ der from Governor Colquitt, of Tea»», to Adjutant General Hutchinson, who is at L«redi nparkhng abort Ntories and helpful informatton for women. I Sublime - Wonderful Save Money ami Kaa© »" 3»»la by tub acribhtg for Mil a !*• M • t»a al ♦•*<• CeaU only v* caati • n»«• a«g«pla iwpv fwei.e i| Win0« !*««•■»« v «V» '•Diamond Quality** Selected, He-C’leaned Seed ADMISSION ONLY 5 AND 10c REMEMBER AT THE Isis Theatre Lents Ore WEBSTER’S *, NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER Th® On/y New unabridged dic­ tionary in many yearn. Contsuna the pith and eeeencr of an authoritative library. Coven every field of knowL etlgo. An Fncyolnpedia in a single book. Tho On/y Dictionary with the New Divided i'tft. 41X1,000 Word». 2700 Pages. OOOO Illustrations. Coet nearly half a million dollar*. Let us tell you about thia moat romarkable single volume. SEED par­ ete Ibi» paper and we win ' EARLY MATURINO saa.1 free a s®4 of Fookrt [ Map. HEAVY YIELOINO > or Fiali Planting “Shadeland Challenge” B. .t Wl.i'.'S. I® h|>rii'(fV»4«, Mi Gray Winter Swedish Red 1A« /¡(»>■»< Ont Ev. r < ing 100 buvthela ¡»er acre \NT \ \L! I Y '.KAb I Sn »»» .¡. I Baturdayal 7 *<• ]• ir »ntl burth I ar! month at * p m an ! tUlM >>IUN«IE. MO 7! To L ulf 1 fh/tt çom fire ufti Uf*r/ ©ine ‘SSAr»' lamT1 Ont» altroffO buy rttrrt 1 fr 'n o t Tu ¡loml • I .r. U’ • »'■ h>ir <«»•• cali bi » '• t ' f iant o X y 0// 1er »rfd eoi© Write for Sampica and Bricca Mrrta »lie. Aek fvr Catalog No. Seattle S- .ttle - wafer supply cut aturTav in etrry month at lu a* a. ir . g>- ball. Oriel«t ofL the m it ic pal light plan- out ot mtKVIKU GHANGE Mrrta ftret M«lur All vUllora are I welcome. heavy rains in the low- lirnds and th g RENHAM grange Meet« a..-on>l *■' ade Mountain» Saturday each month The most terlous aspect of ’he flood LEN’T^ <*KAN‘.T M»*. U Nruond Saturday of i is the cutting off of Seattle’s water each month at 10 00 * m. < I.A4 KAMA“ <.KAN<*E, NO. Mr. t- the • supply, which is obtained from Cedar Hr*t Hatiirday In th** month at 10 30 a. m nn<1 Lake. 35 miles east of here. A bridge the third Saturday at 7 .‘to ¡». in HANDY GRANGE. N o . .T.».' M.-uta aceufid 16 mile west of Moncton, that carried Faturday of each month at 10 «’clock a. m the pipe lines across 'Cedar River, COM MKIA GRANGE NO M7 Meeta in all aeaalon rfr*t Saturday in each month In was washed out when a deluge of day griuigi- hall near Corbett at JO a m water cam. over the power dam just CLACKAMAH GRANGE meeta firat Haturday of rack month at 10 ao a rn.. and third Oatur above Mon'ton The Seattle munic da) al 7 30 p. in. pal power plant is situated at this point The power plant was put out of commission by the washing away of the intuk. pipe that feeds the b g turbines. Wiley Fights Absinthe. Washington.—Absinthe is an enemy which the pure food board is going to fight un’il It Is banished from the United States, according to Dr. Wiley It is a foe, he asserted, which as yet has not gripped the people of this country, ’’and we will try to keep it from getting any hold,” he added Foatrr Road For Womtn The Life of Christ THE BRIGHT REALTY CO. \’V* PÜRTLÄMD SEED CO. »7871*80 O-’TOM r: »»4Í •»''fÌ4»‘. ebargr. m (Lo Scieniific JlmerkM. A Illusirn'Wf i'itiv I *n «’M rlr 'tini. ' •< any •••»«♦i •til«' b »«‘filai, ’l»” • It* ’■’tr. f . 'ir H ilt lia, 11. bf ail h* • '••l«M*l«'f* MUNN &Co.38,,,'o*d"’ New York I'rnfts'h t’fflre, fTU F Ft « Washington. J>. t. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured , U-PLK ! 11 II >N». a i they < ,inn»t r- i< h tl>o »“«t "f th® dlsrao®. Ca- turrh I» n blo.Hl or constltutlnual ilta®aae, and In order to «uro It you ruu»t tnk>- In- trrnal r<-m<-dl< ». Hall's Catarrh Cur® lx t.-ikr n lnt<-rtu»lly, atul lu-ts dlr.-- tl> ut" n the i-i■ d »nd tn ■ -n» surfares 11 ill’« « ninrrh l’iir. I» n-d a qui K im-dlrli" It w ia pr< wirll"d by one of th' In-at l-hy- slrlanx In Ihla < mniry for and I» n regular pr< srrtptlon It I® r .mt........1 of thr !..-t n nic-a l.n.-wn, < omhlrt'd with th® brat blood purlfh ra. nrtlnx illr«-. tly ' n th® mueoiia surfer®» Th® p.-rfirt combina­ tion of the two« I. what prn- » h w-ond. rful reoult« In < urlng r-atnrrh. S'-nd for I. »tlmonlnl«, fre*. F. 1 i ’HENEV A CO, Prop« , Tol<-do. O. H..|<1 bv Drnecl«t«. prlo® 75<.. Taka Hall » y auilly 1’111« for cuuallpauva. NOW—FOLLOW THE CROWD THE MARKETS Portland. Wheat — Track prices: Club, 79c, bhiestem, 82c; red Russian, 77c. Barley—Fred, 133 per ton Oat«—No 1 white, »32 per ton Hay—Timothy, valley, »17; alfalfa, »14. Butter—Creamery, 37c. Eggs Ranch, 45c. Hop«—1911 crop, 45c; 1910, nomi ntl Wool — Eastern Oregon, 94J16c; Willamette Valley, 15*17c M< hair— Choice. 37c. Caste« Victor in Battle , Seattle. Mexico City.—A df-patch to the Wheat — Bluest»m, 83c; club 7»c; Nuevo Era from Uaiara» say« that red Russian, 78c. General Cipriano Castro, ex president Barley—»30 per ton of Venetuela has won in a battle Oat«—»30 per ton. which occurred in Venezuela Satur­ Eggs -Ranch, 45c, day, having entered his native eoun- Butter—Creamery. 3«e j try with thousands of followers Hay—Timothy, »15 per ten; alfalfa It’s a sure bet that the crowd always flocks to the place where they are treated right. We serve meals at all hours. French fried potatoes with all short orders after 8 P. M. Hot Tamales, Oysters, in fact anything your heart desires. THE LENTS CAFE Phone Tabor 2495 On Carline, 1-2 block from Main