Te Gretna Green. i ALCAZAR THEATRE : « « ♦ ♦ ♦ « : ♦ : : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ OUR MACHINE ROOM ABSOLUTELY EIRE PROOF AND SAFE IN REAR OF THEATRE. ACCORDING TO THE CITY ORDINANO E ft Show for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Best of Music and Pictures I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Oldest established motion picture house in Mt. Scott District. Completely remodeled and renovated and is now one of the coziest and neatest show hous­ es. exclusively devoted to motion pictures, in Portland Illustrated Song at Each Performance. Matinee Sunday at 2:30. Open every Evening at 7 o’clock Adults 10c ALCAZAR A handy place to spend a pleasant evening « : ♦ : ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ ♦ : TIMELY TALK Here's the Ideal Fred D. Flora WATER OR COLD CANNOT PENETRATE ELIE NAP­ A-TAN SHOE Mt. Scott BakingCo. We have all lasts, both high and low, and quality considered it’s the cheapest shoe sold. MODERN SHOE REPAIR SHOP OLD BANK BUILDING Main and Foster Lents. Ore. Try Us First When you are looking for a good buy. We handle lots, acreage, city and farm property of 'ail kinds. A, BRUGGER. Prop. CARLINE - - LENTS, OR. & N ie W C rie at ion , *** WEBSTER’S ' I NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dic­ tionary in many years. Contains the pith and eaaence of an authoritative library. Cover* every field of knowl­ edge. An EncycloDedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. ' 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. Write for «ample par- etc. Ns me thia paper and we will •end free a set of Pocket Map« Lane County Show Opens. Kugene.—The third annual laine County applo show has opened with exhibits much larger than at both of the previous sessions put together. Not only is the amount of fruit exhib­ ited much greater, but it Is drawn from a much wider territory, practl caUy all sections of the county being presented Deal Under Way for Big Land Tract In Eastern Oregon. Onta; o A deal is now ^eudlng of g gaatic importance to Eastern Ore­ gon whereby a company of Ontario capitalists will purchase 200 o.*0 acres of ¡and from the O'egon 4 Western Coioniza'I n Company. The land is located along and In eluded in the old Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain wagon road grant which wav purchased by Mln nesota capitalists a little over a year ago. and Inc'udes every odd section of a strip of land two mH* s wide and about 140 miles In length ex'ending west from Ontario to Hurns Colonel E R Place, of Caldwell, Idaho, and H W Dorman, of Ontario, and others have taken an option on th« 200.000 acres and have gone to Minneapolis, where they expect td close the deal for Its purcha«* The r purp-.se in acquiring it is colonization OUR GJODS are Standard Makes. OUR PRICES are open to considera­ tion. OUR CUSTOMERS are our best proof of satisfactory work. yt,' —*« OUR NEW LOCATION in the sT. Charles Building will interest you. -ee ns at 2*rJ M rrison St. when you can get such fine bread, rolls, cakes and pastry here. If you think our baking cannot be as good as your own give ours a trial to make sure. We are quite confident you will not be so sure about your superiority after you have tasted the product of our ovens. We have plenty of the practice which make« perfect baking. Have you? Medford District Fire Losses Light. Medford—The annual report to the National Forest service for the year 1911, just transmitted- by the Medford Forest Bureau, established a low rec­ ord for forest fires during the season as far as losses are concorned. The data show there were 68 tires. 46 In the reserve and 23 on private land threaten ng the property within the government boundaries TO COLONIZE LAND GRANT Our Guarantee on a watch or piece of.repair work is enough for all those who have patron­ ized us. WHY BOTHER WITH HOME BAKING? Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Government Gete Fi«h Food. Astoria The Union FUbermeu'l Co-operative Packing Company Is pre paring fish food for the flsherlea *1» partment. and is packing It in 10 pound' cans About 10.000 pound« of this food. consisting principally of cured salmon heads, has been put up. and the greater portion of it will be i used at the Klaakauine River plant Children 5c THEATRE OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST THE BRIGHT REALTY CO. Foster Road Lents Ore We Carry in Stock All Kinds of Staple and Fancy Gro­ ceries Including -u*-h w> II known goods >>f Merita« ALLEN A LEWIS, PRE­ FERRED -TOOK rporati<>ns Is $25,355,560 When the >tate tax commission reports Its assessment ot public eivice corporation property the total of the roll will be more than $28,000,000 Professor V. R Gardner, of the hor ticultural department of the Oregon Agricultural Colleg--. Is gathering on- of the most complete collections ot pomologies! specimens «ver liseetn bled anywhere in the country Thl- c-fllection will be used In Professor Gardner's course of systematic pomol <*gy At the annual meeting of the Ore gon Anti Saloon League, held at the V M C. A , Portland, J Frank Burke who tor the last six years has headed the anti-saloon forces in New Jersey and for the four previous years had acted1 as counsel for the same le igu« in Illinois, was elected superintend ent He succeeds Rev J R Knodell. who has been superintendent for four years Aliskys Win and Lose. Oregon City—Upon motion of S T. Jeffries, attorney for tt. ■ defendant Circuit Judge Campbell Issued an or­ der allowing Mrs Cleta Pearl Alisky, State Capital Gleanings sister of Mrs. Maybelle Gilman Co­ James Walton, pioneer of the Wil­ rey, wife of the steel trust magnate, lamette Valley, died at his home In 150 a month alimony during the pen dency of the suit, 1150 Milt money Salem, aged 89 According to a statement given to and $200 lawyer's fee rhe stale board by Superintendent Steiner, of tiie asylum for the insane, VOTE CANVASS DELAYED that institution is $5989 ahead of its maintenance. Foes of Harbor Improvement Get In­ Governor West has ordered that W junction. Cooper Morris be brought back to the Marshfield—An official canvass of penitentiary from Portland, where he the vote on the proposition to organize has been examining the books of the a port district at Port Orford cannot Oregon Trust & Savings Hank be made on account of a temporary Next month will be the time for the injunction which has been granted by semi annua! opening of bids for sup­ Judge John S Coke In the circuit plies for tiie state Institutions for the court in the petition of residents re­ ensuing six months Tiie date lias siding within the proposed port dis­ not been fixed, but it will be during trict The proposition to organize the the latter part of December. port at a recent election carried by Professor Georg,- L. Schreiber, In three majority. The opposing Inter­ stractor in art in the public schoois ests asked and secured the temporary of this city, has * «tabllshed himself injunction pending the fighting of the in the hearts of 8alem business men port plan in the courts. by achieving success at the Omaha It Is held that the port is not. In ac land show with the wonderful pano­ cordance .with the laws of the state rama which lie made for the Oregon and that the purpose Is not to Im­ state fair prove a bay or Inland waters butthat z\ car shortage even of a more s'-rl- the improvements proposed would af ‘tun nature than that of 1907 is Indi­ feet the high seas rather than Inland cated :n Western Oregon, from the waters. great number of complaints which have been pouring into the state rail­ Settlers Win Claims Against Scrippers road commission during the past few Marshfield. Decisions arc being re­ weeks These oomplaints are regia ceived from the Interior Department tered from point» between the Blue in oases which have been contested in Mountains and Huntington the land courts for a long time past Judge Kelly in circuit court over and which involve valuable land in th« Ellis Creek country, in the north­ filled the motion of State Printer ern part of C' joo * County. Several Dunnlway’s attorneys In the forcible have already been decided in favor of entry and detainer case brought by Secretary Olcott to oust the slate the homesteader*. printer from the state capitol, th,- mo tion being for the plaintiff to distin­ Glacial les Uncovered. Klamath Falla— While William Me guish between Secretary of State Ol­ Cully was digging gravel in Bullard's cott and the State of Oregon in the Canyon recently he was surprised to pleadings, or in other words, to make encounter a large body of glacial Ice the complaint either oojoe from Olcott several feet below the surface of the or from the State of Oregon. Hi gave 10 days In which to answer gravel bed. " ’ All road« I «ad 1» fliftnu <>raM Over th« hill« and far «way, , A good supplv of siaolln«. Ov«r th« hill« uwuv Th« luulfh-u lit th« II iiiuus IIM. A guldli'k h«n-l f >r th« tuuiiiig ma- ,-hta« All road« l«ad to Oi-vtna vlrvsn Over th« liUI« uw«> N«w York World. Lents Shoejtore F IR QUALITY.FIT ANO STYLE OUR SHOES ARE UNSURPASSED ■ On th« Other Foot. The Jeweler had Jll»t paid ilia doc tvi ■ "Now. Mr, Putnatu." said tin« doctor, i “I'm ready to buy a good watch, and I want you to tell ma Hi» beat one I can get for alsiiit $75." "Doe." res|Hiiitlcd the jeweler. "It ha« taken me more than forty years to learn all I know about watch»» Do you want me to give you tny pro fessloual advice for uothlug?" Uhl «•ago Tribune. Knew Hew to K««p a Hotel. Guest I'd «0**11 sturve here Proprietor (country hotel» There'» plenty to eat "Perhaps so. but those waiter girle of yours don't attend to me " "They don't? Well, that's easily filed. Here's some wax." "What goo,I Is that?" “Put It on your mustache, of course and cur! the ends You've got too much of a married look." New York Weekly His Precious Haad. On« hundred thousand dollars 1« th« pries upon tli» head Of IVrsta'« former sovereign -at least that's what Is «aid And If the «bah • a nervoii« man who worries o’er Ills fate. Why. who <-un blame him when he ask«. "Hay. 1« tny head on straight T*' - t’l«v«lsnd Plain l»eal«r Buried Tr«a«ura. Sarwitt Shvr* tur Humr*. n\d. PL o w i \(i. (ipA DIX(i, CH SS PO OI.S DRAIN INU....................... "Tou're sure there Is something tn that man's story of burled treasure?” “Not yet.’' replied Mr Dustin Stax. "But there ought to be buried treasure aornewhere tn the uelgliliorbood of his oiierntlons If he ha» persuaded any body else to «ink as much money as lie asked me for." Washington Star. I S TI »I 4 I TS Ft RMSHFIl Harding ö: Co. Hl CKI FY A FLOYD WK. Uncertain. Tiie New Girl \n' may my Intend ed visit me every Sunday afternoon, ma'am? Mistress Who Is your Intended. Della? Tiie New Gir! I d->u't know yet ma'aui I'm a stranger In town. — H uhht ' i , Bazar Irregular iu>wcl iiiovetnent- b-ad to clironic Cf>n«tqn-lipate.l habit fills tiie -y-t« iii willi impurieies. IlERBIN'E i* a irn-at l»>wel rogtilator. Ì It purifies the -y-tein. vitilize- tin- I>I< m ~i inni puts tiie fflgeative organs in tine vigoroiis < ndition Price 5*8 Sold by Lents Pharmacy. I F. MS. * ORF.. JONSRUD BROS. BORING OREGON I’tKHH- *11 Mill I ! < uillr* «*»t$th«'a*l ot Kvl*u CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOI’LDINGS TURNED WORK I.UMBFR $6 AND UP ¡-d*rK<- •!(« k <>f Dlnit imioti I r on hand Hotifh *n<| Dr»’* «. 4 luint« r for all |n$rpo»va •rnd t.i-lt-r io J< NriUl D li|{< >H. Boring Rb I Saved Many Irom Dea III W. I. M.s-k, of M<» k, Ark.. le,lieve« hi- hu» -aM-*l many li,*-» ili Ili« years *>f expi-rii-nce in tlw- *lrug liusin,-«. "Wbal I alway» like lodo " In- urite«, ”i- t<> r* > "*nnieiir*- luiig», har-i ool*h>, hoarw-n«--». olmtinat*- coligli«, la grippe, croiip. asthma or other broiieliial afiis-- tion, for I f*v-l aure tinti a numis-rof my neigliioir-ari-alive ami well today !»•- * aii-o they look my a>lvi<-e lo use il. I honestly Is-lieve its ti*,* is-st lhr<*ai ami lung iiimlicliie tliat'» nta*lv Easy t*> prove le-'» right. < iet a trial Isdtle Ir,»', or regolar fes* **r $1 «• l«*tll*-. (itiaran- t,«-*l by all dealer«. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS Complete Slock of Marble and Granite MONUMENTS SUBMITTED Oppoult City Hall Married BORING-SANDY STAGE LINE llrst-I lass livery and feed Stdbles dt Borlnq and Sandy Transportation of all kinds of Baggage to Samly and interior ¡s>inta .... For further Information phone or write There’s Nothing Like It I-:. F. DONAHUE, Prop. Boring, • • Oregon And WHEN you get married let us print your wedding Invi­ tations We Simply Dote on Help- intf Alona the Good Cause A A ME THE and call on Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with l.<»<'Af, APPI.ICATKIN ' cannot r« H< h tho m $t of ti1(. .p , tarrh la a blooel <»r <<>ni'tltution,t| H - Jt A and In order to < urr it j.>rimat ink 4ii- z 1» A nynn«$ weridlnff * »ketch and dMcrlptton may quickly aacarrnlii <>nr opinion free whether nn iiiTPtifl-in in prohnhly patMiitahln. ( ommiinlcn t Ion* *t riot ly confident fsi. HANDBOOK on Patent* ■ent free. . receive tpo-uaf notice, without charge. In the Scknliiic American. A hand*om«ly llln*f rated weekly. !.*rge«t dr entlOc i- hi 11 nt. 'I erm*, S > yctir : four month*, |L Hold by all newatiraliT*. MUNN & Co '361Bre«4w«n New York Branch Office, tf* F Rt^ Washington, D. C. taken Int.malty, ni -l n, i < <||,, . t|y upon 11.« l>liio*l anil mu- 1,11:1 ■ irt.i, . Ilall’a Catarrh Cure |H not a ................ -ill. inc It wns pri-Hirn»il by on. ,,r tii. I„ t ¿hy- slclan« In till» i-oiinlry for y,-*rs nn*t 1» n r.-eub.r r>r,-».-riptlo„ |, , ..nf th« lsrst tonics no«,,. |tl,wl|h **"• ........ purin-r«. a. tin.; ,lir.. tlv nn th« nne-ous surf,," , . ,„tr. . , , tion of th.- two Inv-r- ll.-n, |., wh.,t pr„. »".I, won.brr.it ,.....i,.. In ru,ln< eat.-irrb H.-ml tor |. tlmoni.il« fr,.„ F« Pr' ' Tol.-da. O. P<-l|||. f..r cuMilpaUuo. ^B eaver E ngraving C o . “W . ■ DESIGNING illustrating »•I« lilt FI»«T«»»*iitrWY ITI «oitnAtto oar