Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, October 19, 1911, Image 8

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E. M. Calkin» brought to this office a
few specimens of Burbank potato«»
that run H and 12 to a hill and average
7-6 of a pound to the potato«, He say»
he has two acres of these ami will har-
At the present
vest about 300 sacks,
price they will net him $450. Not so
bad for Lenta is it?
Old Mac., proprietor of the Lent»
Cafe made a business and pleasure trip
to Sandy Sunday.
All electric power was off for two
hours Monday, caused by the accident
at the I.ents Junction sub-station.
M. K. Hedge, the hardware man.
was a Portland visitor Monday.
We still hear rumors of another mo­
tor truck line from Portland to Lents.
We hav, «at ‘‘full house" says land-
lord Philli ig'of I Kelly Butte "hotel. "
And yet el It. wSekJhe adds a few more.
Wonder where he puts ’em. This is a
free board and lodging institution, the
only drawback being the clause that
says "all must work."
The new theatre is rapidly nearing
When finished it will t>e
one of the finest, if not the finest in the
city of Portland
B Farmer" Strickrod of Mount Scott
"Heights" was a Lents visitor last
Supt. Reynolds, of the Mt. Scott
Park Cemeteiy was a caller Monday.
Mrs. F. E. Cadwell, mother of T. Y.
Cadwell of this place, pleasantly sur­
prised him Monday eve. by dropping m
on him while at supper. Mrs. Cadwell
came from Rochelle Illinois and will
now make her home here.
J. C. Mount A Son. the local furni­
tureestablishment. have constructed a
neat little office room in the rear end
of their store.
Noah Kesterson has sold his black­
smith shop at Sycamore to transient
Marvin Hedge believes in advertising
and depends on this to help build up
his bnsiness. He does not confine him­
self to the columns of the newspaper,
however, and this week you may have
noticed his illuminated paint signs on
the front corner of the store. Marvin
says it pays to advertise and he is prov;
ing it. for in a short space of time he
has built up a trade and stocked his
store until now it is second to none in
the whole district.
Mrs Chas. Blakely, who came to at­
tend the funeral of her brother Delbert
Eldred will return this week to her
home at Homestead, in the eastern
part of the state. Mr. Blakely has a
mail route in that section. They were
formerly residents of Lents.
Mr. Ginder and family »re located
on Kennett street in Evergreen Park.
The bi-monthly meeting of the ladies
of St. Peters Parish was held at the
residence of Mrs. Reidy at Gates Cross­
* i
were enjoyed and a bountious repast
was set out by the hostess.
The H H. Class No. 7 of the Metho­
dist Church Sunday School to the num­
ber of 2". with their teacher Mrs. Ella
Brown, celebrated Columbus Day w ith
a 12 o’clock banquet in the basement
of the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore
were guests of honor. The afternoon
passed only to quickly with games anti
taffy pulling. At 5o'clock all departed
feeling it was good to be a Sunday
School Scholar.
Having s »hi <"ir farms, We w ill »ell the following |»ro|wrty ?tt auet ion on tbm • late al K al! •
Horn» >tea»l Farm. 1 1-2 miles north of Lent* Station. 1 I 2 mil» » «»nthrn-t of Montavilla ' 1 .
miles east «»f Mt. Tabor reservoir, on
Line Road Kelly Butte
>mmrncing at
a m
R. filtered Jer-. v Bull, Mary’- Gel-ten
v I <’
. four horse», con«i»tin- of
Brown, weight 1400. Iron Grey w» ,ght
Matched <»rrel Teain. w« igh’
Farm Wagon anti Box.
3 1-2 MU-lvbak-r Wagon
John beer»* Stag Truck
2 delixery Wagon»
’ »pen runabout Bug«;?
2 single buggx Harness
2 doub't* work Harn»"
Pouble surrey Harn-"
II inch steel walking Plow
Oliver walking PI<>« No ♦ '
14 in« h J»»hn D»‘ere sulky Pb»-’*
-.‘-horse John Deere riding Cultivator
and •» sets of Shovels
B v
2 horse P a <>. ’ anton line Disc
2 F» » d Cutters
Mann Bone Cutter hand or power
12 ft. 2- hor- W. .««!. ■
2 spike tooth Harrows
No. I sharpies Separator, hand or power
2 air light heating Stove*
Fanning Mill. 2 Hay Rack'
I”-ft. w<n»d Rat k
2 han't ' orn Planter-
2 hand Potato Planter*
Stewart lie‘2 horse Clippers
End gate -• * d sower, grass atta> hm«nt
Singh- w at king • 'ultivator
7 Milk I'ani. two Egg Carrier»
M ire Stretch» r
Two Lawn M»»wers, tw • Incu >at«»r*
I wo hand defers
Box To i* 1 ron. Fi»rk-, »-t<
I > tons of Hay in barn
S i tn* of <10 and under, ca^h. Over that amount six month»' time will be given tin
approved note» bearing * per c* nt inter»»*!
J. W. HUGHES, Auctioneer
Th«- Lent- Pharma« y .as in.-talh-d
another new «how «-a«*«- in it« -tore.
Notice their ad on another pair«-.
Tl,r«-e full house« attend«-«! th«- fire­
men'« l»-n«4it -how given at the Alcazar
theatre Wednesday «ve Everyone was
highly pleased with the entertainment
ami th«- l«>ys -welled their treasury
another ♦?"
The lad- wi-h to thank
the public for their attendant-« and
financial assistance.
The European-American Gnx-ery wa»-
openoi this week in Mentone ad«iition by
M. Mikolich. The proprietor has been
a resident of this [»la«*«- for some time ami
also owns property l,«-r«-. The n«-w -ton-
is neat ami clean an-i carries a very lull
ami complete line of groceries. fruits ami
- andie«. See their a«i on another pain-.
A large numlier of members ami vis­
itors gathered at Evening Star«’ Hall
on Section Line r-,a«l, Saturday October
7 for the regular meeting.
Two new mernl*rn were instructed in
third and fourth degrees. The full har­
The sweetness of low prices cannot
vesters' team was present.
atoned for the bitterness of low quality.
Among the visitors present were
That is why we sell high-grade goods,
K render of I-ents, Bl ark of
quoth manager Hedge of the Lent»
Woodlawn, Snashall of Pleasant Valley,
Hardware Company.
and past-master, Parsons and wife of
After alighting from a Sellwood
bound streetcar at Nashville street at
After the banquet, the following lec­
12:30 o’clock Sunday morning. C. E.
ture hour was enjoyed by those present
Bancroft, 27 years old. living at 26th
and Division streets, fell under the
Remarks—"Child Welfare Convention,"
moving car and both legs were severed I The ladies aid of th«- Evangelical
Mrs Hai hurst
between the knees and ankles.
church will,give a tea at th«- church
Paper and Discussion—“Good Roads,"
Mr- B. O. Northup, a sister of H. A. parlors on Thurwlay Oct. 26. Refn-sh-
R. <'. Wright
Darnall, visited in Lent.- last -aturday. m«-nt« will Is- followed by a -hurt pro­ Paper—"Road Construction,” — E. J.
J. .1. Johnson, wife and child, visited gram.
Peterson, followed by discussion by
in la?nts last Sunday
The funeral service of the infant
several members.
When asked a“ to when, if ever, work daughter of Mr and Mr«. James’Hazelet Ilecitatiqn—A. Deardorff.
would resume at the mill. Mr. Anderson wa« held at th«- home W«*dn«-«< lay. The "Making monthly ca«h allowam«- to
children,"—Mr. <»glila«e
of the Miller-Mowry L'linher C'o. r»-pli<d «•-rvic»*« w«-r« conduct«-«! by Rev. Boyd
"laibor Saver for tne Kitchen,"—Mrs
•’just as »non a- the wholesale market Moore.
Margaret Hawthorn.
picks up." At present le- -ays it is po tty
Mt. Scott Thimble Club met at the
dull and not enough order- in -ight to home«,f Mrs. India Ha«l«ien Thursday. “How ami When to Visit Scoool,”—
run both mills. The local mill i- mn in Oct. I:: where a plea-ant afternoon wa-
Mrs. M. Altman.
conjunction with the l.a-t Sid« Mills. -pent ami delicious refreshments were I Instrumental music,—Haze! Paquet.
W hen it, o|s rat, >n it employ.- from 6o ««•rveil. They will meet at the home of “Changing <itir Representation to Mate
to Ho men and susjs-nsion of work ha- Arthur Wrtlk’T* next Thurxuaj after-
and National Grange,”—Mrs. Vail,
been gn-ally felt here.
followeil by discussions l»y Bros. C. i
11. Welch, J. J. Johnson and Bro.
Th«- new theatre will open some time
next week, probably on Saturday. This
"Study of State Grange Report«,”—
annoumvment come- as the answer of APPLE SHOW TO BE
Mrs. Vail.
the ad that has been running in The
IN YEON Bl'II.DING During the business
session the rais­
Herald for some time, rea«ling “It s
ing of the «lues of the subordinate
coming—what is it?” Watch for the
The annual apple show wi[l lie h«-l<l in , Granges was discuss«d quite extensively.
exact date of opening—how your ap­
preciation of the owners' efforts to give the Yeon building The «how will occu- |
Lente a modem »how house by attend­ py the entire basement and two main
room» on the fi rst floor, while th« aw-I
ing oil opening day.
ond floor will be availabl«- for conven­
IL A. Darnall. returned Tuesday from tion purposes. The 25,000 square feet of [ Prea«'hing service II a. in. Snbjnct
a ten-days tour of the southern part of space affords ample room for all exhib­ ‘‘Human will vrs Divine Will.” Eve­
the state in the interewt of the State its. The show will open Novemlier 15 ning service will le* Evangelistic ami i
He report- a most enjoyable and extend through Haturday, Novem- everylsxly invited.
Boy«i Moore, Pastor.
l»-r Is. Th* official premium lists were
A new electric sign adorns the front of mail««! throughout the Northwest today,
our friend, old Mac s place, the Lents although Secretary Power exp-ct« to i
Cafe. Mac is there when it conies to ; have it increased by several supplemen­
♦ »'»> takes team of horte», weight 25<xi
tary prizes liefore the opening of the
Nothing of important;«* transpire«! at show. J. W Jeffery, of California, ptunds, s«-t of harness. 4h« wagon arel
Wednesday night’s nixting of th«' de­ Cominissioner of Horticulture, will be •Hi cords live wo«sl. Cha«. Dahlquist.
positors of the «iefunct bank.
th«- chief judge of the show.
Boring, Ore., Routed.
<>u are not ex|«enmeuting on your­
self when you take t'hamlierlain's
Cough Remedy for a cold as that pre­
paration ha- won its great reputation
ES, now is the time to paint.
Use Sherwin-Williams Paint.
A gu-’d many peo­
ple think it costs a fortune to paint a house, but it doesn't
Now, sup
house is 20x40 feet and 12 feet in height.
If you paint it yourself it
you about 12 dollars, including paint brushes, etc. Now, think it over and k
figure out the amount of paint it will take I ir your house.
We also carry a
line of Varnishes. Floor Stains, Floor Paint, etc.
x»e your
will cost
us help
Also a Complete Line of Jap-a-Lac in All Colors
This is a beautiful clock, guaranteed for 2
years and if kept in good shape and oiled
about once a year or so will run for 6 to 10
years. Regular price, $2.50. £
Our price
FilmVelox Papers. Most anything in this
line that you would want
For Pickles, etc. We have Celery Seed,
Ginger, Mustard, Tumeric, Cloves, Cinna­
mon, etc.
Throw your last winter’s Suit away when
you can make it look like new for 25 or 30c?
We handle the Diamond Dyola and Rain-
.bow Dyes.
Dyalo and Rainbow Dyes col­
or either cotton, wool or silk with the same
dye. Book of instructions if necessary.
Ami you n.s-d m-v.-ml Immlk.-n-hi.-i« * ,|»y ............... ‘
for y«»ii ar< prolmbly gi-tting th<- grip. Don i lei it
g«-t h hol'i un y->u. ('«un«- p> thi» drug st<in« nini gel
III«- l»ert pr< i.-ntatn.-« pn«pHrc«l. Sanie way witli all
othvr m«-dicim«H «, d hur<-
Tln- l«-«t or noni« al all.
Olir cobi ami grip labb-t« ar.- har«l lo I h - iu .
Our fall stock of Syringes and Hot Water
Bottles just received and comprise a large
afld'complete assortment.
Quality consid­
ered, we believe we have the very best prices.
Come in and get our prices if in need of one
Halloween Jack o' Lanterns 25c to $2.50 Each
See Our Window from Now Until Halloween