11 - Eutred a» Second Glas* Mail Matter at Lent», Oregon, Augii»! 25, UHI Published Every Thursday at Lent». Ore., by the M t . S o ht l’vmitttiüu Co. H. A. DARNALL, Enrroa ivn M anaukb . D. M. SIMONSEN. Lo< al E ditor asd B usiness R epresentative * WtSCNiFTiO BATfS Dvr Yvtr. >1 in advance lo foreign eouiHrivv *1 <> Six Uonth * T.V Threv month * trial M.ta» rtrtu»»» * A-. Singh t .»piva V R\ carrier bv per month for clubbing rates KVlTTINCfS h on Id ta M«nt to Fx ph» * or F * tothe.« M. micj Or 1er R« !«‘.» South Main St. Lenta, Oregon to not » .sh yoir. pain t continued please no:tfx i* < out the tune t’i find tin * p h 't * t -ati a< t»»ry toour vaitron' In ordering change of a«btn ** give old a* well new addre ** * CO SPONDE NFS ar< wanted n every . otnmuuily If i.o <-orrv p«- * I« n< v apt * « * ma» neighborhood you at« rv. * poet full y reqv -»ted to «»end us a> many 1« ka . items a* you « an r WHERE DO YOU DO YOUR BANKING? THE FOOD PROBLEM. )RF^S dispatches arc telling lohn R. hualK$ AT1ORMA Al I AU of riots in France anti Bel­ 14 Bl It cial backing McGuire woul gium over the high cost of food Il 1 E H NOTARY 1N HIS FOOTSTEPS. Htiihlliig, (♦»! ttol W * »hingt oil doubtless come near makin and of dissatisfaction and unrest MirvciN ) IMR I I GI» t»RE BOUT the most illuminating “Portland the Rose City. 1‘ractho in H Court * A tai rar I* in Germany, due to the same political literature now be­ “Portland the Clean City.” M I II) liranrh Unirr rat Fairview cause. Land monopoly and un- ing purveyed is the series of ar­ i just taxation have the same re- ticles which the Chicago Tribune W. F. K lineman C. E. Kennedv ( suits everyw here. Attorney at I aw • ■'..’I i t Xve.. S l< is printing from a correspondent NEEDS RECALLING. All of the countries named who is following President Taft. NHERE is a Federal Judge have high protective tariffs. No Kennedy & Klineman Instead of traveling w ith the named Hanford in Seattle, doubt the voters are told that Ileal Estate and Rentals. Notary Presidential party this corre­ who is unintentionally helping these tariffs are necessary to Public Work spondent is trailing the party. along the movement in favor of protect the w ell paid laborers of Office Phone T 21112 Residence 71'.» Two or three days behind he the recall of the judiciary. Mam St. »nd Carline. Lenta. Oregon each of these countries against drops into a town that has re­ Last spring 25 per cent of the the competition of the paui>er la­ Tabor l.">p> Office hour» ti-10 p. ni. ceived. cheered, and listened tot voters of Seattle signet! a demand Sunday by ap|a>intinent the President, and then had time for the recall of the Mayor. bor of England, the United States and other countries. Still, to think it over. He talks to all Judge Hanford came to the res­ Dr. trvm C. Sells conditions and kinds of people cue of that official by issuing an if the press dispatches are to be Practice Limited to the Eye. believed, the ‘discontented ones about how it seemed to them. : injunction forbidding the elec­ dim Gilbert Ave. Lenta. Ore. are demanding the reduction or Was the town enthusiastic? Do tion. It may seem strange that abolition of import duties ami people «believe in Taft? Will any cause whatever could be 1. m. Short, m. D. i other taxes on food. those who voted for him three found to justify interference by i Now while tariff duties have S. P. Bittner, m. D. years ago do it again a year the Federal Government with a much Iodo w ith raising the price hence? If not. why not? city election, but it is a poor of food they do not constitute the (irMiham. Or» g »• All along the line is the sanie judge who can not find some ex­ greatest evil. Even w ith a pro- report, that the masses of people cuse for interfering with any- are dissatisfied. They believe thing that is not his personal . hibitive tariff there would be no e. € morland. Dentist , lack of enough food in any coun­ the President, after promising liking. However. the Circuit try if a large part of the popula­ 719 Drkum Bkitf., Third anti Wash. that he would oppose Cannonism Court voided the injunction, . ington, Portl&iul, Orv and Aldrichism, allied himself Now Hanford has distinguished tion were not denied the right to City (M ain 59Ô5.1-vnts < Hfìce. Talor 25K7 with them: that after promising himself again, This time he has ! the use of the earth. In France Residence Residence. Corner "th and Marie St«., and Belgium much of the land is downward revision he joined interfered in behalf of the Street Lents, Ore. Office Hours s to 10 a. m. these men in betraying the Railway Company, which is col­ held by small owners or peasant pledge: that he assumed his full lecting higher fares than the i : proprietors who are woise rack Di. 0. h. hess share of responsibility for that terms of the franchise allow. renters than are the owners of PHYSICIAN ANI» SURGEON betrayal by the Winona and other The state courts, including the big estates, so that the lot of the landless man in either place is speeches. highest court in the state, have If this correspondent is cor­ all decided against the company not even as good as that of a Carline near Main Street. I.ents. Ore rectly diagnosing sentiment the and the city authorities were man similarly situated in Eng­ reciprocity incident is not getting about to force the company to land or Germany. d ., Some persons imagine that be. much attention, now that Canada abide by the terms of its charter Office over Firat State flank has ended that discussion for the when Judge Hanford issued an cause Belgium is the most thickly Phone, otllce. lw. r» I* * populated country in Europe all time being. Interest harks back injunction forbidding them. A GRESHAM, • • OREGON to the tariff, the failure to revise street railway franchise is sup­ of the land there is already in use. Such is far from being the it ab initio, and vetoes of the posed to be a matter that con­ tdward D. Smith schedule bills that passed this cerns only the community grant­ case. Population in Belgium is not nearly as dense as in the Representing the Provident Life and summer. The people clearly are ing it and the corporation receiv­ Trust C<>. of Philadelphia. not prepared to approve the Pre­ ing it. There being no question State of Rhode Island anti even in Rhode Island there is plenty sident’s course in the extra ses­ of inter-state Commerce involved, Phon>- Marshal sion just ended. Seemingly, too. it required some fine hair split- l of unused land. 513-514 Corbett Bld. Portland, Ore. his tariff commission excuse for ing to find some reason for Fed­ What all of these countries need most is not the obolition of vetoes and delays is not sinking eral interference, but Hanford W. 1. OTT H. H. OTT very deep into the minds of peo­ appears to be quite expert at tariffs and other oppressive taxes, Ott Brothers i important as such reform un­ ple to w’hom the high cost of liv­ splitting hairs. DENTISTS doubtedly is. Without the aboli- ing is a grave, ever-present af­ However, the worst is still to] ‘ tion of land monojtoly no reform, Ureaham. - - Oregon fair. come. The people of Seattle no matter how badlv needed, can Important businessmen, mer­ were naturally indignant and I chants. bankers, and manufac­ passed resolutions in a mass do more than bring temporary turers are represented as gener­ meeting requesting Congress to relief. LADiiis- m n s. i ixi sewrna ally loyal to Taft, convinced of impeach Judge Hanford. This latest fashion plates his sincerity and safety. But turns out to have been lese ma- Phone Talxir 70S MRS. J. T. BAII.EV. these appear as the decided jeste. Warrants for the arrest mrs . w . e . M c P herson . minority. of the speakers at the mass meet- : ing have been issued on the tech- The ordinary voter must be re­ nical charge of “conspiring to markably astute or extraordinar­ McGLIRE obstruct the administration of ORTLAND has at least found justice.” The editors of the ily prejudiced to know which one councilman who will not Seattle Star, which upholds the political party he belongs to at stand for vice graft or indolence. demand for Hanford’s impeach­ the present moment. The farmers must now contem­ That rnan is James McGuire, i ment. have also been arrested on plate the difficult task to vote elected to his present office last' the same charge. against Taft for favoring June. reciprocity, and against the Dem­ Mr. McGuire is also a shining COLLEGE ATHLETES ocrats for passing it. light in labor circles, being presi­ RECENT Oregonian edi-l dent of the steamfitters’ union Mr. J. J. Hill says the only torial very nicely illustrates at present. Although only “new thing that will drive people back how the university athlete man­ at the game” this man has come to the land is an empty stomach. forth openly declaring war on ages to “pull through” the year Aviators say an empty petrol­ in spite of his devotion or neg­ rice and all its elements. tank amounts to the same thing. But he does not stop here. He lect of studies. It is not gener­ Dr. Wiley’s vindication cannot C. A. DANIELS goes even further into the mat­ ally understood how a young be regarded otherwise than as ter, giving the public the cause man or woman can spend Pours Chimney« and Brickwork a most emphatic ant-vindication for and the origination of the that were set apart for “book L-timab-- Submitted “great disease” and then gent­ study” in the investigation of for Attorney-General Wicker­ Hox 17 North Main St. I.ents the art of chosing a stuffed pig­ sham. ly suggests a remedy. A morning paper likens Taft ’ s Portland needs more such men skin. Yet information along western trip to the late jaunt of as McGuire. With the combined those lines will eventually leak Halley’s comet, but omits to tell efforts of three or four council­ out. Athletics have their places. how many years it will be before men the existing disgusting and No doubt the existence of a suc­ he will come back. demoralizing conditions could cessful team in baseball, football, The men who undertake to or basket ball have a whole lot easily be remedied. write party platforms next year Ralph C. Clyde and Wm. Daly, to do with encouraging school may expect to face more search­ The Old Reliable Steam Saw both new’ councilmen and also pride and spirit, and offer fine is the Saw for Promptness strong labor unionists, have come mental recreation to the student ing criticism than document of and Satisfaction forward at different times ar­ who attends the game simply as that kind usually invite. Champ Clark says that the dif­ raigned on the right side, but in an observer. Such recreation the present crusade against vice requires only a limited time and ference between a speech and a H. BUCHANAN have been very silent. With their neglect of studies. No one [can lecture is that he gets paid for a Phone Tal»or 2967 Home 1912 aid and Mayor Rushlights’ offi- hardly believe that the intellect- i lecture. Still, doesn’t Mrs. Clark [ hi uk m to bank with a local iu«titutIon ns long a- ita standing bank in larger eominunitiea. It you need a loan in your terpriae come in and let ua figure with you, no matter if you are a depositor or not. We have uioiiev to loan on go.sl security and tieat all such matters in coiili- deuce. We invite vour business, be it large or antall. and reputation will isunp>re favorably with »in m • iht m I I m. e. Beit, m. e. m. DRESSMAKING REPORTORIALS P A WOODSAWING The Multnomah State Bank Affiliated W ith Scandinav lan-American Rank of Portland Cor. Main and Foster - Lents, Oregon - rd * . L IT’S COMINGS SURE! A AND IT WILL BE THE GREATEST \ EYER IN LENTS. \\ ATCH FOR IT / ------- WAIT FOR IT------------ ,\I T . SCO T I' I ’ A R l< A STRICTLY MODERN 11IOII CLASS CEMETERY Situated a mile southeast of Lents. Equipped with all the latest conveniences. Every burial plat sold under perpetual care agreement without extra cost. Prices reasonable. Service the best. For further information call city office, ‘>21 Yeon Bldg. Main 225. or Cemetery, Phone Tabor 1466. FREE! FREE! We are giving away free. Jewelry and Sil­ verware at this store. We are selling Gro­ ceries cheaper than anyone for we have abolished the old worn-out credit system and are giving you the benefit of it in low’ prices and profit-sharing premiums. Gall and get our prices. MT. SCOTT BAKERY GROCERY A. Krueger, Prop. LENTS - - OREGON YOUR SHOES Must be of the best quality for winter wear. wotjd renowned We have the —----- SELZ Shoe at less price than you can buy any other Shoe on the coast, quality considered. Why? Because we are buying direct from the manufacturer and cutting out the jobber’s profit, which is your gain. We H ill not sell you an inferior article. We want your continued patronage and only expect to get it by giving you the best to be had. ’NUF SED Our Groceries are also sold on merits and if you do not find things as represented you are expected to ieturn the same ¿MM! Buy for Cash and receive a Discount T»JJ McNEIL BROTHERS “QUALITY ALWAYS” S. MAIN ST. - LENTS, ORE.