M’NAMARÂ TRIAL IN LOS ANGELLS BEGINS THOMAS A EDISON Two Brothers. Accused of Dy- namiiing. Go Before Jury in California Court. Unions Parade for McNamaras. Portland —A monster parade, em­ bracing 'he members of 4? labor or­ ganization* of this city, took place Sunday for the purpose of demonstrat­ ing that the sympathy of the laboring classes is with the McNamara broth ers. who are to be tried in I.os Ange les October 10. charge«! with the dy­ namiting of the Times building EQUAL ¡SUFFRAGE REFUSED Recall Adopted and Initiative and Ref­ erendum Favored. San Francisco.—Election returns in dicate that California refused to grant equal suffrage to women, but had by emphatic vote adopted the Initiative and referendum and the re­ call, the latter including the judiciary, as part of its organic law-. Twenty-three proposed amendments to the constitution of the common­ wealth were voted upon. Of these the three mentioned and the proposal to make the State Railway Commis sion an appointive body and empow­ ering the Legislature to enlarge great­ ly the powers of the board, overshad­ owed in public ínteres- all the rest Death Comes to Cornelius Bliss New York—Cornelius Newton Bliss, for years one of the leading figures in National Republican politics and otherwise well known a* a merchant and member of 'he drygoods firm o' Bliss. Fabyan A Co . died here from heart failure Bliss had been 111 for a year He was 78 years old. hav­ ing been born in Fall River, Mass, in 1833 STRIKE HAS BECOME ENDURANCE CONTEST San Francisco.—Quiet prevails in the strike situation over the Harriman lines on the coast, after a week which has been characterized here by lack of the usual disorders and riot* be tween strikers and strikebreakers Beyond a few fist fights there has been no trouble. On the coast the strike has settled down into an endurance contest, with the strikers calm and appearances greatly against the railroad Engines *re known to be going dead in largi numbers in various coast divisions. Portland—The lailtoad strike on the Harriman railroad lines reveals no sign ol w eakening in either of the bel- ligerent camps The officials of the railroad companiee are do ng every­ thing in their power to ignore the fact that a strike I* on. but each day the condition of the rolling stork and mo tive power of the roads become* more impaired until, *o the strikers believe, it can be only a comparative ly short time until the officials will have to not only recognize bu' con cede the strikers’ demands BOGUS COIN CHIEF CAUGHT Officer« Fellow Clew Ac"os« Entire Continent. Washington —After a search across the continent and up into British Co­ lumbia. the Secret Service operative* captured Albert Loon, a Russian Jew Ind political refuge, as he was about to leave New York for South America Leon is alleged to be the head ot an extensive counterfeiting gang which has flooded the Pacific Coast with spurious $10 bank notes during the last year. THE BOY AND A BIG LOAF Investigating Beetle Pe»t* Corvallis II F W'lson. as- »tant pro'essor of ent «tnology and crop pent expert at Oregon Ag Ic i lilial Col lege, returned from Portland, II boro, Yamhill and Carlton where ha* been making a continued tnvesti gation into th* ravages of a s beetle found In these object wa» to discover particular pi at atlacks healthy t ofessor M Ison did not find .is m tn.' e' the pests as on his previous trip i «t .artng and found them only n the t and < ! .-rry’ troes ft lfU. by American Frasa ANOcUÜoa. Douglas Fair Success. Thomas A. Edison, the American - Although som. what Roseburg inventor, who has just returned from a trip to Europe where h© *as lion­ hampered on account of rainy «-•aih er during the first three • days of th«' ized. fair, the 18th annual exhibition of the Douglas Count’- \gr cultural Ro NO DEATHS IN FLOOD cietv proved one of the m >*t -access Enormous Property Loss in Black fu! • ven'- ever held n this section of the state River. W sconsin. Region. Black River Falls. WisThe devas fating flood of the Black River, which inundated this town, sent its 2000 In habitants scurrying to shelter in the hills, and causing property damage between $1.000.000 and $5,000,000. ha* receded. Latest report* Indicate that there has been no loss of life, people in the devastated section having been given sufficient warning to flee to the hills This city practically has been blot ted from the map Only a few of the 61 business buildings have thus far escaped the fury of a raging flood The entire business district has dis­ appeared, the Black River having cut a new bed through what was Water street, the main stree’ in the town The Black River is filled with wreck­ age as far as Im Crosse, and numer­ ous farm houses have been demol­ ished. BRIDGE CREW HEIRS WIN your watch o KEEP TIME ! nnre UULu «tul then you’ll it think of tie Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week Los Angeles, Cal — Wednesday morn ng. October ll. in a large airy room on the fifth floor of the n«w hall ot re.-ords building the curtain was diusn for the first act ot anothei n workers and hi* brather James ll 'ce M Xantara were placed on trial bet. re Judgt Walter Bordwel! on charges ot wholesale murder by dynam ' ng. tn connect an w th the destruction of the Los Angele* Times build ng at First It:- et and Broadway on the morn.rg of O« tober 1, 1910, in which disaster 20 men :ost their live* A web of what the prosecution re­ gal ds as evidcpce has been spin around the two brothers, one a nation­ al labor leader and the other a work­ er tn the rank* and will be present d to 'he jury. Clarence S Darrow ana the other attorney* encaged in the defense of the McNamaras, howev- r. are confident that they will be able to rend asunder the case of the prose­ cut on. and that their clients w ill w alk forth free min OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST No hasty, leave* our shop. Our skill. tl miti eoiiecieiitii.il*. grumble ill the prices, Fred I). Flora soon become one it the bread conies from this bakery. Give your youngster plenty of our bread and he’ll ask nothing bet­ ter. He will thrive wonderfully too. Try some of it yourself, If you m*ver were much of a bread eater before, you will be­ come one as soon as vuti taste the product of our ovens. Mt. Scott BakingCo. A. BRL'GGFR, Prop CARLINE LENTS. OR Actin* upon the advice Roseburg modern Woodmen of Hmerlca of hundrei’- of taxpayers. together with pet ions from various grange» of Douglas County, the county court authorised the payment of $1000 to the legal hefrs of the six members ot the county bridge gang who were killed a* a result of the collapse of the Tnipffua bridge <»n August 24 Mrs Alice McFarlane of Curry Coun- tv, widow o Peter McFarlane a vi tim of the accident, accepted th» cotnprotnlse and tendered the coun'.' a sufficient release from damages It is believed that a 'Ike compromise also will be effected in the other . <-e A cording to the order filed by eourt. the county denies all liabil tv Of Any as a result of the accident This alle­ Chai'acter Wiley Will Begin "Soft Drink" War. gation. they av.r. is based upon court Printed at Washington.—An order for the im­ decisions in parallel cases in which It This was held that the county was not Ila mediate consideration of the perplex ing que*tions. "What is beer?" “What ble. The commissioners contend tha’ Otlice Is vinegar?" and "What is a soft the money was not authorized with a drink?" has been passed by the Board view of sa'isfying the claim«, hut was of Food and Drug Inspection at a tendered with a view of ,1'Sfsting meeting In the office of Dr. Harvey those dependent upon the vlct mi W Wiley, chief of the Bureau of Loot Is Barrow'« Burden. Chemistry and chairman of the Board. The Dalle* —While seven operator* were a’ work In the next room, rob bers entered the business office of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Sample* Shown and Price* Pur- Fornpany here and carried o it i safe, nisheu on Application It was loaded on a wheelbarrow at the back door and taken to the river Seattle.—In his formal speech here, beach, where It was blown open Tile the I’residen- declared that Alaska saf< contained $22 GRANGE DIRECTORY should have at least a semi self-gov­ (iirang*-* ar«- r- d to m ji a m bringing about a change tha’ will re­ of th» Women's Chrfs'lan T»mp»r th­ Ml LTNOMAH '.RANGE, NO 71 sult in the development of Alaska an<* I'niOft. delivered an address at fourth FfcUurday in every month at lu v a in In Grange bail. Orient and making that territory valuable to the stat* convention now being held EAIRVIEU oKA.NGE M« . t* first Katurday itself and valuable to all mankind and the third Friday of each month in this city RrHHEf.LVII.LE '.R ange no XM—Mertu tn "I see no more reason for govern­ the fM'hoolhouf** the third Haturdny of each rnontii ment ownership in Alaska, however, ELECTRICITY LOGS LAND EVENIN’«. HTAR '»RANGE M.-.-I« In thrlr than elsewhere We should Introduce hall at Honth Mount Tabor on th< Mr*. Hatnr there th» same limitations as to the Marshfield Concern Plans Te»t of dal of each month at 1') a m All visitor* «r.- welcome. disposition of the public domain as Clearing Stumps. t.REHHAM «. range M.-et» < f the beat phy­ will plan to do al! it^ loggmg by rm if sicians' in thill country f r y< ar« and Is Portland. a regular prescription. It In rompo.*<< d of cbinery. Wheat—Track price* Club, 79c; the bent tonic« known, roVnbinrd with the beat blood purifier«, acting directly on the bluestem, 82c; red Russian, 77c. mucoua Rurfac»-«. The pr-rfer t combina­ Drainage District Asked. Barley—Feed. 132 per ton tion of the two Ingredient« 1« what pro­ Hillsboro — A petition I* filed dm e« «in h wonderful reeulta in curing with Oat*—No. 1 white, $30 per tea. catarrh. Rend for testimonial«, free. Hay—Timothy, valley, $15; alfalfa the county court here asking for a F. J t ’HEN’EY A CO.. Prop«.. Toledo. O. drainage district Is th* Ixuisnont Bold by PrugglMt«, price 75c. 111 Take Hall» Family Pill« for cuualipatAoo. Lak» and Dairy Creek seotioss. affect­ Butter—Creamery tic i ing more than 5* valuable farm* The ■M*- Ranch, 84e. Hope—1111 crop, lie, 1B10, nomi­ proposed ditch will reclaim several How’« This? thousand acre* of th* riche*, beever nal We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ Wool — Eastern Oregon, 1916c; dam and bot’om land* In Washington ward for any case of Catarrh that County. cannot be cured by Hall'« Catarrh Willamette Valley, 15® 17c Cure. Mohair—Choice, 27c. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sight Less Value $10 000 We. the undersigned, have known F J. Seattle. Eugene.— Because the cold chisel, Cheney for the last 15 years, and Ix-llrvn him perfectly honorable in all business Wheat—Bluestem, 83c; Club, 79c; which be was using to sever a piece transactions and financially able to carry red Russian, 77a. of gas pipe, broke, and a chip of the out any obligations made by 111* Arm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Barley—$30 per ton metal flew late bi* eye, causing In Toledo, O. Ost*—$29 per to* jurfe* which may result in the loss ol Hall's Catarrh Cure I* taken Internally, Egg* 36c Sight, la>ren P Harris, a gas fitter, a>tlng directly upon the blood and mu­ Hay-Timothy, Bis per ton; aWalfa, I* Ruing the Oregon Power Company cous surfaces of tlm system. Testimonials sent free Price 75 cents per bottle. Hold $16 per ton. by nil Druggist*. for $10,000 damage«. A Society Card GET ION Skill) BROS. BORING OREGON I'httn. it* 'III- ' l I mil« » *4»uthe«»l »»( K**l»u CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOI'LDINGS TURNED WORK Hslra Fine, Pure, Home­ made Peanut Brittle at 15c per lb. All our ■Irlicioiia home made ratidie» -«•Il at iciil« |H'r ll> THY THEM. We are also Lenta agents for the famous Ixiwney*» Choco­ late« the beat niude. Your sweetheart just loves them. She'll love you as well if you present her with a box. 25c up A. LAMBERT CONFBCriONI U I.cuts, Oregon All Kinds of BORING-SANDY Staple and Fancy Gro eerie» STAGE LINE llrst-lldss livery anJ Imi Stables at Boring and Sandy L. I 4 • VVi lev’s Fur turi PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS Complete Slock of Marble and Granite MONUMENTS ESTMsris SUINI ffíD St. Opposte Citi Hal THE TAFT URGES LEASE PLAN FOR ALASKA Take Hall's Family Pills for cvaallpatloa. LAMBERT’S SPECIAL Alcazar Theatre I ’sing only the best licensed motion pic­ tures. 3,000 feet of film and song at every show. Open every evening at 7:30 and matinee Sunday at 3 p. m. .Admission 5c and lOc Main St., Lents K SEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL Jj«> KAII.Y JOt'RNAI. . .-,<«> DAILY »lid HONDA Y JOURNAL 7IO I'ACIKIC MONTHLY 2 00 PACIPIO HOMEHTKAI) I'Af IKK EARMKK poultry J ournal (monthly) I mi OREGON AGRICUI.TI'RIHT I M i EARM JOURNAL, *J yr«, and Hur««! Neemt*.................................................. | M) MrOALl.’H MAGAZINE (Ladle**) I to .7* This when price remittance in for delivery innll wlth only only I* by made" 'T.rder1 nly when remittance In mad«* with o I'aner* may he «ent to ■ep.-rate addresses H,.h- s crlpilon« may begin al any tlnu-