Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, September 08, 1911, Image 3

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Absolutely Refuse to Recognize
Federation of Employes.
Kline, for Men, Makee Plea on Eco-
nomlc Grounds Official! Say
.Duty To Public Prevent!.
San Franciaco The Southern Pacific
company, through Juliui Kruttaehnitt,
vice preaident und director of mainte­
nance of the Harriman lines, abaolute-
ly rejected a demand for recognition
of the Federation of Railway Em­
ployee, composing five ahop trade! and
25,000 men. Thia would hamper the
compuny in performing ila duty to the
public, waa the ¡xtsition taken by the
official!. Union leaders aaked for it
on grounds of economy and exjiedition
and admittedly Itecause of a feeling
that greater centralization of capital
and (lower made corresponding cen­
tralization among varioua unions de­
The uniona involved hud aaked per-
mission of their general otficera to
atrike in event of the refusal of rec­
A conference laxtirig three hours
and 20 minutes waa terminated by Mr.
Kruttaehnitt*! final answer and fol­
lowing It the union repreaentativea.
sober- f seed, went into aeaaion them­
selves, to consider the atrike vote,
which they may accept as binding, or
may reject, rcfuiing to aanction a
•'Our mealing with Mr.
achnitt waa without reault," aaid J.
W. Kline. “Neither aide would con­
cede anything. The demand that he
recognize the Federation waa present-
ed to Mr. Kruttaehnitt, but he refuaed
to grant it. However, we atill have
ho|>e of avoiding a atrike.**
Mr. Kline aaid later:
“Owing to the deadlock between
the committee and Mr Kruttaehnitt,
it ia practically certain that the offi­
cers and membera of the uniona in­
volved will be called to San Franciaco
immediately for consultation.
“The international ofiieera now here
have not receded from their demand
that the Federation be recognized.
“The railroada recognize and deal
with collective transportation organiz­
ation!. They ahould receive the ihop
tradea on the same basis," Mr. Kline
“Joint action ia recognized on 14
railroad systems with entire aucceaa,
and the Harriman linea will have to |
i- MM lO It.”
Interests Feel Tenaion of
War Situation.
Paria—The nervousness of the busi­
ness world over the unsettled Franco-
German negotiation! relative to Mo­
rocco reacted Saturday on the Bourse.
Transaction» were limited, nearly the
whole liat being weak.
Much uncertainty has been caused
in official circle! here by the action of
the Spaniah government in chooaing
the preaent time to occupy Sainte
Croix la Mineur. on the Moroccan
coaat, 58 mile! south of Agadir, under
the terma of the treaty of 1860 with
The French foreign office continuea
to assert confidence in an early settle­
ment, because of the extent of the
compensation» offered to Germany, but
the real difficulty in the way of an
early settlement, it ia believed, liea
in the special commercial and mining
guarantee» which Germany may aeek
in Morocco, aa nothing can be given
Germany in Morocco which Great Brit­
ain doea not poaaeaa.
Besides. any­
thing like apecial privilege» would
afford endleaa occasions for the re­
opening of the controveray on ques-
tiona of interpretation.
Cough Permit Granted.
Denver—Ole Skinden, a victim of
asthma, who enme here for hia health
from New York, appeared before the
health officer and requested a permit
to cough in Denver street».
He aaid
that when he aita on the curb and be-
gina to cough the firaat policeman who
cornea along arrests him and aenda him
to jail in the ambulance, charging
him with diaturbing the peace.
health officer issued an order authoriz­
ing him to cough in the atreet and told
him to have the captain of police O.
K. it.
Maxicans Shout Fraud.
Mexico City—Joae Pino Suarez had
615 votes aa a reault of the progrea-
live convention’s first ballot for a
vice presidential candidate.
Dr. F.
V. Gomez received 600,
Iglesias Caldron, 321, and Alfredo
Dominguez 319.
Shouting charges of
corruption and yelling that the sup­
porters of Suarez had bought votes,
the supporters of Gomez marched out
of the convention, stopping the ballot­
ing for the time.
New Revolt Breaks Out.
El Paso, Texas— According to a ape­
cial from Hermosilla, the state of
Sinaloa, Mexico,
in rebellion
against the
Mexican government,
(levemor Juan Banderez heads the re­
volt, declaring for an independent
Much Extra Help,
San Francisco When the Southern
Pacific offices closed for the day Au­
gust 31, several hundred employee lev­
ered their connection! with the com­
pany. The retrenchment order, re-
oenUy made, affects all department!
eicept the operating department.
The biggest cut to be made ia in the
number of train auditors employed on
the Pacific system.
Seventy-five per
cent of these have l>een dismissed, and
fully I5o auditors will erase taking
tickets on the trains leaving thia city.
For many years ticket collecting
was left to conductors, but the rail­
road decided that they ahould give
their entire attention to o|>erating
trains. A large force of auditors was
employed and they supplanted the con­
ductors insofar as dealing directly
with passengers was concerned.
When the necessity for economy
waa felt, however, the railroad com­
pany decided that auditors were some­
thing of a luxury and so they were
cut 6ff, aa are several persona work­
ing in the
auditing department.
Railroad officials contend that busi­
ness is not so rushing that it requires
a large force to keep track of its in­
come. There will be no reduction of
train crews or equipment for the pres­
Non-Exlstsnt; Stock
to Be
New York The Standard Oil com­
pany of New Jersey, parent of all the
Standard Oil companies, has cessed to
exist aa the bolding company of the
vast interests that in the past it has
managed aa a trust. The books clou d
August 31. and the stock in the subsid­
iary companies will be distributed
among the stockholders pro rata. It
will take at least three months to ¡ter­
form the clerical work of distribution.
Standard Oil waa traded in a the last
day at about (625 a share, transactions
being restricted to cash dealings. A
bid <>f S31o a share for Standard 0U
“ex-subsidiaries, ” or without rights
U> participation in the distribution of
subsidiaries, was made by a venture­
some trader on the “curb,“ but as no
intelligent appraisal can yet be made
of the worth of the atock when divest­
ed of its outside holdings, the offer
waa not accepted.
Casa Diagnosed as Diphtheria Provas
Logansport, Ind.—While the par­
ents, who had diagnosed the case aa
diphtheria, administered anti-toxin,
¡»ending the arrival of physicians,
Dorothy Vickers, 6 years old. died
from strangulation, which proved to
have been caused by a watermelon
The little girl at tendril a children's
party at a neighbor's
house, and
among other refreshments watermel­
ons were served. When the little girl
returned home she complained of a
soreness in her throat.
Her mother
made an examination and the inflamed
condition of the child's throat led the
mother to believe that she had con­
tracted a heavy cold.
The child was very ill next morning
and physicians were hurriedly sum­
moned, and ¡tending their arrival anti­
toxin was ordered from a drugstore
and administered.
A ¡«1st mortem
examination was held and it was
found that a small watermelon seed
had lodged in the child's throat and
had slowly strangled her to death.
Fire is Beyond Control.
Grass Valley, Cal. — Fire which
started on a Placer county ranch four
miles from Auburn, ia now beyond
control. Fanned by high winds, it
has jumped the Bear river and swept
into Nevada county, threatening brid­
ges, destroying timber
belts and
sweeping homesteads from the clear­
Millions of feet of pine and many
farms are in its path.
The fire is
thought to have started from an aban­
doned camp fire.
Vessel Burns. Crew Gone.
New York—Wireless reports re­
ceived here Friday from the steamer
Oklahoma, bound from New York to
Port Arthur, Tex., tell of the burning
of an unidentified schooner at sea.
Only the mizzenmast of the schooner
was standing when the Oklahoma
passed her 15 miles southeast of Fry­
ingpan shoals.
The Oklahoma tried vainly to make
out the name of the vessel and search­
ed the rough seas in the vicinity in an
equally vain endeavor to locate the
Woman Curea Snakebite.
Pierre, S. I). —When Myrtle Olaon,
a 9-year-old girl, waa bitten by a
rattlesnake her mother, after tying a
ligature about the wound, slashed
with a table knife the place where the
fangs had entered and washed out the
cut with kerosene. Later she covered
the wound with salt, then waited for a
physician. As a result of thia treat­
ment there was little swelling from
the bite, and the child waa walking
about next day.
Franca Feels Suspense.
Paria—France remains in a state of
suspense over the outcome of the ne­
gotiations between France and Ger­
many relative to Morocco.
While in
official circles the attitude i| main­
tained that the negotiations to be re­
sumed shortly will lead to a satisfac­
tory settlement, there ia a certain
anxiety among the people because of
the possibility of a rupture.
Car Passengers Rejoice In Shining Ex­
ample of Beauty and Devotion
to Parents.
Father and mother, both elderly,
and daughter—they were evidently re­
Congress Falls to Provide Fund to i Army Makee Rifle With Which to Des-
turning from a bit of an outing at
Raise All of Wreck,
troy Airships.
Riverside park. The mother was
Washington, D. C. Aa much of the
Washington, D. C.—A new six- quite feeble and It waa well worth
wrecked battleship Maine as the avail­ pounder gun, equipped with specially seeing the gentleness and care with
able funds will permit will be removed
which the daughter aided her waver­
adapted high explosive projectiles and
or prepared for the removal from
ing footsteps as she helped the moth­
Rapid 8attlamant of Wait Overbal­
Havana harbor, and the mammoth shrapnel shells, to demolish aeroplanes er on the car.
ances Increase of East—First
cofferdam surrounding the ruins will and balloons in battle, has been per­
"Now for you, pop,” said the young
Calculation Error.
be refilled with water to await an ad­ fected by the United States army. It girl, as she took bold of the father s
ditional appropriation by congress to
can be elevated at any angle, and
finish the raising operations.
laughing gayly as she did so. The fa­
Congress failed to act on the presi­ possesses a maximum effective range ther wore a bronze button at his
Washngton, D. C.—The center of
dent's recommendation for an addi­ of seven miles.
coat lapel, showing that be was a population of the United States is an­
tional 1250,000 and the War depart-
The construction of the new rifle veteran who had fought for his coun nounced by Director of the Census
merit has mapped out its plana for the has just been completed at the Rock try. He was somewhat deaf, too. as Durand to be in the western part of
ex|>en>iiture of the money on hand, i Island, III., arsenal.
Experiments could be seen, for be put bls hand to Bloomington, Monroe county, Indiana.
which probably will be ,,.h...«r-,t
exhausted l.v
by with it Will be begun at Sandy Hook his right ear as the girl spoke to him.
This is eight miles west of the loca­
the time congress convenes in Decem­ proving grounds within a fortnight. She seated herself between the two tion announced July 17, when Director
The army thus is in advance of the and took off her hat. It must be ad­ Durand placed it four and a quarter
Because of the lack of funds, even navy toward the solution of the prob­ mitted that, though plain and feather- miles south of Unionville, in the same
funeral services over the recovered lem of defense against ariships. The I b-sB, It was big enough to be in style, county.
remains of the dead and the erection navy only a few days ago conducted and she took it off that mother and
Ten years ago the center of popula­
in Arlington National cemetery of the its first teats with the carriage of a father might sit nearer to her. And tion was six miles southeast of Colum­
mast of the ill-fated vessel, as a mon­ one-pounder gun.
she talked and talked, better than a bus, Ind., 39 miles east of its new lo­
ument to them, must be postponed.
The shells which this army gun will paid entertainer, and the old people cation.
The remains and the mast will be sent hurl into the skies are described as looked so proud and so bappy.
The change in the center of popula­
to the cemetery to be stored there un­ remarkable devices.
They will be
The daughter's hair, caught by the tion since July 17 is due to the discov­
til congress acts.
loaded with dunnite, or other high ex­ breeze, curled about ber face most ery of an error made in the census
The terribly-wrecked forward part plosives, and on bursting will send charmingly and It was no trouble at office. Two clerks worked separately
of the vessel, or about two-thirds of ( forth a shower of shot in a cone-like all to see, though she was dressed in computing the geographical point,
it, will be cut down to the levels area, similar to the performance of a plainly, all in white, that she «as a but both made the same error, and the
already reached by the pumpage, then skyrocket, almost certain to strike an
very pretty girl; a alight figure, grace- wrong result was published
taken out and dumped into deep water airship if aimed with any degree of ful and tall, bending ber well-poised census office’s determination
outside Havana harbor.
bead first to one side then to the oth­ spot
A small cofferdam will be built in­
Other projectiles which have been er as she spoke to mother or to fa­
The movement of the center of pop-
side the main cofferdam to a depth of j designed for the new gun contain only
ulation 39 miles westward is due to
about 4<I feet around the forward part | a high explosive, which, on exploding,
bad, with just a blush in each cheek. the increase of population on the Pa­
to extricate the rest of it later. One- would wreck any airship nearby.
About ber neck wax a string of small cific Coaat.
third of the after portion of the ves-
Following in the wake of these pow­ beads A small gilt cross hung from
"The great increase in the popula­
sei, it is believed, can be floated.
It erful projectiles will be tracers, which ' the strand and lay on her bosom.
tion of New York, Pennsylvania and
will be pumped out and bulkheaded, will aid in aiming the gun on the
center states north of the thirty-ninth
When the car stopped she helped
but not moved, ¡tending the appro- course of a hostile airship. The trac­
parallel has balanced the increase in
her father and mother to allghL using
priation of more money.
ers to be used in daylight will be of
Texas, Oklahoma. Indian Territory
I tbe same care and gentleness that she
smoke, while sparks will show the
and Southern California,” aaid Di-
had used in helping them to get on,
path of tbe shell at night,.
rector Durand.
and walking between them gave an
In the coming experiment the army
“The greater advance toward the
arm to each on their way to the slde- West ia to a large extent due to
Taft to Compal Scientific Considera­ will shoot at balloons and box kites, walk.
and possibly a real airship will be
increase in population of the Pacific
tion of Tariff.
"Did yez
used for the purpose of sighting at
Coaat states, their distance from the
Washington, D. C. —If congress ser­
workingman on the rear seat. "Did center giving them much greater
great distance.
iously intends to revise the tariff at
yez see that colleen? That's the kind weight than the populous states east
the regular session next winter, it
we have in Ireland, in County Clare.' of the center.
will have to base its reviaion on the
"I hope," said a quiet man nearby,
“For instance, San Francisco, Port­
findings of the tariff board, or its
"that we may have many more like land, Seattle and Sacramento, with a
work will go for naught.
Naval Battle Practice Under Adverse her In this country.”—Indianapolis
population of 906,016, have aa great
President Taft has made it plain
an influence on the center of popula­
that he will not approve harum-scarum
tion aa Philadelphia, Boaton and Bal­
Washington, D. C.—The Atlantic
tariff revision, nor will he approve
timore with a population of 2,778,-
fleet, the real power of the American
Love's Supreme Test.
any tariff bill that does not have due
navy, will begin its spectacular sun­
out a woman's 078.”
regard for the protective system.
mer practice off
the che sapeaks garbage can for her but her servant
This means two things: First, that
capes, under simulated battle condi- her husband or her lover.’’ This Is
any tariff bills, to become laws, must
•> t
not the persiflage of a vaudevlllist or
conform strictly to the findings of the
Realizing that future combats will the epigram of a philosopher or the
tariff board, and second, they cannot
be fought at great distances, not a mockery of a cynic. It is the grave
be Democratic tariff-for-revenue bils.
shot will be fired during the two declaration of a referee In a divorce
Beverly—So far have plans for
That the president can enforce hia
weeks of the practice at a range leas case where it waa proved that the de­ President Taft's Western trip ad­
mandate was made plain by the failure
than 9,000 yards.
The maximum fendant husband had not only carried vanced that L. C. Wheeler, the ad-
of congress to pass any of the make­
ranges of the practice will be 16,000 home groceries for the co-respondent, vance guard of the secret service, will
shift bills of the special session over
yards, or more than nine miles.
but had looked after the garbage pall. start out next week to make prepara­
his veto, for it is certain this same
Instead of bolding the practice for
Shakespeare classed the lover along tions for the presidents’s appearance.
congress in the regular session will
two or three days, as has been the with the poet and the lunatic, because
Mr. Wheeler will visit all towns and
vote to sustain the presidential veto
custom, the Navy department has ex they "are of Imagination all compact." cities where the president is to stop,
just as it did a few days ago on the
tended the program over two weeks, The referee in this case classes him make arrangements for the meetings
wool and free list bills.
that the battleships may be sure to with the husband and the servant be- and dinners in which the president
encounter rough weather It is argued cause of a servitude absolute, The will figure, and see that the police are
that the sailor cannot choose hia time argument of the referee In support of ready to guard the chief executive.
or conditions of battle, and for that his conclusion was quite simple. "A
Banks and Treasury Must Finance
reason the elementary exercise of the man's affection for a woman,” he
»8,000,000 POWER PLANT.
• 94,000,000 Next Month.
past has been abandoned for two great said, "Is shown by his willingness to
Washington, D. C. — The treasury battle practices in the open sea each take trouble on her behalf, to do lit­
Massachusetts Syndicate to Develop
and the banks will be calleci upon to year.
tle services for her. to do with a will­
Kootenai Falls, Montana.
finance no less than |94,(><Jo,OOO in
Features of the exercises will be ing hand that which a man not in
dividend and interest payments in tests with box kites, representing
—Six million dollars is to
love would deem tiresome, trouble­
September. Of that aum, 155,000,000 aeroplanes, and experinaenal work in
be expended by a Massachusetts syn­
some and disgusting.”
will be in dividends. The great bur­ repelling night attacks by torpedo ves­
dicate in deveolping 80,000 horse
Then It Is not the champagne dln-
den of all the financing will fall on the sels and submarines.
power electrical energy at Kootenai
ner nor the lobster supper nor the
New York banks and the sub-treasury
Before the practice
closes the auto ride nor the diamond ring nor Falls. Mont., for distribution in west­
Dreadnaught Delaware will make a even the sonnet nor the offer of mar­ ern Montana, northern Idaho and
The government will have no im­ second attempt to demolish the San
northeasten Washington, according to
riage that constitutes the supreme
portant payments to make until Octo­ Marcos—the old Texas—and end this
J. A. Coran of Boston, who is in
ber, when the interest on the $600,- ship's existence.
Spokane with his son, Chester D.
Only a few days
000,000 consolidation loan of 1900 ago she was almost shattered by the
Coran, and Chandler M. Wood, counsel
Colony Lives as in the Past.
falls due and the first interest on the Delaware's 12-inch rifles a ranges of
for the corporation. The plant will
Wrapped in the dark superstition
recent $50,000,000 issue of 3 per cent 15.000 and 16,000 yards.
be located at a point about seven
Panama bonds will be paid.
miles east of Troy, Idaho, and 11
sian Cossacks still endeavors to bide
miles west of Libby, Mont., the mile
itself away in Anatolia. Asia Minor, pipe line from the Kootenai river di­
Army Seriously Crippled.
affording a rare field for research for verting 6000 cubic second feet at 150
Washington, D. C.—In his annual Delaware Fires at Repair-Ship By
the student of the historical. * About feet head. Mr. Coran estimated that
report to the War department for the
Mistake and Misses.
3.000 of the forefathers of these Cos­ two years will be required to complete
fiscal year just ended as commander
Norfolk, Va.—According to a report sacks left Russia for voluntary exile the works, adding that it is planned to
of the department of the East, Gene­
350 years ago. Their departure was deliver power to the mining camps in
ral F. D. Grant says that if all. the which has caused intense interest in
Admiral Osterhaus, occasioned by an attempt to enroll Idaho, Montana and Washington and
troops in his command had been or­ naval cricles.
their names for census purposes in factories in Spokane and other cities
dered out in connection with the mo­ commanding the Atlantic fleet, has de­
writing. According to the creed of at less cost than the present schedule.
bilization in the South during the
these peasants, the writing down of The principal power transmission lines
Mexican revolution, or if the first field ship Delaware explain bow it was
their names Jeopardizes their chances will be as follows:
Kalispell, Mont.,
army had been mobilized, the defi­ that the repair ship Panther, with
of salvation, for it Involves the curse 100 miles; Spokane, 90 miles; Wal­
ciency in the medical department 500 men on board, was three times
endangered on Monday last by shells of Antichrist, enabling him to set his lace. Idaho, 60 miles;
would have caused a breakdown.
seal upon them During the whole of Idaho, 38 miles; and Republic, Wash.,
from the Delaware.
Cash for Crops in S ight.
The Delaware had fired on the sunk­ this time the Cossacks have kept the new gold camp, 140 miles.
their Identity absolutely intact. They
Washington. D. C. —For the first en San Marcos in Tangier sound, and
speak a Russian dialect bearing the
Boy Dies By Coal Damp.
time in many seasons the Federal
treasury is making no preparations to the Panther’s rig made her look like same relation to the language of the
Seattle—While picking hackberries
The gun present day as does our modern Eng- near Newcastle. 30 miles from Seat­
meet the autumnal demands for money the sunken San Marcos.
for moving the crops.
Neither do crew of the Delaware, it is charged, 'Ish to that of Chaucer. They wear tle, Victor Newman, aged 9, was over­
treasury officials expect the usual fired their 31st, 32d and 33d shots at the Russian dress of three centuries come with coal damp and fell, strik­
crop moving season demand for bills the Panther by mistake, the first ago, and even grow herbs, uncultivat­ ing his head on a pile of rocks and
of small denominations. Prospects striking within 125 yards, the second ed elsewhere in Anatolia, to make the dying almost instantly. The boy left
for medium-sized crops, easy money within 100 yards, the third within 75 dishes that were the food of mediae­ the house early in the morning and
val Russia.
and the strong cash position of nearly yards of the repair ship.
with his pail went into the vicinity of
This made things so interesting for
all the country banks are the reasons
Coal creek looking for blackberries.
the Panther that its wireless was put
ascribed for this condition.
Going near a cave leading to an aban­
All was excitement tn the Stmperly doned mine, he was stretching over
in operation and the firing suddenly
household, chortles the Philadelphia the cliff above the cave when he was
Many States to See Taft.
Times. Ferdle Flnklewlx was coming overcome with the-gas and fell to the
Beverly — Twenty-four states will
from far-off Samoa to claim pretty bottom, 50 feet below.
Shoot Won By N ivy Tsam.
be visited by President Taft on the
Camp Perry, Ohio—The navy team Sallie Simperly as his bride.
“swing around the circle,” according
Carefully, and with the light of un­
Three at Kiel Thought Spies.
to his partly completed schedule.
He of 20 emerged victors from the final
will start September 15, and will pass contest of the annual National rifle dying love In her eyes. Sallie Simper
Kiel—Two Engishmen and a Dane,
through these states: Massachusetts, shoot in the United States service ly took Ferdle's seven photographs who for several days have been cruis­
Close behind from the left band bureau drawer and ing in the neighborhood of Kiel, were
New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Mich­ match held recently,
igan, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, the navy's total of 4,263 points was arranged them on the piano In the arrested by the harbor police on the
Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyo­ the National guard team, with 4,217. parlor. Tanned by the Samoa trade suspicion of spying. The suspects de­
ming, Utah, Nevada, California, Ore­ The army team finished third with 4,- wlnda. Ferdle strode Into the parlor clared their innocence and after un­
gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, 109, and the marine corps fourth with to take hia beloved In hia arms.
dergoing a searching examination at
"And my seven pictures have been the hands of the authorities, were re­
South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin 3,961. This finishes one of the msst
successful meetings in the history of
and Maryland.
The Englishmen said they
while you let your Angers stray over were a professor and a teacher of a
the National matches.
the keys In some melody of love!" he high school, one of them also being
Army Eludes Typhoid,
cried, as the simpering seven met his commander of a company of boy scouts.
Pos toffies to Aid Fair.
’ Washington, D. C. — Vaccination
Washington, D. £C.—The Poetoffice gaze.
against typhoid fever was made com­
At that moment little Susie Simper
Republic Sees Trouble.
pulsory for every officer and enlisted department has decided to allow the
man in the United States army under San Francisco poatoffice to use a can­ ly entered the room.
Panama— Advices from Colombia
"O-o-o!” she exclaimed In her Inno­ report that the army in that republic
45 years old. The only exceptions cellation stamp advertising the Pana­
Other cent childish way. "1 observe seven had been increased 30,000 men on
are those who have had the disease ma-Pacific exposition in 1915.
or who have already been vaccinated. offices on the Pacific Coast also wished likenesses on the piano which I can- account of the difficulties arising with
The army physicians are enthusiastic to use the stamp, to help along the ex­ n«t recall having hitherto noticed.”
Peru. It is rumored that a secret de­
"Good night and good-by!” said Fer fensive and offensive alliance has been
over the efficacy of the anti-typhoid position, but the privilege was denied
die Flnklewlx.
to any but the San Francisco office.
signed with Chile.
Center is Found to Have Moved
39 Miles in 10 Years.