Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, September 08, 1911, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Itllernaii to Assist District
Attorney in Prosecuting
Bank Officers.
Thr iiivrtini* o( th«* <h-p*»»i 1«»r* of tin*
«1« fuil« t Mt K«»|f
Ii«l«l in l>«lk«**H 1
thill M«'ii«la) « \«hinv «hili* hot h«r^«*l)
atirml«*<l mmm <>m* lull <>t bn»inr~H nn<i
a« « <nii|>hi*hv<| th«* «le*»irt*<| t*H« < I
F. K.
rhainiiMii of th** •!•*-
p<«*‘ii«»r*‘ «• oioiij it I»*««, hmm l hr only <»n<* of
tlM'commltiw* ahk* to I** pn*wnt. H«*
l>rt*m<h<d over th«* merit ng «*\pli»ihe«l it*
purp<»M* »nd h * m «I tin* report of th*- re­
ceiver |‘itbll«»h«*«| in the la*l n»*u«* of Th«*
The receiver ««* |>r» •••nt and riplain-
r«l the rnanap’iiirnt «»f the property of
the detiiiK'l bank« to ev«*ry on«*’* gener­
al aatiwla« lion. In regunl* to the prop
• rtjr on the <*<»rn«*r and Main and Fatter
road. <mne«l jointly by M J. Praton
an«! the Mount S*ott Hanks it wan «1«
• lar» d that a d«*alronaiin>iiratt*d wliervby
l»r. M«*Hh»y < oin«-* ml«» !*>»**» **ion of Mr.
lleaton'a Contract un th«* property, **i
Attorney Idb-nian ua** aa’Cord-
mgiy inatru« t« d to etamin«* th«* atatut«-*
and alwtra« t to »**«« i Imn th«- r«*al «tat«*
<>f attain« and r«*|«ort Mt th«* next m«*et
mg, W«<ln«*»day rv«*nmg SepU’nib»*r I I \
If tin- i* «lone and found illegal, lb«*
bank de|M*itor« «ill then pim ha*«- tin«
r«*niMining half intrrr-t that the whole
may be «old and their deposits n*ali/«*«l
Thi* ha* b«*vn the one drawback to the]
aaJr of th«* pro|n*rty, no on«* areming to
want to a—uiin* a half intrre-t in it
On the oth»*r hand there ar«* th«»«** who
Contend that the deal i- legal and per
fe«'tly right and that th«* contra« I hub!»-
gor'd. \t any rat«* no divideml can lx*
«itvlared until thin 1« finally *rttlrd
Th«* n«*xt inerting will I*« hrhl in th«*
-Mtn« had an«! a larger attetidam*«* 1* «le-
It ha* la<*n reporte«! around U*nl*
that loin«* of th«* larger «Irponitor*« had
leen »etll«*d w ith, ami would not pr«**» ■
the « mm agnin»t Myera, th«* pr«**ni«*nt,
but thia wM» «l« ni«*«l vigorously at th«*
nutting ami it wax «l«*clare<l to I m * th«*
do-ire <d the d«*po*itor* that the bank'«
otti« er- -houhi >«r promviited to th«* full j
••*t «-itent of tin* law. and m*\«*ral *»ai«l
that th«*y « an*«l little m I muii th«* money
they ha\«* loaf, if they can Kring th«*
• ftl« en« t«j jilrticc.
va . H M c D owell , did time
W«* «1« -Ire I«» c.ill at(«*ntion of th«* pub
lit* l«> th«* *tnu-ment of the new bunk nt
H*nt*. published in another ««dntnn
Tin* institution «»pen«*«! for huain« -- <»n
.Inly 1*1 aii<! bn- grown lx*y«»n«l nil ex-
I*-« tntioti* of it* oflhier- mi «1 ba«*k«*r-.
and with if* coiimta ativ«« connection*
and coiim i « nt 1011* inanMgt*in«*nt it* effort««
are «‘••riMinly d« *crving of <**>min«*n«la-
Cioil by it* «* X«‘«*l l«*ll t »bowing
bank- <!«*po«it «luring th«- I day* of ita
•* mm •in«*«* ha* r« .u*h«*d a num of f’JA.Tui.Hi
and «<iti111111«-«I to grow. Ita cmdi rewrve
im over
per cent, many tin»«** exceed­
ing th«* amount required by the new
banking law, thii* making th«* institu­
tion a* atrong a* an) Dank in tin*county.
Tla* officer» ami dimrlon» an* all loink-
era of experience and a •j»oil«*w reputa­
tion and roti net ted with th«* Sramhna-
xian A nnr lean Bank of Bort la nd which
bank, thru ita conmrvalne poliry en­
joy* a ni«»*t cxc«lleni ««landing on th«*
U« pra«li«*t a go»al ami health) gr«»wth
for tin* new bank and feel «*onfid«*nt that
tln-ir «*nterprn»e will enjoy the Maine mi ic-
<*»•»*• a- it ha* eiij«>yed in tl»e abort time
of it* eil*trncr. A bank manage«! on
•uch linen in of ordinary pride to tin*
community in grn«*ral ami Ia*nta in
l«e Ik-PNin-.i. lir.t competitor of Mar-
<• - i . i in tin- lield of wiri le.- telegraphy,
has come to let\t» from Han Francisco
■ Io we if he can’t make the trolley |»>l«-s
.4 tla* Portland Railway, l ight A Power
company quit interfering with win-lew
I ini-wage, from '-an Francisco.
I a-Fon-.t complain» that U>*‘ trolleys
try to send imle<-iphrrahlr message, on
their own account, The way •>! it is
I tlii»:
The Paulaon wirelew ay»tem <>f which
j Ia-Forr»t is director, nvvntly <-om|4et<d
the big wireli-sa station lien- Cnleaa in­
terrupted by l<»al cauae. mewagva may
I«- wnt from >an Franciaco ami inU-r-
i mediate poiuta.
But clow by is the O. W. P. Cazaiirro
Not very lar distant i» tla- new
high tension line uf tlie Itxtal streetcar
»ystrai. When tla- cars come along tla-
trolley wheel Hashes »parka of greater
or lew h-ngth from the trolley wire and
tlw-w »park» go forth a» wave» into tht-
wirvlew waves from Han Francisco.
The n-»<ill 1» a queer jumble that na-ans
anything or nothing. When the <-ara
have -t<q.|»-d running—between 3 and 4
i a. m —then- is no diaturbance.
The win-lew ex|iert i. »««'king |»•rmiw•
I iuti
tlie streetcar company to either
ground or fenca off the interfering waves.
Hi. tir-t method will I»- to establish two
eoil» a quarter of a mile apart
Th«* real e-tat«* bunin«*w* of one firm <>u the street car line near the wireh—s
«luring th«- Inut few week* it a sample of i station, if tlieei- do not catch and
lb«- acti\ity in tin- branch of bnainew ground the trolley »park», he will fry the
for th«* tow 11 of ln*iiln Coral Benge haa fence method. This is to -tring win-»
bought 1 lie
I m 'I ii «*rhoru property on near the elevation of the trolley and
North Main ntrret. T. M. Wal-h l»a- high teiu*ion win*» and parallel with it.
l«ought two lot*of Mr. Kilburn, in Webb H<- thinks thi. will la* sun- to catch the
a«l<iitioii. Mr» H. K. Palmer ha* l*>ught eccentric spark- and hold them priaon-
two lota of Mr. Gohlen, <»n Gilbert afreet, !. r while the me.«agv» from San Franeiwo
ami ha» a new honne well under way come intelligibly ami without mlerr ip-
It W.»«*n ha- lak«*n «»ver tw«» iota 111 I lion.
Filley Park. and A. Jenavn ha- l»otight
Lk Fonwit »ay. that in all hi.« great win -
Mom«* ground m th«* »am«* tract ami will less ex|«*rience he lias never, la-fore en-
imimdiat'dy build a new home on it.
■ xninti-red a condition a. he find- at
- ■
forced To Leave Home.
Ev.-rj year a large iiuiii I ht of |H«or
«nfferi., w I iom " lung, nre .orv and raekr.)
uitli eougli., are urgi.l to go to another
Hut thia it <•<*!ly and not al
way. .nr.
Then.'» a bettor way
l^ t
hr. king . XfW l>i»eo\rry eurv you hi
home. "It cured me of lung trouble,"
write» W. Il Xelaon. of • alainine, Ark..
when all else fail'll and I gainv<i 47
|H>und. in weight. It. aundy the king
of all cough and lung run*. " Thou.-
and. owe their live, and health to it.
It'. |>o»itively guaranUvl for Cough»,
Cold», l*a(irip|>e, Asthma. Croup—all
I Throat and Lung trouble». IMlc anil
fl.isi. Trial laittle» free, at all dealer».
The many friend» <4 W II McDowell,
known, generally as "Dad," will !»■
grievial to know of hi» «itdilen and aer-
iou» ¡line«».
lie wan taken »uddenly ill Friday
morning and removed to the Portland
Sanitarium Saturday when an operation
of a very grievioil» nature was jirrforni.
ed. He withstood the effects of thi» ad­
mirably well, but pneumonia «et in and
for a time hi» life war. deapaiml of.
At the preaent writing he i» noting
■ aaier ami i» »lightly improved, although
not entirely out of dangi r.
All of hi» children except one »on.
Clarence, w ho is hilnaelf in h ho»pital in
Panama, one at home, anxiously hope-
ing for hi» recovery.
Notice i. hereby given that, a- direct­
ed by the Commissioner of the General
Ijind office, under provision of Act of
I Congee»» approved June 27, Htsw; (34
Stat«.. 5171, we will offer at public »ale,
to the highest bidder, at |O:<<1 o'clock
a in., on the nth day of October, H*1L
at this office, the following dcscrilM'd
sw *. aw*, of Sec 12, Tp. I . R.4 E.,
Withamvt.' Meridan.
Any |ier»on» claiming adversely the
j alwivc de»crila»l land ar< advised to til«-
their claim», or objections, on or ladore
the time designated for »ale
II F. Iligliy, Register.
C. J. Andry, Rwetver.
line <4 the most novel guessing con­
test- i» announced to the readers of The
Reporter today on another page. It is
that of McNeil Bros , wnvrson“ to J. II.
Donaldson in the grocery «tore on South
Mam xtn-et. They will stack a window
full <4 men-liandiw. every article they
carry, tinware, glassware, groceries,etc.,
in fact a little of everything. Then,
with each dollar's purchase they allow
you one guv»» on tlie numlier of articles
in tin- window. We have heard of guess­
ing eont'-sts. when*. Iieans or some­
times money was used for this purpiwe
but the McNeil brothers' i-les is -ertain-
ly a m u departun* from the old way.
Interest will undoubtedly run high, as
the prize they offer, a clover lx-af I jawii
Mower, is an object worthy of working
Bank With the Bank that Orows
No. 35.
One of the most severe shocks ever
The new water main tr-.m Bull Rim to experienced by the peopleof Woodmere
Portland i» nearly done.
Water «a» and vicinity occured early or the Sab­
turned into the pq« "ii Thursday of last bath morning as the bells were calling
ww-k and the pipe via- trie-l a- (ar a- people to early prayer service, when i
tin-.liam. Besides testing the pi[»-, it Sara, the beloved daughter of Mr. and
was carefully flushed out and made ready Mrs. Levi Brasure, passed to the life
for the tlnal using
It is proroaed to beyond. She was not considered to be
After sinning the championship <4 the
continue with tlie water to the .vit. Tabor in danger, having a light attack of
County Iz-agiM- and taking
reaervoir and then the city will la- pro­
vided with about three linn-« tin- wat- r 1 full care of Dr. .McSioy. who did ail in i 14 out of 16 game»-, played tla* fast Cor­
his power for her, but different com­ nelius learn, was t»-al4*ri, walloped,
it now ha».
Tl ■e work <4 putting in the new main plications arose, and not being very troiim-ed, or wliatever you may call it,
has not Iwri rompletwl any to" quick. strong naturally, she could not rally by the Gre»ham-la:nts team on the Hills­
boro diamondHunday.
There ar< many evidenw-» to »how that and passed away Sunday morning.
Townsend was in tbe box lor our team
tl>e old line is in a very >>ad condition
and that it will net«! a general overhaul­ young girl just attaining womanhood. and [icriormed in championship style.
ing at some very early -late. There have Possessed of a loving and pleasing dis- Kelt was lieliind tlie t>at playing but usual
been frequent break, in tie- old pq»- for poaition, she won the hearts of all who high-clan* ball.
The Cornelius fans were «orely disap­
aev-val year» and tla* frequency ha. in- hnew her. With those older, she had
i-n-a.-«-d until then- i. no assurance that a smile and kind word to those of her pointed on tlie showing their team made
the city will not be out of a supply any age she was an influence for good. against tlie champion« of the state and
But the change in the weather Even little children and babies knew Oils ad-le< 1 to tlie discomfort and dis­
will to wane extent relieve tlie situation “Sara" who could quiet them when couragement of tiie players.
Phil Nadeau of Ia*nta lame, Tauscher
and tla- new main will be in readinew* they cried. Although having resided
witlun a short time and the city will tla-n in Oregon but a short time she was en­ of tlie Tacoma Tiger» and “»lugging"
Pembroke were in a Gresham-I^nte uni­
he ouinparatively safe.
deared to all who knew her.
Sara Blanche Brasure was born in form. Their work was big-league style
The const ruc tion of the new pipe line
wa. Is-giui nearly two years ago.
The Sheboygan Wis., on September 14th of course, but never-tlie-less the other
sup|sMiiion was that the contractor» 1K93. the eldest child of Levi and Lillian member- of the team wen- not far tiehind
would have the work completed so the Brasure, was educated in the Wisconsin them.
This team is going nii-ely now and
city would have the use of the new main Public Schools until the past three
this summer.
But there were several years when on account of ill health she will undoubtedly cop tlie championship
She of the state if they keep thia pace for
thing» which the contractors did not was forced to remain at home.
know , an-1 a gca.l many things of which was an earnest member of the Arleta the remainder of the season.
tin- public- in general are ignorant. The Baptist church and a helper in both
contractors wen-not acc|Uainted with the i choir and Sunday School. The funeral
Gresham-Lent»_______________ 11 11 5
country through w hich they w. n- to pas- was held at 2:30 Tuesday from the Ar­ Cornelia»____ _________________4 5 4
Interment in
The winter season proved to Is extreme­ leta Baptist church.
ly hard on tliat class <4 const ruction .Multnomah Cemetery. Rev. .Mr. Phail
Ever since given that awful drubbing
There remains to mourn
work. Time after time the ditches were ' officiating.
at Gresham some time ago the Columbd.«
completely tilled with caved in soil and her loss a sorrowing father and mother
Chib ha- been itching for another chance
it was iicx-c-ewsary in several instances to and an only brother Sidney, who have
at the Giants’ scalp.
wai^ie »idea of tla-ditch»'« with plank­
The defeat of this team at the hands of
ing pr->p- in order that the work might home and friends she so dearly loved
tlie Vims, which wa« composed of some
Ik- continued. At < cresham the soil wa. now know her no more. The heavenly-
of the Columbus bunch, further stimu­
e«|a*cially truubleeome and it required home has claimed her. but the example
lated this desin- which culminated in the
three months to complete and lay the ! of a well spent young life will ever re-
¡Misting of a f 100 side l»*t for a game on
pipe in alarm a half mile of ditch.
Big I main with all. be it new friends formed
the Lents grounds La I sir Day.
rains came alanit the time the ditc-li was here or those mourning in a far away
Wet weather prevented tlie game lw*ing
down to the- ten foot line, the side« caved state who have known her since her
pulled off on scheduled time. It will be
in, and the work had to I»- done over. ■ birth.
play<«l Sunday afternoon, weather per­
Away out Ix jund Bull Run |ioxt office
"Father now within thy keeping,"
mitting «ays Dunbar, the manager.
the workmen -truck a mile of solid rock
"Leave we now dear Sara sleeping.’’
Emery Webb will probably do the
which had to la* cut through and the
twirling and Nadeau will be found on
work had to bd done by pick and «hovel.
Diarrhoea is always more or less pre­ first again.
Tin- old pipe lay so clow- that it would
This » ill t« “«otiie game" as the small
during Septeml<er. Be prepared
have liecii iinp-*»ibit to blast the stone
boy says, for should Columbus win, a
for fear of breaking the pipe. And so for it. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
third game would be necessary to decide
tlie work went on. Die new pipe is and Diarrh<«*a Remedy is prompt and the state championship.
three time» a« large as the old one, and effectual. It can always be dejended
there is every reason to »ee what it re­ upon and is pleasant to take. For sale
For tiowel complaints in children al­
quired more time to lay it. When the by Gresham druggist.
give Chamtierlain'a Colic, Cholera
pip»- was laid it was perfectly «ale to us«
and Diarrtioea Remedy and ca-tor oil.
powder and any other mean» of getting
It is certain to effect a cure and when
The First Canal.
out tin* neei-wuiry soil. But in this in­
Tbe first canal which was coustniet- reduced with water and sweetened is
stance it was different. Was a matter
of fact the old pi|>e required much more ed in Egypt In 1«5» B. €.. was used to pleasant to take. No physician can
time for completion than this one. tnm»i»>rt merchandise from Memphis prescribes lietter remedy
For sale by
owing to bad roads, inferior means of to the sea.
Gresham drtiggist.
ixmveyance. and poorer tools for the
Grape Culture.
The auto truck had an important part
Culture of tbe grape in America for
A Quick Reply.
ill the construction of the new pipe line.
Tbe Duchess of Lauraguais. who
The tirst plans were to haul the pipe by winemaking began in Florida in 1564.
was somewhat given to making poet
wagon trains, drawn by traction en- ;
gines. These were too slow Then the |
Women’s Fashions.
ry, could not think of a word to rhyme
teamsters of the locality had a try at it.
In America woman's fashions change with coif. Turning to Talleyrand, who
Four horses took a thirty foot joint of at least twice a year, yet In Japan fash­ chanced to be by her side, she said.
pipe along nicely, and if the distance ions in women's clothes have not “Prince, give tne a rhyme to coif.”
and roads permitted they might some­ changed materially in 2/i00 years.
“Impossible, duchess." replied Talley
times take two joints. The auto truck
rand without n moment's delay, “foi
regularly took two joints and made
that which pertains to the head of a
aliont eight trips to one made by a team.
First recorded eruption of Vesuvius woman has neither rhyme nor rea
Tlie auto truck went day and night. It
stopped for a new driver itn-l a new sup­ took place In the year 79, warnings son.”
ply of oil
Die teamsters were usually having been given sixteen years pre­
«atisti<*d to make one trip a -lay unless it viously by a great earthquake, which
Why It Worried Him.
were very close at hand.
"What are you looking so glum
shattered llen ulnneuui aud Pompeii
To those persons living along tin* line,
about, old manT’
the building of the second Bull Run pipe
"Somebody stole Dawson's nm
Rice Wino.
line will always lx- remenilx-red as one of
Wine was made fr->tn rice by the brella."
the big tilings of their experience, ami
“But why should that worry yujT'
to those of us who live at some distance Chinese In 1IWR B. C.
and who did not have tlie opportuni­
“It was stolen from me.”—Bostou
ties to study thediftleultii-sencountered,
Shipwrecked Mariners.
it might Is* Mill that it would Is- well to
Among the early Greeks and Romans
form a better acquaintance <4 the task sblpwreeked mariners were regarded
An Obstinate Family.
before conilemning the men who had as enemies and as such were either put
Cholmondley—1 thought you intend­
the task in hand.
to death or sold into slavery.
ed to marry Miss Wealthington?
Dolmondley—I thought so. too. but her
Queer Art Gallery.
family objected. Cholmondley—Wbat
Digestion and Assimilation.
Correggio's best paintings were did Miss Wealthington say? Dolmond­
It is not the quantity of food taken
placed over the c.*ev1ces In the royal ley—Oh. she's one of the family, you
but the amount digested and assimilat­ Italian »tallies at the north to prevent know.
ed that gives strength and vitality to the the wind from blowing upon the backs
system. Chamlierlain'» Stomach and of the horses.
Stale Breed.
Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and
Eat your bread stale and not fresh
If you want to avoid Indigestion.
liver and enable them to perforin their
Spuyten Duyvil.
Rpnyten Duyvil Is a Dutch phrase Slice it. dry in tbe oven and toast a
functions naturally. For sale by Gres­
and Is snld to have been the exclama delicate brown.
ham druggist.
tlon of n rider who would cross the
Thy secret Is thy prisoner: If thou
stream “tn spire of the devil.”
let It go thou art a prisoner to IL
Senator Robert M, IjkFolb-tte will
give President Taft a hard race for the
1912 nomination. It is declared that
the Wisconsin Senator believes alisolute-
Iv that he will win.
The progressive republican or I j »-
Herald, Hampton’s Magazine, an I Follette headquarters in Washington is
Pearson's, Four ÌMIar» worth of good a bee-hive of industry. From this
reading for í'.’.tkl.
headquarters the progressives are being
' organised in every nook and corner in
the country. It is possible to present
today the sulistance of the claims which
the insuigents make. They declare
they- expect to control, well in advance
of the republican national convention,
the delegations from :
Wisconsin, Kansas, Minnesota, Ne-
i braaka, North Dakota, South Dakota,
Auffunt 29th
Deposits j Oklahoma, Montana, California, Oregon,
................................................................... $ 29.657 54 ' Washington, Iowa (in part).
There will lie big aggressive tights for
1907 ...........................................................................
69.554 44
Illinois, Indians. Wyoming and Nevada.
74,058 50
The southern states will be pressed to
99,838 12
take up the anti-Taft tight, on the
55 nomination will he
ground that
to defeat,
and that,if the
party hopes lor continuance of the
loaves and tishes of patronage of eouth-
A Dreadful Sight
1 ern states, it must give its snpport to
to II J. Barnum. of Frveville. N. Y.,
the nomination of a man with a chance was the fever-son* Jhat had plagued his
to win.
life for years in spite of many remedies
he tried
At last he used Bucklen’s
"I have a world of confidence in Arnica Salve and wrote: "it ha- entire­
(Tiaiuls-rlain'« Cough Remedy for 1 ly healed with scarcely a scar left."’
have need it with |«*rfeet success, ’’ Heals Burns. Boils, Eczema. Cuts,
writes Mrs. I. Bashford, B'«»le»ville, Bruises. Swellings. Corn and Piles like
magic. • >nly 25c at all dealers.
Mil. For sale by Gresham druggist.
__________ Vol. 9.
Defeats Champions of Wash­
ington County in Easy
Not A Word Of Scandal
marred the call of a neighbor on Mr« j
\V P. spangh, of Manville, Wyo., who'
said: "she told me I'r. King's New Life I
Pills had cured Iler of obstinate kidney
trouble, and made her feel like a new
woman.” Easy, but sure remedy for
stomach and kidney troubles. Only 25c,
at all dealers.
usually treated, a sprained ankle
will disable a man for thm- or four
week«, but by applying Chamberlain’s
Liniment freely as th»- injury is received,
and observing the directions with each
bottle, cure can lx* effected in from two
to four day«. For sale by Gresham