Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, September 01, 1911, Image 8

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    Albert Fox and family were here vis­
iting his father. Aaron Fox on Tuesday.
Tlie last days of summer.
Mrs. Cool and son have gone to th«*
Forest lire» an* raging in this vicinity.
hop fields.
tire near Firwiaai approached the
Mr. and Mrs. Hogue and son, of Port­ saw mill last Friday, but has so far lieen
land. have l*een visiting Mr* Matilda kept rom doing much damage to build
Hogue and family.
Mm. Annie I atourvll and Mi** Etliel
The Fairview Civic Improvement Club
Janies latm|H*r who lives smith of Fir-
Nelson were out from Portland on Sun wmsl one mile, went to Portland last
is now fully equipped (or buxine**, hav­ Rock has gone on a trip to Astoria.
Mr. W Hick* has got the contract to day to visit their parents, and with a | Friday where lie is bossing the burning
ing adopted at the Monday night meet­
l*arty of l*ortland friend« went for a pic­ | of a big brick kiln fora Portland firm.
ing by law* and .institution The push paint the mountain schoolhouse.
on the river.
machine wa* set in motion ami will be
Mr David Benfield was in the city
A invent sehmidt sold his farm of HI
Last Sunday night some }**r*on enter­ acres, 3 miles east of Cherryville to a
kept .A Publicity Committee eompoeed Friday.
of Irving Province, C. H. Stone ami
Mrs. Howard was a visitor at the ed the sleeping rooms in th«* brick hotel Mr. Prather of Portland (or $dt<X>.
and in 8. 8. Logans rooming house and He bought thia pla>x* v1 the spring of
Mr*. 1». W. Mt Kay plan to advertise ex­ Tricky home last week
relieved the occupants of $85 in cash, a
tensively by mean* of pamphlets, letter
Mr. and Mrs W. Coetni r of Portland, suit of clothes, a revolver and a silver lawtis AA'are (or IJiMH) Pretty luce and
heads, etc. lyy Cornett. C H Stone
came out on a spin last *aturviay night watch. The thiel js thought to have easy way to make $3UU0,
and Otto Staub compose a membership
A Ism tin* was held al Prof. l’ou|*ers
in a seven passenger Pierce Arrow l*een "x foot-pad.
committee and ex|**et to greatly increase
last Saturday night which was pretty
the membership. Mrs. McKay. K YV. traveling rar
generally attended. Tlie program was
Mrs. Amelia Woodward liaa returned
Wile and Mr*. McCornett area finance
Diarrhoea is always more or leas pre­ interspersed with songs, recitations and
committee. The official force was en­ from the cost, and the health of her lit­ valent during September Be prepared
the relating of funny anecdotes
larged to include a sargeant at arms, tle i*aby is much unproved.
for it. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
A rumor reached Sandy last week
Mrs. Murphy and little children has and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and
and Otto Staub was elected to till the
office. E. A. Whitney, R. YA’ Wileon returned to Portland, after having sjw-nt etlectual It can always la* dejiended Wednesday that a lonely grave freshly
and J. H. Schram were appointed to a few days at Columbia Heights farm
upon and is pleasant to take. For sale made had been «discovered on Alder
creek 3 miles east ot Cherryville, and
confer with the county commissioners
Mr A A. laieb and two lady mem­ by Gresham druggist
Justice of the peace Shelley and deputy
and ascertain why their promise had not bers of tlie Corbett Club were out for
shenti. Jonxrud went up to investigate,
tieen redeemed in regard to the extend­ their first rabbit drive Monday after­
but wen* unable to diaeover anything of
ing of Fairview road to the Columbia noon.
river. Ivy Cornett as secretary pro tern,
The last two weeks has been a busy
Airs. Rose Metzger elite*tamed a party
School will liegm al Cherryville next
was instructed to confer with Miss Nellie one in and around here. Two threshing
Fox, in regard to securing a branch machines have tw-en kept moving very of Portland friends Thursday aftermam. Ylonday <>u lail«>r Day, lint as this will
The sad news, of the death of Mrs Ro­ not la* observed here it w ill not make
library and reading room for Fairview lively. Oh’ how happy the fanner is
meetings of tlie club will lie held in fu­ looking, as he is filling his grain bins, per at Houlton was received in Gresham 1 any difference. Miss I braid of lent«,
ture on the first and third Monday with the golden treasure. And he has Monday evening Rev Roper w as pastor the same teacher that taught last winter
lias las n returned
nights in each month.
all reason to feel contented, that when of the Free Methodist churcli in Gresham
Elder Moore, the pnwiding elder of
Mrs. H. S. Eldridge ami daughter. winter starts in, he has plenty of every­
i this district, of the M I Cliurvh, will
Miss Blanche, of Banks. Or., have been thing to feed his stock with and some made many friends hen*.
Dr YVm. Gtt is having a fine re-uleiux- ■ occupy the pulpit her»* next Sumlay
left fur »ale. which will enable him to
spending a few days with friends here.
September 3rd
meet his obligations. As the writer is erecteii on Main St.
Misses Marie. Lilly and Ida Balmer
School will Iwgin Septemler 11.
Judge Trvnt<ni, railroad attorney for
accompanied by their grandfather. Mr. putting down those horrible lines, it is
with a sorrowing heart 1 think of the
J. H. H*>ss has the contract for exeu- the SoutlH-rn Pacific, says th» grant
Gloor, all of Fulton, were weekend guests
unfortunate farmers of Alberta Canada vating th«* basement for A Meyer's new first given the railroad in the stat«* t*i
of relatives at the home of J. Luecher
who are oblige! to meet with the same building adjoining the First State Bank. his company 1» of but little value, a« it
Mrs. A. Kronenberg and son Chester, obstacle every year, late cold nuns, Work was begun this morning
is m**tly nw-ky and mountainous. All
have been spending a few days at Sea­ terrible hailstorms ami frost late in the
Mrs. Max Schneider anti Miss A B. the same then an* quarter sections near
side. guests of Mrs. A. F. Axtell.
summer, which ruins their crops that Culy went to Lents to visit friends Iasi hen* that the limber alone would bring
Raymond Dunbar returned last week they so much depends on. We who Week. Tliey went in Mr« Schneider*» I2l>.i««t, to adjoining «awmills. Frick
and Gary. I'nited Stat»*» Ste» l Corpora­
from Joseph. Ore.. where he has been have the privilege, of living in this glor­ auto.
with his mother for some time and is ious state, dear old Oregon, should not
Mi-s Hope Anderson has returned from tion men l«dd Ro»»*evelt that stock hi
visiting his grandparents here tor a few forget to be thankful to the Almighty- Seaside, when* she ha* tieen spending Tennei««*'Iron and Coal Company wax
days before joining his father at Lake­ God. ami to them who have once started aome time at her mother's cottage. Mr«. prwtically worthless All the same
they gave i'Joti.i»«>. i «» i ami that could
view. Or. He wa- accompanied by his a home here. 1 say stay, don’t ever go to J. E. Miller.
i not Is- Isuight for twi<*e that amount to­
sister, Miss Lucile, who will also visit Alberta.
Begining to-night, Sept. I. tlie library
Columbia t * range hall was well tilled
day Pre«ii!<*nt I’aft say» th«* land
here for some time.
will la* open at the usual time from 7 to
thrown open at Controller Bay Alaska
Mrs. Preston, of Bridal Veil, was here
folks of our Grange gave the play, en­ l< ami in the afternoon from 2:110to 5:30. by his sacred order and joblded by tin-
on Wednesday looking for a house to
Alt*. G. B .Middleton, who lived on Morganlieims has but little value
titled The Iieacon’s Second Wife.”
rent for the winter, and secured the
Considering the busy time of the year, the Powell A'alley road near Jenne station the same a ! nite*I Stat«-s geologist re-
Tpwnsend house on Bandy r**ad.
it can easly be imagined that it was no I did suddenly last Friday and was buried jxirted that the tract not only abound­
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stone and Mrs. little task to undertake. But with the Sumlay in Multnomah cemetery
'd in coal of the very l«*st quality, but
E. Wetmore were here visiting old supervision of the worthy overseer Mrs.
Misses Jennie and Agnes l'atem-aude. was underland with oil in great abund­
friends on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stone Minnie I’, i icier. th* . tii, band forked who have been visiting relatives here for ance. Solouirm said in hi» hast*- that
came out for the funeral of Mr Coons.
faithfully, and it required quite an the past few months left last Momiay for all men are liar*. He would I»* justified
’ort on the part of each character, their home in Chippewa Falls. Wis.
in «aying ho to«iay, after mature deliber­
Miss Daisy Smith, of Gresham, was a
after a hard days work to go to practice,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane attend«*! ation especially in regard to politicians
visitor here on Bunday.
but judging by the way the audience the centennial al Astoria last week.
I The writer is |s*rsonally acquaint«*»! with
Mrs. Robinson, mother of Rev Thomas ebeered the players, it was ample evi­
James Wilton, Secretary of Agriculture
Robinaon. pastor of *mith Memorial dence that the players did well, and
and his recent exposure of hi» connect­
church, is moving from Portland into their work appreciated. Little Beth and beach and is on duty in th«* |**t office ion with the Bensonte of So«ia Crowd,
Mrs. Alma Hall s residence here.
Earl Pounder are cute little tot», and
impure ftssi "doper»” ami hi» attempt
Mis* A'iola Mathews returne*! from
to get riil of Dr. AA’iley, the expert gov­
Mrs. J. W. Townsend will entertain at did their part well. The church fund is
KlondikeOre., Thursday. MiwMathews ernment chemist is a pretty fair sample
a tea for the benefit of the Lad lee’s Aid growing and by united efforts the time
ha.* be«*n s|**nding the summer with her
' of his cunning, »elfish nature as he
society on Thursday afternoon of this is not so far distant, when a church will
sister Mr*. Johnson.
grace their vicinity.
would do most anything for money
The Miss«-« Maud Michel and Marion Taft and Harmon both from Ohio have
Richard Anderson. Jr . wa- here to
Robertson spent to-day visiting Mrs. run in parellel lines in their jxilitical
spend Sunday with hie parents, having
Woodard in Portlami.
circus Both have Is-en railroad law­
first returned from a few days outing at
Mi.-s Lizzie Holl iday nas resigned her yers. ls>th have been menders of Presi­
dential cabinets, Isith jrnlg*-* on the
here last Sunday night after several p«j»ition in the post office.
J. H. Schram and family spent the months of patient -offering The pass­
Mi.-s Lidia Gild»* will return to Boise bench, both soldier generals in the I’
weekend on a fishing trip. R. W. Wil­ ing of Mr. Coon leaves one less of the Idaho next Tuesday after «pending two S. Treasury and both although one is an
cox was in charge of Mr. Schram * mail brave old pioneers, who braved the many weeks visiting her parents anil relatives i oetensibl«* candidate on the Presidential
route during hie abeence.
ticket as a Republican ticket and the
dangers and hardships of pioneer day* here.
The musicale given by Misses Edith i and carved for themselves a home in the
Mrs. John Palmquist aeconipani>*«i by other *>n the Ilenns-ratic ticket. They
and Genevieve Dufer. Misses Rosalie and forest. Here Mr. Coons settled an«Lh,*re her daughter Mi-s Minnie and Mi-s are ts»th aecepte*! to the Trusts ami big
Lillie Luscher, Mias Ruth Shaw. Mise he has ever since made hi** home. Mr. Johnston left this morning for Br*«ik* buxiness ami great «‘(fort ami immense
sums of money will be spent to elect
Gladys Blit* and Clyde Stone here last Coons was married to Mis- Eliza Wall­ On-gon when* they will pick hops
either one of them III this stat«- Or»-
Friday night was largely attenden. The ace on January 2. 1'71, the ceremony
Mr. D*«lg>- is erecting a modern hous*-
numbers were all very well rendered ami being jierformed in Troutdale. Mrs. on his |>ro|>erty in Lawrence’s addition. I gon Democrats want either AVoodrow
AA'ilxon of New Jer**ey or Champ Clark
»bowed careful training on the part of Coons, three daughter- ami four sons re­
Messrs Bert Hoss, 1 red Stroup and the sp aker
Miss Dufur. Misa Genevieve Dufer * main to mourn the loss of an ever kind
David Douglas* and family returned
violin solo weae particularly well receiv­ and loving husband ami father. The Wm. Raney left to-day f«jr Ind*-|»-n<leni i-
daughters are Mr-. H. A. rihields ami t«> combine hop picking w ith an outing to Cherryville this w«x-k. after camping
Miss Ethel Wilkinson ha* resigned i out all summer on the road where Mr.
C. H. Stone. W. E. Tegart and Lloyd Fred Pelton, of Portland, and Mi**e Rosa
|>o»itior> a« telephone oi«-rator.
Douglass has l«s-n employed ax Road
Tegart sj>ent the weekend with friends
Dr. H. H. Utt’s new house in R*-g- Supervisor. They exjx-ct to build a
Jesse Milo an*l Claud Coons, ail of
at Seaside.
Troutdale, funeral services were held ner’- addition i- nearly com,>l<-t*-*l ami new house on their ranch one mil«-
One of the most jovial bunches of
from the family resilience on Tuesday will make a tine home.
north and we«t of this place.
Seaside visitón* seen on the beach this
afternoon, being conducted by Rev.
Mi«s Pearl Fleming is visiting .Mis.«
Dr. Joym- and family came over frem
season were those coming from the homes
Thomas Robinson, of Fairview Smith Viola Mathew-.
*t John last Sunday to inspect their
of present and former Fairview people
Mr. Wilbur Thoinpson has r* turne*l ranch on the hill known as the Lapp
-taying at Camp Axtell, the harbor of Memorial church, of w hich Mr. and Mrs.
from Th«- Dalles, when- he spent the ranch.
refnge. Numerous pleasure trips to Cconi* were charter members.
Harvey Watkins and family have re­ summer with his brother, Dr. Fretl
Tillamook Head, Gearnart Park, fishing
A. 8. P. R. R attorney last weik told
and clam digging supplied day time I turned from visiting relative* in eastern Thompson.
a squatter that you may lx-at ns again
amusement while Seaside furnished do­ Oregon.
Mist* Jeffery, of Portlami, visited Mrs. in the next court, but we will win out
ings for the evening. Tlie personéis of
in the court of last resort ax the U. S.
Kern over Sumlay.
The Christian Advent Camp meeting |
this party were. Mrs. H. W. Mathison, wa- close«) here last Bunday, after a two
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Huff, of Portland, Supreme c«mrt will never decide against
Mre. A. Krondeaberg, Mrs. A. T. Axtell. weeks -eseion, twenty conversions were
former Gresham residents, visited at the ux. No de* ision will be given until after
Misses Vesta Tegart, Edith McKelUp. made. The aewx.iation has purchased a
home of Mr. ami Mrs. J. C. Elkington the next general el«*ction and then eith­
and Carrie Matheson an* I the Bachelor*
er Taft or Harmon it elect««! the decin-
portion of the Pelton place on which is last Saturday and Sumlay.
Club composed of “Lengthy’’ C. Stone.
ion will be given.
located a spring from which they expect
A. Iceland is having the blacksmith
■ *ie*-py” I. Tegart. Clam’’ B An*:**r-
to pipe water onto the camp grounds.
shop, down by his livery barn, fixed up
son, “Shrump" E. Tegart, “Moose” C.
A h iiHiially treated, a sprained ankle
to us<- as a residence.
Kronenberg and Billie Matheson.
will disable a man for three or four
W. E. Wfsxl has purchased a lot in weeks, but by applying < hamtx*rlain’s
operation for gall stones underwent in a
Portland hospital last week. Miss Salina Zenith addition and is having a bunga­ Liniment freely ax the injury is received,
Fox is with her mother part of the timo. low built.
and ob-erving the directions with each
The Hardie Bros., are thr*-«hing in
A. C. Wildon ha- purchase«! an Over­ bottle, cure can lx- «-lh-< ti*i| in from two
Mrs. Luckey is moving to Eugene.
this vicinity at present.
land car which his daughtcr in law is i to four days. For sal«- by «irexhem
Mrs. L. B. Henniberger an«l Mrs, D. learning to drive.
We will have rural mail delivery after
C. Allard visited Mr-. Inez < ragle-ad
September 1, from Eagle Creek.
A number of people here are prepar­ here this week.
Seaside, for -« vi ral w««eks, has returned
ing to start for the hop fields this week.
Mr«. Ella Hornish, of Gresham, visit­ and left Wednesday for a visit to h«-r
Threshing is alamt finished in this
Miss Mary Bews is home for the pres­ ed Mrs. F. A. Zimmerman on Monday grandmother, Mrs. E. A. Kelley of
i neighlxirliixxl.
Mrs. Hornish ha« just returned from an Portlami
Crops an- very g<xxl.
George Kitzmiller wa- delivering
R. E. .lari ha« retlimetl from a two
L. Heining and family are -(lending
mail lioxes Monday.
For bowel i-ompiaints in children al­
ways give (.'hamlx*rlain's < 'olic, <,'hoiera wi < k« visit in Baker City.
P. Magnolia has purchased another a few days <amping at Crystal latke,
Ned Nelson arili wifi* bave retumed
Mrs Ellen Wright is out from the city and Diarrhoea R*-rn* dy and castor oil.
horse lately.
It is certain to effect a cure and wlien from thè coaat.
visiting for a few days.
A. B. Kendall and family are visiting reriuced with water and sweetened is
Henry Eri ha* goti«- lo Speaker, Or»*.,
Thomas Lowe and family in eastern pleasant to take. No physician can for a two weeks fishingarid huriting trip.
prescribe a l*etter remedy. For sale by
Mr. M. Laughlin of Gresham was up Washington.
A Norweigan summer school ix being
Gresham druggist.
here on Saturday looking after busi­
comhicted in th*- Liitheran church by a
Mrs. L. Brink has sold her restaurant I
ness interest.
)a*ly teacher.
and confectionary store to Jene Larson |
Mr. C. Eilige went to Portland Friday | and has moved into her house on the ■ Huckleberries are getting ripe on
Gilbert Jonsrud ami farnily bave gotte
Miss Annie Benfield attended camp- hill.
* Wild Cat Mountain near Cherryville.
to thè moiintains.
Ou a ’AX) acre farm which the writer
For Eldsrly* Wom»n.
visited the other day tin* proprietor ex­
If sh» I» sii elderly w,minti a Hpan
plained a pile of » couple of tiUlidred l»h Ine» at arf or fichu wuiild Le a me»
tons of inantirv In th«* pasture near the glft. The»» «cali» conto all 111«» way
barn by »aying that It wa» »Imply Im lu prie» troni (t lo $15 Down colli
poauitlile to get the help n«*ce*u«iiry' to fonatile», whether of «llkolllie or reai
sllk. uro a g*»o,l cliolee, alno u pretty
do lli«> work conn*** totl with til» large khoiilder ghawl. If alio I n a really old
dairy and nt th»* »ame time lu do the lutly a lave Urea» eap or n pulr <>f
other work. Including the »pri*iiiling of blai k kld giovo» w III sull, or n foli!
th»* niiinuK* as It iiccuinuliiteii It»* had ing knlttltig «tiiiid muy la* pureliaaed
And for grandma ibi»
vtTere«l fellow» from town $1 Mt n day from $<i up
and board, but they hml "jumped th»* proHent la Indmsl a iiseful olio Milk
Job" nfter n dny or two. notwlth«tniid or »adii f»>r n walat I» anollutr giti tu
he label,*<l n»eful.
Ing the fact that they vv»*r,* riding th»*
Furniturs Glfls.
tiiHiiun* spreader a go»xl »han* of the
A Innip, a mlrror. u «owlug »land, a
time Th»* predicament In which Hit» liiiigaslne ra< k. n «teak and cltalr, a
man found himself 1» not peculiar to grent easy ehitlr or porhnp» a »»wlng
the locality In which In» live« Till» ehalr. a hnndsome library labi», otie
“hired uiiin" problem Is on«* l tint of III» beautiful Inaihe»»«*». anyr of Ih»
touche» vltnlly every man who hn» beautiful rug» offvred. a Jurdlnler» or
more work to do thnn can lie hiimll»*«i a va»,* for tlowerx, a cabinet tu hold
by th<> member» of hi» own family It an overtlow of trea«ure». ,l»*»k or wrlt
Is true equally of the general farmer, Ing tabi» fining» to harutoniaa wltb
the dairyman, th»* big grain farmer otber furnlHtiIng. a frani,*<l photograpb.
and of the fruit grower. Bn,I a» the un old prilli or a tino reproduction of a
situation 1» ihef»* seems no pru»|x*et fa mona palntlng
that It la going to Improve tn »pile of
For Soilsd Hsndkerchisfs.
th,* fagt that the tide of foreign Immi­
A hniidkcr. Iilef bug I» fuabluued from
gration 1« sweeping Into the country nt tinlf a frlngol towel twenty Ihre»
the rate of ,-loae to n million n yenr. luche» loug and twelve luche» wlde
there 1« still th,* greatest dearth of i Thl« I h Ur»t embnddered In wltb HUiall
help A» n people we nr,* multiply Ing ! tlower». »ueli a» vloleta or forgelm«*
tasks at a pace far outstripping the In ilota, itamp and Iren on thè wroug
creane of hands to perform them The side, tlieu aew II tip and »tildi acro»»
time woulil «1*111 to be near nt hand thè bottoni
Ih» lioop al Ih» top I»
when n readjustment wa» Inevitable tinlf of an cnibroidery trame «li luche»
It will mean first of nil a ,llvl»l,>n of In dlaineter. w hl* h I» heiuuied lu by
farm nnd orchard area» to a point band To »uapetid It use Indi wld»
where they can lx* handled by the i »aliti rlbbon.
owner with a minimum of <>ut»l,le 1
help; a aubatltuthm of machinery In
place «if hand lalx»r In nil work where
Alterni th» lag ball al thè Grange hall
at all feasible, a definite lirrangeineiit Haturday evening
of work no that a fellow will be the
victim of "labor’’ clrcuinMtnnc,*» In the
Special Clubbiug ofTcr for Mit'all »
■malleet degree jxmnible. The theorist
hold» out hope from a transfer of and thè 11,-rald. For a I, w mondi» we
will be siile tu givo olir re»der* thè Her-
thousands of folk from the congealed nld
ami Mei'all* Magarine thè leading
city districts to rural communities (axhi*>ii magarla» of thè country, (or
where condition» of life nre txifh finan Il 15. nnd a fr,*» pattern will I«- pr»
«■tally, socially and morally more ! M-iited t,* radi •u|.-«'ril*cr
wholesome, but except In the ease ot
fttrelgnerx u«»*d to agricultural labor
th!« ela«« li.’ix n**t prov»»| nt nil «utl»
factory Tin*«,* nre some of the general
nxpe tx of th,* problem. Imllvldunlly
riusi usto usi
It lx one that In inltilinlzed or nggra
vated In any particular cue by the
kind of treatment which nu employer
Complete Stock ot
a,-coni» Ids help w hether stingy, »mall
ami fault finding or liberal, genial nnd
Marble and Granite
apprectntlv,* I'erhapa some of tin* m«*»t
perplexing phaxe« of tlie problem de­
pend U|**ti the "»dltlons Juxt nninrsl.
Everything conshlered, this help prob­
lem 1« ,*n«* of th,* blggeat which 1» up
(Similis sunti neo
for »ettlement, and It 1« clear that a
Opponi« City Hill
264 266 Fourth Si
lot of thought will hav»> to be devoted
to even n partial solution
The Relief Rake prevents the gram (tom
bunching between platform and elevator —keeps
al! grain, particularly short stuff, (rent gathering at
the inner end of cutter bar and insures a steady
flow of grain to the elevator,
invaluable when in j
tangled or badly lodged gram.
An exclusive CHAMPION festure
Positive Force Feed
Elevator insures a positive and
continuous flow of grain to the
packer arm».
Elimiuates bunch­
ing at the Binding Attachment by
forcing the grain clear into the
attachment. Works accurately on
all weights of grain and under
all condition
This is an exclu­
sive CHAMPION feature.
The Force Feed Elevator and the Relief Rake Make the
Champion Binder the Best Machine You Can Buy
These ftr*«> features alone should l>c suffh ient to convince any care­
ful buyer that the Champion Hinder is the most serviceable machine
in the field, but tvhen you consider, the many other advantages
found on the Improved f.'hampion Hinder, among them the balanc­
ing Sectors which keep the machine perfectly balanced in all heights
of grain, the ball and roller bearings which make it light running
and easy pulling and the simple, efficient driving mechanism, there
remains no room for doubt of rhe superiority of the Champion. It
represents the greatest possible Hinder value for the money.
Ilrop us a card for our big free Champion Catalog and testi­
monial circulars or pay the nearest Champion Agent a visit.
tvill be to your advantage.