Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, September 01, 1911, Image 3

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Speaker* Allege American Product*
Will Flood Market*.
Ottawa, Ont.—Rejsirt* coming in
from all parts of Canada show the in­
tensity of the election struggle now
under full headway, and reflect also
the position and progress of the var­
ious elements on the main Issue, reci­
procity between Canada and .the Uni-
tot! State*.
Although the campaign comes while
Crated Crowd Stumbles and Blocks harvesting is at its height, conven­
Doorway Many Trample on
tions and political meeting are draw­
ing audiences unparalleled for aixe.
Bedies ot Fallen.
It I* conceded that a greater percen­
tage of votes will be polled than ever
before in Canada.
Canonsburg, 1’a. Twenty-six per-
Reciprocity has continued the dom­
sons were suffocated or trample«I to
issue since Premier Laurier and
<l«ath, 25 w»r«< seriously injured and
30 were lean severely hurt at u sense­ Opjsisition Leader Borden made their
Since then Mr.
less panic at a moving picture show Initial addresses.
in the Canonsburg o|H*ra house, ac­ Borden has remained in Ontario,
s|M-aking daily, while .Premier l.aur­
cording to revised figures.
liow foolish the panic wus devel­ ier, after one Ontario meeting, has
oped fully when those involved related swung over the French-Canadian prov­
ince of Quebec, where he has been ad­
just what occurred.
from one to two meetings
There was no Are. The fatal rush
each day, including Sunday.
at the exit was due to baseless fear.
Meantime the premiers of various
It developed that not even a spark
flashed, The Alm broke with a snap­ provinces and other landers have been
ping noise and a bright light was a/raigning themselves on the firing
line. Premier Whitney, of Ontario,
thrown on the screen.
A frightened
ls>y imagined it was Are and uncon­ Premier McBride, of British Columbia,
sciously shouted out the death knell of and Premier liaxen, of New Bruns­
more than a score of persons as he wick, have taken the stump in opposi­
tion to reciprocity, and to the return
started to rush for the exit.
Bolus Dubrowski, a huge miner, of the Laurier candidates. Clifford
jumped from his seat and ran for the Si f ton, formcry a member of the
same exit. In a moment there was a l.aurier ministry, is holding meetings
in Ontario, nt which he denounced the
lighting, struggling mass after him.
At the head of a narrow stairway, reciprocity agreement.
The grounds taken for and against
which leads to the street, the miner
tripped. As he rolled down the stairs, reciprocity are shown in the reports
he swept from their feet many persons coming from all sections. The Aght
who were waiting their turn to enter | against reciprocity is made on both
the theater. Soon there was a horri­ economic and sentimental ground*.
ble pile of men, women and ehildren The opposition speakers declare that
at the foot of the steps. Dubrowski agriculture in the United Stales is so
much better developd than it is in
probably wus the Arst ;>erson kileld.
Firemen, policemen and level­ Canada that the Canadian farmer will
headed persons untangled the human be swamped by the arrival of focal
mass. The unhurt and those slightly products from the United States. Con­
injured were pulled from the top of servative pa|M-ra have been printing
the pile. As they gained the street, offers ¡from alleged American fruit,
they ran about screaming like mani­ dairy and provision Arms to sell
acs. The seriously injured were sent cheeos, fruit, vegetables and other
provisions to Canadian dealers at less
home or taken to nearby houses.
Coroner liofTran has begun a rigid than the prevailing Canadian rates, as
Measurements made soon as the ¡reciprocity agreement is
by the coroner’s jury showed the stair­ confirmed.
way leading to the door of the opera
house to be only six feet ami a half
wide, while the d<s>rway at the luittom
is not more than eight feet high.
It is customary for the management With Divided Party, Nation I* Facing
Crisis Strike* Added Menace.
of the theater to give two or three
performances each evening, and the
Lisbon—The political situation in
moving picture machine operator was Portugal is taking a serious turn. The
about to complete the Aral session Republic party is completely divided.
when a Alm partial. Some of the aud­ The advanced element, under the lead­
ience had begun to leave the building, ership of Alfonso Costa, provisional
ami others were on the stairway com­ minister of justice, and the conserva­
ing up, when Dubrowski began his tive section, under Antonio Almeida,
wild Hight. When the doorway had , provisional minister of the interior,
been tilled up. others walked over the | and Senor Camacho, declared open war
bodies of the fallen and breaking the ; at the elections for the presidency,
glass transom over the door, crawled the moderates winning the day.
through and dropped into the street.
The difference in the strength of
the two sections is not great and Pres­
ident Arriaga is devoting all his en­
ergy to conciliating the rival factions,
but the chances of his succeeding are
Odoriferous Insect Pays Coast Regu­ not considered easy.
False Alarm Causes Death at
Moving Picture Show.
lar Summer Visit.
Portland, Or. A specie* of the he-
teropterous branch of the great he-
miptera clan has made its reapjiear-
ancc in Portland. People who do not
care if they hurt the feelings of the
insect refer to him generally as the
"stinkhug. ”
In their former visit the insects ap­
peared in such great numbers that
they made life fairly miserable for
sensitive ¡icraons.
This summer the odoriferous bug
has made his reapjieuriince at several
of the summer resorts, taking especial
pleasure apparently in coming round
and breaking up pleasant parties as­
sembled about the camptires at night.
In Protland a number of them have
been noticed lately in stores, in some
of the saloons and in a few cases in
the parkways. They are a simple ap­
pearing bug, done in quiet colors,
gray or black, but they won’t stand
for annoyance, and if one inadvertent­
ly disturbs them they retaliate by
making the circumambient atmos­
phere sufliciently uncomfortable for
all concerned.
Cherbourg Police Say Two Men Went
Aboard Ship With Panel.
Cherlxiurg—In connection with the
search for the painting, “Mona Lisa.”
which disappeared last Monday from
the Louvre at Paris, the port police
have reported to the Paris headquar­
ters that, on Wednesday last two men
carrying two frame canvasses separ-
at«l by a wooden panel, sailed atwiard
the Kaiser Wilhelm II for New York.
They think that possibly the panel
concealed the painting “Mona Lisa.”
The authorities in Paris have been ad­
Rome—Visitors to the gallery at
Villa Carlotta, on Lake Como, recent­
ly have remarked the disappearance
of a copy of the painting “Mona
Lisa,” executed during the lifetime of
Leonardo DaVinci.
No one konws
what became of it, and the newspaper*
suggest a connection between its co-
diaappearance and the men.
Heir* to Fortune Work.
Girl In Lynching Plot?
Spokane, Wash. — Two Spokane
men, Alvin Davis, of East 1611 Fifth
avenue, and his brother, of East 2023
Second avenue, have each inherited in
the neighborhood of 3100,000 out of
an English fortune, estimated at be­
tween $6,000,000 and $7,000,000.
Though they have been informed of
the fact and arc daily expecting the
receipt of their funds, Isin Davis went
to work as usual this week at his car­
penter trade and his brother continues
to drive a hardware delivery wag­
Lincoln. Neb. — Miss Eunice Mur­
phy, living on a ranch near Cody,
Neb., is wanted by the state authori­
ties on the charge of having incited
the murder of her sweetheart, Charles
T. Sellers. Sellers was hanged the
night of June 18. by Kenneth Murphy,
the girl's brother; Harry Heath, her
cousin, and Alma and George Weed.
Miss Murphy is supposed to be at In­
dependence, Mo. Requisition papers
have been issued.
It is alleged
that she expected to inherit his
Captain Leave* Sing Sing.
Man on Log Defies Rapids.
New York—Captain William Van
Schaick, 72 years old, commander of
the excursion steamer General Slocum
when it burned in Hell Gate June 15
1904, with a loss of a thousand lives,
mostly women and children, was pa­
roled by the United States govern­
ment. He returned to his home im­
mediately from Sing Sing prison. He
was sentenced to 10 years’ imprison­
ment and had served 2J years when
Sault Ste. Mnrie, Mich.—While 5,-
000 persons looked on Jnmes Pollock,
a riverman, of Tower, Mich, shot the
St. Maries river rapids on a log. For
his feat he received $35. In a canoe
with Indian guides. Pollock was
taken to the head of the rapids. Six
minutes later, after having been
whired about the thousand gigantic
boulders and often obscured from
view, he emerged from the rapids
without a scratch.
Wave Take* and Give*.
Girl TosscdJOverboard.
New York - The following brief en­
try in the log of the steamer Indra,
which has just arrived here from Far
Eastern ports, tells how Gul Mamud,
a Hindu, was saved from a watery
“August 12, 8 p. m.—Native Are-
man washed overlioard forward and
washed back aft; rescued by carpen­
Holland, Mich. Angered, he said,
because Grace Lyon*, of Chicago,
broke her promise of marriage, Wal­
ter Hopper, of Chicago, attacked her
on board the steamer Puritan in mid­
lake and tossed her overboard. Her
body was not recovered. News of the
tragedy was Hashed by wireless and
officers were waiting for Hopper when
the boat reached the dock.
Ancient tpanleh Cannon That Was
Captured by th* American Troop*
at Mont*r*y.
Washington, Aug. 22.—The first TARIFF FIQHT 1« ¡THREE-SIDED
Among the old gun* from past war*
session of the Sixty-second congress
on Trophy Point there I* one that I*
ended today and immediately the de­ Separate Programme Ma/ Block fondly rettiembored by every graduate
parture of members began. President
of the Weat Polut military academy.
D. C. — Democrats, It I* "El Camilo.’’ literally "The
Taft left with the several hundred
tired legislators and tonight official “progressive” Republicans and regu­ Camel," a relic of the Mexican war,
lar Republicans will havejndividual but dating far back of that
Washington was almost deserted.
This antiquated piece of ordnance,
Every outgoing train bore senator* program* for tariff revision when con­ which la three part* silver and painted Cattle Scarce and No Relief In Sight
—Changed Condition* in We*t
and representatives homeward after gres* reconvenes in December. All * light green, bear* It* name and ths
three elements in the senate will be royal coat of arms of Hpaln over an
an extraordinary session that had engaged in a battle on the general sub­
■tretcehd over 121 days and set the ject of revision. The trend of the inscription relating that it wa* th*
property of the Regiment of the Gold­
liveliest pace of ¡any legislative ses­ fight will depend largely upon the re­ en Fleece, commissioned under Ferd­
San Francisco — Meat price* are
sion in recent year*.
mendations of the president in con­ inand and Isabella at the time when1 steadily soaring here and not even
Columbus set out on his famous voy-l master aviators will be able to reach
The adjournment was featureless, nection with that report. *
despite the strenuous activity that has
The regular Republican* do not ex­ age to discover a new world. It would the top mark which will be set thi*
gone .before. The president vetoed pect much actual tariff revision at the be Interesting to know what the Span- winter.
Wholesale butchers and
Ish grandees would have thought 1!
the cotton tariff revision bill, just as coming sessirm, because of the wide they could have foreseen that the very packer* say that fresh beef will soon
he ha«! vetoed it* predecessor, the divergence of opinion in the senate. cannon which probably thundered God­ be a luxury that can be enjoyed by the
They contend that failure is likely to
wool and free ¡¡list bills.
The veto follow attempts to bring together the speed to the explorer would one day wealthy alone, according to present
went only to the liouse, in accordance regular and “progressive” Republi­ be captured by the unborn nation of indications.
the undiscovered continent to which
with cuitom, and ¡there it* reception cans or the “progressives” and the Columbus was bound. The ancient
While the wholesale price ot
was marked by Democratic laughter Democrats.
beef remains stationary for
Neither the Democrats nor the “pro­
and Republican applause.
as part of the armament of a Spanish the present at 8J to 9 cent* a pound,
Democratic Leader
ship, and many years later was pressed
amid a demonstration,
formally i swept revision legislation through the into service in the Mexican army, before Christmas the price will be at
thank«! the few Republican members 1 senate until the combination was where the "sinew* of war" were al­ 11 or 12 cents, or even higher, the
who had voted with the Democrats to broken on the cotton bill, are willing ways at a premium. It wa* taken at wholesale men declare. Thi* would
pass the tariff revision bill*.
Dem­ to predict a renewal of that alliance Monterey by the Americans and sent send the retail price of meat up to ap­
ocrats ran across the aisles to shake in December.
Senator Martin, of Virginia, Demo to West Point a* the most appropriats proximately 20 cent* a pound for the
hands with Republican insurgents.
leader of the senate said that if place tor such an interesting relic. In average grades and much higher for
The cheering and pounding of desks on
’s recommendation should former years It was mounted and the choice cuts.
the Democratic side was protracted.
r«luction, anil many reg­ pointed it* tapering, old fashioned
As noon as he could be heard, Mr.
muzzle out over the glassy Hudson I J. A. Hughes, manager of the buy­
Underwood announced that as the ular “standpat” Republican* failed just as wickedly a* It did when the1 ing department of the Spreckels Meat
Democrats did not have the two-thirds
gunners of the old Spanish regiment company, declared that meat would
majority necessary to pass the bill situation would tend to line up the used to send the Are leaping from its never again be a* low as in former
over the veto, he would merely move
The regular Republicans have ex­ throat, but lately it has been dis­ years.
the printing of the veto and accom­
have changed so
mounted and laid with other trophy
panying papers and their reference to pressed the fear that the tariff board’s guns in a long row on the grass, thoroughly throughout the country
the ways and means committee, of
They contend I where it affords a seat for the tired that meat prices must continue to go
which he is chairman.
The house for their acceptance.
up year by year,” he said. “There is
resulting excursionist.
agreed to this fixed course.
a scarcity of cattle in the West at
With the committee the matter will from a progressive Republican and
present and there is no sign that the
rest until the whole subject of tariff
number will be increased.
The de­
The prophecy of the president ol mand is greater than the supply and
revision is renewed at the regular ses­
the rubber exhibition, held at the Agri­ this is the real cause of the advance in
sion of congress in December.
Everybody was in a happy mood in ionai campaign on the Bayne-Aldrich cultural hall, that the time will soon prices.”
come when th* price of rubber would
both houses, but the usual vaudeville tariff law.
The regulars also depend on the be low enough to make rubber paving
proceeding* that feature the few min­
Pork Also on Increase.
utes following an adjournment of the
an accomplished fact in the streets
City—Prices are still on the
house were missing. The nearest ap­ any measure that would be satisfac­ of London, is excellent bearing. When­ up grade and F. W. Robinson, of the
ever one comes across one or other oi wholesale beef department of Ar­
proach was the singing ot “Auld Lang
the few specimens of rubber paving mour’s plant, said that he was unable
Syne” by a group of younger mem-
tiers, but their chords did not inspire a
which are to b* found at present in to tell when the advances would stop.
common chorus. The galleries in both
the metropolis, one experiences a
Pork as well as beef is on the ad­
sense of grateful relief. But up till vance. Inferior beef may be bought
the house and senate were crowded.
Committee Will Probably Consign It
President Taft spent a half holiday
. now a wider use of this material for | now at about the same price a* 60
to Wastebasket.
at the capitol, making it a social as
such a purpose has been prohibited by days ago, but the packers say there is
Washington, D. C.—The bill of Sen­ the question of expense, although it light demand for the cheaper quality.
well as a business affair. Occupying
th«- president's room in the rear of ator Bourne, designed to rob the has been thoroughly recognized that
The average increase on the choice
the senate chamber, he was greeted Unit«-d States Supreme court of it* as a substitute for the ordinary ma­ cut* of beef at the packing houses ia
and ch«-ered by senators of all shades constitutional authority, and to enable terials used In paving the streets, rub­ 2 J cent* a pound. Good beef sold at
of political complexion, as well as by a single member of that tribunal to ber offer* enormous attractions. If It retail at the Armour plant at from 7
representatives who drifted over from . thwart the will and judgment of the could be employed in large quantities to 8 cents June 1. The same quality
I other eight members, having been re- in certain localities, London, one im­ now is bringing 9J cents a pound.
the house to meet him.
The president busied himself later ferered to the committee on judiciary, agines. would be a happier place. For The retail price is increasing with
with the task of signing eleventh- will never again see the light of day. there Is no doubt that, as things are. the packers’ price.
That committee will never as much as the increase of traffic must be attend­
hour measures.
The drouths which prevailed over
Senator Wood, of Oklahoma, pre­ give the bill «insideration; it will not ed with Increase of noise, and that, the feeding fields all summer caused
cipitated the fastest legislative work even dignify the measure by reporting though Londoners may become dulled, the advance, said Mr. Robinson.
of the closing hours. He asked for it adversely, but will send it to the by painful habit, to the ceaseless roar,
Two carloads of beef steers received
the passage of a bill authorizing Rod­ waste basket unnotic«].
the nerves of the community are cer­ at the Kansas City stock yards from
The senior senator from Oregon has tainly, even if unconsciously, in a Plattsburg, Mo., brought $8.20 a hun­
man Wanamaker and others to con­
struct in the entrance to New York been the father of many pieces of state of tension. At the same time, dred, which, according to stock yards
harbor a permanent memorial to the freak legislation, but in the judgment however, we trust that the evil will officials, is the highest price by 5
North American Indians. The bill had of conservative senators, he has never not now be allowed to go unchecked cents reached at any market this year.
passed the house, but the senate took proposed anything quite so radical as simply because there is a chance that
no action on it. but carried it away to this judiciary bill, which, if enacted the adoption of rubber paving is likely
the vault*. With fewer than 12 min­ and held constitutional, would pave to cure It in the future.—London
utes remaining, a hurried search was the way for the enactment and en­ Globe.
Hundred* in Mad Stampede tor Rich
made. The bill was found and sent forcement of all sort* of freak legis­
Yukon Strike.
back to the house by messenger, who lation, both by the Federal congress
Prehistoric Art.
and by state legislatures.
Skagway—Colonel Conrad, of Cari-
lost no time on the journey.
On the side of a steep down In the cross, who arrived from Caribou
At 3 o’clock officially, or 3:02 by
old town of Cerne Abbas. Dorset. Eng­ Crossing, reported a great placer gold
the correct time, while the vice presi­
land. a huge figure of a man appears strike on McClintock creek, entering
dent was in th«- midst of his farewell
remarks to the senate, the clerk of the Morgan-Rockefeller Money Combin­ cut deeply In the hard turf. It is a Marsh lake, about 10 miles from Tag-
creation of a period hidden in the, ish post, Yukon territory.
house- appearod in the door of the sen­
A stam­
ation Will Not Be Allowed.
mists of antiquity. The body resem-1 pede has started for the new goldfield
ate with the bill, sign«! by Speaker
Washington, D. C.—Although Pres­ ble* that of the simian, the arms are and the town of Caricross is deserted
Clark. The signal of the clerk and
the fluttering of the completed bill at ident Taft and Secretary MacVeagh unusually long and outstretched, as by every one who has a right to file on
the head of the aisle did not atop the would like to prevent the consolida­ are the legs. The right hand grasps a mining claim.
fall of the gavel, however, and the tion of the Morgan and Standard Oil the handle of an enormous club, and
Great excitement prevails in the
bill will rest unsign«l by the vice banks in the new National City com­ the general attitude suggest* pursuit surrounding towns and all the boats
are crowded with prospectors. Many
president and the president until next pany, they probably will soon have to of game.
admit that without the help of con­
The head seems sunk between the unable to get aboard the steamers are
shoulders, and the face, which is rushing overland.
In the closing hours of th«- session gress they can do nothing.
The query as to the legality and de­ roughly cut, exhibits an uncanny leer
of th«- house. Representative Kinkead,
"Shorty” Austin and Reid Good
Student* of types attribute "the were on the creek and found a lone
of New Jersey, amid Democratic ap­ sirability of the combination, from
plause, made a speech, advocating the administration’s point of view, giant.” as the Dorset figure Is called, prospector at work. He had a hole 15
Philippine independence, and said a started in the office of Controller Mur­ to the bronze age. The figure has feet deep and although he had not
Democratic congress stain would carry ray. Before it is disposed of it will been cared for throughout the cen­ reached bed rock had found good pay.
out the promises of the Unit«! States have been passed upon by Attorney turies of its existence. Originally it The ground is not frozen, and the
General Wickersham and President is supposed to have been regarded as gold, which is coarse, appears plenti­
to the islands.
Both Vice President Sherman and Taft. It is impossible to make out a bringing good luck to the people dur­ ful.
Speaker Clark delivered valedictories, prima facie case of violation of any ing the Celtic and early English
^Tobacco Trust Has Plan.
expressing appreciation, extending statute. „Clearly the national bank epochs It receives attention now on
congratulations on the good will act does not forbid it. It is said at account of Its quaintness and age.
New York—Counsel for the Ameri­
shown in a strenuous session, and be­ the Treasury department that it would
The Dorset giant Is Incised in the can Tobacco company have formed
speaking health and happiness during probably be a week or ten days before turf after the manner of the long plans for the dissolution of the corpor­
any decision or announcement in the Man of Wilmington and the White ation, and its re-establishment in ac­
the recess.
The session record of measures in­ matter might be expected.
Horse of Berkshire and elsewhere cordance with the decree of the Uni­
troduced is 14,038 bills and 485 reso­
The turf Is so hard that the outlines ted States Supreme court. The reor­
Department Not to Move.
lutions in the house, and 3,296 bills
of the figure have been preserved in­ ganization plan, it is said, will be
Washington. D. C.—The Depart­ tact for many centurie*.
and 58 resolutions in the senate.
presented to the United States Circuit
ment of the Columbia headquarters
court for approval.
Although the
Only a few of these were passed.
will not be moved to Portland or else­
plan is still in a tentative form, in it*
Remarkable Feat of Aged Man,
Washington. Aug. 21. Senator La where during the present administra­
general outline it is said to provide
A wonderful teat of endurance has for the separation of the American To­
Follette, of Wisconsin, in a speech in tion of the War department at least
the senate today, came out openly in The subject came up ami was consid just been accomplished by an old bacco company into a series of con­
favor of government ownership of the ered at length.
The decision was man. ninety-two years of age. named cerns that shall have no connection.
railroads of Alaska and of goverment reached to maintain Vancouver bar­ Herbst, who returned t* hl* native
control of the natural resources of the racks because of the quarters already town of Zurich the other morning.
Bakers' College Sought.
there and because the expense of the I-ately he set out on foot from Zurich
Kansas City — Education in the
“The sensible and practical thing transfer is not in keeping with the for the Tyrol, on receiving a letter sciences for bakers, “that they may
to do," he said, "is to create a board present policy of economy.
that his mother, aged one hundred know thejwhy as well as the how of
of public works for Alaska, to be ap­
and fourteen, was dying In a village the bread-making business,” was ad­
Hold Cotton, is Advice.
point«! by the president and confirm«!
near Innsbruck. Herbst did not have vocated by Professor G. L. Teller, of
by the senate, similar to the Isthmian
Washington, D. C.—Declaring that sufficient money for the railway fare, the Columbia laboratories, Chicago,
canal commission This board of pub­ the statistical position of cotton was but he knew the country and the addressing the third session of the
lic works should then undertake, not misrepresented by Wall street, a com­ mountain passes, and he decided to - National Association of Master Bak­
merely to build a railroad from Con­ mittee representing the member* of undertake the long journey alone. He I ers. Professor Teller proposed that
troller bay to the coal fields, but to «mgress from seven Southern states found his mother dead, but was tn' technical education for bakers be giv­
acquire all the railroads in Alaska.”
issu«! a statement advising cotton time to be present at her funeral. en in connection with college courses,
planters to hold their staple for 13 After a week’s rest the old man start­ the same way as for agriculture.
Army Aero Towed by Auto.
State banking associations ed back for his Swiss home over the
Kentucky Tobacco Short.
Washington. D. C.—The United will be urg«! to co-operate against the same route. He say* he will never
States army aeroplane in which Cap­ bearish movement of the speculators. cross the mountain* again. He was
Lexington, Ky.—The Burley tobac­
tain Chandler and Lieutenant Arnold
co crop of Kentucky, which was last
formerly a guide in th* Tyrol.
Pariodicals to Go by Fast Freight.
made a 42-mile dash to Frederick,
year estimated to be 300,000,000
Washington. D. C.—Arrangements
Md., in 47 minutes, was ignominously
pounds, will not amount to more than
trundled along on a truck behind an having been perfect«! by the post-
50,000,000 this year, it is believed.
First European Power—I suppose • The great shortage is due to the worst
army automobile back to College office department for the transmission
Park. An attempt was made by the of second-class mail, consisting of new blue book will be issued on th* drouth in years; to hail storms and to
two army aviators to return to the magazines and periodicals, by fast situation. Where do you think th* failure of hundreds of farmers to
starting point, but darkness overtook freight, beginning September 1, an tendency 1* bound?
plant tobacco this year on account of
Second Ditto—It look* at present a* the large amount of the peeled crop
them and they were compelled to land, order was issued formally authorizing
if It would be In Morocco.
the change. J
and the machine was disabled.
of other years still unsold.
Beef and Pork Going Up, Never
to Come Down.