1 HOW FAR HAVE YOU TRAVELED MATHEMATICS OF 52 CARDS Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription — .f You Hav* Never Tsken Count You Combination* Yhat Are Possible With Will Be Surprised st Die tance Covered. Every card player probably baa wuudered al time* how many com blnationa It la possible tn make ow «au r xi a i on iw,< Iiua with the 52 cards M load «Ul» gllvvr. loa« II (»«>14. Mil»*» Ite. of tbe pack. In «•» <'si|.pay |l M a IH bj * ,»»e¡-1-esa a Spill (••» avi'II'W*!'”« arid ’’“Fir* •**•* •* a game like whist Iklled. Béíei«u<«i Gs«i«uaalc Maliosa! hanh. or bridge, where each player re­ ceives a hand of 11 card*, dealt |ll«h*>at prlree |i«bl for Silver, «k and rlna. possible nu-nbor of different hands wblcb may thus be dealt is greater than six hundred thousand million. n ■ win i vz g*,,,« The exact number Is 635,012,650.600 0. 0 MARTIN, ”11 uttw This number, however, large aa It Write ter infwmiîM may appear, become* not merely small but practically Invisible when compared with the total number of arrangements In which the 52 cards Write fur arvl 11 (»r«’ter« I may be placed after th* shuffle. To LITTLE BOY KNEW REASON a»ul prltitln« Mail urU«w given atteiiitegi quote the whole of this number would r ortiand > holo Supply Ca take too much space, but It may be 149 nuri Kuwl I’Okn.ANU ORR. Steam Came Out of the 8pout of mentioned that It begin* with B0, fol­ Kettle so That Mamma Might lowed by 66 other figures It would Open Father’s Letters. b* quite a hopeh-ae talk to attempt to grasp the conception of the real ’Papa,” aald the hopeful youth, 'can meaning of ouch a number; but som» you tell me what 1* natural phllos- Idea (at Iraat of Ita Inconceivability) may be presented by meuna of the I opby ?" "Of course I can.” aald papa, proud folowing calculation*. and relieved to find that there was at Let us supose that two thousand last something be could tell his off­ million* of human being* (each sup­ spring "Natural philosophy la tbe plied with a pack of cards) were to eclenc* of cause and reason. Now, attempt actually to produce every for Instance, you see the steam com­ Y. M. C. A. EXPANDS. »I B««a«b fisttwhsaa ■ 4>-ve« possible arrangement of the 52 cazd* ing out of 1 • spout of the kettle, but *■•< *•! >«i Aol cm te |g fiée c i. «te It is further to be supposed that you don't know why or for what re»- -i. Bff F m * m 4 Mfw UA New Booklet Just Out Csn Be Mae they wLrk ceaselessly, without rest 1 son It does so, and------ " F «te M population of the earth today 1* estl- "X state. While a great major)! mated to be In tho neighborhood of tho 1100 students enrolled In THAT’8 ALL HE DID LEAVE. and day classes are rcslduuts ol 1.600,000.000 The hypothesis from •ciitifimiifil atkil effeettv« or irUM Portland, yet u largo and Increasing i which we start 1* therefor* that a and IK*stin< number are now enrolling from town«1 population of one quarter more than J. C. BAYER ILRNACt CO. and cliltw outalde of Portland. that which now exists baa spent its Front and Market Sts. Portland. Or. Tho different course* offered In whole time during an Interval more elude a full Commercial course MEND Foil CATAIXXIVK. comprising Shorthand, B*wly errived association and contain* a e'atemstit W j ’'-'. AS A REMEDY In a strsn** country, we samdj therw of all Eduoatlotul Courses The Edu AUTOMOBILE rational Director will mall thl* book | for* make const lane* to mleleed let Io all person* wno desire IL Phynlolan* Say Its Vibrations May them lock* Classes tor day school open Sep Help In Cure of Vertigo and Muldoon—8ure, an’ It’s sorry O1 am tetober 5th, night clsxees September Paralysie. 15th I'rttra present Indications an to bear that your husband'* dead. 1 ><■ unusually large registration la antlci « r Did he lave yea any- The Hterntuno of automoblltng tn Mrs. Casey, puled. thing? It* relationship to dlseaHo Is still very ° ’a- Mr*. Caaey—Yl*. Mr. Muldoon, he Going Up Aloft meager, and It is ’■W left me a widow. In height has felt A vrotnan nine feet only through oc ­ 4 A Good Cigar obliged to consult a specialist In dle- casional notoa In ’ i 'a* • ?“'r ’ Tough on Texas. • uses of the heart, lan you picture medical and eclen- A young lieutenant from a New that specialist, with stethoscope In tlfic journal* that York regiment surveyed the Texas hand, going up a stepladder!— CI hw one become* ac­ scenery gloomily and reflected upon Worth Mot . \ *4 ¡V > Umd Plain Dealer quainted with tbe his great distance from the lights of effect* of relative­ • . • ri..... Broadway. The smoke from a smelt­ Limitation* of the Brain. ly now method* of "You cannot educate or draw out ol ALLEN & IEWIS er and the swirling sand from the locomotion on disease*. Medical men any brain more than nature baa al­ low lying hills had spelled the lieu­ declare that there Is nothing specific i)istnbutcr«/’j t>*n9> Or, ready put Into It. Dome day. perhaps, about the motion of automiblllng, for tenant’s disposition. wo obeli try to adapt our educados to "Tell me." said an editor from El It I* merely a matter of petty shocks booelbUltlea ”—An«»nt* FrancK Paso. "Isn’t there some hidden pur­ I or vibrations, such an occur In rail- pose behind this mobilization’" Not of Much A ooouh L I way trains, and. If automobile jour­ “There is.” replied the lieutenant; GREINER S CHIROPRACTIC A men who can’t stand prosperity neys appear to produce certain ef­ "w* are going to force Mealco to lent likely to buar up very well under fects, It 1* quite safe to assume that HEALTH HOME back Texas—Success. advarettv. railway travel will be followed by th* take HE HUY OU) GOLD ATENTS 1 ®,VE Y0U KODAKS :^pKLotDi: BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL It the best of all medicines for the cure of dite*«et, ditordert .nd w**kne*»e. peculiar to women. It it the only prep*retion of it* kind devised by • regularly gredu- eted pbyuciso aa experienced end kkilled tpecixliti la the disease* of women. the Pack Run Into Figure* of Astonishing fills. Hare you ever counted up the new»- her of steps which you have made la th* eours* of on* day tn going le bualueea. la walking from on* room to another st home, uul so on. throughout the eours* of ths day? U you will take the trouble to do eu. you will be Surprised to find what a dlataaoa you Lave ouvered without r **H slag IL Multiply time distance by >65 and you will find that It will not require many years before you have made up the 11.000 mile* which Is equal to the circuit of th* globe. Moot people would oertainly be sur­ prised If they ware Informed that during the course of their lives they have walked a distance a* great as the length of the equator Yet. how­ ever sedentary we may be, however little laellnud to gain th* reputation of a globetrotter or of an Alpine climber, moot of u* have, unknown to oureelvve. covered a distance equal to the fuM circuit of the earth, or a climb to tb* highest mountain peak* In the world Mor* than that, we hav* accomplished a task still mor* ooloeaal Without having had occasion to explore the unknown regions be­ neath the crust of the earth, we have deaceuoe< unfathomable abyaaea. even aa far as the very center of the earth — Air and Magazine It ie e eefe medicine in eny ooodition of the tyxt THE ONE RFMEflY which conteine no eleobol end no iniuriou* bebit-forming drugx and which •reele* no crering for xuuh xtimulentx. THE ONE REMEDY *o good that it* rnahere are not afraid to print it* every ingredient on eaob outeide bottle - wrapper and atteet to tbe truthfulocM of tbe seme under oath. It is told by medicine dealer* everywhere, end eny dealer who hasn't it can get it. Don’t tube a substitute of unknown competition for this medicine or snown coMZosmoN. No counterfeit it ex good a* th* genuine and the druggist who say* xomething else ix “juxt a* good as Dr. Fierce’*” is either mistaken or ix trying to deceive you for hi* own xelbxh benefit. Such • man i* not to be trutted. He it trilling with your moet priceleee poeteexion—your health— may be your life itaelf. .Sr, that ye* get what yoa a»h far. GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION 5J4 Morriaaa St-, Portland, Orcgea. Two-year powraew for teacher*. rBarters and public «prakm. Graduate« after completing two y«am of po«t-graduate work, granted profeamonal diploma*. Continuous c I mam « from 9 to 1 o'clock. Av« day« per weak. Individual kaaona with either th« principal or tha assistants, afternuurui arul «venings. EMMA W. GILLESPIE, Principal. Plant Fsigns Death. In South America there Is a plant —a species of mimosa—which feign* death for the purpose, naturalist* think, of preventing grass-eating ani­ mal* from eating IL In it* natural state It is bright green, but as soon a* it 1* touched It collapse* into a tangle of apparently dead brown sterna. CHANGE BOYNTON IURNACES LIFE Made Safe by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Graniteville, Vt —“I was passing through the Change of Life and suffered from nervousness and other annoying Bymptoms, ana I can truly sav that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- ' pound has proved worth mountains of I Religion In Dally Life. gold to me, as it; Your daily duties are part of your restored my health ' and strength. I religious life, just as much as your never forget to tell i levotlons.—Eleecher. ¡my friends what Lydia E. I’inkham’t Vegetable Compound has done for me '»io«** Sam; Sloan ALL MtlAllt PIBWIARfNTLY IIM0VI9 If MB BHTMOBI Rtiffcrera from Appendicltla. Uronchltl« an Heart Pi«- t.^.. Ilwrit » I n i Li»so Ne trt.lg’u I iheumatla It, H< tat !<>a. p< any n Oytnnaalaa For ostai«« artl»w 30. st. Halons Unii REDUCED RATES on all linea on account ASTORIA CENTENNIAL PAGEANT LIES USINESS COLLISE (M7T>W SEND FOR FREE FIRST LESSONS A «It your ll-k-t rirent for full dctaiia AUG. 1 0 to SEPT. 9 COME TO PORTLAND AND BE CURED IN FIVE DAY8 VARICOSE VEINS, HERNIA, BLOOD POISON No «cvara operation«, many «Men p«itnHnnntly cured in one treatment Mont lint* Having, nioM natnral, dhib B «afn. A radical and permauektcure. I give my word and will cita vou to other mmlical anthorltirg that tala i«a fact. I am c«r> tainlr prepared to cure by experience and equipment, which are the keVutonna to eucccaa. 1 have the Iwat equipped medical oft <’« oa the ('oaat. I will rl\«' $5<>o to any charity aa guarantee that jv^ry utateinent In thia an non nt omriitla true. I Inrite you te tom« te myo fllee I will explain te yon my treatment for Varicoae Vein*, Hernia, Nerrona Debility, lllood PolBon. Plica, Fistula, Bladder, Kidney, Proatatlo anu all Men a A ilmenta and give you FRKK a physical examine* tlon: if nernNMary a microscopical and chemical analyst« of accretions, to dr termi ue pathological and bacteriological con tfltlona. Evi'ry man ahouhl take advantage of thia tunity to learn their true condition. .4 vrrmanent Cure »• ivhat you went. A permanent Cure it trnat I p’va. WRITTEN QUARANTEE -My written guarantee means a cure or io I guarant«*e to cure certain ailment« or refund every ollar you Lava paid. My aervie«« cost you nothing unleoa I uro your Varicoae Vein«, Hernia, Pllea. Fiatnla, Blo«»d Poi­ son, or any alhnantl guarantee to cure Term« are reasonable and no mom than you are able and willing to pay for benefit«. Offl« tear»- 9 A M te B P Bf ln»4*y. 10 A M te 1 F If A. <1. Smith M. n. I am the only iprrialiaf In l’.irtlan.l who «fora nnt adrertiae a Actltlona nam» of pbotofraph. I publish my tma phofoyniph. rvwrrct nata* and prraonally condnrt my office. BOB ’FOR 91000 POISON | pi de.sor ghrlkh « won.Urfai a«w 4i^ envery. * '606” in cate« of Spa« Ific Rl«»«»<4 P<>li.>n l( cures In 009 treat­ ment and la the create«? m«rvd of mrdical ficierw«. 1 bla new rrmed« lilt« Aa He OMI I H PO1TLAND 0 , samo or similar consequence*. At a recent meeting of the Berlin Society for Psychiatry and Nervous DtseaHes, Professor Oppenheimer read a paper on habitual vertigo from which It appeared that this condition Is less apparent to tho patient when riding in automobiles or railway trains. Professor Kron then stated that ho had seen the same sequence, but attributed It to psychic causes— distraction of the attention, He cited tho case of a rope dancer who suf- fered from vertigo when on the ground, but was never bothered while In tbe air. The psychic factor, he sakl, la naturally In evidence here, and tbe state of affairs la paralleled by tho actor who always stutters while off tho stage, but never whtle speaking his lines in a play. Professor Bernhardt stated that the patient with habitual vertigo feels In better spirits on an automobile or railway journey, and this Is also true of patients with paralysis agltana. He attributed the favortvblc result to tho fact that tho Involuntary motion Im- parted by the vehicle antagonizes the sensations of vertigo and tretnor. One of his patients with paralysis agltnns takes several rides dally on an nuto omnibus with beneficial results. .G olden -W est during this trying period. Complete restoration to 'health means so much to me that for t’ • sake of other suffer­ ing women I am willing to make my trouble public so you may publish this letter.”—M rs . C has . B arclay , R.F.D., Graniteville, Vt. No other medicine for woman’s ills has received such wide-spread and un- i qualified endorsement. No other med- i leine we know of lias such a record of cures as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than 30 years It has been curing woman’s ills such as inflamma­ tion. ulceration, fibroid tumors, irreg­ ularities, periodic pains and nervous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of change of life. Costs-Yoil 5c ; A health* licwly deCr« ('hlmpraetle ad;<>•«ti etoa niak« L« rouiovln« th« •-«*!■« of •»•< Ina •tid J lot I ng d.r». tod •> I •nfifltxllr. Trained nvraao Drives away Flies, Mosquitoes and Gnats. It protects horse* and cattle from attacks of insects, enabling them to feed and sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight and strength from worry caused by attacks of insect*, and from the irritation of their bites and stings. There is a ( satisfaction in tbe relief it affords domestic animals from the scourge of ; maddening parasites and flies, beside, the profit in returns. Horses do more work J on less feed and cows yield more and , better milk when relieved from the frenzy j incited by constantly fighting a swarm ( of voracious, insatiable insect*. Four aizes, ijc, 50c, 75c and Jl.»5. Ask your merchant for it. 1 H oyt C hemical C o . Portland, Oregon Darkness Didn’t Help. CTcOFFEEk) TEA SPICES SAK1N0 POWDER I » EXTRACTS JUST RIGHTS T Al Wij.1 _ ► CUISSE! fl DEVUS U fwtland - q **-' J ^A 0 Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn. Mass^ Bacon—I see a London lecturer de- dares that mi sic. to be heard tn per­ invites all sick women to write fection, should be heard In absolute her for adv ice. Her advice is free, and alwuys helpful. darkness. Egbert—Well, I heard a phono­ graph going in a London fog, once. but It seemed very far from perfec­ tion to me.—Yonkers Statesman. COfrviNCt BELLE Rlamiuxr phxak pra* Q. "If"— Maybe. Father of the Fair One—How can you possibly think of marrying niy daughter? You say that by the strid­ eat economy you can save only ilo a month! Conquer Self-Distrust. Poor but Worthy Poet—Oh. yes; Self-distrust is the cause of most of but If we both save, it will be »20. our failures. In the assurance of strength there is strength, and they Not That Kind of a Father. are the weakest, however strong, who “Johnny, you must comb your hair have no faith in themselves or their before you come to school." power*.—Bovee. "1 ain’t got no comb.” Good Advice. "Borrow your father’s." "Pa ain’t got no comb, either." Rub elbow* with the least of the "Ikiesn’t he comb his hair?" world’s people, if you would quicken “He ain’t got no hair." your brain and soften your hearL— Exchange. Wfiittemoreb Jf /Shoe Polished Finest in Qual ty. Largest in Variety- They meet even requlreineat for cleaning tunl polishii g ¡»hoes of at! kinds and color*. »<.*’* ex’, i ElMiV. d MS sing .- TIM '•hl'«- fu*// * .. ,.*tweeit • } cffnvufttat-*- - \ ft»' Mixed Figures. "They are certainly mixed In that town." numerically "How so?" "They make It a primary condition that the secondary schools should The Best Position. have a third portion of the quarterly Prior to the commencement of a report" boys’ cricket match there were sev­ eral candidates on the fielding side Legislatively Expressed. for tho position of long field. "No one can go wrong If he follow* "Harris had It last week and the the ten commandments." aald the sin­ week before," complained two or three of the boys to their captain. cere citizen. "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum; "It’s about time someone else had a "the only trouble about the ten com­ turn." mandments arises from tbe amend­ The discussion seemed likely to end ment* people try to tack on to them.". tn a free fight, when the local curate came in the acene and endeavored to Making End* Meet. pour oil on the troubled waters. HI* Wife—But don’t you think join­ "You surprise me. boys, he said. "Harris has done especially well In ing the golf club Is rather an extrava­ gance?" that position, hasn’t he?" "Not If we economize In other ways. “He has so,” agreed the malcon­ tents. "If he's had to climb Blfgglns’ I thought we might give up our pew wall after the ball once, he’s had to tn church."—Life. a dozen times." Literal Payment*. "Well?" queried the reverend gen­ “I know, dear, you are careless tleman. • "That’s why we want a chance," about paying your bills, but here Is an snapped a podgy youngster; "old Bllff- account you ought really to clean up.' “What 1* it?" gins’ gooseberries are ripe and hl* “Your laundry btlL” bulldog'* dead!"—London Tit-Bit*. I Does Not Color Hair Ayer’s Hair Vigor, as now made from our new improved formula, does not stain or color the hair even to the slightest degree. Gray hair, white hair, blonde hair is not made a shade darker. But it certainly does stop falling hair. No question about that. Dors not change the color of the hair ui« with «ach botti« Show it te your doctor Ask him «boat It. then do «• he •«/• GILT EDGE the only la-tle» »h e d-«»tn« that positively oontxlnx OtL F-lacks xnd PoU.bv* (»die«' «1J chlhlren'» boot» x i.l »h... «. xhiuee without rubbius, S-V. “French Olo«<‘ ltf. I» A h 1» Y combination tor cleaninc an.I |- tJtln* all kin 1« 0? russet or tan shoes, ZSc. “Star" site. loo. UIHh WHITE ntak- • dirty esnt as .h.-, clean au I while. Inllqul l torni «o It can he quickly au-1 easily applied. A upoture In every ptwk.-tge. *0 xlwsy, ready for usw Two »ilei, 19 and SS cents. it your dealer does not keep the kind yon want, wnd us bls s.ltlr. w and the prluo in stamps tot * full site packs.-.-. WHITTEMORE BRO8. & CO., 2O-ie Albany at., Cambridge. Mae*. 27»e cMtlt-st otiti Izirpvxf .U.uiM/ti' (twerx 0/ 2‘ulisAvs ia the 11 oriti. Hf^eley ALCOHOL 1 (yre tflPoRTLANI Indeed, we believe it will »top every case of falling hair unless there Is some very unusual complication, something greatly affecting the get neral health. Then you “ should consult your physician ---------- . • ’ - Also sxk him --------------- about the ------ new ..yer Ayer’s * F Hair Vigor. Mas* »/ IS* J. C. Ag*r Ce, LewaU. Maaa—> OPIUM—TOBACCO nabits Po«!tfv*ly (YirfkL. Oniy «attori»fri K«el«I stitutn la Oregon. Writa fnr illn«trBt«*d cirmlar. w Il « iitht » Ti f 11T11M J,OREGON No. 3J-'11