Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 14, 1911, Image 6

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Cannot Cast ths Future.
A man may presume to know much
of wbat is passing but he dare not
predict what part of the passing show
shall disappear, as a fashion does. In
time It must follow, as no man can
pretend to place his finger unerringly
on juat that particular part, then no
man can begin to tell just what man
or woman living today will be revered
in time to come
To Rsmedy Corrosion.
Corrosion In metals Is said to be
prevented by the passage through the
metals of a weak current of electrio-
Ity. This ts a like cure like” treat­
ment. for the pitting of metals Is said
to be due to the local electrical action,
that ts. feeble current developed by
the acidular water on dissimilar met­
als, often Impurities in the metal it­
self, at the not««» ot ^w-rnsion.
The Greatest Social Force.
The middle classes are the prepon
iterant social force of today In repub­
lics as well as tn monarchies In Eu­
rope or in America
Everything ts
everywhere subordinated to the neces­
sity of satisfying them as speedily
and as thoroughly as possible.—Per-
rero in Pari« Figaro.
Moth-ra win 2nd Mrs. wiaelcw*« Snothtns
•ymp 'u<* bur ned» t-i use toe ths.r,-UUruc
luring ihr trettuu< period
Don't Let Old Age Come.
Let us have a movement against
mental surrender to old age at any­
time Such a movement wou’d make
for sane moderation in all things, a
cheerful spirit, appreciation of the joy
and deltgh’ of living. Such a move­
ment would dwell on the marvels and
beauties of nature and the gr-at pos­
sibilities ot god m the lowest of men
Talk No. 9.
This common article fools many.
Think of it, large bottle, little pinch
of blue, fill it up with water.
There I
you are. Does it look good to you?
pure blue.
Makes beautiful, clear,
white clothes.
You will like it.
Large package 5 cents. ASK YOUR
1 -.'.r
Naw Head and Body for Child'« Bo
loved Doll, But balr Wai
the Sams.
With tears in her eyes and a targe
and very much damaged doll in her
anna. a very little girl appeared at
the mending counter of a doll's hos
pltal the other day and displayed her
broken treasure The doll's face was
broken, one arm was completely gone
and one foot waa minus all the toes
The very little girl confided to me
clerk that she wanted dolly made
well again
"I'm afraid it won't be
worth while to fix it." said the clerk,
regarding the new patient dubiously
"You see there would have to be
new head and new arm and new
I really think it would be better
you to get a new doll "
The tears overran the eyes of
very little girl at thia suggest Ion
"But | want her to look like this
doll." she protested
"I love Maud
l.llllan too much to have a new doll
in her place
You can get a new
head for her and a new body, too. if
you like but 1 want her to have the
same hair that she has now. so she'll
look like her old self “
The toy shop people are used to
carrying out the Individual Ideas of
the little mothers of the doll
no objection was made to p
Maud Lillian's Identity by i
her somewhat crumpled gold
V beautiful new doll of the
site was chosen, her glossy new wig
removed and the broken doll's wig
Newly hewlgged In this
fashion and robed In th«- garments of
the discarded doll. Maud Lillian bore
a resemblance to herself that was
startling considering the rather ex
tensive anatomical alterations that
had been made In her The very lit
tie girl seised her triumphantly and
bore her away, but the onlooker who
had witnessed the operation could
not but wonder tn w'at Maud I JI
Ilan's ego really consisted
It ctedriy proven its
right to be («lilt'd “the
Didn't Know What She Had Forgot
ten, but Returns Homo With
Money After Shopping.
She had just returned from a shop
ping tour. tired, but radiant.
He had just returned from Ilia of
flee, tired. but well, tired.
Quivering with delight at the array
of damplea »nipped from roll» of dr®»«
the contents of her
goods, »he emptied
pur»® Into her
lap There was a metal
Hr pound, A look of dismay crossed
her face.
"I Just
’There! ”
knew there
sonivlhlng I had for
A Toulc. AUciahv« ou<l X««ul
br.t rr'iiedy I"« M lseys. IJvef sud Iv-wrl».
Itts.lusU, l’implr». KtuOUelis •mi IH*<«d.iS
of Ih» Skll*
Puone» Ih- l‘be-1 ■ ■»! •' -•
Tarn, siixugth sud 1 Igei le tu« «uUi« •/•leu«.
Down Spouts Steel < riling
/. c BAYlR
dear?” hr asked with
1‘artland. Oirgon
SEND run (AlAt'HitF.
Aide to Memory.
Emporia Man Hello, Griggs' The
Inst time I saw you. I think, waa dur
A'gy Telephones
Ing that luiiitin-r when the graaahop
Algy swaggered Into the posto!?! <e pers stopped the railroad trains In
and entered the telephone box
He Nebraska
was Immaculately clad, and In a lord
Omaha Mun No. Grimshaw It waa
ly humor
the summer when the gramthoppera
"Hello'" he drawled putting the re didn't atop the trains In Kansas
c< Iver to his ear
A minute passed 11« repeated the
Tims Wasted.
summons His lordly humor began to
"If you are ao firmly opposed to
descend In tun's
war, why do you wish to ««-nd your
"Hal lo"' be called
son to West Point-'
No resitonse
"Oh. »hats the use discussing the
thing with people »ho are so narrow
Still no reai-onse Ills lordly humor minded that they always want to
»ns now as gon«- as hfs temper, and make a personal matter of every in
he shouted thing« Into th- receiver terriational Issue'"' Judge
which must have made even that ex
perienced Instrument tremble
At last, when the perspiration drib
bled from his bursting brow, und his
hat was limp and both he and his Inn
guage were exhausted, a notice caught
ills eye It read
" asked the second
“Give the number you require to
never have any grasa
the clerk at the counter and »alt u ti
cut before they'll give
til the connection is made."
to eat.”
He slunk away so quietly that no
one saw him go
A Friendly Tip.
“I’m going to keep on (‘limbing
til I reach the top of (hr ladder,*’ »»id
It has been known during a long the candidate who had Juul been elect
time that In western Eutope man ex­ rd to a petty offi< ••
•That*« all tight,” rejoined the old
isted during the g!a< ial e;«>ch
now know that th«- great It«- age con- politician, ’but take my Hdvlce and
slated of different gla<Ial times sepe­ keep an eye on the men ut the bottom.
rated by Interglacial limos In glacial They are th® chupN who t un uj'bvl the
times tlie snow line dropped 3.000 or ladder.”
4.000 feet below Its present level In
the Alps, whereas In Interglacial times
"A proposal of marriage Is a serious
it lay about 1.000 feet higher than at
present. Thus the temperature seems matter You first have (he ordeal of
to have been higher In the interglacial anklng the girl
"Then of unking h»T father's, to
periods than it is now
There Is abundant evidence. In the boot------"
"No. no!
A fellow can't stand
opinion of Penck, that man existed du­
ring ttie beginning of the last glacial everything When It comes to a ques
e;>och. There is some reason for lion of her father's foot, there's a kick
thinking that at least 20.000 years coming.”
have elapsed since the last glaciation
and that the man whose jawbone was
found in 190# near Heidelberg lived
2'10,000 years ago Scientific Ameri
Phuiif s o i ......... cny.
The late David Graham Phillips had.
like many bachelors, a cynical view
of matrimony. Mr. Phillips, at a re­
union of Princeton's class of '87. at,
the Princeton club, said of marriage:
"The Persians have a proverb that
Who would have thought that the
HAT is a "gay cat?” Per­ I
every young man should consider well
haps you have never heard squalid parlor. Into which the warm
before proposing. It runs: 'He that
of him. though you know- sun filtered, was a place of dreams?
ventureth on matrimony is like unto
tom cats, wild cats and fem But so It was. The ta< Iturn little En-
one who thrustetb bis band into a
inine "cats.” He is an In­ gllshman In the corner, who was born
sack containing many thousands of
in South
teresting combination, and his
spe- Africa, was gazing Into space
serpents and one eel. Yet, it the 1 îles is numbered by thousands. He ts uion the yellow corn fields of the Ar­
prophet so will it, be may draw forth half tramp, availing himself of all the gentine Republic, upon construction
the eel.'"
hobo's expedients for gadding about camps In the Andes, and upon broad
roads leading by gentle stage« through
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, small, sugar- the world without paying for his trav
egulate e'9- ant* half-man with a trade, the the pampa« from one hospitable ranch
coated, easy to take as car.dy. re,
id bow- ?oal of whose rambles Is always a job to the next. Around from his artic­
and invigorate stomach, liver anc
els and cure constipation.
He has all the "bum's" philosophical I ulate vision by a question. he stated
contempt for the man so "easy" as to In a matter-of fact way that be would
The Wealthy Ones of Earth.
'ride the velvet.” which means to pay be In Argentine next fall.
Taking into account Australia and railroad fare Rut he also Incurs the
The booted, gigantic Swede was
all of the islands of the tropical seas, bum's" astonished disdain b«cause of thinking of logging camps In Minne­
the world may have 10.000 million­ his incorrigible habit of looking for sota. of perilous drives to the lakes, of
aires, outside of North America and work
fist-to-fist buttles between champions
Europe, Russia excluded. The United
Another.. In his
“We travel from wanderlust, from among the snows
States alone must have more mil­ love of adventure.” explained an ex- mind s eye. b«-held the sunny orchard«
lionaires than the total tor continents ”gay cat." who had Joined the "home of California; another Imagined him­
which contain two-thirds of the peo guard" of those who have ceased from self helping build st«*el bridges in
pie in the wnrH.
“When I was a youth I Mexico. The sap of spring was rising
wanted to see the country, and see ft in their veins, and. like birds of pas
Manitoba's Fish Industry.
right. I wanted excitement. I had a sage, they were impatient to be off A
Fish from Lake Winnipeg are now
good trade and was living at home, few more weeks would see them scat­
sent down south as far as Maryland.
tered to the points of the compass,
but the lure of the road called me
Most of them are not white fish, but
“I could have paid car fare and rid ensconced In box cars and on blind
cheaper grades. The fishing industry
baggages, but all bent on the quest
of Manitoba is now second only to den In the railway cafs. but you can't
of tbelr ' golden fi-ece”—tbo perfect
wheat as a commercial asset
looking through the windows of a Pull­ job.
Some would fall by the wayside—
man car. knows anything about the
Shake Into Your Shoes
regions through which he has passed? mangled or slain beneath the wheels
Allen'« Foot-Ea.-e. • p«wder for the feet, ft ra-e, You must travel a few hours at a time, of trains, and would be burled In the
usinTu:, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Makes
new shoes easy. Sold by all Druygisxa and Shoe on a slow freight, and be thrown off pauper graveyards maintained by the
Stores. Don't accept any substitute. Sampk at the most unexpected
places by railroads for tbelr vagabond victims.
FREE. Aik--
'• ■'
1. Roy. N. Y.
brakemen, to see the country. You But of these the army of wanderers
A u > —«• “ —■... — • •
want to mooch (beg) a handout at would take no heed.
A eer’ain English family owns s backdoors to get acquainted with peo­
The "gay cat" believes that his con­
stiletto which inspires every one who ple. You even learn something when stitutional right to the pursuit of hap­
bolds it with a horrible and almost some ‘fly mug' (detective > gets so cor­ piness includes the privilege of rid­
irresistible desire to kill some wom­ dial that he insists on your Btaylng In ing on trains without paying fare.
an. This weapon belonged to an an­ his midst for 30 days—on the rock
The most he will do Is to pay 50
cestor whose wit« deceived him and pile What dude In a palace rar can cents to a "shack” (brakeman) for
Well Dressed American Men.
drove him mad
He swore revenge learn as much about his native land permission to ride unmolost«-d over
The best dressed rnen are to
against the whole sex and with the as I did In 14 years as a 'gay cat’?”
bls division. Frequently a supposed
dagger kliied bis wife, his wife's sister
vagabond crouching painfully In a found in New York, says a German
The Wanderlust Never Dies.
and another woman before he was dis­
This man was a miner by trade, and brake-beam has $lo0 In his pockets paper In an article <- the decadence
armed and secured.
had followed the profession from and a bank book for several hundred In male fashions. In which the writer
laments the fact that men of the pres­
RltJl« — Amayer an*!
H Lead » 111 e. Col-’T«»<lo. Spsj- neo pr. >-w: Geld, Pennsylvania to California, and from more, But he would have suspicions ent day are content to be clothed
Rilvur. Lea<i. $1. Gohl. HUv»-r. 7,>.. Gobi jty- Z nc i California to Alaska. He never begged of his own sanity should he spend any
or Copper. SI- ’»Í h ; . .ng ”na .(1 full price ’’4 save In an emergency of hunger, and of his money for the comforts and re­ and no longer trouble about elegan <•
►ntonai' nt.< • Control h - i Cmpir»* w >rk wo
IwiUxL Referen««: Oar*»onat« N»- < - tí
usually bad 11,000 or so tucked away spectabillty of a seat In’ a railroad in dress.
Germans, this authority asserts,
in a bank In this city or that. But it coach.
The “gay cat,” In an emergency, Is don't look well In civilian dress, not
How Good Hea th Tells.
was only after many years of wander­
Foor physical health handicaps ing as a knight errant of the pickax not abashed at begging a meal at a even the Emperor. He sails danger­
tnany girl workers and prevents the and shovel that the wanderlust of bls backdoor. But as he has more Belf- ously close to lose tnajeste by further
highest development of their powers youth was quenched and he settled respect, he usually employs greater stating that the Kaiser wears his
An anaemic brain produces poorer down to be a prosaic hotel clerk.
art and skill In his "mooching" than trousers too short; that the Crown
work than one that is nourished by
In the Bhabby sitting room of a 10- dose a "bum.” One roving mechanic Prince Is too much Influenced by
blood rich In red corpuscles The dys­ cent lodging house In St. Louis there accosted an astonished housewife with French fashions and that the rest of
the royal family simply know noth
peptic girl Is Irritable, seedy, and out lounged recently half a dozen weather­ the question:
Ing about clothes.
of sorts when all her vitality la called beaten and hardy men, self confident
"Madam, have you a hatchet?”
on to make a special effort in her of mien and monosyllabic of speech
"What do you want with a hatchet?”
work. "Nerves" may make all the dif­ In their short words was none of the she countered, suspiciously.
Inviting Temptation.
ference between success or failure.
whine of the professional beggar, and
“I want to knock my teeth out," an­
Many people plan for defeat like
To keep her health up to a good In tbelr straightforward look was noth­ swered he with solemnity.
the boy whose mother told him that
standard ought to be the alm of every ing of the hangdog. They had trav­
"Lands alive!" almost screamed the ho could not go to the river, nor
girl who wishes to make something eled to most of the countries of the woman "Why should you knock your swimming, hut he did
When h e re­
of her life. Too many girls allow globe, and. Ignorant of alien languag«-« teeth out?”
turned and his mother saw the signs,
themselves to drop Into poor health, and customs, had supported them-
"What's the use having teeth If you he confessed that he was
which Is so apt to become chronic ud selves by the sole resource of their have nothing to eat?" was the re­ and went with the boys, . She noticed
less the tendency Is checked at the be­ own hands. They were confident of sponse. The "gay cat” obtafn«;d one that his coat bulged out. Putting her
ginning. A girl owes a duty to herself taking care of themselves in any situ ot those rare feast« known in the ver­ hand In she pulled out his bathing
to keep fit and well and attend to her atton.
nacular as a "sit down.
suit. When confronted with It he
digestion, her muscles, her breathing
said, "I was afraid that I might he
The habits of breathing properly,
tempted when I got there, so I took
chewing^he food thoroughly, dally ex
these along ” Some people expect
erclses out of doors, are all small mat­
to fall, and plan for It.
ters; bat one or two rules of daily
conduct occasionally broken contrive
New Musical Instrument.
after a time to affect physical health
Army men recently returned from
and personality both. Once let a girl
the Philippines brought a new musi
make her mind up to cultivate a habit
cal Instrument which Is proving a de-
of self-development, and she follows
lightful acquisition for the drawing
these rules almost automatically.
room. It Is called a mandola, and la
Each detail may be unimportant tn
larger and contains more notes than
Itself, but the sum of them Is not.
the ordinary mandolin Mrs. Reber,
They are the points that tell In the
of Generil .Mlles, Introduce/
making of what should be every girl's
the first mandola In Washing* oa
alm to obtain—health and oersonalit/
Lr ‘jfonxe.
tonic, dpprlite restorer,
<i digestive help <ind
<i preventive of ( ramps,
Di.irrlioeti, Costiveness,
Materia, fever and Ague,
take nothing but
Salmon Hue for Caviar.
Owing to the diminishing supply of
sturgeon caviar. Hlborlan fi»h«rtu,ti
ba.e been experimenting with salmon
roe. a commodity that was formerly
thrown away as valueless or even In­
jurious to health
To Lydia L. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
Scottville, Mich
I want to ti-H
you how much good l.ydlaE. I’liikh ini's
g<- 1 a li I« t '.im­
pound and sanativ »
ash have don« me.
I live on a farm an l
have worked very
hard. 1 am forty-
five yi-ars old, an-l
lam the mother of
thirteen <-hildr>-r.
¡Many |»-<»ple think
1 it stialign that 1 am
A ¡not l>rok«n do » n
V |" ith li ird work m I
I—Uth«- care of in» fam­
ily. but I t«ll them of my go<i<| friend,
your Vegetable < <>in|M>iiiul. and that
th«r« will I e no I- n kache and le-arin^
<lon n jmii ' s for t! eri if they wilt tak >
it as 1 have. I am searcely ever with,
out it In the hotl.-u-.
”1 will say also that I think there Is
no Ix-tter niedieine to In- found for
girls t<> build them up and mak-i
strong nnd Well.
Mr eldest
daughter lias taken Lydia E. Pink,
ham’s Vegetable ( otn|»>und for pain-
ful |H-rhwl ian-l irregularity, and it ha#
always hcl]»'<l her.
”1 am in., ays ready and willing ti
■rx-ik a good word for the l.ydia E.
i'iiikhani's Remedies
[ tell every on >
I meet, that I owe my health and haj*.
pin««« t-i these wonderful tn>-<lleim s.”
— Mrs. J.G. Jons -os.Scottville,Sih li,
ILF. I».«.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-
mind, made from native roots anl
erbs, contains mi narcotics or harm,
ful drugs, and toslay holds th« record
for th« largest number of uctual cures
Of female diseases.
A Barbar ous Idea.
In Chicago a voice hna been raised
against the cat's whlskiTs, which are
alleg'd to carry microbes. The future
may develop barbers for cuts, for It
la not to be supposed that In this age
of enlightenment and fade rata will
bn permitted to go about with microbe­
laden whiskers. Judge.
First Suburbanite- I hear you've got
a new cook.
Second Suburbanite Yes.
First Suburbanite White of black?
Second Suburbanite—Neither; green;
very green.
Value of Names.
"Was your speech succesful?”
“Not very,” replled the utatcHmnn
who does not dec«-lve himself, "The
only way I could get any great
amount of applause was to say
'George Washington' or 'Abraham Ida-
coin' and then wait.'"
Hint That Failed.
Visitor (waiting an Invitation to
lunch)—Two o'clock! I f«-ar I'm keep­
ing you from your dinner.
Hostess—No; but I fear we are
keeping you from yours! —Meggendorf
Gone, But Not Forgotten.
"Did your investment In western
mineral stocks prove a good buy?”
"Yes; a goodbye to my money."
Reccntdiscoverles have shown
that falling hair is caused by
germs at the roots of the hair.
Therefore, to stop falling hair,
you must first completely de­
stroy these germs. Ayer’s Hair
Vigor, new improved formula,
will certainly do this. Then
leave the rest to nature.
Don not change the color of the hair.
r.ol. with .«Oh botti.
Show II t. your
A.h him about it,
thon do M h. ..V.
Recent discoveries have alio proved that
dandruff ia caused by germs on the scalp.
Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing
to do is to completely destroy these dan-
druff germs. Here, the same Ayer’s Hair
Vigor will give the same splendid results.
—***• »Mi. O. Ayw Oe.. LmU. M m .