Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 14, 1911, Image 2

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The Dalles. Or., July 12. That
Engineer Thomas Myles, of the Ore­
gon Trunk south bound train No. 102,
wrecked near The Dalles Monday, will
be held responsible by a coroner's jury
for the wreck that has claimed the
lives of six persons, was given out
here tonight. A. S. McCurdy, road­
master of the Oregon Trunk line, tes­
tified before the jury at the scene of
the wreck yesterday afternoon that he
believed the train was running at least
50 miles an hour when the accident
occurred, and that the engineer had
received orders to run not more than
10 miles an hour around the "Shoo
Fly" curve, where the train left the
The six-months old daughter of J.
W. Rasmus, the sixth victim of the
wreck, died tonight.
Mrs. I.. J. Ris­
ing. of Warm Springs. Or.; Mrs. J.
W. Rasmus, of Ellsworth. Wis.; Mrs.
C. H. Baker. Sheridan. Or., and S. I..
Arthur. Seattle, died today, and Louis
J. Rising, of the Warm Springs In­
dian school, died a few minutes after
the crash.
Police Jssrsd «nd Fought, But
alty Is Welcomed.
Dublin, Ireland
King Georg«* re
reived a loyal welcome to Dublin. I he
king. aecompani«l by the queen, the
prince of Wales and the princes« Mary,
arrived at Kingston harbor on the
royal yacht \ ictoria and Albert.
The king, living up to his reputa­
tion. wants to sec all parts of the
empire, and every phase of life ill it.
Total Death* 300 Mora Than Pre­
Gene ral Resume of Important Event!
and s|n>nt one of the busiest day» of
vious Week Stock Die on Ran-
Presented in Condensed Form
his life looking over Dublin. After
, get Grope Destroyed.
for Our Busy Readers.
ternoon, he drove to Phoenix Park to
see the races for the king's cup.
arrived just in time to see Richard
Chicago, July 10.
Fourteen mor«-
John W. Gates, of “Bet you a mil-
Croker's Pennant win the fourth nice. deaths hud l»'« n added to the appalling
lion” fame, is seriously ill.
Among other affairs which the king list due to the heat at 9 o'clock to
attended was the o|M-ning of a play night. The tem pc ra I ur» hovered near
A fleet of 12 torpedo oats is enroute
center in the |a>oreat ami roughest the 90 «legree murk throughout the
from San Francisco to
district in Dublin. It was a time of «lay, but the humidity was more
They will also visit Seattle.
the greatest anxiety for the jadice. tnark«sl than ever nn«l intensified the
After 23 years' search a "lost
Before the king's arrival, the |M>lice aulfering
Dispatch«'* from uutaide
mine" has been discovered by a Hu­
and crowds hud several encounter*. in Iviints indicate that th«' two «lay«’ r<-
sum, Wash., prospector, near Badger
one of which a sergeant’s arm was •pit«« from torridity had been ended in
broken. Troo|«* were brought up but many |>lacvs and that the tenqa-rature
were not r<«|uir«sl.
A struggle is on in the National
is rising »gain at all pointa.
As soon as the king appeared, the sprinkle of ruin fell this aftcrtKM'H.
to decide
people, w ho are JH-rhnps the |*oor«*«t of but it wus turned to steam the mo
whether it shall be ruled by men or
ins subjects, gave him by far the most mvnt it struck the hot pavements •nd
cordial welcome of the day.
buidinga, thus increasing the suffcr-
An other expedition is being fitted
Mi-ii and women w ho hud been jeer ing.
out atS eattle to search for the re­
ing the jx/lice mid soldiers, broke into
Chicago's death rat«' Jump«'«l to the
mainder of the famous Cocos Island THREE MICHIGAN TOWNS BURN
continued highest jHiint in many yvui ■* till* week.
treasure, a former ship having recov­
throughout the district. The king and Buriul jH'ruuts hail been iwu«'«l for
Boats and Freight Trains Carry In­
ered about $100,000.
queen, although tired, showed their N42 |H'r«<>nn iqi to Sunday night, und
habitants to Safety.
A passenger train on the Oregon
great pleasure at this ovation, which it is considered probable that there
Trunk was derailed by a sun-kink in
Bay City. Mich.—Oscada, 76 miles
was entirely unexpected in that quar w ill l>e abdications for approximately
the rails near Shearer’s Bridge, and north of Bay City, has been i*um-
i00 mor«- tonight.
Not all of these
one man killed, three fatally injured
"Welcome. We want home rule,” nr«* dir«*«*t victims «if th«* heat, but a
pletely wipe«! out by fire; Au Sable,
and eleven others badly hurt.
was the inscription on ii
banner large percentage is in that class.
across the river, is now on fire, and
stretched outside of the town hall st Ninety of th«- number were stricken
An Oregon City. Or., woman lost a
the 1,800 inhabitants are being taken
Pembroke, a suburb of Dublin, which dead by the sun.
$1,000 diamond ring, an heirloom of
refused to present an sdii re*« to the
on board a steamer that arrived at Au
The total number of death* w * h 3(H>
the family, while picking pears in her
Mils. El l V
more than th«* previous week, and the
garden, and half a day's search by Sable and on a train made up of
The lord mayor of
mortality among liubivs wav more
four persons has not revealed ita freight cars picked up in the Au Sable
threat that he would
than doubled. • tin* bundle*! and sixty
and Oscada freight yards, while an­
III«- dress to his majesty, despite the con
five babies died from heat causes.
A Tacoma Italian, after taking out other train is being sent from East
trary decision of the corporation, it w as The alarming
Infant mortality ia
Mr. Murray was head of the Colo fearisl would h ud to trouble, rvmuinisl
his first citizenship papers, became Tawas to take away refugees.
Santa Rosa Breaks Amidships on
causing much unxiety tn the health
surly when examined further by the
at home.
Reef on California Coast.
department and aju-ciul nurse* and
A lineman succeeded in
1893 and 1891, during the term of
jude. His application was then re­
physician* are being sent through the
Surf. Cal—The second officer and
Governor Waite. During his term th-
fused. and he is now a man without a around the fire and tapped the wires
congeal«® districts to assist mothers.
country, as he renounces his allegiance four miles south of the town. He said three seamen of the Santa Rosa, . of franchise was extended to women in
Free ice is being distributed to ull the
the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, Colorado, and at the next election a
to Italy in hi past papers.
there had been no loss of life.
which went ashore at Point Arguella woman was elected to succeed Mui Chicago Loses Her Entire Supply of l««or nml jaister* |*rint«sl in many lan­
The fire at Cheboygan caught from early Friday, were drowned w hen a ray. and the office of State Suj»*rln
Salem, Oregon, annual cherry fair
guages ur<* placed m the Ghetto un«l
Young Poultry.
a pile of sawdust which had been [ lifeboat capsized while the passen tendent tn Colorado has ever sine«-
elsewhere warning |>arents of the need
Chicago Commission merchant* »ml
burning for weeks. It is not known 'gers of the wrecked vessel were ti- been held by a woman.
of esjieciul curt* of childcn
President Taft is spending a few whether there is danger to the city. 'n_.
Mr Murray las been a resident of housewives have wondered why no
Advice« from country districts «av
days on his flagship, the Mayflower, Lewiston. Alger and Turner, all north , ¡n the night,
San Francisco tor a number of years spring chickens wer«* coming on the th«* corn crop i* again imjH‘ril«*d. Ok
talking politics.
of here, are in danger from forest j
I'ncontirnied rejiorts are that a and Is now secretary of the California market and the reason has I.... .. aacer-
lahomii reports that everything except
American archers are planning to fires.
When the Dujiont powder
1 numlier of jiassengers. variously estl- Democratic State Central Committee taine«i.
cot'on is practically <lestroy««l ami aj-
hunt cougars, wildcats and porcupines
The Alfiena and Oscada fires were mated at from three to twenty alio
mills at Pleasant Prairie, Wi«., blew
jh ' ii I* ar«' coming in to th«* governor to
in the wilds of British Columbia.
riddled him of his job. and for nearly a U|) last D«>cember,
not due to forest fires, but from fires are missing,
Victims of the intense heat in the originating in slab yards.
Owing to the Isolation of th«- scene score of years has kept any other man wreck«*«! buildings for 25 miles in tnk<* steps to help ja'ople who ar«* al
reiuly destitute.
Rains und cooler
East for July 6. are: Chicago, 61;
Forty cars and two bridges on the'°f the wreck and difficulty In the op- out of the office, lias not In the least every direction an«l was felt us far
New York, 44; Philadelphia, 14; Bos- Michigan Central near Grayling werv eratlon
’^e wireless and telegraph lessened Murray s ardor for equal suf east as Cleveland, <1., and as far south weather ar«* rep«irted in Ml**i*si|>|>i
ami Weatern Arkansas.
ton. 49.
■ lines, accurate information was unob­ frage. as proved by th«- radical set of as St. Ixtuis.
Diajiatch«'* from Galveston say that
resolutions, drawn by him. which he
tainable at a late hour.
Five hundred loaves of Boston
A disastrous fire broke out at Al­
The vessel cracked amidships nt will present to the National Educa
thousands of cattle are |H*rishiiig on
brown bread were destroyed in Port-
I 5:30 P. M„ with all the passengers on tional Association Convention
land to find a diamond ring lost
th«* Western Texas rang* «, where the
no thought was given the hundreds of
der Bay river, just west
of the i board.
..... half an hour
It . split
in two.
from a mixer's finger.
long drouth has burntsl otf the grass.
thousand* of hens for a radius of 5<>
Moanch tannery. A fierce west wind
with the 285 souls on board
EXPERTS TO EXAMINE MAINE miles in every direction, who left
spread the flames to the bark piles of huddled In the forward section.
C. Moanch & Sons company.
their n«'«t* in terror and wandered
At 10:30 P. M . the last of the Crew
Wheat—Track prices: Bluestem. 97
1 were taken from the vessel in th ■ Exact Cause of Explosion Sought By aixiut in distress for hours.
Drouth Follows Frost in California ■
Navy Department.
(FiSSc: ‘club, 854i86c: Russian. 85Q
I breeches buoy, leaving only Captain
The hen* finally went back to their
Government Pays Double.
$6c; Valley, 86c; 40-fold. 85i@ 86c.
Washington, July 6 A board
K. O. Faria and 10 volunteers on the
task of hatching out broilers an<!
Millstuffs—Bran. $24.50® 25 per ton; Leap at Bars of Prisoners’ Cage wrecked vessel. The vessel. Its cargo naval exjierts Is being selected
¡"spring fry»" for the Chicago market,
San Francisco That giswi old stand­
middlings. $31:
shorts, $25.50® 26:
an«! all the belongings of the jiassen the Navy Department to study
but the vibration had destroy«*! the by, the jiotato, was never la-fnre so
Like Wild Animals.
hull of the battleship Maine, In Ila
rolled barley, $294t30.
gers are lost.
vitality of the eggs. The few chicks high in price as this year, is the ekd
As the shades of evening fell, the
Corn—Whole. $30; cracked, $31 per,
Viterbo. Italy,—After Captain Fa-
fact gleams! from local produce men
from the cofferdam now surrounding that were hatcheil were deformed
broni, of the Carabiniers, of Naples,
feathers turned the wrong way. wings who know whereof they a|M-ek. The
Barley—Choice feed, $27® 27.50 per had denounced the Camorra as the ‘heart-rending incidents commenced the wreck
The Navy Department officers an- and legs out of joint and altogethi'r a king of the vegetables, however, is
most despicable and dangerous crim­ : The last shadow of the setting sun sift­ confident that the examination will grotesque and bizarre assortment of not the only exalte«! member of that
Oats—No. 1 white, $26.50® 27.50
ing through the iron death-forecasting prove the correctness of the findings
inal association in the world, there
kingdom, for oranges, apricots, cher­
| chasm of the burst vessel silhouetted
per ton.
of the Sampson Imard. which declib-d
Not only wer<* the eggs in process ries and pears have advanced and even
Hay—Timothy. $16'8 21 per ton : ensued a scene in the courtroom here ¡the scores of passengers against the that the explosion which sank the
alfalfa. »12.50® 13; clover, new. 18.50 that made past disturbances in the I darkening sunset. A heavy wall arose
. of being hatched destroyed, but Other the lowly and odorous onion hut risen
Maine was caused by a torpedo or
Camorra trial tame in comparison.
®9: grain hay, new. $10.
- from the brave crowd waiting on the mine and that th«- explosion of ship's eggs, later placed under the hens for to such heights that a small fortune is
Fresh Fruit—Strawberries. $1 <81.75
Erricone, chief among the prisoners beach to start the work of saving magazines followed.
the second and thin! consignments for necessary to buy a boiled dinner.
per crate; gooseberries, 5® 6c per to feel the sting of Fabroni's fearless lives.
In view of the renewed Interest at­ th«* market, turned out ju«t us badly,
During the early part of th«- season
pound: cherries, 5® 15c per pound; testimony, leaped to his feet and dash­
It was 5:45 P. M . that the first taching to tile actual cause of the for this reason no genuin«* spring the crop of curly potatoes wa* nij>|H-<l
apricots. $1.50 per crate: cantaloupes ed to the bars of the prisoners’ cage, boat, containing Third Engineer c
destruction of the Maine. General chickens ar«'coming on th«* Chicago I by an unexpected*and unusuul frost.
$2® 2.25; peaches, $1.50; watei
ng* r left W. If. Ilixb
chfi-f of engineers, who market except from the West ami Immediately the d>'mand for that veg­
shrieking incoherently, and a personal Brown and a woman pa
tins. 2c per pound; plums. »1.75 per
the ill-fated vessel. They doused into has just returned from Havana, to South.
etable for home consumption and the
crate; raspberries. »1.75; loganber­ encounter between the Carabinier and
I the breakers amid cries from those on day Issued the following signed state
The market here d«*j»*nds largely export trade greatly exceeded the sup­
ries. $1.754/ 2: black caps. »24/ 2.25: Lawyer Bovio, for the defense, was
plums $1 504/1.75 per box; prunes. prevented only by the interference of
"The work of unwatering the Maine ujHin Wisconsin un«l Northern Illinois ply.
landsmen cheered.
$150® 1.75 per box.
the court attaches.
markets enormous
Brown carried a line to shore and so far proves nothing ae to the origin for its "springers,” but they do not from the local
Vegetable«—Asparagus. 75® 85c per
quantities of potatoes. Now that ex­
, when he had effected a landing after of th«* explosion of the magazines, ! exist this year.
dozen; beans. 7® 8c; cabbage, 12 4/
12 Dead; 54 Hurt in Connecticut.
In setting uji the «larnage claim«, cessive h<-at has almost nil mil th««
the desjierate battle with the waves, but already shows such extensive «!<•
2.25 per hundredweight; com. 40®
Bridgejx«rt, Conn.—Twelve bodies a net was rigged on the shore line» st ruction from the forward part of the adjusters took stock of wreck«-«! crops in the truck raising country in
50c per dozen; cucumbers. $1®125
the boat that it I b quite probable that
per box: eggplant. 5c per pound; gar- in the morgue, 44 injured in the hos­ and the passengers, women and c-hil fuller unwatering will fall to give any | buildings, broken windows, twisted j the East, California will have to stand
He, 10(812c per pound: lettuce. 30® pital and a huge pile of junk at’~the dren first, were taken from the floun­ proofs either way as to the origin trees and all that, but had no know­ the brunt of th«- demands for Western
ledge, at thut time, of the damage to fruits and vegetables. Av the pick of
35c per dozen: hot house lettuce. foot of a 20-foot embankment at the dering ship, three anti four at a time of such explosion*.
I have so far
$1.25<®1.75 per box: peas, 4® 5c per western end of the city, tell the tale i The throbbing spectacle seemed to made no reports or statements as
the commission houses and |>alates of California fruits ami vegetables al
pound; jieppers, 25'530c per jxiund; of the worst wreck in 58 years’ his­ last for hours Every five minutes the the origin of the explosion.”
ways go East, a more serious problem
radishes, 12’£c per dozen, rhubarb. tory of the New York, New Haven & net on the shore line at which fren­
Two months ago chicken farmers all will soon be confronting th«« local mar­
2^: 24c per pound; tomatoes. $l(ft
through th«' district report«! that the kets.
Hartford railroad.
women and children in groups of
few chickens being hatch«*d were de­
Although the accident happened to
Prices paid last year for government
Sack Vegetables—New carrots, $2
three on the sand.
formed. but th«* matter whh treat«! as jsitatoes was $1.1-1 per hundred, while
the Federal express just before dawn,
per sack; turnips. $2; beets. $2.
Just before the vessel burst, a life­ Court Resents Charge He “Doe-
a joke at that time. After a thorough tins year the |»>tatoes ar«' costing th«-
the coroner’s office has been boat containing the second officer
$3'll 3.25 per bun- and
tored” Cox Papers.
! investigation by agents sent out by government $2.53.
dred; new California, 3H@4c per busy all day answering telephone and and Seamen Fred Johnson. E. W.
Cincinnati.—Charging that J udire the commission houses, it was itdmit-
telegraph inquiries from al) parts of Jebsen, John Pflffer and Oscar I’eter
Onions—Yellow $2 25;
»2: the country, four of the dead, two men son, dashed to bits against the sides William Dickson had mutilated the - ted that there was no joke alsiut it.
Ice Famine Spreads Wo«.
white. $?, per hundred.
and two women, remain unidentified. of the vessel,
Oscar Peterson was record of George I*. Cox per jury case,
Hartford City, Ind. When the last
Poultry—Hens. lSf/ 16c;
washed ashore helpless and the other Prosecuting Attorney
Road»"Buying Equipment.
Averv pre­
150 |Miuntis of ice in the storage houses
1 t-o 15c;
four lost their lives.
British Alter Alliance.
geese. 11c! turkeys, 20c; dressed.
cipitated a personal < neoiinter in the
New York The railroads fulfill«*«! here were distributed in small pieces
choice, 25c.
Tokio — Revision of the Anglo-
chamber that ended in his being or­ expectations last week by placing or­ to families in which there was illness
Eggs—Oregon ranch, candled. 2245 Japanese alliance is regarded as the
dered to leave the room. The irate ders for equipment and other similar Sunday, this city faced an ice famine.
23c per dozen: ease count, 2041 21c;
The For two days no ice has b 'eti sold gen­
outcome of the Anglo- Man Losing Job by Woman's Vote to judge is said to have offered to net­ contracts about to be closed.
April fir:-'- S5C,
Northern Pacific ordered 1,000 cars, erally in the residence districts and
Butter—City creamery extra. 1 and American arbitration treaty. There Boost It, Nevertheless, to Teachers. tle the dispute by personal combat.
the Missouri Pacific 50 locomotives grocers, butchers anti ice cream man­
2-pound prints, in boxes. 21c per is reason to believe that the negotia­
The trouble arose when Avery and and the Great Northern and llinois ufacturers, soda fountain proprietors
San Francisco.—An effort will be
pound: less than box lots, cartons tions for such a revision have been
Rail con- and saloonkee|H>rs pleadtsi in vain.
and delivery extra.
going on for several weeks.
It is made to force the Issue of woman another assistant prosecutor went to Central each 20 engines,
suffrage upon the National Education Judge Dickson, who recently quashed tracts, however, were small, but con- There was no ice to be had anil the
Pork—Fancy, 94i 10r per pound.
reported that Great Britain proposed
Veal—Fancy, Il4il1i4c per jmund. to moilify the clause providing for al Association, and by a man. too, the indictment against Cox, and com­ tracts are pending for 200.000 tons, dealers declartsi they had been met in
per mutual assistance in the event of war, when John Francis Murray, ex Stale
including export business.
Including other cities with refusals of their ap­
Superintendent of Public Instruction plained that the bill of exceptions
pound: 1910 crop, 23c; 1909 crop, 16c;
making the provision inapplicable in in Colorado—by the way. the last by which the state hopes Io get. the railroad work, fabricated steel orders plications for shipments.
olds. 84f 10c.
last week aggregated more than 30,-
per the event that either party to the alli­ man to hold the job—presents to the rase into the Supreme Court of the
Women Try Contract Suit.
000 tons.
ance is fighting a nation with whom convention's committee on resolu-
state had bion altered bv the jurist.
Smith Bend, Wash. The first wo-
Wool—Eastern Oregon. 114) 17c per the other has an arbitration treaty.
Motorcyclist Hits Car.
pound, according to shrinkage; Val­
man jury ever impaneled in Pacific
Lumber Dealer Indicted.
iev, 154i 17c per pound.
White House Race Is On.
Tars Not to Be Barrad.
Sjxikane, Wash.
Ajiparently un­ county was call«! thin week to listen
Cattl«>—Prime hay-fed steers, $64?
Denver.—Ixmls I. Hellman, secre­
Seattle Mayor Dilling has direct«-«!
New York.—A donkey and an ele­ able to gain control of his rnotorcyci«* to the testimony in Justice P. W.
5.25; choice, $5.754? 6 fait to good
when a trolley car blocked the thor- Rhodes’ court in a case where n Chi­
$.'.2'4/", 50: common. $54i5.2'>; prime Chief of Police Claude Bannick to see tary of the Colorado-Wyoming Retail phant have started from Coney Island
¡oughfare befor«* him, Henry Simpson, cago advertising firm sued a South
cows $54/5.25; good to choice, $450 that all sailors who are orderly are Lumber Itealers’ Association, has been In a rare for the White House, In­
fair to good. $4.254? 4.50; given proper treatment in all cafes arresteil on an Indictment returned tended to forecast to the world gen­ aged 19 years, mad«* a heroic effort to Bend merchant for alleged violation of
erally the result of the election of save his little friend. Robert Johnson, contract. The six women on the jury
poor, $44/ 4 25; choice heffers. 1'4/ and places of amusement in the city. '
by the Federal grand jury of Northern 1912.
aged 9 years, who was a passenger, are among the most prominent in the
5.50; choice bulls $4 254? 4.75; choice This order followed a complaint marie
light calves, $74/ 7 50-, good to choice to the mayor by R. L. Ghormley, flag Illinois. Conspiracy to Interfere with
Several hundred followers of De but th«* machine struck the car wUh city and were apparently well pletMed
light caiv* s. $$.75«?7; choice, hearj lieutenant to Rear Admiral Souther­ Interstate trade Is the sjieclfic charge mocracy are pinning their faith to the terrific force and whil<* the two h«iys with the opportunity of serving in
fit 4 75; fair to choice. $1.25414 .'0; land, that three sailors had been ex- > Hellman was held In $5000 bonds.
donkey, while the elephant has no escaped instant death, they were un­ that capacity.
It Is said that more than 150 retail I fewer well wishers from the Republi­
calves. $.">4/5.50: choice stags. $34/
conscious at a late hour and are b<-
eluded from the Rathskellar last Fri-j
5 25: good to choice stags $4.754/5.
lumbermen In Colorado jin<L W; >>mlrig can camp.
The trail leads through lieved to be fatally injured.
Dirigible Makes New Record.
The management dis­ will be Involved in the action.
$6.90^7.15; day night.
Trenton, Philadelphia and Baltimore
* Compeigne, France The dirigble
good to choice. $6 704/6 90; choice, claims responsibility for the trouble.
Rival Factions Rioting.
balloon Clement Bayard IV, which
$6.254/6.40; common, $."»4t6;
Horn Blower In Prison.
Troops to Halt Castro.
100-Story Budding Next.
Oaxaca, Mex. — Eight men were started at 10:50 o'clock
$6 754/7 50
Caracas.—The Venezuelan Govern­
Sheep—Choice Spring lambs, $5<fi
killed and eight more injured in a riot night on a 24-hour trial trip, flying
Cleveland, O. — Addressing the con­
6; choice yearlings. $3 754/
pr»i>d vention of the NffTffifiWBuilding Own­ ment, in order to be in readiness for could not play ‘‘Yankee Doodle” Io in Catlan Monday night.
Bonito between Compeigne anil Soissons, de­
arise suit Mayor Sawyer when arraigned
to choice yearlings. $3.'«0'83.75; fair er! and Managers here, George Morti­ any
Juarez, one of the candidates fof gov­ scended at 2:45 o’clock Sunday after­
through the landing on the Goajlra In police court, charged with disturb
to medium. $34/3.50; choice ew«»s $3
ernor, inaugurated the riot by leading noon, having beaten the world's dirig­
<4/3.50; good to choice ewes. $2.754?3: mer, of New York, said that plans for Peninsula of Cipriano Castro, the ex­ Ing the peace by tooting a large
fair to medium. $2.5041 2.75; good to a 100-story building, 1,200 feet high, | iled president of the republic, has bass horn In his hearing on the an attack on mercantile establishments ible record for time and distance over
The dirigible will
The officer of the Diaz Brothers, relatives of a fix«*d circuit.
choice heavy wethers. $3.504? 3.75; have been drawn and that such a dispatched two battalions of troops Fourth, he was fined.
old heavy wethers, $3'3-3.50; mixed : structure is a probability of the near thither on the warsl^p General Lo- who made the arrest declared Fisher General Felix Diaz, the opposition become a part of the French aerial
I future in New York.
| quito.
candidate to General Madero.
i was "making an awful noise,”
lots, $435.
Doings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
Showers Fill Chicago Streets
With Steam.