Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 14, 1911, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
ant! Trouhlalr rout«*» will
tnk«*n «»fl i
the lia-«« Lin* and that Grrnham will
I«»*«* on«* roll!« in the Hbak$»-tip. Al«<>
that a p'»«t<»flh«* will I m » witablmh«*«!
ritlirr at I'lranain ll'uu«* <»r al tbr n«*u
station of (’ottrail, with a rural rout«*
to *«*rvr a lary«
territory •a*«l
which ba* n«-vrr yet had lb«* rural ser­
It im Maid that thrre* will I m « rhang«***
all over th«* whole territory and that
th«« Mount I l<M»d |M***plr arc brnik'iotf
them ab<*ut m anticipation of tfettih|f n
contract for c arrying the mail brtw«*« n
Portland and Bull Kun. That there
will L« aotne ««hangrs made is pracliral*
ly ut I miil but th« public will have to
wait until they ar«* annonn<«*d official­
ly Instore they art* to br entitled to full
<ti«*i«hain udl g«*t the Mount Hood
-hopi« I th«*r«* nr«* no legal comphcM-
tiom» irn|»«»i»ed to prevent. At the mas*
tn«*etilig of vol«-rs held I am I Mun« lay
eM-iiiiig it was unanimously vote«! to
give the company fr«e- wa'er to th*- et-
lent of .o.«»«* gallons per day.
1 be ««'inpany bn» a«k>-<l for nothing
el«*-, ami is cx|*ecte*l t<> supplv 11- own
ptpea from the rm! of the
at all ex|*en»e except the
water which will probably
little* over two dolin’a per
extreme * »at, although it I«
that it will b*< mucl lower a-
Tlie contract will *le|*end wDtnrwhat
■ n th* attitude of tin* Portland Water
Board, a- it 1« m«*-»-ary to lmv<- an un­
derstanding tietween all the parties <-on-
In r* gar | to the a*-wer part the com­
pany will have tbe same conskieration
a» any other company or person If
the City iiinila are enlarged, which will
I h * done eo aa to tak*- in the company's
property and the new Cleveland addi­
tion a sewer district will be formed,
and the cuni|*any will pay its share of
the cost.
The company owns .'Ki acres of the
Gedauike farm, on which the shops will
probably l»e located.
The city council met on Tuee«lay
evening last at which an ordinance was
introduced covering the whole subject,
ami the matter will be pressed to an
early conclusion.
1>.. n
i «’linty
We «ri* K
of Croatie
which wil
of the
t l
qnarry < n it* ■ miin
riv«*r, V> here t ).-• * 1 u» ■r will L*- place.I
to w**rk
W shall I» able !■
» « cbea|*rr and
handle the crii»li»<i
haul it to the road«. i» th.« territori at
a rvat' nable cost.
Thin 1< m »lily 1« an excellent one lur
a l kinds of fruits of \t aatrrn Oregon
Tbl» has l*e*'ii demonstrated during tlis
past '.«* years by several wlio have uia*ic
considarable money at th- business
Manv of the «mall *ar'us
• l«^ng
clear««! will lie »el out to tb* t»e»t vat-
ielle« of commercial trulli appi. « and
* berne« predominating The many tine
tarin« nf thia locality demonstrate the
productive character of the land.
The Mount ll<»sl Railway Company
is naming ths »tailons along the new
road ami there will l»v a ot ol new
places on the map of Eastern Multno­
Reside» l<<H-kw<»sl an<l Gresham
the tlire«- most important to I* given
new names are Ruby, two miles west of
Grcshaui; Powell Valley, one mile «-a»t ;
ami Cottrell, which is at Craswell's.
Th» latter name is significant of a
change, a» the old town of Cottrell i«
nearly two mile« away but not on the
line of th>- railroad. The town will
have to move U> the new location, but
as it will probably l*e the Junction
when- the two roads will diverg«- one
to Mount Hood, the other to Bull Run—
it means that it will become a thriving
Sir. C. B. Smith has stat««! that stope
would be made at practically all the
crossings but it is not likely that wait­
ing rooms w >11 la- prof
them. The liew turn <*ar«i will I»«*
await««! with interest, a it will n»*ce*i-
sarily glir all thv uam»i ( m *L U »*«‘H Mon-
tavilln aiul Bull Itun.
(0(1 (Gt WORKING
\t hat the «tat* Agricultural Collegi­
al Corvallis is doing for the -tat«* <>f
Oregon 1» admirably set forth In a
tieautilully print««! and
aii.phlef wl.i'-h well d«-»«-rils-» th«- in­
stitution »« "«iealicatisl to the great
work of dignifying amt elevating the in-
iluatr.«*», of uniting learning ami lal»ir.”
Th«- work of the college as a whole and
uf each department is deecribed and is
d> tucied by means of photo engravings,
lt is made evident that tbe college not
only puts knowl««lge in the brain, but
trams the Imdv to apply that knowl«*dge
in the practical affairs ol life. "Book
learning' is taken as an introduction to
the learning how to do things by do­
ing them Corvallis giv«-s education up
to date and turns out farmers, stock­
growers. orchardiats, mechanics, dairy­
men, lumliermen. miner« cooks, dress­
makers A graduate of Corvallis is
equippe«l to earn a living; a graduate of
an old university wlmee head is stuffed
with classics might starve to death un­
der the same condition«.—Portland
'll«- linen* all Bison Nsn-ty made a
candil! • • naus and found that liiere wer*
2,|(* P ir»*-l*lo»»l buffalo in North Amer
U a a» <-oiiipanxi with I,'*17 wh«*n the
ltkix census wa» made. < >f the* i* biifíalo
1.007 an- in captivity in the I’ iu U h I
hítete», *.2tl an* in captivity in Canada
and 475 an- wild. In 190, there urn-
»» aehmgtoii. I' < . .luly 10. — lt i»
l.lltl buffalo in . aplivity in th« I lilted
news tu miel |«-opli- tbat thc Interstate
Btal»*a. and of thv»»- a vonaidi rabie num­
Commeri»- <'■■mmission liar undertaken
ber wa- pur< baaed by tin- Canadian Gov­
tliv inveetigation of th<- exprese competí
There i- «otnv question whether an CX-
ernment but th»- búllalo c»-n»u» »Lows
ie» The annuuniv'iiM'ht tbat tilia policy (siaition i» a real help to a city, but in
actual inervan* of ala.ut 201’ The larg­
lia» ju»t Iss-n de» ided mi is mi»leading, San Diego, which i» preparing to hold
ivi herd- in private hand» now an- at
for tbe t'«immission has liad menintbe one in 1''15. the building o|s*rations lutve
Belvedere. Kan». Ruinan M*-nt
tield for imuith» luakmg a searching in- amount««! to $2,152.1««* in li-ss than six
port, N II Pawn»«' I *kla.. Goodnight,
I qmry into the busineea uivtbods oí the months of 1911 and for a city of some
Tex and on Ant«'lo|*e Islands. < «Trat
c* iinpanies. As a ro»lili id Ibis investí- 40,00u |»*ople, that i» admitted to le “go­
Salt Laite.
gallon, it 1» l>elieve<l. th«' carriers under ing siiiie.”
investigation tiled new M'h<«iules which
KI KAI KOI ILS MAT III CHANGED are probably inti-ndisl to im-et sum* of
Rumois of changes in the rural route» the mon- mrious complainte n-ganlmg' NOH SERUM EVENING SEAR GRANGE
Evening Start »range met in their hall
are again Iieing heard on the outside, the manner of «'omlucting till* expn-sa
Il has l»s*n contend«*«! for n on Section Line road July 1 1st, Two new
t ilt there is nothing official and the liiisin*'»»
rumors may be taken for what they are long tun* that the * xpress mono|»>ly was members were instructed in first and
worth. It is stated that the Monta­ making *-x*-«-«eive profits. It will grati­ second degrees During the lecture
villa rural route will lie discontinued fy the public if something can lx* hour a partriotic program was given as
and all the territory to the city limits ilom to inauro mon- e«|uitable charges follow«
Bong by Grange— Led by * Mrs. C. H.
will la- served by city carriers. Thia for servin* and Ix-tter protection to tin*
Welch—''Columbia the tieni
of the
arrangement will leave a large slice of custoiiiers of th«' companies.
(*cean.' ’
territory to Is- divided between Cleone
Reading— "Our Natal Day"—A. c.
Uwe the «mall «•£#*. (live
your c un­
ami tiresham, unless a new postulile«* is
established, which is
Itecitatiou—"Modeetv”—Irene Elliott
the district lietweeli Russellville and call you a aquart* dealer and stick by
Remark»—"The Power of a Great
you and bring you more > and more cut-
turners. Besides, it’« only fair and Idea”— Rev Oberg.
It is also rumored
Reading—J. E. Nelson.
make* you feel better.
Music- "The Little Brown Button"—
Mrs. Pollock.
Remark»—"Making of the Constitu­
tion”—J. J. Johnson.
Grange Bulletion.
Song by < < range—" A marica' '—M re.
Vail. .
You have heard the story of the farmer who chalked
hiB accounts on the barn door, which later burned.
You are in a like rut if you don't use modern methods.
Let us handle your money do your bookkeeping; relieve
you from worry and work» A bank account will give you safe­
ty and credit. Checks are your personal coinage system.
If you haven’t surplus money, de|x>sit nil your money with
us and pay your bills by check. You will.soon have credit and
the surplus.
1 Ht.
t /X I." V» I .
. —4 —
0. A. ( . I ARM MH HANIE S Bill DING
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis
lore., July It*,—The first of October,
when the college year begin», the Or«>-
gon Agricultural College will have an-
1 other new building in its agricultural
group—tbe $15,000 farm mechanics
1 building, for which the foundations
have just lieen begun.
On the northwest corner of the drives
passing Cauthom Hnll (the boys’ dor-
. mitorv' and th** college barns is th«*
«ite selected for the building which wrill
be 122x52 feet, two stories high, con-
structed of brick ami cement with a
| steel ro»»f.
Every foot of the flooring will lie put
to immediate use for the instruction in
I the six courses in farm mechanics now
offered, including special work in the
machinery used in dry (arming and
that used in iirigation work.
T e equipment will coat the state
practically nothing since manufacturers
of farm machinery have cooperated by
the gif' <>f thousands of dollars worth of
up-todate machinery. A carload of
$3,000 worth, containing among other
pieces a complete threshing outfit, wax
sent to the colleg«- in April, but since
there was no storage room in any of the
buildings, it bar! to be returned to
Portland until the new building wa-
read y.
In this new building farmer« and
their sons may learn how to »ave the
expense of repair men, anil to lengthen
the lives of valuable machinery by
proper care and o|*eration.
(*4»riiiii«*iM-in^ ye«U*r<iay UAorniug tb’
kaiiuay ( ompany began a
regular paMMrngvr Hcbedule with a linnte<i
nurnl« r of tram- daily except Sun«lay“.
Tin« i- only th«* l**ginning an«i u ill tie
follow ! a-* noon a- podbie by an in*
t manni M'rvice. At prc*«cnt there will be
two roi.imi tripe each week day between
Montan ill«« ami Bui II Run. The firat
train M art« from < iro -ham at 7 a m.,
- to tl a* Vili hi; .hence back to
< $rv.-ha in an«l iiiak«** tw round tripe to
Hull K un fruì it h«*n »*. n-ti fling to th«*
A il)» at 5 :1-*» ami r«*niitig Lack to Grw«-
ham at r*:3t). It will l*e poe •ibie and
*a»y for a person to have a wh ale day in
PortlamI on thi- **«-h«**lul»-. It i* rxp»Tt-
**d that many changes a ill la- made be-
fore a |»-rtiian<,nt time car*I is ina«l«* up-
Following ar*- th«- hours of *l*-partun- and
arrnal f<*r tia- week day service:
D'ave—Gresham. 7 a. tn., Montavilla,
Ha m , Gr*-»ham for Bull Run, 8:35a.
m., Bull Run, 10:45 a in.. Groshani for
Burt Riln, 2:30 p. m., Montavilla, 2P
m.. Bull Kun. 4 p. in., Gresham for
Montavilla, 5:15 p. m.
Arriv«»—Montavilla, 7:60 a. m.. Bull
Run. 9:45 a. tn., Greebam, 12 m.. Bull
Run. 3:45 p. m , Montavilla, 5:45 p. m.,
Gresham, B-30 p. m.
Tile tollowing Sunday eervic« will pro­
vail for a time:
Leave—Gresham 8 20 a m. Arrive
Montavilla 8:60 a m. la-ave Gresham
9:30. a. m. Arrive at Bull Run 10:30a.
Leave Bull Run 4:30 p. in. Leave
Gn-sham •'* :45 p. ui. Arrive Montavilla
0:15 p. m
Ix-ave Montavilla 0:30 p.
m. Arrive Gresham 0 55 p. m.
Passenger rates have not lavn definite­
ly fixed, but will not lie any lower than
are i-hargisi by tl«- O. W. P. Then will
!»• no regular Hervice on Sumlays which
will probably l*e taken up with excur­
sions for awhile, on until tbe complete
time can! is annoumx«!.
Humor and
Mr. Earle of Michigan has landed on
the Oregon a soil for the pronouaced
purjiose of telling ue Low to have good
roads. He hails from a state that
seems to have one of the tieat mad laws
in the country. We lis’ene I to his ad­
dress a couple of weeks ago arid were
deeply intereste»! in his narrative of the
fight for good roads winch he and * few
fellow patriots put up in M .chigan sever­
al years ago, and of the law which they
have produced. Some of the leading
th ught brought out is tbat Mr Earle
does favor local road building first. He
approves of the construction of good
roads from the towns in various direct­
ions under the supervision of a compe­
tent state engineer, who draws plans
and gives advice. He tell« us tbat the
state of Michigan then allows each
county or precinct f'»«* for each mile of
gravel road or $100<i for each mile of
crushed rock water bound road, built
under the direction- of the state engi­
neer. That is all well and good. Then
he telle us he is in favor of a crow state
highway arnl a great system of high­
ways leading across the nation. Ac-
cording to bis plan he would have four
i f tne highways lead east and west and
eight span the country nortL and south.
A sort of national gridiron, built at
government ei|«nw fur the use of the
publo in general and tourist- in parti­
cular. Tbat would all be very nice,
but let us not forget that the portion of
the public who stay- at home would
pay most of the bill. Why? Because
in this as in all other indirect taxes it
is intended that all the people shall as­
sist in paying the bill. John Smith,
worth a couple of hundred million does
not use any more tobacco than Tom
Brown who works at dav wages and
»pends his vacations hauling wood or
digging ditches. But John Smith takes
a couple of vacations, or more, annual­
ly. and can u-e all tbe mads the public
builds for bis pleasure, Of course the
country is out something on tourists
who go out of the country and spend
the money. The country might save
some of this by collecting an expert
tax. The fellow who lakes a car load
of junk, tine clothes, automobiles, and
what not would consider hie trip twice
before preparing to leave tbecountry on
a pleasure trip if that were done. How­
ever, tbat is not the question. Some of
Mr. Earle’s road ideas are tine and his
visit in Oreguu it is to be hoped, will
result in a harmonizing of the various
elements tbat are contending for im-
provements in this state.
a woman has partaken of
■’light refreshments” served at 5
p. m at her club she can't understand
why her husband wants something
besides bread aud butter and canned
pears for dinner.
No man knows when he will be with­
out friends and without money, and the
fellow who has the best time doesn’t
The wise man carries two kinds of
cigars, one kind that be himself
smokes and the other that he gives to
people who bore him.
It Is like a man to buy bis wife a
<lre«s and »elect a blond dress for a
brunette woman.
Salesladies are apt to prefer male
customers because they are such easy
The small boy's ambition has shifted
from baseball to aviation
Some of our m<*gt upright legis la­
tors are those who never felt the tug
of a bribe pulling them into obi ique
Look out for the woman who feels it
her duty to tell you the mean things
that Mrs. Brown said about you.
It takes a great mind to prefer criti­
cism to praise.
Any man can advise another bow to
build a house, bat n* man can build
one that will suit himself a week
Face a problem firmly and you can
sometimes stare It out of countenance.
He who is gifted with a strong sense
of bls own importance Is never at a
106s for a grievance.
LiKldlmed letters
The following letters remain uncalled
for at the Gresham postoffice for the
weekending July 8, 1911:
Gentlemen: Ernest Taylor, R. C.
Smith. C. O. LovegTeen. Alfred l*ee 2,
A. J. McDonalds, John H McDonald.
Dead Letters: E. Doty.
Foreign: L. Garsen.
Register, John Haelscher.
These letters will be «ent to the Dead
letter Office on July 22, 1911, if not de­
livered before. In calling for the above,
please say “advertised,” giving date of
I list.
Siap-suds will kill plant lice. So will I
Rockwood (»range will give it» mid-
tobacco extract, kerosene emulsion or
whale-oil soap
summer dance on Saturday evening,
(Publisher) 026X3
July 22. Parsons' orchestra Lae been
I>epartinentof the Interior, U. S. land
engage*! permanently and tbe price of
Now get in the rutabagas They’ll
Office at Portland. Oregon, June 24, 1911.
tickets reduced to 75 cents, with »upper
come in nice for stock feed next winter.
Notice is hereby given tbat John Roy-
A turnunder timothy sod will do for
lame West, whose poet-offi«»' address is
530 Davis St.. Portland, Oregon, did, on
the 1st day of July, 1910, tile in this
office Sworn statement and Application,
Keep the cultivator going in the corn
No. 026x3, to purchase the sj-s sw4j of
until out in tassel. Shallow—please' The Way a Financier's Clerk Extem­
2 ami sl.2 se1«, Section 3, Town­
porised a Cipher.
About two inches deep is right. Muzxle
When Wall street first enugbt the ship I North, Rang»' fi East, Willamette
the horses and they’ll work better.
fever for 'Industrial combinations” Meridian, and the titnlier thereon, un­
and began the reorganisation of every der ttw provisions of tlw act of June 3,
Look out for the blighted twigs aud thing in sight one of the votaries of 1878. and act« amendatory, known as
branches on pear trees
No remedy is high finance found himself In Chicago
he "Timber ami Stone law,” at such
known for thia bad disease, except to cut in extreme need of communicating value as might lie fixe»! by appraisement,
out the infected parts promptly and with his New York office
and that, pursuant to such application,
lie almost completed an arrange­ tbe land ami timler thereon have been
burn them. Be sure to cut well below
the diseased wood, Disinfect the prun­ ment for the consolidation of several apprai«ed. thv timber estimated 760,000
ing implement by dipping it frequently western enterprise», but In order to l>oaril feet at 5o «viits |>er M. and the
get the final authority he needed from land $80.(Ml; that «aid applicant will
in a strong solution of carbolic acid.
New York be must explain all he bad
offer final proof in support of hie applica­
done by wire to his partners.
There was no time to write, He bad tion ami sworn statement on the 12th
Lighter foods are best these warm
days. Heavy food like corn heats the no cipher code. For a long time he day of September, 1911, before the Reg­
tried to think out some way to send ister and Receiver of the I nited States
the information so that it would be Land office, at Portland, Oregon.
plain to his partners and meaningless
Any fierson is at lilerty to protest this
The hen that lays where she happens to any one else. His secret was a val­ purchaM- before entry, or initiate a con­
to bi, when -he takes the notion to lay, uable one and once sent over the wire test at any time before patent issu»*», by
might be sold out to his rivals in Wall tiling a corroborate«! affidavit in this
is certainly setting a bad eggs-ample.
street for a large sum.
office, alleging tacts which wool«! defeat
At last he decided to take the
H. F. Higby,
The little brown slug that defoliate« chance» In plain English. Accordingly tbe entry.
the pear, plum and cherry trees during he wrote the message and gave it to
the summer season is one of the easiest his assistant to send. Half an hour
Sprains require careful treatment.
of our insects to control. No one need later, when the assistant came back.
Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain'■
allow this insect to do any serious harm he asked him If he had sent IL
"Not Just that wny," said the clerk Liniment freely. It will remove the
to his trees, if he will thoroughly nse
the remedy here given. Steep two •'I rewrote It—the first word on a soreness and quickly restore the part*
ounces of fresh white liellelxire in one Postal blank, the second on a Western to a healthy condition. For sale by
Union, and so on I sent half by each all druggists.
gallon of water, ami use as a spray
company, and neither half meant any
when the slugs are first Sven. Stir the
thing. Then 1 sent a second message
mixture often ; or, better yet. have an by one line, saying. 'Read both mes­
Important Clubbing Offer: The Pa­
agita'or attachment on the pump. sages together, alternating words.' "
cific Monthly, The Herald, Hammond’s
Sometimes there is a second brood of
The scheme was too simple for the Mixlern Atlas of the World, worth $6.50.
the slugs, necessitating a second >| ray­ high financier to have evolved, but It for only $2.75. The Regular price of
worked perfectly.
the atlas is $3.1.4).