Subscription, $1.00 a Year. (TRHSHAM, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, F RIDAY, JULY 7, 1911 • » Vol. 9. No. 26. On Getting. nlar wardens in the field, Is-sides day la­ Oet money run» the aaylnr— is,r employed by tla-rn. Tie- Wasiiing- Vea. honest, it you may— U>n Forest Fire association had -si war­ At once without delaying, But get It anyway dens in Jun*- arid is adding more, be­ But In the getting frantic nnies purchasing several new track bi­ Be sure you do not make cycle» for railroad patrol. On the whole, The byplay or the antic That Heep« a man awaHe. all elaasea are more careful with fire than Ort-gon Agrieullural College, Corvall­ in any previovs years, Tl»e chief excep­ The ('tdebration put tip by tin* Grang** J. B Kelly and family, formerly of It’s pleasant to have plenty. is, Ore., Juue ,’IO—"Tl.e three problem« tions to this ar>- reporttsl to lie in im­ >‘l«-aaant Home and Portland, relative of To maae things come acroes, Fair Association and !!••• Gotn merci al Bo vou may flip a twenty in poultry raising that trouble« the properly cleared rights of way and the J. K Kelley anti Mr». Neblan of Lente, 4'lub of (tn*MhMUi has proved to I m * th«* And never feel the loea. farmers of < iregon more than any oth- ! lu-gligi.-m-e of a few logging operators to met with a >lrea«lful accident near Kerby, y«*l The |fi*n« ral bsdiiig *sM*mt to But If the stuff Is tainted It Isn't, you will learn. er», "says Profeaaor James Dryden of ’ I m * that th«* conditions and result* this Ore., t-MMed by the breaking of the gas­ extinguish Slashing fln-s completely. As rosy as tls painted the O. A. C poultry department, ‘are y«*nr far surpassed all previous records Oregon has also hail slashing fires oline tank on their auto, and the explo­ To have the cash to burn. first. getting the eggs in winter; second which caused some alarm, but tliey were sion which followed. Mr. Kelley wan in Th«* inclination tom ar« Is raining for th«* A conscience than can slumber lice »nd mites ; and third, raising the handhsl promptly by the wardens. Over tlu- automobile biu>ine«s in Portland at lew «lays p rvvious to th«* Fourth prcvcnl- In hours to close the eyes chicks. Tou easily may number «*d soint* from looking forward with favor 1<n drew out 1 When you are gently sliding The shady side of life. the chickens; 24, hawk«: 6, coyotes; protective organizations. a lot of |a*opl<* ainl they wrn* not diss|»* Dry, hot oped the machine, burning one girl, | h > in ted Th«* f. •• tiviti«of the day Is* :M, other vermin ; I. rams or wet weatii- w ather is soon due. Success in avoid­ Myrna, ho bad that she h.xs died. Angela Friends No Longer. gan with th«* parade which is generally ' er;feeding; 9, hatching; W, mis­ ing di-tn-w* like that of 1910 depends is badly burned, but her injuries are “Jones doesn't speak to Brown now." «-onsKlcrisl to I«* th« 1» *i ever shown in cellaneous difficulties. mainly upon extinguishment of incipi­ m<»«tly due to living thrown out and Lav­ "Is that a fact?" To make the hen lay in winter is ap- ent tire* so they will not smoulder and ing th«- machine run over her. an«! break­ the town B«*«ad<*s the usual display of “True as preaching.” l«rently tiie real problem ; and yet its break out later when tiny cannot be ing several ribs. Mr. Kelley and bis rig»* and hor-< m« n. a parad«* of all th«« reversed “Money matters?" local automobile owner« . am«* out, over | two son« were badly burne«l alxjut the “No. babies." It is a push from the outside, not solution depends upon the solution of . control l»«i. “How is that?” twenty in all. and « »me of lb««**«* w. r«* a pull from the inside, that peoples other problems. It is not merely a fao- and hands. People of th«- vicinity “Brown's baby can climb up and say simply Is-autiful in th- ir »1. . .»rations. C the poverty stricken area of a big quest ion id caring for or making the gave such assistance a» they could and >. Mnith Us.k first priK* on th«* auto dis city There is nothing there to pull bens lay. The problem goes Imck to a- -00n as arrangements could be ma«le •Coo" " “Well?" play, with Mrs Schn«*ider M ehrne second. Pull it attraction ami poverty is not piie making of 1 lie hen. If the ben W. J Zimmerman, a pioneer and for­ they were taken to 1 «rants Pa-s. where 1 “The Jones’ baby, the same age. can Shattuck A l.ind*y l««»k first prison attractive. The push on the out­ were made right there would l>e little mer I'ortland busin»-.-« man, t. Clair Ot land The relation between the -elf largely into a que-tion of making lai Id's Addition, after an illness of sev­ sistance and Mr*. Kelley has started ’ won 2nd prize two may not be seen at a glance the hen. eral weeks. Mr Zimmerman was bom from San Francis«-«» to be with tlieni. | The following letters remain uncalled 1 am inclined to think that the M August Ih, 1M7, and crowwxl tls- plains The boys are said to be in a very serious I for at the Gresham poetoffice for the Deep seated things never are, and said that the raising of the chicks to Oregon w ith his father. Jacob Zim­ condition. Mr. Kelley and family lia«l • weekending July 1st, 1911: Illi Ml M: WIIAI IMI? Illi KI Ml IU this is socially subterranean. But who the relation is there and easily dem­ is the hardest problem, came nearer merman, a well-known pioneer, when a b<-vii up to Portland to atten«! the an- ; Gentlemen: Geo. Hickstrim, John The following clipping from the onstrated • »lice relieve land mo­ 'hitting the nail on the head.’ To get l«>y, and the family nettled in Portland. nual re-union of the “Kelley Clan.” Greelash. J. C. Atkeeon, Lawrence Public »trikes ut at bring full of nopoly pressure from the outside, a profitable egg yield under any condi- ’ He was formerly president of the Port­ Mias Bessie Howitt of Gresham is a Allen. splcml tl thought*, so wc «»filer it to Cards: Jack Lillis. Seth Hmilntan, and the same force that has made lions, the flock of layers must lie fre­ land Hydraulic Wood Lift Company, of Cousin of Mr. Kelley. our re aders in the ho »c that it will the slum will destroy it M. G. Boon, Mrs. Elmer Carson. It will do quently renewed. The old hen doean t tins city. A widow and two chihirvn .iwaken some, at Ic.ts t, to the fact These letters will be sent to the Dead pay For commercial purposes it sei- i survive him. Hi« children an- Mrs. D. > > by process of elimination that tl ■<»c undesirable xituath us arc letter Office on July 15, 1911, if not de­ ■ lorn pays to keep hrr more than t vo “ I'ainter and 5V. 11. Zimmerman, of Every aspect of the slum is ugly, vears. This means that in a few year« , but III e effect of wr< ng c onditions. livered before. In calling for the above, Portland. George Zimmerman and Mr-. can be correc ted when we it does not possess a single virtue; the farmer has raised -everal generations II. s. Stone, of Fairview, an- a brother Washington, June .5, 1911.—No ex- | please say "advertised,” giving date of ve enough to it is all vice The "struggle” against of fowls, and any mistake in the breeding and si«ter of the departed piontx-r. The position ever held was »0 interesting or list. i. M c C oll , p . m . Strike i or raisiug is very soon evident. Tot' , funeral w ill Is-held tomorrow afternoon valuable to the agricultura, interest«, as Soil w ill ni< a-eesful a poultry raiser must l>e able from th« residence of his daughter. rect ft om the foundat on, instead of ported from the outside the one to l»e held in San Diego. Cal., trying to prune and compress to find this struggle not only in the to maintain offspring with the same in 1915, promisee to be. slum, but throughout «--.irly, dis ­ (Publisher) 02083 rrmc' ■ the evil: vigor and vitality as the parent; other- , The Panama-California Exposition, Ambergris. coloring its life as a drop of ink Wl«e there would soon la* no egg- in Department of tlie Interior, S. I^inf so. ¡al pres- ally agreed that it is nothing more in San Francisco, also in 1915, will be the 1st day of July, 1910, file in this pcr.iting steae raised, fed due to a disease of the liver of the ition will tie supplementary to each No. "20'3. to purchase the s1^ sw*-t of of the industrial world will do it. and cared for, some liens won't lav, la- •O irr< sistiblc as a t« ndency. other, but the San Diego exposition 1 Hut in this case, as in all other cause they have not the breeding or the sperm whale. The whales which will have many features never before Section 2 ami «'■» se1«. Section 3, Town­ You can *ce the slum on the small things, men exhaust every avenue laying capacity, tin the other hand, yield ambergris are invariably sick­ «een in -uch a show and it promises to ship 1 North, Range ti East. Willamette scale i n almost anv c »untrj sillage. for doing things wrong before try­ some will lay, almost in spite of tieg- i ly ntid emaciated animals. tie equally as interesting in its way as Meridian, and the timber thereon, un- thougl it is not called a slum there In ancient times this substance the exposition by the Golden Gate. . f these families. thr charitably more hideous is to spread its contagion; to con­ dog. and to have open front house and I two one was called amber gris1 the Latin-American Republics, and the land and timber thereon have been disposed fimi "relief work” te> do centrate it is to parade its atrocity yet be protect«! from skunks, owls, (gray) and the other amber jaune l»ossibly China and Japan. The style appraised, the timber estimated 7rt».,"0o acres of dangerous Mary milk her? for only $2.75. The Regular price of For more detailed information, fares, logging debris. The stat«- has bad 23 reg- the atlas is $3.00. etc., consult any llum is to reverse the tendency that produces it Repressive legislation will not do it It fails as often as tried, and it has been tried times without number I’urity propagan­ das and anti-vice crusades are equal­ ly futile Nothing permanent can be accomplished until those social currents which produce the slum are AUTO EXPLOSION KILLS ONE PERSON WHAT IS BIGGEST POULTRY TROUBLE? DEATH Of W. J.ZIMMERMAN Unclaimed Letters AN EXPOSITION THAT MILL EXPLOIT AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT NOTICE LOR PUBLICATION forest I Ires Rare this Season. SPECIAL MASS MtELING CALLED National Educational Association San Francisco, July 8* 14