DOINGS OF OUR NEIGHBORS CHI KK>\lllt LAIRVIIW I ah view mt' planning to *p»'n«l it.«> Uh of Joly logrtlu*r in a g««Ml okl »n«‘»t pienie with a hawk»’! »timo i w I ui ' i ' h 'I will tlivir Imifh and - hi th» r nn«l «ith gAiiivw and im« »» l**i all and a ihaal program, a m«»*t » n jovuhl»« time* ih «•xpretr«! anti an invita in n I»« ttivn«lt*«l to all who » ar«* to join aiththaiu in rrlabrating. Little Ih’tiiic«* yoiingeat » hihl, »»( Mr .*oi*l Mix \V in Batey, a former clai««inate of t’« lrn Stoue’a at the < >. \ , haw lavn H|H«nding a few «lava with (’«’«In«' here Mr Batey ha*« been «•nipi«»yvd in More, t>regon 'V C Speticea atari« »! <»n M«»n»lav for Scotland, amt his old hoin«‘ to viait for *>»ine time. w II Mashburn bn- decided to re­ main in Fairview a few wi ,*k* longer and baa tn«»ve»l Ina fnmilv from the Dial ranch into th«’ Stone lion««* on I larriaon at reel. \ Kmnenlterg ia *p«’li yvar* ami rana’ troni tlwn* t<> Trmiltlalv \\lu t«*th«*v ha\» r»**hh*«l lor th«* |»a**l S year* Mix llnlm, tn«» *«»ii» dinl «»li«’ «laughter -ur\i\« H’livy ,iiy ( In m. \ 1« tor mid I '«bill I lohu. Mr* M D I lai Ivy lia* I*ot'tlah I \Unr«|. Tim term "Argua eyed" means watchful teeoiding to «Ite Grechili fit­ tile. Argua had l<»> eyes, mid Juin» «at litui to wntcli nil of whom »In» wot» Jeu fini* WI icii Arcua wan »lallt alia iraimplmitail hla eye* Into the tall of Hie ih ’ iii ' im k ‘Hydra headed” I» « tarin derived from ilio futile of llar ente* nod the li.vdnt The hydra limi nine heiula, ami Hercule* win, »ent to kill It \* "i«ni il» I»* »trin k olT mia of It» bead* two allot up III II» place. Show ers of bl, -sing ’ Get reaily U> evlebrate Auto» l-’tiiiil for Mt II *1 go tiling BUFF/' in MS lO\rRIHlTH> M KI RUD Kill.KIIRS Al MUM I'OIMS by. Mr J«»hn I'. Friel Sr . of tin* pine«» wa* main«*«l Iaat "‘«•«Im ««lay in Oregon LI SII DS MOIM SCOIf City to 'liaa Wila«m, a trained nurae ‘ Mlaa W d on attended Mr- 1 Zahn ha- Imiight six acre» Jean I'.iirban who ha- l»'en sick tor from P«»rtl.'H I near Ridgefield, Wash., where she ex *>m<* time, was taken to the Good >a (hr late 'Ira Friel in her Iaat MckiH’aa I'he tu'wlv w« *l«h*«l pair ar«* at Immr on |H-cts to make her home tn the near marilan hospital Monday. ttie tarni a.almrt diatance raft «4 Cher­ future. Mrs Rayburn and t« > children ar»' ryville. Mr and Mrs. Linderman of Arleta visiting trlative- at B< ll Fountain. 'Ira Parnell Averell starte«l t«» ”»« * <|UNtrh*M*/" Mrs. llarrv I n«ted of l ent» has t>e<*n Mr- Darnall left Wednesday night for some of the tin« at Gold Dollar s(raw olir buabiindw. " li*» ronmin ut I onim \hn\ and Julia Mr»«v«lvr «•( I'ort visiting relatives and friends here for Kai -as Citv. she will .. .b visit her «»hi Iwriira ever m*vn. Theav ar»» a*» large land oh '•’innlay tiomv ilild nilinl the bnhh’N Mini several days. home near Topeka. Kan-a- and luaciou* that great «piantitiea of Mix I \ /lliiiiirrinaii Hpvnt pa-t «»( tliv dl*hoM whllu we ti 11 en»l the Irvin, the little son of Mr. and Mrs Dr. Bittner made a professional call in them could K* «hapoa«al of right a( < III» ligi» N»’U a ln*t wvvk mill Mi- \\ \ Mark» II at J. Ickler, underwent an operation at la’llts -itunlay. home. Mr. Evan* aaya f«w farmer* rlramml H«»in«». , Good Samaritan hospital last Monday Mis Brady i- -farting a new hoii-e on recognize the value of artichoke« a* Chance to G«t W l‘ M \.»«li < \| m -« U'-i to ni..\r In- lam and had his tonsils taken out. He is Park stnx-t. feed for swine and poultry \\ b«*n »»net* , “Queer ” improving. planted they area p«*r|»etuirvg»»n, on Munday Mr Till Maxmire« an* "..iking preparation- on»* acre of them will ie«’d a number of “What lay Naali mH I m |>riih ipal «•( Rani« i «•»■I hm »I Mrs. VanAverv of Portland is visit- to build . n north Main. ‘‘That h «» iiw folk* don't know win n next tvrm hogs all winter Mr. Evana was a for­ ing her mother. Mrs. Thompson and mer »ilba« rib» r of th«» Herald and wants they ar«* well <»fT ” her uncle. Theo. Neibauer. Mr* \V. t ilt» rlRin (lie to l*e put upon the hat again. •‘Y«‘*. <’<»nahl«*ring that tboy have KlllKlS Charles and William Cook of Port- l«H«liv* \j»| r home next Mr. and Mr*. Joseph HeSha/er of plenty <»f friend* t‘> point out the fnct "* land are visiting their aunt and uncle, \\ i diuxtlax We an* ha, ing a fine sea- uable rain, l\«ver m*t only own a tine (arm on th»* E. D. Hamilton and faui ly. although it is late in coming, it 1« doing Mix J I edge of Eagle Creek, hut are moat ex­ Th» Have to B». Mrs. G. l usted was a Portland visitor a wonderful lot of go,*! to th«* crop« ami Sal«‘in aa »1,* cellent ¡»e«»ple ad\ocating «iecen* y an«i several days this week. garden*. "Romo men are g ()(■ i acrt'M. voir to the plant. They an* brought to that it w ould pa\ and wrouM greatly Smith. Miss Abbie Stites ha- been en­ Retribution, tin* plant by the construction train, then stimulate the dairy business. gaged to teach th- Latourelle Falls "We c**t f w Im* h *>ur Ium*«*. nini voti haiued up tli<* blutl with a donkey en­ school for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs Jam« - Mavl»r. former gine. We an* al! waiting anxi**u-ly t*> Journal * 1 4) Th»’ ain’t '' .lames Benfield and wife of Portland -,*,* the n*«u!t of this grand work, it ha- resi«lt*nrs «•! this viciniiv. hut imw liv­ v il w alt till they "l it huh! But for two years and have come out to stay indefinitely er. aln-ady don,* wonder- for tin- little val­ ing at Lent*, were visiting a«x|uaint* secret», Ponili ’ ali t he w hoopin' « »mull ” the farm and rebuild their mother's ley in rai-ing the value of land. Real­ ances and ohl friends here last week • 111 ♦ at j art f tow II Mr Maybe nays «mt» party at Lents ha* B W (¡rant w h«» liaa l>«*i*ii m ('all- heme et-, Corning I gg estate men ar»* coming in hen* buying tin* six cow* that clear him a month iornia viailing at >an Fran«■!*•«'«•. I.«m T eying. The game between Corbett and An­ land in large tracts ami ■» iling it out in above all expense* 1er » >rdrl at ■ -nee. He arila the milk \ngvlea, an«l San l>i» g«> for th«» past few If !•» •* ttiiimrii! Mol«-tim dersons resulted in a score of 12 to 11 in small lots of 5 and 1U acres, 'o we an* for which then» is a demand that Im* weeka ia expect* «1 home tin* we«*k When the atrrner all 1,Hiking forward to a larger |>opuLi favor of the Corbett team. To »trrt« h til« «(»Inal column never been suppii»*«!. < hie cow ill thia 'Ira. T 1» \xtell who baa lieen Mr Frank Reed took a party over t* tl* n. more -,-iio.*1-and a iwtter -**eiety herd give* sev«*n gallons a »lav. Ar ! frirtorra it ...... «I Samaritan b -pitai for the Amt for uwlille to hex»» tile I'mili Patronise the Herald Mt. Pleasant Sunday evening in his in general. David Dougias of this place s««hl i three weeka, ia alowly improving. In J I »■ r 1“ 1 t v 111*» I*«*»* of ch«f>C< 'Ir- '-phia Rols r-*-n -*f Portiami i- new pleasure launch. head 4 rattle last week to a Sandv \ I. rnnmr liu* been down from Mr. 1.. C. Benfield spent Monday with I tlie guest of her con-in. Mr-. Emma butcher for l-Vs This herd. by­ ( ••rvallia viaitmg relatlv« «* an«l ohi Thotna-. 'lie will probably »jand th«* little were fe«l largely on th«* rang»» ami his mother. Mrs. Lottie Benfield. frienda here. summer here. were in excellent flesh. It Neems strange Mr. Art Gibbs has recovered from his Mr*. H. 'I Sima .1 ¡1 «laughter. Mi*a Ijena Thomas -pent tin* w.,*k - emi w itli that cattle will get fat browsing in the injuries sufficiently to l>e able to com­ M ->• - Igstira ami 'tal l« 'liipley of Lu— timber, hut after all they are of t tie H ith. Mi-*.-«*- Ma ul, 'lav, Harriet and mence work at Bridal Veil. till, and attended the <•* mmvm-einent same nature st* deer ami live in the llarrv Ihmlev have la-r* m - at tl • I >:-t« *1 school. The pro­ same manner. pects to double its capacity in the near gram was very nice ami had a pleasant Jamea Amlerxon and mi«- ar»* th»* Rev. John A I. *gan. a Baptist min­ future. time all around. ister from c'ottrell occupied the pulpit ent.a of a a«»n l»»»rn on June 27 Henry Oak ?an Mr and Mr*. G |B.Th**nia.sarvinI‘ort- 'aturday. The examination by th»» 'll*”»** Hallie ami B» «*ie Ft»rwt«*k’g. Buy -uiniuy from Portland when* -i,* lia- and visiting with their daughter. Mr- new state Sup»*rintendent, Mr. \hler- Biulev and .X. P. 'a«l«ller w< r«* gu« *t* <>f bo n tor -ome tinu pa-t. ntoverin,? from M.C Donahue, and attended the pi**m >*r man. was something “fierce” and many Mr ami 'In* I* 1» Bailey an opperation for app, mliciti-. meeting They an* piontvrs of, I * and old ‘teachers who had l»een teaching h Mr* J. P Healin ha- ret time« I fr- in I or In years. gav<- up m despair. Next Portland w h«*re -In* ap ni th«* pa*t few Mi<- Hop,* Si,.* ;.-,- vi-ited hvr brother. Melvin Haerty of'ilverton. i-Nisitirg winter then- will be a scarcity of teach­ wevka with her «laughter**. P T. Shvliey Saturday, enroute to H* *»l Y" M X - i Ht j1 • 1tf -4*-« ers an«i in all pro’ ability they wifi go River, from Ann Arl«>r. Mich., when* Fn-d Gil«*n- and other friends Mr*«. Anna ll«in«*y ami rhihlrvn Vx I to the other extreme ami employ in ­ she has l»-en attending medical coil»tr<- —— i.«7 P««rtland ar» ajamding a (» w «layx competent people. 1 relativ«**» hen*. Children-’ Day wa.- ob-«*rved with ap­ I—ti down vi-itingjhi- -ist«*r. Mrs Ha ' '! r. am! Mrs. Henry Izens»*h and J. Inman liar* nmved hi*» family propriate eS’-rei-,*- at the M. E. church .Lu • ' F« jal »I«if*Afr •. Hnrinan. th« family of Portland, came down in an th«* Sun Dial Ranch h«»u*<* fr«»m iaat Siinday evening Mr. Runyon will auto xunday ami visite»l their <»l«i time T«>W naend Imua«*. aibly butrlu r,wo l**»»v«,**y«**ter»lay. | rea- I a- > Mil next Sunday evening. COMI ANI) PIACI YOUR ORDIR neighlxir- and friends, Dr. and Mrs. Mr*. J. HerUrt ami «laughter, Mi-- E-ter -pillman of -andy Ridge is Henry Beidenstein. WORK IS RIGHT --- PRICE IS RIGHT I'n-'la. left on Thnr*«lay tor thvi at home for the umnier alter a term a’ I . '. Senat«»rChamlierlain, I. F 11 ar»- home in 'Vapa« a Io, \\ i*»'onain, u PLEASANT HOME ’ I i « t « Fore-t < i rove I n versity. when* -he ha- and >. J. 1 isher «>f Portland, sjtent a part L B. Kelley amt * been taking mu-i • and German. hi­ of last Saturday and Sunday foreno«>n at they will vi-it f»»r -«»m« tim» ante from -an Fram i-io and family to Mra. A I. « •>|>»*lnml left f«»r I Cherryville on a fishing trip. \ -tranger in town giving his name a- attend the Clan ofKelley tribein the ci ity. < »r«* *on Tlmr.-ihiy to -| m * u «I *»*vera, “Tenn’--«*e Char!’—" and w rlaim- to He was out looking "V«*r his «o .„ r. tr.e t ' with her ai-ter Mr* l»«»tip«*. have done time in t > • -tat,--, b »-gan to and i- flatter’ d with the pro«q»*<*t of X »« I Mra. E \ Whitney i- « nt**rtn irnbil»* freely M *nda, and by la ite after- crops. EOI RE 11 her nie»*»*. Mr- \ I»’ < rump ami «m«lay. Iheir lit. ral collection for tin ■aii-e taken. forenoon and sent out of town. IL thr»*«-«laughter*. Mra. Xlr- \\ B < .ni. week. Mr«. I«ennartz gave a re.i ption to Rev ever the call of the -al* *»>n wa- t<-> -tr nae. Mr-. John R f the afternoon Cald« r ami wife aii«l Mi— M«*veti-, Mr-. William* with th» ¡r lantili«*- ami lh«ir at Fairview <>n We«ln< Iwnnartz -i«'er. Refro-liment* w as back and a iis old gam*-. lb* Were two .»«m*, Kenna Harvey ami family ami Mra. A. Julien i* he i again b l ha« I -*rv.*d to 15b guests. Th.* M Aid I’» rry Han• •» wen all at I in* inal ng -oi. reii il p -utfi* • ntly -d. pr*—nte.| Mrs Cald«*r witli a -ilk crazy sojourn at \ an< «»uv« r, Wash. -« \« nt*« n in all ah«« «town t*» a Umn- He and h is two pal- w Mr. ar.d Mrs. <»e ,rge Ree«| was at te»»ua «linner MT\e»l By 'Ira Harvey it of lirti,*ult f<*r an un- wishes, all returned horm*ward. problems a- tlx Have y«»u hear«! the latest news'1 Well, lota «>n < «-«jar atn*et. Mr. Schram •• md incorporat ’* ''. Altman gaw the addn-s- to it i- a pair of twins b»*rn at th«- Corbett |M*« t.* t«» move lawk into hia plae»* In* can le dealt with only upon i--uan<- ■ : the gnuluates at Lusted- - ! i « hi | in ai ranch. R P. Rasmussen is looking *a»n. a complaint. -ems* of Miperintemlent Robinson. very satisfied. Little l?«a- < roe ia ill at her home h< re. Mr- I \. Mephens left tor li« r 5 a* re Mrs. Lottie Benfield i* tearing down Mr-. Lupton'- -i-ter vi-ited h< r la-t Mr*. I. I llealen i- in (»« mh I Xaruari- farm on Johnson creek. week. her old house ami a new -ix room m <1- tan hoapital when* ah«* umlerwent an ««p- ern bungalow will I m * built at on« e. Mrs. Douglass i.- >>a<*k at her old stand. «•ratioti a few «laya ag<». Mr. Dahlgren Las built a -tand l*y the Miss Helen Eilige _ uav« __ „ a birthda\ ....... -everal Indians fr*wn ea-tern Oregon 'Ira. J. W Townaend ami a«»n Earl side of hi- -tore and equipped it with a table and l»*m h> -. Ice cream and <*<-L with a band of horse* cani|«*d ben* th«* party on Sunday, it was Miss Helen's aent to Montavilla «>n 'nmlay to \ tail Rentrtx able and Renewable Wheel Hox, Renewing ng *rr:.*.»- will be served there d - g other night an«l marie th«* n-sident- think tenth anniversary, and several friend* W. A r«»wn***ml wIm <*el«*l>ratef pneu- Our citizen- most of them goto tin* Clieer up' This is only a June show, r of the rake like new. school meeting last Monday, which re­ monia. • ad works for th«- -Ith. A number of jieople gathere>i in town TheO. W. R. R. *k N. Co., an* fr. and Mr-. W. Bankers -j«ent -<*v- sulted in the election of F Etling for school director for three years. The riinnirig through freights over the Saturday to -ee th** rate Ix-tween "Tom­ • ral days with the -jiencer family. Adjusting l ever. Adjusting the teeth further under rest oi tx«ar«l to serve next year, is Geo. my'’ and “.'tarlight'’ owned by 'helley. Mr-. Ed l.onderba« k <>f **astern<>n*g- Gill Mrs. Amelia Woodward, and Mrs. John a rut «»tl. which renmvea from Fair­ the rake head for heavy hay, less for light hay. It was a pretty race and a floe«* fini-li, view a gr»*at <1« al of rmim* ami «lirt. W. Hicks, wa* reelected as clerk. "Tommy" clearing by six inches. There <*n, is visiting with '. .Maybill’« family insures perfect working position under all con­ wen three pony races also; John Dunn's -I • will return in a month. The young folks from this locality are ditions. pony against !>■<• f anning-, former being busy rehearsing a play, entitled. “The DOVER the winner: Douglas» of Eagle Cnel Deai’on’s S«*cond Wife”, which will I h * COTTRELL Reversing Wheel Ratchets. Engaging dogs on dump against *R<*d" .McCormack, Dougla* The - lots of go>sl. Grange hall. of this part. I1. I Hite is building a large barn Preparation- for the Fourth are still Columbia Grange hail is getting the P. Magnolia and w de have retnrn<*«l going on. Geo. C. Brownell of Oregon which will le#n improvement to our last coat of paint and is now looking from tin* Hot Spring*. Thev rejairt Reversing \xle Stub. Reversing thin axle stub anti < ity will deliver th«- oration. A bra- neighborhood. very fine. Mr. I- Kneriem has been their health greatly improved. «»ing the painting. band of 15 nieces will Is* on hand all J H. Dixon and family came nut renewing box in wheel, makes this part of the W. I*. Roberts' horses ran away day to fill th«* air with «w«*«*t music. \ from Portland over Sunday to visit his William I leaver made his first trial Thursday morning throwing him out rake like new. Doubles its life. grand parade at '» io. oth«-r attra«-tion- parents. trip a* railway mail clerk last week up of tin* wagon and injuring hi- back. too untneruii- to umntion. Mr. Deav»-r experts a Paul Dunn «old Jim Dixon four ton to the Dalle* Mr. l.van- ha- fini-li«*«l his tiro* ur*w a {»osition *o«>n. Singletree Strap connects hitch directly with ce nt er N< »TICE—L'eader the Herald in of very firn- hay. |s>iiltry house Which is this vicinity *f .'ami I tí hinge on head. This means direct draft and no proveinent ideal place. lepresentativ«* at tl of P. li chance for head to spring. 'hellty. Mr-, 'hell «T»nw*ritwi t Deviled Lobster. Mart N«*w* ami family from va-tvrn KOI KWOOD handl«- 'andy news f Herald, 'he < iregon are here visiting his sister. Mr«. Take the f!e«h from lob-tr-r and c hop •>rin Manley, th«* youngc-t son of Win. Champion I sers arc Satisfied I sera. They have re- will also take order- for printing, adver­ W P. Rolierts. Mr. New was sur- very finely, sprinkle with a little cay­ Manley, i- -*.lfi*ririg with an abnormal tising. notie«— and other printing. prised very much to see how Dover had liable machines and know it. « 'harnpion is a sure growth is'iiii. l hi-ear It i- feare<| ar. enne pepper, a dessertspoonful of chut­ improved, ami he was glad to get back The Sandy ball team is mat -lidi <,j»*riition will is* found m-cewsary guarantee of satisfaction. to Webf’Hit to see it ram one«- more. again-t th* -andy Ridge boys fur the ney, a little melted butter and a torna- Mr I ag'“«r «Im has taken the con Fourth. The game is set for 1:3o t > cut up small. These must Is* stew­ tr.K t to plaster A. I.. Horton- house wa» Mr Moxleys were visiting Mr. Hhaws ed over the fire, stirring till they boil. taken quite ill while working there on Sunday. Mowers, Rakes, Hinders. Tedders Have ready -ome neat squares of frier] Wednesday. Harold Miller is away visiting hi» All Shown in llijf Champion Catalog Mr Miles Grim-haw is building a bread and put some of the deviled lob­ brother* at Columbia City. KELSO rnr-nt ' «‘liar star on each and sprinkle a little finely Mr. Reid and family and Mr. Ruyon Ask Mrs. Miller 4 Vancouver visited her Eberhart Hall )i«h<*>l were entertained at the DeBhazer home chopped parsley over. This is a deli- father, John Revenue iaat week. a meat market in connection with their Bunday. cious savory. Miss Kline is visiting with her sister. -tore which is sornctliing Ifis kws>n. I" Many plan*- in I the .............. ami Diarrhoea Remedy lias made il a made for work to is* iw«-ompli-lic«l Rev. M. M. Rei