Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, June 30, 1911, Image 6

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    «ere not quite so lively Then, may
be. she might have let herself believe
that It «a« love not the compelling«
Mr» Hawgood Cannot Understand
of family pride, which had made him
Why Ono Should Not Listen to
Talk of Other People.
Aunt Elisabeth was the stumbling
All her life «he had lived In
"I met a iiiMii today,” Raid Karri
easy comfort, with her «later, pamper
•on llawgood. who I» working on »
eil and deferred to. by th» father »he
great Invention an Invention that
had Just characterlxed a» a spend flattered. Lame and Starving, th» Old will be a real boon to humanity If
thrift, yet fully persuade* all the
Pat W m Recovered From the
he succeed:! In perfecting II *'
while, that she was eager to make
Peddler for the Pitying
Wliat la tt?" nskeil Mr» llawgooil
herself Independent that it was only
"A contrivance to put In one's »ar«
the Imperative need of her In the
so that one may r d» In an elevated
household which withheld her from
"It'» Sadie'" shrieked the children a trolley car or In any other kind
a career
Iler presence had seemed
of a public" convey nee a-d not have
"Oh, papa. It's flkdle"'
almost providential, when Margaret
Attached to u heavy wagon. »*-arr*'<l to llaten to the conversation of P»o
was suddenly left alone, within one
I It I« «O
and battered, and with high bones pie who sit next to ou»
Utile week Then had come the crash projecting about th*' hip», a yellowish constructed or will be when he gets
the revelation that naught remained horse, blind In one eye. a »»elllng on It perfected that It cannot pONRltlly
of Great I'ncle Allen's legacy II had one pastern, and a pronounced limp la be seen, yet It will make It possible
not been wilfully wasted. but had
a forefoot, wearily plodding along the for the wearer to get along w Ithout
vanished party through bad Invest­ street, and on the rusty wagon a man hearing a word that Is spoken «Vet
ments. partly through the heritor» In a dirty sweater yelled something t»v people who »It be»l<le him or In
generous Inclinations
that might hare been the word "coal," sent» directly back or In front <»f
And then hl» nephew had come since the wagon was loaded with fuel him."
to the rescue now for two yenrs he
Well, blit wliy shouldn't OIH» wish
"Oh. papa. It’s Sadi*1!"
had divided royally wtrh Margaret
The man took on» look and saw to hear th» cunvei Ration of othel
Margaret did not dream It. but. ex that It was »o Sadie, once the pet of people?"
cept for the dividing he would have th*1 children ami aol.l because of grow
courted her within a month of his Ing Intlrmlttex and Increasing age, had
One for th» Clorgy.
unde'» death
They hsd not been seemingly not Improved
Romew hat Superior Young Minister
brought tip to know each other well
"Oh. papa!" There was that In the of the Kplsropal Church No. dear
rather with the distant Intimacy of three young V olees that made the Indy, frankly I cannot persuade my
kinfolk known through letters
Mar | lather think swiftly, He rvtnem bet »•<! self that It would bv safe to let worn
caret had written to Thomas upon how the children had wept when vn Vote
his birthdays, and after Christmases Sadie had gone and how he had hard
“And what may I n«k. Is your rea
He had always »ent her Christmas etied his Inuirt because the old horse son for opposing it
gifts of his mother's choosing there was »>» utterly worthless und such an
Well, dear lady I cannot but think
fore ugly but substantial
She had v esore.
that If women were to vote It w<’uld
returned birthday • presents largely
"lhui't she look hand?" the little make them. let us »ay M Utile er er
>f her own making Even his mother boy asked In an awed tone. The two masculine “
had had to admit that her niece could little girls broke Into muffled sob».
“Oh. I don’t know
!t H as never
sew —though she had scoffed over the The father could »laud no more, lie
vffkU't upon the clergy '
things sewn
Shirt cases, and collar signaled t<> the driver, who pulled up
bags, and monogrammed wash cloths the old mare at the curb
were all to her mind a sad waste of
"Coal*” he asked, sneertngly, taking
stock of the man before him
Liberal Thomas was In a •ort, the
What value do you place on that
reaction from his mother's prudence horse*" the father asked briefly. Th»1
She had <fled a little earlier than her driver stared at him and winked
brother thus the son had been un openly.
He had taken the family
"She's worth a hundred dollar» to
name to please her -It was the last me." he said M y wife'» that attached
thing she had asked of him
Since to her
The father turned away, the
there was only himself and Mar chtldreu follow 1’d silently In view of
garet of the blood, he had t-s-m glad the lia»k on his face
He had sold
to do It. It hurt him sorely that Miss Sadie for 115. an<l ha I been gla-l to
Margaret was setting herself against get It. The driver, aJarni’-d, called
his ¡dan for a further centration of after him.
the family.
Say, mister!" he shouted, "maybe
She had never so appealed to
we can trad*’. What'll you give me
as In the •haded light that eve
for her"' The fath’-r turned.
There u as something shy. even
"I owned that horse one*- " h* aald
ful about her sh - spoke with a
in a ton» that made the driver gasp,
ly hesitant Intonation, unlike
he had looked «»> mild
"I Bold her
usual crisp utterance
for 115, and she was worth ten
1 11
By time she brought herself around give you 125 for h»r. spot cash. Tak«
to her plans for the future before It or leave It."
she could even begin to think of shap
“Lem nte drive my wagon
Miss Hath» r
you rongrntu
Ing her asking for help, h*1 was quite yard’" the man ask».I, shrewdly,
lieslde hlntself So tar beside himself,
"Pull It yourself." said the father lated our hostess on her birthday *
Miss ('lew: No, I have condoled
Indeed, he forgot to remember th*lr sharply, noting a raw spot on the oi-l
with her.
relative situations forgot everything mare's neck.
"That goes." sai l the driver, clam
Indeed, but that h* was a mnn and
8 Holme* Jr.
"Lernme see your
five and twenty. In the pre'-.-nce of bering down,
“Hab’” exclaimed Sherlock H
the woman he wanted most la all the money." Then h» signed a receipt
the father scribbled <>u a leaf of his Jr.
“What is ft. Sheri?
Therefore he was a new person to notebook, threw the patched harness
Margaret one speaking almost gruf­ Into the wagon, and disappeared, drag Whntson
The great amateur
fly. breaking Into her neat platitudes glng It after him.
Oh. papa!** aald the his friend were Hitting
with something Incisive. If Irrelevant
"Oh, papa!
, office of Hillington T
She looked at him In wonder After children
An l hearing, the father figured that financier, uniting for
\iir.t Ells..I., th had taken herself
away, she moved a little .apart front this alone was worth the difference of from lunch
'This man has a homely gtenog
Thomas, and trh-d to begin steadily: 110. -Dallas News.
rapher. for whom he has no aff* c
Pleas*-, ¡»lease, do understand. I am
tlon.” said Kolmes
not an Ingrate—”
Seven Follies of Science.
“Hut I thought you told me y<»u
"I can't
any such
The history of science has seven didn't know him*“
thing." Thomas said with the strange
“1 don't. Haven't you noticed that
new note, not waiting for her to
or les« have tried to solvo, but w hlch he ke«-ps a
finish "All I can see." he went on.
picture of his middle aged
have Anally been given up by all. To- h lie on bls desk’“
his eyes smouldering a lPth- "is that
day they are called follIeH. Th« usual
you dislike me so much you can't be
IlMt comprises the following:
reasonable "
No Place for Him.
squaring the circle, second, duplica
"You are wrong -all wrong." Mar
our la*yer." «aid the pre«!
tlon of the cube; I third, trisection of
garet sighed, tremulously
d»*nt of the corporation
an angle; fourth, perpetual motion;
Thomas stared at her- he had ex­
"Yes, sir,” replied the vice pres!
fifth, transmutation of metals; «Ixth.
pel ted her to flash out at his Injus­
fixation of mercury, seventh, elixir of dent. "Has anything of Importance
tice. She went on brokenly: “You
lif*». Some lists put the philosopher's happened ’’
—you are—the best, the kindest
"Xo. I m»Tn|y want tn And out Just
stone for the last three and then add
kinsman In the world I love you— astrology and magic to make the Rev how far we can go without being In
for—for being so good too much to enth. To the unlearned it would seem danger of becoming Hable to arrest
take advantage oP- the situation —” possible to draw a square
"Hut It seems to me, If I limy say
w hlch shall
"That's where we dlff-r.
S ” Thomas be exactly, equal In area
to a given so. we are going rbout as far as our
said stiffly, a sudden comprehension circle, which is the first
problem in conscience Khould let um ”
flooding his mind. “I love you too the list, but rp are told t»y the highest
“Conscience* Oh! x Say,
d bet
much not to take advantage of the authorities that it Is Impossible
run a
Since ter quit big business And
situation. In proof—this and this— the discovery of radium It Is claimed Sunday school somewhere
and this!" raining a shower of kisses that the change of one metal Info an
upon h* r startled evellds
On Ice.
other has been accomplished, but !t Is
Margaret gasped -then l>-t herself yet too early to dogmatize about the
"Yes," said Alkali Ike. “a couple o’
He against his breast for an Instant matter.
cow punchers Indulged in a very prêt
Suddenly she pushed him away freed
ty scientific •crap dow n at Had
herself, and said In a high voice:
Bucko's yesterday "
The Texas Armadillo.
"I did mean to ask help of you—
"It's wonderful how cool those fri
During the last three years Drs
now It Is quite Impossible
lows week under the clrcumstaacea,"
"Also wholly unnecessary," Thomas
remarked the eastern tourist.
retort’ d
"I am going to set you up ot zoology al the Fnlversity of Texas
"Yes. they certainly have to be
haie leen much Interested In working
In business whether or no'"
kept cool, stranger
I I believe, for
"O! Indeed!
What sort nt busi­ out certain points toncerning the bl some reason or other, th»lr funerals
ness?” Mafgaret asked demurely
ain’t, to b<- for a couple i o’ days yet."—.
Ho looked at h< - steadily. th< n said, moat unique animal In Tex ts This Catholic Standard unti Times.
shaking his head: "The business or little creature represent« a migrating
making a good wife, out of a very species which has In large numbers
Pointer for Housewives.
spoiled young woman! It 1» the best crossed the frontier of Texas from
Well. I’ve just engaged
opening I sew for you "
two girls af the Intelligence ofîb
"1 have only myself to Invest—what portion of the southern half of (he
Vrbano- Going to keep two maids
r* turns can you promise?” Margaret state.
In the
asked plaintively
Hububs Morey, no* I engaged on*
Thomas caught both her hands biology of the armadillo lies In its pe
to comn Monday nnd the other a w* *-k
"A lifetime of love and happiness.” collar method of development. Dr«
from .Monday, when No. 1 will no
h<> said and Margaret smr.ed, con
I can't spend all
out that the Texas armadillo normally doubt be h'nvlng
gfvts birth to four young anti that my time hunting Intelligence offices "
the Individuals of any given litter ars —Judge.
There Was a Reason.
Invariably of the same sex; that Is
A Hair Railing Accident,
"It's all very well for you to preach they are either all males or all fe
"What was the commotion at
economy.” said his wife; "but I notice males, never mixed.
theater the other night when
whenever I cut down »»¡tenses t at
crowd gathered In the lobby?”
you smoke better cigars and spend
In the Business World.
"A lady coining out ha<l a head on
more money for your own pleas ire
Mrs. Growells- Have you any more
than at any other time."
collision with an obtruding gas Jet,
sugnr like I got here last week?
"Well, confound It! What do you
Gr»x-er—Plenty of It, ma'am. How nnd her elaborate coiffure was a per-
«T]p. ,> t >» [ -Aflrnt you to <-> onomlzo for, much do you want?
feet wreck.”
"What was the
Mrs. Grow ells—I merely want to
know when It Is all gone, then por • "I think a misplaced switch
baps I may order some."
Not Annoyed.
Th« Straight of It,
Does my steamgwhlstle annoy you?”
Anxious Hair«,
"Ta my hat on «freight?"
inquired the man who had opened a
“Ta there anything wrong with your
"I can't tell.”
new factory “I suppose you have no­
"Can't tell when a woman's hat
ticed the noise "
■"* - — right foot, I'ncle Toby"
"Not that I know of. Robert. Why do on straight?"
•'Why. yea. I have noticed the noive,"
"Well, It 1« hanging Just above your
responded hl» neighbor "But Pm a you uK?"
"Ek aald he didn't belter, you ever loft ear."
trifle deaf and I supposed tt was th«
would kick the b icket"
"Then It’s on straight Good by.*
early robins "
By Martha McCulloch William«
It's Good when the stomach
is bad.
It’s Good when the bowels
atv clogged.
It's Good when the liver is
It's Good in any malarial
Duck's Immunity to Snake Poison.
Experiments by MM Hillard and
Maublant, recorded in the "Comptea
Re'udus" of the Biological society of
Paris, shows that the common duck
exhibits a remarkable Indifference to
the venom of the viper.
They also
And that the owl is similarly Immune
Two of these, badly bitten on the
feet, did not seem much worse. M
Hillard also finds that the domestic
cat has almost complete immunity as
regards the viper
Not So Bad as Ho Seemed.
A curious Incident occurred at a
children s matinee in a Moscow theater
lately. The actor who played the vil­
lain of the piece was so distressed by
the horror with which the little specta­
tors viewed him that, notwithstanding
the protests of the manager, he pulled
off his wig and false beard, and
begg*‘ the audience to believe that ha
(Copyright, till, by AM.xiaied Utorary
"1 think." Margaret began tetita
lively, frowning the lea»t bit. "that
is tt aewnia to tne we can't very
well do anything elae "
"Can't eh* Why not?" Auut Ella
abeih sniffed
Margaret looked carefully over
her head, as »he answered, are you
willing to have me accept a a
gratuity from the man I have re­
fused to marry?"
"The more fool you for refusing'"
Elisabeth exploded
"lk»n t
talk to me of gratuities* I hate your
long word« name aa I do your high
atrung notion*
Thoma» Allen han
no more real right to thia place than
you have It 1» just hi» luck In hav­
ing a saving mother, while you had a
spendthrift father "
“Leave him out please.” Margaret
aald. her voice hard but tremulous
Aunt Elisabeth ran on
great-uncle, who made the money
certainly wanted It to keep up the
dignity of the family
"1 know It. Margaret Interrupted
That is partly why -oh Aunt l.lsa-
' Veth, can't you see. don't you under
stand. I can't marry Thomas, knowing
I am not his free choice’"
"You mean he asked you because
he thought he ought to’" Aunt Elisa
beth cried, sitting straighter
all foolishness' The will never said
s word of such a thing' And Thomas
Isn't the man to be tied up by any
dead man
He wants you -because
he wants you. Patience know» why —
I don't'"
Margaret began to dimple
she provoked Aunt Elisabeth to the
point of sarcasm she knew the end
was near Tears always flowed
After the shower Aunt Elisabeth
made a practice of forgiving her
niece all the unkind things she had
said to h< r
Now she was on the
verge of weeping, yet struggled to
"I certainly—don't see why! Jenny
, Ware is much prettier, and a lot
Women suffering from any firm of
Ilness are invited to promptly cum-
iiunicate with Mrs. Pinkham at I.ynn,
Mass. All letters are received, opened,
•cad and answered by women. A wo­
man can freely tall"
of her private ilU
iii'sj to a woman ;
tints lias been es­
tablished this con-
fldence bet we« n
Mrs. l'initi ant and
the women of
America which lias
never been broken.
Never has she pub-,
jshed a testimonial or used a lett* r
without the written consent of tho
writer, and never has the Company
allowed these confidential letters to
jet out of their possession, as the
Hundreds of thousands of them in
their files will attest.
Out of the vast volume of experience
which Mrs. l'inkham has to dr.."
from, it is more than pos.-ible that she
las pained the very knowledge needed
n your case. She asks nothing in re­
turn exempt your good will, and her
advice has h* !]>ed thousands. Surely
any woman, rich or poor, should be
jla’d to take advantage of this gener
jus offer of assistai ce. Address Mrs
Pinkham, care of I.ydia E. P.ukham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
4r \
S^e Looked Through
more amiable—then, then she'll have
— money of her own—one of ' hese
"Please say that to Thomas— he's
coming this evening" Margaret en-
treated, her eyes beginning to twin-
Aunt Elisabeth had h<-r handker-
chief out—she put it back in her
pocket, eying Margaret sharply
"How do you know?” she de-
Every woman ought to have
Margaret dimpled more than ever
Lydia E. Pinkham's NO-pasre ‘I asked him—and he said
Text Book. It is not a book for with pleasure,'" she returned airily,
general distribution, as it is too then her face suddenly grave: ”1
etprn'i«. Jt is free ami oii,^ had to do It, aunty—It wak the only
obtainable by mail.
rite tor way to make him understand "
"You are 'he most provoking crea
it todav.
lure! Will you please tell me w hat
you mean ? ’ ” ’’ Aunt Elisabeth blustered,
Whittling Kettle.
A new whlstlirg kettle has a long, the handkerchief again In play
Margaret answered steadily: 'Why
r.arrow ns k at the top. by which it
This Is I 'hat Is we—can t go on living on
Is both filled and emptied
□ Is money
Not through Ingratitude
covered by a cap the leng'h of the
for wanting to take
pock, and at the top of this Is a
-are of us. In spite of everything. It
whistle which acts directly the kettle
s because—because —I want to tnarry
boils by reason of the steam passing
I —marry somebody else and live as
through It.
leflts the Allen name
We can do
'. so long as he insists upon giving
r,t half his Income
"I hate to say ft of my sister's only
hlld but you are an Idiot! Yes, an
dlot!” Aunt Elisabeth said over her
boulder, marching toward the dsor
Margaret sighed with relief as It
' -hut behind her elder, g it up walked
o the window, and looked through
Ayer’s Hair Vigor was good, . limmlng eyes at the gay autumn
the best that was made. But ! world without. A good glad world.
he only one she kn*w yet she must
Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im­ . iult
It. go among strangers and make
proved formula, is better. It ter place. She had no fear nothing
is the one great specific for fail­ s so truly Invincible as Ignorance
.loreover, she had read, and credited
ing hair. A new preparation in
every way. New bottle. New 1 ally, popular fairy tales of young
who had found independence,
contents. Ask your druggist to women
-ven competence and trips abroad, by
show it to you, “the new kind.” I xerclse of such talents as cake mak
Doe» not change the color of the hair.
i ng. embroidery, even fine sewing
ind the knack of raising squabs
formula witfc
• Low it to your
>r broilers. She had mad" up her
■ nlnd. after explaining fully
Aik him about It,
| Thomajt. to ask the loan of a thou
than do aa he aaya
.and dollars—enough to start a chick
As we now make our new Hair Vigor it vn farm.
She knew she would get
does not have the slightest effect upon t for the asking—she thought she
th« color of the hair. You may use it •new further he would be glad to
freely and for any length of time with-
oot fear of changing the color. Stops Ive It outright. He had a con
deuce—had Thomas. She wished It
falling hair. Curea dandruff.
Hair Vig or
—M*4« bjUlt. C. Arar C,.. Lowell. Maae—
Bad for th« Boy«
During ■ «prlng tbund»r«t<»rm tn
Orange county. N Y . a flock of crows
numbarlug M -">«>'1 tho sama tree f«
■belter. It wu «truck by lightning
and 71» of the bird« killed.
ar» not more than a doaen crow« left
In the county, and what the boy« ar«
going to throw «ton«« al this «urn-
mar Is a pussle. They'll have to coax
tho crow« In front «ome other county
or giv« up the fun of pegging.
Important Question.
It la Idle I« fiaiue ouch a query a«
"Can ih« cook )•• a lady?" The real
question I» now and ever will be
"Can the lady cook?" Ht la»ula Fool-
l>la patch.
A I CH I O 1 pi„ 0IVE
0IM lint*,
c'bwmbet Us«a«rw
roRTLAMD oil
O«« INI)
I va ls-II«
Mil««« !*• I II
«mi i'u •* 111* •«
II v IU k I
Ait rm Aoviti
Write rw lafscMhs«
AnBAVRt •«<! Ch«»»!««»
hi*. iu*«n |>rl ««
Mil»«-« 1-
O«» 'i .AA"
»■•• • 4 tuli I si * * ••
(«»niti'i «H'l ru»i»ir« •*»»«•►
<•« i-vi!»«» N*l »••«•I iUuA.
H I..--I
f r
^lUnltnM *«»1
htrg« . f Histnrw ' "'t J - • a H«, Uni F y n- pa |
«.aliala A s4iai< a«4 Klsswnalary t>»
tanna is I
Mani«. Ar« •laaflUa* tjanMl«»
For ralal-'g a l If- I II I *«|<« f » Il M I’» IlKIK I
Offa .-M r «
Urlane Matt
Down Spout* Steel ( riling
/. C. /M> h.R
t'uftkinJ Otrpon
: t.Sl) foil I Al Al IK.I K
S E. Cor 13th an*l Washington Rt,
KA res 75< PER DAY UP
----- - -J
p- E ïlT Lfl l
Men’s E! k Skin
229 MflfTMM Si . l*i
hr»t «nA \r<oo^
FfftliiiA. Or.
409 ( p*nmontilth Bldg., Portland, Or.
J,r«H»p«»r! tv«« Nttplr* ’« writ«» f »r Inf<innt’in-
('!>••»> mix ! priYM*«- < lit • it.-.1 Ji ",g aftrti. ..
all |
luv alkia ar <1 oth«»rit •l«-'«irinM »1
trinJancr nhiMihl write fui nwriin I m tha (ÀMlrgr .>r
Greiner's Chiropractic Health Home
MATILDA M GRilNtft 0 C, SupenntenOtn!
775j W ill
Avenue, Po<tl<ind, Oregon
Trained nut«««. «kill«.I -i-pr,- !-» ».-I *h,-t«-*t
( h.i.,|>ra< tu mlvt.-« in < u*>«ultot t..n in rv«r> i.e*
N«»un>!4»*y !• th«* rhmelr •ufT«r*r,fl flur-
w»tf lo p«srrnin«»nt h> alth.
Itheiiniiti-ni St<>n>ie h. H*>w«*lf I.ivrr in«l
Kklnry 'I'rnul>l«>i and all < h roti Ir. n«»rv<nifl
und «*ye di•<•!«■*—• yl«*ld r> R>lily t«i thm Twm-
tieth < «ntury rn*th«RÌ. No ilrugd, op*ra-
tli ti'* «>r Ì n -I«. 'I tfAiinrn! ut urti*-« ur mjf
l>riYMt«> •anitarium. Srtwi f«»r n» w N>»»ri«*t,
N«*urolo|fy. th* Way tu Health, aiul g*?t
Men bents* Trust Bldg., Portland.
C. Gee Wo
The Chinest Doctor
Thi, wondsful m,n ha,
mad, a lifaxtudy of the
l>r<>|>rrttM of lloota.
Iter'., and Hark«, ami
1« «Ivin« th« world the
L«n«tH uf hie aarvlce«.
No Mercury. Poltoo,
or brugo litad, No
Oparallon, or < utile»
Guarantor, t.i rt.ra <1»torrk. At'hma. Long,
*Ooma- h and K
troubl«», and aU l'ovato
Juat roertvad Prkin. China .afa. aura
and reliable. II. falling in Ito worka.
If you cannot rad. writ, for aynipt-an blank
and circular. Incloaa 4 cento In «lampi*.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.