SAVING EWE LAMBS FOB FÜTURE BREEDING Su«*« e bn»:. 11 n «.bam Vindu at »»r. < »re* li am t ¿**r«»t t«*. la-t M ul’ mu Muli, mah K« »‘»»ni and MoiiUvilhi llcrahl. h I H » al »»• !vge. Stlllu nter. Okla., an Inter vMiiu evpemieiit iii *hevp br»«sling is I h ' uiu u»»ndu. t»»l under the su|»vivhdon »»f Professor l.lnklatvr Three tl«'< ks 7.S,* SUISCUTTlO» HATES I’» r Y< >«• I! v . 4 »« to t Phr»*«* inci ' h* Irin’ Mib»« r pt ioti* . * hu *'« > p • * * . ' itnr «. f’ <’.x M.»n(h* \*.% h»r »'hibbing rat»»* <£«ir!IWCF$ * - I ’•'• ' ’ t l \ F\ rd *s . • ) statt'.. > M«»nc\ »V tvr. R c ** Stat.' ;»-* .««> • j < 4 up t«» . v't* BfCflPTl’ »r »tth.« rip'.mv* an : ut *«•»! .: .«■" «_ j >••*»(»*.t will inili ‘al«’ the rvcvq’t ul your militia«« li it I«»«** •'<*( p'.» MSCMTNMMCtt U >*»’» **’ >• 't w«*h y.»ur , ur •ubs« ’ ipti« ti < \ pi - arcordancv * ith .»or T»r v\perin*<*iit station of th»* Oklahoma \grnii tutal and M«< haul Publish«*! Ev«*r> Fridax at orol .in.. i • e., b\ tbe B ekvkk S tktk I' vhiimhim . l'«» Il \ DARNALI . F ditvk wd M ivu . kh . J I < u< r or «’I««*« k 'ii*;*rnu «»f ti \ h'lMs. iw«*nt\ th«» Shi«»p*!iire* and twenty live belalii«»- Merm * • i s|»«*ut it «•’\ hoa»l< »1 by highly bred rams, hat* la»«n puivhas«*»| for the purp«»*e »»I iutvrbrt» - »»•• i mi titilli t hi* '«•Hi Hi «II. IMI» .*1 »»N 1 «*l- N I l W»«H|I I I 11 - I l\M KI|t»\ • 111■«('11111 ni in itloiis »»III in» tllM‘1* *»l) i» t(» Ui>n|» Ini r»,llH. Min U» Hi tfi |n Ini I • • .III» il» (li »Il «« ni li« Itil 5» I ! -Ili*» '*n H‘l |>lililHh«*4 Ini II»« I Itali | | « ••III«» ' »»sii in M<|yaii»’«' i \» • pi lo ir«iiili»i H»K»'iti*» i» \\ Wil SANDY, ORE. Pealer- \ widow s.i\ s hiKhiiml* nr«» Ilk«» nil I »luobll»*»* you tin* apt I«» ii * h » one up I ariiing lx»w to run him *~» \ I I I ■ « »I / ’Ttu* smarties’ mi ion » hi «’tulli must b<‘ to len» h »»tilers *»‘lf » »»litro! I« CMAAGF OF 400IFSS last Mill I'rx «••* S|a<*hll u* RITES (nut - > ■ - 1 *•* ti F o' Ti \K’F * till D h k <>hl * « 11 r in. n ' NMOraKRTS *r<‘ nei|*hlx»rh«»«»4. y«vi ar of SANDY : IN\ l:STI(iATI l*< Hi S \ I b’ ha» m / I mobil«« w ill •*» II mt tin«» |{»*Mi«l«*m »», S«»«*11 ai I it •*, » til«* I-, i-i I \ Hm • t«. ».’!>, I’t >t t la It'I ««»nt nue i i lir< '-..| LUMBER I » W.W TI I* Boy* imi\ In» luid an i * >iu»»tim«>M girl*» Th«’ ol»ler «»nea d • •idiniuy wiig«»N timi «itbur** t<» !■«• N»'li>H»h*«| aliti re reti b»r m return l«»t tight M’tvui*H ruiidt*red. F»»r parti» u liis a»ldr»H*« W I' (ittt«ln«*i -up«iin ti'lldent H ovm albi Girl* \ld <»! i‘n*gon, Portland, Ore. tl »he <*» m »I. bn hl •Inya v..;. ’ mad«* ' foi loot w«*t« kib»ws lhej w «*rv III Iciiiimg \ i i danc«‘4, eonevrt* th» * in older <0 v nur» ThU’^l.« r«’ Ait . ,00 NHITftS .« « n ' v far/l« ••«’ nr •* ♦ è ♦ è : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ è è ♦ i è Lotiiprtny ♦A »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦veeee 4M 14 DS 41 I .»IS JUNCION Ur Pioneers are interested in the purchase of ten acres adjoini .g the site of the pioneer monument at Champoeg to add to the three acres already held there, making a state park. A fund will be raised for the purpose by sub­ scription and the Legislature will be asked at the next session to repay the money advanced. »w 1* Any raise in magazine rales U a prue mUllp. will undoubtedly result in a raise in the price of the magazine. A raise in the price will result in a li .-«is decrease m the number of sub­ scriptions. There are bad mag­ ‘ininent I r pieliti» a- ; azines as well as g'H>d but we muih»u : und fall dr<»ppi , it is Imp«*« must admit that the placing of that a er« *s with th«* «»ilu*r iw»» siram «I the average magazine in the will pro»luf fall lamb* to hit th«* carl.x in Portland during the past week close touch with a good library, spring marke ts Hit* oiitviuue *»f Ih»**»* when the Y. M. C. A. distribut­ it enables the majority of the experiments will I h * wnt(*hod with in ed prizes to school boys who people to keep informed on the terest by sto kmen. as the f irm beep k gaining in popularity over the whole grew vegetables on back lots. course of events as no other I southwest and is* prov ing a money An exhibit of the prize veget­ means could and so ensures the maker ables was ipade and the compe­ development of the nation, A Dehorning Dairy Animal,. tition created a great deal of in­ man who avails himself of the Dehorning is now s>. uni. ers illv terest. About 250 school chil­ opportunities offered today for pr.u tiv«l that i ^r.i le lienl with horns dren entered and the showing the intellectual broadening af- 'on Is seldom seen in this country. Many pure bred herds are now de was a creditable one. forded by the average magazine horned, and I am sure the time is not far distant when all will be. writes a Children cf School District No. is getting an academic education: correspondent of the Iiomestead I if he reads the best he gets a knew for jears ts-fore 1 did come to It 112, near Hermiston, will be giv­ I oimht to dehorn my held, but In en practical instruction in agri­ university training. How then that P.««r and r«'l I had my Irest euta and will the country improve condi ­ culture, taxpayers of the district another k > hh 1 one rnimsl by belug having voted a special tax to buy tions by removing the means for gored in the udder, so In the spring of l'.srj | dehorned the whole herd. Using a tract of land lying near the attaining these ends. Raising the clippers If 1 had It to do .ver magazine rates and cutting let ­ school grounds that will be used again 1 would by all means use the as a farm. Competent instruct­ ter postage will not improve con­ saw for old animals, as mil. h less results Since that time I ors in agriculture will be secured ditions. If it is not worth 2 cents bleeding have dehorned the calves when from to send a letter of a private na ­ and all the work of plowing, one to four weeks old. using eaustl. soda <>r eaii'tl. |<.ol‘eer ¡round for the same service, and there is no reason why that rate is not double what it is worth. One fourth cent per pound for 500 miles would be about the same as 1 cent a pound for 2000 miles, which is far over the average haul for any or all j the publications in the country. MILLE. -MUWHEÍ LUMBER C ¡rf\ ii’ir rates need ad. ..-tin« !'. . i*» a ir»-»* applicati"!! of < haml- rlain - Liniment. For -ale tiy all iruggists Sunset Magazine for .July vacation time at Lo*» Angeles Begehe-. The (’ali of the Cool Breeze by Peter B. Kyne. B •a’itifiill v illustrateli in four color», >pell. by C N. >N A. M. W ilI- The I '4 nt ing- Fisf.ii. g-Motor i ng-Hi - on sale ail news st nds. r f«»r prev«»titioii <»f the soil should be to prevent farmers who ,.ui *tbe agricultural pa- nining the |»»»!> anti arid and sellitm it r«»p««r return to th»* nnrn your watch o UuLÒ KEEP TIME ! W ho tnlkr«i aw «y «bout hi*. Kid With Hilf: .:.«•;«■ UlHblKIO" I h a *« 141 As any in a Curvst ni.l But vtiln <>»•• <»t tny own on hand Ills anule* 4 »an Ubdrrbtand 1 own he i\f.iri»d rn** « t»Jt Hvlntlng Mayings nruart ami t>rlght, •» 1 listen with a Mtrange Hrilght. Anti for un ..¡ «ne g i «y «ir One on my baby tu r«-lat« I »(»oc him hair a block away Ami wait Ida coming \vuh«»ul f.«, ir. I know about what hr will ray. Ami it In what I want to n»*ar. Atui he will have to lt«t»*n My kl»ih*t talk to Oral'i lt givi»« to lif«- « different twi-t When you a w•*♦• urie hnvr to hold ì • ri . i' 1 t Of childtah stori* m n»«w «n.i old. The while you w.«it a u/ianc«* to get A f«*w ones ir» about yutir j»«*t Ye». <»n the whol«*. you like to kt« >w The father of a baby bright Who pour» on vuu the overflow of baby doings day and night. But he must fairly play the game— Half time tor him. for you tt»w same. Doing Thtm a Kmdne», “Ilo you belong to inany of tbe <'ol- lego fraterni!les? ' "I am a memher of th»* Society l’<>r thè l’revetitlon of < nmlty to Pro- fessors " "That sonmls gissi \ <»11 Work lt?" "l’.y sti.ving nway frotn cfasses, ttiey wlll Hot be llltmili.'ltlsl l>y f.illtires.'* '• i’, an*i then voti'U ii.l'nt think of iia «bol» in ' 3Hxl 16 Fi»R engine > \l I I I t r Stover t»’»l. It L»t. for *al«* in l ’«‘»Irti ville*, on »* mmv terina II W **nM»»h«l|. l'l«*a**Mnt \’irw Av«nm*, Gn^luin, Rmitr . I \ I I I A X I » » 1 I Fred I). Flora • 1 M irrison st I'oit l 1 1 X I» oKFtiON I .••ear I'ap'» Restaurant JONSIWl) I5K0S. *-. 'Ht \ Y I P UK -I' >1 I \ I nth« mar«*, | h » i »> weight. I»**tw»*«*ri *««*\rn mix ! «•iglil h«liHÌrr«l | m »« iii .|» bip h ith mi ». h«>r MliM|»»*«l h* tier ur*»«••• w i-e. l iltera1 r»- wä »«L Noilly • » N >Hger, Phone « »rrw h m ru, ( >r«* IAMBI R— U <»ur new mill I *4 mile» sollth»*H*! *»t K»*I m «». W »• »leliver hlinkr. Jonerud Br»»e. (• B< »RING < )REG()N rtlnfU il 1 Mill t 1 « tilth « '<>uthi-«»t lit hri»<» CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOULDINGS TURNED WORK I.I MBI-R $6 AND UR • «’<• •' • <■! I”’’ t • it I uul>. r on lifii'l Ko igb an '• I t --»- i lumber hu all ¡>ur|gMir« ---------- T" ■ 1 JOHN R. •rnr.I. r t.» J» NMRI* h HK» »M. Horlng K ! » J A I IORXI » SOIAR\ >’7 Failing H : hl.’.w <■ WELLS DUG! Concreted or Bricked. J. M. Sil OR I . M I). S. P. BI I I NLR. M. I). ♦41 s Waning W »y. “'Th»* woiiivi» all like liiin ’’ “V»’M.” “I w »»n«|»-r w by ?” “Ib* ;|IW j ’.< «’144 12»*'» tlh*IH 11» ail itr giiin«*nr.” •Why Is that?“ “Ami lets them win.” Pumps liist.-illcd. John I. Dyer Fh vsicians-Xuf grona Oreg.» GrMhim. w i «» tí il. >1. » Oil Phone*» I abor 2 i*>S BRO I III RS I » r* **li um, form. II» me .1121 I ent**. Oregon. Let in print you some HAND BILLS ADVERTISE Will I >r«*g< »I /est Hr. Hess min.I DON’T MOVE OUT Business U ?il II h IM Nil a p H kt’i •rs throwi Am. ’**«•«» *•«* OIMIsl s Hog Notes. and temper. But it- hard f..r a woman Regularity in l»»k»sl and a wretcheii corn pie v<>n. But Flee trie Bitters always prove a god-end to in th»* growing of pigs and the fatten ing of h»»gs Is pun* clean water for women who want health, fs-auty and them to drink. t-iiuid- They- regulate ’’tomaiih. Liver One sibc»*ssful ferd»T always giv«*s and Kidneys, purify the bjrssl; give his hog* all the < b an wan*r they will s’rong nerve-, bright eyes, pure br<-ath. drink l»efore he gives them their grain a nrsith, velvety skin, lovely complexion ration. and [s-rfeet health. Try them, ." ho - at Constipation is very rare in a herd nf fattening hogs Chat have all th»; at. tiresham druggists. »•lean water th»*y will drink Pure air. pur»* water, dean fo»»d and a dean ¡»la»*»* to sh*»*p make hogs prof- Ita hie. And »I: > \ I l The D. He. once That It Make». I A Charming Y\ oman is one "ho i- lovely in (aiv. ♦♦♦ I (MC - \i Kan . 11..« •K- ml Kiisiini-' fellow»» up hi the Boom The Dairy Barn. The cow*, burn, milkman, milk hou-»* and >»*p ir:itor all must b«* rl«*an for !>»»st r»**ulfs. Tnke. for liiMtim»-«*. th»* barn in w hi« li the cowm nr«* kept If it is all»>w«*d to b«*coim* »lirty and f 'ill <»f f"Ul *m«*iling »»dors ami manur«* allowed to av<*umulat»» in it for w»*«*ks at <) lliif* it would I m * n«*xt to impos sibh* to handle milk in xuoh :i barn without bringing it In ronhi<*t with lh»m am!.* of limb irabl»* bm t»*ria. as It I* In hit ay. foul phi<*<* that ba< t«*rl« thrive ami arcumulat»* by th»» millions. She'ter For Hogs. A t«*ry ¡ni|x»rt:nit matter in Huccess- fi|| swine growing is good -belter, for. while other aiiimah on the farm may apparently b<* <<»nt«*nt to r»*main out In th«* » <»I<1 ami rain, th«* hog hi vari abl.i -«•l»*i is a ni<*»- warm, dry piar»* ><» f»»r th»* go.wl of this animal do not go eontrary to his riattilo ami eomp»*l him to exfw )‘j* himself to th«* ♦•l»»im*nts. but provid** ! for him a comfortable. warm and dry b«s|. Gentler«« With Stock Pays It Is n irreiit pleMMur»* tn have non»* but gentMtfM'k on a place. A cross s»»w or Is a niiisan» »* br«d.. C. .11 1*01)11 RY <>\ >. KI-H\M. PRINTING f>rifit know that sou <•<> IA h*t» Hti-p'i .4 all U iud- "I llsgg:igf. tu Saudi arid ititeri a p iuts furili.a Irili.ruiafltiii |.tuiri.-ur a riti- day In Il I- to maki' your hens lav, to iiiakr ' "ir I Inek.-ns grow fast, healthv and strong, to cure girfies, cholera and rotiti LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER NOW Iirsf-(l»ls to underw rlt»* your < argo. IRIAI < n: I < .< >\ To tfet otir estimate on J (J B PAN A-( f A I . I Boring, tiitXAlK | , Prop. . . Oregon SCOTT DRUG CO. I .«‘lit I »regoli HERALD BARGAIN OFFERS Itenver St.ite llcrnld und other pzipers Th.' price o( The ll.Tnl'l nlotie is $1 ll J'-lir, but to t|i"-e H,,.. Wollld like ths ndi.mtiige of I, clubbing nite with other pspers prices : We offer the (oilowing low R.mrmLr thrvr ,irr the lowrit K.itrs i\s talk nf g’WMl heart PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS No Question About It. *‘.Xev< r ask a wormin how old she H.“ ”No?” “No; just n . »*ff how young she is.“ Complete Stock of Marble and Granite MONUMENTS Bringing It Home. To listen to Hu mo< king bird You need ru»f m < < k th<* sylvan wood; His pl.ilnflv» |.h*i 2.75 I'A II.Y su.I st N h I V J< Il KN I 4 ••»» I' I' I r li Ml INTIII. Y DO i I'M IH< llnMKM-1 I 111 - I'Al II I' I m Mi ll 1.7’» I Oh H’’'! I in. .litli 11, j ,i •” ' I' ' ' ' 'N 1. i: i. i ' f- ■ — I m <5 » 1I1M Int'KN M.. 1 yr» an.I Ster.'l. I Ml Mii'.ll l.'H MAinZ.INK (, ) it« JA