Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, June 30, 1911, Image 1

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The pri-paratioi.« now under «ay to
gite th*- l»-»t i-vi.d.ration vii-r yet -• i-n at
Grv»ha.ii are getting well along toward»
i-oiiiplvtioii. \ full program of the day'»
priM-vnling» will I«- found l»-h>w and it
will I»* found to I.- the iii .* i*
11 st of i-ivnt» ever -Low 11 ill tin» part of
thv country The only Lad fviiturv Ih
tin- program will I»- the lui-k of mi ora­
tor of tla- day bill that ha» I»•••11 provid­
ed tor in th. «Iia|« "I .1 g. « « I > li-.ptioii
i«t who will n-ad »*vvral •eli» tion» and
there will la- »vivrai tini«nal
and other feature» that will Ink«- I
piai»' >>f the oration S|»»-ial rat«-* m
I»- Iliade over tin- railroad« and II»- tit
IJ.M-f r<>wd will half* a ». la-dull* 0'11 that
w ill pro, id.- plenty ■« ri I.. I» twi. I. I < re
and Monta ilia and Portland Program »«
|*K< m »RA.M
1‘arad' , licM«ied by mounted
mar'*hul*» and band.
First di% i - ‘»n Bu*ia« ** men'll
float*, IrafiThal *•*-»etiP«*, <*U
S«« »»nd div
25 «leeoratrd
nut«** nn«i turnout
Thir«l div i-ion < ’<>tni<- Floats
< ‘alithumpian
et» .
11 < mi a in —B.itri’Ui« iniisn- «nd rr< it*
ti««i •
>ong* 1«) « b»r i* S<4ertionn
by Elocutionist
Ball gnti)«-* i»r«-*bain
’ vu
Puri* f25.i»».
t Earn ing m pavilion
12 “0 in
P)« ni« dinner in grove ’ »pen
mg of n< w h'»t«*l.
1 «•’ p. n> ' -Eqn’iiing of <»r«'«hnni liner
nido \niuM-iiiriit l’hib'snnw
ludi nule rate trai k <»n Fair
t i munti»
First ‘‘A “ Troitingvvent by
»otiie of i iregon » iiiiint (ani
o'I» pri/.e wiimilig t totters
I ne or mori- to enti r [¡iv
W .10
the T ihi I ht aii‘1 NI'Hir l aw ” at Mil’ll
value IM» might Is* fixed by Npprai-ement
and that, pursuant to «meh appli« atlon,
Ih«- laii'l and L iid I mt thereon have I m « n
apprai* d. the timlwr • -liinal' d 70«»,ism
lf»iir'l f««-t al .'HiicniH per M, and the
land ***GiN), that *aid applicant will
offer filial proof in *up|»ort of hi* apple a
tmii and •'Worn Matemrni on the 12th
day of JM’ptrnilier, 1911, I m * for«« the Reg-
i-trr aii'l l<«'«eivcr «»f the I lilted "Mat*••
I and '>lhcc, nt Portland, Oregon.
Any |M»r»M«n i* al lila-rty to pr«»t««»t thi*
purclm**- I m for«* entry, or initiate a con
tr«t nt any time Itcforr patent immi « *, by
filing a i-orr«»lw»ratc«l affidavit in thia
«•llm , alleging tad- wlml.
the entry
II F lligby,
VMn» I ight I or I Ife.
It wa" a loiig and I i I imm I) Laltle for hfe
tliat wa» wap«l Ly .1 Jam«- B. Mrr-hon
of New ark. N. J., of which hr write*:
' * l liad lo»l mueh I»|. h «I from hing hem-
ak and run*
orrhagi ». and »»■ \« ry
dow n. For eight months I ua* nimbi«*
lo Work
l>ealh Mi-iiHtl «11 mm on my
lieel», w hen I la-gaii. thr«** «•■••k* Mg<«, t*»
il»r l'r King’s l>i«M*ovrry. But it ha­
hel|H-d gn-atl)
i» < doing all tlial y<*u
i lamí '
For weak
w«*ak, , »or*- Imig». olaui-
natc coiigh» »tublairn
-liihlMirn i o|d». hoarsi'ii«-"»,
la gnpi»-. a-thma.
astifina, hay-fexi-r or auy
throat or lung trmibl«- it» -u|>rvine. •’«»•
and *1 <«l. Trini l»'ttL- ín«-. tillaran-
tied Ly tirvaham druggist»
Kidneys and Mot drool.
Tak<- three ounet-a of macaroni, two
ill re«* she.-|»»'
sheeps' kidneys, some good
nr three
gravy, pepper, salt, chep|»»t »hrrlis snd
grate.! ch<-i »v
Break thv macaroni into short piece»
and cook in snltnl water till nearly
tender Nlice thv kidney» and to»»
thi in in a little dripping, with pepper,
»»It and »oine »met herbs, «tew the
kidneys wry »lowly in g<»»l gravy, tlo-n
arrange on a hot dish with tin- macar­
oni «•i-atter grated chev»v over and
brown in the oven. Nati'innl t.range
». ,-ond l'ai'iiilt ex • ut
. -r more tu «'liti r 4lo*1 puna* UHI N DADDY WAS A III 111 BOY
Third "li.” 1 r< >11 mg C\ I’ll!
Ih Bi m s m . x .
Fi ve or more Y I • ■ I ptir-e
»a« u little boy
foiirlh—Boy -
\II thr little Isivs werr good ;
IS y «’an»
Fri«* (<*r all
|M»unds \nd did just what their nurse-
or under, w. i|
\nd their parent» »aid they should;
or iindiT l'uri«- flft
aoiiiftiiiiea, when I'm naughty,
l’iftli—li" yar I iiiiateiir foot
ll<- Ink«-» rm- on In» km,*
race». Valuabl«- prize.«
Sitili - Amateur
How good he n««*d to 1»
riievn t'ne niile» lo tiinw*
never atole a cherry tart,
pa«t ti»- gratulatami. F2o and
or hid in pa«»agvway
Srvcnth «vmi Pro auto rm*— To "lioo” al Jan.- a» «lie came by
With dishes on a tray ;
III nule 2o tinte- paat thè
Hr never once put currant jam
grand stand
l’rizr» f !<■'
Where grandma'd prob’ly ait,
I « lebratioti iindei nu»pice« of Multilo
mah Grange I air A«m» ¡alimi oli (sir \nd when lie fell and hurt himself
I le never cried a bit.
He didn't pipch Aunt ky'» leg«
When going up tin- -lairs,
lie never told poor little Tt«l
Hi« bed was full of la>ara,
< PubliMlwr I (i2t’»N ’
lie m ver kicked good Mary Ann
I>« pnrtim*nt <»f th«- Interior, I . S. Land
< >r hit her with a spade;
Office at Portlan«l, On*g«»n. .him* 24. I9||.
guess perliapa my daddy war
Noth-«* i- hrrvby given that John ll«»y
The best l»>v ever made.
lam«* \V«*«t. who«* poMt-offi«’«* H’l’lns* ii-
r»3o Ihivi« St.. Portland, Oregon, «lid, on
Tin* woman of txxlay who haa g< »I MI
th«* l*t «lay of July. 11'10.
P»IO. Ilk* in thia
ollie«* Sworn Statenuuit and Application. health, g«**! tetn|**r, giaal m * iim *, bright
No. U'JtWfl, lo piiri-hase thè »*y «wufi <•>»•* and a lovely complexion, the result
Sei-tion 2 and »’» -e1,. sedioli 3, Tow n j of corn*« I living and go»*l «ligeatiiin, wins
If your
»hip I North, Bangi' ii Eaet. Willamvttv the admiration of the world
Meridian, unii tilt- timlier thercon, un digestion i« faulty ( ’Iuimlwrhtin*s Stom-
ifiT thè prox i-ion» of thè ad of Jmie.'l, ach and Liver Tablets will r«»rret it. l or
187*<, and ad- iimenilatory. known u» «ale by nil druggist.-.
And the money goes up in smoke the Fourth of July.
It is good to celebrate the independence won for you by the
brave patriots of *76.
But are you sure you are independent? How about the
pocketbook? Are you provided for What Will Happen and
What Might Happen?
What of the money that goes up in smoke on other days
than the Glorious Fourth. You are sure to need it later.
Declare your own Independence on this Fourth of July.
Start a bank account now.
A Little Dollar Starts a Big Bank Account
I F1 Hl
Vol. 9.
Subscription, $ 1 (X) a Year.
-M.* M I l/M
X -. K
To get here they travel <nore than half-
*ay around the worhl, pay •» |»er «ent
duly and th»« a’/rnt’s cornrrfi»*i«»n. y» t I
get then» fur I J le-n than th«- Ohio]
price ”
“That im tl»»' kind of pr«>t«< ?ion the
Ohio farmer votes hiinnelf ”
“Owing to our rapid growth the *tatr
work* could not build loc’unolive* fa-t
rnoiigfi. Twenty were Exjught in Arner-
i«'a and twenty m England, all made
aitar Victorian <lr*ign. Thr American
engine* are cheaper than the Bniinh by
l,’> [a-r <<-nt. Why then ahould the
Baldwin work» I* protected’.”'
The preparati«»u« that have ls«rn under
way for «'Veral w«M-k* t«» give '•andy a
velebralion thi- year th»* « qual if noi the
su|M*rior «»I any in the country h< real Milit­
ar« al up »-t c««mpletv<l. Only one tiling
will prevent tl««- «lay Iwing ahemi <»f any
thing thi* part of thè w « xm I» ha« ever
MN-i), namely, th»« w»ath»«r. iJrapitc the
appro« i.ition ni thr fine rain* we have
live ii having fi»r «orne time every«m« is
hoping lor a fin« daf on th«- I »urth
Spked (rab Apples.
committw ha* ta*rn busy for **»im- tiim*
W im I i th»* crab apple*, cut out tte
ge tting IIi«* grov ready and pn paring
bi<»MM,tii end with a Mirer knife To
th«* platform« ami making r«ady in gen
four pound* of frur tak»* two pound* of
«•ral f«»r th«- orca*i<«n. The program of
' niigir, one pint of vinegar, one h-aping
th«* «lay will pr*»vi«l«* f«»r a lot «•( M|M»rta,
teaspoon each of broken «tick cinnamon,
•qM-erl,« -. and pi« iit) (,f r«’fn>'hyp’litj*.
cawHia bud« an«l whole all-spice, add
Ik- «un* to I«- on hau«l for th«- para«!«-
one «cant tab|e«i>oon whole clove«.
. . .
. . .
w hirh w ill »tart at 9 kJ. proceeding D»i
I )<• tiie Mpicvp in a thin bag and lx>il
Meinig « Park. M --* Ang’ lim- Canning
I 1 with vinegar and *ugar five niir utee.
will r«'a«l the ih'tlaralion of ¡nd«*|s*i..
I ! Skim, then a«id the apple* and simmer
« tu « and ll'«n <««■•«. < ¡»row md! w ill <b
slowly until tender, which will take
Il ver th«• <frat ion of thv «lay Thru will
from I” to 15 minute*. Skim out the
«•on»«* «hiimr. Th«« CurriiiM ill«* fi ft* ■••11
apples, putting them in a large l>owl or
pi»*«-»* Bra«« Baml will furni«h th«* rnilsic
jar. Boil the *vrup five minuter* longer
\ftrr «litui« r then will I*« Imns* ran*»,
and pour over the fruit, Next day
|M»ny race*, f«*»t rate*, an«! all «ort» of
drain off the syrup, heat to the boiling
ra«-»** ami matrlH's for which lila-ral
point ami ¡»our again over the apple«,
Tiie [ample
pn/4** will I»* "tf«'n*«l Tin*
l>o tins for the next two day a, then
!■• umler th«* protection of the lieritT •
Ixdtle ami tcai whdv hot.
office, atei Mik« M«< »rinack will a«t a*
officer of tin-«lay. ¡•'verylssly go»** ear­ I
Notice i» hereby given t«> all whom it
ly, ha« a g’H*l time, ai»«l stays while t!»-
may concern that tie M mt llo*«l Rail­
fun la*t -
way Power Company 1» aliout to pay to
L'. II. Hapgood the balance due from
said Company to said Ilapgis«! on ac­
C R. Keller ha» «ui-e<«-.le.i in seeuring count of grading of crossings perform<*d
I Is naine» t<> thv < barter lint for the new by said llapg.««l unJi-r 1 ontrai t with the
L»l|{v to I»- <--tal'li«iiv.l nt I’owvll Valley -aid Company in the con-trui-tiou of it«
a» n »ul- -r-liuali 1 tin \invncan Society railroad, and any and all i»-r~-n« having
.■I l-.quity. All have |.ai<i their initiation a claim or claims again-t »aid llapgood
ft»- which lias l«»-n .|e|H.-iteif in one of which I'on-tiiiit«-« a lien again«t «aid
thv ' in-*ham bank« Mr. Kdlvr propos­ milroa<i or prrqierty "f the said Company
es, after tin- organization i« |» tíi -. te.l at in- hi-n-by notitiwl an.l required to pn-»-
Ik.w. 11 \ all.-y. tn form another at Rock- vnt the -an»- tn said <'onipany at it« oilier
w>«»l an<l l'l.-a»ant \ alley anil |«-rlinp" in tlie Lewis Budding, in the City of
nt other plaii- They will all work to- Portland. Oregon, on <-r lieforv thv 24th
iri-thvr in prom-'tinir the intvr<-*t» <>f the day of June. lull.
niellila r- in the nah* of prislucr by c»- «Ml i ll KI KRU kCHANCI I ginean
tabli»liing h t>u«iin--“ ivtiter in I’ortlanil
By W P BRI R1 T1 W M m
National t du« ational Association
The Mumu 11 (»« m | Kailway i*1 building
San I rani isco. July 8-14
uaitmg n*oiim at •verni of the im»«t im-
For parties desiring to attend the altove
portant «*ro«wing-. \f Cra-weir* .Tunc-
meeting a »pecial round trip rate of one
tion will !*• !’*‘\4 d fort. A* that pla<e
and one-tliinl fare ba- I»« n made by the
Revins t<> la* dotinvd f<»r Eh«* branch to
thr |»owrr hotiw at Bull Kun the com- Southern Pacific Company, from all
pany i.* pn paring for tnorv bu-ine.«- there l»iint« on its line- in < 'regon. Ticketson
than at «»ther ¡»oint- Thr «*tation* an* «ale June I. I". 2ti. I’1. July 2to « incl’.i»-
i ive. with going limit July lu and final
ail lieing built al »ont 209 h*vt from the
road rrosMiig?» ao a- to allow «pare for retiirn limit SeptemlsT l‘>. l'’ll
I overs allowed within limit.
aidings when nrrd«*«l. Mont of them will
For more detail««! information,
he II) rvadin«*-« by thv time regular traffic
etc., commit any ks-al agent.
ia l*rgun l»etwrvn Port la nd and Bull Kun.
. —------------ —
Semi-Weekly Journal Clubbing Offer.
Regular «2.50 price, both Herald and
A conference of the Washington Mis Journal, 12. IX*.
-ion District of the German Evangelical
Myiii»l of North \meru-a i« Iwing held in
Gn -ham beginning last Tlnir»day The
Di-trii-t i-ompri-«- Washington. Itrvgou
and Idaho. There will !»• about tifti-en
delegate». The work is new in this dis­
trict having lievti -tarted only a few year-
ago. Rev. F. II. Freund is pn-sident.
Beginning Tlmr-day at 10 a. nt., there
w ill I»-»«•»«ion» fori'niHUi and afternoon
and lunch ut noon. Tin* cottferetuv will
clone Sunday. A picnic will I h - held on
Monday when t i«itors will I h * taken for
a driie out through ea-tern Miiltnoman.
The H«*nice« will I h - in German. All are
Thiir-dav. lit a m. Rev. E. G lie«*»»
of Portland w ill preach.
2 p. m.. Bu.ine— «ennion—Pre-ident «
n-|H>rt ; a««ignment of eomiuittce.
Friday. '’H in.. Report.« of cominillo,-»
2 p. m.. Volimi l'eople « Work Sun­
day wehiHil«.
2 p. m . Memorial »ervii-e«
Sunday. 10 a. m., Sunday school.
S| h -<- ìh I »ervie«*. at II
S-rmoti by Rev.
A. U’litwein of Seattle. Communion.
2 p. m.. Addn‘«se» by Rev. F. Opper­
mann of Spokane and Rev. E >eeger of
Seattle and others. Cloning service.
l'nion servite at M F. church at s p
An American who ha» settl«*«l in the
Australian province of Victoria, a man
of high rank in the engineering profes­
sion, send« an item of information
which ought to interest American vot­
ers. It is a- follows:
"The iiii»|>enknl>le fraud an«l raseal*
ity of the tariff shows more plainly here
(in Australia I than at hottie. I Ixmght
some hay making tools last week They
are manufactured at Springfield, Ohio.
<«r»-ham poxtotfire moved into its
pr«M-nt quarters in (JctoTier
Starting < k.’txdier I,
with ¡47 Da k
¡x»xe-. Quarter ending Ilecvmljer 31,
lis»9, l>oxe- rented !<»7, quarter ending
Ia*<vL'dxT I’dO, I m » xw < H'nted 127, quar-
u r ending Jum- 1‘Jl 1. boxr- rente«» ¡47.
arid <»tl»vr- wanted, 42 ¡joxen hav»* been
added to the p. O. cabinet ami thi« Ur-
mg U»e first of tin- quarter, it i- a g«>od
time to rent one. Thi« enables yon to
g» t your mail on holiday« and Sunday4*
any time «luring the day. We will soon
haw Sunday rlosing at <rr»*«hain. which
tm an- the window* rl<»*4-d, but mail put
in the ¡ h » xi *> ami general delivery but
no mail handl'd out of g» n«'ral deiivery
or carrier window.
No. 25
enforce such an onler if they tried,
Only competition ran do that. Gen­
nine competition ia not to ita had by
forcing a corporation or a combination
of corporation* to diaaolva.
Ender free trade combi nation* could
do the consumer no harm for they
would to subject to competition from
abroad. This competition would force
them to give consumers the benefit of
economy in production on a large scale.
They might in fart be then classified as
labor savings machine*.
It is inexcusable waste of time and
effort to prosecute trusts and individ­
uals connected with them, no matter
what the result of such prosecution
may be, while the protective tariff is
I permitted to exist and to carry out the
purpose of its framers which is simply
to k»-ep prices excessively high.
The <.r»--ham poBlotfice will be open on
July 4 from > to ««. Tlie lobby will clone
at noon. There will lie no .ivliverie* on
the routes.
During the congreMional il< *.«te, <>n
the Arizona cunntitution one of the
Lndaimed Letters
favorite unfair tm-thocl» of the tory
The following letter, remain uncalled
snle wa« to quote the writing, of Wood­
row Wiluon. Until a year ago Gover- for at the Gresham postoffice for the
nor Wilson wa» an opponent of the in­ weekending June 24, lull:
< rentlemen:
itiative, referendum and recall, and
»as considered by many a reactionary. Kane Olney, Wilford A. McCoy.
Dead Letters: Chas. B. Stewart.
His writings during that period natur­
Cards: Rudalph McLane, Condon
ally reflect the views he then held.
Tory Igmocrats like Littleton of New McLane, Dee McLane, Avon Sunteren,
York and tory republicans like Oltn- - Lloyd Swain. Mrs. Gladys McLana.
These letters will be sent to the Dead
stead of Pennsylvania quoted from
these writings although both knew Letter Office on July », 1911. if not de­
quite well that Governor Wilson has livered before. In calling for the above,
since acknowledged these views to l>e please eav "advertised,” giving date of
erroneous. He is now an advocate of list.
the initiative and referendum and ha-
frequentlv so expressed himself. His
latest was an address at Bayonne. New
Jersey, where he urged the people to
Rockwood (»range will begin the cele­
adopt the commission form of govern­ bration thi* year with a big patriotic
ment with the initiative, referendum «lance on Saturday evening, July 1.
and recall. Among other things he Pardon* orchestra will be there and
I have t>een preaching that the the usual Grange supper will he given.
initiative, the referendum and the recall Tickets *1.00.
would not work. And the deuce of ii
is. that thev do.”
A Dreadful Wound
from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail,
fireworks, or of any other nature, de­
Conqress and the Trusts.
mands prompt tn-atnient with Bucklen’s
Congre»« enact, law« to enable man­ Arnica -alve to prevent bliss! poison or
ufacturer. tn charge and obtain igher gangrene. It.« th«* quickest, surest healer
price» than thev coil Id get in the open for all such wounds a.« also for Burns,
market. Then trusts are formed to Boil«. Sores, skin Eruptions. Ecxema,
la-tier enable the purpose of the-e law. < iu*p|»«l Hand». Corns or l‘il«*s. 25e at
to be carried out. Next come« a lout! tiresbaui druggists.
complaint from consumers about ex
Thereupon Congress
cessive prices.
blame, it all upon the trusts and de­
me« that the tariff has anything to do
Our shops will be open July 3rd
with it. A law making the formation
of a trust a crime is then passed but
the tariff is left alone.
Suit is until midnight and dosed on the 4th.
brought and such tru«ts as are held
Sii). Knighton
by the courts to b« "unreasonable” are
ordered to dissolve. But the courts do
Harry Wood
not order prices reduced aud could not
Great Big Stock of New Styles of Buggies to Select From
Both High and Medium Grades at the Lowest Prices
The only store in Portland where farm implements are sold at cut prices.
your town to protect with a commission.
No agents in
$18.50 Buggy Hamess for
$14.35 $50.00 Heavy Team Hamess for....$37.50
$33.50 Double Buggy Hamess for ... 25.75 $40.00 Farm Hamess, Complete, for 32.50
We sold at retail three times as many farm wagons last year as any other store in Portland
C. E . BOSS & CO.