Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, June 09, 1911, Image 6

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The work of the Mt. Hood Kai I road
Company has been of uppermost inter­
est to all the people m eastern Mult­
nomah and Clackamas counties for the
last two years and yet a good many of
the readers of the Herald do not know
just what the project is. Rather they
do not know just what the company
intends to do. The above map seems
to settle many questions that may be
asked, for it has been gotten out. we
are informed, by the authority of the
company, and if they did not intend tiie
road to eventually run where indicated
they surely would not have so mapped
their bolding?.
This map seems to
dispoy of another matter. The branch
to Bull Run is not even given here.
Evidently the main line will run
through Sandy, Cherryville “Saratoga
and eastward. The main defect in the
map seems to l»e that it has left off the
Bull Run branch. This should l>e ex­
tended from the vicinity of Pleasant
Home east vard to the banks of the
It follows that stream to a
point west of Bull Kun, near the mouth
of the Bull Kun stream and from there
passes along its banks to the power
plant which will be located where the
word K is located on the map. The new
townsite. Saratoga, is n w on the mar­
ket by the Mt. Hood ¡»eople am! by
several private firms in Portland.
A visit to the region near Bull Kun
at this time will be of considerable in­
terest No place in the state can boart
of a finer bit of scenery than can be
viewed from the bluffs of the Bandy, a
couple of miles west of Bull Kun. from
which |H)int the entire panorama of the
Beautiful .June day».
'traw berries an ls-ginning to rij en.
Dr. Bodkins and his son .lame« of
Portland, are now at their summer home
one mile east of this pla)-e. The Dr. is
busily improving hi« trait of 40 acres.
He calls hi- place Appletin.
mountains one -lay last week ami 1s-
came acquaint.-)! with .Mr. ami Mr«.
Farbion J--th -enior ami junior as father
ami son jointly own ami run the beauti­
ful summer retn-at. ably assist)»! by
their excellent wives. This hotel on the
roaring ami rapid 'almon river i- ad­
mirably conducted.
western slope of Mt. H o « h 1 can be most
advantageously seen. The|Sandy valley
and the Bull Kun gorge converge a lev*
miles to the northeast, and standing
there one can find matter for a good
half day's ins|»ection. The In-st time of
day for this visit will be in the after­
noon. with the day dear ami the san at
your back. The whole of nature seem*
to rise up and meet you. While n«»t so
extensive in area, yet more beautiful in
detail ami coloring is the view eastward
up the Bull Run Gorge as viewed from
the ¡sjint just back <4 the town. At six
o’clock on a summer’s evening, if fairly
clear, that is not smoky or foggy, the
vi w is just glorious.
The dark green
of the forest clad mountains and canons,
the majestic sweep of the mountain,
the mingling of colors pink and blue
and sunlit gold, will convince you that
not all of the painter's art is imagina­
The picture you will see here
will not soon be forgotten.
The town of Bull Kun. for such it is
ed by H. A. Darnall. The following
program wa- r>-ml>r>sl
Song by Grange
No. 75, Grange Melodic»; Leading and
remark«, J>y Miss Stites.
" Warring on Injurious In- . ts; Instru­
mental Sob >, ‘‘Hearts ami Flowers,” by
Ethel smith ; Recitati*-n, ” Doing Dishes,”
1« th Pounder. V... al Duet, .Mrs. Smith
ami .Miss .'tites ; Reading. ‘‘Tin-Common
House Uy” Wm. Ileaver; Vis ai Solo.
Annie Benfield; Remark.«, by State Ia-ct-
urer; Song by Mrs. Anderson.
Fairview will celebrate the Fourth of
It cannot truthfully Is- said that it rain«
.Inly with a good old fa>hion<*<l picnic in
Miss Lillian Averell is now in attend­ all tb>- time in Oregon. a- it has hardly
rained enough for agricultural purpo-« « Stone’* park and invite all who wixh to
ance at summer school at < tregon City.
participate with them in the day’.* (•»•li­
since the writer has been in the stat)-.
The community at Brightwood w.-re
Railroad talk is in the air ami «-very bration. The ft rang»* have taken up th«*
greatly shocked last Thttr-day to learn of
one ¡-¡b-.kingd ..rward to the time w I d u matter of the preparation- for the day
the sudden death of Mi— .Julia Maxwell
th)-whistle of the hs-omotive will Is- and various committee* an* at work
who lived on the south side of the sandy
planning feature* in th»* way of program,
heard in the streets of Cherryville.
River, up towards the Government trail.
HfMirt* and »l«*c«>ration*.
Johnny Crutch) r. a lad of twelve years,
It api-ears that a neighbor Ezra Fruman
Mr*. IL >. Stone an«l w>n Roy returned
furnished her milk and last Wednesday was drowned in the rushing ami roaring
horn»* from Spokan«* on Monday when*
morning he left her a supply of milk,
they hav<* lieen vi.-iting relative- for a
but did not go in the house. He did not I It appears with his two brothers he was
few day*.
go again with milk until Thursday even­
A. Harvey ha* moved hi? family into
ing and not seeing any smoke coming the river when his foot slipped ami he
out of the chimney, ventured into the fell into a deep eddy from which he the hoiixe vacated by th<* Eldridge fam-
house after knocking and receiving no never arose. His body was found about ily.
.Mrs. A. Morgan ami child ami Miss
response, and was surprised Eteyontl three miles below the next day.
Lee of Sellwcssl were hen- to spend Sun­
measure to see her stretched upon her
day with Mrs. H. M. Shaw.
bed cold in death. The neighbors were [
called and word was sent to her people
William Ellison is confine)! to hi- ts-d
Deputy Fish Commissior Lathburn with a sore f<s>t. Little Bernice Ellison
at Portland and the coroner notified.
Mr. Pierce a brother-in-law at Portland was here Sunday.
is also ill.
Mrs. Sarah Kincaid is quite ill at the
arrived Friday with an auto and a per­
Childrens’ day will Is- otiw-rved in the
mit to move the body to Portland, which home of .Mrs. M. E. Reed.
Pn-sbyterian church hen- on June lx
was accordingly done. Miss Maxwell
Mrs. Cha». Ijitourrll of I.atourell Falls with appreciate exercises.
lived by herself as a general thing, al­ was a week end visitor at the home of
Pomona Grange will meet with Fair­
though a nephew wa- with her mostly her parents.
view Grange on Wednesday June 21.
through the winter. The deceased was
Mrs. C. Smith and Miss Stites drove
J. It. Hugh<-s sjient Satunlay here anil
quite a character and followed the avo­ to Gresham Friday to attend the School
wa« initiate)! into the Grange. John
cation of a stenographer in Portland, Directors’ Convention.
- Mi-Linn also bs>k tin- third and fourth
where she grew up. For a num Is-r of
!>-wis Benfield .ami his friend .Mr. ilegws in tin- Grange last Saturday.
years at one time she was a court re­
Lodge came out from Portland Friday
Work was Jiegun on .Monday on grad­
porter, and was unusually quick and
evening to visit home folks and incident­ ing First street. The work is Is-ing done
proficient in her calling. Being of an
ally attended Grange
by the ‘lay by )<x:al workmen. Second
intense and nervous disposition she Js-
Lewis and Milton Saunders, accom­ street will be graded in the same way a»
came partially worn out and sought the
quiet of the mountains to recuperate. panied by their wives and sister Irene, s<s>n a« First is finished.
There she became possessed of 20 acres c ame out from Portland by auto and vis­
Mr. F. D. Axt«-ll was taken to Good
of good land. On one side of these ited friends here Sumlay
Samaritan b'>“|>ital on Wolnesilay where
farms she built a fine mountain home of j Frank H. Reed is the possessor of a h J k - will undergo an operation.
cedar'lap on bungalow style with an im­ fine new gasoline launch thirty-two foot
A. J’. Provin<-e is improving his newly
mense fire place and worked beyond her long with a seven foot beam, forty horse acquired projs-rty with fresh paint.
strength at fixing up and adorning her power lz*-w Victor engine.
The interior of tho school.building is
home. Her life was insured for >10,000
Miss Alice Rassmussen returned from being newly plastered.
and thus with her land and a valuable lot Grass Valley Saturday. having closed her
.iiss Mary Donli-y of Spokane, Wash.,
in Portland she left to her sister«. Mrs. school a week earlier than when »he ex­ is her<-with her gramlmother, Mrs. II.
Pierce and Mrs. O’Brien Etoth of Port-1 pected liecau*- of the prevalence of M.Shaw.
land. For her life’s earthly journey is ' whooping cough.
done and eternity with its stupendous ; Columbia Grange No. 2G7, met in reg­
possibilities lieȣl*fore her. It is not to i ular session Saturday June 3rd, witli a
Pn*aching Sunday at 11 a. m.
be doubted that she will Ice possessed of1
good attendance.
H. A. Darnall,
same energy in the new and higher State Lecturer from Gresham, wa»
Mr. Knighton an<l wifi* of Grisham
present. Two candidates were received w»*n* vim tor« of our city.
B. (’. SHman »hipped a few Jerw y
Your correspondent was agreeably en­ into the order. A. A. Ixx-b Secretary,
tertained at the hotel Maldeny in the • and Mrs. C. Smith Lecturer, were install- calve* to th«* interior laxt week.
at this tune, is the busiest place in the
Several hundred men are
putting the finishing touches on two of
the greatest projects the West has ever
produced. One of these is the Bull Kun
pipe line, the ditches for which are
complete at this punt, but the pipe
has not been installed
There are two
or three miles of work on this line a
little farther up, some finishing at
Gresham, a mile or so near Mt. Tal>or,
ami the water will then I h * turned in.
But ttie main attraction is the plan for
the power plant. A small army of men.
mules ami horses are busy turning a
4do acre farm into a vast artificial lake,
a reservoir for the (tower plant that lies
at the foot of the hill to the north. This
reservoir will he immediately west from
Bull Kun (Mistotlice ami anyone who
has ever been there wdl r rail the lay
of the land, naturally a little in th*»
form of a basin, draining to the north.
A levee is Iwirig thrown up all around
the basin, varying from ten to sixty
feet high
Modern method* are Iwing
employed, in fart almost all kind* of
methods, to hasten the work
matic loaders. s< ra|»ers ami ploughs ars
employed. Near at hand is a sawmill
which is busy putting the finishing
touches to the tiinlM-rw that are to lx»
The water which wdl supply this lake
will be conveyed to it through a flume
three or four miles long
This llume is
constructed in a frame of bid timber*,
of two meh native fir. tongued and
grooved, is ten feet wide and alx>ut six
and a half feet deep
\ 11 the materials
are transported up the llume on a track
with slu rt tint cars an a gasoline motor
W hen the llume is completed the lop
of the finme will be turned into a road
Iwd for repair work and tran*(»*>rtntion
of materials. It is being completed in a
very substantial manner ami is a big
piece of engineering
The views from
various points along the flume are
Mr-. Amy Altman «•►n»lu< u*«l the «*x
amination of th«* Lu*t«*«l* ncbool th«* Hth.
Fiv«* station -Lm* ar»* r»*ady t<> I** placeil
inta« t at their station* al< »ng th«* railr»»*id
by tb»* l*t of July. Th«* piL’^ ng» r traffic
will lx* on.
< «randma Vanfl«,» t i* »piit«- ill, Svna
Vantlcet i* -l*»w ly recovering from an op-
«*ight W'*ck* ago
1>. I>. Ja« k and W. Calvin are on (he
jury in th«- city.
Many «»f <>ur rural friend- an* enj«>ying
th»* R<» m F»*?tival and report grand wight«
nt th«* parade.
Jon«** A I level hay buihb r outfit of
<«r»**ham pull«*d on th«* R. R ranch to
bail the « rop of la.-t year* hay. which
will be tak« n to th«* head work- to feed
th»‘ (♦•am" then* at work.
Th)- Davenport Company are loading
ties for shipment lien- ami are employing
quite a numlier of men. Last Friday a
raft of ti»-s broke hsi«»- ami were scatter
)->l, Hom)- going as (ar as Vancouver In-
fore they were caught. They have nil
la-en collected ami an- is-ing brought
bmik with th)-ai>l >>f a ga-oline launch.
A broken cable caused all th)- trouble.
Aaron Fox is having bi« building be
cated l»-tw)-en tlie Weinliardt building
and th>- Tiller building remodeled, ami
will move his stock of goo>ls into it tin-
first of next month. The building will Is-
enlarged by an a-blition on tin- n-ar, the
partitions taken out ami a glass front put
.Mr ami Mrs. James Knarr are enter­
taining Mrs. Knarr's aunt Mrs. Barker
and daughter, Miss Daisy Barker, of
Itenver, Colorado. Mr« Itolw-rt Wright
of Ta<*otna, Wash., has also In-rn visit­
ing at tin- Knarr home.
Miss Grace .Mickley is s|n-n>ling the
w-)s-k witli Miss Viola Gray al Milwaukie.
Tin- Mom-yham ami l.uinqiiest fami-
lir-H hav gone to Springdale to take up
their resi)|eii)-e.
Mrs. C. M Still“on of Colfax, Waaii.,
spent tli>- wo k end with Mrs. E A Znn
rm-rman here. Mr. Stillson has joim-d
Mrs 'till on ami daughter, Miss leona
ami they an- spending tin- w>-) k at tin-
Parmer hotel in Portland ami taking in
the Rose Festival.
Mr. ami Mrs. M. O. Nelson had as
giD-sts, Mr ami Mrs. < liamls-rlin of
Minneapolis, Minn.
Mrs. E. W. Gn-nish has gone to St
Paul, Minn., to visit her mother who is
very ill.
.Miss Viola Gray of Milwaukie R|s-nt
last W)»-k here, a guest of .Miss Gra)-e
M> Kley
.Mrs P. M. Nash entertained at a tea
on Wednesday afternoon for the benefit
of th)- l.a>li)-s’ Aid Society.
Presiding Ebl)-r Jani)-» M.s>re was here
on .Monday and conducted the Quarterly
IH'-eting of tlaeM. E— < hurch
Prof. P. M. Nash has accepted the
p>>silion as principal of tie- Itimier schrxtl
ami w ill move his family there sometime
this sumuD-r.
Alli)- May has rnov)-<l his market into
the Tiller building.
The work <>n the power plant han not
progr«*s«ir<| to any very great extent. At
least it in not yet in -uch a state of devel­
opment as io make much of a whow
The loumlatmnn ar«« all laid and the
walls ar«« well under way.
The build-
in taking conntructed of iron reinforcing
ami com role. The rock taken out of
t he hill is crushed into concrete mat«*rial.
Several tunnels w di
««ad from the
power plant thr«mgh the hill to the
reservoir on the hill and thin will sup­
ply all the power that wdl be necessary
to furnish « lectrn itv for the northwest.
Th«* water which feed the reservoir
will come out of the Little Sandy, thu
Bull Run and the Big Sandy«
In the
getting of th«« water from trio latter a
tunnel will be ii<«o*MHn which will pass
from the Bull Run Canon ami will i-e a
big engineering )«»!> bv itself. It will I m «
several months i»eforc the |Miwer plant
will I m * ready to us«*, but it will not be
long till the track will l>e completed to
the plant. T r-o klaying had |»r--«»•«•■ led
to th«* <andv Bridge a week ago, and it
is expected to l«e completed by the
Fourth of July.
Mr*. G. 'I Talmage and daiigh(<*r
Rosalie l«'f( Frnlay for H« mh | Riv«*r, w I k n*
th«*y will \ i-it f'«r -"Hu* week".
Tahnag»* ’ work kjfp« him m Portland
th«* gr»*at«T part of th«* time it i- pr«»l>nbl«*
they wdl not return hen* to llv«*.
Mr-. <i«*«i. B‘«rn*t«-<lt i* vi-iting her
moth« r thi- w«*«*k.
Nir I dwar«U ami family an* < m « upying
the room- \a« at»*d b\ th«* Talmage*«
Thi* im th«' wrathcr w Inn th«* -mall
boy for» g h - f«Mitg«*ar, grub* f«»r angle-
worm« and hie- him*« If to th»* rn*ek to
finh. What inatl«T* d he •!<* -n'l g»*t a
j bite? Th«*n* i* th«* xpla-h ami purr of
Apiit«* ii riuuilwr of aut<»>* w«*rc ebug- th«* wat« r, th«1 wiml in the tree toi
giug arouiul in (In- vicinity Sunday, 1 Mong of (he bird ami a ih*Hi*aml iml«*-
l in y ail r> port«*«l th»* pcid« I h inu m [ -<*ril»abl«* thing? that inak«* a *uinm«*r «lay
k * h ..| «<«n«!iti'»n.
\Vh«*n th« y Mart«*«! f«>r • a «Iream of joy.
l*‘’rtlan«l nearly all nut»»* w r«- g«»rgv * \ml what i* *«» rar« a a day in June-’
oii.-ly «!«■< k« d «»ut in Rh« «l«»<b ipIronH,
rh«*n, if «*ver, eonie* | h ri« « t day*.
which mad«* a truly l>**autifid -itflit I Then H«*a\en tri«*» th«- « arth if it I h * hi
Then* w«*r«* pr »1 ably twenty niiudiine*
up tin* way Sunday. One nut«» party
\n«l ov«*r it --'ftly her warm «-ar lay* ”
went a- far aw G«»v. (’amp Th«*y had to
Rev l.ogan, a Baptist minister, will
plow through «now for a diatancc of pr«*a« h at th«* NJ E church, Sumlay at
(hr«*«* mil«*.*, but made th«* n»un«l trip I II o’cluck.
-m «•«•—fully.
Carl Hill, oid - *.f tb)* ft.D-st rstigeni,
Mr*. .John R«»>H*rt«i* taking a few «lay*
-)|H-nt several )li<ys in town l.-»-t w>»-k buy
outing at l*ion«« r Ixalge
mg Imrse« hik I a piu k outfit preparatory
Mr. Iliil’uy and family wcr«* Welch«**’ to Ins summer's work in tl»- hills
vi-itorw Sun«Iu) from Portland in their
(>)->>rge llennesy is working in liorn-
Mr C. W. K«*rn, Pn*»i<lent of the new sb-'lt’s store.
Mt. Hood Hot« I Co., brought an auto
Mrs. Goul>l, who has j-Htablisheil a mil
party out to W« |ch«*» Sunday
littery store in Mrs, Itouglas* biiihling,
Mr. Albion Meinig ha* hi* *aw mill lias n-nhsl th)- restaurant ami hotel ami
running full blaxt now, hi» planer baxn't will eontinne to serve meals Hlid ls-)|s.
arrive«! yet, but he expect» to G* putting Mrs. Gould has hail years of ex|Mtrictice
in the restaurant ami note) busini-ss.
out <iri**Hed luinlier l"*fore July let.
Mr. McCormick ami Henry AschotT
left Wediu-silny morning for tin- Dufur
country to bring back a bunch of horses
from winter pasture.
They will go
Fn-d Msgner is busy improving the through tin- mountains
Ibssl River roH<l whii h is an improve­
ria* Sandy Commercial t 'biblias raised
ment of much value to our vi) imty.
The Boring t)-iiin failed to o|s-n up for f 155 to apply <»n tin* <*x!«enMc «>f im «>rpor-
ball gain*- with the Sandy boy« at < ’oltri-ll iition. Thi» ix the ehi«*i topic «»f convtT-
Mation and it ix well that the citizen* of
last Sumlay.
Sandy Iwxtir thvrnxelv«** and take an a«*t
Crops of all kimls an- hsiktng well for iv«* part in tliix campaign. It wax *taU*«l
this time of the year.
in one of the Portland i»a|x*rx that the
J. J. Dunn bought a valuable marc town had lxx*n h«*y<»m| th«* control «»f th««
from the I laly ls>ys.
iiuthoritiex. Thix hax n«*v«*r lx*«*n trii«*,
Jess I lite has returned from Canada but an incorporated town with it* well
<|clim*«l (inxt4*a<l of gen«*ral) lawx can lx*
I!)- will remain with us for awhile.
mm h mor«* eaxily eonlroll«*d than an un-
in<*orporat«'d one
Ihere 1* alw'ayx a
claxx of (M tiplc who light advancement in
any f«»rm, who prtfi r to live in th«* rut
Born to Mr. and Mr*, ('onley, Sntur- in which m I i «* v hav«* live«l for y«*arx. TI k * x «*
ar«* the peon)«* who light incorporation
day. Jun«* 3, a girl.
Mr. and Mr*. Harry Brainludi ami lx « au*e of higher tax«*x, Ix ttiT ?tn-«*tx,
children, of Troutdale, and Mix* <«n*ta hiwIeMMiirwH »nppr«*Mx«*d or driven out.
\*chofl, of Portland, vixlted with I*. R. **w«*r, water ami lighting Hyxtemx ami
Meinig and family Kumlay. They came all those thingx w hich go to make a clean,
moral town
But when people who la*-
out in a car driven by Otto A*chotr.
lieve that Without growth lh«*rr ix xtagna-
What might have Iwen a nerioii* a«*ei- tioii, that individualx ami cotnmunilleA
<l«*nt o< « urr»*«l laxt week in th«* burlwr inuxt advance- when th«*xc irople take
m I ioj ) when a can of gaaolim* explodwl.
hol«l of a town jiiMt xo h « mhi will that town
A m it wax th«* floor wax xcorched and Mr
tak«* it» place in th«* world. Thix in what
Barm * right hand and arm w«*r«* -ever« ly
There an* acre» upon
burned. A burlier « nine out from Port­ Sandy muxt «Io.
ncrex of the richext land ill«*v«*ry dir«*etioii
land Wednt'xday to take charge <«f th«*
waiting to lx* dcv«*l«»|N*<|, ail id«*al climate
»hop until th«* propri«*tor ix able to
waiting to I m - appreciated lnxcious fruit»
n*xiirn«* hi* dntiex.
and noiirixhing \egetahlcx and grain*
Or. Lupton ami wife, R E. Eaxori and waiting for th«* ronxiimer, hoiicxt people
wife w'«'iit into Portland Tu<*x«lay evening longing lor neighlx>rn ami untold oppor-
in the doctor’»car to wilnexx th«* clectrlrid tuniticx fi»r everyom* who hax th«' <*our-
to try and the will to do.
Boo»t your
The Sandy Ixxlgr I. (). O. F. will hold town, Ixioxt y«»ur community, I mm > m I your
their annual memorial xervic«** at the hall particular ncighlxirhood, incorporat«*
Sumlay afternoon June IL An invita­ Sandy ami mak«* it what it ought to I»*, a
tion ix exten«l«*d to all.
clean moral, dexirahle town.