Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, May 26, 1911, Image 8

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    Clanahan's Addition
to Gresham
Clanahan’s Addition—garden spot of Gresham. New
addition has only been on the market two weeks. Half
already sold—balance selling quickly. Will be sold in the
next two weeks.
Some one is going to be left on these bargains. Will
it be vou ?
Think this over carefully—see Thompson & Pugh
before it is too late.
Terms —10 per cent down, balance $10 per month.
We are also sole agents for Whitehead’s Superl)
Addition. We have the best bargains in 5, 10, 15 and 20-
acre tracts.
Improved and unimproved land in and
around Gresham.
Air- Elsie Prettyman and her daughter
Mr- Bossi«* Wat-on were Mailing relativi**
in Rockwood ovvrSunday
Mr- Watson
lias Ixx-n living in Spokani* sino* her
marriage, but lik«sl Portland latter so
lias tnovisl back
School dosed May the IDth and the
teacher«, Mi-s Je--ie Johns ami Mis«
Bessie Lewis have relumed to their
re«|«ev tne homes at Gladstone.
The basket social held at the schiail
liottse on Saturday evening was well
Burglars visited lh«> home of a Japan- attended. 1 he proceeds amounted to
e««- family li« mg mi the reclini! line r.«a<l H2.s<>, part of wh eh wil1 he devoted to
ami secured flOO in cash and other a flag for the school, and ths balance
v aluables.
for IxMlk*.
'Ir- J. I riu -t is very sick and is Iw-iug
Arthur Rich brought a herd of horses
attendisi by I'r. Bittner and a trained from eastern Oregon last west.
mirre. * Air- Ernest is the mother of
John Brown.
Jim Shram liad a cow and a horse
Inun Minn« .ipoli«* ha* tak
stolen from hi« pa-tun- one night last
» ii a part ot tin- \’vl*<»n plmv and ha*
inoxrd hi«« lainily into th«* Chapman
lbs kwood < ■ range w ill i nit iati- a -mall holWi*.
class at th«- next evening meeting 1 ight
'Ii Ih’bblvot Minn« .ip«>li* ha* rvm«»4
n-ln -htiu-nts w ill la- rervvd and a -m iai th«’ **till*»‘ii part ot th«» Clivrry < hrhard
and will mov«* hi* tamilv Imro ami
time enjoyed.
tak< |M»**«x*b>n *o«»i* \|r. Ih’bbh will
Mi— IL -u-r Thoris- \ i«it«al the Elw.s-I - hrititf w ith him a la rd ot « attl«* f»om
North Bak 'ta.
giri- .ni "aturday last
In «»rdinam*«* nxulMtiiig th«* *|»o«*d of
E. ii. Horton and family an- nter- atitoinobd«*« within th«* city limn* to s
taming Mr. Horton’s <x>usin tr* »tn mil«** an hour ha* I h » ii adopted. Tlir
tine tixtil ¡ m not to t w< I m ’«'» »»r lw I«**.*
\ trginia.
than *"> or r«mtinem«-iit in jail at the rat«*
«•! *•? |**rda\
Mi*** I thcl \vl- ii and Ib4»« it \\ il*on
wen* h«*n to *|N*nd "iimlav with th«*ir
The Plea».«nt Hom«- ba-« fiali dub parentji, <’ II W il*”ii ami wit«
played th«- « 'orls-it nine on the torlwtt
Mr*. I . \V t«r» \i*h e\p« At!* t“ leave
gnuitids l.i.-t - md.iy and were di-featcd !>»r *>t. Paul, Minn«’*<»tH. in a f«*w «lay* to
by a score of «1 to •’>
The gain«-
game wa- a vt-it h«-r moth« r who i* wry ill.
Mi.** Eth«*l Mitche'.l «»! Portlaml ha*
hard rtil• from -tart to tini-li. Next Sun­
day. May J', the < .re-ham Blue- will l**vn *p« tiding a leu daj* with 'll* I'.
\\ <irvvi*h
Mr. A. Woodward has ust return«*! 1
lai-Martin formerly of Attica. Ohio, vi-it it-on the hotiu ground- E'vvrylx-ly
Knmor* of \arioii* «’hang« * in th«* l»m»i
from a business trip up to Yakima 1 but now of Portland. *|>ent "iinday vis­ cordially invited. We would Is- patl-evi n«*** hou*« * are in circulation, to the
1 to see a large crowd from < «reshain and « fhxt that Karon l-’ox will gi\e up the
where he is interest««! in th« new land, iting with W. C. M-mre -
(Klwirn building ami o«*cupy In* ••wn
wiiich the Indians are dividing up be­
al-> everyone fn-ui Argttcan.
Omar Byer-i-am«- out from the city
win« h i- m»w n•nt«-d to \lh«- May i«»r a
tween their descendants.
Saturday and visited over Sunday with
meal market ami k I po hou«r* th«* ^ h I«»<> ii
Mr. ami Mr-. Henry Shoults lost their his young friend and former -chool- must have a p<-totliee and bury ti»- ”t th«* late K rt **«*\t«>n, m*w run h\ h *
faithful old name ot Plea-ant Home for brother, I,’ay X«*xton . al*-*, that llarl<>w
little baby girl last Saturday, it l aving : mates ot this place.
been ill for some time : finally pneumonia
the -ake of Arguean or some otlier fool- br«»th«*n* will buy the <>*lM>rn building
Mr. and Mrs. Baily and Mi-s Bannon
erect a brn k Mructun* in it* place.
ish name.
set in, and endevi the little ones suffer­ of Portland cam«- out in
Plea-ant Home ha- Spasi
an auto and
Young Kamp who ha* l»evn into frv
ing Mr. and Mrs. H. Shoults have the visit«*! witli Mr. and Mr*,
fora gi*«l many years ami should -land «pient <tit!i« ulti« * « MU'**’! inun drink »hir­
G. H Richey
sympathy of ail.
until it can lx- replaced by something ing th«- pa>t f«*w week*, wa* lodged in
last "unday.
which would benefit the community in jail for a *hort time la>t \\ « <lm -d. i.V hy
Mr. ami Mrs. F. Shoults were the
Mr. and Mr*. McGraw of Aberdeen.
Another thing to consider is trying u> pick a tight with other turn- A
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson at Sandy Wash., who recently purcliased twenty
f«-w w«-ek* ag»> Kamp * mother wa.* ar-
that we have had a mail service which is rc*t«’«l ami lined f«»r interh*rmg ami flap­
postoffice last Sunday.
acres of land on the north side of the
hard to l>eat -imi- the rural route u as ping Marshal Bowen when h«* attempt«*«!
Mr. and Mrs. J. Deaver were in Port­ Valley wa- out one day recently.
started from tin-sham. which I for one to put Kami», who wa* drinking, out «»t
land with friends last week. Mrs. King­
Miss "tei ens and Mrs. Skidmore cloatii ami a goo«l many other* surely do the dance hall. Since then th«* young
ston and children returned to Portland a very «uccereful school year at this place
man ha.* had to lx* l«x kr«l up l«>r threat
ening th«* lixesof hi* |x*«>plt* whil«* intoxi
in company with the Deavers.
thi- week.
cat.-d The
Tin- «-xis-ru-n«-
**x|ierien*«t* of thi* unfortu-
The Corbett ball team played the
F. A. Leheman has mow«! ent«? hi«.
, nat< youth ought to I ta* a k*si*«»n to »»th-
Springdale team last Sunday with the place near the station. Mr. Lehman
results that Corbett came out the win­ ha« got one of tiie finest four year old
A ball will K- giirn in Ti-lh-r- hall lu-n-
l. The authorities from Portland wen- in next "aturday evening
ners the score was 6 to five.
commercial orchards in the county.
Sandy Tuesday after Thoni|ison. the for­
A -mall building ha- las-n constructed
John < »Ison is reshingling and other­
All of the young folks who have been
ger. who passe«! a worthies.- cheek in on the lull to bon-«- tla- fire how- « art
down with measles, are
getting wise improving his residence. John ha-
M <• Nelson has return«*i from a
The Is«g Cabin saloon the first part of
also invest««! in a new gasoline spraying
around again and doing fine.
the w«*-k. Hi- was taken back and will t rip to "i-attl«-.
Ebner Campbell ol
The water in the Columbia river is outfit.
perhaps not get off so easily a- the
Grindstaff and "«-balk are making the
ben- last w««-k tn visit
quite high at the present, and inter­
who was here a couple of week- ago
' Campls-ll.
feres a good deal with the seining in fill at Sycamore -tation preparatory­ to
Wm. Fulerton amidiili- ag>-d man w ho
Mr. and Mrs B C Ih-rvey gave very
the river. The Salmon have not been erecting a new waiting room.
ha- l»vn working for the Mt. Ib-.i rail* intere-tmg lei tun* on the White "lave
coming very fast, but the fishermen are
n>ad cairn- into town la-t week and pro- Traffic lien- la-t wi,-k
the city Wednesilay.
expecting to do better pretty soon.
oiiinl to “blow in" hi* cheek for Issize.
Mr. Ed Lee spent Sunday at home
After Is-ing intoxicated for several day-,
with his folks at Columbia Heights
he was in no condition to godown stair*.
him |'iir«ha*<*«l propTty
The rainy season seems to be iiere in Attempting to do -o Friday night he in Mitrhvll, On*L*i«n, and ha* nt«>v«*«l hi*
Mrs. Saylor, daughter of Mr. and earnest. as it ha.- rain««! more or 1-—■ for fell and sustained a severe concussion of family then*.
the brain. He was
wa- taken to Dr. Lup­
Mrs. Johnson, has been in poor health three weeks.
J. I‘. Pmvinrt* of Mit<*h»*ll ha.* pur-
since she lost her hush nd a few years
The fruit prospect as well a- the -how ton's hospital aturday morning where «- ha*«*« I tin- Vaughn plan- hen- and ha.M
tak'-n |-t—«--sion
ago. and has been taken to a sanitarium. f -r grain and grass is good at thi-writing he lay for several days in a comatose
'■rabam R<— of "«-attic. Wa-h
Tee society event of the week in this
Is-i-n here visiting hi- uncle. D. W
"neck of the w-s-ds" wa-the masquerade came insane and continm-s -o. Xofhing Kay
social at the home of Mr. Parm-11 «-an be learned eont'eming him i ami as
Mr- Radcliff of Portland was hen- to
Averells on the hill on-- mile Wi It of this be has no mean-, the -aloon* in town vi-it 'In-. II " . "tom- on Tue-lay
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald called at the
une money t<-w ard-
W Zimmerman has n turmsi from a
burg, Several parti«-- appeared in mask have contributeil im
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lusted
I the meantime Dr. Eup­ fi a day* sojotirn at "t Martin* pringa.
and many of them wen- very gn -t«-qui- hi- «np|M>rt. In
on the way to ttieir farm last Monday.
Mr. and Mr-. J R llugbei wen- "un­
and comical in the extreme,
Th*- f«*s- -ton i- giving him the nee«—ary ran-
day gne-t- of Mr. and Mr-. W F
Mr. F. Erz and family are occupying tivifie- wen- kept up until early niom. and attention.
their r ew residence.
Born to Mr.
Wm Wt-ingarf,
The evening s performance concluded
Mi— AIta Wihox sjs-nt flu- wis-ki-ti<l
Sunday at I)r.
ho-pifal, a boy. with friend- in Portlaml I ftr "aturday
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Eder made a bu-i- with a light <-oliati-m.
Work on the road- i- progr«-—ing
net- trip to Portland last week.
Samly Relic
No I1.«.; held it- -h«* a« inpanii-d Mi-- Eva Tow n-s-nd on
posi •ible
this regular mu-ting "aturday e -M-ning. The an exiitrsion trip t Th«- I »alii - giii-n by­
Mr-. Frank Clark of Newberg visited as rapidly
M;— Town-end * «la— in Washington
Grandma ami Grandpa I.u-ted and oth­ "bailiwick.” tinder the efficient su|*-r- olllci-r* for tin- new term we •re nominateli. High M-hool
er relative- here for a fe* days.
Mr- Alls-rt D ll ha- Is-en vi •itillg in
o rn»*«lay
Mr-. A. I., "tom- was
now • inployed in building a new bridgi- Portland the past two weeks.
to attend the funeral of
Mathew Ratine an«i ’Alfred Hamilt -n
over Alder Creek ea-t of town.
a feu
are down with the measles.
Mr. Davis and family an- at borne
rainy weather -erioiisly retard- the work
day- with her daughter,
I >. Totiip
their lions«- formerly occupied by the son, in Portland.
Mr. Ralph Neibauer is fencing the on thi- job.
Eddy family.
whole of bis farm. He intend- to put
Mr- tilimm - of Portland 1« iu-n- with
Not-.«itb-tamling the great aliin^lame
an up-to-date woven wire fence around i of fruit in this «-ountry, much of which
Mr I’ns-tor is building a cottage for her -i-ter. Mrs. I-. D. \xtell, who ha-
the front of the house which will make go»«s to wa-te. there i- a -• ari-ily of dried rent near Harry Garn-tt’s new on«- on Iss-n very ill but is improving
Rex Is-wi- with bl- forei- of
quite an improvement.
ami «-anned fruit which i- mrw -s-lling at I’ris-tor avenue
finishing up tlu-ir 6-pair woi
Most of the farmers in this vicinity good prices.
E. F Brun- sj»-nt last week in Port- —Iioji— lien- and will leave in a
fur "pokane when- a largt* on
are moving their fences back where
John Friel, Jr., i- now busily em­ land.
they belong and putting in good feme-, ployed in building a u-b-phom- line from
Mr. Barn«-- wa-<-la—i-d with the sick
Mrs. C. A. "tew art is able to lie out
which make it a sixty-fo t road when Government Camp to Firwoo«!. The .-••veral days la-t Wi-ek and a clow-d bar-
again. Mr. Stewart if-till routined to
this is done, ami with the roads properly wire is mostly strung and the «-ro— arm­ l*-r shop was the result.
hi- home.
graveled will mak-- a fine thorough­ will lx- painted in the near future.
"i lesd will «-Ion- on Friday with a pi« ■
Artie Mitchell of th«- Range Crew wa­
Several parti«-* an- -«platting on rail- in town Sunday.
nil in Stom-’s grove and an eiiti-rtam-
ment in the evening in llu- Pn-byti-rnin
Mr. and Mrs Bert Heighten of Sandy road land in this vicinity with the lively
A nnmls-r of th«- "atuly people attend­ church.
visited Ed Hamilton and family one «expectation that they can gain a home
.Mr. and Mrs. Jami-- \nderson buried
Public opinion all ov. r the ed the annual Grang«- dance at Eagle
day last week.
tlu-ir yiHingC-t -on, William Vincent, 1*0
month* old, hen- on Tuesday. The fun­
Mr. Jake Hossner is building a large «wintry is against the rich grafter ami
Mr. <>u-. Dalirn- i- able to I*- around eral si rvi< e- wen- «-omliii-ted from the
I they have a very rocky road alu-a«l of
Eiarn on his farm iiere.
but -till limp* a bit.
home by Rev. Thoma- Robinson. In­
Mr. Coolv sold twenty acres from hie
terment wa- made in the \la-onie «-«-me-
"tandard Oil gets a bad laxly blow, but
Tin- Sandy connni-rcial chib met I in tery. The chilil died on Momlay after-
forty north of the Lusted school.
it is dotibtfnl if th«-y an- entirely knocked regular m«-eting Monday «-veiling, The mum after several weeks illnc—.
I out yet, tor they have immense wealth main question un<l«-r consi«l«-ration u a*
J. W. Townsend and family wen- "un­
and ar<- reaping immense rlividends. incorporation. A lively discussion wn* day. gm—t- of W. A. Townsend ami wife
They are <i«x>m—l. however, to final held and a special nui-ting called for at Montavilla.
Roy Anderson was lu-n- from Portland
destruction a- an- all otlier unlaw fill com­ next Monday evening. The question of
Mr*. Rii hardfon, oneofthe teacher* in
on Tuesday.
binations of arrogant wealth.
a Fourth of July celebration was also
L"nta. «[lent Monday night visiting with
Mrs. IL ." "t«uu-and son Roy ex|s-i t
The writer, a comparatively new ar­ taken up and the following committee
to go to Sjiokniu- in a lew day- to visit
the family of Dr. Short in Gresham, re­
rival in thi- state, wa- attracted to appointed: Sports,
McCormic, relatives lor a few days.
turning Tuesday morning.
< »n-gon by the m-w and progressive laws, Percy T. Shelley and J. M. Donahue;
Mi— Nannie Anderson is spemiing a
Mias Evans of Portland sja-nt Sunday i Th«- laws here ar«- ' man-made " and not entertainment, Geo. Bornsti-dt. R. E. few days with friends in Portland.
abernoon with her sister, Mrs. Rodgers 1 "money-ma<l«-.”
Mi— Rachiel Cisik ha- taken up her I
E-son, Mr-. J M Dona Im«-; rn-eption,
of Faxen Park.
The opening up of the railroad lands F. E. McGugin, Asa Thomas, Alf Bill; resideniv* with her mother, Mrs. .1. i
Mrs. Limerick of Sunnyside visited will make a gn at many happy homes in finance, Dahlgren, ('a.-[*-r Junker. <i«-o. Cln-ney, in Portland.
J. I.iwlier*’ large dairy barn is within
with the family of E. I’ Smith on north I thia favon-1 land, and if th«- railroad Wolf. After the meeting a Isuinteon-
the course of construction.
Main street Friday.
company has any hojie of retaining the— repast was serveil consisting of weiner-
Mr* Elmer Jinkin* and son Dolph
Dr. If. If. Ott of Gresham visited w it h land- it i* sadly mi-taken ; for the govern­ wurst anil sailer kraut, che«-*«-, cake, *[*-nt the weekend with Mr. and .Mrs. ;
ment, which is th«- people, is determined coffee and ‘’smokes.”
• i <». I tolph.
the Lents Band Tues-lay evening.
.Mr-. J. P. Murphy ami Miss Ixinise
A big contest now stirs the heart of a that tlu- land should fs- utilized and fully
Moller s[*-nt Sunday with tlu-ir mother,
dozen of the young ladies of Ix-nts. The occnpi«sl by families from the overcrow«led
It Startled The World
Mr- A. B Moller.
winner is to lie the representative for the east Predatory w«-aJth everywhere ha*
when the antounding claim« were fir«t
district in the parade during Rose Carni­
made for Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, but
W aysiux .
val week, in which Lenta is to have a day.
forty years of wonderful cure« have
proved them true, ami everywhere it is
TEie defunct Mt. Scott Bank paid a 25
Sick headache results from a disor­ now known as the best salve on earth
percent dividend on Tuesday of this dered condition of the stomach, and for Burns, Boils, Scalds, Sores, Cuts,
week. The defaulting president is in can be cured by the use of Chamber- Bruises Sprains, Swellings, Eczema, A DOLLAR SPENT AT HOME
Portland planning new banks and other lain’« St jmach and Liver Tablets. Try Chapped hands, Fever Bores ami Piles. 1* h Dollar That May Come Rack
schemes to catch innocent investors.
it. For eale by all druggists.
Only 25c at all druggists.
: »<> Your Purse
A Penny Saved Is
A Penny Earned
We are sacrificing’ our stock of
high-grade vehicles at prices in
some cases less than our cost.
Buggies, Carriages, Runabouts,
etc., etc. They all must go to make
room for new goods.
Come in
and take voiir choice now while >
the choosing is good.
I chides and
Portland, Ore.
Troutdale, Oregon.
Up-to-date General Merchandise
Everything from \cetile» to Threshing Machines.
Inspect our Stock oí
Groceries, Canned Goods
Footwear and Build-
ing Materials.
Sand, Clay, Cement, Lime --Best Bargains in the County
It pays to advertise when you have
something1 worth advertising
Pleasant Home Gardens
5- and 10-Acre Tracts
Close to Mt. Hood Electric line. Cleared and in
crop. Road graded to each tract.
On terms you can surely meet
See us on our new plan of selling
No one too poor to buy.