Qu: ties anJ Answers Wlnti i* tin fennl for lairy Succeeding Gresham Vindicator. Gre*hani Carette, Ea*t Multnomah K«*< rU cow » ? Tla* l»''l hay he I- lor dairy cows ar«' Multnomah Record and Montas ilia Herald. clowr. alfalfa. cow ¡was and soy l>.-ans. PubliHlusI F very Friday st Gresham, Ore., bv the B kavkk S titk P vniimhino C o They contain a tarai1 penen» of protein, H. A. PARSALI., F ihtok and M anag tea. w hieli ia a grval milk producing element What is the ni.wt proiniaing branch of Entered ri« reca nd elm»» matter at the poatotttee at Gresham. Oregon farming today ' I'airy larimn^ for il hrinp« in aHca.iy SUtSCiiFl’Oi lilts Per V«ir Si w) • n advance to t.»retan «•»»untrtv« I’, s» six Month*» tlow of money and >nvatly ineri'amw th«» fSc Three months trial suhacription» SV. 8ms <’ copt«'» < t»k tor clubbing rate« production of th.’ lartn c«ery year BHIirTteCES -h.»ul«1 b« rent b> Kipreaaor FoatoUce Money Order. Rcgtatered G'Her ori’h«s k Where should the dairyman look for Stampa accepted up to M) cent*. •fCflFTS tor aubecnpliona are not rent unleas requested The chamre of label on your paper hi» f«—! supply ' will indicate the recwt pl of your remtttace If it does not please notify ua He should look to hi» own delda. All BiSCOBl ¡suite fS If you do not wi*h your paper continue*! plea re notify us about the tint«' the •uba* ription exptrea We rtnd thi» plan moat satisfactory to our patrons, though it is not tn dairy feiafs should Is- grown on the farm, accords ace with our personal views iinl<*»M it is a little comvnlrat.'.l feed. ClAKi * iOMtSS In ordering change of address give old as well as new address In »hat different lines of production CtttGSFOMilTS are want»**! in every community If no correapon«1em*e appear» frost »our may the dairyman engage ' netghb*»rh!. you are respectfully reqv .»sled t«> rend us a» many local item« as you «an lie may —-1I the »hole milk to city iSVftmiSC BATES PROFESSION Al ('ARI’S lone inch). .»S* each issue <'ARDH <>F TH A N K < (not exceeding two inches ’ V cents I.ETTE KS OF CON Bo I EN< F (not exceeding four niche«) customers, or to city milk companies, or Si OMTUARIKSfor subscribers or their immediate families, free up t«» l«v» words. I cent cream to creameries or to city deab-rs, K t tiot A for additional words WANT \ DS at 1 cent per won! for tint Inserstion subsequent serttons 1ft to 10 words. 1»’cents A) to :<»• words Iftcent» 1.» «>'word- J5 $ants KKADLRS or butter to customers in city or to a 1 cent per word per issue DISPLAY ADVERTISING rates ma te known on application store—lb>m<. and harm All Lodge. Grange. School, Church, or other notices or advertisements of socials, parties, dances, wncerts. theatricals, etc . given for a profit, charged for at regular rate!« In order to insure change of ad advertisers must have copy in this otttce not later than Thursday preceding day of publication j(N HIIBTIM is our specialty. We are well equipped to do the ln‘st work at current t-r Kapecially farmers and business men’s Letter Heads Envelopes Rutter U raptors -■ *:*■•••. - •to., in small or large quantities. Auction Hills. Dodgers. Fosters etc . prime«! on short n*»th e It took the Colorado Legisla­ ture 120 days not to elect a Sen­ ator. Festival. June 5 to 10, and the whole city is looking forward eagerly to the event. It will be bigger and better than ever this year and the latch string to the whole city will be out. Residents of other Oregon cities will be given a warm welcome. President Taft says that recip­ rocity. must come now or never. In that case, let us have it now. ----- ------ President Taft seems to see good in the democratic house The address of State Supt. without straining his republican­ Aiderman at the commencement ism. exercises at District 8 seems^to Count your change and see if have been another of Mr. Alder­ yov’ve got the $34.55 that be­ man’s opportunities to serve the longs to you by the Government’s state he has so ably assisted in whatever he has already under­ figures of per capita averages. taken. District 8 is to be con­ The man whose most import­ gratulated on having been hon­ ant aim is what he shall eat is ored by the presence of the State the fit name for the woman Superintendent. Not every coun­ whose sole thought is what she try district of two rooms can en­ shall wear. joy such favors. ------------------------ - A sure sign of the economic Agents of the State School tendencies among the people is Appropriation Referendum Move­ the steady falling off of the de­ ment admit that they have failed mand for gold for use fn tti e to secure the required number of jewelry trade in the arts. names with which to accomplish The announcement that the their purpose. They particular­ House will revise Schedule K, ly had in charge the petitions in putting raw wool on the free list opposition to the Agricultural and cutting down the duties on College and The State Normal. manufactured wool, is good news. Only 1422 names were secured to any of the petitions and the If Dr. Wiley, the pure food ex­ reason assigned is that the so­ pert, interferes seriously with licitors were slow in beginning headache remedies he may cast the work. We presume they a gloom over the festivities of might have added that the peo- the night before the morning p'e were also slow in signing after. their names to a paper that --------------- In the next Lorimer inquiry it would do no good and would is to be hoped that the senate in­ cripple these institutions for a vestigators will prove themselves still longer time, They have at least mildly curious and inter­ been without a State Normal ested in obtaining the facts in School for two years now and they do not like to think of fac­ the case. ing an inefficient school of that You may not know it, but nature for ancther two years. -------- ♦♦♦----- smoking before meals renders Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps? the buccal bucosa insensitive to No, Never. Its foolish to fear a fan­ alimentary stimulation and neu­ cied evil, when there are real and dead­ tralizes the olfacto-gastatory re­ ly perils to Board against in swamps and marshes, bayous, and lowlands flex. Try it and be convinced. Portland’s campaign for a big auditorium is now under way and there seems little doubt that it will be successful. Various business and improvement clubs are giving the movement their hearty support. Gov. Dix. of New York wants to 3tock up the state’s abandon­ ed farms with tramps. He might lead Weary Willie to the spot but it would be hard to make him stay unless there was a straw3tack there with a sunny side. ---- Dr. Wiley is going after head- ach remedies, some of which do their work by deadening the nerves and putting the heart well nigh out of business. His idea is that it is better to have a headache and know it than to be dead and not know a thing about It seems that there was enough graft in Mexico to make some of our graft experts look like amateurs. For instance, one half the teachers on the pay roll of the department of educa­ tion could not be found, but somebody had called regularly for their salaries. ------------------ Portland people are making their plans for the annual Rose The=e are the malaria germs that cau-e ague, chills and fever, weakness aches in the bones and muscles and may in­ duce deadly typhoid. But Electric Bit­ ters destroys and ea^ts out t. ese vicious germs from the blorel "Three lottle- drove all the malaria from mv system,” wrote Wm Fretweli, of I. K ama. N. C ‘‘and I've had fine health ev r since.” L -e this -a e, sure remedy only, .■>•)<• at all druggists. THE TOWN CRIER Was put out of business by Printer’s Ink A Burglar's Awful Berd may not paralyse a home no completely a* a mother’s long illne?« But Pr. King**« N«*w I.it«* Pills ar«» a splemiid remedy f»»r women “They gave me wonderful benefit in cot -tipation an«l fema'e trouble,’’ wrote Mr* M Pun­ lap, <4 I »ndill Tenn. If ailing, trv them, 2’ h * at all druggist**. Th® Undressed Philosophe«- More whiskers ti an a girl would need A pillowslip to stuff. A crop of lilacs run to seed. A shield from weather rough. Some straxuliro: hairs upon his head That vainly try to meet. In color just n fa.led red And that «* old Uncle i’ete A coat that n'..t,vb<- w »s « f id When Noah sailr«1 his ark You «! hardly sj-«‘a«< of It as ’’glad’’ And Otting for a lark. Pants i :»•.*• Description fails my pen: A v<-t u it • • i' ■» o di*p ay««!- There’s Uncle Pete again But de l > n»»t judir«* him bv the mop Free from »♦•'•traint and comb, Or by the fa.i- d hairs on tup That errace his shining dome, Or by the garments out <-f «late That he has worn so long. For w!:i h th»* rag »nan lies in wait To purchare for a song. No; judge turn by his genial smile And by his sage remarks And listen to tils wis.lom while It tiles from him In «parks Advice you get hot from the bat Bv sitting at his feet. <4t From wise old i ncle Pete. Is then* anything in all thi* world I M. SHORT, M D that ta of more ini|s>rtHnce to you than good digestion? E«» si must la» cairn lo I». Bl ITNER, M. D sustain life and lllllst I h » digest ed and Ph,attisa, *■<(,»•• W lieti thè «Il converted into blood JrMhtn, • Orcfia geMion fail« Hie w whole boi«* lk»«lv l*odv hii IT« ih , Chamlferlain*« Tablets are a rational and reliable cure for indigeMion. I'll y increase the flow of bile, purify the AUCTION l-F.R bliM»d. strengtiieu the stomach, and Re* l*hnng 7GK Y tone up the whole digestive apparatus Phone 137 J R«**i«lence HIM |.’»lh **t. to a natural amt healthy action. For VANCOUVER. - - WASHINGTON sal«» by all druggists. Firwood Ltimber Co. s w. s. woo Wanted. For Sale, Lost, Found, Etc. All Itwal t>rti««*ini*utM ar«« run tituler this bead at the rat«» «»f ONE « I- N V V VS ORD * IK*!’ INSERTION »«Ibarqueui lu»vrti»»na will br n»a«b- on IN to J»' word» (or I«» «rut« AH.».*» words f«»r 15 rent* k* to 4«» wor«la (or « rnt« No a«l piiblishrd (or leas than IN «rut* Cash tn advance rare pt I«» regular advertiavr» V w j orr SANDY, ORE. Pcalem 111 I) jseial Dt-NTISTS O regoli Ill AI»Ql ARII RS W III III Al Pl .t ASAN I HOMI w. F. M c K inney Phone ¿74 INVESTIGATI (IIY 01 IAlRVlf VA Bids Wanted for The Improvement of first And Second Streets. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS Our Method* Our Slock of Lniiil**r ami Mtllw«»rk ami Our Pri«a** We are «•<«nil lent I hat it »11 r»—ult in *M,uring your busi m— when y >u ne*«d anything from a |Mtat to a bill «»f I hid I mt for a h«»uw «»r barn ♦ llrst-Cldss livery anJ Iced Stables dl Borinq «in J Sandy ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Triin»p«»rtation «4 all kind* • 4 Baggage to Sgndy .imi interior |x>iut* K<»r further Ititoruialloii ph>»u«* «»r w rii«- I . I . DONAMI I . Prop Boring, • - Oregon The U ’t in «piahty for the mon­ ey. i* the ni«»tl<» u«- try t«» live tip to. I »in«* in rind insigHl«* ♦ Mill AHO TAROS AT tEHIS JUMCTIOM HERALD BARGAIN OFFERS MILLER-MOWHEY LUMBER Î DTA an«! Hl SI» A) < »!<►•.■ »NT *b Ml W h I- K I.Y J« »CHS 4 I I* A11 ) IOCRNAI DAILY «nd Ht’SDAY J« »I RS Al. i’Auirn mosthia I A' in«’ H«»MEril h AD 5 FAIT EK ITIAIHI F< n I TRY J« »I l(S M (monthly) «•RE«.« »N A».RI< I I TI RI*T >» FARM J« »URN A I .* yr* an I ll .rv Secret* i AO M. « Al I.’.** M AfiAZINE «I ridirà*) i e» nnro your watch 9 KEEP time : UULO an i then you’ll it think of ua * >rk gun ran No hasty. i>ur Job l«a\«*N our h<>|> ar»* •»killed and ron*rienti«>ua. not grumble al the prîtes. <» 7& Fred I). Flora Thi« mice I« f<«r delivery by mall only ati<1 illy wlii when I« tnad«- made * Ith ord» r only ’ii remittance la Patter« may !»«• sent to ««‘perale a l ire«««-« Nul» «< ription* may tw^ln al an) tino- 191 Morrison St PORII.WP, - OREGON (Near I’ap’a R«»stanrantI r JONSRUD BROS. BORING OREGON What Happened To Jones l'h<»ii«* Il t Mill I I 4 Hill« » •>'Uth«,s«t <•( K« CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOULDINGS TURNED WORK And a lot of other People Is Described In LUMBER $6 AND UP 1 «,<«■ ,t.M . IHmrii.luti I umb. r .in hand Konah and l>r. ■•«■d iumtw-r for all purpnaaa 6he HOME PAPER TAKL IT >.-nd order lo Ji SHKI’li HHnM. »»..ring HI» J REGULARLY l'est Dr. Hess I PAN A CI A GRANGE DIRECTORY (Granu*“ ««r* o |ti« •»••«I t• » *• nd t»» Th«- ll« rnl-1 Iti(fitnation -•» that n bri«*« <( h>>ur <>f iii«'»'t i mt. ) PLEASANT \ ALI I Y GRANGE N.» II« 'I • « : ■ •« « • «hd 4 » ' ’. rd» nt ~ 'pill it li I f< CI 11 h rintui'la) a» I1' .»»»n tn every inoiitli R(>< KWOOD GRANfth Me.-ta th» fir*. I Wed n«'-«lay <»f ««'li month at k p in. a lid tliir'l Hat ur«lav nt 1" « in MI LI N»»MAH <»RAN<.E, NO 71. fourth Hnturday in every month al 10 .P» a tn . in Gram.'*- l«all. < >ri«*nl EAIRVIEW *.RAN»«E M.-.-tw flint Kaltirday hii «I th»« third Friday of <-»«• h month Bl -'LIJATELE GRANGE no . i ».| 5fr. t» In R u-•«• 11 v i I -e liool hou«»1 on th«1 s««r«>ud Hal ur«la> iti Ih«-«•veiling nini fourth Haturdny nil • lay EVENTS». -TA It «.RtS’t.E Meet« iji their hall nt Houli» Mount I aleir «»li th«- first Matur- «lay of » ach month at 10 a hi All visitors are W eleoine. GREHHAM <»RAN«»E M«*eta second Satur »lay in »•aril month at 10 .to h hi DAM \s( I s í.RANi.E, NO 2» h » Meet» first Saturday each month LES I .* «.It A S»»h Me. tn n< < on o'clock m in «OLI MIGA «»RAS’ í .E S o 2»«. M. els In nil »lay -—ion flr*t Thursday in each month in grange hall n« »tr < I’, meet - fi r»t H h t iir«la y of »H«-h m««ntti at lo .'»i m, rii «| tlnrM«* we know of nothing tatter than IiiMtant Lou*« Killer. LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER NOW MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. lolita, Oregon Patronize the lierait! He n Hoos ter E. E. Marshall Agent for Complete Stock of Marble and Granite MONUMENTS suhhheo 284-266 Fiurth St Opponi« City Hill ♦ i : » : : ♦ : : I ; ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Beater State Herald and other papers ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ TI h * price of III«* ll«*rahl alone is II ♦ Lonipany ♦ a y«*ar. but to th«»**«* w Lu would lik«* the ♦ ah an tag** <»f h «In I »hi ng rut** with other ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ pa|H*r«> we »»ff«*r th»* i«»il••mSg low price* KrmrmtxT these jrr the lowed Katrx FOR >\l.h. 3'» h«*a<| of goata, part <»f them for butchering Mini th«* ot hero with voting <»m*H Christian « »anten- l«vin. 2 mile* aoutheaat <»i B«»nng Ore., •• 1 he Herald” in combination w ith Any Route 2. tx»x 9. of the following: F< >R SA I.|- ’> year old w-«rk borite, a utos weight al.nit <*eL br<>kt*. John EST N«. Tb I k«.K \ M I Hruinfer. I.ent«, <»re, one mile north- EV A h b K I A ORKuONfIS we-t of (iillsTt Station DAILY NT \s Johnson à Von Zante 1‘rnva on all • »Id Slock WON FIRST PRIZE AT ALL FAIRS STAGE LINE F< »là S\| I *Mf.| p>»tato« - dpply J \. Claiirihan l»i\i-i »n -treet. Orr-diaiii. On*., Phonr »1 \ FoR SAI I—a tiro» voting team, w»*ight riliout ,'‘»2lì", cheap. \d lr< -- W. E Morgan, Tr«» lìh I«*, Or« goti Ph«»ne ♦3x1 lò.ut.» I. Fur One». l.< • *-* I One day little Margie saw a dray L< >>T—At th»* < aza'l»*ro wreck, a loaded with bides passing the house. “Ob, mamma.” she exclaimed, "there amall celluloid picture of Our Mother goes a man with a whole stack of of P«*rp«-t ual Help, edged w ith lac« and M*w**d on a -mall piece of i < ardl*oard. .7.:. —Chicago News cows’ overcoats! Fintier will pl**Mt»«* **-n«i same ■am** to ll.bn Biwvett, box Hr*. Boring, i )r»*gon «•ar«* Must Be Pretty. Paul Bunn. ffn Have you ever looked In the FOV.Nh- g od lap rob** I mile« gin«* when you ar** angry? She No: of < »r» — Lam x»ut the loth of la-i I’m never angry when I look in Ole cenilwr Owner have same glass. proving pr»>|M-riv pa\ing for < ’all at Be a \ er St ham Saved Child From Death. “After our child had suffered from SI l*SC i f I.ANI- <>l >ev»*r** bronchial trouble for a y»*ar.” wrote . \V** «l**liv»*r luml**r. (• fiori. It lad a bad rough all th** time. Jonsrud Bros. — We tried manv remedies without avail, ami doctor’s medicine <* emed a*» use­ J. J JOHSHON J<»HN VAN ZANTK less. Finally w»* tried Pr King’* New Pis»- very, and are pleased to say that on** bottle effected a complete cure, arri our chile, Rrmovp<1 from Commercial HlALE Prall h«»r-« - an«l a year «»!«! J er** y hull IiHpiir»* «4 F W ('aiming. Kri ». < >n*.. Buring. < >rv . K I <>l GERMAN COACH STALLION VV. C. Belt, M. 1)., C M. NX \ X I I ■ I » E<»K S\I.E -i«. I cedar r au.I cedar lumts r S|u-cial price, to clean up the yard t »lesoti, l.iimlwr Co , Boring, i »re l ei .‘>31 ' Drvœsl GODHARD BROTHERS Ureshain. East Mill it it. <»rr Oil Bough ami LUMBER Ollii'p over Fimi State Bank Beater Male ll«*ral«l. Gnxhain. ore Fhmir. udire. Iv. rea . l* Every«»nv who ha* Inuight egg", ami they un* not a lew. sai«l, “I saw your a»! OK Etit »N in tin* Hemid.” I am very much plea* i.KESII \M. «•«I with the results »4 my a«hvrtisilig. Sincerely Mr**. I \ Ntubauer. FOR SALE— a few head «»f hr«>k«*n h'»rse* just arrive*! front Eastern (>re- gon. Can l»e ae» n st J. W. Shattuck** Ranch, Pa maar us, Ore. A«l»irese, lur­ F«»r soreness of the mu«cles whether ing Route i induced by violent exercises or injury, FOR SALE o R TRAPE Five by Chamberlain's I.fnirnent is »*xcelleQt. «even Premo, rapnl rertlinear camera, This liniment is als«> highly esteemed in fair condition. Bargain for hover. for the relief it afford* in cases of rheu­ Dwnrr has a larger camera and wishes to di*|s»*e of this to **et a jwket -ize matism. Sol«l by all druggist*. TrijKMl aii'l plate holders thrown in. Cail Heral«! office, Gresham. >«*e «a»» pie of work. T ruthful. It was 4 a. in., and Bilkins crept FOR SAI E—Green wo«M| rut two softly Into th»1 bouse anil removed bls year*, |ô On a< rd deliver**«! in Gresh­ shoes, but as be tiptoed upstairs on.* am. John Palmblad. Phoii**3sxl. of the treads gave u loud creak, "Is 16 that you. John?” demanded Mrs. Bil FDR SALE — Br»»wri I « gioirti » gg-, H» kins from above. "No. my love," replied Bilkins. “Its ri netting <»f 15 »*gg* J »hn Palriilbn«! Phone 3Mxl. l«i the stairs."—Ju• 3led bid* will I»** received for th** cuttir g ami filling hv th»* yard, and th** gravelling by the vani of Fir**t ami Second street** r< sp< < tr.e|y in the city * made separately for each atr»*et, and a certified ch**« r for ten |e*r « ent of the amount «4 ♦*<•« h bid must accompany same Bid* will be opened the fi ret day of June, 1911. The council reserves th<* right to rej-rt any or all bi«l*. Es­ timateli etc., can hr* aeen, ami full par­ ticular- obtained relative to the work, PRINTER’S INK Will Get Business either from the members of the street For YOU. We Do Up to Gate committee, or the Recon 1er. G. O DOLPH, JOB PRINTING. X TRY US Record»-r, City of Fair view I Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Portland FARM MACHINERY PHONE 316, GRESHAM, OREGON