Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, May 26, 1911, Image 2

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Unaware of Armistice, Troops Move j
On Mexiean Capital.
Exhibition Stag» Past; Pasttmger Ma­
chines Common.
I’aria The one thing to be deduced
from the principal event for the ap-
proiu-lung aeroplane aeaaon la thnt the
day of th«- "cireua” meeting has gone
Public an.I aviator
not to return,
Salem Mi-mb« rs of tlu- |xx>l of the alike are tired of circling around the
Grants I’ass That South«-rn Or«- (
Ignorant, apparently, that the war
I is ended officially, one small band of gon. with its variixl re.sourc«-s, is mak­ Willamette Valley I’ruuegrower»' as derricks of an aerodrome.
The timid flutter» of two years ago Field Leadore of Both Armies Noti­
General Resume of Important Event* rebels under Candido Navarro last ing gn-ater strid«-s than any other! social ion met WediK-sdHy in this city,
1 night cut the national railroad near s«-ction of th«-stat«-, is th«- la-lief of1 a gixxl representation of th«1 principal have been succeeded by long ramblea
fied at One« Dr La Barra
Presented in Condensed Form
Chief kMacutivo.
I San Felipe, south of San Luis Potosi. H. L. Hertinger, a member of the, growers of this section being pr«senl from town to town. The practical ap
for Our Busy Readers.
Fruit­ to consider market and crop conditions plication of th«- aeroplane is in sight,
and another band »topped all trartie city council ot Grants Pass.
for machines have been «■<inatrui*ta*<l
over the Mexican railroad by ripping raising, alfalfa growing and mining of th«- prunes of this section.
Juarrx, Mexico, May 22. OMcially
z\ full r«-|xirt of th«- market condi capable of carrying In or 12 passen
• sonic* of th«- chief
Entire East still swelters in hot out the rails and burning a bridge are
désignât«*! représentât i ves of the
would interfere j With a large amount of foreign i cap­ the management, showing the pros-
A dozen schools in France are turn lean government and the revolutionists
in Morelos
Eastern lumbermen admit having rebels
|x-cts to In- gixxl for th«- marketing of
nt Id o'clock hiNt night signed a
over the Cuernav aea
restricted the output in order to main­ with
the present growing crop. Letters ing out pilots every day in addition to
agreement at the custom house hete
tain prices.
branch of the national
from representatives hi the principal
mtarnded to end the hostilities which
Revised estimates give
have been waged in Mexico.
rounding country anil a large munici­
of dead at the capture of Juarez at with guards.
To provide a fii-ld for the ambition of
Though covering only the principal
stocks of dried fruit there are light.
180, and 250 wounded.
Rebel activity was not regarded as pal improvement programme is being Reports from th«- large centers of this then«- young birds, three great races points negotiated thus far. it practi
cally record* the conce «»ion by the
Gloom settled over the aviation wn- meaning that the insurrectos will re­ contemplateii. d«-ciar«xi Mr. Herzinger. country, are along the same line. A have been arranged.
government of those demands which
tests at Paris, following the death of fuse to abide by the terms of the
Mr. Herzinger has been in Grants lat«- r«-|x>rt from California was read
The first in dale and |x>«tsibly also in
peace treaty. Yesterday the armis­ Pass more than four years and in that which indicates the outside estimat«-
initiate«!, on November 2u, artnr«l rev­
the minister of war on the first day.
difficulty, is that organized by the olution in Mexco.
tice agreed upon terminated and there time has s«-«n Josephine county grow
. of th«- prun<- crop there to be 125,000.-
Mexican rebels exterminated
Petit I’arisien from Palis to .Madrid.
are probably scattered bands of rebels
Telegrams announcing th«* aigning
Chinese colony of Torreon, after cap­ uninformed that their country is offi­ | from a sparsely settl«*«i district into a 000.
Aviators hav<- to pass, aeeonltng to of th«* agr«*ement wer«* diapatched
prosperous community.
This is considerably less than th«-
turing the city,
killing over 200
the rules issued by the organizers, for throughout Mexico t«» revolutionary
cially at peace. However. Navarro is
"The Rogue River Valley, in which estimate of two w«-eks ago.
A gen­
reported to have said he would not Grants Pass is the center, has liecome eral canvass of the growers in regard a distance of 60 l.. Hi kilometers over and l•’^’^l«•ral l« iulris alikt*.
Monarchist troopa are being armed consent to peace at present.
famous for its pears, grapes iin«i ap to the local prune crop now growing, mountains nearly i.omi f«-«-t high.
This race is endowasl by the Petit vent«*d the inclusion in th«* p«'a«,<*
The motive for the cutting of the pies,” said Mr. Herzinger.
in Portugal and it is believed an at­
“Devel­ show.-d various estimates from 40 to
I’arisien with a prize of $2.000 to the ! agreement of the fact that the rebtds
tempt will soon be made to restore the Mexican railway may be that a troop opment along this lint- is just in its 75 per cent of a full crop, or an out
train was being brought towards the infancy.
Th«- p«x>| lc- of Grants Pass side average of «io percent. The hill winner In udilition, the Spanish Aero would be permitt«<l to suggest to var
1 ion-* stat«* legislatures the names of
ami vicinity have raise«! funds for the orchards of this section, w here usually club gives prizes of $10,000.
Seven men are believed to have capital.
Th«- second big < ««-nt is th«- Paris to principal governors and likewise the
Unconfirmed reports are that the construction of a concrete dam across th«- largest crops of pnines ar«- ob­
been lost by the wrecking of a lum-
delayed soldiers have detrained nt the Rogu«- River three miles above tained. are showing light this season, Home and Turin flight, schedule I for fact that six of th«* «*ight m«*mbvrs of
ber schtxiner otf Cape Sebastan. L1 re­
Huamantla and engaged a body of reb­ th«- city. Water will be stonxl by this th«- main crops being on the lower May 28. The prizes will totul $100, th«* m w cabinet have b«*«*n ch«>s«*n by
gon. six being rescued.
1 th«* revolutionists, but th«* agreement
els in battle.
dam to supply water to irrigate 50.000 land and thes«- ar«- H|x>tted.
But with
June w ill s«-«- th«- European circuit 1 records that l’r«*Mident Ihaz and Vice
Mexican suffragists have appeared
In the last seven days the Federal acres of fertile fruit land on either a medium crop and good prices indica­
races from Paris to London and re I'resident Corrall will r« -ogn and that
at Juarez, speaking against Madero, garrison has been greatly strengthen­ side of the river above an«l b«-!ow
tions ar«- th«- crop will show much
turn. The flight will be begun on th«* gov«*rnm«*ht is to cotic«’ntriilc its
but he declines to interfere saying ed and the capture of the capital will Grants Pass. This larg«- area will be
better returns than is generally re­
June I and occupy probably two week ; attention on d« sirrd r«*f«»rma.
freedom of speech shall prevail in now be difficult.
utilized for the grow ing of fruits.
ceives! from the larger cn-p«, owing to
Th«- prizes aggregate $sol,OOO, and
Jmlge Carbajal r«*pre -ente I th«* b‘«*<i
It is report«*! that Figueroa and his
"The pixiplc- of the community dem­ the increasisl value of the large sizisl
already have attract«-1 muny entries. I eral government an«l Dr. \’a»«piez <lo
onstrated that they were wide-awake fruit.
Two persons are dead and twenty-
i m«*/. I'rancisco .Madero, Sr., ami S«*nor
four seriously ill with ptomaine pois­ and that Azunsolo has angered Zapata, when they subscribed in two hours
I’ino Suar«■; act<*«l for the revolution­
oning from eating pressed chicken at the captor of Suautla. by branding $70,000 for the construction of the
railroat! from Grants Pass to th«- fam­
Peabody. Kansas.
Physicians say him a bandit.
ous marble caves. This group of caves Stove Foundry May Use But 200 Alleged Dynamiter* Receive Daintie»
the fowls were diseased.
Juárez, Me xico, May 22
The act
in Jail.
forms one of the natural wonders of
Convict Workers.
ual signing of th«* Mexican treaty
The discovery of five aces in a deck
Oregon. The railroad will tap one of
I. «« \ng«-l<-
Women, not alon«- in ! agreement t«»ok plaue un«l«*r most < x
Salem After ever .I weeks of dis­
of cards with which a group of Penn­ 100 Matchmakers Discharged Because th«- finest timber belts in the state an«i|
th«- ditTererices between the working class, but many of the tra«»r«hnary circumstances last night
sylvania miners were playing, led to
of 8-Hour Limit.
will supply transportation to th«- al­ Governor West and !.«>« wenberg. Go­
the killing of three of the men and fa­
wealthy mid aristocratic order. have I mi th«* steps of the cusí«’»»* hous«*.
hen the p. ace commi'-doners arrived
Chico. Cal. — The Diamond Match falfa districts along the Applegate ing & Co. have finally been settled
tally wounding of a fourth.
aixi Williams rivers.
and a new contract drawn up between been showering fl«mera. txxiks. candy i they found th«* door of th«* customs
Nearly 100 cit^ens of Cordova.
"In addition to the horticultural re­ the company and the state Under the and other dainties upon J. J. .McNam­ h«»u.■«•• lock«! and no one ther«* to let
Alaska, have started for the coal fields Barber, a suburb of this city, w ill re­ sources of Josephine «.-ounty, mining new contract th«- company has a limit ara, who on Sunday was again th«- re­ them in.
near that place, where they intend to place practically all its women em- development is going ahea«l on a largi- of 2oo men who may be employed in
Accordingly th«*y gather«*«! on th«*
cipient of a number of floral offerings,
mine coal enough to supply themselves ! ployes with men. on account of the scale.
The Higgins and Anderson the stove foundry at the stat«- jx-ni-
' st« pa of th«* building, and whil«* new-.
some of them being sent anonymously
strikes in the old Kirby districts on tentiary.
and adjacent towns in defiance of the
I pa|x*r men held matches, fountain
. new eight-hour law.
In the match-
the Illinois river are causing much ex­
I ¡M*nn wer«* pnsluced and th«* document
Under the old contract it was possi­ from sentimental jiersons.
I making department alone more than citement.
These properties seem to ble for the company to use all of the
Each day of lute the prisoner has 1 signed.
Shipments by water from Atlantic 100 women and girls will be let out.
be alive with precious metal. I be­ men in the prison excepting those ne-
Four autornobih’s tum«l their h«*a<!
receive<l Ixsiks and flowers from var-
to Pacific Coats ports show great in­ .Many are experts brought from the
lieve if they were remote from trans­
i Eastern states and are receiving good portation and difficult of access, we cessary for the state to use als>ut the ious sources, and numerous letters lights on the scene and when the sig
Under the new plan the
I natures w«*r<* at!ix«*d th«* commission«*™
Vice President Corrall, of Mexico, salaries.
would have a stampede to the camp. governor will he able to nquisition all from Eastern friends and nequain- of l>oth si«l«*s embrac«*«! joyfully, whil«*
does not think Diaz' resignation will
But. it seems, they are too near home | of the extra convicts for road work.
tances and labor leaders, all assuring 1 a small crowd that collected shout«*d
ble for the company to get a sufficient to cause a rush.
end the revolution.
Mining experts be­
The working time has also been cut him of the writers’ belief in his in­ “ Viva l.a I’az. ”
number of competent women to do the lieve that some of the newly discov- .................... ......................
I from a ten-hour day to a nine-hour
An “endless chain” of letter-writ­ work, and with the enforcement of ered claims bear tin ore in paying day, and provision is made in th«- con- nocence, and their willingness to do
F rench minister killed .
ing will be adopted as a plan to get the new eight-hour law. conditions are
quant.- ■
tract that the company muat provide all they cun to help him prove it.
settlers for the Pacific Northwest.
made worse, as the work of practi­
J. B. McNamara, while not included Monoplane Plungnt Into Official Party
space in its buildings for lavatories
French Canadians at Vercheres, cally 100 men depends on the work of
and baths to that the men will be in thes«- professions of frien«lship to
at Races.
Canada, removed the sign "postoffice” these women, and their hours would of
clean when they attend their meals. as great an extent as his brother, has
Paris, May 22
Franc«* paid a ter­
necessity have been shortened with
and substituted “bureau de poste.”
the shortening of the women’s hours Local Clubs to Be Organized; Land
received quite a few letters pltxlging rible t«»ll y« st» r«lay for the magnificent
made as well, relating to lire protec-
Still Open to Entry.
«endeavor to attain supremacy of the
from nine to eight.
tion and incidental matters in connec- him supjnirt in his defense.
It had been rumored the company
Lakeview The Lak«- county devel­
Ortie McManigal’s eorre-pond.-nce air, wh«*n a monoplane, th«* driver of
tion w’ith the sh«»ps.
which had lost control, plunged into
Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem. contemplated employment of Japanese opment league is the name of the new I
The only bone of contention remain­ «•■••ms to b<- limit««! to an occasional
His only vis­ a grmip of cabin«‘t members who had
94'» 95c; club, 86c; Red Russian. 85c; to replace the women, but General organization that succeeds the Lake­ ing is as to payment for 14 convict ’ letter from his wife.
gather«*«! to witness th«* start of th«*
Superintendent Fairbum denied this. view board of trade and which will
valley, 86c; 4o-fold. 86c.
who have been employ«*«! daily around itor» ar<- members of the Burns detec-
bend its energies toward development
tiv«- agency, who < a<-h day bring him rac«* fr<»rn i’aria to Madrid. The min-
Barley—Choice feed. $28'«/28.50.
Hillman Barely Escapes.
i ist«T of war was kill«!, th«* prim«*
of the entire county and peopling the
Corn—Whole, $29; cracked, $30.
state. The governor has insisted on cigars, fruit and other luxuries.
minister and his son, a well known
San Diego. Cal.- C. D. Hilman. the large areas of government lands open
Oats—No. 1 white, $29.50 ton.
payment f<»r these, while the company
^|R»rtsman, were injur«-d.
Th«* «l«*ad :
Hay — Timothy, Eastern Oregon, Seattle millionaire, whose appeal from to homestead and other entry,
refuses, asserting there has been a
No. 1, $21.506/22.50; light mixed, a sentence for real estate frauds is new organization is composed of rep­ distinct understanding that the men M.inigal, it is sai l, is beginning to lleriri Mauri«*«* Bvrteaux, minist« r of
heavy, mixed, $17.50 in pending, had a narrow escape from resentative citizens of Lakeview and were to be used in caring for the I fret at his confim-ment.
Th«* injured:
Antoim* Emmanuel
18.50; alfalfa, $14 tn 15;
clover, having to sell for $150,000 a ranch it will be their endeavor to interest shops and keeping them in shape for
$12.506/13.50; grain hay, $13.506/ near Encinatas. which is proved by citizens of the other jxirtiuns of the the benefit of the state and it is de­
Deutsch«* l.a Morth«*, ng« d patron of
the discovery of oil to be worth $500,- county. It is believed that w ith the
clares! that no money will ever be paid
aeronauti<*s, automobiling ar. I other
coming of the N-vada-( ’ali fornia-' Ire-
Fresh fruits- - Strawberries, Oregon. 000.
for them unless the state sues and suc­ Texas R'-port Says Rebelt Dragged s|M>rts.
After having accepted an offer of gon railway, which will be at Lake­
$4 crate; California. $1.50<''/2 crate
cessfully recovers.
Victim to Plaza and Shot Him.
Many others of note had narrow’ v.s
gooseberries, 86/ 10c per pound; apples, $150,000 from Oakland men, Hillman view this year, and the contemplated
Laredo, Tex. At th«- end of a rop<- cajws.
visited the ranch and found three oil completion of lines into the north end
$ 1 6/ 3 per box.
Berries Late But Good.
which hil l 1»-. n ti«-d around his neck.
Ill»* nr«*id«*nt oc<*urr«*d on th«* avia­
Vegetables — Asparagus, $16/2 per outfits at work and ascertained that of the county. Lake will receive a
H- mh I River A ye «r ago Thursday
Dr. .1. W., a Chines«- banker, wax tion field «»f |'«-y I.«*s Mo|in«*ux, w her«*
box; beans. ]•' « 17jc; cabbage, $2.50 oil in paying quantities had been great imjx tus.
the Ihx.«l River Fruitgrowers' union
di aj-r--1 around th«- plaza in Torreon, ■ 200,000 p«*rsonM had gath«*r«*d to s«*«*
Goose Lake valley has 160,000 acres
per hundredweight; cucumbers. $1.50 struck and that prospects were good
ishipp-«! the first carload <>f strawber-
Mexico, until Ins body w as a ma-s of I I he start of tin* race.
When Hillman of fertile land awaiting th«- plow, some
6/2.25 per dozen.; lettuce, 65c per for a better flow.
i ries for the s«-a«on. The cool weather
broken I hhi «- h and bl«-«*ding wound. , n<-
M. 'brain was piloting the mono
dozen: hothouse lettuce, $1.256/ 1.75 learned this he attempted to call ofT of which can be homesteaded.
I of th«- pa t two Weeks this year, how­
cording to n-|xirts which have just j plan«*. With him in th«* car wa M.
per box; jieas, 6i«/7ic per pound; the deal with the Oakland people, and
ever, has held th«- crop back, and it i.s reached here.
j Rouni«*r, a p.i- «*ng« r.
Neither w as
peppers, 3'i«/35c: radishes, 15c per finally compromised by giving his per­ able lands and some
probable that no extensive shipments
From the snmo source of information t injur«*«!, though the
machine was
dozen; rhubarb. 1 |6/ 2c per pound; to­ sonal check for $5,000 to sever nego­ Uhewaucan valley has 75,000 acres will be made until Jun«- 1. D«-spit<-
details of a thr«-e-day battle at Tor­ wreck <•<!.
and some homestead lands.
$2.756/3.25; new carrots, tiations.
tl.i- f.-u-t b«-rry pickers are beginning reon lietwi-en revolutionists and Fed­
.Mini* f.«*r of War l»ert«*aux was hor­
Lake valley has 50,000 acres of land
$2.25 per sack; turnips, $2.25; beets,
to arrive and pitch their tents on the
eral* were received.
Th«- battle is ribly mangled. Th«* swiftly revolving
that may be irrigate«! from art« inn
Monarchists in Prison.
river flats below the city.
said to have taken place May 1.3, I I pr«»p« lli*r cut (»IT his left arm, {which
Potatoes Oregon and Eastern, $2.50
Lisbon — According to an official wells struck at. depths of from 122 to
Th«- Hood River crop this Reason
and 15, resulting in a rebel victory.
i was found 10 fe«*t from th«’ s|»ot wheie
p«-r hundred; new potatoes, 6J6/7J c . statement issued here, a number of 260 feet, and nearly all of which can will b<- of fin«- quality.
Estimates of
Dr. was one "of th«- wealthiest he was struck; th«* back of his head
be homestead«.-«!. Christmas Lake val­
Onions — Australian, $3.756/4 pe/ jiersons in various walks of life ha
the crop run from 61),<)')<) to 75.!)<)()
Chin«in North Mexico and was at was i*rush«,d in.
ley has 350,000 acres, som<- of which
hundred; Bermuda, $2«/2.25 crate.
been arrested in the northern parts
th«- head of a bunking institution con gasln’d and the whol«*of his left sid«*
Poultry— Hens, 196/20c; broilers, Portugal charged with circulating can be homestead««!,
Farm Has Electric Plant.
trolled by Chines,- cnpitali <ts.
After was Jacerate«!,
' ail
20c; ducks, young, 25c; geese, nom­ alarmist rep«irt.s.
Th«- prisoners were valley has 75,000
I’cndiebin Installing an individual dragging around the plaza until
inal; turkey«, 20c; dressed, choice, sent on bfzanl the Portugues«.- cruiser o[>en to entry. Edit
• ■’»“
320- i elcetric light
‘‘Sabbath" Losing Its Hold.
power plant, life was almost extinct it is r«-|mrted
Adamastor, lying off Oporto.
Th«; 000 acres, half of it
val- ■ Sp»-ne«-r M. Bentley,
a prominent that rebels shot him s«-veral times.
Eggs—Oregon ranch, candle« 1, 21c bluejackets of the Adamastor, which acre horn«- t«ad act.
Lotiisvih*, Ky.
Th«* p«*rmanent
M <>f wheatgrower six mil«-, north of l’«-n- IL di« I within a few minutes.
per dozen; case count, 19V" 20c.
commit !«•«• on Sabbath ob -♦•rvanc«* and
were landed at O[x«rto, later proceed«-d ley has 50,000 acres,
City creamery, extras, 1 to Caminha, on th«- river Minho, to which is op'-n to entry. Many other : dleton, has -iq plnd his place with
family religion r«*port«*d to th«* l’n*s-
Chinese Loan Enlarged.
and 2-pound prints, in boxes, 24c per prevent the monarchist conspirators at smaller valley.-: present homes for the most modern farm «quipmerit. A t.«-n-
l»yt«*rian general
MHs«*mb|y (south!
. horse piwer gasoline «-ngine gem-rates
pound; i- -s than l>ox lots, cartons and Tuy, a Spanish frontier town, from homeless.
Pekin The foreign loan contract that a l«*tt«*r had been addressed to all
The members of the new organiza­ ! an arnpl«- supply of electricity.
delivery extra.
Forty has been materially enlarged in the la- I i Presbyteries regarding th«* Sabbath hm
crossing the river into Portugal.
tion will visit every precinct in the I lights supply the illumination n«-e«le«l fortnight as the result of the an­ a day of rest and worship.
Pork Fancy, 9j6/10c per pound.
county and organize local development 1 for dwelling, barns and sheds, while nouncement that th«1 government in­ a dgned for th«* loss in Sabbath obs«*r-
Veal Fancy. 9J6/ 10c per pound.
French Relieve Fez.
Hops 1911 contracts, 22cpr;xiund;
Sunday pa|»«*rs. Sunday
Tangier -The safety of Fez from clubs to co-operate with the parent I conveniently - arranged motor « pump tends to relieve the provinces of con­ vanre are:
1910 crop, nominal; 1909 crop, 15c; sack and massacre is belie visi to be organization and work to the develop­ , his water, cut his f<-<-d, saw his w«xxi, trol of all trunk line projects and mails, Sunday th<*nt«*rs, Sundny rxcur-
This und<-r- I turn the grimlstone an«l run all the would construct immediately trunk sions, influx of continental i«l«*Hs, th«*
olds, 10c.
Dispatches have reached ment of their sections.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, nominal, here that Colonel Barnard's French taking is not a small matter in a other farm machinery.
lines throughout the empire. This ac­ advent of automobiles, worldly plea
106/14c; valley, 126/15c;
mohair, relief expedition has reached the cap­ county of this size.
counts for the provisional increase of sure, in<*<*sRant work through the we«*k
Wool Scouring is Begun.
choice. 37Jc.
the loan of $50,000,1)00. T he loan is and commercialism.
ital, where the sultan is beleaguere»!,
Cattle Prime, grain fed steers, $7 and that it has either entered or is
Washroom Made Office.
Echo With both the large mill at 95 and will run for 40 years at five
6/7.25; prime hay fed,
$6.856/ 7 ; camped outside the walls of the city.
Three years are allowed
Town Taken After *>-D.ay Battle.
Salem So cramped for room is the warehouses full to overflowing an<l per cent.
choice steers, $6.506/6.85; g«xxi, $66/ The arrival of the French has dissi­ capitol that Secretary of State Olcott thousands of ftounds of wool stacked for construction, except for the moun­
(’uernavara, M«*xico, Muy 22. (De­
6.50; fair. $5.756/6; common, $5.50 pated all fears that the foreigners has assignerl
layed in transmission.) Th«* Federal
th«- new
purchasing on the platforms, the plant of the tainous section.
6/5.75; prime cows, $5.756/6.25; good, who were besieged with the sultan by agent, C. D. Frazer, of Portland, Echo scouring mills has started on the
garrison under ( olon«*l Munguia today
$56/5.25; fair. $4.756/5; poor, $4.50 the rebellious tribesmen will be slain. quarters in the wash an«l cloak room season’s run. The run promises to be
Taft Sits Over Ton Ice.
was forced to evacuate ('uautla, 20
6/4.75; choice heifers, $5.506/5.75;
Washington, I).
Congressmen miles soiitheaat of her«*, after a fierce
in th«.- rear of th«- senate chamber. longer than usual, for the reason that
choice bulls, $4.756/5; good, $4.256/
Lifeboat Tells of Wreck.
.Mr. Frazer is flunked on one aide by in addition to the half million pounds who get in to see President Taft these four days’ battle with a force of reb­
4.75; choice light calves, $7.756/8;
Tzmdon The British armored cruis­ th«; state architect’s office, an«i on grown and sheared in this vicinity, days are not surprised to learn that he els commanded by Colonel Zapata.
good. $7.50 6/. 7.75;
choice heavy er Cumberland reported by wireless to the other by the office of the State many dips are being shipped in from is not. worrying als>ut the date of ad­ The Federal* retreated to this city,
calves, $5.50 6/ 6; good, $5 6/ 5.50; the admiralty that she had picked up agricultural board, and to got out he the outside, Three carloads have just journment. While all Washington is where t.h«*y arirv«*d tonight. The reb­
choice stags, $5.756/6.25; g«xxi, $5.25
sizzling with the thermometer around els showed great bravery and are said
has to pass through one of these arrived from Arlington.
6/ 5.75.
the 100 mark, the president’s office to have lost over 100 men killed and
an empty lifeboat belonging to the offices.
Hogs -Choice, $6.70 6/ 6.75; grxd, overdue British steamer Cayo Largo.
shows a temperature of about KO. wounded.
$6.506/6.70; choice heavy, $66/6.50; The vessel left Swansea April 16 for
Water Turned Into Canal.
Bakr-r It was annoiinc«-«l by County The president sits over a ton of ice
common, $56/6; stock hogs, $76/7.25. Tampico, and it is feared that she
Car Kills Whole Family,
West Stayton Water was put into Judge Bas«-he that th«- county court of each day, for the White House refrig­
Sheep Choice spring lambs, $6.75 foundered in the storms that followed the first mile of the Willamette Vall«-y Baker county would not make the ap- erating plant is just beneath his desk.
Newark, Ohio The entire family
x/7; good, $66/6.75; choice yearlings, her departure.
Irrigatisi Land company's canal Mon­ propriation of $10,000 for the Oregon- The cooler air is forced into the room. of D. W. Ihslson, of Hebron, O., was
$5.256/5.50; goo«l, $56/5.25;
Everything was satisfacbiry Idaho bridge across the Snake river at
wip«*d «mt Sunday when an interur­
$4 756/5; choice ewes, $4.506/4.75;
Plague Kills 43 at Amoy.
Aviator Drops 200 FetT. .....
and while work has b«-«-n stopp««! torn-1 Brownie«-. This means that th«- bridge
ban car on the Newark division of the
good. $46/4.50; fair, $3.756/4; good
Strassburg, Germany
During an [xirarily on account of th«- inclemency will not be built, as the appropriation
Amoy, China Forty-three deaths Ohio Electric Railroad struck their
to choice heavy wethers, $4.506/5; aeroplane competition here Wednesday of the weather, only a few more of $10,00<) each by the legislatures of from the bubonic plague
and aix buggy and killed Mr. Ihsison, Mrs.
old heavy wethers, $46/4.50; mixed afternoon Aviator Laemmlin fell 200 weeks’ work will complete th«; canal Oregon and Idaho was provisional upon deaths from Hmallpox were reported Dodson and their two little girls, aged
lots, $46/ 5.
feet and was instantly killed.
during the week ending Sunday.
to West Stay ton.
7 and 4.
| a like appropriation by this county.
Doings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
Mexico City, May 24.
standing the official signing of the
peace agreement, the capital is more I
nearly isolated tonight than since the Southern Oregon Is Rapidly Develon- Willamette Valley Fruitmen Discus»
ing Varied Industries.
inauguration of hostilities.
Revolution Ends With Confer­
ence Held at .laurez.