Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, May 19, 1911, Image 8

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    (nt Km\mt
CI a nahan’s Addition
to Gresham
Clanahan’s Addition garden spot of Gresham. New
addition has only kta on the market two weeks. Half
already sold—balance selling quickly. Will be sold in the
next two weeks.
Some one is going to be left on these bargains. Will
it be you ?
Think this over carefully—see Thompson & Pugh
before it is too late.
Terms —10 per cent down, balance $10 per month.
We are also sole agents for Whitehead’s Superb
Addition. We have the best bargains in 5, 10, 15 and 20-
acre tracts.
Improved and unimproved land in and
around Gresham.
Mr». F. A. Zimmerman spent Mon­
day and Tuesday with friends in Gres­
Joe Jennings had his knee dialocated
while playing ball at Gresham.
Soloman Walker died at his home
near here on May the 7th at the age of
73 years.
Mrs. A. T. Tiller is visiting her daugh­
ter, Mrs. W. E. Linette, at Bridal Veil
Mrs. J. Alfred Larsson will spend
some time visiting friends in Eastern
Mrs. S. >. Logan entertained Miss
Susie Detrick and Miss Becker of Port­
W Knarr is confined to his home
with an injured foot caused by a blow
from an ax.
Mrs. J. F. Dean has returned from
visiting friends at Drain, Oregon, for
several days.
Aaron Fox and family were in Port­
land on Thursday of this week to at­
tend a banquet.
Mrs. L. B. Henniberger and son lies-
don Metcalf spent the weekend with
former s mother. Mrs. L. Allard.
Mrs. W. A. Williams and childrer of
Dayton, Ore., are spending the week
with Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Raker.
Charles Quinn, who lately closed a
blacksmith shop at Fairview has open­
ed up for busines- in Fox's building at
foot of Main street.
John Burdine has purchased from
Joseph Leader two lots adjoining his
property on the east
Mr. Burdine ie
preparing to go into the poultry busi­
Miss Nellie Hogue was home from
Currinsville where -he teaches school,
to spend the week with i er mother,
Mrs. Matilda Hogue. Miss Potter of
Canby, was also a weekend guest at the
Hogue home.
The funeral services of Joseph Dan­
iels were field in the Evangelic church
here on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Saule officiat­
ing. Mrs Daniels died at his home on
Elmo Heights, Lents on May 4. The
cause of death was typhoid fever. De­
ceased was 39 years of age and leaves
his widow and three small children.
A petition is being circulated for a
saloon in Lents But Lents does not
need a saloon and a strong effort will be
made to head it off.
Mr. Lol>ert of Nebraska is visiting
with Mr. Wallace Fairbanks.
Mrs. McCu lon and Mrs. Jones at­
tended Rebecca Convention this week.
Mrs. Hannah Tomlinson of Reybnur
Ave., died Sunday morning of pneu­
monia and heart trouble
Her daugh­
ter. Mrs. Adams is -ai 1 to lie ho. ele-sly
The people of the Mount Scott region
were called to activity almut 9:30 Tues­
day evening by what proved to be a fire
at Kelley 's Butte.The engine house took
fire and the fuel oil and grease with a
strong southwest wind soon made the
destruction of the building imprevent-
able. But by tearing down fences the
jail was -aved as was also the crusher.
The loss to the county is variously esti­
mated at <» W to ♦1’< m »O. The build-
ings and machinery will be replaced.
In the meantime road work will take a
The body of Mrs. Auga Nelson was
shipped here from Aberdeen, Wash.,
for burial and funeral obseques were
bald in the Swedish church n»-ar here
on Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Nelson
was 25 years of age and leave» her hug
band and two children. Death was
caused by pneumonia.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Teacher's Mother’s club will be held at
the school on Friday afternoon Mrs
Trumbill is expected to give a talk,
Mrs. McBride of Troutdale will sing a
series of Scotch ballads and Miss Sa­
lina Fox will give instrumental select­
Saturday evening a farewell party
was given at the home of Mr afd Mrs.
Miles Grimshaw in honor of Mr. arid
Mrs J. E. Kettering and Mr. and Mrs.
John Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Kettering
are moving to Hood River and will ne
missed greatly by their many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown will soon go to
Gresham to reside, Rockwood is losing
one of its oldest and well known resi­
dents. Mr. and Mrs. Grimshaw invit­
ed the moet intimate friends of the de­
parting families. Whist wa- the fea­
ture of the evening, after wh ch refresh­
ments were served. The guests left for
their homes, wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Kettering and Mr. and Mrs. Brown
prosperity and happiness in tbeir new
homes. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Kettering. Mr. and Mrs
John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Child-
era, Mr. and Mrs* Harry Osman, Mr.
and Mrs Wm. Stanley, Mr. and Mrs.
O. J. Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Miles
P. R. Meinig is on the sick list.
Miw< Lillian Averill gave a masque
birtluiav pattv last satuniav May 13,
Miss Ruth Revenue who ha* Gen
which wax enjoyed by young and old. «town with dipthurri is improving quite
Everyone enjoved the fun
August rapidly.
Bmienstine took the lead in wealing
Mr Shnnki«» ha« finished painting
tile most comical eo-tume, la-ing dress­
ed to represent a darkv
Averills are Cal Younger# new<> m
new |Hs>ple here, recently from the east
\lln-rt ami Henry R«»ddibti*h are
Airs .1 T. Friel of t'herrvvil e and down with the small poi.
Mrs. Archie I Iowan! of AA'eiche.« made
Miss t’lara Meinig who underwent sn
a bu-iuess trip to Portland reeentlv. o|«eratioii for appeiulu m# is getting on
Mrs. Howard purchased furniture for nicely.
tier new hotel winch she is furnishing
R. Michael i* w rkmg f«»i I Coalman,
complete Site thinks she will name it
Riverside hotel, as it is close to the edge
tie«» Flinn was hi S.imlv last we« k.
ot I lie river ami a t>eautiful place. J
liiandpa Flinn has the tinest garden
r Friel is rushing the work on the
Keeps A Chapman telephone line and truck ami p<»tat«n«s in this part of the
thinks he an I In- men will get the polls county
all set as far as Failbins tills week.
Ik>rn to Mr. and .Mis. Spnngers of
Marmot, a ov
Violet Friel visited at the home of
Miss Marie Sivoie for a few days the
I KoM ANol IIKH O»HKI Ml»O\ l»h\ I .
past week.
Lot* «»f activity «»n the Sandy street#
Mr. Powell Averill is canvassing this these la\*. Mali) land buyer* are
part of the country ill the interest of coming into town amt while all «!«» not«-, nune will undoubted!v «1 > -o
the Salem Nursery Co.
t>»r thia country can «»Tier as great in-
The recent rains has made the roads • hn’eineiits to tin» home seekers a# any
very bad again between Fir wood and spot on the face of the eartti.
Casper J tinker and family returned
Mrs J. T Friel and babv Clara, vis- from Portland Monday.
ited with the Odell family la«t Sundav
at their home near Salmon river. She
Pete Holzer was a Portland visitor
feels great »empathy (or them in their last week
sad liereavement
Mr Wolf returned from Oregon City
Rev. Runion of Cherryville has Is-eti Monday
appointed pastor of the Methodist
Paul Meinig i# on the nick list.
church on ttie circuit, taking in Cherry­
ville. sandy, D< ver and Bull Kun. Hi»
The rain# of the past t to week# are a
many friends wishes him go«st hick and help to the crone hilt are retarding the
will la- pleased to -ee him regularly in small fruits ami early gar«h»ns.
the pulpit.
Mr. Runyon is tilling the M E pul­
J. T. Friel. Sr., is having a beautiful pit tn the absence of a regular pastor.
monument erected over his wife’s grave
A man giving hi# name as Park«*r,
this week.
arrived in town Saturday morning an«!
William Odell who was called to the immediately Iw»gan working the ptsiple.
liedside of his dying mother two weeks He parsed several worthless check# be­
ago, has ret arms 1 to his work in east­ fore leaving town, but George Bornstedt
ern i ircgon.
became suspicious and phoned to Jus­
tice Honahue of Boring to catch him.
Ihmahuedid so ami th»* fellow was
brought to Sandy ami a confession
*w«-att*d out of him
lie r« turned the
money he obtained in Sunly with the
which Paul R Mei
Several new hoiw» - have been built eict»pti«»n of
Meinig was not present
thi* spring, among which are thiwe of nig gave him
Mr. Fredrickson <>n the corner of the at the confession an«l the others knew
Foster anti Gates road*, and of C. W. nothing of his part hi it. Parker was
Van Blariconie about on»» block
<»f taken to i »reg< »n Ci!y but thru some mt*
the M. E. Church, anti \V H. Holt on untlerstandiiig or ignorance wa* turned
loose. It has since fwen (»ecoiiie known
the Wilev tract.
that he work»«! H« m »»| River. St. John*,
Ed Hurrle .tn! M. J. Pfister have Lents and Gresham.
Ixith remodel»-«! their botnet* «luring the
Mr. am! Mrs. IS-rcy T. Shellev were
last few weeks.
Mrs. Rs Milam #|«ent Sumlas with in Or« gon City last week on business.
her parents, A J. Oldenburg and wife.
The county assts.sor i- making tl ••
Mr Bateman has his new house w II rounds of this community this week.
under way.
Th«» eighth grad» examination# were
.Mr. Parrish is laving the foundation held hi the Sandy - bool Thur-lay an«l
for hw cottage on the lot lately pur­ Friday of last week.
chased from A. J. Oldenburg.
Mr. Waite is «piite ill »( a tumerous
Several from here attended the dance grow th in his throat.
given by the Catholic Ladies’ of Lent-
R. > Shelley, I»eputy Forest Super­
Monday evening.
visor of tin* Cascade National Forest,
Mrs Randolph is slowly recovering wa# in Samlv Tue-day on his wav to
the mountains, to l<x»k over th«» field lor
from a fractured wrist.
the •ummer's work. Mr. Shelley is a
Mrs. A. B Gates is still confined to brother of Percy T Shelley
her !>ed as the result of a serious fal
Mrs. J M. Ihmahue visit«»«! her
sustained in a runaway a week or more
mother at Linnaman la-t week
G. 'I Talmage ran out from Portland
Mrs. Marzetti is enjoying a visit from
her mother and a small niece and in hi# Wint<»n->ix Tuesday night.
Mrs. R. E. Esson was a Portlan«! vis­
Henry Ruhl is shipping a carload of itor last week.
h-ncing to his Eastern < >regon farm in
I nion C unty.
Mrs. Leo. Katsky suffered a severe
shakeup last Friday by falling down
Mrs. M. J. Chaucev has been quite
sick with pneumonia.
Rev. Smith is making improvements
to his proj>erty.
Robt. Renolds is preparing to build a
new residence.
Lents Grange met Saturday in all days
session. A good sized class wa- takeu
through the first anil second degre-s.
Several members who had visited the
State Grange gave interesting talks on
the events of the meeting. Mrs Miller
presided as Lecturer in the absence of
Mrs. Palmer, the regular lecturer. The
discussions were mostly relative to care
of children their health, throat troubles,
etc. Mrs. Hershner presented a valu­
able paper. Several musical selections
were rendered. At the business hour
considerable time was give to discus­
Mr» Reid is slowly recovering from
sion of metfnxls of providing dinners,
and to the »election of a new set of the runaway.
Mr. I.’itgraf has returned from
Stella Washington where he had been
looking after his log- and selling his
donkey engine.
The road supervisor G. R. Woodie
has a crew of men at work on Bear
Louis Miller is down with the mea — Creek this week.
Mr. F. Ahnart was trading in Sandy
Mr. and Mrs L. A. Davies of Sandy Wednesday.
visited his parents this week.
Mr. an'l Mrs Joe. DeBhazer were
Mr. Mark Heacock is visiting his calling on Mr. Reids Sunday afternoon
mother and Pauline for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller were visiting
Williams Dickerson and a friend vis­ Mr. Ahnart’e Sunday.
ited Ralph Neibauers over Sunday.
Mr. Shoiiltz of St. Johns was visiting
School opened Monday after being his daugt ter, Mrs. P. Magnolia
close«! for three weeks on account of
Jos. DeShazer was hauling freight
from Eagle Creek last week.
Mr. Ed Redman one of the riveters
Mr. A Miller has purchased a large
on the pipe line visiter! a couple of days Ram to elevate water from Jone»’ Creek
at Ed Hamilton.
to bis house, and for irrigating his or­
The Luster! school had their literary chard am! lawn.
last Saturd ay evening. There was n t
Mrs. Kitzsmiller and AA’alter were
as large an attendance as usual on ac­ here looking after their farm.
count of sickness.
The first excursion train on the Mount
Hood road came out last Sunday with a
crowd to attend the ball game at Pleas­
ant Home.
Mr. A Woodward who is in the lum­
G. Moulton and Elwood Quay have the
job of back filling with their team's on ber bnsiness at Scappooae, was at home
the pipe line, which will last almut two with hi.» folks last week.
weeks. This will finish the work in
Miss Laura Boss ami friends from
these parts and the farmers won’t oe
Portland were out to the Grange dance
sorry either.
•Miss Laura Ross is making good pro­
gress with her high achooi studies.
Robert Wilkie of Portland has been
here for a few 'lays with his sister,
Mrs. Lottie Benfield.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler
Mr A. I/ieb of Corbett has been
May the 11th, a girl.
elected secretary of Columbia Grange,
Mr. Berdine who has the contract Mr. L. Deaver having resigned that
clearing the Mount Hood transmisión office.
right-of-away will be through in about I Miss Hatlie Don, Mr E. Don and
two weeks.
Jas. Benfield ami wife were all out from
D. J. Hite is the proud parents of a Portland Bunday with mother Ben­
nine pound girl on May the 9th.
Miss Helen Bissett of Portland who
was on her way to visit her uncle Paul | Don Littlepage of Mosier was in this
vicinity last week.
Dunn last week, was caught in the
Mr. an<l Mrs. A. Julien drove to
wreck on the O. W. P. She escaped
with a few bruises and is recovering Portland last week. Mrs. A. Julien
was so unfortunate as to lose her hand­
bag in the Montavilla street car.
F. McKinney has left for Wallow,
Oregon, with his coach stallion with in­
tentions of selling.
The citizens here were shocked at the
It Startled The World
fatal plunge of steam shovel on Mount
Hood railroad five miles east of here.
when the astounding claims were first
P. Moore who is walking boss on the made for Bticklen’s Arnica Salye, but
section, report work on the mountain forty years of wonderful cures have
side rather hazerous for men to work proved them true, anjl everywhere it is
owing to down fall of rain.
now known as the best salve on earth
D. 8. Murray was in city Tuesday.
for Burns, Boils, Scalds, Sores, Cuts, j
Mr. Northrup sold his team.
Bruises Sprains, Swellings, Eczema, '
The Japs bought a new team for haul­ Chapped hands, Fever Sores and Piles. I
Only 25c at all druggists.
ing wood. 1 rice «700.
We are sacrificing our stock of
high-grade vehicles at prices in
some cases less than our cost.
Buggies, Carriages, Runabouts,
etc., etc. I hevall must go to make
room for new goods.
Come in
and take your choice now while
the choosing is good.
I chicles ¿¡nd
thtri In nd. Orc.
Mr. and Mrs. AV. C Moore ami son
Clyde, vi»ite at the home of Mr and
Mrs. A. B Craft at Forrest Grove last
James Petty who has charge of a
tioarding house for one of the camps on
the Mt. Il'xsl railroad is home for a
short stay.
AV in. Garrison is treating all of his
building» to a coat of paint which im­
proves their appearance very much.
A AV. Robertson of Portland s|ierit
s-ntiday on hi» ranch. Mr Robertson is
having some land cleared and is other­
wise improving his place.
The Push Club is getting active again
in the matter of a new waiting room
and freight shed at Sycamore Station
I> is certainly very much needed ami it
is to be hoped that the club will come
through their plans this time.
Mrs. I. AV. Butler was tendered a
birthday party bv her many lady friends
on last AVednewiay afternoon.
AV. N. Chilcote has fa-en breaking
colts for John Thomas this week.
Dr. George Ingle» and son AVardvn nl
Eugene, called at the home of C. If
Light this week on their way to Can­
Mrs Harry Itrarnhall is very ill with
P D Gregg expects to move his fam­
ily to Corbet s<»>n.
If Nephughes of Guard, Oregon, was
a Sunday guest at the home of H. H.
The ball game o
Sunday was be­
tween the Troutdale team and the O.
AV. R. R. A N. team and resulted in a
victory for the visiting team by a score
of M to 10.
J. Holm is quite ill at his home here.
The funeral services of Bert Sexton
were held in the church here last Fri­
day afternoon, Rev. J. II AVood offi­
ciating. Mr. Sexton has been ill for
some time and died in a Portland hos­
pital while an operation was lieing per­
formed. He was a nupnlier of Trout­
dale city council and an Eagle. He
was 39 years of age and unmarried.
<lne brother, Ray Sexton, of this place
survived him.
The Teachers’ Mother^ meeting post-
I poned from last Friday on account of
Roy Anderson has invested in Ban­ the funeral of Mr. Sexton will l>e held
ton, Oregon
Every young person able this week. Mrs. Trumbill will speak,
to work should put their earnings into and Mrs. McBride will sing Scotch
some safe investment, as it makes it songs.
more interesting to have something to
Mrs. J. Alfred Ijirsson left on Mon
work for. There will come a time for
all when it is to late to save. Arrange I day for North Yakima to look afte
it now so y u won’t I»- one of them that property interests.
tramps the rr,ad everyday looking for a
shelter for the night, n t knowing
Semi-Weekly Journal Clubbing Offer«
where to get the next meal. Remem­
ber that idleness is a beginning of all Ri-gular *2 50 price, Imth Herald and
rott and evil.
Journal, |2.00.
BANK . . .
Will pay you 3 % on 6 months’ deposits, 4 % on 12.
Check Deposits Solicited.
Money Loaned.
Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued.
Tax Statement on application.
It pays to advertise when you have
something worth advertising
Pleasant Home Gardens
5- and 10-Acre Tracts
Close to Mt. Hood Electric line. Cleared and in
crop. Road graded to each tract.
On terms you can surely meet
See us on our new plan of selling.
No one too poor to buy.