GRESHAM AND VICINITY LOOK UPON OUR COMPANY AS A SOURCE OP SOUND ADVICE A modern utility organization inaiatH upon knowing that ita aervice ia aatia- factory. Service cannot be aaliafactory if a patron uaea more electricity than he needa. Therefore we encourage the intelli­ gent and economical uae of our aervice ao that the wnautner will get full value for hl\ expenditure. We have no control over the wire, fixtures, lamps, motors and other elec­ trical appliances on your prerniaes. But we can advise you as to the beat methods of installation and can give you the benefit of the moat scientific thought on all electrical questions. Our experts can tell you how to get the most and the best light and power for the least money; what appliances are the moat economical and efficient and can otherwise assist you in many ways. It costs you nothing to consult the experts of our Contract Department. 'telephone .Main 66MN A 61.11 POKIIAND RAHWAY, libili A POWfR COMPANY Alder at 71li St. EXCURSION FARES EAST I 9 I 1 Oregon - Washington Railroad <& Navigation Company FARES ♦72 fsi MI.OO SALE DATES May 1«, 17, 18, 19. 22, 23. 24, 25, 27, 38 and 29. June .’>, 7 9, 10, 12. Hi, 17, 21, 22. 2«, 29 and SO. Work on D.iwsett A Pateneaude's big served if the buving public anout it. Several boys from this vicinity are in attendance at the University and their friends are not in faior of curtailing its seojie of usefulness. Inaulrr of an, O.-W. H. a .V. 4r»nt / nr WM. Kors Cornp/rlr Information. or Mi.Mt'kRAV, General Passenger Agent. Portland. Oregon HANK OF GRESHAM Capital $ 15, (MH) ,1. Elkington, Pre«. .Ino. Hleret, Vice I'res. Emil G. Kardel), Cashier (ienerat Hanking Business Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold Interest Paid on Time Deposits Loans Negotiated Eire Insurance Written Notary,Public and Conveyancing John Brown Rockwood's Leading Merchant INVITV.S VOVtt PATHONAOe ■ tVli^I T F1 A I In OREGON’S MOST RELIABLE ASSO li CIATIONS furnished at moderate rates. Wilt not represent any company unless thoroughly reliable Grandma (’illy who lias been qu le ill Two petitions were being circulated is able to lie around again. during the week, asking the city cotiii- Mrs. Lcighty ol East Portland Visited i eil to pass hii ordinance that no saloon . licenses shall be granted incomer build­ Mrs. W. E Wood Tuesday. F . II Thompson has returned from a ings. One of the petitions was being short trip to the southern part of the ¡signed by residents ot Gresham, the other by people of the surrounding •tale. Burn to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Metzger, neighborh'xsl outside the city limits. Both had a large list of names. This is a'laughter, Wednesday. the same matter la-gun in the Commer­ II A. Durnall left Thursday for Free­ cial club and it is now up to the coun­ water, Oregon, to attend a Grange con­ cil to act. vention Prof. E. E. Ih-Cow of the department Mrs H. R. Bradfield ties been confin­ ed to the house for the past three weeks of mathematics of the State University will deliver the commencement address with a sprained ankle. to the graduates of the firesham High Mis, Mary Hansen spent the week school. Commencement exercises will end in halem last week visiting Misa lie held June 2, at H p. in., in the as­ Francis Judy and also Mira Stella Hop- sembly hall of the high school building. er, wb<> is attending the Willamette The Baccalaureate sermon will lx- given University. by Rev. J, W M, Dougall of Portland, Rockwood Grange is gaining new on the morning of Sunday the ZHth day niemlieis alter a short period of inactiv­ of May, at the M. E Church. ity in that direction Six new names High waler is coming right along on , will Is- proposed for membership it to­ the Columbia bottoms, and the flooded morrow s meeting district is getting larger every day. Runs W. Thor|ened at work on a dwvlling bouse on Mon­ in other years. day last, ami was severely injured. The pi|*e line air compressor for the His face wus badly hurt and other se­ vere bruises laid him up for several riveting machine «»< moved down I om Kane's on Monday and installed inside days. the city hniita. From there the pipe Arthur Hleret arid sister Miss Helen will be riveted through the city, where Sleret of Chicago, 111., are visiting rela­ the plan' will lie moved again to com­ tives here Mr Sleret is a jeweler ami plete the work at Kellv creek where exjH-cts to locate in Ihssj River M is* the last section of ditch is lieing opened Sleret will return east after the rose between the Sandy and Mount Tab r. festival. A granite shower was given by Miss 1‘repar ation.« are complete for the graduating exercises al No. H school on Grace He«-el at home in honor of Miss Monday evening next, state Su|>erin- Pearl Lindsey Thursday evening. The tcmlriit I. R Aiderman will l>e there; time was spent in games and music also < oiint v Superintendent R. F Role after which refreshments were served. inson. A banquet will Is- given the Those present wer • Misses Lindsey, graduate- and their parents and the Bulkeley, Michel, Anderson, Holliday, I school board and entertaining visitors. Thomas, Heesell, Grace and Minnie lawrence and Mrs. Elkington Mrs James Elwood, with her eon Arthur and daughter I-rances, have Hay seems to have taken another lieen out from Portland fur the past two drop in price since the coming of green we< k> spending their time at ti e El­ grass It is now being delivered within wood bungalow. near Rockwood. Mr. a reasonable dis ance for ♦ IB per ton. Elwood lain Eastern Oregon looking When the farmers held for high prices alter his r rich of 23,OS) acres on which last fall they invited inqiortations fr mi be ha« 30,UUU sheep ami other live other localities and the result is a large stock. surplus of last year’s crop yet on hand. Herliert Simmons and family left on Plans and perspective for C. I. Calk­ Wednesday for Ridgefield, Wash., to ins' new brick building on Powell street, lake up a permanent residence there west of the bank, are tn lie seen at the M r. Simmons recently sold his farm, office of the Smith Land Com­ | four miles east of Gresham, to the pany. They show an imi>oeing Smith Iain I Co., and has lioughl an- front ami a splendid arrangement of the other at his new location where lie will store rooms. Work will commence go into the dairy business on ari exten* within a very short time. sive scale An examination of the fruit trees in The mail order Loune* of the East various localities, now that the fruit is would not be so prosjierous if the peo- to be seen, shows that there will lie an pie of this community would insist on average crop of all varieties. Those | having "Maai- lion as Manager for the Pacific Coast Casualty Company with headquarters in the Rothchil i Building. Portland, Mr. Wood will have charge of Oregon ami south western Washington He will write policies and adjust claims. He was the successful qne_piit of a large number of applicants. Mr. Wood has been representing the North American Co., for the past two and a half years, but will sever his connection with that company at once. Sick headache results from a disor- ' dered condition of the stomach, and ! can be cured by the nee of Chamber­ lain's St nnach and Liver Tablets. Try it. For sale by all druggists. I Now is the time to get rid of your ' rheumatism. You will find Chaml>er- lain’s Liniment wonderfully-effective. i One appli ation will convince you of its j merits. Try it. For sale by all drug­ gists. J. M. Howell, a popular druggist of Greensburg, Ky., save, “We use Cham­ ' berlain’s Cough Remedy in our own household and know it is excellent.** 1 For sale by all druggists. ANY MORE BIG MONEY IN REAI ESTATE? IS ASKED BY CAUTIOUS INVESTORS YES where genuine merit and right conditions prevail. What enables $1800 per acre land to yield a net annual profit of 20 to 50 per cent ? Fertility, Science, Irrigation With chat combination highly specialized lines of in­ tensive husbandry will yield hundreds of dollars profit per acre. Thus many make fortunes on $1500 to $2000 land. If $300 land produces same crops, the per cent of profit would be about six times as great and up would go the price especially if it is near the town or city and close to market. My 16«) acres, 32 minutes from Lents Junction and 15 blocks from live railroad town, fronts one-half mile on auto road and is mostly irrigable by perennial stream. Soil of great fertility for celery, onions, rhubarb, berries, pears and apples. The ground swells are coming from two directions. Fine view of Mt. Hood. Rare combination for beauty, utility and fine profit. Holder for thirty years will sell at price below average agricultural land on easy terms. Address OWNER 622 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Ore. S your kitchen plumbing thoroughly sanitary and up-to-date? If it is not, a porcelain enameled sink would afford better sani­ tation and make the kitchen work more pleasant. a itaodawT enameled suited to your kitchen. Get our prices for installing We can supply a design just J. J. WODAEGE Carlson Bldg. Main St. Gresham. Ore. SPRING NEEDS OUR PRESENT SPECIALTY Complete Lines of Garden Seed, Implements, Sprays, Chick Feed and Insect Killers SQUIRREL POISON Try Our “Boss” Gray Digger Poison No more Seed Eating. No more Dead Chickens. Save your Poultry From Rats and Squirrels. We Handje Building* Sand. See Us for Prices on Fencing Material. ^ur Stock Is Renewed Daily. AARON FOX TROUTDALE, OREGON