Saved Child I rum Death. J. M. SHORT, M I). I \IKVit H “After our child liad «uitiered from Mr*. W \ anghan is entertaining her s I». Bl FI NER, M l). mother, Mrs. E E Pender, of Van- severe bronchial trouble for a year/* 1 A couvcr. Wash. Mr* Vaughan* two wrote <« T Richardson, o| Kich»rd*«ui*s Fh y aida aa-Su i graaa sister-. M»s. W Tenney ami «laughter Mills, \la., “w«» fe.vred it hud consump JríMihaai. Oreg«»» ami Mrs. J Bur a, alati of \ am<>uv«mab Ibohi K’inday, Mrs J V Stillion ami chil­ Mullnoma.. Kci^ord and Montavdla Herald. Finally we tried Dr King** New dren ami Mr- Nellie Rt«gan, «»(Gresham, less AUCTIONEER Disc verv. and ate pleased to say (hat PlibliHhvd Fwrx Fridax at Grvj»hani. <»t«., bv the K kxvkh S tate P viuimuisg C o ami Clem Cl u k uf Portland. H A. DAKNVl.l.. E ditor asp M wo . kk . R««s Pitone ÎUb Y Mr- 1». W. Mt K h \ ha* been elected «»in* hoitle effected a complete vine, and Phone 137 J Residence SIH l »th rr Cedric Stone wan ill upon hi* return Price fiOe ami si DH il h . orr Trial laittlv tree 75c; Direr mouth> trial MiK-criptions «V Single copies - \*k tor vlubt.iiu; rate* from the Sta e Grange bill hat recover- Guaranteed bv all druggists. REMITTANCtS *houl word« for I * <-t*nt- jo to to W. c. Belt, M. I).. C. M. COMfSFOffOEMTS art» wanted in every «*ommunit\ if no corrvM»ondrncr appear* from onir part of the t »rvv twing transferred to Aord* for I» »ent* it) (o w ord* lor .*•* rent* neighborhix»d. you arc rv*pectfully rv.p* •*u»«t lo send u» a* many hx*nl ilvma a* you can No nd published lor lew« than is rviHw Spokane Rr\ Lewis m still in charge <'a«h in advance evvept to reipilai advertiser* Oltlee over birst State Bank ADVERTISING RATES PROEKSSIoNtl.' KKl'^ . i*i. • . * a« h i**uv CA RDS OF TH A N K* of the work livre. Fhoiir. office, lw, r«*a . I* \• i • ' $ LETTERS OF CONtX^LENCB i |1 OBITl’AKlE* for aubscrilH'r* r their • ’mmdialr fardlb - ’ret tin lo IUO word* I cent Mrs. J llerbvitand «laughter. Miss W \ N I I I > rer w ord for additional w ord* want xDSatl'«nt per w «»rd tor first insemtion ; aubacouvnl GlihSII \ M, OR EGON Fre«la expert to start for their old home n»ert ion», 16 to 30 word». 10 cents rorda 1 cent per word per issue DISI'l KY YDVEKTISIN g . rates made known on application. in W isconsin a<»<»n to make a visit WOODCHOPPERS WAX I I I» \t All laalgc. Grange. S htx»l. «’hunch, or other notices or advertisements of s«**iala. partic*. K W Wilcox is making some Illi* niv place halt mile from Gresham, '.‘«H» dances, concert», theatricals, etc , given for a protit. charged for al regular rate* corti* tu put un. Il |M*r ctWd. t»xols lui prove inent* on hia place. In order to insure change of ad advertisers must have copy tn this office not later than nìshed. Fred Bratzcl, Phone ’»«sS Thursday preceding day of publication. W Vaughan han liven «(lending a low .‘01 PRIRT’RG is our *t-erialty. W are »»■ cqu.piH .l t> do the tn s! u »rk at curr.-it pr. s drysat Mitchel, a former U \NTED Roy* ni»v i»e inid timl lortu«*r rt'ni.lene«*, Especially farmers’ and business men* IttGr Head*. rnxelojM*. Rutter W rapi*‘r* Sla'-ment*. Th«’ oltler «» ii «* m at *’ _ ‘ bin |>ro|«rrty hvr«' HotnetiincH girls. etc., in «mail or large quantities Auction Bills. Dodgers. l\»>ters. etc., printed on short notice and think* « of ' trading ordiiitiiy wage* nml other» to I m » sor some in that place. rU’hooleu ami cared (or in return (or W Ellison return«'«! home on Tu«*.-dav -ligiit service* ren«lereefore the people relative to the University and other educational appropriations id the Stat . and we are informed that the New- ha- in several other instances implied or a—ert«*d that the Grange was supporting the move­ ment. We wish to state that anv re­ mark of that sort is clear y wrong. Even in those ounties where th se movements are most popular, n fact where they are said to have originate«i, the county tiranges have expressed themselves as unfavorable to the re­ ferendum, or as consi lering it inadvis­ able to do anything with it. In Lane county where the sentiment wa- proba­ bly as strong as anywhere else i per­ sonally know that the County Grange recently met at Junction City, voting strongly in opposition to the referendum. I do not know of a Grange in the state that has voted to indorse it. The State Grange recently meeting at Corvallis had the subject presented in the form of resolution and promptly laid it on the table. Their action in this has Gen based on the judgement laid it on the table. Their action in tiiio ha.« l>eeti based on the judgement that harm to the institutions and the state at large June 21, 1911, is the date set for the next meeting of the Ore­ by any action that would deprive these gon Pioneers Association. The institutions of most necessary revenues meeting will be held at the for a term of a year ami a half or two. Masonic Temple in Portland, would more than counterbalance any loss of the state might suffer through corner of Yamhill and Park the possibility of undue size of appro­ streets. To be a member of the priations. Every one of these institu­ Association you must have been tions is greatly in ne«el of more build­ born in or a resident of Oregon ings, and other facilities. I personally prior to 1859. There will be a know this since I have looked them all and know what I am talking about. lot of speech making, singing, over To G economic and successful, to give old time “fiddlers.” choice In­ the largest possible return for the in­ dian songs,” old time melodies, vestment the people of the state puts camp fires, social at the armory, into them, they must He on the best of “Hi-yu wa-wa, hu-yu he-he,” working b sis. They are far from that now. On the other band we .,ut the so-called signs for use by the Oregon dele­ “deal" Gtween Broi. Campbell ami gation at the National Education­ JIr. Parkinson. Me are inclim-d to think the people of the state give little al Association convention at San I credit to the matter. It seema to be a Francisco is announced by the I mistake at least, possibly a bluff, and Portland Commercial Club for I surely a fan e Verv truly school children of the state. The II. A. I>arnall. posters will be 18 by 25 inches, in two colors, and one set of prizes of $5, $3 and $2 will be offered for the three best de- signs submitted by pupils of Wai put out of business Portland schools and similar by Printer’» Ink prizes will go to pupils outside this city. The posters should be on heavy cover paper and any legend may be used to boost Ore­ gon. Contest will close June 15. THE TOWN CRIER THE GRANGE AND THE EDICAIIONAL REFERENDUM Several Portland papers have expressed themselves as knowing that the Grange was favorable to the referendum movement. Prom­ inent among them are the Labor Press and the Daily News. But Mr. Parsons of the Labor Press was present at the State Grange meeting at Corvallis and express­ ed himself as being opposed to the movement and he well knows what the attitude of the State Grange is on the matter. Since the idea is being conveyed that the Grange is supporting the FOR SAl.b.—3<» head of g«uitM, part of them for butchering and the other* with young on«*.* ('hrntian Ganten- tain, 2 inilvh *outheii*l of Boring Orc., Route 2, tax 9. A Burglar's Awful Deed may not paralyze a home so completelv an a mother's long illncse. lint Dr. King's S'.-w l.ife Pills are a splendid b'ORS\i I A line I y» ar old it«»n remedy for women “They gav«> me wonderful Iwnetit in constipation and gray mare, price «140 00, well broke Joel J «Ari, K» !*•», Ore female trouble,'' wrote Mr- M. ( Dun­ F’t»R SALI* -Ò vear 0.3 work horse, lap, of I eadill. Tenn. If ailing, trv weight alsnit II’*», well broke. John them, 2'w at all druggist«. Brugger. Lents, Ore , one i mile m»rth- we-t of ( ìì II hti Station Set not thyself to attain much rest, but much patience —Thomas a Kem­ pt» Is then' anything in all this w.irl.i that is .>( niori- importance to yon than gt»i digestion? Fo.*| must l>e eaten to sustain life an.I must la- liigeate«! and converted into blood When the di­ uestion fails the w hoi«* ts si y tufferà, Chamberlain’s Tablets are a rational and reliable cure for indigestion, Th y increase the flow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone up the whol«* dig«^«tive apparatus to a natural and healthy action. For sale by all druggists. The man who has an old fashioned family to support dares not dirt with a better looking but somewhat uncer tain Job. ■* For further information phon«* or u rite I . I . DONAIIl'l:. Prop. Boring. - • Oregon ♦ « ♦ INV ES I IGATI: Our Melh«»‘it < »«ir Sh* k of I «mil**r and Millw«»rk timi Our Prive» We are «*oiitb!vnt tlial it uill r»«*nlt m •‘vurmg y«»nr busi ih x- when yuii necd snything frolli a |*»*t to a bill <>( himls'r f««r a hitU’te or barn. Tilt» ls*-t in juality fr»r thè moti- ry, h thè motto u« try to live tip to i .-me ni ami inveMtigat«« MILL ANO TAROS Al LENTS JUNCTION : ♦ HERALD BARGAIN OFFERS : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Braver State Herald and other papers FOR s \ 1. I—a few head of broken hi>r*rs ju-t arrived from Eastern <>re- The price ••( The Herald »lone is 11 gon. Cun !•♦• ncvii at .1 W >hattucks .a year, hut to th••-»• wlif) Would like t, e Ranch, I »atiiH-cu-, < h Address, Bor- adv.mtage d a clubbing rate with other ing Routt« » pa|**r* we ««tTvr the foil..wing low FOR HALF o R TRADE Five bx price* -even Premo, rapid revtlinear camera K’mREi.«»SI \ S DI I *1x1 MUSI» \ « » R t •.« »SI ix A Minorca, S. (’ Rhode Islam! Retís, .'s) *EMI W t FRI.Y J< »( KS 11 (> I ct«nts p«*r dozen, Mr*. I¿ A Nvihauer, l»\il Y J«»l RSAI nix! MUSI» X Y J«»l KS O. 7 A G eslía e, Ore , R. F I». No 2, Box 02. DAILY l’VTEI«- M«»STI!I.Y 1 X FA’ IH« H”MEsi h YD FOR SAI F.—Green wood cut two l’A» Il I» F XKMl R 1 o> years, I » R SALE — Brown taghorn eggs, s»c Thi« tirice in for ili'ilvrry bjr mali only a setting of I » eggs. John Pal ml luid. otily wìirn rrtnlttanc«* 1« ina>!< wlth •» l’ai»« r* max I h - arnt to •• -peraU* a>l'lr. ««< * Phone.Wxl. ]«i •• riptiotiM may ai auy tini. MILLER-MOWHEY LUMBER ♦ Company nnro UULO 9 your watch keep time ; If md, w«»’l! cur«* it, »ml Ihm wonder why you dil’nt think long iK'forv. \ II our work tfiiarantevd I maty, i p*h«*i job leave* «»tir < Inr v »rkin«»n a.<♦ ««killed and «• T«»u*ll not grumble at either. Fred 1). Flora 191 M irrisoli St POR ILA NO, - OREGON (Near Pap’s R«*stntirant) FOR SALI¿—ó-horae power Stover engine. E l. < »-borne. I‘hom*B!»l. tf For soreness of the muscles whether Lota for naie in Cedarville, on cany induced bv violent exercises or injury, C h a n i i >er I a i n ’ s I.fniment is excellent. terms. II. W Snanhall, Pleawant View Avenue; Gr»**harn, Route 3 This liniment is also highly esteemed for the relief it affords in ease« of rheu­ o F matism. Sold by all druggist«. When a woman can t think of any­ thing else to do she rips up her dress and sews It over again. Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps? No, Never. Its foolish to fear a fan­ cied evil, when there are real and dead­ ly perils to guard against in -warnp* ami marshes, bayous, ami lowlands These are the malaria germs that cause ague, chills and fever. w«*alcne*n, aches in the bone* and muscles and may in­ duce deadly typhoid. But Electric Bit­ ters destroys and cants out t ese vicious germs from the blood. “Three bottles drove all the malaria from my system,*’ wrote Win. Fretwell, of Lucama. N. (’ . “ami I’ve had fine health ever since.” I’-e thi- -a e, sure remedy only, 3oc at all druggists. Near/Vit. Mood Electric Harmony Fruit Tracts W ANTED—Lami to clear or brush t<> slash by contni<«t. Addres«. J. R. (’lair, Portland, < >re. Filli SAI.I- A lini- Jersey cow and a good kitchen rang«*, at Fairview. Ore. Phone ?2x I, < levar < >n«taf«on. And a lot of other People Is Described In !-« LOST—At the Cazadero wreck, a arnall ce|lul<»i«i picture of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, edged with lace and Hewed on a -mall piece <>f cardboard. Finder will ph«aw<• n**nd name to Helen Bi^nett, box 10s. Boring, Oregon. care Paul Dunn M l*-»C KLI.ANE’H -* Ll’.MBER— At our new mill |’4 mil«** southeast of K»-l-o. We deliver lundsT. Jonsrud Bros. To get our estimate on JOB PRINTING We Print Anything From a Visiting Card to a Book :: WE CAN SAVI MONEY f*OR YOU Ten Acre Tracts $1000 to $1500 On Easy Terms MILLINERY GRESHAM SMITH LAND CO ORI.SHAM, OREGON FASCINATING STYLES IN SPRING MILLINERY PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS W p are phowing a c(»rii piote line of AT REASONA BLE PRICES CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOULDINGS TURNED WORK LUMBER $6 /> 41) TAKL IT UP Larg. at«H k <.( lUttienaion I 'unlw-r on hand Rougit and Drew«r.i Itimbrr for all pur¡M»aea wrn.i order to J« NHKI I » NRoN. Rorln« HD 1 REGULAR I. Y PAN A L I A (iRA.Niil; DIRECTORY 1 ON I RIAL («»rati*» « nr»- r» «pi. o..! to nvn«i to Th<- llvrahl 9 l)id v«»ii know that you co Id feed InfoinntIon .-«» flmt »« brh f « nt«l « »tn I..- run Dr. Henn Poultry Pan-a*ce-a the fr< »- iiih I it thi« hxndiiig Mrn p m . nml fourth I then if v»ii are not Hatinfird that it Hnturdny nt in «Min in •*v»,ry month han paid and paid hig ROCKWOOD oRAS«»E M.-.-ta th«- first W..| | m *'lny of »•*< h month nt * p m nml t hin! Hat . lirdnv nt I” n in. Ml LISOMAH ’.RAS’.E, SO 71. M.-. ........ I« the fotirth Mntur.lny in < v»«ry month nt 10 .ion tn . It is Io malt.- your liens lay, to make In hrnfigf hall, orient your < hiek. ns grow fast, healthy and FAIRVIEW ’.RANGE M..t- flr-l Mntiir.lnv nml th»* third Erhlny of enrh month strong, to cur«' gapes, cholera and RI M-EI L\ II.LE g RAS’.E SO Tal Mieta In roup. Ku-'» llvil le -< hoolhoiiae on til«’ aeroml Mat unlny in the evening nml fourth Hnturilny nil Of collra«' you are expei'ted to keep dny. * your poultry free from lice and for EVENING MT A It GRXNf.E ... M.i'i, In tli.'lr that pur|«.se w<* know of nothing Imi I nt Houtli .Mount Inbor on thi le Ilr-I Halur la'tter than Instant Loiiae Killer. «Inv of ench month nt lo a. m. All«,rx sr<* welcome. «»RESH AM «»RANGE Mtu-la a«*«'oml Mntur dny in each montli nt 10 .'to n m DA MAMCI M GRANGE, NO 2F.O Meet« flmt Hntunlny «*nrh monti) LENTH GRAN(»E Meets aecoml .Matunlay of «•neh monti) nt lo HO n. m CLACK A MAM «»RANGE, NO ................. MiU’ti tin* MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. Aral Hntunlny In th«* month nt 10 30 n. m nml the tiilr.l Hnturday nt 7 .’to p m Lents, Oregon HANDY «¿RANGE, im Mi-«*ta Ni*coh session first Thurs«lay in «arti month In grange hall n«*ar <‘orbett < T.A« ' K /\ M \H < i R A n < • E m«*etM first Hatnnlay of each month at io s» h m . ami third Sator day nt 7 .’W p. m. We will refund every cent you paid us Patronize the Herald lie a Hotts ter E. E. Marshall Agent for Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Portland UMS IABMM v>D FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING FARM MACHINERY PHONE 316, GRESHAM, OREGON SUBMITTED Opponte City Holl Phone ilx Mil. ¡ I < mile« />e HOME PAPER I of the best fruit land in the world. The location is ideal for the growing of those Delicious Red Apples. Complete Slock of Marble and Granite MONUMENTS JONSRUD BROS. What Happened To Jones Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats PRINTER’S INK Will Get Businet« For YOU. We Do Up to Date JOB PRINTING. TRY US TrHii«|.<>rtHli<>ii ..f nil kimln <>( llak'K'ik*«* nini interior point« . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ « ♦ « ♦ * POWELL ST GRESHAM