Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, May 19, 1911, Image 1

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    MilK I’KODimS
l.imt Sitliiiilay s ndjoiirn»'«l meeting «•(
the dmrvini'ii of F n*l« rn Miiltltmuiah,
in th«« r«MitiiN of th«- GrvNham Commer­
cial ('lub, warn largely attended and the
real Blatter «»f a pei inaneiil orgamxa-
tioii w mn nnele
II wa* iiMtiie«! th«« < Ire-
gon Dairy I’rodtirer»' A rrih im I ioii mid
will I m « governi'd by five trust« «« b , h h<>
will name tin« |M«rinanent officer*.
During the progress of th«* meeting
it was shown that the 1'ortlaml City or­
dinance which requires all milk to la*
not more than M degrees temp«*ratur«*
could not I»«» compil’d with bv any
dairyman <>r MNB«M*iatioii unless hi p«»s-
N««NNioii of a refrigerating plant
H *¡1«
claimed that all milk sold in Porllanil
is m I mivo I at lem|K’ratur««, hern««* 1*» I m *-
1 ng sold unlaw billy. and th«« dairymen
will endeavor, as one Of their first
duties, to hav«» th«* city lav« changed or
demand it* rignl »'nf«»r<'«*mciit, which
woubl create a milk famin« at once.
Con<'«*rning lulH*rctil«»*i»» 1
was shown that iininv «lair
• I R M 11*
m»t yet inRp«,ct«Mi liecati«*»’ •
I n « k of
sufficient ex|M*rl h« Ip in th»
Bonn I of II cm I i h Hh h«ra
for inwpkH’lioii ol rows ar»«
then*. An riil«*uvt»r wdl
remedy this drf**rt *«» that
pur** protiuct* will I»«« *«»bl
Tilt* licit Inrrtllitf Will l»t held here
on Muy ?7 to elect the Board of True-
toes Hitd perfect the orgrnixatioii by
adopting it set <»f by -laws w filch w ill I m *
in harmony w ith th«* laws ol th«« state
and th«« city of Portland, governing
wuch malt« r*
Corvallis. Or»* , May h The earnest-
m*MN of t he O A. t ' student cadets in
their work, their cardili training, a rd
parti<*u I a rly their attention to »inali -le-
tailR which «dim )-»ca|H- the attention
of the ordinary ol»s«*rvrr, were matters
upon which (’apt. II I Laubsch of I «•
L* S (ienrral Army Staff compliment­
ed Maj. Ma«' Alexander, the college
commandant, at th«' annual inspection
day tournament Friday.
According to Morrell Art of |MI2 Net­
ting asi«lc land for ugiicultural and me-
schools, military
chanieal science
acieiire ami tactics muai be included in
the curriculum.
The War I>«*partmeiit haw an »«dura
tioiinl committer, four officers of which
conipf»Ne the college inspection l**arl,
anti during April and May of each year
the/muet visit each of the 100 college*
giving military training They report
to th«« War I>epartinrnt, and the ten
having *tandinga al*>v<« th«« other* nri»
de*ignat««<l a* dint iriguished «'<»llege*.
The prmnl« lit of each of the*«« i* privil
eg«*d to name one gradual«« who will
l»e given th«« rank of Lieutenant in the
L. S. Army without examination.
Ijist year, ('apt. Ijiubach say*, the
report from O. A. (’. t«> th»* War De­
partment wa* very flattering, ami lhis
year the atihlrnt* gave “a vrrv gratify
ing exhibition all around,M he *ai«l. “It
show* an »«arne*tm«MN on tin« part of th««
Ntu«l»«nt body m tin* work that i* worthy
of remark. They have had careful
training, and I have notic»»d particul­
arly their attention to Rinall details
which often times e*ca|»e the notice of
ordinary obHery»*i*.’*
lie mentioned with appreciation tin*
fa« t timi tlu- erertlon of thè baid stand
and tlag ¡iole on Ilo. campus sliowed n
generai apprrciatioii of militsry traili
mg bv tli stident tedi ss a whol- nini
thè a In irmi.
Capi, lauliai'li ha* t hi- mspei-lionof
tlu- militar/ Work in college» of thè
Western Divisjon, im-lmling Iziuisiana,
Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyom­
ing, .Montana, aid all state» we»t of
these, tlir largv.t area of any of tlie in
s|iection distrteia, conta ning 21 insti-
tute» « f militar/ training
Moie I h >
May h , hr in*|M*rto«l ih«* cadati* al Keal
tir Thr hdliritf off of .MI per crfit of thè
ut t eli'hiiicc Èli thè««« i nstilUlions the
pn-t yvar in noi, he rhjn ari tiidicatiun
of «leclme in the ni hool , hot a reflex
of ut'oiioiiiic romlitioii*.
Cor valli«, Or»« , May m ‘M’are sbolli«!
b«* exercised in the sehn'tion <»f varieties
of fruit f*«r planting in I astern Or«*gon,
" r H« s Prof ( I la*wls of th«* Oregon
Agricultural < ollrge horticiiltur«* d«—
partmeut " since the higher elevations
of that part of the stato suffer timre or
1« s fr<»tn tt.e severity of the winter and
Iti«« drouth in suminer.
A- to apple*» the Ru-Nian varieti» s
will lx* the hardiest, i'fie»«« in low al­
ti udes are summer and fall varieties,
but «»fton in high nltitud««* th«-y are
long k« rp«*rs Th«« Re<i Astrarhan,
( iravcnstein, Ihn’livss, Wolf Kiver, Wag
o.tvr, an«! M»cint«>Nh |{««d nr«- th«« best
and most saliafartury to plant Occas­
ionally nearly am of tin* standard var­
ied** grow Bulli« iently well for family
us«* \’arieti«** of sou «• promise in such
*e«*lions ar«* the Koine Keauty,
Winter Pearmain. Delicious, ami <»ano.
’ The varieties of ¡war«« I would sug­
gest for lb«« region ar«* the Whit«« Di.y-
enne, S««clile, Clapp’s l avoriti*, l'<-ach-
r«. as a rule, should nut I m - Kr<’wn ■*>
the higher elevation* «»( Eastern < >re-
gon. but <>c<*asionally »neb varit-lira a»
Alexander and Amaden do very u. II
Tlo* < iobb’s Aprn’ot is oft« 11 sure«
I h«* four kinds of <*herriew suggested
bv Prof Lewis are the l4imlw«rt ami
Bing sweet ch««rriea. and Early Rich­
mond an«l Olivetto for sour one*. Two
varieties of raNpb«*rrit«a—Cuthbert ami
Turner's Red are named as gissi and
any of the standanl varieties of black-
lN«rrie*, such as Kittatinny, Lawton,
and Ehiorado, may I m « grown. Red
Jacket and Champion gooseberrir«*, and
BederwiMNl, Warfield, ami ('lark * Sedi-
ling strawberries are also mentioned.
Four men were killed and four proba­
bly fatally injured in a landslide on the
Mount Railway A Power Com­
pany's line on the sandy River, 28
miles east >>f Portland, at II :5ft o'c ra-k
yesterday morning Two of tbe bodies
were recovered la«t night and a force
worked all night in an effort to find the
two lashes that were buried under the
T e injured workmen were conveyed
on a tram as far a. Gresham ami from
that point were taken to Portland in
automobile ambulances anil are Iw-ing
cared for at the G-xxl Samaritan Hoe-
The «lead arc. It Hunt, William
Htranley, E-l Toganaen. W. Parrish.
Ttu* I hm I ics of Togansen aid Parrish
are still missing.
Th* injiire-l are. Malt Otto, R. J.
Ryan, A. Jackson, E. J. Murphy.
All lour were in urei in tornai ly and
mav not recover
C- rvalli«, Ore , May a—E. O. Siecke
Ill: iTIf -.MlZX «KVKH.ll..
1 of the O. A. C. fore.try department ha»
Ten or 12 men were in the path of tbe
avalanche an-l several experienceii nar­ just accepted appointment a- assistant
state forester, ami upon completion of
row ewai-e«. Engineer Ryan, u broth­
his im-tructi-mal work st the colleg
er of II J. Ryan, who was hurt, wax
will go to Salem to make his headquar­
carried ovi*r tl e lull and to the t«ige of
ter» there. The »t te forestry de|»art-
the river, but wax unacathed. He can
ment ba« already la-gun the organiza­
nut account for his perilous ride to
tion of the Are pr -lection throughout
safety. A man who wua employed on
I --very county of the state, so as to min-
tin- huge cram- of the «l.ovel eX|-erien-
: imize the severe losses suffered annual-
ceil an e»t ape jierha|» even more re­
! ly through fire catastrophic.
He dung to the machinery
on the *av down tin* embankment an<l
drop|x-d off when be reached the base,
lan-ling in front ol a mas* of earth
Ilans l*eter««>n, the foreman, hail the
Mr*. 8. 0. Jone, jjnve a »urprixe party
rare experu-m e of »e-'ing the machinery, for Grati-lnia Jones Thura-lay afternoon
msu anti hillside »wept away in front May ISth. The oeeaaion being her H2nd
of him. The earth broke loose directly birthday he party wax in the form of »
under his feet, but tore away right be­ handkerchief «hower, each gue»t brirqr-
fore him allowing him Io stand at the | ing a handkerchief. Everyone ha-i a
edge of tbe yawning hole that it left.
moat enjoyable t me. Thoee present
C. If. I'a-ker, the superintendent, w.-re Grandma Wright. She was the
was only a few fret away, and was first I olde»t peraon present. Mr». M. ®-
attracted by the w ild cries of tin- men Sleret, Mr- William Bond, Mr», Henry-
as they were carried toward their fate. Kane, Mr». George Lealie, Mr». Brand,
Mr». Geo Sunday, Mr». M. F. Cleve-
Hotiixa girr Ykr roc.ttr
Others employed in the camp also land, Mrs. Kaney, Grandma Jones, Mrs.
beard the aliout» of their comrades and 8 c. Jones and Miss Echo Jones.
haRtmed to the rescue Soon the en­
tire const' uctiou force was engaged in
the task of liberating tbe injured and :
attempting to recover tbe Ixalies of tin-
The last Saturday in May will be
The grading crew wax about to quit
celebrated in Pleasant Valley Grange
work for dinner when without warning
by an anniversary program. Special
20,OX) yard» of earth, trees, rock and
effort will Ire made to entertain a num-
debris rushed down tlie steep hillside, '
her of visitors. There will lie a degree
Corvallis, Ore., May 13.—Diseases and swallow ing eight of tbe workmen in its team contest lietween some of the coun­
in-sets winch destroy the prune and ina-l course toward the Sandy River. ty Granges.
hop crops are to lie made the subject of i Other meniliera of the crew barely es-
a big investigation by the experts Hl cajx'd with their lives.
Those who escaped the path of the
Dr. Lowe, optician, will lie in
tlu Oregon Agricultural College The
Gresham again, at Fieldhouse
work ln-gaii this week when Prof. II. avalanche at once ascertained tlie iden-
S. Jackson and II F. Wilson went to ity of their missing comrade* and threw jewelry store, May 31.
Salem to investigate the prune pests of themselves quickly into the work of
tlie districts, slid found two insects do­ ! rescuing the victims. After hour* of
ing much harm to young grafts, May heroic lalxir, four of tlie crew were un­
Dr. Short of
It*, they go to Iiidcpendcnce to In-gin covered and r moved
i Gresham took charge of tbe injured and
the work ■ n hop crop pests.
Ths Salem fruit union has done milch had them conveyed to tin- city as stain
to faeilinte the investigations, having ' as possible. I-ater tiie Ixxih-s of Hunt
made an addition to it a building to pro­ and Stranley were unearthed, theii
vide headquarters for the experts while
terrific slide.
they are at work there.
Tiie rescuing party was reinforced by
other workmen employed on tbe grad­
lm|M>rtai>t Clubbintr Offer: The Pa­
ing work at other points and by resi- i
cific Monthly, The Herald, Hammond'» .
dents living in the vicinity. Tons of 1
Modern Alin» of the World, worth Sft.fttl. |
ear, h were removed but up to last
for only $2.7ft. The Regular price of
night, it was im|x>s*ible to find a trace
the at la» i» $3.00.
of tiie two missing men
The immense steam shovel used by |
the grading crew was gathered up by I
the onrushing slide and hurled into the
Handy River as if it were a piece of
A financial instUution such as thin in n public utility. and an
such depends, not upon a limited few, but upon the many (or its nuc-
ce-s. Thu individual thrift of a community in the one and only tiling
that makes it prosperous and contented.
To the bank belongs the privilege of encouraging that individual
thrift and advancing the intereata of the community thereby. On the
bank falls the responsibility of discouraging over-epeculation, which is
often the ruin of a community.
Every rent of money deposited in thin bunk is working for the
interests of the community.
Every cent lonned is put out on
thoroughly approved security—loani-d to our customers in smsll
amounts for legitimate purposes and not to speculatori for the
promotion of ** wildcat schemes ”
|_ I Ilf
will b. wit held in confidence, to tie
u»e I only when asked for by a proa*
Jiective settler.
I very citizen alio in interested in the
welfare and development of th * won*
di rful country 1“ urgently requested to
relate any actual experiences that will
Hid in bringing before the people in the
i-nst the advantage« of eastern Mult
nomah County. The commercial club
in going to a great deal of expense and
trouble to get this information before
Eastern people, and although each and
every contributor may not receive a
prize they will lie doing much towa'ds
advertising our wonderful country.
Remember only by co-operation of
this kind can we hope to win our share
of the many |ieople who are daily com­
ing to Oregon and everyone who cornes
here helps to develop the wonderful re­
sources nature has endowed us with.
List of prizes will I m - published short­
ly. nut In-gin now to get your article of
experiences in nice shape for publica­
I .MZVII . It S-i
The commercial club ha» decided to
offer priz.t-a for the lieat written article
of not to exceed WX) words, advertising
the advantages of Gresham and East­
ern Multnomah County. Al»o prizes
for the la-at written experience», not to
exceed 200 word» of what you have ac-
compliehed in poultry raising, dairy­
ing, fruit railing, and gardening. It
ia the desire of the commercial club
that »11 citizen» of Greahani and vacin-
ity who have done aomething worth
while, which would lie of interest to |
prospective settler» in the East, to semi
in »m b facts to the corresponding |
secretary of the commercial club for
use in a phainplet to I m - published »oon,
Baine to be published over your own
signature, or in case you do not desire
your name to appear, so state and it I
[ of all gr« Mt dny**—or»« that means inde­
pendence of flie Ming’e railway line that
has heretofore held all travel of Eastern
Multnomah to and from the metropolis.
Through a statement made by Gen-I
eral Hii[>erintendent Lawson, ol the '
Three gaily decorated Hat care, drawn
Mount Hood Railroad Company, it is by a powerful locomotive vnd loaded
mon- than probable that
nat the
me site
site of
oi the
me ' , ,j()Wn wjth a jolly crowd of railroad men
Junction of the power- -house
branch ha» aD(j t|,ejr faini|ie«i Went over tbe new
been definitely located, It
n,xxj line on Sunday last from
that Steel rail» were only laid as far as
Gresham to the Sandy Bluff. It was
Cra»well'» crossing, and that from there , tbe tir»t excursion over the road, the
on toward, th. Hwdy river a lighter
_ _____. At
rail has been laid The reason why
Craxwell's Crossing the train was halted
was a mystery until Mr. Lawson made
long enough to put off a bountiful sup­
the statement last Sunday that Cras-
ply of refreshments which were taken
well Crossing would tie the Junction
by a wagon to the grove in the Mullen-
and that from there the main line
boff farm. Then the train went on to
would be built towards Mount Hood. the end of the roail as far as completed.
It will keep on top of the Sandy bluff
When it came back the entire party,
all the way up to the town of Sandy. numbering probably a hundred persons,
following tbe original -urvey, and pass- left the train and went to the grove for
ing just east ol Oittrell. In grading a picnic an<i dinner. After an hour or
the roadlx-d la-t winter a larger quan-
there they went down to Orient and
tity of waste dirt was unloaded at < ras-
a dance in the Grange Hall for an-
wells. and the -tatement was made in other hour and then started hock for
rhe Herald that something of import-i (jresliam and borne. Several persons
ance was intended for that point. Il from tires bam were invited to go along
looks now as if ( raswell » Junction 1» and their rejiort» are very highly color-
t-, i-e <m<- <»t the moat important places ,-<| concerning the good time they had.
along the line, and no one need be sur- Numerous photograph» were made along
prised if quite a thriving village should . the route when stope were made,
spring up there. It is about ■> mile»
General Superintendent laiwson was
from tie- power plant and well located director of the excursion, and he cer-
(or a g<x»l settlement.
tainiy eocceeded in giving hie party one
' of the mort enjoyable outings they ever
l experienced.
IncldlmeJ letters
The following letters remain uncalled
Steel was lai-l across the Base Line on 1 for at the Gresham poetoffice for the
Monday last ami the Mount Hood ma-l ’ weekending May 13, 1911:
is pushing its way westward at a rapid ‘ Gentlemen: P. E. Boyle, Schnyler
rate. Rails will I»* down all the way to i M. Benuett, Willard Smith, Jack Mof-
Montavilla in a week, but a longer time fott. Chas. B. M-Clure, H. A. Jorgan-
w 'I ■■ eq .ired to complete the ballast- j ■euA 1
ing which is tieing done from the big
Ladies: Mr». I^earv Him«-».
gravel pit at Stanleys.
Cards: 8km Knkla. G. E. Hill, H.
It «».< announced la»t Sunday, at the | ( G. Bickett, Meri Bla-kall, W. D. Smith
time of the tirst excursion to Criswell’» Jr., C. W. Garletz, Jack Maffott, Slati
Crossing, that the first through train of (
jiassenger coaches would come out from
Dead Letters: John B. Kant, Louis
the I nion depot on the Fourth day of King.
July. It will come over tbe O. W. R.
These letters will be sent to the Dead
A N. track» to Montavilla where it will letter Office on May 27, 1911, if not de­
la* switcl e-l onto the Mount Hood line livered before. In calling for the above,
and run through to Bull Run. The please say “advertised,” giving date of
roadlied will be completed by tbe first ist.
i. M c C oll , p . m .
of July but it is not likely that the
trolly wires will be up, so that tbe tirst
train will come through with locomo­
tive power all tbe way.
It would be fitting in well with all
The friends and acquaintances of
established custom» if tiie town of Gres­
ham, through its Commercial Club Prof. C. C. Baker, recently at the head
were to prepare a welcome suitable to of the Gresham schools, will sympa­
the occasion. The matter has already thize with him in tbe lose oi his wife,
been mentioned in the Club u eetings Nellie M. Baker Mrs. Baker died at
and a committee appointed to look after the home other parent», Mr. and Mrs.
the matter. It is now the right time to F. B. Southwick on the 17th of this
get busy and give tbe .Mount Hood peo­ month. Prof. Baker is now principal
ple a rousing reception on the greatest of the' schools at Labanon.
Great Big Stock of New Styles of Buggies to Select From
Both High and Medium Grades at the Lowest Prices
The only store in Portland where farm implements are sold at cut prices.
your town to protect with a commission.
No agents m
$18.50 Buggy Hamess for.................. $14.35 $50.00 Heavy Team Hamess for $37.50
$33.50 Double Buggy Hamess for
25.75 $40.00 Farm Hamess, Complete, for 32.50
We sold at retail three times as many farm wagons last year as any other store in Portland
L . BOSS & CO.
IN TUB MOLINE plow co . bvildinq