LARGEST Hood’s VALVE IN WORLD Automobile Driven Through Opening of Monster Device «1 Niagara Fell». Sarsaparilla Cures all humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feeling, restores the appetite, cures paleness, nervousness, builds up the whole system, tint It toiluy In uanni liquid form <»r Chuuohit«•«! tubh'tn < h !I*<1 bar•fttnbii. w Niagara Falta, N. Y —One of »hr largest valves lu th<> world baa just been installed In a power plant on th«> t'utiadlun aide of Niagara Falla. Thia monster affair weigh» nine ton« and was made for controlling one of thri-«- 12.000 horariaiwrr turblues. The vm I vh la thirty fi-i-t high and baa a nine foot opening through which, aa soeu In our IlluatraUon. an automobile waa driven ONE WAY OF GETTING EVEN Time having. A new variation of the now long familiar "while you wait" sign is found In an uptown avenue where a barber shop and a tailoring shop stand «id* by side. In front of the building bangs a sign on which ars Misplayed the name of the tailoring 'om-ern and the name of th» barber »hop and this anuoincetuent. "Bulls cleaned and pressed while you are «*”•-% .brvr. Pierce'« Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny, gran­ ules. easy to take. 1» not gripe. SICK? ■ MOHAIR *SSU“ W hw Iu4.r f I |it«*rn«um |)avriot-lea •n«i printing Mell ui«l»rw given promut attaint Ulti I ortlend * boto Lupplv Co 14V fbipl Hlrw<»t roll 1*1.ANt> <>KF atr lb* Mirai «u*l ufval rrUablr cwtka»t»< mud •\ t«m cWanarr. The be*t rrtuedy for Totpia l.ivri, Hlli'iiiauew etici h.c k Ittmlschr. At ItrwKKiata* ar l»y flail. 10 Cam tv ’lurt Cnt MKAi. Co. >'»»* t lami ». BELMONT ÀUTO SCHOOL a A« t « m U Hadmad. «b» C G* Ml BUM AHO VWH I MAin lOMfASr HwrM-A r.kd Q» INHWT in iHT I I jnat before th* valve wn« ready for In alallatlon. The valve will wlthatand a pressure of over 530,000 pound«. The I valve-gate will be moved by a low | geared fifteen horae power motor. rroN I TON WESTERN Kei MANTLES I * ELFIN * CO. I t)nnA«t-n ll J Largest Valve In World. m 1 II // BOYNTON FURNACES Muai i a! atvl r-t'l i vr» for Must H'irtnmi •cvucwwua! «ivi t-ff «’ffrctivw fur houaa h<>uw an* I *eh<«J hew tin a HOW FIREWATER GOT NAME Teat by Which Indiana Learned to Ola- tlnguieh Whisky That Waa Diluted. 1 I New York When the liudaon Ray! J. C. BAVtR f URNACE CO. Front end Market St*. Portland, Or. BEND FOR CATALOGUE. DORRIS, CAL. ' Lumber rwntrr nt North California; 3 y<*wrw old, Fitfht Htoam Haw Mill»; goal Bank. Behead«. Church«’«, new Hatlnml. larg« H<>c >art*rr. Fin«, rich I-ami. ra*y irrigation. Town Lota, Lan*! and TimlwrwtUI vory cheap. ) gh MM • • • • ' • ■ O. E. MOOhE, Dorr », C a L Trading company commented trading among the Indiana it waa found that ’ t>y «elllng the Indiana liquor they could morn eually be Induced to trade their | peltrlea The flrat whlaky waa brought to thia country In large barrela, but In tranaporting it overland, It waa found more convenient to divide it into • mall kega. The white trader« aoon became «ware, according to the American Wine i*re«a, that by diluting the whlaky with water, more fur« could be obtain-' rd. Thia wa« practiced for aome time, but the Indiana learned that good whlaky poured on a Are would cauae It to flame up. whereaa. had the whlaky been diluted, the fire would be' quenched. It waa by tbla nlmple exi>er1nient I that the term "firewater" became a I^eley IALCOHOL (ure loPIUM—TOBACCO | Habit» Poffit!C'urv-l. (>ttiF»Qthuri««>l kerb y !« m «'Hut»» In Oman--*. Wril* f’-r llhiatrutsasl «lr'«i’.ar. PORTLANI3, O regon .] J j OLDEN Naw Idss In Flnancs. *T have found a man with sight children who has apparently grown wealthier with each addition to hls family," said a lawyer who Is endeav­ oring to build up a practice on the reel side "He 1« a small shopkeeper, and by diligent Investigation I have found that with the arrival of every In­ fant be has filed a petition In volun­ tary bankruptcy, shedding all bl» debts and starting life nearly aa unincum­ bered aa the child "—New York Bun. "H< re," said th« policeman after he hud hurriedly entered th« dentist's re | o-ptlou room, "what'« guln* uti?. You've had a man lu there hollerin' i bloody murder for nearly half an hour i Why don't you give him something to ! stop his pain?" ■‘(live him something to stop bls pain? My d**ur sir. you don’t under­ stand. I bad occasion to take a lady to lunch one day last week—oh, It wa« a business matt>-r, nothing more — and this chap saw me. Well, the next day he happened to meet my wife, whom he knew br out of town patron* in ona day If «Inaimi. I’alnlraa •■traction fr«»w whan piato« or •» work la orlar* CeMMitation tr»a. MolarCrowne $5.00 S«!vrr Fillinc» Qocd Rubbar _ - _ rut.« 5.00 Brit Rid Rubber Platea OU M w a W1M. fwMMt M» Maaaaea Paieleu Eitr*tlea .60 lanaatinitnMt m Hi'uH * c * t mithodi All work fully BO«riuitrr<1 for flftraui yram. 7. Wise Dental Co., me. Painless Dentists falling Building, Third and WatMnrten, PTRTIANO, 0R| OtfiU Mnuri BA M la B T M Bandaja. 8 te 1 PNU ■ ■—-» No. le-’ii ■■ '■ — I ■ ■■■■■ »■! yiTHF.K writ In fr to n•»«*« ''dual clean" by living Sweeping Compound; burn th** »wtH-pingn, N< i I >1 I No I f' ■ >»• •u-»*-h* *l«t OM> In B and |0-lb can«, ?'tc and 3.SO value» "Tell all you know and you won't her system has received a shock from tru at have any knowledge left for yourself" which it is hard to recover. Follow. Is the slogan of an exceedingly small ing right upon this comes the nervous mind, which. If It could but get wise, strain of caring for the child, and a PAIR would realize it knows nothing worth distinct change in the mother results. There {«.nothing more charming than telling—men learti in the same meas­ Mail Orders a happy and healthy mother of chil­ Promptly Filled ure that they teach or explain and dren. and indeed child-birth under right I make things clear to themselves. conditions need be no hazard to health ROYAL SHOE COMPANY or beauty. The unexplainable thing is 229 Morrison St., Bet. t Mond 2d. Portlond. Or. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY that, with all the evidence of shattered for Red, Weak. Weary. Watery Eyes nerves and broken health resulting and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't fr 'in an unprepared condition, women Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists will persist in going blindly to the trial. Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 2f.c, It isn’t as though the experience 60c, »1.00. Murine Eye Salve In came upon them unawares. They have Aseptic Tubes. 25c. $1.00. Eye Books ample time in which to prepare, but and Eye Advice Free by Mail. they, for the most part, trust to chance Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. and pay the penalty. Centrally located, convenient to theaters ----------------------------- i In many homes o ice childless there and shopping district. Hot and