Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, April 14, 1911, Image 6

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Doings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
"Spacial Servic*’’ to Be Wheat King's
Guiding Star.
Chicago "Special Service” is to
be the guiding star of James a ratten
in the distribution of his fortune for
th*» benefit of humanity during his
Mr. Patten has declared that "a
man should dispose of great wealth
for the benefit of the community.”
that “social service is the one groat
thing in life," and so he has set alxiut
the disbursement of his wealth and
has given to the most appealing chari­
ties no less than $2,000,000 within the
last six months.
Half a million dollars was donattsl
to the cause «»f medical research in the
"white plague.”
Another large con­
tribution was for the protection and
education of that neglected class called
by William L. Bodine “the children
of the pathetic estate.”
A public park has been provided for
in Evanston; substantial aid has been
extended to the Young Men's Chris­
tian association for enlargement of
the scope of that institution in dealing
with the young men of this ami suc­
ceeding generations; generous assist­
ance has been afford»*! to the cause of
education in the Northwestern Uni­
versity an»! a large sum ¿iven to the
Evanston hospital, besides the re-
sponses to the almost innumerable ap-
peals that have come to him from the
widows, the orphans, the poor and the
Mr. Patten's intense interest in the
tuberculosis investigation dates from
the death of his brother from that
I C*i**on* Around B*ttl*»hlp
plsled Successfully.
Havana. April II.
In the driving
STATE CAN'T STOP EXCHANGE ; of the last few interlocking steel pil**
of the 20 caisson* forming the Inclos­
Student* st O. A. C. Must Leave Un­ Land Revart* to Government If Irriga­ ing wall of the huge basin or coffer­
dam surrounding the wreck of the bat
less They Can Borrow.
tion is Not Carried Out.
Had Granted Coaling Station
tieship Maine, the first stage in the
on ('oast. •
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
Salem Having been unable through i work of removing th«» shatter»«! re­
vallis The student loan fund of $5(10, stat»* legislation to accomplish the ob­ mains of the warship has been
given to the Oregon Agricultural Col­ ject, Wellington G. Howell A- Co., brought to a successful conclusion.
Gvneral Resume of Important Event
lege at the opening of the present during the dosing hours of the late 1
The work was accomplished with American Envoy Discover* Document,
Presented In Condensed Form
Photographs It, and Hurries to
college year by Senator R. A. Booth congress, auccta-ded in having a law rapidity, and its progress was un­
of Eugene, for the temporary assist­ enacted by which thia company ix per­ marked by a single mishap or hitch
Washington With Copy.
for Our Busy Readers.
ance of self-supporting students, is mitted to exchange 8,793 acres of until the introduction of the final pile,
exhausted. This means that some of timber land that it had ac»)uire<l in a which failed to interlock properly
the hardest working and best students school section at present lying within with those on either side.
Mexico City, April 10. President
Tom L. Johnson, famous reform
in the institution. both young men anil a national forest reserve for about
Thia gave rise to a rumor that the
mayor of Cleveland. Ohio, is dead.
gave President Dias of Mexico
young women, will have to drop out. 9.560 acres of land that hud been re­ stability of the caisson was endanger­
since, with all their struggle to make serv«! from entry l»y the United ed, but examination ahowtsl the trou­ ■ Ix days to abrogate a treaty he is
Roosevelt visited Sandpoint, Idaho,
their own exjienses. they must depend States government and which was ble resulted from the pile* being said to hav<> mail«» with Japan.
where he worked as a cowboy 25 years
upon an advance of $.’> to $75 to tide awarded to a Portland company under slightly defonneti by an accidental
Th«1 hidden treaty wax discovered by
them over until they are out and earn­ contract with th«» state of Oregon to blow from the iron bucket of a dre<lge
Mexican rebels tried to take Zaca­
Henry Lane Wilson, who
ing. where they can pay it back.
reclaim under the Carey act.
working alongside. The extraction
tecas, but were repulsed in a desperate
Since the existence of the fund was
The interest* of the Portland com- and replacing of three piles served to photographed it, retunusl the original,
street fight.
announced a large number of petitions ' pany were afterwards purchased by repair the damage. The second stage ami procenled |s>*t haste to Washing­
have come to the trustee* which upon Wellington G. Howell A Co. The of the work, that of filling the cais­ ton to inform the State department.
A serious Republican outbreak oc­
careful examination proved to be en­ 9.560 acres that are to be exchanged sons, its fast ax completed, with the
curred in Spain and occupation of
The treaty is said to have contained
tirely worthy.
The fund, however, for the school lands lie in tho Malheur mud, clay and rock dredged from the
Portugal also is threatened.
that gave Japan coaling sta­
harlstr bottom, has been going on for
About 1.000 Portland carpenters
plications. and hence, unless the fund of llurns ami alaiut 10 mile* from some time, and. now that the ring is tion privilege* and other big conces­
have gone on strike for the closed
is renewed from some source shortly, Lake Malheur. The Wellington in­ completed, is being pushed forward sions on the coast of Mexico, including
•hop and $4 per day for 8 hours work.
a number of the students who have terests acquired the school base, which with the utmost rapidity. The steam the right t»> use Mngiinlena liny for
A S. P. train struck a three-ton
won high'grades in their studies while they exchanged for the arid latid* in dredge Norman Davis, lent to the gov target practice.
boulder on the track in Nevada and
working their way through, will have Malheur couhty, ’ through purchase, ernment by the Huxton-Trumbo Dredg­
Taft'* order mobilising troop* at
narrowly escaped being thrown into
to give up their studies for the rest of not getting it directly, from the state. ing company, and the United Stales th«> border follow«! promptly.
Donner lake.
the year.
For it they paid from $1.25 to $2.50 army dredge Burnard are dumping
These are startling disclosure* made
The student requests brought to an aero. Hiere uro various «ultimate* hundreds of tons of material into the here by an apparently authentic *ourc*
Remains of prehistoric giant men
light some interesting facts as to the as to th«1 valu«> of th»1 Malheur valley caisson*.
t<xlay and which, as recited in narra­
and animals are being unearthed in a
endeavor of some of the tract, though it is the opinion of Stat*
It is expected that the filling of the tive form, are given as the cause of
cave in California.
The bones are
Oregon youth to gain special training Engineer Lewis that it cannot success­ caissons will be completed by the end tho hurry order that rush««! 20,000
bedded in a stratum of sandstone.
in their chosen line. One young man fully tie irigat«»d. It wu* the plan of of April, and after that the most in­ troops to the border.
The relation*
A Seattle brickmason was killed
requested a loan of $25 that his sister the Portland company to irrigate by teresting stage of the work that of report««! to have exist»«! between Mex­
and many others badly shocked by a
and he may finish the year’s work. sinking well*, but no work was ever pumping out the great basin and leav­ ico ami Japan ar«1 said to huv«1 prevail-
30,000-volt wire coming in contact
By renting two small rooms and doing done by that company.
ing tile hull of the battleship in pre »«I prior to March I.
with the iron cornice of the wall on
their own housekeeping they have
cisely the condition she was on the
Ambasxatlor Wilson, of the Unit««!
of Police—Ban on Pool Halls.
which they were at work.
been able to complete two years of
morning ufter her destruction 13 years States, so th»1 story goes, ha»l occa­
Hunnewell, Kan. The first meeting their course.
ago will begin.
sion many month* ago to feel that
The small wooden steamer Iroquois,
One young man who requested assis­ Many Important Point* to Hav* O
As a guaranty of the security of the strong antipathy of Mexican* of ull
plying along the coast of Vancouver of the city council of Hunnewell under
retaining wall around the basin, it is classes wa* shown towanl the United
A C. Station*.
island, was capsized by a squall and the new suffragist administration was tance made the highest grades of any
at least 20 of the passengers and crew held Tuesday evening, Mrs. Ella Wil­ student in the institution during the
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ probable that riprap will be dum|>cd Stat»-«. In the celebration in honor of
first semester, in one of the heaviest vallis A general *iege against fruit around the exterior of the ellipse of the foundation of th»1 republic, when
drowned within a mile of shore and in son taking her seat as mayor.
A young [•ests of every description i* now be­ caissons before the pumping begins.
After the old council had disposed of and most difficult courses.
many Japanese of high rank cam»1 us
plain view of many who were unable
unfinished business, the new members woman requested a loan of $5 in order ' ing arrang.-d by the ex|!ert* of this
The wreck itself will have to be special ambassador* from their »•ountry
to render assistance
organized and the mayoress proceeded that she may be able to get through '
carefully w-atcln-d as the water level to the Mexican cnpital, the umbusxu-
Rival factions of striking teamsters to deliver an informal inaugural ad­ the next two months before commence­ college. Within th»1 next week or i falls, there being some danger that, ax dor noticisl that there hail been priv­
fought a battle with revolvers in the dress.
ment, with
careful management. various section* of the state and tak«1 the sup|s>rt of the water and the mud ate audience* between Diaz ami a few
streets of Chicago, but no casualties
She pointed out conditions in Hunne­ Since she is earning her own way in up this work.
in which it rests is withdrawn, the of his mor«1 influential ministers and
are reported. Streetcars filled with well that needed rectifying and ex­ order to gain a college education
hull may careen, just ax shi|M have th«1 Japanese delegate*.
passengers w’ere in the battle zone, plained the hope that her associates in against her parents’ wishes, she is
To Ambassador Wilson it was re­
of fruit crops was authorized by th«1 been known to do in drydock when in­
and one man stood behind a car while the council would co-operate with her entirely on her own resources.
ported that for la month* every ship
last legislature at the investigation of sufficiently secured.
he emptied his revolver at the enemy. in seeking to improve the standard of
A senior, who has shown such splen­ the fruitgrowers of the state. It will
As soon ax the wreck is fully ex­ of th«1 Toyo Risen Kaishu, wh»»«e port
Stephen Crawford, candidate for moralrby reforming certain abuses. did ability that he has been able to be earn«! on entirely under th«1 di­ posed, the work of exploration in i* San Francisco, were currying from
Mrs. Wilson's remarks were under­ complete the four year course in three rection of th«1 department* of plant search of human bodies will take pre 20 to 150 Japanese, passage paid, be-
mayor of Alton, Ill., has deposited
It is practically certain •ide* cargo«* <>f agricultural machin­
$2.400 in an Alton bank as a pledge of stood to be directed especially toward years, has asked for a small loan in pathology, entomology and horticul­ cadence.
good faith in case of election to the the pool halls, which Mrs. Wilson be­ order to complete his work with his ture of this institution. Head»|uurt»rs that when this stage of the work is ery, househtd»! gooii* and general
office if he fails to close the saloons on lieves exert a corrupting influence up­ class in June. In spite of his neces­ will be established in th«1 various fruit reached, a United States man-of-war ■tore*. At San Francisco th»1«« Jap­
on young men. She wants to put the sity for earning all of his expenses, sections of th»1 state. It has alreaily will be ordered to Havanna and will anese were traiisship|x«l to steamer*
institutions out of business with a his work in his studies has been of been decided to establish one at Salem, lie close b> the wreck to receive the of tho Pacific Mail line plying b«>-
Ralph Smith, a Canadian Liberal, high license tax.
excellent grade
and others will probably be located Ixxlies as fast as they are recovered, tween San Francis«; and Mexican
approves the reciprocity treaty.
Practically 25 per cent of the entire at Roseburg, Portland, Eugene and and tranxjsirt them to their final rest­ port*.
Mrs. Wilson said she would appoint
After that will come an
In February Amba«su»lor Wilson
More artillery will be sent to Mrs. Rosa Osborne, defeated candidate student body is entirely sef-supjwrt- possibly Milton. Th«1 work, however, ing place.
exhausting scrutiny of the shattered wax busy cultivating every *<>urce of
for police judge, to the office of chief ing, 55 per cent are partially depend­ will all be directed from the college.
strengthen the defenses of Hawaii.
of police. Mrs. Osborne, it is under­ ent upon what they can earn; and
The details have not been deter­ wreck by experts, who. in the opinion information in th«1 higher circles of
Mexican rebel chiefs are unanimous stood, has agreed to accept that office, only 20 per cent of the whole enroll­ mined
U|»on, but art1 now being care­ of engineer officer*, will be able to the Mexican govairnment. Very near
in their demand that Diaz must resign. provided she is given an assistant.
ment-most of whom are girls -do fully workt-d out.
The plans will determine beyond all question precise­ th»1 eml of tho month, from a certain
The councilmen have not shown not have to work for the money to pay probably be completed within the next ly the character of agency by which source in tho government, Mr. Wilson,
much warmth toward some of Mrs. their college bills
week or two.
Professors Cordley, the destruction of the Maine was ef­ it is said, obtained for a f»-w hour*
th»1 orignal of a secret treaty between
Lewis anil Jackson, who have general fected.
Wheat—Track prices: Bluestem, Wilson’s plans.
Probably many months will elapse Japan and Mexco. lit* kept it long
One councilman went so far as to
charg«1 of the work, ar»1 confident that
86c; club, 82c; red Russian, 81c; val­
say that the council would not support
enough to have photographs miule of
it will result in saving many thou­ before the final stage of the work
ley, 82c; 40-fold. 93c.
Barley—Choice feed, $26.506/27 ton. Mrs. Wilson’s appointments and that Saving of $15,000 a Year in Fuel to sands of dollars to the fruit growers. the extraction and disposition of the it. Then it wax return«! to it* place
wreck, it is known that the forward in the innermost archives of the Mex-
Millstuffs—-Bran, $21 per ton; mid­ there would be no license for the pool
Be Effected.
Vale Read* Riot Act.
part of the ship, alxiut one-third of cun stnt«’ department.
dlings, $296/30; shorts, $22.50; roll«! halls.
Vai»1 Much |>erturbcd «»ver »lelays her length, is practically detachad
Th»1 document, th<> re|«irt here in­
Salem—Contracts were entered into
barley, $286/29.
between the state board and the Stand­ and various complications in th»1 new from the rest, and it is so shattered dicates. win in the shape of several
Corn—Whole, $28; cracked, $286/
ard Oil company for fuel oil to lie water system being constructed nt an it will have to be extract»*! piecemeal. clan*»1« which were to I h > h part of a
28.50 per ton.
Russia Opposes American Railroad
When the after part has been strip­ formal agreement on the part of the
I furnish«1«! to the Oregon state insane expense of slightly over $100.000 and
Hay — Timothy, Eastern Oregon,
Interests In Country.
so fur ax possible, of all heavy Mexican governent to allow th»1 Jnp
No. 1, $216/21.50; mixed, $166/18;
St. Petersburg That Russia is op­ The rontract is $1.08 a barrel deliv­ officials have given the American weights, including the two turrets, anexe commercial lints of steamship*
alfalfa, $126/12.50.
Apples—Fancy, $26/2.75 per box, posed to American railway projects in ered, f. o. b. Salem. This oil when Light A- Water company, of Kansas weighing with their pairs of ten-inch to have its own coaling station nt a
Asia Minor is for the first time offi­ use»l, the board has estimated, will be City, until May 1 to put the system in guns Hlsiut 200 tons each, it will be piint on the Pacific const and to grant
choice, $16/2; common, 50co/$l.
The firm is under Jxixxible b> tiuiht a bulkhead across the certain other colonization rights in
acknowledges! in an interview equivalent to $3.50 a rord if wood working shape.
Vegetables—Asparagus, 6»o7c per
pound; green onions, 20c per dozen; which the editor of the Novoe Vremya were used, wtxxl now costing the state $ 100,000 bonds, A telegram has been shattered end and float the hulk out of stat»-* along th»1 Western const.
Th»1 secret clauso* of the treaty,
hothouse lettuce, $1.25 per box; rad-1 has had with the acting minister of : $4.50 a cord. During the thro«» years sent City Engineer W. P. Bullock at the basin, to be Hunk in all probability
| the board expects to save $15,000 on Kansas City to send all maps, , plans hundreds of fathoms deep in the those said to have been photograph»«!
ishes, 306/35c per dozen; rhubarb,
1L_ ___ I iore,Kn a^airSi
by Mr. Wilson, the r<q«>rt continues,
The minister said Russia regarded ; this contract alone. Recently oil wax ami contracts of th»- system. I Bullock straits of Florida.
$1.256/1.50 per box; sprouts, 9c per
Finally will com»1 the extraction I of gave Japan a lense of a coaling ata-
pound; carrots, 85c6/$l per hundred; the recent acquisition of a railroad $1.35 delivered in this city, or $1 f. is »Irawing pay for su|>ervising the
ingXtion and Him - iivit pivileg, • in Mag-
parsnip.«, 85c6/$1; turnips, 85c6/$l; outlet at Alexandretta by Germany ■ o. b. Portland th»1 [»resent cost being work, but has not been here since it the thousand. of steel pile* composing
. . dalena
!.. I — .. I
.1 the
. I alternative
. > .
. ■
of a
with indifference, as Alexandretta is 80 cents f. o. b. Portland.
J?.;; start«.1»! an»l the council is debating the 20 cais.-oiis and the dredging OiT
beets, 90c6/$l.
of a few
Potatoes — Oregon buying price,
1 the boar»! expects to us»1 45,000 bar­ Wh» n Engineer Oakes wax appointed filled. This may not be complete»! be­ scattered |«>rt* down the Mexican
$1.356/ 1.60 per hundred.
On being asked why Russia, accord­ rels of fuel oil. The cost of installing by th»1 council a few weeks Hgo to l»x>k fore the end of the year.
Onions—Buying price, $26/2.10 per
Clauses also set forth Japan and
ing to reports, had intervened and in­ storage tanks and burners at the lu at- over the system anti locate the source
Mexico’s mutual interests in the Pa­
Find Body of Lost Hunter.
Hops—1910 crop, 17J6/18C; 1909 sisted that Turkey reject the Ameri­ ing plant at the asylum will be ap of trouble, no maps, plana or contracts
can railroad project of securing an proximately $2,850, the lx»ard conse­ could be found. Since then the bonds
crop, 126/13c; contracts, lGJc.
Boise, Idaho Jsm<‘i Ross, who was cific, and while not stipulating an
Wool—Eastern Oregon, nominal, 10 outlet at Mersina, the minister replied quently expecting to effect a net sav­ of th»1 contractors have been locate») lost in the wiids of Eastern Idaho lust offensive and defensive alliance, gave
6/14c per pound; valley, 156/17c; mo­ that the American proposals intro­ ing of $12,150 on the change^ from but other valuable papers are still December, cooked his buckskin gloves in a diplomatic way Japan's keen in­
hair, choice, 32c per pound delivered duced into Asia Minor an entirely new cordw»xxl to coal oil.
to ward off starvation and, finding terest in the protection of Mexico
that last chance meal repulsive, blow­ against aggression. The treaty had
Prepare for New Railroad.
Poultry—Hens, 21c; broilers, 30c; complicated the railroad problem, but to Salem,” said State Treasurer Kay.
out his brains. Ross’ Isxly, leaning been ratified, not by the Mexican sen­
Nyssa The unloading of several against a tree, and a tin cup contain­ ate, but by Diaz and his cabinet.
turkeys, 21c; ducks, 206/23c; geese, affected the general political situation “People of Salem ar»1 fimling difficulty
The day after he obtained the pho­
in securing woo«l because the institu­ carloads of material at Nyssa the past ing his gloves on a pile of ashes, were
126/14c; dressed turkeys, choice, 236/ in which Russia was interested.
tions use such immense quantities of week by the Oregon Short Line indi­ found Friday. A gaping hole in the tograph <>f this treaty, Mr. Wilson
it, an»i frequently wood famines have cates that no time is to be lost in the skull and a rifle containing an explod left for Washington.
Chinamen Charge Libel.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 206/21c dozen,
Liverpool The Chinamen of Liver- resulted. The board hopes to use oil building of the Nyssa-Homedale ex­ ed cartridge by the Issly told how
Butter—City creamery, extra, 1 and
The material consist»*! Ross, in despair, hnd taken his life to
2-pound prints, in boxes, 31c per ' pool, whose increasing numbers an»! at the penitentiary later in the year.” tension.
Rebel* Will Not Stop War.
mostly of lumber for the erection of escape the pangs of starvation and
pound; less than boxes, cartons and alleged evil practices have been the
El Pasco, Tex. Asked ns to what
headquarters for the engineer and his exposure.
Institute Plans Made.
delivery extra.
I subject of adverse comment recently,
effect the defeat of General Stardey
Pork—Fancy, 106/ 10ic per pound. | show no disposition to take the attacks
Astoria, Columbia county will unite crew. Engineer Ashton has been to
Williams' rebels would have on the in­
Fort Astor to Be Built.
Veal—Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, ] 12 calmly. A libel suit brought by lead­ with Clatsop in holding a joint teach­ Nyssa several times the past week to
surrection, the insurrecto junta here
6/ 12Jc per pound.
ers in “Chinatown” against the editor ers' institute in this city during the
Astoria, Or. The Centennial com aulhoriztsl the following statement:
Cattle- Prime steers, $6.256/6.75; of the Liverpool magazine was begun Centennial celebration and while the tracts will be let this month.
mittee has selected Wednesday, April
"The insurrectos in Southern Mex­
choice, $66/6.25; good to choice. in the courts.
The defendant is exact dates have not yet been set, the
12, the the 100th anniversary of the ico have no connection with the Ma-
Work Begin* on Bridge,
$5.506/5.75; fair to good, $4<</ 5 ; charged with imputing immoral prac­ session will be about September the
naming of Astoria, as the date on derists in other parts of the Mexican
Work has commenced on which tn break ground in the city republic.
common, $46/5; prime rows, $4.756/ tices to Chinamen and with defaming first. Heretofore the ClatHop county
The defeat of Williams’
5; good to choice, $4.506/4.75; fair generally "subjects of the Chinese institutes have been held during the
park for the construction of a repro­ band by Colonel Mayot’s fédérais will
to good, $4.256/4.50; poor, 4.250; emperor, with intent to excite hatre»l Spring.
The program will consist bridge across Willow creek gorge on duction of old Fort Astor. A special have absolutely no effect on the plana
4.50; choice heifers, $56/5.25; choice against them."
principally of lectures on subjects con­ the western edge of town. Large program of exercises has been ar­ of the insurrectos in other states
bulls, $4.506/4.75; good to choice,
nected with the early history of the quantities of materials cement, etc., ranged for the occasion and the mayor where Francisco I. Madero, Jr., is rec­
a concrete mixer, donkey engine and has been requested to declare a half ognized as leader."
Navy Gunners Marvels.
$4.256/4.50; fair to good, $3.756/4;
original Oregon country.
equipment are already on the ground, holiday. The contract for building
common, $36/3.50; choice light cal­
San Diego, Cal. — According to a
while the excavation for the concrete the fort has been a wanted for $2, H00.
ves, $7.756/8; good to choice, $7.50 current repot which is generally cred-
Could Not Let Hit Orchard Go.
Filipino Laborers Released.
6/7.75; fair to medium, $76/.7.60; ited, the battleship South Dakota,
Central Point — Fred H. Hopkins, bases for the four steel towers that
Honolulu — The territorial Supreme
Few Filipino* Go North.
choice heavy, $5.256/,5.50; good to while engaged with the California and who for five years owned the Snowy
court released on a writ of habeas
choice, $56/ a 5.25; fair to medium, Maryland in target practice off this Butte orchard and sold it something done.
San Francisco Most of the Filipino corpus 15 Filipino laborers who were
$4 .7562,5; choice stags, $5.256/,5.50; port, recently made a record with six- over a year ago to John R. Allen of
Wheat Helped By Snow.
laltorers who arrived here from Haw­ taken from the steamer Korea before
go/xl to choice, $4.506/,5; fair to me- inch guns that has hardly a parallel. New York City, has purchased back at
Condon — Condon was visitod by a aii on the steamer Korea and who her departure for San Francisco. In
dium, $46/,4.50.
Firing at five different targets at a a price exceeding the sale price that snow of about two inches Monday brought their contracts to work in the its decision the court severely censur­
Hogs — Choice, $7.756/.8; good to distance of 10,000 yards, the South part of the orchard lying east of the night and people were jubilant over it Alaska canneries have decided to re­ ed the action of the prosecution, rep­
choice, $7.506/.7.75; choice heavy, Dakota, according to the report, made railroad tracks, including the house because of the big benefit to the farm- main in this state, hoping to secure resented by the planters’ attorneys,
$7.256/.7.50; good to choice, $76/ 7.25; a record of 34 hits out of 35 shots with and the celebrated section of Winter era who have grain sown. Not enough employment in the interior. A few in preventing F. B. Craig, counsel for
NJ I in rioara
an/l will
_____ _1_________ I_____ 1
common, $6.506/7; stock hogs, $86/ her six-inch guns.
pears, and
will rohirn
return ♦ to «» reside
can be said of *L„
the L benefits
derived of them, however, left for the north the Alaska Packers, from seeing the
upon it iff tbe'near future.
from snow falling this time of the on the Continental and Oriental of the Filipinos and in confining them in jail
Bible* Conceal Crime.
Sheep—Choice yearling wethers,
when no charges had been preferred.
year on ground that is planted to Alaska Packers’ fleet.
grain fed, $4.506/5.10; old wethers,
Plant 15 Acre* to Cantaloupe*.
Chicago — After the arrest of An­
grain, as it receives nearly every bit
$46/4.25; choice ewes, grain fed, drew Buktus, on a charge of counter­
Pendleton — J. W. Muir, of Freo- of moisture in that form.
Rebels Besiege Canton.
200 Person* Die in Fire.
$4o/4.25; fair to medium ewes, $36/ feiting, Uited States ‘secret service water, is to have the only exclusive ;
Ix/ndon A special dispatch to the
Bombay, British India
Two hun­
3.50; spring lambs, extra quality, men found a counterfeiting plant for cantaloupe farm in Oregon, if not in
Will Irrigate 1,000 Acres,
Daily Express from Hongkong says dred men, women and children were
$10; choice lambs, grain fed, wool, raising $2 bills to $20, hidden under a the Northwest. He has just announc- I Ontario The Ontario Townsite com­ that a serious uprising is reported to burned to death in a fire which de­
$5.506/5.75; choice lambs, grain f«>d, pile of bibles in Buktus’ room. When ed his intention of planting his iTrtTrn pany has ordered the machinery, mo­ have occurred at Canton. It is said stroyed
a thatched structure in which
sheared, $5.256/5.50; good to choice arrested Buktus said he was a bible 15 acres to the melons, and has sent to | tors and pumps, costing over $8,000, the Tartar general commanding the
had gathered for a festival. Five
lambs, grain fed, $56/5.25; fair to salesman. In a case under the bibles the Rocky Ford gardens in Colorado to irrigate 1,000 acres of land adjoin­ troops has been murdered anti that they
hundred persons were in the building.
good lambs, grain fed, $4.756j5; was found a set of dies and tools, to­ for teste«! se«sl. Four different varié- I ing town. The work will be com­ other troops have been hurried to the There was only one exit anda panic
culls, $2.50<t$3 50.
gether with several altered bills.
ties will be planted.
pleted this spring.
city, which is in a state of siege.