IT ranz J oseph and H is UNorrieiAi W ife I model ATTRACTIVE FARM DWELLING CONVENIENT AND INEXPENSIVE curious to know EarnThis Suit H One Hour? Tom Brewne, Celebrated English Az list, Mosts Suspicious Negr* Qlass Chewer. Tom Browne, the celebrated English Detailed Description of House Owned by Farmer tn Ohio humorous artist, may be said to have TiiuC May be Built at nn Approximate had no education whatever In draw Cost of J2.8OO to 83.000. big He educated himself. What ho An Attractive Farm Dwelling. saw he drew, and hla genius made It a picture Ila did go to an art school at Nottingham for a couple of terme, and It was a good school In Its way. Anyhow, he grew tired of the cut- and dried methods obtaining therw—of the restraint, as he once put It to ma and ao with about a dozen other would be artists be took u room over some stables and there drew and paiuted from ••||f.." Tiny took It In turns to procure models a tramp, a newspaper boy. a flower seller, any­ body who wanted to earu a quarter served their purpose One night Tom. scouring the neigh­ borhood fur a subject, lighted on a negro who earned a living by chewing I glass In public bouses. Thl» nice gen- Usman was asked If he would ooms to the loft to be painted. lie looked at Browne earnestly for , some moments and. evidently laboring unjer tbo Impression that the natural hue uf his body ess to be altered, h demanded: "Will It come off. sab?" Ilgt ting plant may bo Installed at a Shako Into Your Shoes One of the most convenient and cost of (375. Altee'« r<»< t:*no, a pewlor fee tho test. It cures painful, .wollen, ««. «ting fr-wt. M. i I m modern farmhouses of moderate cost As both the h'-attng and lighting n»w «hù«« vary. «mnrtlng. Hold l>y all Diÿisalàla arri Pho. the writer has seen is owned by a plants are «-ntlrvly safe, easy to oper­ Store«. IXin’t a*-.-» at any «ulwlttiile. tiamply—> < I -- --------- 1 I •• Hoy. N. V. fanner in Ohio. It Is comfortable ate and tbo oxp< tne of running them and handsome, and the farmer and leas than the co t of o|er between. The Root cellar, front room. etc. are for sand, like loose hay and atraw, roofs are covered with best grade of provided In the basement. seems to produce crlts out of no 5 to ! cedar shingles, thnt is. five of Tbe pantry Is so Is catod that It pre- where But, after all. sand can be re­ the shingles, when placed together, vents the heat from entering the din- newed at small coat, and If tho econo­ I will measure pra- tlcally 2 Inches at Ing-room during the summer months mists shout too loud let them bo In N AGED emperor dines alone A confidential valet helps him into j the thick ends. These shingles will and contains cMna < Io el with doora vlted to take tho old san ! It will be on gold plate from the famous hat and overcoat. By a bijou eleva­ cost slightly more, but they will also opening to dining room, cupboard. as good and crttloea after that ns tor whose door Imitates a bookcase be service whose central decora­ last about three times as long as the flour bln. etc. when It was new Izmdon Chronicle tive piece is worth (15.000. descends to the ground fl<»or. Between 5 to 2 shingles. All rooms are of Rood aire well There Is only one guest, a the emperor's study and the waiting All Interior side walls and ceilings lighted, nnsl ample closet room Is pro­ TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY limousine is a trip of a short minute— general aid de camp or high official of I receive three coats of plaster with vided; nlso a good sized linen closet. for lied. Weak, Weary. Watery Eyes saving a detour of half a mile by the court The proudest monarch of white finish. All floors are quarter The living room baa an open fire­ andGranulated Eyelids Murino Doesn’t Europe is alone with one guest Eti­ suites of rooms, stairways and corri­ I sawed yellow pine. The trim (or din ­ place which also hts smoke flue for Smart- Soothes Kye Pain. Druggists dors. He walks 20 steps across the quette demands it. | ing-room, living-room, hall and II- the furnace. The largo arches con Sell Murino Eye Remedy, Liquid. 25c, little courtyard to the door, where a There are eight services. Hofburg 50c. (1.00. Murino Eye Salvo In There Is no : hrary is of birch with mahogany noctIng the diningroom, hall and liv­ Aseptic Tubes. 2.'c. (1.00. Eve Books ceremony does not permit less. Five limousine awaits him. stain. The kitchen and pantry has ing-room causes these rooms to »wm and Eyo Advice Free by Mall. gorgeous flunkeys in pale blue, pink special secrecy; it Is to avoid cere­ ■ hard pine trim with oil finish. larger than they really are. and with Murino Eye Rutuedy Co., Chicago. and gold serve two men. There have mony merely. He gives no directions; Entire second floor has pine trim suitable rugs, curtains, etc., a beauti­ been no flowers on the table since the the chauffeur knows where to go. ! with flat tints except bathroom, which ful effect may be obtained Tho Magnetic Pole. Quitting the frigid, solemn Hofburg. tragic death of the Empress Eliza­ has enamel finish. The house has no fancy work, but The north magnetic pole has been beth; but the lights of wax candles out into the bright lit, basiling early A good solid limestone or cement when neatly painted will present n actually located at 70 degrees and 6 glint the golden service and the rare evening of Vienna, past crowds has­ foundation Is placed under tho homo very good front and will not look out minutes north latitude and 96 degrees tening to theater and music hall, into wines in cut glass; they fit from his­ and a basement excavation under'tWe of place on almost any building lot. 46 minutes longitude The south mag toric tapestries to carved wood furni­ fair streets of residence, the auto I front part. A hot air furnace Is and for many reasons this building netlc pole has not yet been located, ture and panels Buch as no museum stops at a comfortable villa. The old ' placed In the basement, also a hollow seems especially adapted to rural dis­ but It Is believed to be about 73 de possesses and make dancing shadows sovereign enters the gate alone. The ’ wire lighting plant. The furnai e and tricts. green south latitude and 150 east front door opens as he mounts the in the distant corners. longitude It Is known, however that When the door There are faint, mysterious noises In three marble steps. the two magnetic poles do not He at the Hofburg. as of furtive steps up shuts he is no longer the dread, lone- and social obligation, resting nt least the extremities of a diameter of tbo secret stairways In the walls, and ly emperor and apostolic king, but as strongly on the farmer ns on any earth. there are silences in which you feel .Herr Schratt. regularly called "the one else, to encourage family lite eyes peeping through holes. The Colonel,” careless, easy, phlegmatic workers, and thus to promote great palace has an invisible popula­ and slouchy, bright, warm, cozy, snug stability In rural populations and to tion of effaced officials, gliding ecclesi­ among good old friends. discourage the nomadism among la­ Since the tragic death of the Em­ Decline in Population Shown by borers which Is the bane of our agri­ astics, soft-footed domestics, noble old Last Census in Agricultural cultural enterprises. dames and ancient courtiers, whose press Elizabeth, Francis Joseph Is a Areas Due to Discourage­ larva»»» uuugs. only sounds are creaking joints as widower, 81 years old, and If all It Is altogether probable that the ment of Marr ied Workers. Baron Maule. In ons of hts sarcastic they slip through dim corridors where Vienna smiles at "Monsieur Schratt" tt actual decline In population, shown is with respectful sympathy and under­ by the last census to have taken moods, addressed from the bench a sentries stand immobile. Years ago when the Burg place In extensive agricultural areas. barrister friend of mine thus: "Mr. It is the frigid court of a lone, aged standing. (By C. R. HAHNS) The pitiful story was told recently Is due to the discouragement of mar­ Harker, could you not state your emperor bereaved by bloody loss of theater was a wing of the Hofburg, the wife, son and favorite brother; so high great actress Katharine Schratt.—the in a northern dally paper of an In­ riage among fn,rtn workers, and the facta In soma kind of order? Chrono­ that none dare offer him sympathy, Sarah Bernhardt and ReJane of Vienna dustrious and capable farm laborer refusal of employment to men with logical Is the best, but If you cannot manage that, try soma other; alpha stern and unbending In hfs haughty —was presented to Francis Joseph by who had answered several advertise­ families. That way lies the decline of states betlcal, If you plea- e" Hlr Franc la isolation. When his daughters, Marie Empres Elizabeth herself. For long ments of farmers in need of Just such ------ ” If we H. Doyle. Valeria, with her battalion of children, she, too, has lived retired, and the experienced services as he was able and the ruin of democrncy. or Gelsele, became a morose old wom­ I mourning emperor found her so Intelli­ to render; but whose application was want growth In population, and the Large Irrigation Project. an, are not there on some rare visit, gent, so fine and also good, that, great rejected. In each Instance, because he perfect working out of the Demo­ An eight tnllll n d< liar Irrigation I love and sorrow having burnt out, an cratic Ideas underlying American In ­ a wife and two small children, had the emperor is “alone." It Is his wish. project, about being completed In He Is too old for state dinners and affectionate friendship grew up to The farmers wanted neither women stitutions. we must reverse our meth­ New South Wales, will benefit 1,500,* nor children about their farms, So ods, welcome rather than repel the court functions, except the most Indis­ give him a kind of peaceful solace. 000 acres of land ard offer settlement I The court calls her "the Bour- this competent farm worker was man with a family, and be willing to opportunities to 7ft Oftft t »r«ons. pensable, brief and Infrequent. share with him some portion of obliged to accept employment In a tbo geoise." With Katharine Schratt, for The aged emperor Is dreaming of opportunities of the farm. the gorgeous gala dinners of the past. the first time In 65 years, he learned city stable. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate It is to be feared that this Is by no and invigorate, stomach, liver and bow­ He sees the Ideal throngs of other what blesesd relief from frigid etl- els. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy Utmost Precautions Needed. days. Again he hears the three taps ' quetle and numbing ceremony might means an Isolated Instance. Human Impure milk will be the result If the to take as candy. of the Grand Chamberlain’s cane to be. The woman of heart, the artistic kindness has been so far eliminated, announce the entrance of their Impe­ genius, who played the roles of great In many cases from the relationship utmost precautions are not taken In Woman and tho Farm. rial and royal majesties. By enchant­ • queens on the boards of the Court the­ between the farmer and his hired handling It, and Impure milk neces­ In defining woman a relation to the help, and that relationship has been sarily means that Its products will al ­ ater, before archduchesses and prin ­ ment doors fly open and the glittering life of the farm, one needs but little throng bejeweled and perfumed, flash­ cesses, slowly and tactfully broke put so exclusively on a hard business so be Impure and have very poor reflection to become aware of tho all- ing colors amid plumes, aigrette and through the crust of the divinity that basis, that the complaint Is common keeping qualities It should be remem­ pervading quality of that relationship. flowers, laughing and murmuring to hedged and hampered the poor man that "the farmer cares more for the bered that all contamination depends Just as the monarch of Prance, when comfort and happiness of hfs cattle upon some form of bacteria, which the clink of gala swords and sabers, is throughout hls life. asked to define tho state, exclaimed, Leaving crown and scepter on the and hogs than he does for the well- are present everywhere and which struck to silence. Their majesties multiply very readily under certain "The state; I am the state." Ho might hat-rack, he enters the bright little being of his men.” pass. tho farmer's wife, when questioned as Under healthier conditions In rural conditions and temperatures. Vanished all that The aged em- card room that adjoins two bijou par­ to tbo life of the fann, respond. "1 am life, the married workman would re- lors, and takes the best easy chair, peror sighs, and plans little piensures tbo Life of the farm.” Japanese Farmers. ceive the same preference that he which the doctors will permit him. He while Mme. Katharina hastens with 30,000,- Of Japan ’ s 45,000,000 people, may still hunt; doubtless he no longer the foot warmer. He lights a cigar. generally does from employers In Save the Coal Oust. The bell rings and the partners of mercantile and manufacturing pur- 000 are farmers. The whole body la climbs crags after the chamois or the Coal dust should never be wasted. woodcock; but hie hand is still firm interminable games of Tarok —a sort suits; as being more reliable and less supported by a cultivated area of but Have a special rnlvanlzed scuttle for as he waits on his camp stool In the of Austrian bridgi arrive; two an- likely to seek a change. If fairly well 19,000 square miles. Every foot of It and mil sufficient water with It to forest; and stag or roebuck that cient friends of the great actress ho­ treated, than the single man. Aside soil is utilized; the farmer Is a special­ make It quite moist. When a fire Is comes within range Is sure of his af­ come friends of Herr Schratt, al- from this, however, there fa a moral ist. nice and clear bank It up with this fair. Horseback riding Is more dlffl ways the same; Herr Palmer, director coal dust and It will last for hours. cult and It is doubly painful to give of the Bank des Pays Austrichlens and Where this Is done there is no ao- up a favorite exercise that kept him an international private banker so ex-1 cumulation of coal dust ao common lit In tou907 nods, under which tradition says the the spring review and the finale of the Francis-Ferdinand, heir to the dual Often the emperor loses all I Ark of the Covenant Iles burled. A autumn maneuvers. He loves hls crown. >905 former owner commenced excavations elgar sn