Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, April 14, 1911, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year,
G resham
ÊL.O re .
■■■"■ i
that it wax dangerous lo the inoral wel­
Bev. J. F. Dunlap, pastor al Gresham.
fare of tiie people
Children who read
Rev. Calder is pastor of the Boring and
the storii-x an* mislead and given bail
I'leasant Home churches. The bride
notions of th« proper Standard of citizeii-
Ixilongs to a pioneer family of Portland
ship. It wax <levclo|x«l that tlx* news-
and is well and favorably known in thia
P»|M-r liiaw not M»*k disclosure of crim­
inality ami vicious d«edx for any plcasiin*
From careful obaervations tna«le over
A vast ledge ol |>eculiar clay was ex­ the management may get out of it, but
proportionately to the publicity afford­
posed by a steam shovel workingiin the Ixx-auac the public is demanding the many portions of Eastern Multnomah
news n'ganili-KH of quality
It wax cited it is evident that about tKto acres of
ed by the advertising medium. The
old layman farm, alsiut eight miles that in some instxna-s the detection of
new land will be brought ito cultivation 1* n a rapid rise in the standard of
east of the city, while making a big cut tiie criminal has followed the publicity
HERALD has a bonafide subscription
this year tor the first time. All over If ing, which has xflecUxl those who
through the place for the Mount ll<««l given by the |>a|xm, and the consequent
many times larger than any other
the agricultural (xirlion of the county live on the farms as well as those who
railway. It 1» allogetlirr different from nrouxal of sentiment in opposition to tlx-
paper published in any part of the
ar« numerous small clearings ready for dwell in the citi«-s, says a writer in The
tiie surrounding soil although only a criminal. Others xiiggextcd that th«*
their first crop, which will be mostly Miss« • uri Ruralist. 1 sm referring to
county outside of Portland. If you ex­
lew fret lielow the surface, and the in­ withholding of all bml from our children
|«ilaUx-», as this pnxitict through ex­ those things that come under the head­
pect results, bear in mind these facts.
dications are that it extends over a Urge j wmild only make them mon- susceptible
tensive cultivation him a tendency to ing of " foot!»" ooly in a general way.
area and is of an unknown depth a» no i to harm when they should eventually
subdue the land sooner than any other. There has been widespread education
attempt wu» made to go deeper down I come under its influence, ami that it
Over in Clackamas county the area -if through th«* medium of schools, church«*»
than the roadbed of the track.
would I»* Ix-tti-r to admit the piqs-r to tlx* new land will lx* nearly the same and and six-ial and fxilitica) chan nets, which
The steam shovel brought the day up | home and direct the nailing of children both together will swell the Uital of
Annual Slump in Dairy Prices.
I has had its effect on th«x«e who dwell in
in big ebuncks which hardened some­ I t«i those things of most iiiijxirtaiiee and
crop productions to a considerable ex­ the country as well as they who live in
.Milk and cream have both suffered a
what upon ex|«>"Ure to the air for I lead th«- chilli Uliootisciomdy hi d«-vot«
the city. Th«* members of the average drop in prices during the past two
awhile. It is susceptible of consider­ ' his attention to the mon* iix*riloriuii«
Although hired help has been hard family, e«|»-cially the younger members, weeks. The dairymen are now being New Courses Added By Recent Leqls
able polish nu<l may lie carved into al­ part».
to'get the influx of new peoph- during f«*el a pressing need for a higher stand­ paid 10 cents for a three-gallon can of
most any sliafx* or llgure It cornea in
lation for June 19 to July 28
Cousiileruble time wax devoted to the past year will furnish enough labor
ard of physical comfort. This, in turn, milk and butter fat is quoted at 29
thro»- colors, blue, gray, blue and ral. closing tlx- “Gap" ls-tw«*cii tiie farmer
to keep pace with the extra tillage and calls for more leisure in which to enjoy cents per pound, with the usual haul­
The commercial value ol the clay has i and tlx* ultima!«' consumer.
lewis the crop tm-rea»* will be correspondmg- h« -*- newly developed longings. -*♦
The six weeks summer session at the
ing charges taken out.
not y* I been determined, lull lest« slid "hattuek came anil spoke for tlx* mcr-
ly larger.
Agricultural College which
do we see the old-time parlor,
There is always a drop in prices at
riix-ritni-nt's are Ix-ltig liotde t<> axet-r- ■ haul II » position wax that all per­
The two staple crops of this section closed tightly excepting on state occas- this time of the year, owing to more open« June 19 and lasts till July 28 will
tain just what it is g<«>d for. Sample» sons alio bought ami sold wen- nx-r-
bay and potatoes will tak<* up most oF iot
' ow the young fieople have very fresh cows and plenty of fresh grass, offer many new courses this year for
have lx*cn taken awav ( r Ubratory ■ x elumtx and lienee the tanner could lie
the tillable lands, although the differ- 1 de
dcas as to how the parlor shall and the wholesale dealers have more the benefit of those teachers disqualified
pertinents w hich will include testa »« claxmsl ax a merchant and lx*nce tlx- gap
ent grain crops will make a larger 1«
«bed, and unanimously elect sometimes than they can sell at retail, by the new school laws which now
to its use for tin« l>rick. (■ottery and chsad itself
Ollier» expn-«xi-.| their showing than heretofore. Last year the { it
■laily use. Pianos are not yet they take all the milk offered but make heavier requirements as to pre­
mineral i-aint
views, xonx- in accord and some to tlx- grair yield was alwiut 3.»I,UlM) bushels in I «•
y rare in many parts of the never reduce prices to their customers.
The property on which the clay was contrary. A strong effort wax rmuht tv
Town and city supervision and the
Multnomah county and that amount cc
discovered is owned hv tiie Railaav «how that the real money grablx-r wax
will probably tx- surpassed this season XUv._, o therings, anil time for practice. is receiving 540 gallons every day but new rural school supervision provided
company, it having Isiught the entire neither the farmer nor tlx* merchant but
if the crop« are op lo their usual stand­ We welcome thia retinal amusement the surplus is skimmed for its cream for under the new school law will be
l-ayman farm. From indications, how­ thf Ilian lietwa-n, the jobber,who handli-x
and learn that it develops the yearning which is added to 30 gallons more col­ taught, as well as the advanced sub­
ever. the ledge extends for a consider­ products, coming and g**mg. Then- wax
I-a»t fall hay prices wen* high and for other thing«, like better furniture, lected daily on the routes. Tais cream jects required now for certificates, such
able distance north ami south through no one pn’«cnt to def«*n*l tlx* |««ir jobber
IMitatoe« were cheap. Now the situa­ eading matter, and the general grati­ goes to the ice cream factories or is as mathematics, history, the scier.ces,
other farms, and
Il proves valuable ami lo 1**11 that his profits wen* lower
tion ha« ta-en reversed 1‘otatoee are fication of intellectual and spiritual made into butter. The skimmed milk English and American literature, the
their owners will have honanz.ns worth than anyone’s cl««*, and ax a cmm-qui-tn«
high, with scarcely eno *gh (or seed needs. Along with these ever-growing is fed to a herd of over 100 hogs owned art of teaching, psycology and the his-
something more than their annual the matter wax settl'd by putting tiie
j tory of education. There will be spec-
left over, and hay is cheaper with am- wants, we need the means of supply­ by the firm.
crops will produce.
burdi-n on him.
sideratile of last year» crop left over. As ing them
For the milk and cream the Fairview- ixi work for the teachers of industrial
< llie thing that ui«‘t w ith oinsiiierable a result then- will lx* a larger acreage
subjects, and particular attention will
If our young people simply demand dairy is paying the farmers something also be given to instruction of the pri­
atli-ntion wax the bad repute that «<>m«* of potatoes this year than last. How­
over Ills) a day which represents about
(ouncil I’ldnnlnq City Hall.
farmer» lutvc earn«*«l by cr*«ik«**i deal­ ever, there ia a market fur all that can more of music, literature, art, mxial
one-third of the supply of Eastern Mnlt- mary and intermediate grammar grade
Plan» for the building of the propos­ ing with inerchantx at biune and elae- lx* rai.-oxl of Ixith coinuio<iities.
teachers as to the relation of the school
qther idea than to have father and nomob, many gallon more of milk and ! to the industries. So larg- a propor-
ed City Hail will lie takeu up bv the wlw-n-. It evidently is no uncommon I
mother work harder and sacrifice more
Common Council very soon. It pres­ thing for a fanii«-r to give xlxirt iiiea»ure, !
I tion of the school children of the coun­
■Ui mole, we have the anomaly of the from every important station along the try never get beyond the grammar
ent the idea» are somewhat vogue but •«'ll ]««ir stock, and in some inxtano*« I
moat narrow sort of development. But,
there is a prospect of having u municip­ actually xulMtitut«* inferior mau-riai for
The milk and c earn industry- is an grades that it is considered immensely
The Herald announced last w«w*k the if along with this call for a higher
al building of some pretension», al tin- artid«*» x-ild. Out of this duplicity it
one and is constantly grow- important that the teac er of the
though it will cost all the money the ia believed that a gi««l many of tlx*, »evere illness of Mr. II 8. Stone of standard of living, our young people ing, while the dairy herds are being younger children should in some de-
farmer's tniulil«-« come—tlx* lioneHt suf­ Fairview It was anticifxited at the ■ grasp the meaning that all these are improved right along.
gree correlate the work with tbe prac-
city can raise to build it.
time that Mr. Stone would not recover. I produced by labor, that some one must
tical things to be me' ontside.
Tlii-re is now available in the city fering for tlx- faults of tlx* dixlionest.
Mr». McKay intnxlmxxl her nitwe, Suffering from repeatai stroke» of par­ I work besides father and some one sac­
treasury alxiut i-'.'x<i, and the city is
Besides courses in methods of teach-
ing the regular high school subjecte,
going t<> u»e fNO of that •<> pay (or the Mr» Walter Hixqx*r, visiting in this alysis, the last on«* proved his undoing rifice besides mother, such increased
Unclaimed Letters
lot. That will b-ave |700 with al»uit| vicinity and a n »ul<*nt of B**t*ni, w ho. and he wax calhxl by death on Waines- I j standard of living means much to their
the O. A. C. summer session will offer
||000 more to come in from citv taxes -ang a couple of very tine xela-tionx. Th«* day tl it* 12th. Mr. 8tone has been a generation. No doubt that John can
The following letters remain
work in the domes-ic science depart­
ami $I2UO more from license». In ad­ l«*ctun* hour tlxui dosed and the buxine»« lesident of Oregon since the sixties anti b trained to prixluce more and lietter called for at the Gresham post office for ment for housewives and for young
a gixxl part of that time lias lived at J results with an average of ten hours a the week ending April 8, 1911 :
dition the city may Ixirrow k'.’.’sW by of th*- rsx-tioti was n*umed.
women who wish to learn to manage
Fairview. About three years ago he i day than sixteen hours would have
authority of its chater, making t-54u) in
Gentlemen: Geo. M. Norton, David homes of their own some day, or to
built himself one of the l>e»t homes in done a couple of generations ago. And Bruneau.
all which could lx- used for a building
teach home economics. Prospective
Mary’s work in the home not only be-
lo Make Good Coffee.
this year if »o desired. With that much ,
Ladies: Mrs. Minnie Johnson.
farmer» and orchard growers will lie
1 comes a he) > to mother, but actually
money available it would seem to lie I To initk*- gixxl coffee, one must lmve
Dead letters: Irene Walker.
given special instruction which will
lifts the heaviest burdens from her
Cards: Ivan Stowell. F. A. Brown, prevent them from committing many
the part of w isdom to erect a City Hull ii clean coffee-pot and a grxsl quality of
shoulders. This is what a sane and Tillman Young, Mrs. N. Taylor, Miss i of the expensive errors of the begin ier.
suitable (or all present need» ami for I
coffee. Rinsing out is not enough to
practical education along the lines of Dottie Wilinot, Mrs. Frank Winzenried. The great importance of this part of
years to come The right kind of a
and home development should do
building would provide quarters for the
These letters will l>e sent to the Dead work lies in the fact that a great cam-
for our young people.
City Council, city jail, public library, ly. They can lie thoroughly cleaned
Letter Office on April 22, 1911, if of professional and trades people from
not delivered before. In calling lor the the cities are now acquiring land which
Commercial club and Are department ami f res he tux I by tilling them two
Why not put lip » K' mk I building at thirds full of water and then stirring in
If a team of horses pull together they I above, please say “advertised," giving they must either know how to hsnlde
themselves, or how to supervise the
fl ret?
are sure to accomplish something ; and date of list.
a teaxpiMuiful of liorax and allowing it
work of others on it.
the same is true of men.
to boil for twenty minutes or longer.
To make gixxl coffee for two, stir two
GRANGE HAS IN 11RF STING SESSION heaping tal>le«|xM<nfuls of coffee in one
teacup of add water ami let stand over
The «ceeion of the Gresham Grange night. In the morning add one pint of
convening laid Saturday wm< a meeting cold water; bring to a boiling point
of more than usual interest. The dinner slowly, and boil five minutes. To settle,
hour proved to be up to th«- usual stand­ add a couple ol cold water just Ip-fore
ard of the Gtydiam Grange and the social serving.—Industrialist.
noon intermission w»« well »|x*nt. The
lecture hour wax in charge of Mr«. D
W. McKay and the topic for discussion
Dance At Rockwood
H. I*. XToSX
was the "N«-wspa|»*r for Uie Home." A
Rockwood Grange will entertain the
go« si many notion« were put forth. Quit«*
a number expressed the notion that the dancing public on Saturday evening. town, flear the car line, and was in a
publication of crime« wax not only w aste­ April 22. Richard’ Orchestra and the way to pass a very comfortable life.
But infirmities came upon him and be
ful misuM* of <>p|H>rtunity and p»|s*r hut usual Grange supper. Tickets 11.00.
unable to overcome them.
Mr. Stone was b<>rn in North Monroe­
ville, Oldo, August 17, 1S47. He came
west in 1872, and made his home with
his uncle Hiram Smith, who than own­
ed as a farm what is now Fairview
■* a
townsite. On April 24, 1881, he was
[*inr. r aizmi I/ •-> iv 1'K___ _J
married to Miss Aliza Zeumerman.
The Stone farm w hich is now leased to
T. R. Howett is one of the finest and
beat improved farms.
Mr. Stone was at one time County
Great Big Stock of New Styles of Buggies to Select From
Commissioner in this County. He leaves
Both High and Medium Grades at the Lowest Prices
We come to you a9 a sound,
There is no pot of »old at
L. Stone, of Portland, and a sister in
the foot of the rainbow, nor conservatively managed finan­ Chicago. The funeral will be held at
The only store in Portland where farm implements are sold at cut prices. No agents in
treasure ship consigned to the cial institution and offer you, home on Friday at 2 o’clock, and inter­
your town to protect with a commission.
dreamer, but he who gets up first of all SAFETY for money ment will be made at the Masonic
$18.50 Buggy Hamess for................. $14.35 1 $50.00 Heavy Team Hamess for—. $37.50
and hustles, takes a good bank deposited with us. We ask cemetery on Sandy road. The family
$33.50 Double Buggy Hamess for.... 25.75 $40.00 Farm Hamess, Complete, for 32.50
as his friend and adviser, you to bank with us because will have the sympathy of numerous
friends throughout the county who
saves consistently and all he your support makes our busi­ have been their acquaintances for many
We sold at retail three times as many farm wagons last year as any other store in Portland
possibly can—that man is lay­ ness success and, as you know, years.
ing the foundation for success
and the measure of that suc­
cess will l>e Limited only by
his ability to manage his
affairs carefully and well.
»rowing banks make prosper­
ous communities. But that is
only one of the many good
reasons why you should keep
your money in this strong bank.
Weddlnq Nedr Borlnq.
At the residence of the bride« home
near Boring on the Uth inst. Mi««
Margaret L. Dolan anti Rev. A. B. Cal­
der wen- united in marriage by the