Want Column Sue,,-» ding t i «■»■«llalli Vindicator. Gte»haw Gazette. Ea»t Militili inali Riverd Multnomah Record and Montatili* Herald. Publiahe»! I '»TV Fridav III Lreeham, Ore., by tlie B kivkh S tats Pi ai isiiixo Co H. A. DARNA1.L. E dito * ani » M iskiw . Enl«*rvr*»ham. <>«««» SJlSCUlPTiOi UTIS Per Yev. IL« in •«trance. to foreign eountrir». »1 s» Mi Month» ihret month» trial »utwcnplion» MV. Single copies-V. A*k tor clubbing rate» KEMiTTANCf S *houl«1 I h sent bj Express or I’ostofth e Money Order, Registered letter or ('beck Stamp» accepted up to V < «•nts. BECtfPTS for subacription» are not sent unless requested The change of label on your paper will indicate the receipt of your remtttace. Il it li»es not please notify us DiSCOBTiHUiiCfS It you -to n«»t wish >our paper continual please notify us about the time the ■ubfteription expires We find this plan most sattstaetory to our ¡Mirons, though it is not tn acx'oriianee with our ¡arsonal view* CMABuf Of iOOlUSS In ordering change of address give old a* well as new a Idress C0WFSFW0E1TS are wanted in every community If no eorre'potulene«* appear* tr<»m \nur neighbx»rh«H» ¡one inch). each is*ue t'ARI'S OETH ANKs (not enwbng two inch, s.) .W cents LETTER* OF COXPOl EN< E (not ex.wlmg four tnch« *) |1 OBITl’ARiES tor subM*ribers or their immediate families, free, uu to hV words I cent per word for additional word* " (X’T kDS at 1 cent per wonl for flrst tnseration ; stib*« >|U«’nt Insertiot«» l.s to A» words, b cents A* to A. a ord* lAcents to 4> word* -• cent* READER* lcent p r word ¡«er issue DISPLAY ADVERTISING, rates made known on applieat n All Lodge, Grange. School. Church, or other notices or advertisement.* of sca'ial». partie*. dance*, concert*, theatricals, etc., given for a profit charged for at regular rate» In order to insure change of ad advertisers must have copy tn thi* oftiee not later than Thursday preceding day of publication. jgg PWMTIB6 is our *i»ecialty. are well equipped to do the tw*t w ork at current t rie-* Especially farmers’ and business men’s letter Hea l* Enveiojn s Rutter \\ raptwrs. St« ments. etc., in small or large quantities Auction Bills, Dodgers. Posters, etc., printed on short notn EDITOKUL VHLò With the price of eggs so much lower it will be quite unsafe for some actors to venture out. Oregon postmasters will hold the annual convention in Port­ land June 7, 8 and 9. Selections of the place of meeting and the dates were made during the past week. Postmasters of Califor­ nia. Washington and Idaho will be invited. Matters for the bet­ terment of the service will be discussed and many* suggestions made that will very likely be adopted by the department. “Deacon Hemphill exclaims in the Richmond paper that Tam­ many ¡sail right at times.” Men- tion the times. Hempy. — —------ It is hinted that the colonel is paying his own railroad fare on And something is to come of his whirlwind tour of the coun­ acquainting the people of the try. The hint, however, lacks United States of the degradation confirmation. of Mexican officialdom, slavery Needn’t buy a fashion journal and all the other barbarities that have come to light within pattern to guide you in construct­ the last two years. A new elec­ ing a harem skirt if you have an tion law, a new cabinet, a new old-fashioned clothes pin lying president and a division of the around loose. landed estates. This comes fr m the sympathies of the people of With the advent of woman the United States being with suffrage will the rooster, long the reformers. political the emblem of a victory be succeeded by the Portland gained consider­ cackling hen. able prestige as a livestock mark­ et from the recent Fat Stock In the little matter of fortify- Show held here. Not only was ingthe Panama canal, the house the show a great success but it has fortifited President Taft by broke former price records for voting an appropriation of three stock. The sale of the champ­ millions to begin with. ion steer for $409, or 26 cents a Action on the part of the pound, on foot, is the highest United States military­ authori- figure paid for beef in this mark­ ties indicates that the Mexican et. The steer was two years old revolution must have gone be­ and was raised in Baker County. Livestock men, the Commercial yond the patrol wagon stage. Club and the railroads contribut­ Between now and April 4 Lor­ ed to the prizes and they brought imer ought to have plenty of out a large number of splendid time to frame up a very readable exhibits. Breeders in attend­ resignation—one that will not ance were impressed as never get away from him as Bailey’s before with the importance of this market and its future as a did. livestock center. This is also The loss of the New York state the highest market for cattle in capitol building would not be so the United States, quality and bad as at first thought would conditions being considered. In­ appear. As it has stood, beauti­ side of five years, predicts a ful for the unsophisticated to Montana stockman at the show, look upon, but a monument of all the cattle in the Northwest shame to those who know of the will come to Portland. loot it represents. Not everyone knows that the Judge Webster breaks forth “Lend a Hand” is the name of in an anti-West tirade—opposed a paper published monthly with­ to the governor’s sweeping veto in the walls of the Oregon Pene- activities. Quite a number of tentiary. The subscription price us were undoubtedly mistaken is .$1.00 per year. The last issue in supposing that the governor consists of 12 pages, neatly fold­ was “influenced” to take the ed and laid together. It is mail­ position he did relative to the ed the 15th of each month. The printing is done on a 10 x 15 old Road Bills. style Gordon press, two pages at Instead of the usual foolish­ a time. The editor is a prisoner ness that attends April 1, one 6075, and the workmanship and Oregon town is going to accomp­ tone of his paper and his person­ lish something useful. Gaston, ality is shown in the tasty sheet. under the direction of the wom­ | After all, there are a good en’s auxiliary of the commercial many very capable men serving club, will clean house that day. time at this institution, many of Everybody will help, and it will whom in general, have as elevat­ be known as the cleanup day. ed moral ideals, as the average person at liberty. The instance Oregon is getting its full share of their incarceration is merely of the colonists who are crowding an instance, incident or accident the west bound trains. A tele­ mostly unpremeditated and un­ gram from Louis W. Hill, presi­ explainable; a fit of passion, an dent of the Great Northern, to impulse. The deed was done, Manager Chapman of the Com­ the penalty w'as contracted. Send mercial Club bore the informa­ ten cents to “Lend a Hand,” tion that over one-third of the Box C. Salem, Oregon, for a passengers on the Oriental Lim­ i sample copy. ited one day out of the Twin The moRt common cautte of ¡»«omnia Cities were bound for Oregon. is disorders of the stomach. Chamber­ This ratio is probably true of lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets cor­ practically all of the colonist rect these disorders and enable you to trains coming to the Northwest. sleep. For sale by all druggists. > l he Battleship > > Maine < u NDER tlie di reel Ion of General Wil U.-ini II lllxby l’ii vie Satn * army en­ gineer»» have gone to work to rnl*e the battleship M n I n e from tier grave In Havana harlair. and it I* expected that site will lie floating on Eel. 13, tlie thir t.s'iith anniversary crNKRAL utxin. of tin* tragedy. when the vessel «a* sunk by an ex plosion. It was a illsap|Hdtitiii,'iit to many that tile army engineers lune re Jeeted nil of the new nnd Ingenious method* «uggvMed for getting tlie war ship afloat and are trusting to the old ■chôme of building a dam around her. pumping out the water, making such repairs to the hulk a* are found pnte- ti< able nnd then. If there is nin thine that will float, towing it to : ny prac­ ticable destination that congress tn Ils wisdom tuay select, t he plan is sound anil Of proved ertb : -y. but It Is slow ■ nd expensive, anil one ,-Annot help a feeling of regret that the work is not to be done on other than familiar lint's. The army engineers, however, are sure to <1<> the work well, and the In­ vitations that have bien extended to Spanish and Cuban experts to b»> pri­ ent at every step of the operation* are to be commended as supplying a lust and decisive answer to the people who for one or another queer reason have hitherto been able to feel or to pretend a doubt of the veracity c >r the aivuracy of the first official re|»»rt c >n the cause Possibly they will of the disaster, not accept even this answer as fl mil. Whether It was an Interior or an ex- terior explosion that sank tlie Main»' makes little difference now. nnd. any way. the loss of the vessel was not. as so often stated, the cause of th« Spanish-American war It was merely the spark that tired a long prepansl train. That shock lacking, another would have served. Congress will l>e asked to decide on the final dlsp-witiou of the vessel. SV A X I I W \X l'FI> phone i*\i I » Fiv»li <*>w>. W Eih»>>n, t( Hoy* »»»»• i«- imii »»•! ■ometli»«.» iiirl». Th«> older one» nt »»rdiimry wn^vr hik I otlu-rn to I«- M-hooltxi Hti>l c»r«l for in rvturii (or libllit «••rvi<-,-« r>-inl<-r»«l. For |Htrticu- l»r* H<|dr<>»« W. I". Gnrdni'r. »uperiii- teinlent Bov» »nd Girl» Aid Swietv of (»r» won. PulU mn L Oro. Il wanted !■ » >W Mi l INVESTIGATE ? Our M»tlio»l* Our Stock of Luiulier »nil Millwork and Our Prie»-» We nrv »«nifi-lent linn it «ill rv*ult in *»ctirmg »our huai- ne** « lien you n»**l Miiything from a po*t to a bill of luiulier for n lioiiM» or burn. FOR SALE Bay horse, tt year* old, wt. Ilòti, works single or double—Two miles east ot Is'iit», Flatter Koa»l— Henry Hoe*. PAN-AGA POH IKY ON I MIAI. Ilid von know lluit you co Id feed Dr. Ili*s Poultry Pan a n>-» tits hulniu <• <>f lhe Winter, all Spring, in fuel until the first day of Augii t, I heli if vou are not satisfied that it lui» paid and paid Ing. The hrwt in quality for tlie mon ey. Í» tlie motto we try to live up to. Come in and invealigate We will refand every cent you paid vs It is to make your lien» lav. to make your cbii'ken» grow laid, healthy and »irong, to cure gap««. ilndvra and roup. Ilf court« yon are eX|H-cted to keep your (Hiultry tre«« from lice and for that pui|H»»e we know of nothing better than Instant L oum - Killer. MILLER-MOWERY LUMBER Company BAI.KU HAY FOR SALE Inquire of W:n. Booth, Cottrell, Oreg»>n. Test Dr. Hess ♦ I »a***«*»*«*««*«***«**««**. nnrc UULÒ your watch 9 KEEP TIME; LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER NOW MT.- SCOT T DRUG CO. Oregon JONSRUD BROS. FoR S\|.E— tl«>ut 3-1 tine gout* Apply to P. H Roork, R. 2, Gre*b«nil 1 phone ltd. 12 BORING OREGON Phon«' 41 * FOR SAIE—Green woo »•-ai- *->.0o a i- rd »lelivured in Grv»h- am John 1’aiinltlad. Phone 3-Sxl. 1(1 Mill i I 4 mil«*» »««uthcaat vt h« ho Fred I). Flora CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOULDINGS TORNEI) WORK F<>R ** \LE Brown l4*ghorn ’«or a setting ol 15 «gk'H. John Palmlbnd. I * 11 I « ■ i > X 1. 1 • > F«>K SALE >-I i ••r-<* |K»wtr Sl«»ver viigine*. Eil Chibóme. PhoiivHDI. if For >ab*—Quantity oí tine vetch hay in barn, alno 15 tons timothy nay. C. M Smith. Plume 13H. tí Lota for sale in ('edarville, on cany terms. I!. W Snaahall. Pleaannt View Avenue: (iresham, Route 3 u< M4*r LOST—bv Mrs Vivian Moore a gold watch and patent leather twit, \ . R. engraved on b*»-k of watch. Finder plea.*,- notify Mr«. Moore nt Boring, I hi gon, or call. M INCH I. I. AM.OI M I.I'M BER—At our new mili l1« nule» southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber, lonurud Bro». (• Ten Carloads oí Good Cedar Fence Posts. Ten Farmers who know a good thing when they see it. Ten housewives who appreciate good kitchen conveniences. MAST OF MAINE IN HAVANA HAI.POH. CHURCH NOTICES. BAPTIST CHl’RI'H—Rev. Ford M Burtch, |*i«n»r. Nervn-e«, Sunday School I11 a. >n Preaching 11 a. tn. »nd 7:30 p tn., each Nundav. FREE METHODIST CHI RUH — Rev. .1. A. Ilofi-KK, p»«ior. Sirvi«-«-», Sunday School, In a. in ; Preaching every Sunday at II a in. Prayer meeting, Thurmlay evening at k o’clock. All welcomed. ZION’S EVANGELICAL CHURCH, Gre«ham—Rev. F II Freund, paetor. S ekvii k * (German) II a. in., every Sunday morning. Sunday whool at 10 a. in. Saturday h »-I k «4 at 2 p. in. LINNEMANN MEMORIAE M. E. CHURCH.. • ire*ham — Pinroa, Rev. J. F. Duniop. S kkvk kh , Sunday School, H:45 a in.; Preaehing at 11 a. in. and 7 sk) p. m., Epworth L»-ag :IO, every Sun­ day. Prayer meeting, Thursday veiling* at 7:30 p. in. Everybody invited. SAINT MICHAELS CATHOLIC CHURCH, Sandy, ore —Rev. Kerch- told Durrer. Servicea will be held on the tiret Sunday of each month at 10:30 a. m. FAIRVIEW M. E. CHl Rt H—Rev. J O. Colaman, paetor. Seivice», Sun­ day School at 10 a in., preaching 2<1 and 4th Sunday« at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ROCKWOOD M. E.CHURCH—Rev. J O. Coleman, paator. Sunday uchool 1 every Sunday at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 :3out the hulk and-putnping the watur out. Tbe dam will be large enough to give a clearance of fifty feet, on all sides of the wreck. The forward turret of th»- SANDY, ORE. battleship was blown completely off Dealers in Rough and Dr»w«-d the vessel, and tbe datn will be so con strncted as to Include the turret Just as it now lies in the harbor. The pumping out of the water when the dam is completed will unquestionably be an Impressive event. Tbe sugges tion that Spain have a representative on the scene came from Preaidmt Special Price« on all Ol.l Stock Taft. Lots on Hood Avenue, In Zenith Addition To Gresham, for Sale by the One thousand people living adjacent to Troutdale, Fairview and Gresham to know that we carry the most complete stock ot and Gardening Tools at the closest market prictis in our part of the country. It is a pleasure to show you the goods. The pleasure will be reciprocated when you have seen our stock and tried our goods. We deliver the goods. Try us. Our reputation warrants an inspection of our offerings. AARON FOX TROUTDALE, ORE. » Gresham Real Estate Co. Firwood Lumber Co. LUMBER Mill Last of SANDY John Brown Rockwood's Leading Merchant INVITES YOUR PATRONAGE I NCI IL> A NIT* P ,n ‘»«‘EGON’M MOST RELIABLE ASSO- 1 I « tv** 1 ’ V/13 CIATION8 furnished at moderate rates. Wilt not represent any company unless thoroughly reliable This Paper is Sold, Read, Appreciated Never Peddled or Distributed Gratis?