o K bAStRYrp/ruu Cf íf » t / 7^2 -7. O_ Á .o' • » z Imiiütimiíllrí’h U G resham k ORE. Vol. 8. GRESHAM, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1911 Subscription, $1.(X) a Year. No. IO. a visit to her brother, 8. J. Landon, Biq Ball Game Season Coming Raynolds of W<>o«ilawn gave a piano and a bile here tmught forty acres of solo W. II. Aildis of Rosselville fxx-al baseball gives promise of be­ I land, ft lies along the projfosed state opened up a <1 scussion «»n Tree I’run- coming red hot thia seaaon, judging I highway and contains enough stand- Ing K*-v. Is>ngla« gave a short talk on . from the interest displayed by the nuin- ’ I mg timber to almost pay the purchase Reciprocity. Mr. Thomas Wythecombe ber of applications for po-itions on the I price. of Portland read and commented mi a tirewham Giants. There are from two A lianquet and a booster meeting wifi to four players alter every place on the Mrs. I.inrx-tnan. who has been ill, is , I L. Toiiibling has gone into the sheep Tin* regular quarterly iio-eling of the pafier on the ‘'Tariff Hituatlon.” which j raising industry on Jake Hosner's ranch 1 characterize the next session of the diamond, and Manager Bartholotn w is was followed by report of a committee | recovering. Mulliiomali t'onnly District Pomona I of the tuaaiers of th«* several grange», j J. H. Hoss has rented part of the ( five miles east of t >wn. He baa about «ire»harn District Comtnarcial club, ft trying to pick oat the b st material for Grange ba« passed into lilwtorv ami j relative to he proposed Canadia Red- j 6"0 head of sheep at present and ex­ ; will lie held Friday, March 24, in the the permanent players and substitutes. Faria farm. pects to bring about 150 more d>wu grange hall. The principal business to pa»«* d very <• ri-d 11 a >»l y to Ruawelville, i procity Treaty The report a» a whole , Mrs. J N. Faris is suffering from a j from Eastern Oreg n in a few weeks, I lx- done will be to adopt a constitution Some of last year’s players will be on the entertaining grange It W. Gill wa« warmly th pro and con, the line-up, and Tom Townsend is said severe cold. lie reports over forty young lambs so and by-laws and elect the permanent to do the brant of the pitching. prrtidvd throughout the day a« Master 1 but tin* report was in geurral »upp»rt«*d Mine Minnie lawrence spent Weilnea- far thia spring , officers for the following year. A practice game will open the season Davi« i> out of tin* county. Tlw morn­ l l«ing favorable to the treaty. day in the city. The affair is in the hands of a special next Sun-lay on the diamond at Twelfth Mitchell, Lewis A Btaver have com­ A motion wa» made that we do not ing session was taken up with some •mall buxine«« matter«. The dinner support the pro used referendum move- i Born—To Mr. sml Mrs. Alva Ifevul, pleted arrangement» for a lease on the committee, appointed at the last meet­ and Davis st'eels, Portland, where th» M*-tzger skating rink. They will p t in ing. The personnel of the committee— tryouts will determine who will be hour continued until two o’clock, dur­ i inent relative to the appropriations for a »on, Tile«iay night. a large line ot wagons, buggies, farm j Lewis Shattuck, W. H. Bachrneyer, named to defend the Giants’ brilliant George Camp baa purchased a team the state sciiuola. Altej some discus- ing which time delegate« to the county implements and Mr. Mitchell will pre. • Paul Hoetzel, W. H. Congdon and reputation of the past. convention met and selected reprrm-nla- « on thi was laid on the table a« irrele- I from Wil) Knighton. side as manager in charge. We congratu­ i Arthur Dowsett—insuring that it will Bowers and Kelt will be the catchers, vant. J W. Black. C If Wel«b and tives to the «late grange. Cedric Htone Mrs. J. W Blialtuck of Portland wa» late Mr. Marshall in being able to have be a success. Invitations with return but the others have not been deter­ of Fairview, Mia John Townaend, al­ E. L. Thorpe were chosen executive in Gresham Wednesday. bis stock o hand to let p ople see what replies are lieing sent out to all who mined upon. The personnel of the ternate; W. E. Creswell of Multnomah, committee for the next two years. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Dunlop «pent they are getting. may l>e ex|>ected to join the club and it team will be made up in a few days. Mr Wheeler, alternate ; W. II Mill« of Ths evening session was taka*» up Wednesday in Portland. is exjH-ctcd that the charter roll will be The O. W. R. A N. freight road from Work on the home ground is being Ruaeelville, R W. Gill, alternate, were I with the initiation of candidates, ot County Kit^ieriiitondent Robin»oii vis- Troutdale to Kenton is being ballasted, completed. The initiation fee has been rushed as rapidly as circumstances will the delegatimi choaen. i which there wa» quite a else», and a iled the Greabain school thia week. and steam construction trains are run-1 reduced to three dollars, the m nthly permit and will be completed in a few After the dinner hour the committee ( most excellent program. The court of Mr. Deaton of Clackamascountv bank nirig over the track for the entire dis- dues to one dollar, pai > quarterly in ad- days. Several important games are in on revolution« reported the following , Putuuna started an innovation by intro­ contemplation with some of the other resolution: Where»«, by the present ducing the bobble skirt. They threaten at Sandy was a Gresham caller Mon­ lance. It will be ready for traffic with- i va,,ee The club decided, besides the regnla- crack clnbs and good baseball is prom­ in a lew months, when the freight plan of representation to the »late j eveu greater tuivarices next time. The day. Mrs. J E. Miller of Portland visited trams will be routed that way exciu- tion officer« to have a board of govern- ised during the whole season. grange o> ly a fraction of the whole i court was comp* mm -«1 of Mesdames Crane, or«< ®ve *° number, They are to be the membership ia represent«! directly in j Moore, Della Vail, and Thorpe, and her motliur al the Culy cotta a thia aively to the relief of the other line chairmen of the »tending committees which will be given over to the passen- | ' week. i Misses Mabel Mickelson, Bertha Pollock, the delitteration ot that t««ly. and only Mind Made Up ger trama. which are to be designated under the Mr». W. R. Dallas of Damascus visit­ alx>ut oue-third of I lie «ul«>rdinate Lila Foster, Hophie Yellow and Julia The people have made up their minds following beads: Finance, entertain ­ A news dispatch from Seattle states grange« are able to participate in the Mickelson. ed her sister, Mrs M. E. Wood, thia ment, ways and means, publicity and upon two things that they are going to that Mrs. Mary J. Coleman had filed a alate grange session . and After lieing refreshed froqi Pomona's WOek suit for divorc from ber husband. Rev membership. These chairmen are to have—parcels post and popular election Whereas, the whole theory of the Horn of Plenty, the audience was en­ Mrs. E. J. Faris of Chicago. Illinois, Jordan O. Coleman. Mr. Coleman is appoint the remaining members of their ot United States senators. They have grange tn Oregon la in favor of a com tertained by the lecturer's program. is here to make tier sou J. N. Faris an taken plenty of time to study these Well known here, having been pastor of respective committees. plele a< <1 direct representation in op­ Mi»« Lola Fowler rendered a solo, J. D. extended visit. In order to save time the officers to questions, weighed all the evidence the Methodist C' urches at Cleone and position to Ure delegate ami convention !»*<• a recitation, Alice Michelson gave Mrs. E. A. Ki lly of Montavilld visit­ t>e elected will 1« suggested to the club carefully and, with more cool delibera­ plan in all |»q>uiar movements, there­ a solo, smk recitations were rendered ed her granddaughter, Miss Bessie Rock wo d last year. The couple was by a nominating committee as fol ows: tion than was ever given to similar married at Kent, Washington, |n t*v>. i fore I h * it by lunette Lewis and Olive Mills, and Howitt, la«t Week. The complaint gives desertion as a rea- Charles Cleveland, L. L. Kidder and questions before, have made their de­ Resolved, that Multnomah County a musical play wa» introduce«) by Mrs, Harry Crenshaw and wife have Son for the suit. They have been se p- J. B. Elkingtou. The club is not bound cision. Let no politician make any District Pomona is m favor of an Pollock, Miss Julia Mickelson and moved • ut to Gresham and will live • rated for two years. to elect the nominees thus presented mistake as to the finality of that de­ amendment to tin* by laws of the »tate W. II. Mills, "Because He Joined the cision.—Lakeview Herald. with Mr. Crenshaw's father. Alonzo Gerton of East Portland, well but may be guide*! somewhat thereby. grange so that every aularnlinale grange Grange,'' which wa« ex< eplionally well It is intende«! to have several goo! L. P. Manning, carrier on route three, known in Pleasant Valley where he has may h ve a representative ill the state render«!. A delightful five hundred partv was is taking, a short vacation. Mrs. Ed. been engaged in the wood busin« ss, was speakers pi esent at the banquet, among meeting, ami that we favor a plan The especially goo«i program feature« Spath is the autntitute carrier. them, if possible, C. C. Chapman, , given in honor of Miss Agnes Patenaude seriously injured on Tuesday of this whereby the «tale grange shall pay the i deserve mention, and compliments are , booster of the Portland Commercial by Mrs. Arthur Dowsett last Saturday M. I*. Kern ia bn Iding a lime and I week, at his wood yard in Portland, in actual traveling expense« ot it« mem­ I due Ruwwelville grange, ami Worthy . club. The affair promises to be a hum­ afternoon. Those present were Misses I some way he was thrown in front of a bers, the incidental espellile» to be ( t-ecturer, Mrs. Windle, for the enter- cement house. Business is growing so [car iftid was so seriously hurt as to be mer and one that will give the club a Agnes Patenaude, Birdine Merrill and fast that be uniat have more room. borne by the «uliordiiiale granges. Am! ■ tainment rendered. I permanent membership of the best men ' Lulu Parmely, Mrs. J. M. Short, Mrs. that we rvqueet Dial a copy of these The many friends of Mrs. M. !.. pfit.dered helpless. He was hurried to in the community. Win. Ott, Mrs. A. Myers, Mrs. H. M. . The next meeting of the County resolutions or an amendment equivalent Terry will regret to hear that she Í0 the hospital but from last accounts was Müler. Mrs. L. L. Kidder, Mrs. E. E. i grange will I m * held at Fairview | still completely paralysed in the legs I h * presented by our delegatee to the very ill al the home of ber brother. Blerit, Mrs Marie Dinger, Mrs. Harry | and was partially unconscious. fruit Inspector Visits This Vicinity Wallace, Mrs. Lewis ShAttuck, Mrs. state grange al Corvallis. The Powell Valley school hsa grown Mrs. M. B. Sleret celebrated her 7int a pleasant diversion was daughter-in-law, Mrs. E E. Slerett, I helps to em-ourage the farmer and or- Everybody welcome, except undesir­ Mr and Mrs. D. D. Wood of Norman, introduced in the form of solo and ac­ Letter Office on March 25, 1911, if and a granddaughter. Mrs. Geo. Ruegg. I ehardist in planting new trees and then ables who will not be sold tickets, nor Oklahoma, arrived at the home of their i not delivered before. In calling for the companiment by Misses Madge Par­ .... shows them how to care for them. He allowed in the hall. menter and Julia Mickelson of Ru«»el- above, please say "advertised,” giving nephew, W. E. Wood, Thursday. They If the kitch n window is kept open i also takes contracts for planting new ex|>ect to locate here. 1 date of list. ville. Master-elect R. W. Gill was orchards when it comes in hi» line of at the top while cooking such foods as I. M c C oll , p m . called on for a short addrea*. Mrs. I When you make doughnuts, remem - Geo. Kinney is having the house which he purchased of A. Dowsett, re­ cabbage, onions, etc., the unpleasant duty to the public «nd is busy setting ber that it isn’t the hole that fills up a odor will go out of the window instead out a five-acre orchard of varied fruits hungry boy’s appetite, Put in some shinglad, papered, painted and wired of spreading all over the house. on the new county farm near Fairview, doughnut, as well as the great big hole. for electric lights. W. R. Kern will occupy it. RAMONA (ÌRANGfS QUARTERLY MLLT GRESHAM DISTRICT BOOSTERS TO PLAN [ 1 | s I Many Ix-autiftil home» will be built in Tia-.luana this summer. Three tracts sold this week. There are a numlier of one-, two., three- and five acre tracts left. The«* are Ix-autifnl home sites and are going to la* worth more money. Now is the time to gi t in and buy one of th«*ae tracts on easv terms. Station wcoiiiiinxiatiom* will lie furuialied at Preston. Cull all on (b. at once for priixis and terms on these tracts. First State Bank I I I I I I Gresham, Ore. Rejxirt of the Condition of tin) First State Bank, at Gresham, Ore in the State of Oregon, nt the clone of biwinvHM March 7, IVll. — KE8OU IU’EtJ Luma and Discounts........................... A erued Interest ............................... Bonds. securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures Due from approved reserve banka Cheeks Hiid other cash items ............. Ciixh on hand ....................................... Expanses................................................ Total .......................................... The children of school district, No. 8, will give a mystic social Friday even­ ing, March 24, for the purpose of rais­ ing funds to make final payment on the school piano Mies Murch of Portland leetured at the grange here last Saturday. Miss Murch has taken Miss Fox's place as county librarian while Miss Fox takes a trip to Italy. W. O. Thompson, a former employee at the Herald office, made us a pleasant I call on Thursday of this week, Mr. ■ Thompson is employed in a Portland Publishing hotis at this time. The sacrament of tiie laird’s Supper | will lie administered next Hunday; morning at the M. E. church. Rev. I I I II. Todd, vice president of the Willjni- ette university, will preae*j i„ the even­ ing. and Mrs. B. W. Emery went to Hl*4,gefield, Washington, Thursday to i attend the funeral • of Mrs. Emery's »172.21MI ‘ brother-in-law, Mr. Andy Murray Mr. liabilities Murray dropped dead on the street in Portland of heart failure. .........u I 16,000.00 bapital stock pulii ItL..:.*-.m.......... ..... a,ooo oo Rurplus funi! .............................. ft............................ John Petty, formerly ft resident »f 1,515.29 A\................ Undivided prolits, loss expenses and taxes paid. Galea Crossing bu for the past two 2.15 I ine to bank» and liankers................. ................... veara a merchant at Creaswtdl, has sold 104.343.50 Individual deposits subject to check..................... . 8,812.18 Demand certificate» of deposit........................... . his property at that place and started 23,832.10 Time certificati* deposit......«........................ . this week lor California on a health- 4,710.63 Havings Deposit» ................... .............................. seeking tour which Will be extended in­ Bills payable, including certiticate« of deposit for money 6,000 00 definitely. borrow«*«!.................. .-.............. ......... .v.................................... Henry Minwnder, accompanied by his Torxt................. ....................... .. ....................................... »172,215 91 wife, two daughters and a eon arrive«! STATE OF OREGON. I-»» Countv <>f Multnomah, J in Gresham Wedn »«lay from Franklin I, C. J. LvNiiqtnsT, Cashier Of the above mentioned bank, do solemnly Grove, Illinois. Mrs. Mibender is a •wear that the alsive ftbport is true to the best of my knowl*-«lge and belief. daughter of Mrs. Wilkie and sister of (’. J. LvNtKjtnsT, Cashier Mrs. F. W. Fieldhouse. They expect CORRECT—Attest: Huhaceilied and «Worn to A. M ryxhs to locate here. before me thia 14th dav of Tuaoooax B rcookr March, 1911. MVs. Edward Hpath went over to 0. J. L vsoqvist , L avra V B ulxxi . isy , Little Falls, Washington, last week n Directors. Notary Public. BUGGIES AND RUNABOUTS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Great Big Stock of New Styles of Buggies to Select From Both High and Medium Grades at the Lowest Prices The only store in Portland where farm implements are sold at cut prices. No agents in your town to protect with a commission. $18 50 Buggy Hamess for................. $14.35 $50.00 Heavy Team Hamess for-- $37.50 $33.50 Double Buggy Hamess for .... 25.75 $40.00 Farm Harness, Complete, for 32.50 We sold at retail three times as many farm wagons last year as any other store in Portland BUY A MANDT WAGON c L. BOSS & CO IN THE MOLINE PLOW CO. BUILDING 320-328 EAST MORRISON ST. PORTLAND. OREGON t