light Montdvllld-Iroutddk Boulevard I veiling Star Grange Noles Lots oil Hood Avenue, I wish to thank my many friends for their patronage since There was a rather small attendance ExUmaion of Villa avenuo, ««••tward In Zenith Addition at Evening Star Grange on Saturday, I came to Sandy and I hope I have pleased one and all. It i from Hibbard sitreet in Montavilla to To Gresham, for the Troutdale road is among the p«N«i- Marell 4. Only on«» alxx'iice reported has been my aim to give a full dollars worth for every dollar Sale by the bilitiee of th«« near future, although among the ottkers ami that abeence received and if there is any one who is dissatisfied with any considerable opposition has developwi was cause«! by sickness. Thir«l ami Another embryonic town w ill probe among property owners along th«' last fourth «legiees were given to a small goods which 1 have sold I am ready at any time to adjust the bly grow from th«« chrysalis stage into a few miles. The right of way Ims been class «>f candidates. All the members matter to your entire satisfaction. thriving mart of industry ami pnwperi- secured t<» the Rockwood road, a dis- of the Harvest team were present ami (’all Early anti Avoid the And to show tny many Inends I have appreciated their ty. It is reported on good authority I tance of live miles, for an SO f«x>t boule­ dal go«xl work, although under new Rush. trade I have cut prices for the next 60 days. Some articles that th«' Mt. Hood railway company vard. but there th«> owners of nearly all leaders. will establish its car shops on the Buoy the property which the road would which I do not wish to handle will lx* sold lar Ix'low cost Th«' Master ami lecturers «Mnferene«' URI SHAM Rt Al. I SI Alli Co. place about three miles southeast of cross are opposed to tlie opening of th«' met and was quite well attended. The From these prices you can sec lor your self «Utico on Main st Juel North of roalottteo. Gresham. The company bought th«' thoro« ghfare, which could only be question of co-operative grange meet­ old farm when securing th«' right of brought about by condemnation pro- ! ings was di»«'iisse«l. It was decided way for its lines, paying for it the sum seedings. that as many masters ami lecturers as $ 12.00 $ 3.8 $ 14.50 values $12,000. It is an ideal location for the $ i 5.00 values The propose«! boulevard will only lx1 possible visit Gresham Grange, March big plant necessary to do the work re­ only one-half mile north of the Base II, and arrang«* definite times f «r visit­ 15.75 18.50 44 6.00 " 4.85 quired in building and maintaining the Line ami from R«x‘kw«xxl eastward ing the different granges. 44 22.50 18.50 5.75 8.00 “ equipment for such an enterprise and would pass directly through several SANDY, ORE. The following masters and lecturers 44 will undoubteilly become one of the valuable farms which do not need the 20.00 7.75 25.00 10.00 “ Brother Kruiier ami moat thriving settlements of Eastern 1 road for an outlet, hence the opptwiciou were present; IH'ahrs in Rough »nd Dressed 50.00 44 38.50 12.00 “ 10.50 Sister Palmer of I«ents Grange; Brother Multnomah in a few years. of their owners. Among them are the Black ami Sisti'r Slater of Woodlawn If, as is anticipated by a great many i Webb farm, John Bliss. O. J. Brown, .A few 17-jewel Dueber-Hainpdeu reg. $¿2.50, now persons, the road is but the beginning B. H. Bowman, C. A. Ruby, Fer»l Au grange; Brother Crane of Kockwood of a greater enterprise than a mere | drows, Richard Tegart and Etna Hart­ grange; Brother Snasliall of Pleasant $10.50. Gold Fi I led Fobs $2, now.50c Mill East of SANDY local trolly line, it will require a big ley. The road would go directly through Valley grange; Brother Johnson and plant to do the work necessary for its the latter’s doorvard necessitating the Sister Buckman of Evening StarGrange ; S|xvial Prie»* on all Old St«x'k operation, and that means many people removal of the house and tilling of his Sister Pollock, ap;x>inte«l to represent and a big payroll as well as all the other i well. All of these men are immovable ; Russelville grange, ex-Lecturers Vail accompanying industries of a growing ! in heir opposition which places th«* I . ami Wimile. Pomona grange will meet in Even­ business center. promoters of the boulevard in a «|uan- ing Star hall on March 15. Russelvtlle When the road is in operation it will dry. will entertain. run a mail car, and it is said to be the From Montavilla to Rockwood the During the lecture hour th«' following intention of the promoters to have a ' right of way was easily secured as the program will l»e given: Song, by the post«'thee there for the benefit of the road will |>ass throu.b surveyed tracts people interested and for the surround­ of acreage sue which need more road*. grange; story of the "Seattle Recall," From ihr MM-llu and ICawtcrn portion« of the I uited State« Mini Canada to Always glad to show the goods whether you buy ing neighborhood. This ’ plan may in- ai|j ag lnuch of the property along it is Mrs. Jackson Silbaugh, national lectur­ er of W. C T, U. ; Road laws and ter fere somewhat with the plans now ln liantj9 of promoters they can OREGON. WASHINGTON ‘ 74 “ NORTHWEST or not. I guarantee to save you 10 to 50 per cent under way for an office at 1 leasant more easily sell their holdings if the Road Construction, J. G. Kelly ; Waler will pre« ail 1>A I LY this sale. Supplv. lavatories ami Bathrooms Home, yet it may be possible that a rJMj j, Ol^’ned. The completion of the MARCH 10th to APRIL I (Mb poetoffice will be established at both Hood raliwft). through the same on the Farm, Mrs. E A Kelly ; Labor over th«» places with a rural route from one of neighbortio«.xi means many more homes Savers, Mrs. E. J. Kelly; vocal solo, Dr. W. W. Green; Patent Medicine them. down there and it is more than likely Whatever the outcome in this respect the boulevard will be open«xi as far as Habit, A. L. Keenan. The following delegates were elects«! it is almost an assured fact that the Rockwood in a short while, leaving tne new town—as vet without a nanx will remainder to some other time in the to atteml the county «•onvention to meet become an important and thriving cen­ future when it may become necessary. at Pomona grange, March 15: C H. an«l connectiona. the Welch, Mrs. E. J. Spooner, Alfred ter if the car shops are established The proposed bouleva'd would be 80 Neblin. Alternates—Mrs. A. H.Welch, Oregon Short line. Union Pacific and there as predicted. GRESHAM feet wide and would probable have an Miss Willda Buckman, L. I*. Elliott. Chicago A Northwestern electric car line, as it is an extension of From Villa avenue where the Montavilla ears Chicago at - • $33 00 Death of Archie Graham make the turn southward. Those w ho St. lamia ... 32 r<) Word has been receive«! of the death oppose the opening of the road from Omaha ... 2fi.00 Kanaaa City ... 35.00 of Mrs. Anna Graham's youngest son. Rockwood eastward would probably be Sr Paul ... 25 00 Archie Graham, at Bums, Michigan. willing to have the Base Line widened and other ciliea correspondingly low. February 20, 1911. He was first taken to st* feet, a condition which some of You Can PREPAY Farea sick with pneumonia ami later developed them think will tie necessary in a few The Coionlat far»** are VN »•'•tbound only, but W A N T K I > into typhoid fever. He was laid to rest years. In fact, so many of them have If you have r lalivr« or frtenda or rm|»!<»y«'«’a All millinery goods at in the cemetery by his grandparents on so expressed themselves and would be i WANTED—A black two year tillev in the Kant whom >»>u l<» bring to thia •late you can «lepowil the value of the fare duced prices, including the banks of the river at Burns, owing to willing to give up that much land to Percheroti : must weigh not less than with your l«M‘t»l railroad agent and an order for a ticket will be telegraphed to any addrv«» the disease he dic'd of the besiy could prevent the opening of another roa«l 11«*> |“>unds. Call or address A. Mc­ desired. Gregor. Gresham, R. F. D 1, two miles not be shipped back home. through their farms which they d ■ not west of tiresham. Let the WORLD Know Archie was 13 years. 11 months and 15 need of our vant resources and aplend J opportunktiea for days «-»Id. He leaves a widowed mother The petition for the road was signed Home Building and two sisters to mourn his loss, be­ by eighty-six voters, nearly all living Call on the undersigned for good Instructive sides many otlier relatives an«l friends. WANTED—Fresh cows. W. Ellison, printed matter to wend Last, or give him the west of Rockwood. The county court addrewwew of those to whom you would like to tf will determine the matter in a short ph"tie ISll. have such blatter sent. WANTED—Boys mav lie had an ! time. \Vni. McMurray Home School For Girls It is intimated that the roa«l is lieing sometimes girls. The older ones at Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland. Oregon ordinary wages ami others to lx* Mothers of wayward daughter“, may promoted by the automobile club in or­ be interested to kn«>w of a home for just der to have another route to the club schl«xl and cared for in return for Notions etc. ■ light services rendered. For ;>artieu- such girls, that has lieen opened in a resort at Sandy bridge, which is to be lars addr«-ss W. T. Gardner, superin­ suburb of Portland. The girls have two title«! up in elegant style. However, tendent Boys ami Girls Aid Society of Powell St. G reni» a tn THAT IS PLUMBING tf Beaver State Herald and other papers hours of school work each day. in the this may be there is going to be some Oregon, Portlan«!. Ore. The price of Th«' Herahi alone is $1. regular English branches. They are also heavy opposition to overcome before KOI« SALE a year, but to those who would like the taught needlework, weaving, laundry­ the road is established. aiivantage of a clubbing rat«- with other F<>R SALE—Gissi fresh c««w. work, cooking and other household papers we offer th«' following low- In Carlson Bld$. Main SI., Grtthim Alexander, Gresham. Pleine prices : duties. The Home is un«ier the care of Phon»' 5B Beef cattle wanted by T. R. Howitt, die Sister“ of St. John Baptist < Episcopal Reinember these are the lowest Kates FOR SALE—A five-year old horse; Gresham. broken, sound, gentle. Will work any ­ church. For further information ad­ “The Herald" in combination with any where, single or double. Also gentle of the following: dress, The sister in Charge, St. Eliza­ young ruling pony, well broken. Theo. a m<>«« II II. oTr beth's House, 201 E. 82 St. North, Port­ U's. Brugger, R. D. 3, Gresham. 10 Administratrix Notice EVENING TELEGRAM JFECIM) land, Oregon. VN EEK l.Y OREGONIAN k. O) Notice is hereby given that the under­ FOR SALE—Two-year old Jersey DAILY OREGONIAN ... 8.» BIT BROTHERS R. Dhulst, D’I.Y mik IMI NDAY OREGONIAN •.O) signed has Isen appoints 1 administratrix Lull, tuberculin tasted. SEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL •¿34) livery and feed Any intelligent person may earn a of the «-“tap' of Ida A«lell Schenck, rtation of all kinds l. 7ft PACIFIC FARMER 12 stamp for full particulars. Empire has <|ualifiel Horne W. C. Belt, M. D., C.M For further Information phone or write present the same properly verified, to i years, $5.00 a crii delivered in Gresh­ Secret«..................... ............ LftO 1.40 .7» MH ’ALL’S MAGAZINE (Iubli.die«l March 10, 1911. Ft >R SA LE — Brown Leghorn egg “ , 50c BAPTIST CHURCH—Rev. M were greatly subject to croup. “Some a setting of 15 eggs. John Palmibad. Burtch, pastor. Services, Sunday THREE REASONS WHY time.- in severe attacks,” he wrote, “we Phone liaxl. Hi School 10 a. in. Preaching 11 a. tn. were afraid they would die, but since ari l 7 :30 p. m., each Sunday. New Real Estate Company FOR SALE—Baled clover and mixed we proved what a certain remedy Dr. FREE M ETHODIST C 11 U R C H — I ha . E. J. Gradin. Phone 325. Having opened a real estate office in King’s New Discovery is. we have no Rev. J. A. H opi - kr , pastor. Services, I IS THE BEST FOR BALE—5-horse power Stover Sunday School, 10a.m.; Preaching! fear. We rely on it for croup and for Gresham, we wish a nice list of lands every Sumlay at ¡1 a m, Prayer coughs, colds or any throat or lung both wild and improved to offer our engine. Ed. Osborne. Phone 601. tf meeting, Thursday evening at H It is made of th«- liest quality hard steel galvanize«I wire. The trouble.” So do thousands of others. large list of prospective buyers, if you Mar«- colt for sale. Coming four this o’clock. All welcomed. knot is simple, strong ami effective; has four points of bearing; have anything to sell come in and see summer. Well broken to drive; weight ZION’S EVANGEIJCAL CHURCH, So may you. Asthma, hay fever, la cannot slip anl at 2 p. m. which are held securely in place by the circular knot. country. in barn, also 15 tons timothy hay. C. tf LINNEMANN MEMORIAL M. E. If your price is right we will do the M. Smith. Phone 158. CHURCH, Greaham — P astor , Rev. Bargain offer: Delineator, Pearsons, rest. S mith L axd C ompany , 34 in. high, 9 wire Lots for sale in Cedarville, on easy $ .37 per rod J. F. Dunlop, SakVicgR, Sunday terms, if. W. SriHsliall. Pleasant View Herald, $3.50 for $2.25. Subscribe now. Office on Powell street, Gresham. School, 9:45 a. m. ; Preaching at 41 in. high, 9 wire .39 jx*r rod Avenue; Gresham, Route 3. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in., Epworth 47 in. high, 10 wire League <1 votional, 6:30, every Sun ­ - .42 per rod Sulky P’ow, for sale cheap; good as day. Prayer meeting, Thursday new. Phone 29x2. 42 in. high, 10 wire .41 per rod veiling« at 7:30 p. rn. Everylxaly invited. For Sal.—A number of first class 39 in. high, 9 wire - .39 per rod milk cow“, fresh ami coming fresh. SAINT MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, Sandy, Ore.—Rev. Berch- John