MOUNT SCOTT TROUTDALE FAIRVIEW SANDY , LEHR LATOUREIL COTTKEll The United Arti«an» held a meeting 1 I. H. Ph ip« sold hie team for *50il and in the Grange hall, February 20. They ! bought another one for *3o0. would like to organize a hslge here, j rn in Ltaven- ville with 1». H. Dunbar, J. W. Town- mother Wednesday ami Thursday. insurance. Joe Jerrow entertained the president, will »|H'ak on law «nfurcemtiit worth, Kansas, and was twenty-nine w-nil ami Roy Spine a» alternates. A Prof». Lewi» and Kent of the <>. A.C., audience with vocal and instrumental saddle horse. It I» an o|»i|i imi'tiiig, all interested year» <>l age. The family bave li vivi in basket siM-ial will Is- given for the Is-nelit will lecture at the Farmer’» iu»titiite music. Another meeting will lie held Paul Dunn sold th« right-of-way for a cordiali invitol I’lace Mr«. Everett tliis iieighle>rliiH«l for »«vera! y«ar» ll«r of the grange on the evening of March ) to ta> bald in Handy, March 17. transmission line to the Mt. Hood com­ March IL Every body invited. Miller, ;South Main «Ir««*, Is'iit« Titin The funeral service» of R. 8. White hiiNliaml ami live «mali childn n aurvive 21th. G. Cusick has purchased ten acres of pany. Mr. Berden of Willamette, Ore­ Weilm>Hilay, Man li 22, 2 p ni «harp. and Janie» Pitman, two oi the victim» land of T. Evaac. He expects to build gon, has a large crew of men clearing her. Mr». Fitgerald’» parenta, two Tin- Mt. Ilrnsl Railway, Light ami the right-of-way from the power plant J. Rolli uf Clai kam«» were visitor» at brothers and «ix vhildren are al«o living. Power company an- asking for a fran­ ! of the exploaion at Estacada Saturday, in the near future. the Thoma» home last Friday. They Fonerai servitasi »eri- Imld troni tlic chise to furnish the town with light». were held at the Sandy M.E. church Ed. lee baa rented Elbge’s place for west aliont a mile and a half to the Rev. Calder of the coming year. Mr. Ellige intends to flood river road. liome al IO o’cliH’k oli Wcdncaday morii- An ordinance granting thia franchise has Monday afternoon. report prosperous time« up there. Pleasant Home, assisted by Rev. Reed, move his family to Ba er City, where ing. bitermenl waa triade in thè Mu ­ passed its Mi-om! reading in the council. W. Proctor made a business trip to Arthur Gray of Montavilla, brother conducted the service» at the church he intends to go into business. soni« ccmeU-ry on ili« Kainly road. Portland Tuesday. of Mr». W. E Thoma«, ha» »olii hi» The young im'ii of tie- town are or­ Mr». P. Anderson has returned after I A surprise party was given at the .1. 8. Il mi «on will move bis family lo ganising a basket ball team and have while the local lodge of Gdd Fellow», of projierly ami Isiught near l'lackama«, which laith men were members, was in a week’- sojourn in Portland. home of Mr». M. Ball last Wednesday where he «ml Ilia family will move thia Bridal Veli thè Urei of ncxl week. rented the Jai k»oii building for tla- pur- charge at the grave. Mr. Pittman's Mrs. Frey and daughter of Portland night iD honor of the Cottrell teachers. w«ek. Mr», ('. A. Ilcwitt i» bere troni Port­ I»»»*, , jieople live in this vicinity but Mr. s[>ent Sunilay at Julien's. About 32 young people were present. Nelson Westfall illeii of tuberculosis land tliis week viaiting old friend». W. Ellison and family went to Spring­ White’« people are in Maine and coold A. Woodward left Bunday for Sea- I Games were played and refreshments Saturday evening, al It) o'clock. lie Prof. R. F. Robinson la cx|»l in | been tbe guest of bis son, Percy Shelley DEALERS IN May Mr». M Goggins, mother of Mr». L. McKay fami wliich he ha» rented. arid daughter, Mrs. Pauline Talmage. E. Wi ey, has become a nwideut of J. II Hughe» was a Sunday guest at | A few ladies met at tbe home of Mrs. ' Lenta. I the home of It. Bris.ks. Mr. Hughes is It lias been announced by County I a Portland attorney and exjx-cts to open ’ G. M. Talmage Wednesday afternoon of Deputy F. II. Crane that the grange up a law office la-re in a short time. He Ian week and organized a Ladies’ Aid Everything from Needles to Threshing .Machines. county convention for election of repre­ has l»-«n appointed as attorney of the with Mrs. Ried a» president; Mrs. PLEASANT VAIIEY Waite, vice president, and Mrs. Blanche W. N. t'hilcole made a busin«»» trip sentatives to the stat-- grange will I»- held town of Fairview am! will probably he Shelley, secretary-treasurer. to Oregon City Monday. When lie re­ on March 15 nt Montavilla. Pomona elected a» city recorder when be takes up | Mr. Maroney is hauling lumber for a Inspect our Stock of turned Im was surprised to be the proud grange will meet then- on that date w ith Ins rcsidenci* lien*. new house. Russellville grange »nd it will Is- more father of an eleven pound girl. R. B Jones is very ill with pneumonia j The Bible cla»» met Wednesday of | A great many gardens are l»-ing made convenient to have the two convention» at the home of hl» parents hen-. last week at the church to finish organ- | come together at the name lime. The in the Valley thia line weather. izing. They adopted a name, constitu- | Mr». H. S. F'ldridge will entertain at a only granges reporting del* gat«» to th« county convention so far an- Rockwiiod, tea for the l»*m*tit of the laidies' Aid »o- tion and elected the foil >wing officers: ' Kills a Murderer ■ ety of Smith Memorial church on President, Mr. Waite; vice president, A tneri'ile«» murderer 1« appendicitis wfile'll ha» elceti-d Mr». S. II. Richmond, , Thurwlay aft» rm»>n of this week. Mr. Eddie, secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Mrs. V. A. Urvclace ami Mrs. Ida M. with many victims, but Dr. King's New Ried. Wesley Schram had th« misfortune to Thorf»-. ami Pleasant S alley witli Gus Life Pills kill it by prevention They The latest report from Frank Me- ' Ricin«, Mrs. Jennie Kn>ninl»-rg and break his arm Tuesday while playing. gently alimnlnt« stomach, liver ami Corniic is that he stands an excellent j Mrs. G. H. Slinw is ill at her home Mrs. Ryan us ih-legati-s. Sand, Clay, Cement, Lime—Best Bargains in the County bowels, preventing (list dogging that chance for recovery. | lien- invites appendicitis, curing conatipa- i Mrs. Hostetter am! child an- visiting Mrs. E. 8. IL-egle has returned to tlon. bra tache, biliousness, chill». '-•.«■ ('tubbing offers Herald and Oregon tin former'» sister, Mrs. W. Vaughan, I-ents after a few day»' visit with her Agriculturist for one year Fl. at all druggist«. Is-forc taking their residence at Silety. daughter and friends. Rol«-rt Roliertaon and R. L. Coupela&d The mother of Charley Cox has been I an- preparing to open up a meat market sick several weeks. in the Cree building. Mrs. Eddy Las been on the sick list. Raymond ftnnbar has been visiting Mrs. Alpha Bell is still st ths hospital. her mother in Portlaml this wm-k. Mrs. Talmage is enjoying a visit from her sister. HARLOW, BLASER & HARLOW Up=to-date General Merchandise Groceries, Canned Goods Footwear and Build­ ing Materials. Is Your Kitchen Equipped With an Electric Steel Range? Are You Going to Build? OUR PRICES ARE NOT LIM­ ITED TO TIME 20d to 60d nails . . . $2.95 8d common . . . . .3.10 6d common .... 3.15 And so on down the line. Seeds of All Kinds Oliver Chilled Plows and extras on hand at all times Utah Land Plaster - $12 per ton Extra Star A Star Shingles . 2.10 per M 100 lbs. Stock Salt. - - - 45c DOORS. WINDOWS, PAINT HARDWARE AARON FOX Troutdale, Ore. BORING ROCKWOOD Ivan Turner is building an up|»-r story to the barber shop w hich he exptx-ta to | W. Sales was around with a remon­ list- for a dwelling. strance against the proposed boulevard, Road Supervisor Roots had ten carloads which is to I m - made between the Base of gravel ship|»-d which he is using to Line and Barr roads. Nearly all tax­ pH»! advantage He expects to use sev­ payers in the precinct signed it. eral nmn- carloads on the roads. Mrs. Johnson of Columbia View is P K. Stone and Nola McClung wen- slowly improving. She ha« l»»-n sick married last w«-k. They will this place sim-e last January, part of tbe time eon- their Imine. fined to her bed. Ed. Brown is clearing up his place. Mrs. Kettering and sister were in the He has three acn-s to clear after which city Tuesday. In- will clear a road to Haley station. An uncle of Wm. Childers of eastern A little excitement was caused here last Oregon spent a few days at their home. Sunday morning on account of a tin- at Mr. Burp-ss is putting up a new house John Russell’s home. Only slight damage here. was done near the flue. The donkey engine explosion which oc- I At the school entertainment given by curnsl at the River mill near Estacada the children on Friday evening, March last Sattiniay morning, killed two well 3rd, the net receipts were $50, enough to known Isiys fmm here, J-uues Pitman finish paying for the encyclopedias and and Richard White. Mrs. Chas. Palmer, to buy a new liookease and still have a ■iater of James Pitman, left for the scene small reserve fund. Much credit is due I of the accident; also Merer». Donahue Mrs. Teggart and Mrs. Mercies, the pri­ and Morand, of Sandy lodge of Olid mary teacher, for the suceere. Fellows of which both of the unfortunate Mrs. A. H. Bell of Portland spent young men were nieiiils-rs. The funeral Saturday and Sunday visiting with Mrs. was held bj- the Odd Fellows of Sandy, E. L. Thorpe and Mrs. A. Multhauf. the memliers and friends assembling at She also attended the school entertain­ Boring, then proceeding to Sandy where ment on Friday evening last. rerviere were held in the church, con­ ducted by Rev. A. B. Calder. At the LISTEDS cemetery the last rites of Odd Fellowship were given. Many tloral offerings were ’ There wa» a surprise party given at the home of E. D. Hamilton last Satur­ in evidence. Walter Roots, who was riding a horse day evening in honor of J. Christianson, on the way to the Pitman-White funeral, who is running one of the engines for met with a painful accident. The bone the Shaw-Batcher company at this slipped on a broken plank, throwing place. There were about thirty present. l»>th horse and rider. AValter's right leg The evening was spent in games and a dainty lunch was served All expr ssed was badly bruiited. themselves as having had a good time. Mr. Topplenian of Gresham was buy-1 Attacks School Principal ing potatoes here last Monday. A severe attack on school principal, j Veterinary Smith of Gresham was Chas. B. Allen of Sylvauia, Ga.. is thus here the latter part of last week. tolii by him. ‘‘For more than three E. D. Hamilton and son Alfred made years, ’ he writes, “I suffered indes­ cribable torture from rheumatism, liver a business trip to Portland last week. and stomach trouble and diseawed kid- | The work on the pipe line in relaying neys. All remedies failed till 1 need the pipe is progressing nicely. They Electric Bitters, but four bottles of this will be ready to test part of it in a few wonderful remedy cured me complete- j days. ly.” Such result« are common. Thons- | The Mt. Hood railway company is amis bless them for curing stomach rushing the work here. They are go­ trouble, female complaints, kidney dia- ing the last time through the big cut onlara, biliousness, and for new health on the Handy bluff near Arnold Ruegg’s. and vigor. Try them. Only 50c at all: The men have been working night and druggist». day for some time past. Have you investigated our new new rate for electric cooking? 3 C ENTS PER KILOWATT HOUR Mrs. Hawley will demonstrate Electric Bread Baking Mon­ day, Wednesday and Friday of each week. Cooking lessons daily at 2 p.m. at the ELECTRIC STORE. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. ALDER AT 7 th John Brown Rockwood's Leading Merchant INVITES YOUR PATRONAGE INSURANCE In OREGON’S MOST RELIABLE ASSO CIATION8 furnished at moderate rate*. Wilt not'jrepresent any'company unless thoroughly reliable